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Goldsmith, Alvah B
GRMTT OF LAND MED IVIATFR THE TOVIN , OF SOLUIHOLD ;.r TO . ALVAH B• GOLD SMITH THIS TNI'hNTUAE Made the ,day. of Apr"i1, Nineteen hundred ,gild thirty-one, betive'en: TOMN 01+ a0UT110LD County 'of 5u&olk and- State -of New York�, b �, y a maijority,_of• a its duly elected. Trustees' and •by,virtue ofil Chapter 615 of the la sr of.•.?1'ecq''Yor`k; p 1893-; asser' iri ��:`11.and! pursuant'',,to 'a reso1 on voted',by.r a majority, of 'the Board of T us tees of said•Tgwn of Southold.,,- at-,.a meeting'h.eld pursuant to :riotice,.dul r,' given.'; to all, its members, on_the day' 0f-�7 1931, .party ofthe first', pd, t' GOLDSbITTI19of 1 ' Pec+onic, ' Y owp of Southold; Suffolk "C ourity,;"Isew orL, party ' of the -second -part• WITNESSETH,, that; -the• party of the firs"t.' 1 arti3 - consideration of the sum',.of , / ®' , , duly. paid: to said party' of the first .part; before the-Ael Qery hd reef,,', the receipt' whereof iS"_hereby- duly ackno�vl dged,;'Iias 'r.,el,ea's'e and does hereby grant and release unto the said'party :of• `- the 'second. part, his heirs' and- •a'ssigns ,f,6reve. 'all,,,waters, , and` lands,, under water and, rights or other, iii:terest's; therein, such',as the ;Town' of Soathold. acquired and nov, holdsUy }, virtue of 'any' Colonial Patent or• Charter, situate 'iii the Town of 5out -old', County ,of Stiff ollc•,and, state;- of spew York, under watery and below'high vrater.•`-mark; in Toivn•;Creek., in S ou'th',old, in said,'T'o*n of- P outhold, ,4d j oining the ,upland _- of' thesaid pagtY of the 'second 'part and bounded rand „ described as follows: J, BEGINNING. at .:the 'southerly ,encl,rof the westerly :li�ie .,of, land„of:Alvah`B Goldsmith' where !the'' sameru ;intersected otvn b', said high I at'er.':_marko1 ire©Is aancl nning the�ice easterly. along tl�e`, land ,of s'a3'c1 .Alvah 33• 'GoldstAi Lh r at"h:Lgh grater mark to obart Rod thence S.'. °44°14' a,-.dist a'nRodd- ? . _f 120 'feet,; thehoe S': 1,54"� IT*,, •feet; thence' TT•-•.•50 `,f,eet to `F the oirit -oi� la ce rof; b ea3nnin'r , accordin,o to mai Of,btt�o ,1'�• .p p g! Van Ttiyl; Surveyor', mar•` �', 1031, 'and 'attached 'h'eir o'• the ,privilege, only,•of';filling` in ,.ani" .bulId1eiding -the' prreinises- nese-vibe'dy -also; with ,the 'privilege of,'`excavating a ekianriel '30_ feet �in l.6I li''beginning;;at the. I iiters'ection' -of the easterly 'line of _land'. of said'- lvah ''•. B Go1cZs ith and the jPes,terl'vs.:'s cle ;or .line, 'of, ' oUart ' 'vende r and running• thence S•' .441: 1.4' .N, �2�,, feet';,tIaenc,e' S'�'.'84 ` t'1• :2AO' f''eet,; •thence S44': i4;' ' 'W..; 250 feet, roe o'r' less; to' the 'main channel of the .Town. oreek, and th'e= 'saidparty of the second part' -use;-the tat�erial' eXeavatecl' from, said channel for tl�e purpose ,of filling iri ` : the',area; first above '.set" forth., f Exc'epting'`a;nd reserving to -the said �oi�n -off' ,sout.h6ld',', the. right of', entering u aonL and 'usdng 'all„'arie .every Ipartr of. '. the above granted .prermis,es, as` fu13y as, sazcl, oim`,or' tlie' ” inhabitants "thereof might have clone' 11ad this con ey,ante - nbt,•be.en- mace anti-1 .•the !'saicl graritec� premises .shall—66" actlial ly appro ri?ate ' and ap ilica to, the, beh_ eficial :e i;= joyul_eA, 'of, the said. grantee's his _herr-s'pd, assigns'• ' filling .in and g'r'ading or; b'y tlie= erection .of" bulkheads;,;' dOcis', or' Other ,structures tliereori� ,- Anil...` these re`sent's' are ,'uxion `th°e:, ex• ressed c6inditi5on{"u• ,that if the 'said. grantee, his Yieirs aiid 'assigns , shall ,no,t • ` within' tivo years• from tlz6,'date 'her'eof, actually ap��ro�riate .,.the.; al3ove:,'granteel premise's to has �berief inial eh Jgymen't ; by ,filling in ;and. grading or b7, ,the , er66tion ©f! bulkheads.' ' does, :or-.