HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuthill & Goldsmith x Jallenturemade in duplicate the day of 1 877 , between the Town of Southold, of the County of Suffolk, and State of New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees, and in pursuance of Chapter 615 of the Laws of New York passed in 1893, and in pursuance of a written resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold at a meeting held pursuant to notice duly given to all the members thereof on the ' - 16-day of , 1 �9/ , pal j of the first part, and J part tz, of the second part, Uitwes stM, That,the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of Dollars, to said Town duly paid, before the delivery hereof, doth hereby grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said parte, of the second part, heirs and assigns forever, All that certain tract or parcel of land under water, situate in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk, and State of New York,bounded and described as follows, to wit: r r c x n / i, lvogdlier with the appurtenances, and all the rif'ht, title, and interest of the said Town of e. Southold therein. �u liam aaA to Itol d the above mentioned and described premises with the appurten- ances unto the said part&. of the second part,/"'heirs and assigns forever, cx)c,eptWg and rtserutag to the said Town of Southold the full and free right, liberty, and privilefe of entering upon and using all and every part of the above described premises in as lawful a manner as said Town might have done had this conveyance not beengiven until the same shall have been actually appropriated and applied to the purpose of /X( by W _ ®G �- and these presents are upon the express condition that if the said and assigns shall not within two years from the date hereof actually appropriate and � r tit apply the above described premises to the purpose,of , by the aforesaid Men these presents, and evepything herein contained shall case, determine and become void, and the said preyn= ises immediately revert to the said Town of Southold, gn wttness xv-Txereof, the said Town of Southold has hereunto caused its corporate seat to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town. 4'owa of ,%Oxxtliola, by Majority of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. State of New York, ss County of Suffolk, 1 Upon the �� LW day of , Z , before rrze personally came ,l The Trustees of the Town of Southold,in the County and State aforesaid,with whom I am personally acquainted, who beim' by 7ne each severally duly sworn, said that he resided in the said Town of Southold, and that he was one of the Board of Trustees of said -'Town; that he knew the corporate seat of said Town; that the seal affixed to the within instru- ment was such corporate seal; that,it was affcxed by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold; and that he signed his name thereto by the like order as one of the qN Trustees of said Town.' v I i .s 1 )34 --------------- ------- ------L.-----...................................-------------._ ..........----- p I, 1 � _ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY,QF SUFFOLK, SS. : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, i of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, Application for Grant of Land being duly sworn, says: Under Water NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that we, the 1. That he is the. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ... . . .. . . undersigned, Orin T. Goldsmith, of Cut- chogue,in the Town of Southold,County of Suf- folk,and State of New York, and Jeremiah G. Of. . . . . . J. Tuthill,of New Suffolk,in the said town,owners In fee and occupants of the upland adjoining the land below high water mark of Peconic Bay, a newspaper printed and published in the Town of r or of those waters generally known as the hal- hot of New Suffolk,at the said New Suffolk, as hereinafter described, will make application to Southold in the Count of Suffolk in the State of the Board of Trustees of said Town, at the office y of George El.Cleaves,Clerk of said Board,in the vilinge of Greenport in said Town,on Saturday, New York. the twenty-third day of October, 1897, at one o'clock ln.the afternoon,for a grant in perpetui- ty to iis,the said Orin T. Goldsmith and Jere- 1 ntlah G.Tuthill;by the Bald Town for the pur- 2. That a notice, Of which the annexed is a