HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-959BOard Of Southo d Town Trustees SOUTHOLD NEW YORK PERMIT NO, 959 DATE:JUly 2, 1973 Mooring No. 171 iSSUED TO Josep.~...~. Lizewski Pursuanf fo fha provisions of Chaplet 6[B of fha Laws of fha S~afe of New York, 1893; ~nd ~ap~er 404 of fhe La~s of Sf~fe of N~w York ~952: ~nd fhe Soufho[d Town Ordb~nc~ fffJed "RE~ULAT~N% AND THE PLACJN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS ~N AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS a~d fha R5~OVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATER[ALS FRO~ LANDS UNDER TO~N WATERS:" ~nd b ~¢cord~nce wffh fha Reso[ufbn o~ The Board ~dopfed ~f ~ meefbg heJd on July 2 ~973 . 8nd b consTderaf~on of fhe sum of $ 5.00 paid by Joseph ~ Liz.eT~sk$ of ~9~9~.~ne,..qg~hogue, N.Y. ~nd sub~e~f Terms and Condff~ons ]isled on fha reverse side hereof, of Soufho]d Town Trusfees ~ufhor[zes ~nd permffs fhe Place five (5) moorinc piles Ln front of his groper~y on ~ugene Creek. off ~leetwood ~oad. · Cutchogue, New York~ RENEWAL DATE :. SEPTE~BE~ l, 1974 a~J [~ accordance wifh fhe defa~[ed specff[c~fbns as presenfed tN W~TNESS WHEREOF, The sa;d Board of Trusfees kate- by causes frs Corporafe Seal fo be afl,×ed, and +base pre~enfs +o be ~ub$¢fibed by a ma[or[fy of fha said Board as of fh[s daf~eo ~ne Permktee Joseph J. Lizewski re~idlng at Depot Lane Cutchogue N, ¥o, ~s parr of the con~idemtinn for the issuance of the Permit does tmdemtand and prer~r~e re the fol- lowing: 1. That the said Board of Tm~ters and the Tow~ of Southold ~e ~eased from a~ d~ages, oz d~ for d~ag~ of ~ts ~ ~y oz ~7 ~ a ~t o~ ~7 defend ~y ~d ~I ~ ~m ~t~ Dy ~ pa~, and ~e s~d P~=ee ~ f~ wi~ r~pecg ~erem, ro ~e ~mpl~e ~clminn of ~e Bo~d of T~e~ of ~e T~ of 2. That ~ Pe~z N v~d for a ~ of ~2 .m~. wN~ ~ ~ m e~ ~e r~uired m comple~ ~e wo~ ~vol~ hng shoed ~c~ for an e~eusio~ may b~ ~de ~o ~e ~d at a later da~. 3. That this Permit shonld be retained indefin/tely, or as lo~g a~ tt~ said Permit-tee wi~e~ to maintain the structure or pen~er~ involved, to penvlite evidence to anyone concerned tha~ anth- orL~-adon was originally obtained. 4. That the' work involved will Be mbiect to the inspection and approval of the Board ~r agents, and non-compliance with the provisinns of the odginatimg &pplication~ may be cs~use for re~qocation of this Permit Dy resoinffnn of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation ~s a reset of the work herein author/zed. 6. That there shall be no interference wig ehe right of the public m pas~ and repas~ along the beach betwee~q high and/ow water merkso -. That ~ future operations of the Town of Southold rerluire the removal ~md/or in the Iocatio~ of ~e work here~ ~o~e~ or fi, m ~e o~ of ~e Bo~d of work sh~ ~e u~e~onable obs~on to free navi~n, ~e s~d ~t~ee upan due notice, m r~ove or ~t~ ~s work or proj~t her~ sm~d wi~out ~mes m ~e Town of 8. Tha~ the said Board will be notified by the Permittee er *he completion o~ the work auth- orized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain al! other permits and co=sent~ plemental to this permit which may be suhjec~ to revoke upon fa~2uSff tn ohemia a-nme. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 516-765-1892 MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT ~Permit No.: 959 *Mooring No.: 17I Renewal Date: September 1, 1988 Expiration Date: Augqst 81, 1989 NAME: Dr. Joseph Lizewski Fee Paid: $ 15,00 ADDRESS: Depot La. , Cutchogue, NY 11935 TELEPHONE NO.: 734-6290 LOCATION: East Creek TYPE OF MOORING: ~' Spiles BOAT: 15' lqha 1 e r REGISTRATION NO.: _This permit is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and the boat being moored. l~r~sident, Eloard of Town T~rus~/~es Clerk, Board of-Town ALL MOORING AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS 10/87 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Telephone: (516) 765-1892 PERMIT MOORING *Permit No.959 *Mooring Nc. 171 Renewal Date September Expiration Date August RENEWAL PERMIT Fee Paid 1, 1987 31, 1988 $10.00 To: N~ME Dr. Joseph Lizewski ADDRESS Depot La., Cutchogue, NY 11935 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 734-6290 LOCATION East Creek TYPE OF MOORING SP~iles BOAT Rowboat & Sail REGISTRATION NO. ~This Permit ms invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and the boat being moored. Clerk, Board of ALL :.;CORING AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE [-IOORIL~G }:UMBERS. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Telephone: (516) 765-1892 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT · 959 *Permit mo ......................... · 171 *Mooring mo ........................ Renewal n~A September 1, 1986 Expiration Date.A.u.g.u..s.t. .3.1. :..1.9.8. ?.. Fee Paid .~.5.: .0.0o ............ To: NAME Dr. Joseph Lizewski ADDRES$.~/ Depot La., Cutchogue; N. Y. 11935 TELEPHONE NUMBER 734-6290 Creek LOCATION ....... ~ .......................................................... TYPE Of MOORING . ~?~ . - BOAT rowboat & sail REGISTRATION NO *This Permit is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and boat being moored· Presid~p~j, Board~f Southold Town Trl~l~;;~ ..... By.. .............. Clerk, Board of ~dthold T~vn Trustees ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES /~IUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS. BOARD OF TO~,~N' TRUSTEES Town of Sou~oid Ma~n Road Southold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT 'Permit NO .... 9.5..9 .......... *Mooring No...L7~, ............... Renewal Date ...S.e~ .t.e.m.b.e.r...1.,..1..983 Expiration Date .A.u.~u. p.t..3..1:..1.9.8..4' Fee Paid .. $5.00 To: NAME. ......... .D?.:,..J.o. 8..e p .h.~.' .z .e.w.s..k .i ......................................................... ADDRESS Depot Lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935 Location East Creek Type of Mooring .... .f.i.v..e. ~!.o. qr~lllg .Pil.~S ....................................................... Boat , r~.wboa,g .&. S.ailbo.aJ; ................... Registration No ..... i~QN,E. .... ............ ' This Permit is invalid uniess the mooring number as.shown above is clearly indicatee on the mooring and [ne boat being mooree. ....~.d~-,~'.~Presldent, Board 2/82 BOARD OF TOWN TRUST~ES Town of Sout~hoid Main Road Sounhold~ New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING P(ENE'WAL PERMIT 959 'Permit No ................. 171 'Mooring No ..................... Renevcal Date September 1, 1982 Fee Paid $5. O0 To: NAME Dr. Joseph Sizewski ADDRESS ..... .D.?Rg.t...L.a..n?.,...C.u.t..qh.?Ku..e.:' N. Y. 11935 ~on East Creek tecat ........................................................................................ Type of Mooring .Five moorzng piles Boat .... Rowboat - Sailboat Reoistration No. . None · This Permit is invalid unless me mooring number as,shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and t.he boat being moored. pres'dent, Board~of ~outhotd To,,vn(-.~rust~s P/2 - BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORINC-5 RENEWAL PERMIT 'Permit No .... .9.5..9 ......... *Mooring No....ly.]: .............. Renewal Date $.e.p.t.¢.m.]~.e!:. .1. ,.. .1981 Expiration Date A.g.g.u.s.~..~.1.,. ~82 Fee Paid .. fi..5....O.O. .......... To: NAME ......... D..r.:..,.Tg.s..ep..h.. ?..i.~ 9.w. 9~ .i ...................................................... ADDRESS ..... D..e_p.o.t...I:,..a~ .e.~...C.U..t.c. ~.o. cj?:e..,...'~, t..~t...].~ .9~ ~ ................................ Location East Creek Type of Mooring . ?..J:v..e...m.o.g.r..i.n.g' .p.J,..~.e.s. ............. Boat .t~9~.a~..-.. ~.a~J:]:JP,9~-~ .............. Registration No ................................ This Permil is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring ane the boat being moored. P{:esident, Boarc of Soutt~ld Town Trustees ......... ;da; .............. P/2- 1G/73 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permit No .... 959 ......... *Mooring No...]:7.Ir .............. Renewal Date ...s.e.p.~.ol~b¢.3~..~ 1979 Expiration Date .Atz~'lls~. ~,..1980 Fee Paid ...$.~.*.97. .......... To: NAME ..... .J..o.$~e~,~, .,.J.....L.~..~.~.1~'.~..k%. .................................................. ADDRESS . I)ap~t. ~ae.~. Cu.toh. ogue.~. ~1~..13,935 ....................................... Location ... ~;asfc C~eek .aJI;. ~£v~te..pro;per.~y ......................................... Type of Mooring ....~.~..V~. ~.O.O..r~.~..~.~.l.e..~. ................................................. Boat .1.7.~...~..O~.~.O..~.~. ........................ Registration No....~.o.~.e. ....................... * This Permit is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring end the boat being moored. ~ILIP .G, HORTON President, Board of South6i'fl. Town Trustees Secretary Pf2 ~ 16/73 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permit No..?.