HomeMy WebLinkAboutTerry, John & Catherine Wells �T CTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN.-That we,the IN undersigned,John L Terry and Catha- rine Jl. Wells,each or the village of Green- nort,in the'1'own of Southold.County of Suf- folli, and ,tate of New - Yom, owners intee and occupants of the upland ad- joming the laird below hlghwater mark of Peconio Bay, or, of tlno,e waters gen- erally Known as the Harbor of Green- port,atthe said village, as hereinafter de- • scelbed,will snake application to the Boar d of Ti u,tees of sit d I own at the oftice of George H.Cleaves Clerk of SAN Board, in said Val- lage,on,atui day,the 22d day of September, 1894,at 12 30 o'clock,nn the rater noun, for a grant nn perpetutty to us, the said John L. Ter ryand Cath,utile Al. Wella, by the Town for the purposes ul commeiee of ALL that ceitam pieceoi parcel of land under water and below highwaiet tnar'li.belonging to tine Town of Southold, in front of said upland, audbounded as follows, to wit. Beginning at it point on the lune of high water mask as the stud line of highwater mink-xlats at fit(- pie hepie eat tune,crud point of Le_imning being IIle nosthwe-telly cornet of the land to be applied lar and front which potat the main tower of the Hanhanset House on Shelter Island bears south fort) eight and one-half dt gi ees East and t till the»Le ou a course Much six degree, Ea,t dare brindled and liitty feet, thence north enghtJ-num degrees Ea,t fifty five sect,thence North six degrees Went one hundred and twenty five feet, thence North eighty-tour degrees East trsty neet,thence North one degi,a %Vest one bun- died and fifty feet,to tine said line of high water mark, thence along ,aid line north sixty three and one-halt degrees West one hundred and lofty six feet and six inches to the puintol beginning, and containinur six bnndr-d:mdtoity nuaethousandth-(649-1000) of an acre Allot the above COUI',ey being the tine magnetise couiaes of said boundary Gni s. The ,omidings once in fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said p,ece of land begnonagntilneti,otthw,•ste,l% coiner there- on and going thence around Said piece,as a as follows' First, four feet; second. six feet; third,seven teet, tonrth, eight sect six inch- es, filth,nine feet six incise-,sixth,ten feet; seventh and eighth, eleven sect, ninth, ten feet; tench,mule feet six niche,, eleventh, nine feet,tw,-Itth,eightieet six inches.this- teenth,sevenfeetsix inches and fourteenth foul teet—scud sotnndiug+ being taken at hnghwater i nark The upland adjoining the land to he so applied for Is bounded as tol- lows. Westerly by land[pa,t1i of the estate of E n,ha b Champion,dec•ased, and partly by Ju nd of L. Jlerzbnch,then Northerly by the seveurl lands of Jnr, Ectenben_er, Jacob Dietz (;eorge Wittig, ('hat le,W-Hartley, N1. - Appelt and the est.tte of Anton lit anc•het,de- ceased, then P.:tsteriv and then again North erh hN the land of Janie, Wickham and otb ens; then Ea-terlybyMain slneet,then,outb- es IN by ltuid of William U Corey. then Eaat- erlj bgthe,eteral lauds of Saud vorey nod Satan& Hedge,, then Southerly and then atrain Ea-terly by band of(he E,tate of Peter DeGriet, decea-ed, and then southerly by Peconic B n or(;reenpoit Harbor. Dated,16th Au,,1894 JOHN L '1'Eimy, 1 A licants. (ArIIAaINE VL WELLS,( pp ALBERTSON CASE,Attorney, Southold,N.Y. � 1 / lcleej_,Zel� 1-2- 12- 4 ` Nails. Is HEREBY G1PEN.—That we,the j� undeit ILI rsigned,JuUn L Tet•[y and Caths- rine\l. Wella,each of the village of Green- umt,in the 12,11D oY Southold,County of Suf- `6 _ -` folic, slid nt:tte of New YOM,p owners ' In Yee and occupants of the upland it the land below h[gbwater mark I of Peconte liay, or of those waters gen- really hnou-u as the Harbor of Green- port,at the said village, as hereinafter de- scribe+),will mike appLratttui to the Board of T+u,tees of sa,d I own at the otilce of GvOrg0 H.Uleaves.Clerk of said lioard,in said Vil- I ]age,on Saturday,the 22d day of September, 1894,at 12.30 o'clrcic,in the xtternoou, 101• a g+ant to perpetuityto us, the said John L. Tei re and Catharine M.-Wells, by the Town for the purposes of commerce of ALL that J and below piece h parcel of land under wsscer and below highwaiei mark,belon;•i, to the /T Town of Sonthold, in front of said upland, 1 I and bounded as fellows, gi wit liegu+nms sst a point oil the]me of Uigh water wxi k as !