HomeMy WebLinkAboutFPIG-C800013-SidorJ&C;Lieb;Scott ' FFOJ ELIZABETH A.NE'VII,LE Town Hall,53095 Main Road. I� TOWN CLERK P.O.Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold,,:New York 1;1971 0 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax(631) 766-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (631)765 1$00: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN"OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING-RESOLUTION NO.327 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 26,2001: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Say ervisox Coa:h an to a: awcaa ca a sant a re :aaeaat iitla A uricxAlttwe mid Markets for cotAract,number C 0001p ,'faawn of SoutholddAA�„.je ltural aaarl Paan axalaaaal iaaa�le�aaexatataola Grant in the amount of$466,775 for the contract term of January 1.1,2000 through March.31, 2003 all in accordance with the Town Attorney. , Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk J, " New York State Department.of Agriculture and Markets Contract Number: 0800013 Winners Circle Albany,NY 12235-0.001 Agency.Code:06000 /�9 Amount of Agreement: $466`,775. AGRICULTURAL AND FARMLAND PROTECTION ImpUmENTATioN GRANT Contract Period: 1;111100 to 3131103 STATUTORY AUTHORITY:A966piture and Markets Law Municipal Code: 47 03 7900 0000 Article 25AAA Contractor NamelProject Sponsor:T of Southold ;:; 11§ ; ,Rd,, PO City:Pouthold State:NSF zip- 11971 BUling " dress:(if different from above).. treat: City: State: Zip: � r ti.O 'Description of P�pject:Town: of Southold Agricultural & Farmland Implementation Grant THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: u� FOR AMENDMENTS THAT APPLY:, A endiic .V..-. _l: This Coversh�eet � Additional Work Ir ^creas� errease�ire naounl�: . pp A(Standard Clauses for all New York State Extension of Time Contracts) From to Previous Amount: $ Appendix B(Project Budget) ❑ increase Amount Increaseldecrease p endix'C tAward letters).&a portion of Applicant's proposal) ❑Decrease Amount New Total: $� pendlx D(The Department's'General Conditions) E]Renewal: —Remaining o Ap endix (Federal Conditions) E] Revised Budget l ppendi F-Cooperative Agreement 73-2031-8-440 ❑Revised Scope of Work ❑Other i ..�. ..�._.__ -- � tIent;�agree to be bound b The Contractor and the De a g: y the terms and conditions contained in this,Agreement CONTRACTOR NYS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & MARKETS SiSignature of Contractor's Authorized �..�._ " g --�orized Representative: Signata�r . fAuthorized Oft"�ciai. �) A -CCI ate: ;7 C Date:VS wre , m Typed or Printed Name of A ov presentative, Typed or Printed Name caf Above Ofetl :C3rntlBi i Cui� Rol Ruth A. Moore ' 2-0011 � r " _ �� teu�Com li. Title of Authorized Represe-'�ttt�ve: � p a ;r.-; ,rm � I Title of Authorized Official i`WTP,� 3A aMt'Ti�1t i_LL-- e Autiegw rron,„ � _rM l t --_f_r V lIF10 m of ry Public: On this day before me personally appeared State Agency Certification: In addition to the acceptance T ,to me known, and of this contract, I also certify that original copies of this known to me to be the same person who executed the above signature page will be attached to all other exact copies instrument and duly acknowledged t.h execution of I a same. of this contract. y neral: � bio n2 ?� a1�G�� Attorney Gen � lr Office of the State _- � �, ate Comptroller: Os.1811fio in S .flaN WC, 0nimission Expires June , �& BUDGET _ Town of Southold, Suffolk County State. tunding can be used to purchase the development rights on any of tha properties listed below: L,R,Skhreihpx, rpgon Road, Cutchogue. SC`fM#095-01-004.32.+acres of sod- s.:. Oed cost=$326,000,. 2; Lieb-Oregon,Road, Cutc ogue. SC 083-03-002. 12+acresOf. . wland. Est`, atst.=$120dOO. C._Sidor.:.. fiddle Road, N. ` .Cly. . # 107 10-603 &004..32+acres of potatoe.s. .and rye;: 'Ag-.District_Estimated.cost=$320,000. 4.G. CpnwAy.rdi.ddld Road, Southold. SCT'M#063-01-001.5. 8.5 acres of vegetables. Estimate,cost $100,004: 5. &&eco ' Main Road; Cutebogue. SCTM# 102-02-023. 40+acres of rye and pas, e,in,Ag.DWrict.Estimated cost=$450,000. .R Ems,t& ors.Main Road, Southold. SCTM#056-01-011 &056-03-013.3. 54 acres of lowland.E$ ` at cost=$550,000. State Grant Environmental Protection. Fund $ 28;704 Clean kir/Glean Water Bond Act $466,775 Local Match Cash $140,160 In--Kind $ 25 000 Total. $660,639 w. p A NA'iWl.