HomeMy WebLinkAboutHathaway, Nathaniel fnaenfnremade in duplicate the U day of ✓��/l� , 1 Sfl"& , between the Town of Soutlzold, of the County of Suf'ollc, and State of New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees, and in pursuance of Chapter 615 of the Laws of New York passed in 1893, and in pursuance of a written resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold at a meeting held pursuant to notice duly given to all the members thereof on the 4��ZF �zZz2 day of , party of the forst part, and �/ G �f'�� y,�'G part �P, of the second part, itu ess.eM, That the party of the first part in consideration of the sunt of � r Dollars, to said Town duly paid, before the delivery hereof, doth hereby f'rant, bargain, sell and release unto the said part of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, All that certain tractor It parcel of land under water, situate Att, in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk, and State of New York,bounded and described as follows, to wit: G� {y / 00, IAZ � J Fr s / r I co ,eTxex with the appurtenances, and all the right, title, and interest of the said Town of Southold therein. ,Vo hart and foo•1x 14 the above mentioned and described premises with the appurten- ances unto the said part of the second part, h" heirs and assi-'ns forever, gx� ting and =.scrulno to the said Town of Southold thefull and free ri-'ht,liberty, and privilege of entering upon and using all and every part of the above described premises in as lawful a manner as said Town might have done had this conveyance not been given until the sante shall have been actually appropriated and applied to the purpose of by and these presents are upon the express condition that if the said and assigns shall not within two years from the date hereof actually appropriate and apply the above described premises to the purpose of by the aforesaid zevelee-'� then these presents, and everything herein contained shall cease, determine and become void, and the said prem- ises immediately revert to the said Town of Southold. L�n ivi mess w1vevtof, the said Tojbn of Southold has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the Board of Trustees of ' said Town. W—_Awn o��,azx�lxo�AY, b i Majority of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. State of .New York, ss County of Suffolk, 1 Upon the �J dad of , 1bef re rr2e perso7aall cci»Ze The Trustees of the Town of Southold,in the County and State aforesaid,with whoin I a»2 personally acquainted, who being by »Ze each severally duly sworn, said that he resided in the said Town of Southold, and that he was one of the Board of Trustees of said Town; that he knew the corporate seal of said Town; that the seal affixed to the within instru- ment was such corporate seal; that,it was affixed by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold; and that he sis aged his name thereto by the 11 like order as one of the Trustees of said Town. - r � .r Town of *Onthola To _ d f Ovant 1t t � t, AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANT. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, }88. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD) Application for Grant of Land Under Water sof the. .. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I, the ithe County of'. - undersigned, An e oun athanlel Hathaway, of the y town of Southold,Connty of Suffolk and State of New York owner in fee and occupant of the up- being dilly sworn, Says land adjoining the laud below high water mark b of Peconlc Bay or of those waters generally known as New Suffolk Harbor,In the said town, 1st. That..he...M. . . . as her!Inafter described, will make application to the Board of Trustees of said town at the office of George 11. Chaves, (Irrk of said Board, at the person named in the annexed printed notice, Greenport In said town,on Tuesday,the 25th day afgrant of the la6.nds below high waterama k and under water adjoining my said upland. The as the applicant for a grant of the ]and under said land hereby applied for by me is all that certain piece or parcel of land under water and water, therein particularly described. below,high water mark belonging to the town of Southold and bounded as follows,to wit: Begin 2d. That the said land is situated in the Town ning at a point on the line of high water mark, i as said line or high water mark exists