~?. .......... *Moor, i,,~,,g` No...~.7~ .............. Renewal Date ,.S.e..~,~..~.~..b.e.~. Expiration Date .~.'~.8.~. ;~.~.~. Fee Paid .. ~.5,.O..O ........... To: JoseDh J Lizewski NAME ° ADDRESS ... ,]~. ,.~O.~.. ~.e,~. ~ .C?J...~-.C.~,O.~.. ,~.~...~.e.W..~'~..~;. ~,~.9.~5' .......................... Location . . ~.8..t. ~C,~.e.ek ...................................................................... Type of Mooring . .'.f~,v~ ,~OO~.J. Z3~..pJ,d~L~E~ .................................................... Boat ?.Q..W,'~..O.~..~.~., ~.'.~.~..'~.O.~.~. ................ Registration No.. ~o~ze * ~'h~s Petmi~,~s inYaiid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the moonng and the boat being moored. .P'~..J, .1.ip..G, Horto.n. ................ President. Board of Southold Town Trustee~ sy .... Sepfetary P/2 - I0/75 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Sour. hold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permit No ............ 95..9., ......................... *Mooring No ....... 1.7..Z. .............................. Renewal Date ...S..,e.?.~..e..m.b...e?...,.?:..?... 1977 Expiraflon Date ....~.u..g.u..~...~.l..~.....?_,.9?8 Fee Paid ....... ~5...0.0 .................... To-' NAME Joseph J. Lizewski ADDRESS Depot Lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935 Type o{ Mooring .,..,~.,y...e.......m....o.,..o..~..J:..~..g......~.~._~:..e....s.. .................................................................................................................... Boat .,,~:.,5...~......w....h....t,.?,...E.9....w...b..9...a.,~ ......................................... Reglsfraflon No. .................................................................... * This Permif is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above rs clearly indlcafed on the mooring and the boat being moored. Chairman, Board of Soufhold Town Trustees Se~efary P/2 - 10/73 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold 3lain Road Southold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permif No ........ 95.9. .............................. *Mooring No...J..7.J .................................. Renewal Dale Sapgemb.e~....%,.....J 976 Expiration Dal.e ...Augus:h....SJ.........1.977 Fee Paid .....,~5...00 ....................... To: ADDRESS ....Dep o. Js....Lan~,,.....C.u.~.ch~g~z~.,.._lxI, ?Z .......... ..1.:L~3.5 ..................................................................................... Local.ion ........ b-%agene....s.....~.~.ek.,.....o~ f ...t~l ~.e~ o.ch.i%o gd.,.....cli...~.c~clg....~n....fron.~....~ ~...hz s prop er~y. Type o{ Mooring five.. ~..) mg. glTi'og...D.~.,e..~ ...................... * This Permlf is invalid unless fhe mooring number as shown above is clearly indic~fed on fhe mooring and fhe boa{' being moored. _.~.V.~...B...,....GDL~S~I.Tg ................................................... Chairman, Board of Sout'hold To%n Trusl.ees By BOARD OF TOWI~ TRUSTEES Town of Sourhold Main Ro~d Sou~old, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Perrnif No ........ ~5.9 ......................... ~Moormg No ...... IZJ ................................ Renewal Dare _S.epzc.e~_b.e:r:-_..J..,... 1975 Expir~lo,, Dele ....... ~.~.gz~.~.i.3.J..,......1976 Fee P~id ....... $5..O~ ....................... To: ADDRESS ...Dep~.. ~arze.,...~C~to~ogro_a~....~.e:~...~o:r:k ........... J.J.~.-5.~ ................................................................... Locafbn ... E!.ee~o.~L..~a~....in....~o~n.e.! s....C~e, ek~....C~.cStognz.e.,....~.e-~r...~ozck .................... (directly in zron~ of applicant's o~m property) Type o~ Mooring ................ fi~.e....(..~.)....mo.o~i-ag...pS~as .............................................................................................. Boar JSL...~.-hi.t~_.ho~.~h-~i!.~...~.o;~.~ ....... Regkfrafion No .......=.....::.=.=.::.:: ........................................... * This Permlf is [nvaIid unless fhe mooring number as shown above is clearly indicafed on fhe moorbg and fhe boar being moored. ..... ,A~LT~-.,%T_...B.....~ OLD SMTTH ................................................. Chairman, Board of SoufhoJd Town Trusfees P/2 - ~o/73 BOARD OF TO~WN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold. New Yo~k 11971 MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT No. 9~ ................... -~.- ~ . Auaust 3Z 1975 ~Xplr8~Jo~ ~aTe ....... d ................................... Fee Paid !To: NAME ' Dr doseoh ADDRESS ..