HomeMy WebLinkAboutTerry, Jonathan} AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEW YORK,� I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. : TOwN OF SOUTHOLD, J . . .. . . . . . .�' .14.t . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . /ftbe Town of Southold, in the County of' Suffolk, 1 being duly sworn, says: , I APPLIOATION FOR GRANT OF 1. That he, is the. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . LAND MM9.11 WATER.—Notice is here- by given that L JoNATueN R TEARY, of South- old,fn the Tdwn of Sjuthoid,County or Suffolk Of• •• j and State of New York,owner In fee and occa- pant of the upland adlotaing the land belowr high watpr mark of Pecoufc Ray,at said south- a newspaper printed and published in the Down of old,as hereinafter descrined, will make appli- cation to the Board of Trustees of the said Tuwu, at the office of tion. Henry A Reeves, Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in the State of Clerk of said Board, In the village of Wreenoort, Iasaid Town, oa Saturdty the twenty. ninth clay of r4ovember, zgoa, at New York. one o'clock lu the afternoon,a,r a grant m per- petuity to me,the said Jonathan B. •Pert y, by the sald Town,for the purpose of the beneficial That a notice, Of which the annexed 1S a enjoyment of the same by me, of the lands un- 2• der water and'below high water mark In front of the upland owned ands d bme, and Tinted CO has been published in said newspaper hetelnafter described which lane+s so applied I pcopy, for ar•e bounded and described as folio As: Be- glaning nt a point on the line of high water mark and at the northwesterly corner of the for ur.weeks successively, commencing on the, land applied for and from which point of be- ginning the water tower of the village or Green a port bears north forty-•Sght degrees east, and �J `�"'s�o�a. . .clay of•. . . . . . . . e . the centre of the mala building of toe Manhan- u setiioa9e bears north sixty-slg degrees east, and running the,-ce south sixty-three degrees and twenty-five minutes east one hundred feet, (! the said last named course and distance being or intended to be along the easterly line of land under water heretofore granted to said Jona- than B.Terry by the State of New York; thence north sevauteen degrees and five minutes east t three hundred and seventy-seven feet; then north twenty-eight degrees and fifty-five min- utes east tlrt ee haudred and ntnety-three feet; then north sixty-one degrees and live minutes 1 west one bundled feet, to the line of ordinary / h1gh water mark,thence south twenty-eight de- grees and fifty-flue minutes west four hundred and ten feet; thence south seventeen degrees and flue ralnutes west tht ee hundred and sixty- ;'�/vv •-� " V` �J 1 { !/ ��� four feet, the two courses last named being along tileof line of ordlndt p nigh water mark, to the polut of beginulag, and contatuing by sur- vey one sole and seven hundred and thirty-one thousandths(73f-100))of an acre. The sound- P12 Ings on tine westerly and ea+terly lines of saidland app led for,at a distance of flfiy feet fromthe line or ordinary hlgh water mat k are three feet,and at a distance one hundred feet there- Ir om.three feet and sig inch,s, and followin the exterior hue of said land from the westerly ]me to the easterl9 Ilue thereof, there is a ani- 666---f!• form depth every flay feet of three feet and six t be at least twenty-eight days before the date of apLtrY lcat3ou. , Inches. '1•h, upland adjoining the land to so l 'f applied for is bounded uuttherly by the highway whlch runs If nm Old Town aat bor Lane to the mouth of Town Creek;easterly by Old Town 4 Harbor Lane; southerly by Pecnnto Bay, and westerly by the new channel of Town Creek. All of toe said suundln¢s beln¢ taken at ordi- nary high water and said courses being the true magnetic courses of sdid uoaadary lines. Dated,29tH Out ttier,1902. JONATHAN B.TERRY, Applicant ALBEETSoN CASK, Attorney for applicant Southold,Suffolk Co.,N.Y. e k , AFFIDAVIT OF FREEHOLDERS - t STATE OF NEW YORK,1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, I SS. : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J and . . . . . .14 tend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . PPLIOATION FOR GRANT OF A by given tha I v oN&Ta N R TaaaY,1COfi Snnth- helm sever ally dilly sworn, each foi- himself, says : old,in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York,owner In fee and occu- pant of the upland adjolul❑g the land below 1. That lee is a freeholder of the Town of South- high water mark or Pecoule Bay,at said South- old,as hereinafter descriaed. will make appli- cation l,tl a otticeof Hon. Hemy A. Board TpaReeves, Old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and Clerk of said Board, in the vlllsge of Greenport, ' In gala Town, Ol saturdty the twenty- ninth clay of Movcmber, x9o2, at i one o'clock In the afternoon,f,r a grant in per- has no interest in this application. petalty to me,the said Junatnan B. 