HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoldsmith & Tuthill AFFIDAVIT OF SURVEYOR. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. : TowN OF SOUTHOLD, of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, being APPLIOATION FOR (RANI' OF LAND UNDER RATER—Notice Is here- duly sw0rn, says, that he is a practical surveyor. by given that wr,Oliver B.Goldsmith,Frank L. Goldsmith, Emma T. Goldsmith, Harrison H. Tuthill and Howard G.Tuthill,the undersigned, That he made tide maps accompanying the pa- each of the Town o1 sou•hold,in the County o1 Suffolk and State of New York, owners In fee -y and occupants of the upland adjoining the land sin the mattef e application below high water mark of Pecontc Bay at Newj,,�,, p r op � Suffolk,In said Town,as hereinafter described, will make application to the Board of Trustees � y �. or a grant of land of the Town of Sonth)ld,In the said County of Suffolk,at the office of Hon. Henry A. Heeves, Clerk of said Board,in the village of Greenport, under water marked respectively "A" •.and `113 in said Town,On Saturday,the twenty-sixth day of October,1901,at one o'clock In the afternoon, for a grant inperpet-tlty to as, the said Oliver and sl lied. . . . . . . . . . B• Goldsmith, Frank L. Goldsmith, Emma T. g ' ' ' . ' ' . . • ' ' ' ' Goldsmith,Harrison H.Tuthill and Howard G. Tuthill,by the said Town, for the purposes of commerce of the lands under water and below s that the said map" are accurate and contain a cor- ' high water mark in front of the uplands owned and occupied by us and hereinafter described, rest description and plan of the lands under ater which lands so applied for,are bounded and de- p p scribed as follows,viz.:Beginning at a point on , the line of ordinary high water mark and at the /� northwesterly corner of the land applied for and as applied for by Aq ., ,._. .U.-zf-��.. . . from which point of beginning the large chimney on the bears o t of the Robin's Island Clu Sine bears south seven degrees and thirty minutes east and running thence south eighty five degrees and twenty minutes east five hun- dred and twenty-six feet, thence south twenty- and also of the adjoining lands of said applicant. five degrees west three hnndre 1 and fifty-elght feet, thence north sixty-five degrees west five I hundred feet,and thence along said line of ord- That the annexed printed notice Contains a cor- Inary lags water mark north twenty-five degrees east one hundred and eighty-one feet to the point of beginning, and containing by survey, rest description (in accordance with said maps) of three acres and eighty-one thousandths(81-1000) of an acre. The upland adj lining the land to be so applied for is bounded northerly by Main said lands under water, the exact courses and dls- street, easterly by Pecontc Bay, southerly by Jackson street, an-1 westerly by First street. The soundings once in fifty feet on the whole tances being given therein in words of f'lill length. exterior line of said piece of land to be so ap- piled for,beginning at the north westerly corner thereof and going theuca around said piece, are That one of said maps, marked "A," shows as follows: Firs",three feet; 21, five feet six Inches;3l.six feet six Inches; 4th, eight feet six inches;5th,ten feet six inches; 6th, twelve further the soundings once in fife feet on the en- feet six inches; 7th, thirteen fe,)t six inches; g y 8th, fourteen feet; 9th,Lturteen feet six Inches; 10th,11th,12th,13th and 14th,fifteen feet; 16th, tire exterior line of said lands under water and the 16th,17th,18th,19th and 20.11,fourteen feet six Inches; 2tst and 22d, thirteen feet six inches;23d, .�M!) five nine feet;cies,seven feet six inches;rhes, articular course of the shore line of the .Y.` +�c-- five feet six inches;26tpp three Leet six inches, l� and 27th,-three feet. All of the said soundings being taken at high water mark and said sours- es being the true magnetic courses of said 1 boundary lines. Dated,23d September,1901. - OLIVHR B.GdLD9HITH Said lands tinder water are situated, together with b FRAxx L.GoLDSHrrH HBe to x HTuTuir mL the lands of the adjoining owners on either side, HOWARD G.TuTHILL ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney Applicants and all docks, bulk-heads and other improvernents Southold,;N.Y. thereon. That the other of said maps, marked "B," shows the general course'of said 6_e-n... . . ; _ for a distance of one-half anile in each direction from the said lands under water Aai Sworn to before me, this. . . . day of. / P r t ' e d �. k AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, I o 'the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, ' being duly sworn, says APPLIOATIO\T FOR GRANT OF LAND UNDER WATER—Notice