at the Pres- ent time,said point of beginning being two hun- Of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, and in the dred feet southerly on said line of high water ��°-� -� mark from the northeasterly corner of the up- •h r A^w 'r1 ¢vim r v;� 4,0t land of this applicant,and f unning thence south State Of N 5'Ol'k and 1S... sixty-five degrees east three hundred fifty feet; 'r t) A Ihence south twenly-five degrees west two bun- dred feet; thencenorth sixty-five degrees, within the corporate Lits of an incorporated vil- west th)ee hundred and fifty feet; thence north twenty-five degrees ]age, Or city, \'17.. eawt two hundred feet along the said high water mark to the point of beginning, containing one&six hundre i&six thousandths acre. All 3d. That. he. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . the above courses bemg•the true magnetic coats- es of said boundary lines. The soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said owner in fee of the adjoining Upland described in piece of land, beginning at the northwesterly corner thereof and going thence around said Piece,are as follows: First, three feet; second, said annexed notice, and, . . . . . .. . In three feet,six Inches; third,four feet,nine Inch- es;fourth and fifth, each five feet;' sixth, five the actual occupation thereof. six Inches;seventh, five feet, nine inches; eleventh feet three Inches;ninth and twelfth six feeteach six ; •thin eenth. five feet, three inches; fourteenth, ! 4th. That the matters of fact set forth in said eewhethreer feet,aine inches;seventeenth..four feet, tree Inces�thr e feet,three Inches. Said soundings being taken annexed notice are true t0 the best of the I;no\vl- at high water mark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounded by the lands edge and belief'of deponent. or the follewing owners: B.R.Grilling, James Wickhato, William Wickham, Julia Wickham, Sarah&Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter- '5th. That the uplands owned by applicant ad- , son,now or late Thomas Denholm, and now or late William,Mason. Dated,223 of July,lass. jacent to the lands hereby applied for were assessed NATHANIEL HATEAWAY, Applicant F f Af.E8RTSON CAS% Attorney, at the sum of.. . . . Southold,N.Y. i dollars on the nest preceding assessment-roll of the 1, ' �•� �► `"'fY,""� said Town in which said nl)lands are situated, and - — 6 said uplands ave of the area of forthwith to appropriate �by led f'or to the pur nercerecting thereon a - c N 7th. That the land applied for is necessary and proper, and not more than is necessary for the purpose of-the beneficial enjoyment of the said ad-- joining I pland , for the following reasons:� _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; _ '15L A . . . •41 ! . . . •�`I •.. '.c�. !f L IIIVVV {{y1►ihS,Q .o, � . a . .v '._,:�a".':. .�.b tot. . . . . . . . . .6ak"�`.^^."!"`.�. .�. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . ... . . e. . Y/1✓a'lSJ �� �} W�". .It>t9 i1. . .�'�O"�.. .ti 5� � . .1. . . . . . . ... ���� Qom, •• n si �-t� " �wornfore m t is. � day of. . . . . . .. . 18 r (��� s_ � �� ':' L.l tic 7.:'�% _✓1/�/`�.�ti--�'tt./ "NOTE.—In cases of applications for purposes of commerce,omit the 5th and 7th paragraphs; and in cases of applica- tions for beneficial enjoyment, omit the 6th paragraph. I x i Application for Grant of Land Under Water NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I, the undersigned, Nathaniel Hathaway, of the town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State o1 New York,owner in fee and occupant of the up- land adjoining the land below high water mark of Peeonle Bay or of tho-e waters generally knoWn AB New Suffolk Hat bor,1n the said town, as herr lnafter described, will make application to the Board of Trustees of Bald town at the office of George H. Cleaves, t Jerk of Bald Board, at Greenpot t in said town,on Tuesday.the 25th day of,ugust,1696,at 1 O'clock P.M.of that day, for a grant of the lands below high water mark and under water adjoining my said upland. The said land hereby applied for by me is all that certain piece or parcel of land under water and below high water mark belonging to the town of Southold and bounded as follows,to wit: Begin- ning at a point on the line of high water mark, as said line of high water mark exists at the pres- ent time,said point of beginning being two