poses of:commerce,of all that certain piece or parcel of land under wa'er and below high water mark belongin¢to the said Town of Southold,In printed copy, has bpublished in said news flout of said upland,and bounded as follows, to i abeen p newspaper wit Beginning at a point on the line of high water mark as the said line of high water mark for four w eks successive) c0 men in on lie esfats at the present time, said point of begin- I successively ' Ing befog the northwesterly corner of the land to be applied for and dis•ant from the easterly side of First St.on a line rectangular thereto, . . . . one hundred and twenty-seven and three- tenths feet,and running thence south eighty- five degrees, east five hundred feet, thence . •• • • • • • • • • • • • •15 south four and one-half degrees, east one hun- dred and twenty-one feet, thence north eighty Jllr/� five degrees,west five hundred feet to the said line of high water mark,thence along said line north four and one-half degrees,west one hun- dred and twenty-one fret to the point of begin- ning, and containing one acre and three hun- _� dred and eighty-three thousandths (383-1,000) of an acre,all of the above coutses being the true; magnetic courses of said boundary lines. The �� souadings once in fifty feet on the whole eater- r lor line of said piece of land beginning at the not thwesterly corner thereof and going thence around Bald piece, at e as follows: First, four feet, second, four feet ten Inches, third, five feet;f, efeet; seven seven Tent four in- `—�-`cess,stMstb,tenn fees; seventh, eleven feet four inches; eighth„eleven feet six inches, ninth, — eleven feet ten Inches; tenth, eleventh and �t ` IF twelfth twelve feet eight inches; thirteenth, twelve feetfife Inches, fourteenth, eleven feet eight inches;; fifteenth, eleven feet five inches; sixteenth, test feet eight Inches; seventeenth, eight feet eight inches, eighteenth,six f,et eight Inches;ninet,eoth, five feet six inches; twen- tieth•four feet eleven inches; twenty-first, four feet five inches,and twenty-second,one foot and rust be at least twenty-eight days before the date o application. nine inches,said soundings being taken at high , watermark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounder)as follows: North- erly by lance of George Bing,easterly(partly) by Peconic Bay or New Suffolk Harbor and partly by dock property of the,undersignedapplicants, southerly by:Hain street,then westerly and then hesoutherly by First Street.land of Louise Tothill and then again we Dated,20th September, 1897. s' - ORIN T. GOLDSMITH, Applicants. JERRMIAH G.TUTHILL, ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney, Southold, N.Y. 00 � i AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICES ON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OFSUFFOLK, 38. TOwN OF SOUTHOLD, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, Application for Grant of Land Under Water being duly sworn, says: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that we, the day of r1� undersigned, Orin T. Goldsmlth, of Cut- 1. That on the. Z.S . ,.. . Zhou ,in the Town of Southold,County of Suf- folk,and State of New York, and Jeremiah G. Tuthill,of New Suffolk,1n the said town,owners 18 .7. .he securely posted and put up and left in fee and occupants of the upland adjoining the land below high water mark of Peconle Bay, or of those waters generally known as the har. upon the outer door of the Town Clerk's office of bor of New Suffolk,at the said New Suffolk, as hereinafter described, will make application to the Board of Trustees of said Town, at the officethe Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in of George H.Cleaves,Clerk of said Board,in the village of Greenport in said Town,on Saturday, the twenty-third day of October, 1897, at onethe State of New Yorka noticeof which the an- o'clock in the afternoon,for a grant,In perpetui- , , ty to us,the said Orin T. Goldsmith and Jere- miah G.Tuthill,by the said Town for the pur- poses of commerce,of all that certain piece or Parcel of land under wa'er and below high water maik belonging to the said Town of Southold,in front of said upland,and bounded as follows, to Wit: Beginning at a point on the line of high water mark as the said line of high water mark exists at the present time, said point of begin- 100, Ding Ding being the northwesterly corner of the land to be appited for and dis*ant