is here- 1. That he is the. given that m Oliver Goldsmith,Frank L. G Goldsmith, Emma T. Goldsmith, Harrison H. Tuthill and Howard G.Tuthill,the undersigned, of . . . . . each of the Town of Southold,in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, owners.in fee. be ow high water mark o1 Peconlc Bay the New a newspaper printed and published in the Town of Suffolk,in said Town,as hereinafter described, ofill make the Towapplication n f Soath>id,ithea asaid Coa tyeof Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in the State of Suffolk,at the office of Hon. Henry A. Reeves, Clerk of said Board,in the village of Greenport, New York. in said Town,on Saturday,the twenty-st*th day of October,1901,at one o'clock in the afternoon, for a grant In perpet iity to as, the said Oliver B. Goldsmith, Frank L. Goldsmith, Emma T. 2. That a notice, of which the annexed is a Goldsmith,Harrlsou H.Tuthill and Howard G. Tuthill,by the said Town, for the purposes of igtiiunder water mark in front of the pawprinted copy, has been published in said newspaper and occupied by us and hereinafter described, which lands so applied for,are bounded and de- for fOl1l' \Nooks SL eSS1Ve1 mencin r on the scribed as follows,viz.:Beginning at a point on y: CO1u the line of ordinary high water mark and at the northwesterly corner of the land applied for and �•. . . ,day Of. • . from which point of beginning the large chimney on the westerly at+e of the Robin's Island Club Hpuse bears south seven degrees and thirty minutes east and running thence south eighty + live degrees and twenty minutes east five hun- dred and twenty-six feet, thence south twenty- five degrees west three handre t and fifty-eignt feet, thence north slaty-five degrees west five hundred feet,and theuce along said line of ord- inary high water mark north twenty-five degrees east one hundred aid eighty-one feet to the point of beginning, and containing by survey, , three acres and eighty-one thousandths(81-10o0) of an acre. The upland adj,llning the land to be so applied for is bounded northerly by Main street, easterly by Peconlc Bay, southerly by Jackson street, an-1 westerly by First street. The soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land to be so ap- plied for,beginning at the north westerly corner r;•rti, thereof and going thence around said piece, are 1 as follows: Firs",three feet; 21, five feet sig Inches;31.six feet six inches; 4th, eight feet six Inches;6th,ten feet six inches; 6th, twelve feet six inches; 7th• thirteen fe^t six inches; 8th, fourteen feet; 9th,fourteen feet six inches; 10th,11th,12ch,13th and 14th,fifteen feet; 16th, 16th,17th,18th,19th and 20.h,fourteen feet six Inches; 21st and 22d, thirteen feet six inches; 23d,nine feet;21th,seven feet six inches; 26th, five feet six inches;26th,three feet six Inches, tics must he at]east twenty ei bt da, s before the date of application. and 27th,three feet. All of the said soundings y g y' pi being taken at high water mark and said tours- es being the true magnetic courses of said boundary lines. Dated,23d September,1901. OLIVRR B. GuLDsMITH FRANs L.GoLDsxITli EMMA T. GOLDBMITB HARRISON H.TQTHILL HOWARD G.TDTHILL ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney Applicants Southold, N.Y. o GZ9 r AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICES ON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. TowN OF SOUTHOLD, J .. . . . . . of the Town of Southold, in the County Of' Su ff k, APPLICATION FOR GRANI! OF being duly sworn, says ND Avrddmtby given that wa,011ieB leih Fr nk L. I 1. That on the. . . . . .day of .. . . . . .�� � Goldsmith, Emma T. Goldsmith, Harrison H. i I Tuthill and Howard G.Tuthill,the undersigned, y i each of the Town o1 Southold,1n the County of 1�G,/. .he securely hosted and put up and left Suffolk and State o1 New York, owners In fee and occupants of the upland adjoining the land below high water mark of Peconlc Bay at New I upon the outer door of the Town Clerk's office of Suffolk,In said Town,as hereinafter described, will make application to the Board of Trustees o1 the Town of youth tld,in the said county of the Town of Southold in the Count of Suffolk in Suffolk,at the office of Hon. Henry A. Reeves, y Clerk of said Board,in the village of Greenport, f in said Town,on Saturday,the twenty-sixth day the State of New York a notice of which the in- of October,1901,a,one o'clock In the afternoon, > > i for a grant In perpet-itty to as, the said Oliver Goldsmith,iHar Leon 1I.Tuthill ank L. a ndh'How rd G. nexed is a printed copy. Tuthill,by the said Town, for the purposes of i commerce of the lands under water and below high water mark In front of the uplands owned and occupied by us and hereinafter