~ ~q 9.L..~a.~2 ~........~.½.c ~.~P ?~ ~.r ....~.~...~.'C~........~!.~.~.~. Loca{'ion In front of own ~.~9p.~..:...IC...ch:L.?~.gR%...~.~.~:., c~.{ F~.~.elC.}[q%{~: Road Cutchogue, New Yerk Type of Mooring F~.~....~P.9.~.sg....si..~.e~ Boar .l~..'....!.{E~::~...lC~9.[%~l~:~.~.~.~....~.pwbo~.:~ ..... Regis',~raf[en No ....... :c:.mr .................................... This Perm,f ~s mvahd unless +he me, ring number as shown above is clearly indicafed on ~me moorincj ~nd +he beef being moored. ALVAH B. GOLDSMITH Chairman, Board of Soufhold Town Trusfees By .7~¢~,~J~..~.., .~,- 2'~:~ ~.~-~ ....... ~z' Secrefary PERMIT ~ 959 MOORING~ 171 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hail. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION TELEPHONE [516) 765-t892 N amc Address ' ~~ Creek ~4~_ ~__~J/i Description of Boat N.Y. Reg. ~ Telephone $ '7'~q Dr. JOseph Lizewski On August 31, 1985 , your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit, please complete application and return to this office to- gether with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your September 1, 1985 , will result in the automatic cancel- your original permit. permit by lation of Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Henry P. Smith President FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. III JOHN 'L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SNRTH TELEPHONE (516) 785-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 MOORING PERMIT RENEWAL Your boat mooring permit is about to expire. To renew, please complete form and return to this office, along with the annual renewal fee based upon length of vessel. If you wish to cancel mooring, please notify us. Failure to renew this permit will result in automatic cancellation. PERMIT NLRKB ER: 959 MOORING NUMBER: 171 E~PIt{ATION DATE: August 31~ 1989 FEE: NAME: LOCAL ADDRESS: M~LING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: TYPE OF MOORING: TYPE AND Dr. Joseph Lizewski LENGTH OF BOAT: LOCATION: REGISTRATION NUMBER: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: THIS PERMIT IS INVALID UNLESS VISIBLE ON MOORING. , AS SHOWN ABOVE,IS CLEARLY !Frank A. kuj~wfki, Jr. , /~resid~n~c BOard of Trustees (for office use only) If any information has changed, please correct accordingly. I~ cancelled, mooring mus= be removed within thirty days of cancellation or will be removed by the Town at owner's expense. Prank A. Kujawski, Jr., Pres, HENRY P. SMWH JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. III John Bednoski, Jr, ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR~ Vice-President TELEPHONE (516~ 765-1892 BOARD OF PERMIT NO. 959 TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD ]'own Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION Dr. Joseph Lizewski N.Y. REGISTP~TION NO.: ..................................... : ......... ....................... TELEPHONE No. _3 ~- ....................... Augusz 31, 1988 your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit please complete the application and return it to this office together with the $15.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify this office. September 1~ 1988 ,will Failure [o renew your permit by ........................ result in the automatic cancellation of your original permit. Very truly yours, ~ /77 ' /] ' Frank A. Ku3awski, Jr., President Board of Town Trustees HENRY P. SMITH. President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. V/ce-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN PERMIT ~ 959 MOORING~ 171 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION N~E ADDRESS CREEK Dr. Joseph Lizewski DESCRIPTION OF BOAT N.Y. REGISTRATION On Auqust 31, this permit, gether with the $10.00 annual mooring permit, please nokify 1987 , your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew please complete application and return to this office to- renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your this office. Failure to renew your-permit by September 1, 1987 your original permit. , will result in the automatic cancellation of Very truly yours, HPS:AO 1/87 Henry P. Board of Smith, President Town Trustees PERMIT ~ 959 MOORING~ 171 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONqE f516) 765-1892 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION Name Address Creek Dr. Joseph Lizewski Description of N.Y. Reg. ~ Telephone , your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew On August 31, 1986 this permit, please complete application and return to this office to- gether with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify the undersigned, Failure to renew your permit by September 1, 1986 , will result in the automatic cancel- lation of your original permit. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees President BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Main Road Southold, New :York 11971 Telephone: ( 51,6] 765- 1892 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permit No...~..:.9.5..9. .............. *Mooring No ..... .1 .~. 1. ..... , ......... Renewal Date..S.e.~t..e.m.b.~T..1.~ · .1~.8.~ Expiration Date...A.u.~.u.s.~...3.1.,..l..9.8.5. Fee Paid...~ .5...0.0. .......... NAME Dr. Joseph Lizewski TELEPHONE NUMBER~ . - East Creek LOCATION ........................................................................ TYPE OF MOORING BOAT .............. REGISTRATION NO ..................... *T. his Permit is invalid un~ess the moorin9 number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and boat being moored. President, Board of. Southo'k~[/~own. Trustees Clerk, Board of Southold To~)~f~ T'rdstees ALL ,MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS. Pernit ~ Mooring 959 171 BOARD OF TOW~ TBUSTEES, TOWN OF SOU~HOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION TELEPHON~ (516) 765-1801 Name Dr. Joseph~izewski Description of Boat N. Y. Reg. On August 31. 1983 , your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit, please complete application and return to this office together with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel -zour mooring permit, please notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your permit by SepT. 1~_1983 , will result in the automatic cancellation of your original permit. Paul Stoutenburgh, President Southold Town Trustees Permit---- Moori .g BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOLrrHOLD Town Halt. $3095 Main Road P,O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1 I971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Name Address MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION Creek Description of Boat N. Y. Reg.= ~ Type of Mooring Signature On ~4 /~, your boat moorzng oermit ~will expire ; To renew this permit, please complete application and return to this office together with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. if you wish to cancel your moorzng permit, please notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your permit by ~'~ /~ will result in the / automatic cancellation of your original permit. Paul Stoutenburgh, President Southold Town Trustees By Marian Goubeaud, Clerk Permit ~ Mooring BOA JSTEES Telephone 516-765-t938 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION Address Creek Description of N. Y. Reg. ~ Boa t On ~o ~/~ /q~/, your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit, please complete application and return to this office together with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your permit by /qr4~/.-r.~ __, will result in the automatic cancellation of your original permit. ANNA T. t{ATAIER, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES By Marian Goubeaud, Clerk Moori~n.g # Permit # Telephone 516-765-1938 t?/ 11971 Name MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION Address Creek ~ Description of boat New York Registration On September 1, 1979 your boat mooring permit expires. To renew this permit, complete application and return to this office together with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your permit by September l, 1979 Will result in the automatic cancellation of you~ original permit. PHILIP G. HORTON, PRJESIDENT B0;LqD OF TO?