HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1659 GF D~'orL%Y ViSiBLE ~'.OO.,~,= ALL DCCi~ AND ~u~q~A~S }~UST DiSPlAY ViSibLE '.Rt~' ....]'- '~- -]';~-~-_ ~ I'~ ~.~.~..'. ~'~'~- ,' -C~ :.-":~.'- .t.~. '-i-~'/ ,'.F' ,~ .~-- SOU HOLD NcWYORK ~[~; PER~ NO 1659 ~ DATE: A~gP~}...~.9~'-19~/.~{~.- ~..- ' ............................... ~, Pursuanf fo fhe prowsions of Chap,er 615 mt the Laws of '~. fha Sfafe of New York, 1893' and Cha~fer 404 of fh~ Laws of fh~ Sfafe of New York 1952; and The SouTno,~ Town Ordinance en- fffJe~ "REGULATING AND TNE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS an~ fhe REMOVAL OF SAND. GRAVEL OR Ol, ,=,, MATerIALS FROM -. LANDS UNDo,, TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance wffh fha Reso[uflon ~ ....... Au~. 9~ o, The Boar~ afa ........................... a~o~ea m~etmg he[~ on 19.~.~...., anH ;n csns~HeraHon o~ fhe sum of $.~.~.Q.0_ .... paid .................................... : .......... ............................................................... ~:'~ Of ....~.~..g.~Q~ue . , N.Y. and '' fo ................................................... sus ecl Terms and Con'if[ohs Jisfed on fha reverse siae hereof, o{ Soufho]~ Town Trusfees aufhorhes an~ perm[rs f~e {OJ]OW[nq: ' Applic~tio~ ~pproved ~o secure ~ pezmz~ numDez for .a dock constructed in 1968, under the Grandfather Clause, in Little Creek. aJ[ in accordance ~he originating be subscribed by a me[orff¥ o£ fha said IN WIiNcSS W ...... ~r, The said Board of Trusfees here- · by causes frs CorporaTe Seal fo be affixed, and fhes~' oresenfs fo fh~s daf,e. TERMS and CONDITIONS 'Foa P~emi=~ Mr. Ayaj Kron t~idlng at Bay Avenue~ Cutcho'gue N. ¥~ ~ lowing: l. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently disD!ayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of 21 ~na: ~e ~d E~dof T~ ~d ~e Toga of ~u~ofd ~ ~ed fzom ~? ~d work ~ ~a~a~es, or da~ for d~ag~ of ~ a~J~g ~y or ~y ~ a r~ o~ ~ o~- under a~on ~rfo~d p~r to ~s ~% ~d ~e ~d Pe~ ~ ~: ~ ~ bet o~ ~ the defend any ~d MI su~ ~ ~t~ by ~d pa~ and ~e ~d Pe~ ~ ~ ~ . wi~ ~espect ~ere:o, to ~e ~mpl~e ~ct~ion of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~e Town of ~oldPermzt 3. That tt~ Po=mit is valid for a period of .~O~.'~, YFA.R whld= i~ co,3q, dered to be sufficiant rime required to complete the work involved, but should clro,~ranc~ warrant, :equev;r for an extension may be made to the Board at a la:er date. 4. That this Permit should be retained inde£in~tely, or as long a~ the said Pemairree wi.gem to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide ev{dmqce to anyone concerned that auth- otizadon v,-a~ originaily obtained. 5. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or agents, and non-complSaoce with the provisions of the off,gating application, may be revocar/on of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 6. That there will be no tmreasonable interference with navigation as a result o£ 'the herein aud~orlzed. 7. That there shall be no interference with the Hght of the public to p~ss and repa~ along the beach between high and iow water marks. 8.. That if future oper~io~ of the Town of Southotd require the' removal mad/or mltemtions in the location of the work ber~n author, zed, or if, in the opinSon of the Board o£ Trnszee% the work sh~-~[l cause unreasonable obstmcnon to free navigation, the smd Permittee will be requ. k-ed, upon. due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without experzes to the To~m of 5our2/.oId. 9. That the said Board will be noti£ied by the Perm/t~ee ot ~lae completion of t~e work anth- otized. (See tear off sheet.) !0. · That the Permltree will obtain all other permlm anti consentx that nmy be required plementa/ to this permit which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obr~{n same. BOARD OF, TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold ~Iaih Road Southold; ~rew York 11971 Z~GTICE OF AC?ZOzN - NOT A PERMIT To: ............ ~.,...A..y.I~J.:...K..r.p...n.., P. O. Box 95 G., Cutchogue, New York 11935 1. Your applicotioa, dated ...... .7./.2~/..~.~ ................................................. has been reviewed by this Board, et o meeting of the Trustees held on .......... Angus. t,.,9.,....1 9B.~' ...................... and resulting in the action, os indicated below: (..XXXX) ( ............ ) ( ............ ) Application approved Ape cation denied. Application roblee. Your application re secure a permit number for a dock in Little Creek under the Grandfather Clause, hgs been approved. Please post your permit niunher. A PERz~iZT FE 3. If vcur oag[i '~t] , . _ . E t0 the drear at the Board of Southald Town T;~staaq m~'~ z°w ~ and should,be made P~yable the. Schedule of Rat~s ~s s=t ~-*b :- ,~ , .-~Xz-" ~'"~ [? ~s comp~q ee~ow accordmfl to paid w~ t~zn 90~ ~v~ 6~"k~' ~'PJJ~r~o~Dnegg~barm I/l). ~nzs fee must be , tblf h.~ Pe:m,t Fee ,s paid.*n p~rson m the Secretary of the Board The Per~;~ ',~:~..ge~ssa~_ a..,e same hme. If the fee ,s pa,d by mad, the permit will be maE/ed in r~i~ .... ~= eu~a,nc~,e Computation of Permit Fee: NUMBERS Total Fee for this application , Pres° Board ot:"~outhold To~ wn Trust~;'~i'"~' ~ by Clerk ...... ~ ..... BOARD OF T05'N TRUSTEES Town 0f SouthoM 5Iain Roac~ South0ld, New York 11971 A. PLzCATION FOil FIXED ann/or FLOATING DOCKS 2. Con,roe,or s n~me end cc.,ess ....................... ~ ......................................................................... -~ , . Tel. 3. ~r,~*.y exp{oin ~he purpose of this cpp!iccficn: -.~... ~ -~- 4. After issuance of a Permit, work must be completed within one year, LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area ,Mop from the Clerk of this ~esrd, and by using a/X sA/]THIN A CIRCLE indlco:e os c[asMy as possible the location of this dock. On the reverse side of this mop, provide a SCAL~ DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Wat~ Mark, the shape end size of the dock and ~ny supplemental pilings which ere needed to hold a flooring deck or tie-up n ba~t. Give uH dimension.s necesson/ to determine the area cf the dock surfcce ~-K~iCH EXTENDS OFFSHOP~ from rhea. H. W.M.!f adjacen~ prope~y owners have: docks, specify location and length to scale. line or bounden/ formed by other similar structures ~ong the ~rea's shoreNne? Y55 o~ NO. If ~t does extend beyond this so-called dock Nne indicate by how far, approximately,. ......... fr. 7. Provide the foilowln9 documents: fa) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the pro~Jerty involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. ~ {~¥dlShort Environmental. Assessment :Perm. q Wetlands Aseiicat%on 8. il th{s ccns~ructiolq~ require the Filling o[ any l~nd offshore of the Ordina~ High Murk or the Dredging of any materiel From Tow~ hands under water? YES or NO. If it does, Form A/4 (Asp!icst~on {or Dredging/Filling) mus~ be completed and attached as pur~ o~ this cpplicsticn. 9. In requesting approval of this cpplkation, I subrdit that: the information presented herein is ~rue end correct to the best of my knosded~e and belief; I am the person cccountcbie for the performance of the work in accordance with the glans and specificctions attached; i h~ve read cr am fam~Nar with the provtsions of an}, 5outhoJd Ta~vn Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; end further, I intend to adhere to ~nd aNde by the Terms and C~ndificas of the Permit, when end i{ issuea ta me. i0. To expedite finding specific location for inspection, indicate ..~-.-..,. by using a =e.~porar~ marker~ ,-~ ' Re(~ ;' '2/82