hun- dred feet southerly on said line of high water mark from the nort heasterly corner of the up- land pf,thls applicant,and running thence south BixtN-five degrees east three hundred fifty feet; thence south twenty-five degrees west two hun- dred feet; thence north sixty-five degrees west three hundred and fifty feet; thence north twenty-five degrees east two hundred feet along the said high water mark to the point of beginning, containing one&six hundre I&six tnousandths acres. All the above courses being the true magnetic cours- es of said boundary lines. The soundings once In fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land, beginning at the northwesterly corner thereof and going thence around said piece,are as follows: First, three feet;second, three feet,six Inches;third,four feet,nine inch- es;fourth and fifth, each live feet; sixth, five feet,six inches;seventh, five feet, nine inches; eighth•six feet; ninth and tenth, each six feet; eleventh six feet three inches;twelfth,six feet; thirteenth, five feet, three inches; fourteenth, five feet;fifteenth,four feet, three inches; s1x- teenth,three feet,nineInches;seventeenth,three feet,three inches. Said soundings being taken at high water mark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounded by the lands of the following owners: B.R.Gritting, James Wickham, William Wickham, Julia Wickham, Sarah E.Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter- son,now or late Thomas Denholm, and now or late William Mason. Dated,22d of July,1696. NATHANIEL HATHAWAY, Applicant ALBERTsoN CASs, Attorney, Southold,N.Y. �,� �1..c-d.. rte-•-� _ ti '�-�--� �-.... L -L, Application for Grant of Land etate of New VQxk,), Under Water f SS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1, the dountu of -ufolk,� undersigned, Nathaniel Hathaway, of the town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York,owner in fee and occupant of the up- land adjoining the land below high ,water mark Of Peconle Bay or of those waters"generally known in New Suffolk Harbor,In the Mown, se hereinafter described, will make application ication to the Board o1 Trustees of said town at the office of George H. Cleaves,-Clerk of said Board, at Greenport in said town,on-Tuesday,the-26th day of August,1896,at I o'clock P.m.of that day, for �� a•grant of the lands below high water mark and 4VZ"", 6 � 2'/2,v Z �� C��yj�2 �h 'mw under water adjoining my said upland. The said land hereby applied for by me Is all that certain piece or parcel of land under water and below high water mark belonging to the town of nin st an nt ontheded as follows,to wit: Begin- niug at a point on the Bne of high water mark, I as said line of high water mark,exists at the pres- ent time,said point of beginning being two hun- dred feet southerly-on said line o1 high Oi76m, '2� mark from the northeasterly corner of thee uu p- ne"�/ land of this applicant,and running thence south sixty-five degrees east three hundred fifty feet; thence south twenty-five degrees west two hun- dred feet;•-thence north-sixty-five degrees .L west three hundred and fifty aLG?27/GL� ?�7 %2GLG rj122 72�ZGDB ?y/r 2(� Zy13 2 2/�7� ErLp2_ feet; thence northtwenty-five degrees �4 east two hundred feet along the said high water mark to the point of beginning, containing one&six hundred&six thousandths acres. All ''�0 � the above courses being the true magnetic tours- ",egrneJ z/ er 4"!?Zlllrd 07?2 eq,4 eeof said boundary lines. The soundings once 44 / In fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land, beginning at the northwesterly i corner thereof and going thence around said / �y/ D piece,are as follows: First,three feet;second, �GGtu �2� �G7// (�� � V"Ve- gam/ ee�fG three feet,six Inches;third,four feet,nine inch- es;fourth and fifth, each live feet; sixth, five feet,six inches;seventh, five feet, nine inches, eighth,six feet;ninth and tenth, each six feet; � eleventh,six feet,three Inches;twelfth,six feet; ZlLPiE F17�t���/�i✓I/�%iL �zv199??�P/dGT�j� thirteenth,five feet, three inches; fourteenth, five feet;fifteenth,four feet, three inches; six- o r teenth,three ieet,nine inches;seventeenth,three feet,thteefnchea. Said soundings being taken '� at high water mark. The upland adjoining the e�/2 ••• •• d� a ,, n /V` ]and to be so applied for is bounded by the lands Y of the following owners: B.R.Grifiing, James Wiclt W1111am Wickham, Julia Wickham, Sarah E.Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter- son,now or late Thomas Denholm, and now or late Wfillam Mason. Dated,22d of July,1896. !,- . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. NATHANIA HATHAWAY, Applicant ALESRTSon CAU,Attorney, Southold,N.Y. .� !`�', .Zee4- �,.. . ��� e �- • �D b-, Jq&-A, ',4 j.nt4 Iv,4A a 4 �L I aI� -LL I .� dt4r-O tAA, -dam "(,nL , i 10 1 11 nvrtk Ck w4t 1 � tuc,+ � -�- �.��,�c�.�.,,•t,,.,� � � � �� -�� � ���,� ��-�— 1.4 r," mvm"�,OL An VL� �" �._ `G�► 04UL lztA, rte. aAV ("'A to-- J—Lo, aVAJL Llul�, tu� 4u�r" ' dl r 'L e( n CIL, J.A ............ e�✓i� ,r t- .ems .ac f� �f��f c -:.o ,�'lrtR ill a7� � /✓tel �, ,��' < L- <., � Cp b =mss C IV r- ' y$ vee, y/ v J i .-'w.':.rM.-,.�, SME; .... ,...-...r. "�....... .�.,... -�,.w�.�r.... I �� i---..--' _T G� 1 f-It wru <le .cf� . .yam r G� ;.. ;ow 4V a� rA��B �o I±I a 1 ! �� � ,� Z� � dL-r I ��.�__ . .� �� I __ _ _ __ __ • I 4 Aw ���^�� �'�V / '��7�� % `-elf - ✓ � A —�— oofp r � p + t A i �Y-M ' • � , �: 1 t � f •� t �. /'�C.� P� / r y � � ��� •`r 1 � a i �' I ' f � a �. y,�. .J ��. �. � � .r �� �, f "�" ` r AFFIDAVIT OF FREEHOLDERS. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. TOwN OF SOUTHOLD, J II(( n Application for Grant7-aw. s 1.!.. . . . •`'� ��. . . . . . . c Under Water _ ' �NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE � t -Axandonderslgned, Nathaniel HOletown of Southold,County of Suffoated,New Yorkowner in fee and oceneu�, and land adjoining thr land below himark of Peconic Bay or of thope waters generally known as New Suffolk Harbor,In the said town, as hereinafter described, will make application being severally duly sworn, each for himself, says to the Board of Trustees of said town at the office of George H. Cleaves, (Irk of said Board, at Greenport in said town,on Tuesday.the 26th day 01 ^ugust,1696.at 1 o'clock P.M.of that day, for 1. That he is a freeholder of the Town of South- a grant of the lands below high water mark and under water adjoining my said upland. The said land hereby applied for by me 1s all that v certain piece or parcel of land under water and old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and below high water mark belonging to the town of Southold and bounded as follows,to wit: Begin ning at a point on the line of high water mark, has no interest in this application. as said line or high water mark exists at the pres- ent time,said point of beginning being two hun- dred feet southerly on said line of high water mark from the nortbeasterly corner of the up- 2. That he is acquainted with the lands under land of this applicant,and running thence south sixty-eve degrees east three hundred fifty feet; thence south twenty-five degrees west two hun- dred feet; thence north sixty-five degrees water described In the annexed notice. I west 'three hundred and fifty feet; thence north twenty-five degrees east two hundred feet along the said high water mark to the point of beginning,containing 3. That the value ofsaid lands in .the opinion one&six hundre I&six thousandths acres. All the above courses being the true magnetic cours- es of said boundary lines. The soundings once of deponents is the all1011rit Set opposite Dill' Ie- in fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece Of land, beginning at the northwesterly% corner thereof and going thence around said; piece,are as follows: First, three feet;second, eetive names, VlZ. three feet,six Inches;third,four feet,nine inch- s p I es;fourth and fifth, each five feet; sixth, live I feet,six inches;seventh, five feet, nine inches; eighth,six feet;nlgth and tenth, each six feet; s eleventh six feet three Inches;twelfth,sixfeet; thirteenth. five feet, three Inches; fourteenth, five feet;fifteenth,four feet, three inches; six- '• teenth,three feet,nine inches;seventeenth,three > �� , .•. �' . feet,three inches. Said soundings being taken - -at high water mark. The upland adjoining the ]and to he so applied for 1s bounded by the lands X17 of the following owners: B.R.Grimng, James . . r . Wickham, William Wickham, Julia Wickham„ Sarah E.Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter- son,now or late Thomas Denholm, and t now or late William Mason. � Dated,22d of July,1898. • NATHANIEL HATHAWAY, Appl _icant - 7/14& AfaaltmsoN CAss,'Attorne , Southold,N.Y. ' -,..�i�G� 'ems-•..