HomeMy WebLinkAboutWood, Carl HRS' LEASE - nade' and., e'xeCu�ieE� between 7C�Td 'T01"d' 0grTiOL D'j,,, Cbunt:y of paaffc1Ye aids State of 'l�e�7'..Ycrli, •b' --.—_ 'x.– ' �i'' {d D-a �a`�r �l � f„ � i�'3 i a��; �i�C ' ' '--a:..i au. fir. r. dna. NATTW D.VIOJI:, duly el ct,ef t_ raastgem, party 6F the ,fir;6t , ,T1O4T9', '® ' Matt ,t;Lact 1IQuty . Ne W ' 'Yorki.,party of the, sec,cnd• part-t'' this s6'vent-h 'day l'®f,Aarchp, N�n�'tee9ll ,�lundrr'et� and thirty-on e,t „ fin. ,co=1016ra ion of the gents /awl, cav`ena ntd. her in9f'ter e pres,' ed ,tYae• said party. €� ° the ,firs,t • ' art hiis •Arms' 6d';aild ®a a and cice6 Inereby,. dcmise' and iease' te'"the s4id ]Oarty of ,.0 'ae��e�nd par°: ', -.a1'l' t,hdt ` ,14nc'� under,'wat6re '-ef 'Mat it c1c Of im,.tine said off' ®f cutl�v�c�'� ,�Of'f 017C'�cauiZt?��;.:�®�, " ac��sY®rYe" Cie, :A': I - 61 MIN6 a$ :a '-trot In the channel ,of' Mattituck,creek Gadd' Point being.,300 feed;' di9tant f°r6m' the' N6rithiest-er ly' cor-her car-herrif Iain¢ s nine r r, sed to ®:-h"�.�'�' I�.'��iilc3i�ag � '. as' e;`' date4 'Decembe� Ut',t, 1930,* .,rMd runn"inrg, thence' No .2��1D01 W4 a, dist- nce 16f, '60 I feet 'te pointy , ttc6 'N. ' r IA4Q5O! .H; approximgtely 64' feet;• thence S4 k25®10, E4 a, di s mace of 800 fQet; ,�henee- in a eb,terrly 'direet-eni 'to' , e 'po lit .Qf begrinning f ; f.OJ� his' ene,3psive' -Use f'or,the'-pur Se cif a ri end 'harveiting Qf shelf 'fs on said'i n ;.' I ,th' tile' ' pI ivi 1gges,' ani. appurt;en,�nces• for ,and during Alfie term"s•cf',, d° e� year""'rdh the 'v c'day ,cif' ��ar�cl2ra�I��ta�1� ''c�hatch ,t'erTR '' ' _ -g F 7� pyo p. a ,p, '.�o . 1,,,, .d..9.l- 'e�3c'L ''Y �,'g�C�2 �<-/'6,h, '3 3 a aG 'teDeDn�r a e e p��r..�'ty �.E. ��e second 'v'art that, he vvil1 g3�ty, t® �Yae ��rty' t)f ?the . f'3."A part" ':f 6r.''tIae use ®f, sa=.td p�emisesthe' annual r�snt; cid' < ilai-6 ori' e °'. ief'ore''tia'e e;1r, rp- of And, PPOvided'�, that tho- party`of the sedOptl pa I1 " �ryp - '/'y'} `P�yq _ h�.p �ay, said S ent.,'. or9-qn 'Part •.�he -duo it id� agpaed,- that the, said, party 'of the .first part May sate for same; or. at its ,'opti€n' o,,zhcel this Loasei or (resort to aaaY ,le, al' remedyi; The :party of the f 3rsi ,part agrees that this. leas e all Fs'e ext ended for A further' g eridd of' one ( 3Yeax 'i mom 'the date of expli-ation hereof -provideA that not, more, than sixty, 44yi',- prior to 'the e xp,1,rati6n.'thei2e©f ,nor less than thirty days prior to, tine 'expiration the're of ',party , Of the ' 6eo oiad PAvt,,61i-, ll notify the party off, the First pa ti' ,+�Yirit$ a9,V Of 1 .:_ �n$��73 On t0 exercise the ataOn to extend-' this .lea6e',for a ' aarther period '4f one ,year:' In connection.,x7itI , Ac,iae' use of sail land.6+ party of the , ' second'•.pa�rt :agrees tI �tIse" kill :a7oi'�.e by all- the' laws of, ; . .