HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-73-2-3.1 TRUSTEF~S John M. B~'edemeyer, III. President ' A~be~ J. Kmpski, Jr.. Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. ~hthi!t W~ll~m G. Albemon Telep~h~ne (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TO%¥2N OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL SUPER%~SOF~' SCOTT L. HARRIS To~vn Hail 53095 Main Roa~ RO. Box 1!~ Sou~aokk New york Permit Nmmber: 73-2-3.! N~me of Applicant/Agent: ~Name of En-Consuitants 12:W. !tth St~, l{ew York~ ~Vf~ 10012 SCTM..%1000-73-2-3~I Bridge L~ne~ Oatoho~0.e DESCR, F~ION OF ~AC~I~IVITY~.~ =o construct 206+/= i f, cz retaining ~all i~uoluding (2 } t~: returns~ All will be in line with ex%s~ing ~ai! of Wernick to the west~ It~ilt be above M/4W and be about. 10~ out from toe of bluff. A~rox~ 350 of clean sand Will be brought in from access point at Duck R~ad~E~st~tt. approx. 1 mile to west~ Wall ~ill be armored w~th 1-3 ton stone and have stone splash pad behind!. Rebuild a portion of 3" ~ide steps destroyed by hal!~een storm 4~ X 4~ platform and steps for access to beach. Date of permit issuance: July 30, 1992 ~nis permit is valid for a period of two years fr~ the date of ~ issuance. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: __ Bluff res~oTation brough a re-vegetat!on agreemenl attached heMet~ihnd is a necessary spe0iai~condLition. per~_t. !~ 30, 1992 by:re~o!ution'of TRUSTEES John M. Bmdemeye% III, President AL~er~ Z Kmpski, Jr., Vice Presidem ~¢ray P. Smkh John B. V(~ G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 gOARD OF TOWN TI~USTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS August 12~ 1992 En-Consultants~ Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southa~pton~ NY 11968 Re? Sharon Li Dear Mr. Haje: ~%e following action was taken by the Board of its re~alarmeeting hold on July 30, I~92 re~arding W~EREAS, Bn~C~r~uitants on behalf~of Sharon Li~ $outhold Town Trustees for~apermitu_nder the Wetland ordinance of the Town of Sou~oid, 1992 and~ W~EREAS said application was referred to the Sou~ol~ Conservation Advisory Council ~or their findings a~ recom~ndatio~ and, WI~EREAS~ a public hearing was held by the T~nTrusteos wi~h resl~e~t to said application on May 29~ 1992 at wkich tJ~e all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard~ and~ ~S~ the Board menlbers have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area~ ~q~ERE~ the Board has considered ali the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and£ ~/qFJlEAS, the Board has determined .that the project as propose~ will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town~ NOW~ _-S4~_RlEFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the application of En-Consuitants on behalf of Sharon Li to const~et 206+/- !~f. of timber retainin~ wall including (2) 18' returns, all will ~ in lithe with existing wall of Werniok to the west. It will be dbe about 10~ out from toe of b!uff~ Approx. 359 c~y. of olean sand will be brought in from access point at Duc2~ Pond Road~ East Matt. ~Dprox. t mile to west. Wall will be armored with 1=3 ton stone and have stone splash pad behind. Rebnild a pertion o~ 3~ wi~ steps destroyed by ~alloween storm and add 4' X 4? platform' for access to beach. This permit will expire two years from th% date it is signed, Fees must be paid~ i~ .a . li.c.a~.te and perrait issued within six .months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said Droject~ Permit will be issued'upon payment'of be do~e below ~an ~i~h~ Water ~ark. No Fees the foiiowin~ .fees for work John M~ Bredemeyer, III Presidents Board of Trustee J~:jd TRUS'I'EES John M. Bredemeyer, IlL President Albert J. Krupski Jr.. Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William Ct:. Albenson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHOLD 30 year Ma±ntenance Agreement Erosion Protection Structures Chapter 37 Soushold'Town Code Southold Trustees as Administrator SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 I [~ Sharon Li type or print name(s) the owners o~ record of property at: Bridge Lane, Cutchogue (type or print street address) SCTM ~t000- 73-2-3.1 in applying for a Coastal Erosion permit for an Erosion Protection Structure do hereby agree to a 30 year maintenance program for a structure commonly known as a retaining wall as applied of See project description as shown on the attached feet of length licensed survey of the as-built structure. It is my/our understanding that we are to maintain this structure with materials designed to endure 30 years and or equivalent to the original approved structure and that for any maintenance which involves more than 5% in length of this structure we are to give prior written notice to the administrator, waiting for their approval in all but true emergency situation's which would seriously endanger life, property and important coastal natural resource features such as bluffs or wetlands. We further understand that failure to maintain the structure could result in a requirement to post a bond and or have the repairs ordered as a lien against the property upon a finding by the Trustees that said lack of maintenance would risk life~ property or ~mportant natural resources features including protected, rare or threatened animals and plants. Notarized Signature of owner of record Sharon Li SWOP~N TO BEFORE ME THIS NOTARY PUBLIC ,19 q~ for This maintenance agreement shall only be valid upon attachment three copies of a licensed land survey made within one year of the original construction and validated to show the the final approval of the administrator. Subsequent owners may apply to the Southold Town Trustees to re-authorize this maintenance agreement. /. ~. ~/~ ' ' EN-CONSULTANTS IRC. 1._~ NORTH EOUTHA~PTON N. Y. S HE~ ~ /o~2 /1~1~, ~//e/~ EN-CONSULTANTs ;NC. [329 NORTH SEA ~D. SOUTHM~PTON N, ¥.