� the Bald line of hlghwater mark`xtsts at the pre ent time, itid point of be_lnning being - the northwe.terly collier of the land to be applied for and troo[ which polut the nDlin (\ tower of the illauhauset House (,it Shelter Island bears South forty-eight and one-ba'f 1 �I degrees East and runnrtlg thence On It course bouth six degiee� East tln•ee hundred and fitly feet, thence north eighty-lour degrees - - � E;tatfifc)• five feet,theuceNorth six degrees " West one hundred and twenty five feet, thence North eight)-four degrees East tilty feet,thence North one degas a )Vest one hua- 1 died and fifty feet,to the said ]Die of high water mill Ic, thence along trod line north — sixty three and one-halt degrees West one hundred and tegmnix feet dud six inches to the point of begy oIlie :uttl ndtatnntg six hnndred+mdYorty uiuethousxndth,(049-111u0) of an acre Ail of the atlove cour,es being ' - the ti ue magnetic courses of said boundary lints. The soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land beglii,grgitttile Noitbw,-steth cor),ertbere- ot and going thence around said piece,at a as tollows L'n•,t, tutu• tett; second. six feet; --- -- - -- -- - - -- - ---• -- ---- --- �- thud,seven Yefourth, eight feet six inch- ' es; fifth,nine feet six limes.•sixth, 111 tees; IA'vr 1/vim_. sev�ntU and eighth, eleven feet; 111111 1. ten — feet; tench,nine feet six niche+; eleventill _ Dille feet; tweiftb,eightleet six]uelles:tbir- teenth,seven feet six inches and fourteenth four tees—sald soundings being taken at highwater m+u•k Tlie upland adjoonng the ,and to he so applied for k bounded as fol- lows: Westerl% by land 1pa•th of the estate of E isha S Champion,dee,ased, and partly /1 by land of 1. Metzbaeb,then Northerly by the seveval lands of y1r� Ettenber_er, Jacob i Diet,(4eor;,fe WfI t'ha1•les W. Hartley, M. 1 tAplielt and the estate of Anton&t atiteb"r,de- crlN i)y then h sof Jti and then again Nrrfh -ere by the Lind of Jxme. WickUiun Dud otn- ers; illenEa.t[vlyby\lainsn•eet,then�ontli etl,N byLui�f of William U. Corey. then East- -lands of said Cr oey and j - - S:, uel Hedges,-t'hen Sonthe+ly and thea m aaut Ew�terly bs land of file Estate of Petera--minDelUfiet, decea,ed, and then Eoutherly•`by ` 1 Pe.ouic B iv oi,hreenport Harbor. i Dated,IOth , ' JoxN'L'L 'I'muE1<iq, I Applicants. • `'' -� f ATBARINE\l.WELLS,{ pp - - - - - ALBEBTSON CAsts,Att0rnOy, Southold,N.Y. A` AA.. ------ --- - -- - - - - G ,, r n AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICES ON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. STATE OF NEW YORK,I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 83. : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . HEREBY GIVEN.—That we,the igned,John L Terry and Oatha- s.each of the village of Green- of the Town Of Southold, in the County Of Suffolk, Town of Southold,County of Suf- utate of New Yors, owners occupants of the upland ad- being duly sworn, says: land below highwater mark �'ot ltuy, or of tho-e waterslienrally known as the Harbor of Green- ). That Onthe. .2 dadOfport,at the said village, a� beteinafter described,will make application to the Board Ti u,tees of sit d Ibwn at the otflee of George Il.Cleaves Clerk of said Bard, in sand Vil- 18 he securely posted and put up and left lase,on Saturday,the 22d day of September, 7594,at 12.30 o'clock,in the after 110011, 10r a ' grunt in perpetuity to us, the said John L. u)011 the Outer door of the Town Cler'k's office of Tea ry and Catharine M. Wells, by the Town for the purposes of commeree Of ALL thitt certarta piece or parcel of land under water the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in land below highwa,ei mark,belonging to the 'Town of Southold, tit trots of sa'd upland, laud bounded as hallows, to wlt.Heghlnung the State of New York, a notice, of which the gn- at it point on the lane of high was r utas Ic as - the staid line or highwate1.mark,xlsts at the pre cot time,maid point of Legiuuing being nexed is a printed copy. IIIenoithwe�terly cornet of the laud to be applied lot,and trout which polar 11" M1 he moon - tower of the .1lanha iset Honee 011 Shelter Island bear,South forty-eight and one-littI dt-gi ees East and r•ntining thence on a conr,,e houth six degteen East thaee hundred and fifty feet, thence north eighty-loci degrees Ea,t fifty five Leet;ihence North six degrees West oile hundred and twenty five feet, , thence North etght�-tour degrees-East rilty feet,thence North one degr,e West one hun- dred and fifty feet,to the said lane of high water mark, thence itlong maid line notth sixty three and one-halt degrees West one hundred and rorty-sax teet grid six inches to the point of beginning, •ut(I containing, six: hunched and torty eine thousandth-(949-1000) of tut acre/All of thabe u e oveor�es being the true luetic courses of said boundary lints. The�ouw1nigq once in fifty fret on the whole exterior lane of said piece of land begin-ring at the Aoi thwt stet IN cornel there- of and