+w''I YduY'm' p � xtiggp'b. o x STATE OF NEW YORK REPO-TMENTOFAGRICULTURE AND:MARKETS George E P taki Nathan L Fludgers Governor January 11, 2000 Commissioner Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 0,095 Fain Road . . P.O. PDX 1179 Southold, NY 1'1971 Dear,Supervisor Cochran, I arn very pleased to inform you that the Department of Agriculture and Markets has awarded the Town of Southold the sura of $4.95,479 to assist the Town in its farmland preservation efforts: These fronds may be used to purchase development rights or conservation lase rents,on any of the properties you submitted for consideration under your Agricultural and Farmland Prote+ don Implementation Grants application. Before th.e:$tate funds can be provided for the purchase of easements or development rights.on any of the.approved properties, it will first be necessary to develop a contract between the Department and the Town.. This contract must contain,..at least, an agreed upon plan of p work and budget.: Project expenditures,,which occur prior to the approval of the contract by the State Comptroller, aright not be reimbursed.. Therefore, we strongly advise that you not incur any expenditures for which state reimbursement will be sought until the contract is approved. In order to facilitate the timely development of a contract,, I am requesting that you identify the.;principal contact person with whom you would like us to work. Please provide this information to RobertSomers,who heads our Agricultural Protection Unit. He may be.reached by phone.at.518- 457,2713, by fax at 518-467-2716, or by mail.in care of the Qepartment's main. offices located at 1 Wihners Circle, Albany, New York 12235-0001: The Department looks forward to working with you in preserving your valuable farmland resources for agrcdi %V;4 JFAN 'COC Town Hail.;53o95 Main Road SUPERVISOR co ;; P.O.Box 1179 w� Southold,.-New York 11971 Telephdnga(516)765-18.89 i OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ' Proieect Title:..Purchase,,. Development.Rights of selected farmlands within the Town of Southold; AbLheamt Town of ogthold,"Sm l"olk County,Ny By.Ji W. Cochran, Supervisor--Towil of Southold Richard.C.Ryan, Chairman-Town of Southold Land Preservation Comm. Address&TelN: Town:Hall; 53095 Main load ' PO Box 1179, S®uthold,NY 11971 Teel': (S 10,,765-1 89 Fax:(s16)765— 11123 Aranunt Beguesteds,Maximum available. Town funds Presently.available(via bonding) ap OroxinWe 2 Million. I)urationof Pro°ect• Commence August 31, 1999 End(approx.,)October 1,2000 chi JEAN W.COCU AN Town Hall,53095 Main Road CM SUPERVISOR P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Fax(516)765-1823 Telephone(516):7654889 2 OFFICE OF THE.SUP)E+.RVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r _ Proiect Summary The own of Southold proposes a cooperative effort tinder terms ofthe 1996 CIean Water/ lean fir blond Act and the:1993 Environmental ProtectionFund for Atgricultin and Farmland Protection Implementation Projects,to acquire the development rights to agriculf iral properties. Said prop rties which have been sul Atted by their owners to the Lana Preservation Committee(LPC)of the Town of Southold for sale of such-rights,to the Town.The common characteristics ofthese properties and the;community in which they are situated are described below The plan under which the Town proposes to uti lint its own,and other public funds,has been reviewed and-approved by the Suffolk County Parniland Protection Board, as required.(see A griculture in the Tn n of outl:old;The Town of Southold has leen a farming community Y since its founding ovesr 350 yew ago. The ensuing years have seen many changes, most noticeably population increases and the encroachment of home building, since the early,1950"s. V The Town is located about 100 miles from the center of the New York metropolitan area and is j adjacent to:the long 1 land suburbs of'New York City.This suburban population„nearing 3,. Million,,has beers expanding eastward and has developed most ofthe farmlands of'western j of blk County and;continued exp ibn into the eastern extremity as well. Agricultural products are sh ppe to these populated areas f-om Southold Town, as-well as to other New England locations.A significant amount of farm produce is retailed from farm stands to local residents and towisp frequenting the Town.A large and thriving agricultural community e)ists.in the Town, but its`„long-term viability remains threatened by pressures of land;development. The Town comprises an area of.about 34,000 acres,tt'orn Peconic Day to Long Island. Sound,,and_,contains over 10;200 acres of agricultural land: The Town is part:of Suffolk County Agricultural,District No. 1,which encompasses about 5900 acres within town-boundaries. An hili tructureI is in place in eastern Suffolk County, to support agricultural enterprises. Offices of the Tamar bureau,Cornell Cooperative Extension, farm credit agencies and farm equipment and supply dr eters are in closaprounity. Agricultural practices are ever evolving;with wine grapes, ti vegetables, M.as,sery acrd greenhouse stock;, and sod becoming production