from the easterlyJ side of First St.on aline rectangular thereto, D�?" / one hundred and twenty-seven and three- tenths feet,and running thence south eighty- live degrees, east five hundred feet, thence 1 south four and one-half degrees, east one hun- dred and twenty-one feet, thence north eighty- five `NvsR— degrees,west five hundred feet to the said line of high water mark,thence along said line ° north four and one-half degrees,west one hun- died and twenty-one fret to the point of began- Ding, and containing one acre and three huof dyed and all of th a othousandths (383-he t e an acre,all of the above courses beano the true maguetic courses of said boundary lines. The soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exter- ior line of said piece of land beginning at the not thwesterly corner thereof and going thence around said piece, are as follows: First, four feet, second, four feet ten Inches; third, five feet;f-tr,th,six feet; fifth, seven feet four in- be at least twenty-eight days before the date of application. ches;slxtb,ten feel; seventh, eleven feet four inches; eighth, eleven feet six inches, ninth, eleven feet ten Inches; tenth, eleventh and twelfth twelve feet eight inches; thirteenth, twelve feet three Inches; fourteenth, eleven feet eight inches, fifteenth, eleven feet five inches; sixteenth, ten feet eight inches; seventeenth, eight feet eight Inches;eighteenth,six fret eight inches;ninetteoth, five feet six Inches; twen- tieth,four feet eleven Inches; twenty-first, four feet five inches,and twenty-second,one foot and nine inches,said soundings being taken at high water mark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounded as follows: North- erly by land of George Bing,easterly(partly) by Peconic Bay or New Suffolk Harbor and partly by dock property of the undersigned applicants, southerly by Main Street,then westerly and then again southerly by land of Louise Tuthill and then again westerly by First Street. Dated,20th September, 1897. ORIN T. GOLDSMITH, JEREMIAH G. TUTHILL, Applicants.} ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney, Southold, N.Y. o I 'I AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANT. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, Il Ss. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J /�� J . . . . . .. . .Z. . . .. . . ... . . . . ..... . of the . Application for Grant of Land in the County Of.. . . ... . . :---,�_-. . . . Under Water ;¢yL being duly sworn, s� (J 1�TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that we, the �j lr undersigned, Orin T. Goldsmith, of Cut- 1st, That. .he.�. chogue,in the Town of Southold,County of Suf- folk,and Stateof New York, and Jeremiah G. Tuthill,of New Suffolk.In the said town,owners the person4,named in the annexed printed notice, in fee and occupants of the upland adjoining the land below high water mark of Peconle Bay or of those waters generally known as the hat- as the applicantdfor a grant of the land under bor of New Suffolk,at the satd New Suffolk, as hereinafter described• will make application to i the Boat rl of Trustees of said Town, at the office water, therein particularly described. rf George 11 Cleaves,Clerk of said Board,in the village of Grernpoi t in said Town,on Saturday, the twenty-third day of October, 1697, at one 2d. That the said land is situated in the 'Town o'clock In the afternoon.for a grans in perpetui- ty to us,the said 01 In T Goldsmith and Jere- Of SoutholdIn the County of Suffolk, and In the nitah G.Tuthill,by the Bald Town for the pur- i poles of commerce,of all that certain piece or ,.. `,,q .`/� pat cel of land under wa'er and below high water State Of New York, and is. .4 r".` :. :. mask belorgmg to the said Town of Southold,in front of said upland,and bounded as follows, to wit- Beginniog at a point on the line of high within the corporate limits of an incorporated vil- nater mark as the said line of high water mark extats at the present time, said point of begin- nmg being the not thwesterly corner of the land lage, of city,viz. : ^ to be app ted for and dis'ant from the easterly ��'';; side of First St.on a line rectangular thereto, 3dThilt.L.lie. . . cine hnndted and .twenty-seven and three- ' tenths feet,and tanning thence south eighty- five degrees, east five hundred feet, thence owneTZn fee of the adjoining upland deseiibed in south tout and one half degrees, east one hun- dred