described, which lands so applied for,are bounded and de. scribed as follows,viz.:Beginning at a point on the line of ordinary high water mark and at the northwesterly corner of the land applied for and from which point of beginning the large chimney on the westerly W to of the Robin's Island Club Hpuse bears south seven degrees and thirty minutes east and running thence south eighty five degrees and twenty minutes east five han- dred and twenty-six feet, thence south twenty- live degrees west three handre t and fifty-eight feet, thence north sixtydve degrees west five hundred feet,ami thence along said line of ord. inary high water mark north twenty-five degrees east one hundred and eighty-oue feet to the point of beginninz, and containing by survey, three acres and etghty-one thousandths(81-1000) o1 an acre. The upland adj,Nniag the land to be so applied for 13 bounded northerly by Main street, easterly by Peconlc Bay, southerly by - - Jackson street, an-1 westerly by Firat street. The soundings once In fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land to be so ap- st be at least twenty-eight days before the date of application. j plied for,beginning at the north westerly corner thereof and going thence around said piece, are as follows: Firs-,three feet; 21, five feet six Inches;31,six feet six inches; 4th, eignt feet six inches;6th,t n feet six inches; 6th, twelve feet six inches; 7th, thirteen feet six Inches; 8th, fourteen feet; 9th,fourteen feet six inches; 10th,11th,12-,h,13th and 14th,fifteen feet; 16th, 16th,17th,18th,19th and 20.h,fourteen feet six Inches; 21st and 22d, tnirteen feet six Inches; M 23d,nine feet;21th,seven feet six laches; 26th, five feet six Inches;26t1i,three feet six inches, and 27th, n feet. All of the said soundings /I o befoggtaken at high water mark and said enure- es being the true magletic courses of said boundary lines. Dated,23d September,1901. OLtvBR B. GoLDsnITH FRAN$L.GoLDsurm ExmA T.GOLDsm1TH F RAWSON H.TDTHrLL HOWARD G.TuTHILL Applicants ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney 4 Southold, N.Y. t 9 � w AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ON TOWN CLERK. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. TOwN OF SOUTHOLD, J i of the Town of Southold, in the County 0 Suffolk. , APPLIOATION FOR GRANT OF being duly sworn, says, that on the.. . � LAND U'NDER WATER—Notice 1s here- by given that we,Oliver B.Goldsmith,Frank L. �^ Goldsmith, Emma T. Goldsmith. Harrison H. - p ddd Tuthill and Howard G.Tuthill,the undersigned,- day of' each of the Town of Southold,In the County of - F, Suffolk and State of New York, owners In fee and occupants of the upland adjoining the land he personally sel ved upon. . 1• below high water mark of Peconlc Bay at New r ' J Suffolk,to said Town,as hereinafter described, will make application to the Board of Trustees of the Town of South old,In the said County of q- - - •• - - • who 0 Suffolk,at the office of Hon. Henry A. Reeves, Clerk of said Board,in the village of Greenport, In said Town,on Saturday,the twenty-sixth day was to him personally known to be the Town C1e11� of October,1901,at one o'clock In the afternoon, for a grant In perpetnity to as, the said Oliver B. Goldsmith, Frank L. Goldsmith, Emma T. Goldsmith,Harrison H.Tuthill and Howard G. of the town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, Tnthill,by the said Town, for the purposes of commerce of the lands under water and below high water mark In front of the uplands owned and occupied by us and hereinafter described, in the State of New York, a notice of which the which lands so applied for,are bounded and de- scribed as follows,viz.:Beginning at a point on the line of ordinary high water mark and at the northweaterly corner of the land applied for and annexed is a printed copy, by handil o.the same to_ from which point of beginning the large chimney on the westerly sl le of the Robin's Island Club Hpuse bears south seven degrees and thirty minutes east and running thence south eighty and leaving it with him. five degrees and twenty minutes east five hun- dred and twenty-six feet, thence south twenty- five degrees west three hundred and fifty-eight feet, thence north sixty-flue degrees went flue i hundred feet,water t thence along nttd line of revs [nary high water[nark north twenty-five degrees east one hundred and eighty-oue feet to the point of beginning, and containing by survey, three acres and eighty-one thousandths(81-1000) of an acre. The upland adj')ining the land to be _ so applied for Is bounded northerly by Ilialn street, easterly by Pecoule Bay, southerly by Jackson street, and westerly by First street. The soundings once In Ility feet on the whole . d; exterior line of said piece of land to be so ap- 4 r YC - , a plied for,beginning at the north westerly corner -g• -..