HomeMy WebLinkAboutLATHAM, CARLTON & MARIONNEW YORK SLATE D£PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION.'_ Bureau of Marine Habitat protection Bldg. 4~3 - State University of New York Stony Brook, New York 11794~ (516) 751-7900 C.T. Latham 925 Sleepy Hollow Lane Southold, N.Y. 11571 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Robin Carr 811 Roanoke'Ave. Riverhead, N.Y. 11901 Date of Violation: 11-23-86 Location:925 Sleepy Hollow Lane Southold, N.Y. 11571 Permit Number {if applicable): None Dear Mr. Latham and Mr. Carr: Records of this Department indicate that you are in violation of the Enviror~nental Conservation Law {ECL): Article 15, Protection of Waters, Section ]5-0501.l, SO3.1, 0505.1 Article 25, Tidal Wetlands, Section 25-0401.1 in that you c~used, or permitted to be c~used: installation of a 36'X16' swimming pool, approximately 95' timber retaining wall, approximately 61'X32' timber deck within 25' of regulated tidal wetlands without required permit. A violation of~qis/these Articles or,ne ECL is a misoemear~r and is punish~.~ble by a fine_ of not more than $3,~00 and/or You are bereby advised to c~ase your operation at ~he referenced location i:~nediately. Please co .~.a: ~nis offic~ at once so that we m~y a~t to resolve this maturer. A failure +.o con=~ this offi~ within ~ ~ ~ll ~:lt in ~qis ~r ~i~ ~f~d ~ ~ ~-~'s R~or~l AtOmy ~r legal a~lon. cc Victor Lessard Southo!d Building Dept. tlene Pfifferling Southoid Town Trustees ECO P. Obenauer Ch~-les T. Hamilton ~hlef..~ri~e Re~latory Secti~on ~ntral C~p~ai~t NO. ~ Haml~ Of ~C ~ ~or D~ of oc~rrence ~te of Occ. Time of 0~. ~ ~te ef ~eport November 28, 1986 TO: FROM: RE: Bay Constable Trustee Office Carlton & Marion Latham Please review the attached information and make an inspection of the subject property. The D.E.C. has advised that theproperty has been bulkheaded~ decks have been constructed and fill has been brought in. November 21, 1986 \ To: Ail Board Members Re: Carlton & Marion Latham Please review the attached information. Chuck Hamilton from the D.E.C. has advised that Mr Latham may be in violation - The property has been bulkheaded and decks have been constructed, also the pool may be less than 40 feet from the Wetlands. **Please advise if you wish us toi~ha~e_theLBa~co~stable inspect or issue a violation ** DEPARTMENT AT