and twenty-one feet, thence north eignty- fivedegrees,west eve hundred feet to the said said annexed notice, and. . . . . . . .in 1 ne of blgh water mark,thence along said Ilne north four and one-half degrees•west one bull- ell ed and twenty-one f,et to the point of begin- the actual occupation thereof. n ng, and containing one acre and three hun- dred and eighty-thr-a thousandths (383.1,000) of an acre all of the above ct utses being the true 4th. That the matters of fact set forth in said maguetle courses of said boundary lines. The sou-tdings once In fifty feet on the whole exter- ior annexed notice are true to the best of the 1CD0\vl- t line of Bald piece of land beginning at the not thwesterly corner thereof and going thence around said piece, are as follows First, four edge and belief'of deponent. feet, second, four feet ten Inches, third• five feet, 1.n,tb,six feet, fifth, seven feet four in- ches,slxtb,ten fee', seventh, eleven feet four at Inches; eighth, eleven feet six inches, ninth, eleven feet ten Inches; tenth, eleventh and twelfth twelve feet eight Inches, thirteenth, jacen to the lands hereby applied for w7�ss`ess ed twelve feet three inches,fourteenth, eleven feet eighlAnches; fifteenth, eleven feet five inches, sixteenth, ten feet eight inches, seventeenth, i at the sum of... . . .. . . . eight feet eight Inches, eighteenth,six feet eight laches,ninet,euth, live feet six inches, twen- tieth,foul feet eleven inches, twenty-first, four a feet 0 ve Inches,and twenty-second,one foot and nine inches,said soundings being taken at high sal own in which said uplands are situated, and water mark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounded as follows. North- erly by land of George King,easterly(partly) by Id uplands are of the area of .. . ... . . . . . . . . . Peconle Bay or New Suffolk Harbor and partly I y dock property of the undersigned applicants, i southerly by Main atreet,then westerly and then again Boutherly by land of Louise Tuthill and r illy, Dated,20th September, 1897. ^6th. hat %.- . then again westerly by Fhst Street. .. . . .intend .r .. , —. ORIN T. GOLDSMITH, IApplicants. JEREMIAH G. TUTHILL, forthwith to appropriate the land applied fol- to ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney, Southold, N.Y. the purposes of commerce, by erecting thereon a clock or docks. n app lei or is nece r and proper, an han is peces or the - -- ose of the beneficial enjoyluellt of'the said -ad-:- Joining ad=joining uplands, for the following reasons 1. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . .... . . . ..... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... . . . ... . .. . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 2. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . ., . . . ... . .. " . . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . ... . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . 0 r I Savor❑ to brfore me, this � clay of. . . . ..18 Gam"• I c4CZAL 'NOTF,.—In cases of applications for purposes of commerce,omit the 5tth and 7th naralrraphs; and in eases of' applica- tions for beneficial enjovinent, omit the 6th paragraph. a AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ON TOWN CLERK. STATE OF NJEW YORIpl 1 � COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 38. 1" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, -=-ter•�-� .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .�. . . .. . of the Town of Southold, in the C unty of Suffolk, Application-for•,Grant of Land Under Water' ',- — - – being duly sworn, says, that on the,. . . . . .. . NOT):CE_Js_HEREBY GIVEN, that we, the I nndersigne'n, OrIn`,i Golasmith--Of Cot- �— chogne,in the Town of Southold,County of Suf- day Of. .. folk,and State of New�York, and Jeremiah G. Tuthill,of New Suffolk,in the said town,owners i in fee and occupants of the upland adjoining the land below high water mark of Peconic Bay, he Wally se1'ved upon. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . or of those waters generally known as the has �_ bor of New Suffolk,at the said New Suffolk, as hereinafter described, will make application to the Board of Trustees of said Town,at the office !l.. . . .., 'ho, of George H.Cleaves,Clerk of said Board,in the village of Greenport in said Town,on Saturday: the twenty-third day of October, 189T, at one n'clock in the afternoon,for a grant in perpetul- was to him personally known to be the Town Cleik ty to us,the said Orin T. Goldsmith and Jere- miah G.Tutbill,by the said Town for the pur- poses of commerce,of all that certain piece or parcel of land under wa-er and below high water of the town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, mark belonginc to the Bald Town of Southold,in front of Bald upland,and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the line of high water mark as the said line of high water mark in the State of New York, a notice of which the exists at the present time, said-point of begin- ning being the.northwesterly corner of the land to be appited for and distant from the easterly annexed is a rioted co by handing the same.to side of First St.on aline rectangular thereto, p pyo one hundred and twenty-seven and three- tenths feet,and running thence south eighty- five degrees, east live hundred feet, thence and leaving It with him. south four and one-half degrees, east one hun- dred and twenty-one feet, thence north eighty- five degrees,west five hundred feet to the said line of high water mark,thence along said line north four and one-half degrees,west one hun- dred and twenty-one fret to the point of begin- nin,,, and containing one acre-and-three hun- dred and eighty-three thousandths (383-1,000) of an acre.all of the_ahove-courses being the true magnetic courses of said boundary lines. The Soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exter- '��,.- for line of saidpiece of land beginning at the �- I northwesterly corner thereof and going thence II around said piece, are as follows: First, four feet, second, four feet ten inches; third, five feet;f.in th,six feet; fifth, seven feet four in- ches;sixth,ten feet;-seventh, eleven feet four { inches, eighth, eleven feet-six inches; ninth, eleven feet ten Inches; tenth, eleventh and twelfth •twelve feet eight inches, thirteenth, twelve feet three inches,fourteenth, eleven feet eight.Inches; fifteenth, eleven feet five inches; Sixteenth, ten feet eight inches; seventeenth, eight feet eight Inches; eighteenth;six fret eight Inches,nineteenth, five feet six inches, twen- tieth,four feet eleven inches; twenty-first, four feet five inches,and twenty-second,one foot and nine Inches,said soundings being taken at high watermark. The upland adjoining the land to ! be so applied for is bounded as follows: North- erly by land of,George Icing,easterly(partly) by Peconic Bay or,New Suffolk Harbor and partly by dock property of the undersigned applicants, southerly by'Main Street,then westerly and then again southerly by laud of Louise Tuthill and 6 then again westerly by First Street. Dated,20th September, 1897. {. ORIN T. GOLDSMITH, Applicants. JEREMIAH G. TUTHILL, j ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney, Southold, N.Y. SPA l AFFIDAVIT OF TWENTY YEARS POSSESSION, ETC. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . ... . . U . . . . . . . . . . of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, Application for Grant of Land _ in the State of New York, being duly sworn, says: Under Water NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that we, the 1. That he is ell acquainted with the lands of nntiersigne,t, Orin Gof Cut- , chogue,in the Town of Southold, County y of Suf— folk,and State of New York, and Jeremiah G. �� . . . Tuthill,of New Suffolk,In the said town,owners to fie and occupants of the upland adjoining the land below high water mark of Peconic Bay, . . . . . . . . . .. s . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . or of[Loe waters generally known as the har- bor of New Suffolk,at the satd New Suffolk, as hereinafter described, will make application to Jdescribed in the annexed printed notice, and has the Beat rl of Trustees of said Town, at the office of George 11.Cleaves,Clerk of said Board,in the village of Grefnpmt in said Town,on Saturday, been SO for more than twenty years last past. the twenty-third day of October, 1597, at one o'clocy fn the afternoon,for a grant in perpetui- ty to us,the said Orin T. Goldsmith and Jere- 2. That 1 he Uplands have been more than mlall G.Tuthill,by the said Town, for the pur- poses of commerce,of all that certain piece or parcel of land under wa erand below high water tweet last past 1❑ the OSS0SS10n of said mark belorginrr to the said Town of Southold,In y years p p front of said npland,and bounded as follows, to ° wit Beginning at