• :Q ._, thereof and going thence around said piece, areas follows: Firs-,three feet; 21, live feet six Inches;3.1,six feet six Inches; 4th, efgat feet r six Inches;61h,tin feet six Inches; 6th, twelve feet six Inches; 7th• thirteen feet six Inches; �v•r' 8th, fourteen feet;9th,fourteen feet six inches; 10th,11th,12th,13ta and 14th,fifteen feet; 16th, 16th,Nth,18th,Nth and 20.11,fourteen feet six a �1 Inches; 21st and 22d, thirteen feet six inches; 23d,nine feet;21 th,seven feet six inches; 25th, I live feet six Inches;26th._three--feet six inches, and 27th,three feet. All of the said soundings 4006��CLJ being taken at high water mark and said cours- es being the true magaetle coarses of said boundary lines. Dated,23d September,1901. GLiVHR B. GULDBNITH FRANK L.GOLDSMITH EMMA T.GoLDsMiTa HARRISON H.TUTHILL HOWARD G.TIITHILL Applicants ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney 1- Southold, N.Y. i AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANT. STATE OF'NE W YORK,I } COUNTY of SUFFOLK, 38. o TowN OF SOUTHOLD, j p" ce-_n� of the. .. . +.. U' ,. a . . .. . . . • ya• PPLIOATION FOR GRANT OF n the Co"nty"of..-. . , . . .. `".'. . A LAND UNDER WATER.—Notice is here- A, i by given that we,Oliver B.Goldsmith,Frank L. being duly sworn, says GOldsmlth. Emma T. Goldsmith, Harrison H. A �-� Tuthill and Howard G.Tuthill,the undersigned, d each of the Town of Southold,to the County of 1st. That le. . . . .r=-!�. . .. -� . . Suffolk and state of New York, owners In fee and occupants of the upland adjoining the land the ersoninamed in the annexed printed notice, below high water mark of Peconlc Bay at New p will makeappli ai ontostherBoard ofdTruetees as the applicant for a grant of the land under of the Town of South)ld,In the said County of i clerk of ea d Boarrdin these village o Greenport, water, therein particularly described. in said Town,on Saturday,the twenty-sixth day of October,1901,at one O'clock In the afternoon, 2d. That the said land is situated in the Town for a grant in perpetuity to no, the said Oliver B. Goldsmith, Frank L. Goldsmith, Emma T. Goldsmith,Harrlsoa H.Tuthill and Howard G. of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, and in the Tuthill,by the said Town, for the purposes of commerce of the lands under water and below �,, ��p� high water mark 1n front of the uplands owned State of New Yolk, and is. . . ./. . --: ``. . . . . . . and occupied by as and hereinafter described, which lands so applied for,are bounded and de- scribed as follows,viz.:Beginning at a point on within the corpol ate limits of an incorporated +'il- the line of ordinary high water mark and at the northwesterly corner of the land applied for and I lage, or city; from which point of beginning the large chimney j on the westerly at In of the Robin's Island Club Hpuse bears south seven degrees and thirty 3d. Tbat lie• . minutes east and running thence south eighty 5 • five degrees and twenty minutes east five hail- dred and twenty-six feet, thence south twenty- ownela n fee (f stile'adjoi'nmg Upland described in five degrees west three handrel and fifty-eight feet, thence north sixty-five degrees west five hundred feet,ana thence along said line of ord- said annexed notice, and. . . . . . . . .. . .In inary high water mark north twenty-five degrees east one hundred and eighty-one feet V..) the the occupation thereof. point of begtnnin¢ e ac , and containing by survey, 1 three acres and eighty-one thousandths(81-1000) of an acre. The upland adjoining the land to be 4th. That the matters of fact set"forth in said so applied for 1s bounded northerly by Main Mby Peconle "---"--- Jacksonstreet, an-1 westerly y Firststreet. annexed notice are true to the best of the linowl- The soundings once In fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land to be so ap- A piled for.beginning at the north westerly corner edge a,A belief of deponent. thereof and going thence ar,)und said piece, are as follows: Firs-,three feet; 21, five feet six res i inches;31.stn feet six Inches; 4th, eigat feet six inches;6th,Un feet six Inches; 6th, twelve feet six inches; Tth, thirteen tett six Inches; jacent to the lands hereby applied for were ,,essed 8th, fourteen feet;9th,f mrteen feet six inches; 10th,11th,12:h,13th and 14th,fifteen feet; 16th, 16th,17th,18th,19th and 20.h,fourteen feet six at the suIn of. .. . . . . . . . inches; 21st and 22d, thirteen feet six inches; 23d,nine feet;21th.seven feet six inches; 26th, five feet six Inches;26th,three feet,six Inches, dollars on the nest pr Ina assessment-roll of the and 2TLh,three feet. All of the said soundings