-- . , - -thd: United`States ®r: 4m'j,,- .c"�; ariEA. all 1dWs. of the P;t'at® Of ' - NeTf orIC,, iic3.udi4 ' the regulations or the' New fork state , - -Conservation, Ddpar' tment and, all County,'and Towt� ruler and' ,prdinanees and. 'shall use the 'premise's 'oniv j°oz� the p , p?, ecar ©s dv. ' mentioned. he�ein The party; of the 'see'ond' par's agrees''thv.� 'hd,�*ill"-not inter 'c +e' nth ave. at�on;'oil off', a±��re ',og"' _t3ae said 14ate,ars,,caf' QreeIr k►y the , violation ogrid Of the teras• of t3A6lease, by' the -party 'of the s"e.cond part ,shalI# at 'tae'-elc►etion of the`. arjty -of `:the -First part.. ..a mmediately. this lease+ The party of .the 'secohd part ,ci*bnarits ar d ,',agrees t�at,'• he,- ill not assign phis lease', -n.or -sub7let ,any Poi-tion of. 'the'. leased.. pr6r:aises 173•thout' the writ"en ,cons-ent of tlie ; Party 'of the,, First , part ,and+ a violatiori" Of ;this 'covenant sba.11 constitute a cane e'llatloi n; of. said ,'lease, The' party -of; the, second part; >are6 that he vilZ ; surrender yip said, premises t® .the pArt9 'of"t1,16 f rst ,post in is ,good--condition. ins now., excepting sueb 'damage ..wbieh'•- _r�a,;y ,result: by thio;iea,sonable• a§e :'therecif' as or, " � . ' . .herein:. . - • . - IN 17ITNESS- WHERROP the party Pf 'the first. part has -hereunto caused ,Its corporate seal- to be at,taehed. and , .these presents to_ be, subscribed by a majority Trustees, anil the party of the- see on I d part has hereunto set his hand- wnd:' •seaJl, in duplicate* the day an�� year•first, ' above %7r1ttbh'* {Ir!ft-41 _ Trustees of the- Toian of Southald� STATE SDE NFATZTOM ', • ,- ' .- �; . .SSS_ - '. . .• , . • '. '. - , COUNTY "CP ,S ,• dm ' On th3i� day efore •me =persdnally<,came 'WILL MI•� BEE BE; 'I'�'$`ANK" D. SCHALTAMURGr'x' ; CI•�ARLE,S J: . IEeNULTY'. and,,NATHAN DAVIS v,. •each- to me ?�n.olmo• , � o ' Oeiian'by ire sev,ex�a3ly-duly -sworn did, each-'f or himself ' say �h'ht,'ho resided, in said i orin of Southold;• that he is a �'rtzsteet 'of said .` qmi rthe corporation described. 'in. aiad which, executed the for6going '1 'st;iumi:nt; t�Zat''by I ew -tlie :soa1: of,'sa.i'd. cor;�oration- twat .tae sea3 aff'i�ecl• to sa�c�a ,. , inst'i-amen•t.,•was such' corporato,seal`` ,that' it was so. >~ t r_ r ' • ..rte i '' ay... ...a .r r '' . t -r r - a rmed "� order, 'of' the 1 ` x� s eec olid : at die ,afP .fed' - "his ",lidme'.,thtereto' day lik +3T-AlP 'f, %OF ?W,YORK' cootq' ,: 014 ,r 4OIX a' 01,1, this .d��j o� ' before me perso���„3.�r;'��e CARL WOOD,; 'to me: ®�� `��e� ; ' oim ® me to' 'fie- the Individuhl -des&-ibed"in € idl ivho'• ` .r e s6cufed the :-Loregoi�2 ea e" mi 'c�ul�r jolmo��3.ed�gea ��i pie that be`'ee�cu�e� the same..' • .. i�'., i - f,— re �r "a •+� � � a� � moi . , •� ,- � , —• a r _ f v L I � I• - TIM TOT-IN -OF SOUTIIOLD , -and- {� �_- • CARL WOOD. L LEASE -0V LANDS UNDER- TIATFR• } i f (Duplicate original) 't i I 1,