leaders. Current statistics indicate the following:agricultural acreage and respective use, within the Town of Southold.. - 1820 acres:vegetables and fruits 1743acres:vineyards - 856acres: potatoes 1013 aeras: faClowlands - 70 acres: natr cry and tees 6eZ acres: sed, 954 acres: hay, rye and other grains lol acres:grennhou e uses 7,49 acnes-Total Plan of Work rWning Documaent::Reeognizing the inexorable encroachment ofdevelopment on farmland,. and its attendant degradation to a rural character and sense of place, the"rown Board has pursued i' a vigorous program of Agricultural 1:im&Preservation.Local Law first established the current LPC in 1983. The tasks and goals ofthe committeeare spelled out in Chapter 25—Agricultural Lands Preservation,of the Town Code(see Attachment W).Selection of candidate farmland -,parcels for preservation is,performed in accordance with Chapter 25 and a set of criteria established.by the LPG(see Attachment"B"). These factors,meet the qualifying thresholds of Section 325 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law.Additionally,the Town Code detaiIls.prolvbitions and restrictions on bse and/or alienation of thereby.-preserved agricultural lands. Prior Activity:In 1983,1987, 1991 and 1994,the Town of Southold voters approved bond :issues, each for.$1.75 Million and again in 1990,.1997 and 1998,each for$2..Million',to acquire farmland development.rights in.order to preserve important agricultural lands and the farthing economy,as well as other open spaces within the Town. Thusly represented($13.1Wz lion)is the serious and dedicated commitment of the community to its quality of life. P�sesent Proiect: The commitment continues. The remaining available funds ofthe.above-noted approved bond rel"er aduwaas(approximately$2.Mullion)will be applied to the costs of purchaswing the'project parcels herein listed: Furtherthe Town is working closely with third-party land trusts,,,in certain instances, where other forms of easement and fee acquisition,enhance'the development rights purchase. Additionally,the Town Board is joining in partnership with Suffolk County,to jointly s care,acquisition Costs for certain projects deemed,worthy of preservation, These approaches ellixtively"leverage" aaaore agricultural lands into preservation,,at less cost to all partners (basically, the approach represented in this.application). The ongoing program will be conducted much in the same manner as in the past. As will be shown herein., farndanl-ovaries`applications are in hand,which exceed the level of"town funding presently available, if'all were purchased, Additional applications are always fiarthcorning. :lt is expected this pattern will contirwa.te and may, accelerate dependent upon- econdinic influences, public awareness and funding. The LPC-is also commencing out-reach, initiating a solicitation of owner-applications from selected priority areas of.importanf agricultural landsin the Town. Tiriert, ct�tb-let Purchase Ct att9d e;tooutioftt 4 ire a r s onsa Iiity o legal coup l to tl resp ave parties.Evaluations and appraisal reviews are an initial task of the EPC, thereafter approved by b} the Town Board and subject to a pUbiic hearing. Based on past experience,the ftanding currently available(as supplemented by any b nt a std resulting,front this application),is expected to be disbursed or contractually obligated by October,2000. Deliverables The Toot of Southold is ready to participate in this prograrn with the State of New York Department of Agriculture and Markets. The Town enjoys a history of successful, committed protection df its a riculuiral resources through-purchase of development rights.The above- referenc6d project parcels attest to the fact there are willing farmland owners ready to,sell such rights to tle Town. Some of these project.pardowners may,ialtnxtately choses not to sell, however expedenc .las shown tl�at most purchses are acc6rriplisl14 wheu;pursuedwith �nrr`terl efo�t. ieeral °tl develoent rights aa� nuwv wwritlwin ast:rngp of000. to S.t,t1Q0..lt °acre,,,w ith the reportderanco tilted'tcrwvards file lw:igher endy of tie range,,red ectir g tl e x owv "rrll .Bonar °ixtfluex ccs cf the develooneirt/avi .eltr� l laud market in the,Towne. Hev Personnel The process of review,recommendation,negotiation and contraetklosiM involves the Town Board,the Town Attorney,and the members of the LPC, specif eally:. Chairman:Richard C.Ryan, J,.S.;Licensed real estate broker,Real Estate Officer (N14DOT/E"EC),retired, Members: James Pim,P.E.; Suf`olk County Department of Health Services(water duality) Noreen McKenna,Coup.Ed. Coord.