being taken at high water mark and said tours- Said Town 11Ch said uplands are situated and es being the true magietic courses of said 1 ) boundary lines. Dated,23d September,1901. suplands are of thearea of .. . . ... . OLIVRR B.GOLDSMITH FRANK L.GOLDSMITH EMMAT.GoLDsMirn I . .. . . ... . . . . ..... . . . HARBISON H.TUTHILL rI 1 i HOWARD G.TUTHILL 2•`6th, That..a4z;. -intend Applicants ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney Southold, N.Y. forthwith to appropriate the land applied 'for to the purposes of commerce, by erecting thereon a dock or docks. essarY and proper, and not more than is necessary for e purpose of the beneficial enjoyment of the d ad- - ,joining uplands, for the following re• ns: 1. ... . .. . . . ... . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .... . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ... .. ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ... . .. . . ... . ... . ... . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .. . . ... . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. .,. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. e 1r ) C\ 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .... . . Sworn to before me, this.�,.J.i�. day of. . . . . . . .pl IPT — INoTF.—In cases of applications fol purposes of commerce,omit the 5tb and 7th paragraphs; and in cases of applica- tions for beneficial enjoyment, omit the 6th paragraph. 1 AFFIDAVIT OF TWENTY YEARS POSSESSION, ETC. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J . . . . . . ... . of the To of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, - in the-State of New York, being duly sworn, says: APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF LAND UNDER WATBR.—Notlee 1s here- 1. That he is Well acquainted with the lands of by given that we,Oliver B.Goldsmith,Frank L. Goldsmith, Emma T. Goldsmith, Harrison H. Tuthill and Howard G.Tuthill,the undersigned, °.`. . �. . . .. each of the Town of Son?hold,in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, owners In fee ^ and occupants of the upland adjotaing the land below high watermark of Peconlc Bay at New Q( Suffolk,in said Town,as hereinafter described, l6-" "r� ✓ 1 will make application to the Board of Trustees described in the annexed, printed notice, and has of the Town of Sonth,ld,in the said County of Suffolk,at the office of Hon. Henry A. Reeves, Clerk of said Board,in the village of Greenport, been so for more than twenty years last past. in Bald Town,on Saturday,the twenty-sixth day Of October,1901,at one o'clock In the afternoon, for a grant Inperpet-ilty to us, the said Oliver 2. That' the uplands have been more than B. Goldsmith, Frank L. Goldsmith, Emma T. Goldsmith,Harrison H.Tuthill and Howard G. Tuthill,by the said Town, for the purposes of twentyears last past in the possession of said commerce of the lands under water and below y high watermark in front of the uplands owned ._ f,�Ji 1 Z and occupied by us and hereinafter described, v♦� .3 1 y S? � 1 " )'/dam-4-v��\ which lands so applied for,are bounded and de- '• '' ' ' ' scribed as follows,viz.:Beginning at a point on the line of ordinary high watermark and at the r northwesterly corner of the land applied for and '' • 1 from which point of beginning the large chtmney on the westerly at+e of the Robin's Island Club House bears south seven degrees and thirty •• • • • • • • minntes east and running thence South eighty �,C , five degrees and twenty minutes east five hun- and those under and through whom�he�now hold' dred and twenty-six feet, thence South twenty- five degrees west three hundred and fifty-eight rees west five hundred feet,andthenthence nortt along y-five desaid line of ord- and clairnt, and that such possession during the time inary high water mark north twenty-five degrees east one hundred and eighty-one feet to the point of beginning, and containing by survey, aforesaid was acc,,mpanied by a claim of title and three acres and eighty-one thousandths(81-1000) of an acre. The upland adj.)Iniag the land to be so applied for is bounded northerly by Main ownership by and on the part of the said... street, easterly by Peconlc Bay, southerly by Jackson street. and westerly by First street, f � The soundings once in filty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land to be so ap- plied tor,beginning at the north westerly corner thereof and going thence around said piece, are a• t�M!