�� Vt.�...� Za .!�'� �v •'Ales' �.�+\/i���t1'-v' •� � S /�� The undersigned, applicant fora grant of the lands applied fherein, hereby offers the sum of . . . . .dollars then Oli r7`>, 1 AFFIDAVIT OF TWENTY YEARS POSSESSION, ETC. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. TOWN OF rSOUTHOLD, J . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . .. . . . of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, — , in the State of New"York, being duly sworn, says 1. That he is well acquaint�edp with the lands of, 6nerc7nYlrrYruCecr avcv,---...—.......P-..yy......-..._- , to the Board of Trustees of said town at the omce of George H. Cleaves, c 1,-rk of said Board, at _ Greenport In said town.on Tuesday.the 26th day . . .i . . . . . . . ...•. .� . . . :'. . . , ,Of 1 UQUat,1896,at 1(),clock p.m.Of that day, for .. . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . r� .• - a grant of the lands below high water mark'and said laud herebylappliedforsaid me 1sthunder wer atd. The at 1 described in the annexed printed notice, . and has certain piece or parcel of land under water and below high water mark belonglnZto the town'of been so for roots than twenty years list past. t Southold and bounded as follows,to wit: Begin- i ping at a point on the,line of high water mark, I as said line W high water mark exists at the pres- ent time, said point of beginning being two hun- 2. That the uplands have been more than dred feet southerly on said line of high water mark from the northeasterly corner of the up- land of this applicant,and running thence south twenty years last hast In the possession of said sixty-five degrees east three hundred fifty feet; thence south twenty-five degrees west two hun- dred feet; thence north sixty-five degrees . . . . , , . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . "' . V west, three hundred and fifty feet; thence north twenty-five degrees ' east,two hundred feet along the said high ,, , . , , , , , . , . . . . water mark to the point of beginning, containing 4y. ' one&six hundrei&six giousandths acrks. All the above tout Sea being thQ true magnetic tours- t , , ,. , , • , , , , . es of said boundary lines. i rhe soundings once 1n fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of land,beginning'9t the northwesterly and those under and through whom he, now hol(ls �- corner thereof and going thence around said , piece,are as follows: First, three feet;second, i three feet,six inches;third,four feet,nine inch- and Claims and that such possession during the time es;fourth and fifth,'each five feet; sixth, five feet,filx Inches;seventh, five feet, nine inches; i elghth,,SlX feet;ninth and tenth, each six feet; aforesaid was accompanied by a claim of title and eleventh six feet three inches;twelfth,six feet; thirteenth, five feet, three inches; fourteenth, _--. - --- --.ave feet:atteenth•four feet, three inches; six- hi b and on the part of the said.... . teenthowners ,three feet,nine inches;seventeenth,three y u _ feet,three Inches. Said soundings being taken at high water mark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounded by the lands of the following owners: B.R.Gritting, James Wickhaw, William Wickham, Julia Wickham, Sarah 6.Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter, son.now or late Thomas Denholm, and IIOw or late William Mason. Dated,22d o NATHANIEL 1H896.ATEAWAY, Applicant I and those under and through whom he now clairlis ArasxTaox CeasSouthold,AttorneyN. Y. title to said premises, and such possession and claim of title were accompanied by the following p acts of ownership arid use, viz •�, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eA. . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . , .. � . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 11 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. And deponent farther says that be has no interest in said premises, or in this application, or Sworn to before me, this. �.�. . in the result thereof. 146 d ay of �, 1, AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ON TOWN CLERK. S'T'ATE OF NEW YORK,I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS. TOWN of SOUTHOLD, J Application for Grant of Land Under Water 1�TOTiCH IS HEREBY GIVEN. that I, the of the Town of Southold, in the County of S1 Olh, IN undersigned, Nathaniel Hathaway, of the town of Southold,County of Suffolk and estate of New York.owner in fee and occupant of the up- land adjoining the land below high water mark being duly sworn, says, that on the, . 