~ TRUSTEES By Mur!el Tolman, Clerk Permit No. ~_ Moo~ingNo. Due Date - September l, 1978' Telephone 516 -76.51~:~ 1938 1971 Name MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION Address Creek Description of boat and registration number On September'l, 1978 your boat mooring permit expires. To renew this permit, complete application and re~urnto this offioe together with the $5.00 srmual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your permit by the expiration date will result in the automatic cancellation of your original permit. PHILIP G. HORTON, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES By M~iel Brush, Clerk Office Use Permit No. 959 Mooring No. liT]- Al6- 10/73 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATIONS (PJesse check) (w'~ Mooring sJ+e -- same as original applJcaflon (~)' Me+hod of mooring m same as original appllcaflon ("~ Boa+ and Reg~s{re{~on number ~ same es original application The following change has been made: ............................................................................................................................................. ,.~....r R.~R.~ "~..~`~..~.~"~r&~"~}~g~E~e~L~e~ ...... ..~....~r~.~....~....~r.&x~....~r.~p.~.r ~.~...[.~r.....~....~5..'......~.~....~a~ [~....~.~.a~ ............. Office Use I~[ooring l~To- !?t A/6 - 10/75 BOARD OF TO~bl TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLIGATIONS (Pleese check) (~/) Mooring si+e m seme es origJnel ( ) Iv{e~hod of mooring -- seme es or{g{nel ( ) Boe{' end Regisfre{qon number ~ seme es originel eppl{ce{'ion The following chenge hes been mede: ............................................................................................................................................. Dele Received by ~ De{'e ....... ~.~'Z ./..~.~,.~......,. ~.....~ .... Office Use Permit No. 9 5 9 Mooring No. 3- 71 A/6 - 10/73 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATIONS ADDRESS ............. ~D.~.~,....,Ta~.~.~.,......G.kLt,.¢h a g.Lt e..,.....BIe.-w:.....~Za :k.......~L L9 &5 ............................................................... (Please check} ..... {~} Boar en~ Re~isfrafion number -- same as original applicafion The ~o~owin~ change has been made: ............................................................................................................................................. Sig~('ure ~,) ........................ A/1 - Revo6~2 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town o~ Southol~] Main Road Southold, 'New York 1197.1 APPLICATION FOR A MOORING IN TOWN CONTROLLED WATERS: 1 Applicant's name and address: ..... ~...~.~..~..~..~./. ..... ........ : .................... : ................................ 2. Contractor's name and address: .~.~.~. ........ ~ ....... ~.~,~ ................................ What is being moored? ...... ~..~..~..~.~ ..........~.~. ................. .............. 4. f a boat is being moored, state: ~l ~C~ r Name of manufacturer ......... ~....~., .~....~.....~.~.-~4 .......... Reg. No ............................. Name of boot .............~?...¢.~.~ ...................................... Color ....: ...... ~,.~..'¢~.. ......... Lengl~h ........~' .......................... Powered by .......... ~L~.. ............................................... What is your method of mooring? (mark by an X in the proper space) OFFSHORE MOORING (type & weight) ...................................................................... OFFSHORE STAKE ( ) OFFSHORE STAKE with pulley line to ONSHORE STAKE (~"' TIE-UP BETWEEN PILINGS (number of piles) ......~.~... ........ (...) SOME OTHER METHOD (describe) .................................................................... 6. After issuance of c Permit, I expect to: (m~rk by an X) (a) Commence workAT ONCE ..... ~......; ASAP ................ ; UNKNOWN ................. (b) Complete work in--1 DAY ............ ; 1 MO ............. ; 1 YR .............. ; FUTURE ............ Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, and by means of an X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate as closely ~s possible the location of this mooring. On the reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which shows Ordinary High Water Mark, si-aLes, pilings or other anchoring devices to be used, and ail distances i.n, feet between stakes and stakes. is access~ to the proposed mooring from PUBLIC or PRIVATE shoreline property? (state which) ...... .~...~..~.?....~.~..!.~ ..... If from private property not belonging to the applicant, provide o letter of. consent from the property owner. 9. At the mooring's Iaaa ,on. What is the approximate distance to the channel? ................................ ft. Number of othe~ boats moored within 100 ft ......... ~L~. ................ 10. _~epted~ b)rf // . in making this application, [ declare that the placement of this mooring will nbt be an im- pediment to the normal boating needs of others. ...................