� �, ,• • , • , , , , , • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • as follows: Fir ,three feet; 21, five feet six inches;31,six feet six inches; 4th, eight feet �/p cam- �\ • six inches;5th,ten feet six Inches; 6th, twelve and those under and through whomklle:-low claimyr feet six Inches; 7th, thirteen fe>t six inches; 8th, fourteen feet;9th,fourteen feet six Inches; 10th,11th,12'.h,13th and 14th,fifteen feet; 15th, title to saidremises, and such possession and 16th,1Tth,18th,19Lh and 20th,fourteen feet six p inches; 21st and 22d, thirteen feet six inches; 23dfive feet six inches;nine feet; seven 6th threesfeetnoix Inches, claitn of title were accompanied by the fi)llowing and 2Tth,three feet. All of the said soundings being taken at high water mark and said cours- es being the true mag9etic courses of said acts of ownership and use, viz. boundary lines. Dated,23d September,1901, %(�' ..� r� OLivzR B. GOLDSMITH • • • • • FRANK L.GOLDSMITH ^ 1 EMMA T.GoLDBMiTaLL HARRISON H.TIITH[ . . 1. . . . . . . ... . . .1 ` HOWARD G.TDTHILL �� Applicants }� ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney •• • .• •• . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .Q�. . .. Southold, N.Y. t A-4 _ ... ... . . .. .is.. . . . . . . . . . . .�. . ��.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�� . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . •. . . � . .�" R��---o._-.nom. . � . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3. And deponent farther says that he has no interest in said premises, or in this application, or in the result thereof. Sworn to before me, this. Z6,. . . day of. .. . . ... . . . . . ���kJ4, • = ri IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TO THE r Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y., FOR A GRANT OF LAND UNDER WATER. Dated Attorney for Applicant. 1 x i TnAent-numade in duplicate the * day of 1�17 , between the Town of Southold, of the County of Suffolk, and State of .New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees, and in pursuance of Chapter 615 of the Laws of .New York passed in 1893, and in pursuance of a written resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of 1 i-ustees of said Town of Southold at a naeetin held pursuant to notice duly fiven to all the members thereof on the day of 1 9 ► , party of the first art, and &C-,- ,L part u o of the second part, (Q itu.css.cM, That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of f Dollars, to said Town duly paid, before the delivery hereof, doth hereby f'rant, bargain, sell and release-unto the said part i,4 of the second part, htav heirs and assigns forever, All that certain tract or parcel of land under water, situate in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk, and State of JVe7v York,bounded and described as follows, to wit: ILA 1A. Its-, tol �agether with the appurtenances, and all the right, title, and interest of the said Town of Southold therein. 5o Umut zxad to Uold the above mentioned and described premises with the appurten- ances unto the said part u4 of the second part, tMatheirs and assigns forever, gxc,cptI xg and restruing to the said Town of Southold the full and free right, liberty, and privilege of entering upon and using all and every part of the above described premises in as lawful a manner as said Town might have done had this conveyance not beengiven until the same shall have been actually appropriated and applied to the purpose;6bf` T by and these presents are upon the,express condition that if the saide and assigns shall not within two years from the date hereof actually appropriate and apply the above described premises to the purpose-of by the aforesaid f r—® then these presents, and everything "herein contained shall cease, determine and become void, and the said prem •ises immediately revert to the said Town of Southdd. gn wit ess whereof, the said Town of Southold has hereunto caused its-eoi,,por ate,sem" to-bewf xeA�-and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town. • - The I=V5VxVa 1-5011 t OIA byN rr. Majority of the Board of Trustees of�the Town of Southold. State of New York, CSI ass : County of Sicffolk, %O—na?�e dad of , 1 , before me personally came The Trustees of the Town of Southold,in the County and State aforesaid,with 7vho772 I ane personally acquainted, who beinff by me each severally duly sworn aid that resided in the said Town of Southold, and that he was one of the Board of Trustees of said Tower; that 7 said T owiib that " .� \11� by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold; he signed his 'one the Trustees of said Town. °'����– k � Y r ' � - 1'- 5L-. mow. f 71 t � SLS€ � •������ I f .! i 74) • `.fit - C S.Q0 6 Ln • - A cU 6. dr, `�c:ktt loo C. (i A h *It ItAA _ i 'o 3 r me r ..\ r coo Q �1 3� it.10 �Z.3 —-------------- ------- ---- -------------- ---- ---------------- --------- -- ------------------ An'. 'Ilk 50 C_r Ai T-L ct cille tooll, �� a1 s fl� - tr .4ol 10? e too le Llol CA e-I a ri.L r e-ck