going thence around s,6d piece,are its follows, Mfa,t, tour feet; second, six feet; third,seven feet; tonrth, eight leet six inch- -- _ es;,pith,nine feet six ruche,,sixth,ten feet; seventh and eighth, eleven feet; unnh, ton feet; tenth,nme, tees six tnebe eleventh, tice must be at least twenty-eight days before the dato of application. nine feet; tweltth,eightfeet six itches:thio- teenth,set en teet six inches and hxn teenth four teet—said souudiugs being taken at highwater marl: The upland adjonnug the hand to he so applied tot, i-i bounded as fol- lows: WesterlN by land 1pa,UN of the estate' of E.aclra S Champion,deceased, and partly by land of L Metzbach,then Northelly by the several lands of 51r, Ettenberger, Jacob Dietz.George Wang, charle,W Hartley, M. Appelt and the estate of Anton Iia une•her,de- celised, then 1,,;tsterh•and then again North erty b1 the land of James Wickhtun stud oth- ers; thuuLa terlyby6lannsnel•t,then�onth- erly by bard of William u. Corey, then East- - erly Ly the several lands or said lorry and &1m11el Hedge, then Southerly and then again Ea terly by land of the E+tate of Peter DeGriet, decea-ed, and then Southerly by Pecoutc B ry or Greenport Harbor. Dated,lfitb Ang,iS94 - JOHN L TEaity, i Applicants. A t'ATHAaINE M.WELLS,{ pp LBERTSON OAST,Attorney, Southold,N.Y. \� C r r AFFIDAVIT OF SURVEYOR. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. TOWN OF SOIITHOLD,- �T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.—That we,the _ undersigned,John LTerry and Catlta- ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. . . . . ••. . . . . .. . •. . . . . . . rine NI. Wells each of the village of Green- port,to the'1'own of Southold,County of suf- of the Town of Southold Count Of Suffolk bele Yolk, and estate of New Yori:, owners y g in tee and occupants of the upland ad- otPe; the land below o,e aterte marls dui sworn says, that he is a practical surveyor. of Yeconic Bay, or of tho,e waters gen- 3' , y , erally known as the Harbor of Green- port,at tate said village,,as hereinafter de- That he made the 'lno he sm Tied,will make application to the Board e ma pS accompanying b - of Ti u�tees of sit I'owu,ar•at the ofiiceof Geoi go H.Cleaves Clerk of said Hoard, fit said Vil- lage,on Saturday,tine 22d day of September, ers in the matter of the application of. . . . 1894,at 12 30 Welock,to the atter noon, for a g-aiitin perpetuity,to its, the said John L. - Terry and Uathairnte hl. Wella, by the Town �` / for a gl'ant of land for the put poses of cotnmei ce of ALL that 111 ceitau,piece or parcel of land under water and below highwater mat k,belonging to the under water marked respectively "A" an i�B," Town of Southold, ni t,ont of -aid upland, and bounded as follows, to wit lieginnutg at a posit on the line of high water H,af k as ( and signed the said line of h,ghwatei mark-xtsts at the J pre ent time,,aid point of beinnning berm;; the nortliwe,terly cornet of the land to be that the said snaps are accurate and contain a cor- applied tui•and trom which polot the m.un tower of the Mauhanset House on Shelter Island bears South totty-right arid one-ha!f rect description and plan of th lands under ter degrees East and t nnnmg thence on a eouree l tiny tees, thence South sixhenncce northlh e, Etutee hundred and eighty-too, degrees as applied for by f/-�"«•(� . . . ... . . a. . Wetflfcy fire feet,rheuceN sex degrees A Went one hundred and twenty ty five feet, thence North eight%-tour degiees East fitty feet,thence North one degr,e %Vest one but . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . dred and htty feet,to the said line of high waterthence along .grid hue north sixty three one-half degrees West one and also of the adjoining lands of said applicant. `hundf ed and torty six feet and six inches to the point of beginning, and eet,t,,m,n_ vix i Inindredxndtorty uwethou6andth,(649-1000) That the annexed printed notice contains a cor- of an acre Allot the aUove counts being the s.uThe s eticmid courses tie said boner ry on rest description in accordance with said maps) (if' �i ]furs. The nound,nxv once in fifty feet on 1 � 1 the whole exterior live of said piece of land beguirong at the Aoi thweste,h comet there- of and going thence aioundsaid piece,ateas said lands under water, the exact courses and dis- follows• Mir+t, tour feet; second. six feet; third,Seven feet, tourth, eight feet six inch- es; fifth,nine feet six inche,,sixth,tet, feet; tances being given therein in words of full length. seventh�hnd eighth, eleven leer, ninth, ten teen;-tench,nine• leet six wrnsix in eleventh, That one of Said maps, marked "A," shows iie feet, twelfth,eightieet six inches;thu- teenth,se%enteetsix