HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Creek 8 0 /��xa��r,� i� a-,..-�C n em. � �-C ,moo �, ��-��-�-'--� ���,.-,-�. �-,�-� J�.�,-epi � .�-e. ��-..�. J„�,-.�-. � �,�,. �� o y7a LG� vok. Ajwr Y J r �f n -�-�-� fes.� �.-�� . �� ;� �- � _ , ,� �� .,,��. 4 I n r , r 1 1 j O -C/� � � OL APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF LAND ^ UNDER WATER.—Notice is hereby given that I, Frederick W. Carpenter, of , the Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York,County of Kings and State of Newyork, owner in Yee and occupant of the upland adjoining the land below high ly\ water mark of Town Creek,at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk :incl State aforesaid, as hereinafter de- scribed,will make application to the Board 1 1 of Trustees of the said Town,at the office of Hon.Henry A.Reeves,Cleric of said Board, in the village of Greenpoit, in said Town, I �-- Oil the 3rd day of September, 1904, at one o'clock in the afternoon,for giant in per- pecmty to me,the said Frederick W. Car- pen ter,by the said Town, for the purpose of thethe flim enjoyment of the same by mth e, of e ]finds under «iter and below •high water mark in front of upland owned VY and occupied by me and hereinafter de- seiibed, which lands so applied for are bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line of high ,water mark,and at the northwesterly tor- � nen of the land applied for, which is also the southwesterly corner of Said upland, and running thence south fifty-six degi ees west one hundred find three feet; thence south forty-five degrees east one hundred and forty-six feet; thence south thirty-two l degrees east one hundred and four feet; thence norath six degrees east one hfeet; !✓/"`.�- L/� ' ,'�'�`.'.,.��„'."\ ' unched nd one fee teat; thence north thirty- two degiees west one hundred and four V feet; thence Borth forty-five degrees west one Tres arfocl and forty-six feet,the last two c ` ourses aforesaid being along the line of ordinary high water mark, to the point of beginning, and containing by survey six hundred rind twenty-three thousandths 0901 of fin acre. The soundings once in over every fifty feet on the whole exterior laic V(a of said piece of land to be so applied for,be- isginning at the northwesterly corner there- �- �_✓/ .. and going thence around said piece are: W 1st, four feet, `ld to 7th inclusive,four feet two inches; 8th, four feet, and 9th, two 0.y � inches. The uplandirdiouung the land to he so applied for is bounded northerly by ' the New Road to Town Harbor; easterly by the land of William Lowery; southerly by Town Creels; and westerly by land of Imbert L.Howard. All of the said sound- mga being taken fit ordinary ]sigh water J�A _ /� mark,and sail courses being the true mag- /t, retic courses of said bonlndary lines. Dated,3d August,1901. FREDERICK W. CARPENTER �1 :1rsERrsox CASE, Attly Applicant Suff.Co., Southold, fluN.Y.. �/ - C, C// �1 \ e ly4- (7 � � ' � � � ��,�-- � � �� r � � � ��. ��: �r � L� a � ��il��/ , ��� �f (� � !/ .� ,.mob �,►� �-�'?i�--- �� � i� . ) ��„ � � .. - � .:,, a t - I i APPLICATION FOR GRANT of LAND G NOTICES ON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. IINDER WATER.—Notice is hereby given that I, Frederick W. Carpenter, of I the Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York,County of Kings and State of New York, owner in fee and occupant of '® o the upland adjoining the land below high water mark of Town Creek,at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State aforesaid, as hereinafter de- scribed,will make application to the Board of Trustees of the said Town,at the office of i Hon.Henry A.Reeves,Clerk of said Board, in the village of Greenport, in said Town, on the 3rd day of September, 1904, at one �;i o'clock in the afternoon,for a grant in per- _ permitynter,to me,the the said Frederick W. Care Of tlle'Town of Southold, lII the County Oi Suffolk, Car- penter,by the said Town, for the purpose of the beneficial enjoyment of the same by me, of the lands under water and below i high water mark in front of upland owned being 'duly sworD, says: and occupied by me and hereinafter de- � scribed, which hands so applied for are bounded and described as follows--.- 1. That On the I Beginning at a point on the line of high day Of .. . . . . . . water mark,and at the northwesterly tor-ser of the land applied for, which is also I8 BeCUTe1 Osted and put Up and left the southwesterly corner of said upland, and running thence south fifty-six degrees 6. . �„ west one hundred and three feet; thence south forty-five degrees east one hunched upon,the outer•door of the Town Clerks office of •and forty-six feet; thence south thirty-two degrees east one hundred and four, feet; thence north fifty-six degrees east one the-Jown of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in hundred and one feet; thence nortrh thirty- two degrees west one handled and four feet; thence north forty-five degrees west the State of New York, a notice, of which the an- one hundred and forty-six feet,the last two courses aforesaid being along the line of urdmary high water marl:, to the point of nexed is a printed copy. – begiiining, and containing by survey six hundred and twenty-three thousandths ((523-1000)of an acre. The soundings once in Oil every fifty feet othe whole exterior line of said piece of land to be so applied for,be- giiiiiing at the northwesterly corner there- of and going thence around said piece are: 1st, four feet; 2d to i th inclusive,four feet two•inclies: 8th, four feet; and 9th, two inches. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounded northerly by the New Road to Town Harbor; easterly by the land of William Lowery; southerly by Town Creek; and westerly by land of Hubert L.Howard. All of the said sound- ings being taken at ordinary high water marl:,and said courses being the true mag- netic courses of said boundary lines. Dated,3d August,1901. FREDERICK W CARPENTER, .ALR RTSON]CAS , AttCoy N.Y. Applicant uthI I I at least twenty-eight days before the date of application. I I � . I I I _ I I I n I , I I I I I "a II ` I y• I r � I I I I I I I I I I I II it �I `4 'I _ -�----_--• - _ _ -� _ �/- � ,.... 6i�i�%� 7/CSC/ ��'�J � _ c� IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TO THE ' Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y., l f FOR A I I GRANT OF LAND UNDER WATER. _ mm � Dated-----'J__ Attorney for Applicant. • I I V = i I lLEASE. AVERY HERRICK,Pubhoher and Printer,Affian ,N.Y. — 82 _ r - �-5 --- - __ -- - -------- - - ... _ - arse �ar�da�e�we �u�ea2e�ana - --- -- --- --- --- ---------- -_---- ---------------------------.... -�-, - `�-"�- ------------- -- - --------------- ` i �. ra-c-rc.�¢. r-t, I --- - - - ------- -� = �--� ��• "I I� `1�` aa��a Ile daW - t--- `-�- -------------- r-- r-- --- - ----- / r-- --- ------ ------ A ` '�--- ------------------ -- �� ------------ ---------- --- ------ - � G `- ------- ----- ------- -------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------- - °' ------------ -- ---j---------- --- ' U -- - ---- -------------- -- -------- - --------- ------01% --- -------------------------- --- ---------------- ----- ----- - _ ----_ .------------------ ----- ---- ------- -- - ------ - --- -- - - - -- ------------- ----- -------------------------------------- Y II -�-.- �Q { -- --- ---------------------------- ------ --- - - n- -G - --------------------- ----- -� - i --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114 the Nourtenxnres,1' �e A-me -------- I-Ile a-17- --- ..ane t�oraean t e, �iana%a�ana� --- ----r--= - al ae ve� Zen 02 dam -G. ----•-----------------------------------------------------------...---------------------------------------------------------------------- o ea�a ae 'roal'.I/awl 2enl d1all le alae ema'e�ata, a2 l meal E �� caae' a�2 al e caveran�� leza�: canlaa weal �e72 ��` �a�� �e �e �aal�a2 e Zit /aiG a 2e-ente2 ale war, 14mma�ee, I � I, f �.r, i i - ---------------- lollweleidllAwl e�e da„a'�ea2� 2en� a� laan �ceer. e' 4----�-�.��-- ---------- ---- ------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------- ---------------------------- ---- ---------- i ( ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ - ;; - - - - - - -------------------- A vw .r------------- .r' y-h 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ __ ________________________________________________________________________________ +1 1 & ie eatalkiim, die daWlAaW4-, laillee mmwal 14a2l,, mell jm� awal wadienael2 e-le lkem4ej 12aWl aelw W, ego aj 1aa l 41ak -awal aanal”'lean a1 madawale ade ana 2aew IleZeI l?"111 M61- aam�ew tle -------------- -------------- -- ------------- --- - ---- - --------- --,--------- ------------- 1-------(CAc 7 - ------ - ------- 0 ------- - -- --------- --- -------- -°rL=---- -------------------------------- - ---- D - — --- ------ -/ - --- --------------- ------------ --------- - ,�- �- - --------------- ----------------- ------- ----- - f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' 1 " o ��e �ecana� a2 a aa2 Sze �eaZ�. &x/, 2�a/ aZmewl I�e awircawa ,761?11Eaa-eq- .4ZW a)Za1 m711h1ceacw4 ayGCL 2�Lt Eli lGCI32�e, lLa��a�?CG e��Q�IG ��e �a / 7 '1. GJ � N Stat of New York, \ o Y !� — I `• 9 Comy of-------------------- -- ---------------- -------------------------- ss: --- of------- ------------------------- ---:�t------ On this --- -- %� --;-day of - ------------ -- -- - -------- -' -------in the year one thousand nine hundred and--_ ----=--- -- —----------------betore me, the subscriber, 41 I� personally came----- �' a - -- ------------- g-------------------- �*--------------------------- ----- --- a �4"'a ---------- P4<. --------- - - - ------- ��-2--�--------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------I- ------- ----------------------------------- ------ ----- to me known and known to mer e e e i'A&0 II ' � ---- -- -------- -- --- -------- IZIC Ali - A 4 � � �-�, 2 / � � . ^ / ; ^ ^ ' . � ' TO [ - ) - -- - ` ' ^ � . � \ - ' . ` ' . . � � ` � . ^ _ - - -