HomeMy WebLinkAboutKREITSEK, WILLIAM & DOLORE .0 j 'cs
Town o.~..: $outnold
Peconi¢, Niew ~'Ybrk 11958
June ~9, 9
. . . Date:
william m Dolore, xreltsek
· o: ...... (Owne~'-~-~~i~:.~'~nt of owner) .............
_._P~B. 941 M~ttituck, N.y. 11952
Address: ]~~ ~ ~Q~ ~'~~.~zed a~enU oz owner)
Plea~m ~ake no~ice there exi:~st.s a violation of tbs Co~e of the
Town of $~thold, Chapter 97 Ar.t~e.l~'~-.~I~_= .......
at premises hereinafter described<in:~Uhat .... ~q~_ have ~laoed a
_~i~l_~_~tem wi~.~:[~"~ of ~f3As~ w~er wetland
.......... ~&~hout first obtaininq_~_~9~%9~~-~rustee Permit.
You are therefore directed .a:nd: ~ordered to co~ply ~;ith the
following:.- .... ~_fpr ~
on or before 3 rd ,day of ":'~'J~U!Y
........ , 1996
The premises to which this Notice.'~...~. of-Vio]i%ation refers al.e situated at:
2~55 New Suffolk Ave. ~i~i'.~uck
.-~ .......... -~own of Southold,
Suffolk County, N:~'. (Surf. Coun~.~..Tax Map Desi%'nation: Dist 1000
Failure to comply with ~e '~p. lica'bte p.~ovisions of the law may
constitute an offense punishable .f'i~ or imprisonment or both.
NOTICS: You have the right to ap fo~':a hearing before the Board
of Trustees of the Town of Sou~hold:', provided ~hat ~OU fil= a written
request with the Clerk of the TrU~,~'~es within 10 days after service-of
the Notice of Violation. Such re~UeS.t shall hav~ annexed thcrcto a
copy o.f the Notice of Violation u~.6~ Which a Hearing is requested and
~hall ~et forth the reasons
why s~.~tice of violation should be
Albert J. Kmpski, President
John Holzapfel, Vice President
Jim King
Martin H. Garrell
Peter Wenczel
Town Hall
53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Telephone (516) 765-1892
Fax (516) 765-1823
~agust 1, 1996
William & Dolores Kreitsek
P.O. BoX 941
Mattituck, NY 1.1952
RE: William & Dolores Kreitsek
SCTM ~t14-9-14.1
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kreitsek:
The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of
Trustees July 31, 1996:
RESOLVED that the Southoid Town Board of .Trustees approve a
waiver to keep a sprinkler system in place and plant as per
planting plan of Briarclif~ dated 7/31/96.
This approval does not. constitute any other approvals from any'
other agencies.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
this office.
ert . Kr~pski, Jr.
President, Board of Trustees
DiSt~'nctive Landscape Concepts
Southold ·Town Trustees
Southold Town Hall
Southold, N.Y. 11971
Re: Kreitsek Residence,
New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck
July 30, 1996
To whom it may concern:
I have been working with Mr. William Kreitsek as a consultant for the
landscape of his New Suffolk Avenue residence. He notified me of the
town trustee's concern with plantings that may be done in a watershed or
wetlands area. The following is a list of plants I am recommending for
those areas, with the intention of remaining consistent witli native
vegetation: Vibernum, Shad, River Birch, Buddleia, Redbud, Dogwood,
Scotch Broom, Russian Olive, Vitex, Mountain Laurel, Bayberry, and
unfertilized grasses. When these recommendations are followed, there
should be no adverse effects On the surrounding 'wetlands areas. If there
should be any further questions with the planned landscape and it's
impact, please do not hesitate to call me at my office at 765-'1220.
Neal J. Cic~z
Vice President
(516) 765o1220 · Route 25, Peconic, L.i., N.Y. 11958 · FAX (516) 765-0015
(516) 765-1801
Town Hall, 5309.5 Ma~ Road
?.0. Box 1179
Sou~hoid. New York 11971
The following recommendation was adopted at the July 29, t996_meeting of the-
Southoid Town Conservation Advisory:
Moved by Robert Keith, seconded by Kenneth Meskil], it was
RESOLVED to recommend to the Southoid Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL
of the Waiver Request of 'WILLIAM: and DOLORES KREITSEK 11~-9-1~.1 to
place a sprinkler system and do lawn maintenance within 75'. (Received
violation for work being done)
New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion carried.
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