1-of Peconlc Bay or of thooe waters generally known as New Suffolk Harbor,in the said town, as herr badescribed, said make application day Of. . __r . . . .18 .E jto the Boardrd of Trustees off said town at the office i of George H. Cleaves,(lrrk of said Board, at o a Greenport 1n said town,on Tuesday.the 25th day of- ugnar,169b.at 1 o'clock P.M.of that day, for he personally served upon. a a graut of the lands below high water mark and under water adjoining my said upland. The i said land het ehy applied for by me 1s all that certain piece or parcel of land under water and . . . ... . . .W 0 below high watermark belonging to the town of Southold and bounded as follows,to wit: Begin ning at a point on the line of high water mark, r assaid line ofhigh water mark exists atthe pres- was to him personally known to be the Town Cleik ent time,said point of beginning being two bun' j Bred feet southerly on said line of high water mark from the northeasterly corner of the up- land of this applicant,and running thence south of the town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, slxtc-tive degrees east three hundred fifty feet; lheneesouth twenty-five degrees west two hun- dredfeet;ththence north sixty-five degrees ree hundred and fifty we at in the State of New York a notice of whish the Ifeet; thence north twenty-five degrees east two hundred feet along the said high water mark to the point of beginning, containing annexed is a rioted coy , by handing the same to one&six hundre•1&six thousandths acres. All p 13 i a the above courses being the true magnetic cours- es of said boundary lines The soundings once In fifty feet on the whole,exterior line.of-said and leaving It With him. piece of land, beginning at the northwesterly, corner thereof and going thence around said i piece,are as follows: First. three feet;second, three feet,six inches;third,four feet,nine Inch- es;fourth and fifth, each five feet; sixth, five I feet,six inches;seventh, five feet, nine Inches; ieighth,six feet;ninth and tenth, each six feet; eleventh six feet.three Inches;twelfth,six feet; ithlrteenth five feet, three inches; fourteenth, five feet; fifteenth,four feet, three Inches; six- " 'teenth,three feet,nine Inches;seventeenth,three feet,three Inches. Said soundings being taken - ` at high water mark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for Is bounded by the lands of the following owners: B.R.Grilling, James Wickham, William Wickham, Julia Wickham, Sarah E.Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter- son.now or late Thomas Denholm, and now or late William Mason. Dated,22d of July,1996. NATHANIEL HATHAWAY, Applicant I ALBERTSON CAsr,,Attorney, Southold,N.Y. — c • r i- ,o ••U r" J J AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICES ON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, �SS. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD) Application for Grant of Land j Under Water of the Town of Southold, in the County of uffolk, 1►TOTICF, IS HFREBY GIVEN, that I, the underslgnPd, Nathaniel Hathaway, o1 the being duly sworn, says: .--- town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of blew York,owner In fee and occupant of the up- • hand adjoining the land below high water mark 1. That on the. day of 6 Jot Peeonlc Bay or of those waters generally 1known as New Suffolk Harbor,in the said town, as hertindlter described, will make application 1g �,• ,he securely posted and plat Ip and left to the Board of Trustees of said town at the office !of George R. Clpaves, llerk of said Board, at die ugast 11696 iat31 O'clock r m of chat day,for up n the outer door of the Town Clerk's office of a grant of the lands below high water mark and. under water adjoining my said upland. The i said land hereby applied for by me Is all that I the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in certain piece or parcel of land under water and high water town f Souh land bond alo the Begin the State of New Yolk, a notice, of which the an- ning at a point on the line of high water mark, as said 11 Re W high water mark exists at the pres- ent time,Bald point of heglnning being two hun- nexed is a printed copy. dred feet southerly on Bald line of high