'Perry, by the said Town,for the purpose of the beneficial enjoyment of the same by me, of the lands un- 2• That lie is acquainted with the lands under der water and oelow high water mark In front of the upland owned and occupied by me, and hereinafter desetlbed which lands so applied forareboundedanddesctibe-tas folloAs: Be- water described in the annexed Notice. ginning at a point on the line or high water mark and at the northwesterly corner of the land applied for and from which point of be- ginnfug the water tower of the village of Green- 3 That the value of said lands in the opinion port bear+ north forty--lght degrees east, and the centre of the main building of toe Manhan- andnoose unningthe-cetSouth t sixty-three degreerees s of deponents is the amount Ret opposite our re- and twenty-five minutes east one hundred feet, the said last named course and distance being or intended to be along the easterly line of land under water heretofore granted to gala Jona- j spec 1Ve nanieS, V1Z, : than B.Terry by ill:state of New York; thence , north seventeen degrees and flee minutes east hundred three hundredd and Beveuty-seven trey then north twenty-eight degrees and fifty-five min- utes east three hundred and ninety-three feet; then north sixty-one degrees and floe minutes west one hunal ed feet, to the line ty ordinary h'gh water mark,thence s futh twenty-eight—a groes and 11hy-flee-1-t--wevt Ponr hundred - and fell feet; Lllrnce south seventeen degrees and five minute�s west tluee hundred and sixty- four feet, toe two courses last named being along the line of ordlnat y nigh water mark, to the point of beginning, and contaluing by sur- vey one act a and seven hundred and thirty-one thousandths(731.100J)of an acre. Tile sound- ings on toe westerly and ea-terry lines of said land app led for,at a distance of fifty feet from the line of ordinary high water mark are three feet,and at a distance one hundred feet there- from,three feet and six Inch-s, and following 4 the extetfor line of said land from the westerly e line to the easterly line thereof, there is a uni- form depth every fifty feet of three feet and six Inches. Tli• upland adjoining the land to so applied for is bounded nultherly by the highway will eft runs hem Old Town Har bor Lane to the mouth of Town Creek; easteriv by Old Town Harbor Lane; southerly by Peclnie Bay, and westerly by the new channel of Town Creek. All of toe Bald soundings being taken at ordi- nary high water and said courses being the true magnDateto istutuut Of Said i sot andarylines. t of the lands applied for herein, hereby offers the sum of JONACHAN B. TERRY, Applicant ALBERTSON CASK, Attorney for applicant ars therefor. g south9ld,Suffolk Co.,N.Y. .a iF •,ti t ' -�;,.,:%..��U' •fes•'/ ��ri'"-�;"�� • - 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, I COUNTY OF SUFFOLIt, �88. : ' fl TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J44- T! I blithe... . . . . .. . . . • --,� in the County of... . ..Xf-�--�. . . . . . . . . . . APPLIOATION FOR GRANT OF being duly sworn, says LAND UNDItR WATBR.—Notice 13 here- by given that I, JoxeTaAN R.TeRRY, of Smith- 1st. That..he.. . . , . .. old.1n the Town of S.rnthoid,County of Suffolk a and State of New York,owner In fee and coca- 'the person named in the annexed printed notice, 1 pant of the upland adjoining the land below high water mark of Peconlc Kay,at said South- old,as hereinafter descrined, will make appll- as the applicant for a grant of the ]and under cation to the Board of Trustees of the said i ' Towu, at the office of Hon. Henry A. Reeves, Clerk of said Board. In the village of Greenport, water, therein particularly described. In said Town, 01 Saturdty the twenty- 3 ninth clay of iKovCmber, x9oa. at one O'clock In the afternoon,f,,r a grant ,n per- 2d. That the said land is situated in the Town petuity to me,the said Jonathan B. 