inches and fourteenth four feet—said Soundings being taken at higbwatermaik The upland adjoining the further the soundings once in fifty feet on the en- land to be so applied for iS bounded as fol- lows. Weaterl\ by land 1paitl� of the estate of E tsua s,Champion,deceased, add partly tire exterior line of said lands under Water and the by land-of 1, Met zbach, Northerly by the severer l Indsof bl,, Ettenbereer, Jacob ' Dietz t;eorge�tTaag, 1'harlee w H: ley, M. partic ar course of the shore line of the Appelt ana the estate of Anton Iiranc•her,de- ceascd; then NJasterly and then again North C�A erl% by the land of Jatnes Wickham"fid orb, , , �. j.a`tthe )olnts where ls; the� astr1 etlybyhold of William u. Corev, then East- erly by the sevet al lands of said i;orey and ` said lands under water are situated together with Sgrnuel Hedgev, then Softtherly and theft b aLain Eagerly by land of ilio E+tate ot.Peter DeGriet, decea ed, and then Southerly,by rhe lands of the adjoining owners on either side, Pecouic B ry or hreenport Harbor. lg j Dated,10th Aug,1894 I OHNATH L NB M. , Applicants. and all docks bulk-heads and other improvements 1 A'rHAeINE M.WELLS,( 7 1 ALBERTSON CASE,Attoruol, I Southold,N.Y. ---- --- - ----- -- - — _l thereon. That the other of said r,4ps, marked "B," shows the general course o . . . ... . . . 'on both sides of said . . . . . . . .`"'tl.+ .for a distance of one-half mile in each direction from the said lands under water and also the width of said.. . . . Sworn to fore me, this. day of. f ' v IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TO THE �1 Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y., FOR A GRANT OF LAND UNDER WATER. V. 1 , Dated_ _2 _ 1814 I Atto ey for Applicant. Yur S� 0 AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANTS STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, �SS. : I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J �/ .. . . ... . . ... . . . . ..... . r ---- ,� OTiCE IS HEREBY G1YEN.—That we,flit . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .�. . .. . . . .. i undersigned,John L Terry and Catha• �Z ell. Wells each of the village of Green- t,to theTown of Southold,County of Suf- of the. .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .k, and otate of New Yol-K, owners nee and occupants of the upland ad- in the County of. . . ... . . irnning the land below highwater mark oI Peconnc filly, or of tho,e waters gen. erally known as the Harbor of Green- being duly sworn, says: porn,at the said village, a., hereinafter deZD - scribelwill snake application to the Boat of Trui,eesof sa d town at the otheeotGeorge 1st. That. lie l. .C..-!1. . . . ... . . ... . . . H.Cleaves Met of said Board, fit said V[I- 1894, t 230 rch)cthe ti day of September, the persongllamed In the annexed printed notice 1894,at 12' e'cluc•Ic,in the rttteinoon, fora , grant fn perpetuity to us, the said John L. Terry and Catharine M. Well,, by the Town as the applicant)for a errant of the land under for the put poses of comunetee of ALL Clint cettunn piece or parcel of land under water and below highwaiet mark,belonging to the water, therein particularly described. Town of Southold, in tnont of ,aid upland, and bounded as tallows, to wit Beginning at a point oil the line of high water niai k as 2d. That the said land is Situated in the Town the said line of highwater mark,xasts at the pre otntne,,rly point of bele land being of Southold in the County of Suffolk and in the the northwe,terly career nl' the laud to be , t applied lot and trom which point Life main tower of the Manhanset House on Shelter State of New York and is. .. . . Island beat torts-eight and oee-hatlf drgrees East and i tinning thence oil it cnur,e South six degree, Eat turee handled and witl]iIl the torpor e limits of an incorporated vil- filty Leet, thence north eighty-font degrees Ea,tfifcv five feet,t henceNorth six degrees We,t one handled and twenty five feet, lage, Or city,viz. : thene,North eight(-tour degfees East fifty(v Itett,thence Notch one dear,a est one hnn-- died and fifty feet,to the said line of high 3d. That. .he.� . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . water Mark, thence along said line notth sixty three and one-halt degrees west one hundred and forty-six feet and six inches to ownei fee of the adjoining upland descl'lh;d 11] the point of beginning, and containan_ six I�j� lrnndr• dandtm•ty untetliousondth,(649-1()110) said annexed notice, and,�M+�M\. !t ]n of an acre All of the above uteu',es being the ti ue magnetic courses of said boundary ]in,-s. The 'ounrlings once in fifty feet oil the actual occupation thereof. the whole exterior line of said piece of land begini,nig at the Aoithwrsterl\ c o•)ei there- of and going thence around said piece,ate as 4th. That the matters of fact set forth ill said follonns Fir,t, tow• feet, second. sax tees; third,seven feet; [earth, eight feet six orch- es, fifth,little feet sixinche,;sixth,ten feet; annexed notice are true to the best of the ltnowl- seventh and eighth, eleven feet, unith. ten feet; tenth,nue feet six inche,, eletenth, edge and belief'of deponent.4 nine feet, twelttb,eightieetsix inches: thtt- teenth,sctenteetsixinehes and fourteenth four feet—said somtdings being taken ,it t-r5th. That the uplands owned by applicant ad- hn-be•flier ui.uk The upland adjoining the hind to be so applied for i, bounded as tol. lows: westerin by land Ipat'tl\ of the eatate jacent to the lands hereby applied for were assessed Of E[sha S Chatnponn.dee,ase•d, and pal fly by land of 1. thea Norther]\ by at elle sum of. . the several landssofof 31rillr, EttrnUereer, Jacob I Dietz.Geoige Waag, Charle,W Hartley, 11. 1 Appelt and the estate of Anton Int itneher,de- dollars on the nest preceding assessment-roll of the l ceased; then Easterly and then again Norf h I el-IN b.N the Mail of Jame, Wickham and oth 'I ers, then Ea�tprlyby ll ani slreet, then East- then,ontli_ erlybylauidof William u. Coney, said Town in which said uplands are situated, and erly by the sen eral lauds of said ('orey and S,nmuel 1Iedges, then Sonthei Iv and then said uplands are of the area of .. . . ... .. . . ... . . . again Easterly by land of the E+tate of Peter DeGrtet, decea,ed, and then ?onthedl by Peconic B ry or Greenport Harbor. .. . ... . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... .. . . . Dated,16th Aug,1894 JonN L TEar.Y, l CATBAItINE\I.1y ELL6,S Applicants. `.`6th. That... . . . . .d-At•2nd .. . .. . . .. . . . L__�B..TsoN CASE,Att01'ile)', Southold,N.Y. I forthwith to appropriate the land applied for to 1 the purposes of commerce, by erecting thereon a dock or docks. Vt That the land applied for is necessary and proper, and n •e than is necessary for the purpose of the beneficial en,jo ent of the said ad- ,joining uplands, for the following asons: l 1. .. . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . ... . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...�. . . .: . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . :3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Sworn to before me, this. . . . day of. . . . f a - r *NOTH.—In cases of applications for purposes of coin mei ce,omit the 6th and 7th nnragraphs; and in en ses of applica- tions for beneficial enjoyment., omit the 6th para.graph. l 1 4 L AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ON TOWN CLERK. STATE OF NEW YORK,I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, �88.TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, II)e"Petulty TiCE i s HEREBY GIVEN.—That we,the � ' � � � � � � ' � ' � �� � � � ' � �'� � � ' • ' ' ''' ' ' ' undersigned,Juhn L Tet ry and Catha- yl. Wells.each oY the village of Green- , ,m the Town of Southold.County of Suf- of the Town of Southold, in the County, of Suffolk, , and �txte oY New Yors, owners �.� ee and occupants of the upland ad- ing the land below highwater mark being duly sworn, says, that on th . . .. . . . . . ecomc Bay', or of tlfo,.e waters gen- ly Itnown as the Harbor of t,at the said village, ao hereinafter de- .� �7 bed;.will,make application to the Board / da of. . rustees oY_ya�d I'owu at the otllce of George ' ' ' ' ' y '�' leaves'Clerlc-of said Hoard, to said Vit- ,on Saturday,the 22d day of September, ' ,at 12.30 o'ClOck,In the atternooii, fora he ersonally served upon. t in perpetuity to us, the said John L.y andCathaline Dl. Wells, by the Town the purposes ul COmI1lerCe of ALL that certau,piece or parcel of land under water - who and below higliw.uei marls,belonging to the Town of SnuthOld, in trout of said upland, and bounded as hillows, to wit' lieg)nnui� at a point Oil the line of high water niai k as Yas, tohim personally known to be the Town Clelk the said line of highwatei marls-xiSts at the pre ent Arne,_aid point of beginning being thenoithwe,terly coiner or the land to be Of the town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, applied for and trom which point the main tower Of the 1lanhallset House on Shelter Island bears South forty-eight and one-ha!f degrees East and running thence on a cOurse in the State of New York, a notice of which the South six degree, Eaet three hundred and fitty feet, thence north eighty-tour degrees Ea�tf1fty five reet,thence North Six degrees West „Ile hundred and twenty five feet, annexed is a printed copy, by handing the same to