water !mark from the nort heasterly corner of the up- land of this applicant,and running thence south sixty-five degrees east three hundred fifty feet; thenee south twenty-five degrees west two•hun- dred feet; thence north sixty-five degrees west three hundred and fifty feet; thence north twenty-five degrees east two hundred feet along the said high water mark to the point of beginning, containing one&six hundre•I&six thousandths acres. All the above courses being the true magnetic cours- es of said boundary lines. The soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said !piece of land, beginning at the northwesterly corner thereof and going thence around said piece,are as follows: First, three feet; second, three feet,six inches;third,four feet,nine inch- es;fourth and fifth, each five feet; sixth, five feet,six inches;seventh, five feet, nine inches;! eighth•six feet;ninth and tenth, each six feet; eleventh SIX feet.three Inches;twelfth,six feet; thirteenth five feet, three Inches; fourteenth,, five feet;fifteenth,four feet, three inches; six- 1 tee`nth,three feet,nine inches; seventeenth,three' feet,three inches. Said Soundings being taken -- - -' at h16n-wuter nark. The upland ad'OWl.g the I`J land to be so applied for Is bounded by the lands Of the following owners: B.R.Grilling, James'Lice must be at least twenty-eight days before the date of application. Wickhaw, William Wickham, Julia Wickham,, Sarah 9.Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter- son.now or late Thomas Denholm, and now or late William Mason. Dated,22d of July,1696. NATHANIEL HATHAWAY, Applicant i AlatsHTsoN CASH,Attorney, I Southold,N.Y. t t C AFFIDAVIT OF SURVEYOR. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, s8. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says, that he is a practical surveyor. That he made the maps accompanying the pa- pers in the matter of the application of. �-., . a grant of the lanae below high water mark and U� 66ee����,,,,..��,,,, under water adjoining my said.upland. The . .. .�iQt�. . . . . . . . ^°��:J19for a grant of land said land hereby applied for by me is all that ,certain piece or parcel of land under water and below high water mark belonging to the town of under water marked respectively "A" 1 "B," Southold and bounded as follows,to wit: Begin- V ping at a point on the line of high water mark, as said line of high water mark exists at the pres- and signed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ent time,said point of beginning being two hun- dred feet southerly on said line of high water mark from the northeasterly corner of the up- that the said maps are accurate and contain a cor- land of this applicant,and running thence South sixti-five degrees east three hundred fifty feet; thence Bouth twenty-ave degrees west two hun- rect description and plan of the lands under water dred feet; thence north sixty-five degrees west three hundred and AIty rnA� _ '� feel; thence north twenty-five degrees as applied for b f� �1�-�a-o east two hundred feet along the Said high pp y water mark to the point of beginning, containing one&six huadrO&six thonsandths acres. All ,Q the above courses being the true magnetic tours- • . . • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • es of said boundary lines. The soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said and also of the adjoining lands of said applicant. piece of land, beginning at the northwesterly adjoining pl corner thereof and going thence around said f plea,are as follows: First, three feet;Second, That the annexed printed notice contains a cor- three feet,six inches;third,four feet,nine inch- es;fourth and fifth, each five feet; sixth, five I feet,Bix Inches;seventh, five feet, nine Inches; eighth,six feet; ninth and tenth, each six feet; r'ect description (in accordance with said maps) of eleventh Six feet three inches;twelfth,Six feet; thirteenth. five feet, three inches; fourteenth, T Ifive feet;fifteenth,four feet, three inches; six- said lands under water, the exact cttuises aIld dls- teenih,three feet,nine Inches;seventeenth,three -` feet,three Inches. said soundings being taken tances beim uiven therein in words of foil length. at high water mark. The upland adjoining the b a g land to be so applied for is bounded by the lands of the folldwing owners: B.R.Girilling. James That one of said maps, marked "A," shows Wickham, William Wickham, Julia Wickham, j Sarah L.Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter- soii,late William Mason. nowlate Thomas Denholm, and now or hate further the soundings once in fifty feet ori the en- Dated,22d of July,1896. NATHANIEL I� HATHAWAY, Applicant ALBERTSON'CASE, Attorney, tire, exterior line of said lands under water and the. Southold,N.Y. particular course of the shore line ofthe P .v-o�_ttl the points where said lands under water are situated, together with the lands of the adjoining owners on either side, and all docks, bulk-heads and other iinprovements thereon. That the other of said maps, marked "B," shows the general course of said 04_?-° .. on both sides of said for a distance of one-half mile in each direction from the said lands under water idt /�' gam.. . . . . . .. . . ... . . ... . . . . . Sworn to befor me, this. day of.. r. ..18 9.4�. �J , S _ _ ,i 1 � - _ � �. - ) �. r I � � ,� / �, � { if / __ _ � //,/�/'fes /$j/ �/y¢��-n � Y A/ // ' r1` �. �' �' j I c i U, f \ ! � 4 � i .l. � f ' i 4 M i Application for Grant of Land Under Water ' l►TOTICE IS'HEREBY GIVEN, that I, the 1�� unrlerslgned, Nathaniel Hathaway, of the town Of Sout'hbl),County of Suffolk and State of New York.owner in fee and occupant of the up- land adlolning the land below high water mark of PecOnle Bay or of-thooe waters generally w known as New Suffolk Harbor,in fne said town, , as hereinafter described, will make application _ to the Board of Trustees of said town at the ofilce 04 George H. Cleaves, (lark of said Board, at A- of In said town,on Tuesday.the 25th day of -ugust,1896,at 1 o'clock P.M.of that day, for a grant of the lands below high water mark and under water adjoining my said upland. The said land hereby applied for by;me is all that certain piece or par@el of land under water and „below high water mark belonging to the town of Southold and bounded as follows,to wit: Begin ning at a point on the line o1 high water mark, as said line of high water mark exists at the pres- ent time,said point of beginning being two hun- dred feet southerly on said line of high water mark from the nortbeasterly corner of the up- land of this applicant,and running,thence south - slxtt-five degrees east three hundred' fifty feet; V •thence south twenty-five degrees west two hun- dred feet; thence north sixty-five degrees west three hundred and fifty feet; thence north twenty-five degrees east two hundred feet along the said high water mark to the point of beginning, containing _ one&six hundred&six thousandths acres. All the above courses,being the true magnetic tours- , es of said boundary lines. The soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exterior line of said piece of )and, beginning at the northwesterly corner thereof and going thence,around said piece,are as follows: First, three feet•'second, ' three feet,six Inches;third,four feet,nine inch- es; fourth and fifth, each five feet, sixth, Ave feet,six Inches;seventh, five feet; nine inches; eighth-six feet;ninth and tenth; each;six feet; r 1 eleventh six feet three inches;twelfth,six feet; thirteenth five feet, three inches; fourteenth, five feet; fifteenth,four feet, three inches; 'six- - teentb,three feet,nine Inches,seventeenth,three ' feet,three Inches. Said soundings being taken at high water mark. The upland adjoining the land to be so applied for is bounded by the lands 'of the following owners: B.R.Grilling, James Wickham, William Wickham, Julia;Wickham, Sarah S.Wickham,now or late Dr.F.D.Peter- son.now or late Thomas Denholm, and now or late William Mason. Dated,22d of July,1896. NATHANIEL HATHAWAY, Applicant ALBERTSON CASE,Attorney, Southold,N.Y. i , I a �J • e � D I i i -> i i �� ��? 1.1 /" -�---_� � � � � :�_ _�. Qes..,......dc .�.,.-..�(.�,, ,� ���1r �- t -.— -- ,. o � �� � � � _ �`-�-� � `/� ♦ gyp® / `,/' � r/if1`/ � 9 - A���, -- - _ - - - i - j i ANG , Cn�,ck b-c I cvv t Stit �� »t�wl�:�- � iv'CLe.n w1.cAn1t APILIUP � 0 '� CL 1 x CON Cl 's • IV n 41 �j .�,`, L`_.t J Ut,_t"i.: 6TaT �Z.�'�-rel d L �- �1 Lam-,.-�.vC �-�• � V �FL.a-.ti � '�, `� c-,.< 1 ti��-c ti l 4,c..c�c..• }'l t`��. -- 'fit 2 S� � CA- ' y sZ,vv1. N .� { g�ti o a 1ti �NZ e 4� PM .ti _ .. oo - -------- IN _Q \N . (.1-,k CL { .e v 7 � Qji J, �+ ElL� till, r' !�I LAI- A L tY 4 v c%v% oi 1.(tall U t.%4tt, Waft r CL ® 1 S k u 1- 1� l �• l� r� _ f 1 v-