'Perry, by the said Town,for the purpose of the beneficialOf'Southold in the County of Sttfloll: and In the enjoyment of the same by me, of the lands un- > , - der water and"below high water mark la front of the upland owned and occupied by me, and he,einatter deeatlbed which lands so applied State Of'NeW York, and 15. .. ..... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . for are bounded and deserlbe,l as collo ss: Be- ginning st a point on the line of high water within the corporate limits of an incorporated vil- mark and at the northwesterly corner of the land applied for and from which liolut Of be- glaning the water tower of the village of Green- lage, or city,viz. port bears north. forty-•lght degrees east, and the centre of the main building of the 1ltanhan- set 3d. That. .he. . ? . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . House bears north sixty-six degrees east, and running the•-ce south sixty-three degrees and twenty-five minutes east one hundred feet, owner in f'ee of the adjoining upland described in the said last named coarse and distance being e or Intended to be along the easterly line of land underwater heretofore granted to said Jona- said annexed notice, than B.Terry by thi State of New York;thence north seventeen degrees and five minutes east three hundred and seventy-seven feet; then the actual occupation thereof. north twenty-eight degrees and firty-five mtn- utes eaytthtee hundred and ninety-three feet; then north sixty-oue degrees and live minutes 4th. That the matters of fact set forth in said weal one hundred feet, to the line of ordinary _ h'gh water mark;thence south twenty-eight de- annexed notice are true to the best of the Icnowl- - grees and fifty-five minutes west four hundred and ten feet; thence south seventeen degrees and five minutes West thi ee hundred and sixty- edge and belief of deponent. four feet, the two courses Mast named being r along the line of ordlnaty nigh water mark, to I the point of beginning, dad containing by sur- ''''5th. That the uplands owned by applicant ad- f vey one acre and seven hundred and thirty-one thousandths(731.100,1)of an acre. The sound- f fogs on the we+terly and ea4erly linea of said jacent to the lands Hereby applied for were assessed laud app led for,at a distance of fifty feet from the line of ordinary high water mark are three at the ruin Of... . . feet,and at a distance one hundred feet there- . • • i' fro . lie extetlor line of said land from the twee erlg ! lice to the easterly line thereof, there is a uny dollars on the nest preceding assessments oil of the form depth every fifty feet of three feet and six inches. Th, upland,adjoining the land to so said Town in which said uplands are situated, and applied for is bounded uurtherly by the highway watch runs itom Old Town Harbor Lane to to said uplands are of file area of month of Town Creek; easterly by Old Town • • • • ••- • • • • ••• • • . Harbor Lane; southerly by Pee-alc Kay, and westerly by the new channel or Town Creek. All of the said soundings ring taken at ordi- • • • • • • • • •• • • ' ' -' ' • • ' • • •'' • •:: ....... nary high water and said courses belag the true �y magnetic courses of said boundary lines. 6th, Thi` t.•,•`;`.^`'� , ,lntend� Dated,29th Oct,ber,1902.JONi Jt ALBERTSON C BKATHAN B.TRRBY, Applicant forthwith to approl ' the land applied for to Attorney for applicaut Southold,Suffolk Co.,N,Y. the purposes of Com lerc by erecting thereon a dock or docks. 7th. That the land applied for is necessary and proper, and not more than is necessary for the Lo - - ` - - - purpose of the beneficial en,jofinent of the s`h ad- ,joining uplands, forte o log reasons � ���. . . . . . . -ten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . �t —. :. .t�.0�'tt,. ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . .a . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . .OL lG . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . ... ... . . ... ... . ... . .. . . 2. !/'�.'.. td . .... . . [_lc� —`•�G!°r�. .e`er. .... ... ... I �ill./. . . . . . ..;. .�. . ... . .. . . . ifs/R-rti--+ . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . .t/��� 14 ` �. AL1 I; IN THF MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF I b TO THE Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y., FOR A f�f GRANT- OF LAND UNDER WATER. A _ Dated--�-® -' �—'cZ T&L ' Attorney or A. plicant. ° J.f 2�2