thenleeNorth eighty-tow• degrees East tatty feet,thence North one degr,e West one hnn- di ed and fitty feet,to the. said line of high water marand leavinls, thence along yard line north g it With him. sixtythree,and one-halt degrees West one hundred and torty-six feet and,s'x'inches to the pointor ntHinilla six bundredandmeiy ume'thou aand ndth-(049-1000) of till acre All of the aUove conies being the true inagnetle courses of said boundary lin,s. The soautlingv once in fifty feet on the whole exterior line Of said piece or land begni-,nngatthe Aorthwesteily col r,erthere- ot and going thence an ound stud piece,are as follows: @'u•qc, tutu' feet; second. six tees; third,seven feet, tourtli, eight Leet six inch- es; nith,nine Leet six nucha,;sixth,ten feet; - seventh and eighth, eleven tees; urnth, ten feet; tenth,nine feet six 'ache+; eleventh, n s nine feet,MIAMI erahtfeet six Inches;till)'- teenth,sen en feet six inches and Yoarteenth tour feet—said soundings being taken at highwater mark The upland adjoirnng the land to he so applied for iq hounded as fol- low;,: Westerly by land[partly of the estate i of E isha S Champion,deceased. and partly by land of 1, illeizbach,then Northerly by the several lards of Alrs Ettenberaer, Jacob Dietz.George Waag, char•leq W. Hartley, Al. Atli elt and the estate of Anton Iii stns her,de- ceased; then Easterly and then again Noah erly Uy the land of James Wickham and oth ers- then Eit-tt•rlybv iNlarusn•eet,then-south- er Iy by laud of William i). Corey. then East- erly by the several lands of quid Corey and s,muel Hedges, then Southerly and then asain Ea,terly by land of the E+tate of Peter DeGrief, decea-ed, and then Southerly by Feconic B,v or Greenport Harbor. Dated,I Ot h Aug,1394 JOHN L 'riaity, 1 Applicants. 4'ATHAnINE M.WELLS, ALBEBTSON CASE,Attorney6outhold,N.Y. )yf( 01) 1 1 . lr AFFIDAVIT OF TWENTY YEARS POSSESSION, ETC. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, A'�OTLCE IS HEREBY G1VE*7.—That we;,the� •• � •��, N undei sit tied,HEREBY L Terry and Cut1t>L-' vine NJ. wells each of the Village of Green- oft own of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, nor,,in the'1'Own of Southold:County of Suf- folk, and state of New YorK, owners in Yee and occupants of the upland ad- k in the State of New York, being duly sworn, says joining; the land below highwater mar Ot Peconlc Bay-or of th-e waters ,.en. Orally hnown as Lila Harbor of Green- port,attlle said village, a� hel'esllafter de- 1. That e i ell acquainted with the lands of sur Ibed,will make appllcatron to the Board otTru-teeIT.cleavesofsa Clerk Ofsaidtltoard, i e said V l� . . .a lase,un'SatuIda. the 22d day of September, 1894,at 12 30o, 0 o'clock, n In the afternoun, lora grant in perpetuity to s, the said John L. `. .. . . . . . . Telry and Catharine M. Wells, by the Town for the purposes of commerce of ALL chat certain piece or parcel of land under water described in the annexed printed notice, and has and below highwalel mark,belonging to'the Town'Ot Southold, In dont of raid upland, , add bounded as tallows, to wit* iiegu,ning been so for more than twenty years last past. tit a point on the line Ot high nater mark as the said line of hlghwater mark.xlsts at the pre ent time,,aid point of Gexinning being 2., That 1 he uplands have been more than I the northwe,ter9y appcorner of the laud to be lied for and trom which pulut the mien tower of the Nlaoilliollset Honse oil Shelter wen ears 1' st t n the possession of said Island beiirs South fol ty-eight and one-half y p p degrees East and running thence on a course ,,outh six degree, Ea�t•tlwee handled and . . . .. . . • - flity teet, thence north elg11ty-tool degrees 1 �' wa tdoriercv fihundred leetlence and Ntweot� five'n es We, thence North elghtl-tour degrees East titty feet,thence North one,degr,a %V est one 111'1 deed and hlty teet,to the said line of high water mark, thence along ,aid line north i 1 Sixty thi ee and one degrees West one tit llundiOd and forty-six feet and six inal>rea`to and those, under and through wholll(�he3 now 1101AL the point of beginning' and contarnn_ is ) r/ 11nndredandtolty unrethousandth�(849-1(100) (I kin acre All of the above cliur,es being and clad , and that such possession during the time the true magnetic courses of said boundary ]nes. The houodinw once in fitty teet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land beginanrgaLtlleAOlthwegteilt corner there- aforesaid was acc.,mpanied by a claim of title and of and going thence al ound said piece,at a as folloHs• Ell-it, tour teet; second. six tees; _ thud,seven Leet;tourth, eight feet six inch- wnerBhip by and OI]/lihe a t Of the said. es;fittli,nine teet six vu•he,•_ixth,ten teet; n seveth and eighth, eleven Leet; ninth,,ten teet; tenth,nine teet six mche,; eleventh, , niueteet; tweltth,eightieetsix Inches: thn•- hetsix inches and tom•teenth teenth,seven four feet—said souudnlgs being taken at _ . . . . . . . 