—SoutIlaolpton College;farmer. Ray Huntington,business adminishator,retired. PredLee, member-Cornell Coop:Extension Agricultural Program Advisory Committee;fanner. Reed Jarvis, vineyard manager. Joseph Krukoski, member-Suffolk County Farm Select Committee,farmer. Bu,aig�t Approximately.$2.Million remains available in Town bond.hinds, for application to the acquisition costs associated�,w�ith.the above-reference project parcels. blorm overhead expenses and ordinary soft costs,are anticipated as additions to the actual costs of development rights purchase. I i Present S"tItus: outstanding f}ll r a lira is res:All project par Is hcrei�� listed have landowner applications for development rights'purchase, currently submitted to the LPC. These applications represent appro irrrately 1.80 acres ofproductive farmland having estimated development rights purchase-costs in,excess of$1.8. Million. B. Work in Progress: The abo o-referenced ap li itions are in the process of review,appraisal and evaluation.by the LPC. Pibrchase ollbrs,dor the development rights and, fuither contract negofiations, are forthcoming. C.BrlefOscriptign and Status of Project parcels(in priority order). Individual d maps for each project are attache l(Atta hment"D"): �'1;. , Sclrrr it rego t.9 ® e. SC # 95-01-004. 32+acres of sod. E'srxratecl cost�$30,000' ' .UO).,Oregon:[load,Cutchogue. SCTAO 083-01002. 12+acres offallowl d. '�` Omated cost $1,20,,000 t C.Sidor.Middle grad,Mattituck..SCTM# 1:07 10003 &004. 32+acres of rotitoes arid.rye;in Ag.District.Estimated cost=$320,000. 9f t/I 4. G.Cooway.Middle Road, Southold. SCTM#063.-01-0.01.5. 8.5 acres of vegetables. )Rstimated.cost=$100,000.. 5.,1'.&S.Scott. ��rin Road, Cutclrogue. SC 102-02-023. 40+acres of-rye and �pa tures in' g.District. Pstiniated cost =$450, 6V6.E.Ernst&ors.Dain Road,Southold. SCT-NO 056-01-011 &056-03-013.3. 54 acres fallowland. Estimated*cost=$550;000. C er applications before the LPC, are not here4isted for reasons of current priority and funding nsid tior►s'. Eagements:the Town of Southold holds the development rights, in a dedicated fashion and in l wer aetnity. This fact is reflected in the title r 'n 'by the underlying fee owner of the preserved. .grlcrult„ural lands. Any proposed alteration in the terms ofthe town-held easement requires a public hearing, prior to adoption. The a nanagement/monitoring of the terms of each easement is currently a task of the LPC. r I i� 'I r Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board c/o Cornell Cooperative Extension - Suffolk County. 246 Gtlffing Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11 1- August 2, 1999 rd Marjorie Brague,Director Divi "oil,of Fiscal,Mgna; +Hart 1 C t.L bf Agriculture aadVarkets l "dtaacrs Circle e A,, 4ity,New,York 12235 t Dear Mus.Bwgue: re�uffolk County Agricultural ajM;Fa%Mlan&d Pry tep +gin,4ogq jnpt on August 2, 1999 to review the County proposal for ier the S€t 4-blk6unty Agriculture and Forrtiland Protection Pro ii and to tcvjew praosalsfrorn 'l pumicipalities for State funds � dr r d T he..Tow n of Southold's application was considered and`the Suffolk County Agricultural and II ; Farmland Protection Board voted to endorse the Town's grant application, ti flSincerely, Kenneth Schmitt i Chairman Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board �G i u a .,,,,,„...:,-,.;� e,•�.�.w»n.xww,vwwxrwwrwwre. •n^^wrxune oarvnwn, mm.+n�xxrw ..*�wmm.r1mi aUm wMxaedAuuw. nln.:,�+..,ww+µ.uwx+.,wx.::......s+.x:....rn..,,,W.- .-w+--..._...x-w.-• I I i i i APPENDIX D GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR: AGRICLDLTII L o►Nll FARM.i,AND PRQTEGTION`IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTS New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets a These general conditions apply to the administrative aspects of the u Pra.nt greem.ent and reflecti!,-NeW.York State's.contract rocordkeepin ,and da went procedures.,, Tlbe e e eiral onditions cannot be changed PAYMENT Payment of state funds shall.be made to the Contractor after approval of this Agreement by the State Comptroller, upon the submission of a payment request (Standard Voucher}, an executed purchase agreement with the landowner, a budget report detailing the Contractor's match,•two copies of an appraisal by a New York State Certified General Real Estate. Appraiser; the required title policy,. a copy of all subordination agreements, an approved easement or purchase of development rights, a monitoring ;plan, and any `agreement between the Contractor and another to hold or maintain the interest in real property. The Contractor shall submit all requests for payment, reports and supporting: documents to the following address: NYS Department of Agriculture and. markets, Division of Fiscal Management, 1 Winner's Circle, Albany, NY 12235. Invoices, standard vouchers and any reports will not be considered received by the