`other`st:ructures, thereon; theri`: these''pnesent, -everything herein c;onta,ined', w'sha11-c'ea'se',' cleterriine'',_ancl,,, e vo3cl and, the. said, premises` above grarte-d- and all interest ,.and.:-'ri ght therein shall ,immedi'ate' ly revert to the said ' T-6v-rn''•o f='S out ®lel• ante& doth hereby ,'covenant,'*�vitr' ,the And ,the said gr - arty , of `the',first part that 'he tY%e,.`'s'a3 cl'.'grant'ee;, I�,• s-'heir's` 'p aria assigns gill clot at 'any time: maintain, 'erect,,.or� permit ui^n ',any ;part of the premises `above 'grant'ecl 'or' ori'-the. ri'par?an x�igl?ts iii'<.`and ':about, the same,,..=any "slaughter 'house,;' smith shop,, forge, .'furnace, steam engine,. bras_;`f'ounclry, nai actor `'fox° `tlie' mantifacture` of o,-, other ;iron s ounc�r'y,' or; an' f '. gulp powder): g lue v'arni'sh, .vitriol; ,ince ;ot^ =turpentine'; or" ,o f—'SIc!ns' hides 'or leaf; er`,'--or , fors he` t atinzng` or ''.pre'paring any''bre�vey,,>'cl?-'s'ti1'1'e'r�;= .;or any ot'her,' factory whichbe, t - oU J''ectionaUle'buildiing." or--for' ,floats o�jectionable, or any _ or, -her daces for the' "opening of- scall -7 ,or' oyste'r,s, or; - - r. " ' ,rte'. • - - 4 f©r-`,the.;"laying, L�parof scallop -or. oyster,p:oats, or _a :, ®,'her. ' on`-ro1 noxious or business oroccu atidutr - 61 IiiUted "lav' ail it ;is ;`hereby agre'ec.-that. the,"fzoreiiri ; by " cov,enants :shall' run'_mith -the' above granted premises ancl right's-f ore'v,er• ' �- AYicl suU jest to. the `above excepti©ns, reservations ; aiiel 'c'overiants •that .'the' said, party. of the_ second his'. , • : -, ' �, '.'-' '-: � •' ' ran{aed ' heirs and. 'assigns are t'o' 'ha e'.''anc?;t®` h®,lc ;theP'aU®ve ,,g -Premises `:vith 'the, appurtenances thereunto`U'elonginh, .to ' ,hi•s and their only proper :use`;,, benefit. ancl`;hel�vof :forever I9IT ESS WHERE'QF;i, .the, said• Tovm 'oma' •South`old : a�'tY-. • ' - .� ,,,,•, . , , ., •r' - ,r,. . ,„a�t .of the,''Board.,., of_' the.,fir5t par, has ,Uy a, vote, of_•a:..' major y' of `�'�rus'tees,,'of said, Toy^rn;'.cau'sec'' its corporate 'sdal''_.t,'o_ be.: ' "•hereunto affixes', and these presents .to be, subscribed by 'a ; majority, of, 'said Board' of `trustees and, the ss,iel grantee has -also: hereunto, set his- hand and ' se'al, in duplica,te,l' the clay and year first above written. .(L®S, ) As-Trustees of of - .. - Southold.• . - • - v - STATE OF ,NEW YOR;f, 'COUNTY ,OF SUFFOLK of 9A=, , before ate On this / day 191 personally came ���_ u ; CHARLES J. M,ex T Yof ttJ tuc s, T ANN D• SCHALTI�I?3 '4G, of Creep port, and ._ _.._n: -� _ �_. all in 'theibErrz of SOLitholcl, County of 'Suffolii_ sicl Mate of New York, all -personally I�noivn -to, meq, 'who -being by me duly sworn., severally said that they, resided in the Tolvn of S-outhold, County` of Suffolk aiid State'- of 4eiv York, *and' ,sere `members,`-of" the Board .of Trustees of said To-im_of Southold. and constituted a majority of the same; that they iniery the corporate• seal of said. Tovai of Southold; that ,the seal'.affixed to the foregoing instrument was ,such- corporate seal; -that it. was a -"ixed thereunto by oraler of, the.,Board of Trustees of Said To=vn o Southold. and that -each one of ,them ,signed., his name thereto as a' trustee by the like order- N0L#ary Public,•, Suff• COY STATE :OF NEW 1'ORK.- COUNTY, IS�COUNT'' Off', SUFFOLK• on this day of April,,, 1931, ,I +-,I'` mow, ` � `. - Ik,. .1 t• r , ",.i - � ` b-ef&-e -me g�ersopa'11�: rc,ame ;ALVAH ,BV•'" GOLDSMITH, of'-, ecohic, ; �'uffolIc':County,9- Heiv-,-:yorks-,',p�ersonally I�tio�an: to,'':,ne'.`,,and"I i®rein, to'.14e, to be",the. napecl in,,the for'eg,oang 3nstru?nexit an cleseribed ,therein`;' 'and',Iie ,diiIy aekinowledged to;`'me 'tYaat - Y�e >'execut`6a, .the '6 ame""` Idotar�y Public, SuffiCO*,, ; '. .. - r � _ .`, ', f_ , Y .• - .--� '�.;' - ,h .'r fed , `v 3 T11M TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO ALVAI? 13- GOLDSHTTIi. J GRANm OF LAND MME'I? WATI,R- (original) r . `t 4