11ig13waterm,ir1, The upland adjoiluug the laud to be so applied for iv bounded as fol- lows: westerlt by land Ipattlt of the estate and those under and through whoa h�now clailn}� of E isna S Cbampion,dec�,asvd, and partly by land Ot L. llelzbach,then Norchel ly by thesevelallan(Isothli., Ettenberaer, Jacob title to saidremises, and such possession and Dietz.George Wang, cliarle,W. Hartley, WL p Appelt and the estate of-Anton Iii anelier,de- ce,ised, then Easterly and then again North claim of title were raccompanied by the following- erg by the land of Janle� wickllant it ad oth 1� Ors; then Ea�terlyby Alan,sl r el•t,then'ou[h- erly by litud of William 1) Corey. then East- acts Of ownership aT�C],USO, viz erly by the several lands tit said l:orey and Samuel Hedges, then Sontherly and then again Ea,,terly by land of the E tuteilOe1.Peter DeGrlef, decea-ed, and.,t11en y by Peconic B Ic or Greenport'Harbor. Dated,10th Aug,1894 , JOHN UTBItay. I 1'ATHARINE M.WELLS,1 Applicants , ALBEBTSON CASE,Attol'lley, �"I�• Southold,N.Y. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... . . . . . t�. . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . I ... . .. . .. . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. And deponent further says that he has no interest in said premises, or in this application, or in the result thereof" Sworn to b fore me, this. . .... . . day of.. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � .. . ... . . . . ... . . . FOOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.—That we,the � unde1; led,John L '1`et•t•y and Cather- of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, rine Dl. Wells.each of the village of Green- nort,in the'1'own of Southold:County of Suf- tollt, and Mate of New Yors, owners being dill SWorII says: rin tee and occuprnrts of the upland ad- g yl joining the laud below Ilighwater marls of 1'econw liay, or of tlio,e waters ;ten- y� etally nle Il as the Harbor of Green- 1. That he�� the. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S/+J port,at the said village, a, hereinafter de- otie Board iTva teeslot scald application u at he otBcelofUeorge Fl.Cleaves Clerk of s.ud Koard,nn sald Vil- lage,on satui, v,the 22d day of September, 1894,at 12 80 o'clucl:,,n the atter noon, 101, a a news a lel minted and ublished in the Town of grant m perpetuity to us, the said John L. 1� 1 1 p Terry and Catherine N. Wella, by the Town for the put poses of conttnet•ce of ALL that Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in the State of `certain piece or pt.cel of land under Witter and Uelow bi;;hwiueI mark,below trig to the Town boundedlt yl i1,lioW a;o to wit. Beginning New York. at It point on the line of high n ater tnai li;us thesaid line pre ent t,tne,ota,dgpoint otnbmcin rnngabeing q That a notice, of which the annexed is a tltellol.tltwe,te,ly comer of the laud to be applied for and tt•ortl which point the main tower of the ylanhailse-t 11011,0 oil shatter printed copy, has been published in said newspaper Island bearb South forty-eight and one-ha-f de,,t ees East and rnnurrrg thence oil it course .4outlt ,tx degree, Ea,t three hund,ed and for foul weeks successively, commencing on the fifty feet, thence nurtli eNoith six degrees �^ Eu,t fifcv five icer,r hence Not th six deli res � Writ one hundred and twenty live teet, day of'. .. . thence North elghcl-tour degrees East lnity • • • • • • • • • • . . feet,thence North one degi,a West one hnu- dred cud kitty feet,to the said line of high 1S water mark, thence along said line north . . . . . . . . . . . . . sixtythree and one degrees West one hundred and tortysix teet and six Inches to „ the point of begin nuig, •old contentnig ,Ix / \ bundred and tot Ly nine[housandth�(049-1000) of an acre All of the ILUovt courses being the true magnetise cou,ses of said boundary i 11nes. The,ouodilr— once ,n fifty teet on the whole exterior•line of said piece of land be;.