a point on the line of high water mat k as the said line of high water mark • • •• • • • •• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • — exi%at the present time, said point of begin- nmg bt.ing the northwesterly corner of tL•e landr to be appded for and dls-ant from the easterly side of First St,on a line cectangnlar thereto, one hundred and twenty-seven and three- tenths feet,and cunning thence south eighty- • •• • • • • • • • • five degrees, east five hundred feet, thence _ south four and one-half degrees, east one hun- dred and twenty-one feet, thence north elghty- and those undeI' and through whollithe now 1101V five degrees,west five hundred feet to the said / f 1 ne of high water mark,thence along said line north four and one-half degrees,west one bun- and claims, and that such possession during the time died and twenty-one f,et to the point of begin- ; nmtr, and containing one acre and three hun- dred and eightf-thn a thousandths (3S3-1,000) of aforesaid was acc,,mpanied by a claim of title and an actall of the above orurses being the true `�- maguetic courses of said boundary lines. The soundings once to fifty feet on the whole exter- ownership by and on the part of the Said...V- ior line of said piece of land beginning at the not thwesterly corner thereof and going thence around said piece, are as follows First, four dA fret, second, four feet ten Inches; third, five ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' feet; f if,th,six feet, fifth, seven feet four in- ches;sixth,ten fee; seventh, eleven feet four . . . . Inches, eighth, eleven feet six Inches, ninth, eleven feet ten filches, tenth, eleventh and twelfth twelve feet eight Inches; thirteenth, twelve feet three inchts, fourteenth, eleven feet and those under and through whom he now claims eight inches; fifteenth, eleven feet five inches, sixteenth, ten feet eight Inches, seventeenth, eight feet eight Inches; eighteenth,six fret eight title t0 said premises, and such posseSsloI1 and inches;nlnet-eath, five feet six inches, twen- tfeth,lour feet eleven inches, twenty-first, foul' feet five Inches,and twenty-second,one foot and claim of title were accmnpanied by the following nine Inches,said soundings being taken at high water mark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounded as follows North- acts Of ownership and Use, viz erly by land of George Bing,easterly(partly) by Peconic Bay or New Suffolk Harbor and partly I y(look property of tite undersigned applicants, southerly by Main,treet,then westerly and then againsoutheilyby land of Louise Tuthill and then again westerly by First Street. , • • • • ,• • Dated,20th September, 1597. _ ORIN T. GOLDSMITIi, JEREMIAH G. TUTHILL, Appllcante. ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney, �— Southold, N.Y. :. : :::: ::: :: : :: :: :. : : : . . . : : : : : : . : : :: . . . : . .. . . .. . . .. . . :. . . . . . ... . . . . . :: : . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...1 . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. And deponent further says that he has no interest in said premises, or in this application, or in the result thereof'. Sworn to before me, this. .02�.!f 0 day of... . ( •� -�,, %Z� • r � AFFIDAVIT OF SURVEYOR. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Application for Grant of Land of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, being Under Water duly sworn, says, that he is a practical surveyor. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEM. that we, the undersigned, Orin T. Goldsmith, of Cut- That he made the maps accompanying in the )a- ehogue,in the Town of Southold,County of Suf- 1 1 y g 1 ' folk,and State of New York, and Jeremiah G. " Tuthill,of New Suffolk,In the said town,owners ers in the matter o 'thea li tion of . . . . . . . . in f,a and occupants of the upland adjoining la*cp pp the land below high water mark of Peconlc Bay, or of hose waters generally known as the har- �����j(� bot of New Suffolk,at the said New Suffolk, as .•. . .. . ?!"