HomeMy WebLinkAboutState Park 'dow f TRIS ,INDENTURE made, in duplicate;, this abtwelf'th day of March) 19 3p, between the TOIM OF SOUTHOLD in the County o,f Suffolk• and ,State' of XeVj- Yorkj, ,by a majority ,of •its- duly elected Trustees and pursuant, to 'a �,iritten resolution adopted .by a majority, of the, Board" of Trustees of said Tow of Southold,, at 9 meeting held pursuant , to Notice duly given to all th.e-member's .thereof, on the 26th day of B'nvember, 1929s party` of the f rzt part_,;'and T PEOPLE G ' THS STATE OF ORKO' party , of 'tine second pert, srIT +SS}yTI, ' that the party of the first part, in considera.t- ion of the sum ,-of 0I0 BOLLr duly pain:' to•the said party ,of the fust part before the "delivery hereof, ,the receipt tihereof- is' berleby acknowlc;dged, 'has' L°eleased and does hereby ,grant and r6lease unto- the said 1aa.rty of °`tire .second. part s.nd_ its successors,- all lando .under,,wa:ter' and righter or other interest's such as the ,Toun-of, Southold 'acquired and ,,how'hold,-by virtue of am 'Cc�loni" latent.-or Charter, -situate 'in the Toy;tx� .of. Seiuthold°� Suffolk County, Ijew York, under i3jat•er and• below high water mark, in Gardinerts Bay,. Orient Ba�:bor; Long, Beach Bay' and, \_ Little Bay adjoining the upland cif the said party of the second part, as .shotin on a certain Vap known as - Orient Beach State Park$ `Long• Beach, Orient Point",- Long; Island, Suffolk County, Long Island State Park Commission, - September, 1929, and which said ,Xap -eras filed,-in 'the office of the gown Clerk of the T©ern of" Southold, Suffolk County, xew Fork; •ori Becembe-r 26th, 1929, and which lands_ under water are 'indicated ,on said ,;. e Fa map a� !'Shaded Area, "and are described as extending,-1000 feet out ee - out from the shore line ' of the park in all directions Except' tl SON that where the distance from the pa37k u land to -other upland is less than 2600 feet the shade4�",area hall go one half said di�tanae be,Gween said f glands 4 excepting and reserying to the 'zaid Town 'of ',Souihold and`i•ts , inhabitant$ the r�ght to ahchor over- 'tie land hereby granted for the purpose of fishing or taking shellfish for p,er'sonal use onl provi.ding,,,U . rther, that if at any time the:. said -premises shall dbase to be used for the purpose a ptxli.�, state ps�s'_as provided-by -the, long - Island Stete pari 11Gt as' amended by Chap242 ©f the laus 4 ' iif 19 8 this Grant shalL. ,there=upon ce` se, incl become mall . Y and VQd and 'the premises ,herein grant shall i°eQert to the panty of the fi3 Eit party` _ 1 Y TI.T.LPSS t pLLi,0F the sai; `covin 'of 5qutholdQ 'party of , i.rst par t p. .has ;� a vo', the majority of the Trustees. �vf ,sai.d, Ton 'caase.4,"i.is .dorporate s'eat.-, t,o be a . hereunto,. a fi ed "anc� t�iese(,pres`en't ;to' be-eiibecribed by . a maj;6ri��7,1 of -,said''Board •--of. Txus,tees, and the "said ,grantee has heiret s €'' 'caused its 'cor- oats" se4 ,` to be affixed rind these presents to be ex cuted by its 'dulyauthorized officer the! day 'and year first -above ivviitten. Sas C OTRITY {3F SUFFOLK. I Y 'On this 17th day of Match., 19 30.9 before -MO personally d .e WILLIAM �»�XTg SC IAUi1r3t C 9 CIA I a yc�'uLTV_$ T DERIOK TABOO and NATRA�i A , ail of 'the `gown of, $outhi ldt ' County;- 'Of'�auffbl�� and state of- Hely work, al personally nob;,jn t4 sae., iVh'o being by me duly sworn-, severally paid that they reside in 'the J'O77n of Southold"# County of Suffolk and State of Nov Ytark, and were members- of the, Board-_of Trustees of said Town of ,Southc�l.d, and conotituted a -mai ority of the sane;- that, they, khO the corporate seal of said `'own Of Soiatholds that the sea, aftixed -to the foregoing instrument was , such corporate seal; that: i,t', was affixed thereunto by carder Of the Board of Trasteas -OV Of said Town of Southold and that each one of 'them .si.gx,td his name thereto as a trustee by Lilts Ordero Notary vublic,i Suffolk Cd^d82t�a ;T�o, 5t'a U - i } TOIAT TRUSTEES OF M TOVIN OF SOUT'TOLD, o the- STATE e-STATE O' INEW YORK* CTRMTT OF LMTD UNDER VIATIER. ` 1n^ i