%ttonligInttheAoitl)W'steil\ carnal there- of and„,oin; thence aroundsaidpie ye,ate feet; tollott,• Fil"t, foul• tett; , third,seven teat; toutth, eight Leet six nich- es; tlith,little feet six inc•he-;sixth,tell test; seventh and(3ighth, ele),en Leet; ninth• ten feet; tench,nitre fret six rnehe+; eleventh, nine teen; twelfth,e,ghtteet six,aches:tbir- teenth,seven teetsix niches and tourteeutil foul teet—said 901I11d1ngs Ueiug taken at tingirwatermark (Tile upland adjoining the land to be so applied for iy bounded as tol- low,: Westerly by hand 1pit'th of the estate of E i$ha S ChHinptou•dec,nsed, and partly by hold ot1, Dlelzbach,rheo NottbeilV by the several htndsot Dir, Ettenber_er, Jacob Dietz.George Waag, t•harle,W Hartley, Dl. Appelt and the esaue of Anton lir itnc•her,de- ceased; then Ea,rerly and then main North aid notice must be at least tw enty-eight clays before the elate of appllcatioB. erh IIv the hand lit Jalne� Wickham and 0th cis; then Ea-terlvbyDiIII n s •eet,then-�onth- etly by Land of William U Corel', then East- erly by-the sere,al hl"Js o, said covey and Samuel Hedges, then S011ther•Iv :incl then agaln Ea,terlo by land of the E+tate of Peter , DeG,•nef, decea-ed, and then Southeily by Pecou,c 13,y ot,1,lreenport Harbor. Dated,16th Ali,-,,1894 JOIIN L ' um,Y, I Applicants. t AT11AaINE M.WELLS,i ALBERTSON CASE,Attorue",outhold,N.Y. 1 1 t AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ON PRESIDENT OR CLERK, ETC. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFTj OD,,, }SS.•: j N ��f TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J JTICE Is HEREBY'GI7" aat we,the undersigned,John nd Catha-rineyl. Wells.each of thof Green- uort,m the'I'olv1,of Soutl, of Suf- fol It and state oY N , ownersin tee and Occupants land ad- otinYeconic Buy l01' Oark fbelovters m en- of Pe nie B as the Iiai otof Green- of the Town of Southold, in the County of Sllf porn,tit the said villi lecat oni tot the Board scribed,will Maize aer de- pp folk, aforesaid, being duly sworn, says that On the sc i u-Lees of I d I own at the office of Georl;0 fl.CleaveS Clei•k of Saud Boat d,tit said V Vil- lage,ou saturday,the 2:d day of September, I ^ n gl,a,at.12 ero'clock,in the ae said tot' a D/i ' (laV Cf, . . . ... grant in perpetuity to its. the said John L. . . . . . . . . . � i . . . Teo ry undO."llaritle M. Wella, by the Town ) for the put poses ul couturerce Of ALL that ceitani piece Or parcel Of land [older water 18. .the ger onally served upon and below hrg;hw:ueI mark,bOf 1n img to the �] Town of Southold, rn Yt one of aid upland, and bOu,tied us tallows, to wit Beginning ata point ou the line of blah water mat k as the,:lid line of 111ghwatel [nark xlsts at the pre-eat true,,:ud point of bet:innutg betty Ithe notthwe,teOIII wrly corner of the land to btf Who Was t9 h1Ill pe]SOI]- applied for and rhteh point the mum . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tower of the NlanitanSet House on shelter Island bears south 10,ty-eight it id one-half dt g;rees East and rrriO,ng thence on x ceur,e ally known to be the.. . `Doth Sts deg;tee, Eaet trttee hundred and fifty fret, thence north eighty-fore degrees Ea,tfifiv fiveIeet,theuceNottb six de;ares Wr,t Due huntfred and twenty five feet, thence North eights-torn• degrees East fitty feet,thence North Due degr,e��jlnei of hill'- thence ell and kitty Leet,to tttr water Mario, thence along ,ald line north of the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, in sixtythree :Ind One-halt degrees West Due to hundred and forty sta Peen lift ntntd SIX int n•e�is the pI-.d nt beginning, the County of Suffolk, in the State of New York, a hanrlredruldfo,•ty umeUiousandth.(g¢y-161IQ) of an acre Atl of the above wnlr,es being; the true ma netii;courses Of said boundary Iint-s. The t,cu,dttlg4 once in fifty feet on the whole exterior lice of said piece tit land notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, by begiunnttiatthe AOtthweaterly our"ertile'e- OI and goin,. thence it mind Said pie sex feats — - follows lllte tont• tees; handing the same to and leaving it with him. third,seven teat; fourth, eight ieet six inch- es; fifth,note feet SIX nu•he,,sixth,ten feet; seventh and eighth, eleven lei[, ninth• ten feet; tenth,none Leet srs in -; eleventh, nnre feet; tweltth,eight tact qts 111-11es. thn- teenth,Set en teet six inches and tourteeuth four teet—said 801111 1119` beiitsr taken tit htndng the ttOtlee snarl p TheUICtuPill b ouI edjoiniu8 tog lows: Westet91 by)and Iptvtl� of the estate of E isna S Champion,dec�ased, and partly the sever al landS of➢1r li At tnber%eceIIV bV J cob Dietz.George Wang, t•hat•)e,W Hartley, M. AP11e1t and the estate of Anton lit archer,de- ceased; then Blasfer1),and then again North erlt by the land of Jame.- Wiclihatn and oto ars; thenFa�tprlybyJlantS1reet,then�Onth- erh'by bund of Wlthaln 11. Corey, then East- S,MueltHed e," tile"veral ISnnthetd IIndythen Itgain Eluteriv by laird of 1110 E+tate Ot Peter DelirirC, decea-ed, and then soncherly by Yecontc I3 or Greenport Harbor. t Dated,16th Atx1,1594 JOHN L TEIMY, t +Applicants. 1•ATHAIIINE ll.R'ELLS,S ALBERTSON CASE,AttorneySOilthOld,N.Y. / Y 1 r