Department and any interest which may be due the Contractor will not begin to accrue until they have been received by the Division of Fiscal Management. Payment to the Contractor under this Agreement shall not be made unless the,Contractor shall have submitted to the Department a written payment request together with such information as required by the Agreement. Payment shall not:be due until the 60th calendar day after receipt of the payment request, where contract funds have been appropriated and made available to the Department. i Upon examination of the Contractor's payment request and supporting material, the Department may, in its sole discretion, modify or adjust the amount requested. to reflect contract funds expended as of the date of the request. Subsequent to its review and approval of the payment request, the Department i will transmit the request to the Comptroller for payment. I I i The .total payment- made under .this Agreement will not exceed the Contractor's actual costs and expenses arising from the completion of the work ;under this Agreement. a . i TITLE The Contractor shall ensure that,the title to the lands or interests therein shall be, unencurnbered or, if encumbered by outstanding or reserved interests, like Contractor`shill enSUre'that'such enCumbrance shall not interfere,with the ri ultgrau,l and. farm! nd protection purpose for which the interest, therein is, Iein a quuired;. Tire ,ontratc► shall provirl a title p°olic and title insurance„ at a minirxau k„ for thew'St te's share of the interest in real property being, obtained. in the event, of a failure of, title; the Contra6tor, Will) use the title insurance proceeds, to ads the purchase of an interest in another approved p l;cel contained"lrr" ppendi� C orrein°b rse the Department for.the aniotant o`t St ate furtpaid :EASEMENT REQU. IREMENTS The Contractor shall require that all easements or other interests in land acquired under this agreement! 1_ run with the land in perpetuity; 2. prevent-the land from being converted to non-agricultural uses; 3. require that all amendments to the approved easement be authorized by the Department. APPROVED AGREEMENTS AND MONITORING PLANS The Contractor shall submit the proposed agreements to purchase development rights or to obtain a conservation easement, the monitoring plan and any subagreement to hold or maintain the interest in real property at least sixty (6 ,) days prior to the planned submission of the payment request for that transaction. The Contractor and the Department shall negotiate the terms and conditions of such agreements and monitoring plans, when necessary. The Department shall advise the Contractor in writing when the agreements and monitoring plans have :been approved. No funds available under this Agreement shall be disbursed until the Contractor's agreements.and monitoring plan have been approved by the Department. 2 COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL,* STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS The Contractor is responsible for complying with -all local, state and ;federal laws appllcable to the wo:rk,performed under this Agreement_ ;PAYMENT CONTINGENCY Funds for payment under this Agreement are provided to the Department !through, opproprisutions from. the N^ ew York; State Legislature.. These 'appr6prip00 res sre made on a sal yeas:;basis Me r York's fiscal year begins on. iApr j 1 of°each,'calea r,iwlar year dn'd ends on March 31 "ofthe f liowin calendar year. nhds for' 'paments wider thi's Agreement were appropriated to the. �Departni'ent. uriog the 1-9,99-2-000 fis pt.year and reappropriated during the- � �1 fi c i year: Payment for work pursuant to this; Agrpbnieqt,which is !con feted or Cohlt need by the Contractor after the ggg 601 fispal year i �subj ct to eppr api;iati n oc reapproprietion of funds by 'the Le islature in each %ib egkjont%cavyear. IFINANC.IAL LIMIT The financiallimit 'of' State appropriated funds under. this Agreement is Four. Hundred Sixty —six Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($466,775) and the Department shall not be obligated to make any payment to ithe Contractor in excess of that amount. ;NON-DUPLICATION OF PAYMENTS The payments received by the Contractor under this Agreement shall not :duplicate payments received from any other source for the work performed under this Agreement. In the event of such duplication, the Contractor shall remit to the Department, the amount which duplicated payment received from other sources. Any subcontracts under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall clearly describe the goods or services to be provided and the total cost of such goods or services. Subcontracts for services only shall separately state the rate :of compensation on a per-hour or per-day basis. 