!y"IOr a grant of land hereinafter descilbed, will make application to the Boat r]of Trustees of said Town, at the office of George It,Cleaves,Clerk of said Board,in the under water marked respectively `tA" "B," village of Greenport in Said Town,on Saturday, the twenty-third day of October, 1897, at one o'clock In the afternoon,for a grant,in perpetul- and signed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tv to us,the said Orin T. Goldsmith and Jere- nitah G.Tuthill,by r he sabi Town for the pur- pones of commerce,of all that certain piece or that the said maps are accurate and cont- n cor- parcel of laud under wa-er and below high water matk belorgin¢to the said Town of Southold,in front of Said upland,and bounded as follows, to rect description and plan of t lands ander water wit: Iteuiunleg at a point on the line of high water mark as the said line of high water mark n J exi is at the present time, said point of begin- L(i(� emir being the northwesterly corner of the lana a p lied for b to be appded for and dts'ant from the easterly side of First St.on a line rectangular thereto, one hundred and twenty-seven and three- • ' • ' • ' tenths feet,and running thence south eighty- five degrees, east live hundred feet, -thence south four and ane-half degrees, east one hun- and also of the adjoining lands of said applicant. dred and twenty-one feet, thence north eighty- fivedegrees,west five hundred feet to the Said 1 Be of high water mark,thence along said line That the annexed printed notice contains a cor- north four and one-half degrees,west one hun- di ed and twenty-one f,et to the point of begin- 11111g, and containing one acre and three ban- sect description, (in accordance with said inaps) of died and e, ghty-thr.a thousandths (383-1,000) o1 an act e.all of the above cr m ses being the true magueticcoursea of said boundary lines. The said lands tinder water, the exact arutses and dis- Suundings once In fifty feet on the whole exter- ior line of said piece of land beginning at the notthwesteily corner thereof and going thence tances being given therein in words of filll length.` around said piece, are as follows. First, four feet, second, four feet ten Inches; third, five feet; f n-tb,six feet; fifth, seven feet four in- That one of Said maps, marked "A," shows eheS,sixth,ten fee-; seventh, eleven feet four Inches, eighth, eleven feet six inches, ninth, eleven feet ten Inches; tenth, eleventh and further the soundings once in fifty feet oil the un- twelfth twelve feet eight inches; thirteenth, twelve feet three inches, four tuenth, eleven feet eight Inches; fifteenth, eleven feet five inches, tire exterior line of said lands under wetter, and the sixt-eeth, ten feet eight inches; seventeenth, eight feet eight inches;eighteenth,six f,set eight tlieheieth.t ur a et e e flue feet six inches, toren- articular course of the shore line of ' tie[h,lour feet eleven inches; twenty-first, four 1) feet five inches,and twenty-second,one foot and nine inches,Bald soundings being taken at high , at fife )UIIltB whel e water mark. The upland adjoining the land to . • • 1 be So applied for Is bounded as follows: North- erly by land of George Bing,easterly(partly) by Peconlc Bap or New Suffolk Harbor and partly _ said lands under ater are situated, together with hp dock property of the undersigned applicants, southerly hen again Southerly by Alain�land t'of eLouiseeTn hll and rani the lands of the adjoining owners on either side, then again westerly by First Street. Dated,20th September, 1897. ORIN T. GOLDSMITH, Applicants. and all docks, bulk-heads and other impro.rernent� � JEREMIAH G. TUTHILL, } ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney, thereon. Southold, N.Y. That the other of said maps, marked "B," shows the general course of said I• . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . :. for a distance of one-half mile in each direction from ' the said lands under water Sworn to before me, this. Z a3. . .. day of.. . . . .. .x..181 0 r - t_ • ' J r •� ,a ;Cllr i IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF sir _ a TO THE Trusteesof the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y.1; 1 FOR A s GRAFT OF LAND UNDER W ATERrCKG Dated 2�07 Attorney for Applicant. _ 1 3 1 y` i r � e _ 2 1 , - I i s 1 ' _ 1 s Y., I 1 i i Jtook }9,itl v ti k I f 1 it i r 4j F b f VP TOW ri Yctvt1 to Mat cbarc1:�,IFZt3 atrick I I rt Mc�q �ticl'�c - T11 ` ra .SL,-eel �d r P7 o eo --------------- th vk i °fie• .; � _ - � .---.�� 1` ¢ c 1� d =51 C( .�n N Y, c a r ; SLCL 1 1 l't Ct•�111 5 F 1•a ouLcil 5 � '� � j,�l i r � � fi r v E ;yz . u t 97 s t , 3 t u. ne, .s i yF; ir -� Y h1% S1. ! f: a • ��_ ffAW we ' 'fie:'';��•.r.���.,� �'•` • , � _ 0 , �. �. C C` el - .�. ' � �.. A7 0000000 r two ;. I - 1 s 6D --------------- a e � • ' '