HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC-04/12/2017 Peter A.Young,Chairman Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. CIO Lauren Standish,Secretary 01 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold RECEIVED MINUTES MAY 1 1 2017 Wed., April 12, 2017 Southold Town Clerk 4:30 PM Down's Farm Preserve A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., April 12, 2017 at Down's Farm Preserve. Present were: Peter Young, Chairman John Stein, Member Peter Meeker, Member Keith McCamy, Member Caroline Burghardt, Member James Abbott, Member James Dinizio, Town Board Liaison Lauren Standish, Secretary Absent: Greg Williams, Member CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:30PM by Chairman Peter Young. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTSB Chairman Peter Young welcomed James Abbott to the committee. REPORTS Peter Meeker attended the monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees held on Wed., March 22, 2017. All applications to amend existing permits were approved and all but three (3) wetland permits applications were approved. 2 OLD BUSINESS Peter Young reviewed the definition of a non-turf buffer and concluded that the definition is well-written in Chapter 275 and does not recommend any changes at this time. Position Paper— John Stein requested his comments suggesting the collection of data and monitoring of erosion on banks/bluffs be included. Councilman Jim Dinizio suggested the paper be finalized and submitted to the Town Board for consideration. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by John Stein, seconded by Peter Young, to Approve the Minutes of March 15, 2017, with one correction. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION OF WETLAND PERMIT & COASTAL EROSION PERMIT APPLICATIONS Moved by Peter Meeker, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of AIDEN STENSON to remove 49' of existing bulkhead; construct 49' of new bulkhead, in place; remove existing wood decking as required to install new bulkhead backing system; replace existing wood decking removed after bulkhead construction is complete; and remove existing 46' jetty and construct new 46' low-profile jetty, in-place. Located: 570 Rabbit Lane, East Marion. SCTM#31-18-12 Inspected by: Peter Meeker, Keith McCamy, John Stein Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by John Stein, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of PAUL & NANETTE LANCEY for the emergency repair of the existing 110' storm damaged timber bulkhead, legalize an existing 10'X 10' deck, stairs, platforms and landings, and plant area with beach grass. Located: 19525 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#51-1-22.1 Inspected by: Peter Meeker, Keith McCamy, John Stein The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the section of stairs at the base of the beach stairs are retractable. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Peter Meeker, seconded by John Stein, it was 3 RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of DAVID LANDMAN & CHANTAL LANDMAN to install a common driveway to the existing dwelling not to exceed 12' wide and to conform to Ch. 236 of the Town Code. Maintain discharge pipe under driveway on Lot 1 and Lot 2 to facilitate water flow to wetlands. At landward edge of non-disturbance buffer line (50' from edge of wetlands), delineate the line with either split rail fence, stone wall, stone boulders, boulders and native plantings, with sufficient penetration or spacing in the wall or boulders to allow water and small natural habitat to pass under or through the wall penetrations. Located: 6610 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#59-8-6.1 Inspected by: Peter Meeker, Keith McCamy, John Stein Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by John Stein, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of DOTMEDIA, LLC to construct new deck with two staircases off dwelling facing the Sound. Construct sunroom off south westerly side of dwelling. Located: 525 North Sea Dr., Southold. SCTM#54-4-7 Inspected by: Peter Meeker, Keith McCamy, John Stein Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by John Stein, seconded by Peter Meeker, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of ROBERT KARPAS & CLAIRE AIOSA- KARPAS for the removal and replacement of 125 If. of timber bulkhead with new vinyl bulkhead. Remove and replace existing stairs to beach and add 6'X 6' platform landward of bulkhead onto an existing stair platform. Provide a 10' wide non-turf buffer landward of bulkhead. Located: 350 West Shore Drive, Southold. SCTM#80-5-3.1 Inspected by: Peter Meeker, Keith McCamy, John Stein The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the section of stairs at the base of the beach stairs are retractable. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of SALLY COONAN for the existing 809 sf. house, 18 sf. outdoor shower, 60 sf. porch, 20 sf. platform and stairs leading to beach, 50 If. bulkhead and 344 sf. slate patio. x 4 Located: 2662 Paradise Shore Rd., Southold. SCTM#80-1-4 Inspected by: Peter Meeker, Keith McCamy, John Stein Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Peter Meeker, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of DAVID ECKERT to construct a two-story dwelling, deck, sanitary system, and installation of drywells, with 50' limit of clearing and ground disturbance during construction. Located: 1035 Waterview Drive, Southold. SCTM#78-7-14 Inspected by: Peter Meeker, Keith McCamy, John Stein The CAC Supports the application with the Condition of a 15' non-turf buffer. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Peter Young, seconded by Caroline Burghardt, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of SCOTT & JULIA OSLER to dredge (with ten-year maintenance) a 33'X 34' approx. 1,120 sf. existing private boat basin to a maximum depth of four feet below mean low water; and place approx. 60 cy. of sand/silt spoil in a 40'X 40', approx. 1,600 sf. spoil disposal area on subject property. Located: 2480 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87-3-57 Inspected by: Peter Young The CAC Supports the application with the Condition of a 15' non-turf buffer and the elevation of the spoil area is indicated on the plan. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Observation: The CAC recommends the Highway Dept. install a catch basin to catch the road run-off going into the creek. Moved by Peter Young, seconded by Caroline Burghardt, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of EUGENE C. BURGER, JR. to construct a porch and first and second floor additions to the existing dwelling. Additions are in line with existing construction and no closer to the wetlands. Located: 2385 Pine Tree Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-3-2 Inspected by: Peter Young Vote of Council: Ayes: All 5 Motion Carried Moved by Peter Young, seconded by Caroline Burghardt, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of ALBERT LEUTWYLER to elevate dwelling by 18" to conform to FEMA regulations; add a second-floor, two-story addition to east side yard, add outdoor shower, and 2nd story balcony to west side yard. Existing decking to be raised by 18" on west and north side of dwelling. Located: 4573 Wickham Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#107-4-5 Inspected by: Peter Young The CAC Supports the application with the Condition gutters, leaders and drywells are installed to contain roof run-off. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Peter Young, seconded by Caroline Burghardt, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of MATTITUCK PROPERTY FAMILY TRUST to remove and replace (in-place) approx. 48 If. of existing timber groin with low-profile vinyl groin; and remove most seaward +/-8 linear ft. of existing groin and groin remnants. Located: 520 Park Ave. Ext., Mattituck. SCTM#123-8-28.4 Inspected by: Peter Young The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the broken-up, 8' dia. concrete cap is removed, if not in use. The CAC questions the purpose of the boulders stored on the neighboring property. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Peter Young, seconded by Caroline Burghardt, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of LIZBETH JANSEN to construct approx. 176 If. of vinyl bulkhead in place of (and 12" higher than) existing timber bulkhead; incidentally dredge 10' wide area adjacent to bulkhead to a max. depth of-4' MLW and use approx. 50 cy. sand/silt spoil approx. 25 cy. of clean sand/loam to be trucked in from an approved upland source as backfill; construct 10' westerly vinyl return and 15' stacked stone on- grade retaining wail along easterly property line to contain backfill on subject property; remove existing 4'X 26' fixed dock and (2) tie-off pilings to be replaced with 3'X 14' ramp off bulkhead, 6'X 20' floating dock secured by (2) 8" piles, and (2) 8" tie-off pilings (connect electric and water supply to dock); construct 5'X 30' on-grade walkway landwa4rd of bulkhead; and establish a 10' wide non-turf buffer in place of existing lawn adjacent to the new bulkhead. Located: 260 Sailors Needle Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#144-5-27 6 Inspected by: Peter Young The CAC Supports the application with the Condition of a 15' non-turf buffer and questions the distance of the tie-off pile from the floating dock. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF APPLICATIONS TO AMEND WETLAND & COASTAL EROSION PERMITS Moved by Peter Young, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of CHARLES & BRENDA GRIMES to Amend Wetland Permit#8805 to allow the construction of a one-story dwelling, garage, and attached deck. Located: 4145 Wells Rd., Peconic. SCTM#86-2-12.6 Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Caroline Burghardt and James Abbott will attend the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled for Wed., April 19, 2017 at 5:30PM. The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council will be held on Wed., May 10, 2017 at 4:30PM at Down's Farm Preserve. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:OOPM. Respectfully submitted by, cx Qu.o -- v . �- deo h` Lauren M. Standish, Secretary Conservation Advisory Council