3 FINAL REPORT Not later than thirty,(30) days from completion of the work under this Agreement, tie Contractor shallfife with :the.Department a.final'written report. u ii�cNudi g: a map depicting the location -of properties ,where, interests were l ` urcliasedx a copy of the recorded easement of.purchase of development rights, and any rno'bitoring plans or agreements for.another to hold or'tnaintairt the interest it real property, and a copy of th.e final budget s.howind project expenditures. : ';A50O.RDS MALNTEIdANCE, EXAMINATION AND.RETENTION rl The Contractor stiall maintain records and accounts in specific. detail to identify all contract funds received and expended under,this Agreement.. The Contractor shall maintain a daily written record which contains the name(s) of the officer(s) and employee(s) providing services under this Agreement and the amount of time expended' upon such services. a The. Contractor shall maintain the records required under this paragraph as set forth in Appendix A to this Agreement, INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor agrees to'indemnify and hold harmless the State of New York and the Departn ent from all liability incurred by the.Department for bodily injury and personal property.damages resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor, its officers, agents or'employees in the provision of services under this.Agreement, provided that the Department promptly notifies the Contractor.of any such claim and affords the Contractor an opportunity to defend such claim; and cooperates fully with the Contractor in the defense of any claims. MINORITY AND WOMEN OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE For this Agreement the Department has'established the following goals: Minority business enterprises 1% Women owned business enterprises 1% 4 �. ... . .......... NON-SECTARIAN PURPOSE The Contractor shall not expend funds received under this Agreement for any purposes other than for'perl'orniarice of the worm under this Agreement, and hereby represents that no contract funds shall be upended directly or indirectly for any private or sectarian purpose, CONTRACTOR NOT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE OR AGENT Neither the Contractor, nor its agents, employees, suppliers or suocontra,ctor ,,shall lie in any way,deeme(I to be employees or agents of the Department tare of the' Stoke of New York in performing the: work under this Agreement. :DEVIATION FROM WORK The Contractor"shall perform the work under. this Agreement as set forth in the application. attached as Appendix C. Any substantial deviation.from the application shall require the prior written approval of the Department. TERMINATION The Department may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon giving :thirsty (30) days written notice to the other party.. Upon receipt of such notice from;the Department, the Contractor shall immediately cease work and prepare a statement of costs, expenses and non-cancelable commitments incurred as of the date of such termination. The Department may terminate this Agreement for cause upon giving one (1) day's written notice. The Contractor's failure to perform in accordance.with the terms of this Agreement .due to circumstances reasonably beyond the Contractor's control should not constitute cause for termination pursuant to this provision. In the event of such failure to perform, the Department may, at its option, either grant the Contractor a specified period in which to correct its performance, or terminate this Agreement in accordance with this paragraph. 5 . •. ..-.,..,,.e. ew.own.+rm.rmn wr.r+rr w+r+w wnm..nnawuw:wwauwwnrvrwmm n;. xmxaw::rcwxaeti wu ai..nMw.orrtnxatrvn raaeueAnA:rovenanwrvrvnuwM.w',±wmm'NbMn Jx wMa'mmviwrow;wwmmatl+�nw+a'+W'.:navmvm mnrnmw-.duyH.w.aa m8uuaem-nueeo ivWiie Amwoe m 4 The Contractor shall notify the Depa emit in writing if the Contractor proposeslbi alienate, in a cordarn e with the procedureset forth7in Chapter of the To n Code of the Town of Southold„ any, of the development, rights purchased under this Agreement. The Contractor small rein burse to the I epartrper any State furjds used for the purchase of any development rights Whidh afel subsequently alienated and reunited with the underlying fee'.title, it ,DF . ICN This Agreement may not be modified unless such modification is made-in Writing, e eco ted by the:.Department and the. Contractor and approved by the Pgttorney General and Comptroller of the State of New York. NECESSARY SIGNATURES This Agreement shall. not be binding and; effective upon the Department unless and until approved by the Attorney General and the Comptroller of the State of NeW York. J 6