HomeMy WebLinkAboutFPIG –C800021-Blum;Schreiber STATE OF NEW YORK
George E.Pataki
Nathan L.Rudgers
April 2, 2001 Commissioner
Ms. Jean Cochran, Supervisor
Town of Southold
Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
Southold,New York 11971-0959
Dear Ms. Cochran:
I am very pleased to inform you that the Department of Agriculture and Markets has awarded the
Town of Southold the sum of $600,000 to assist the Town in its farm land preservation efforts. Based
Capon your hY2000/2001 Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grants aplification, the
Department has provided enough matching funds to purchase the developinent rights ora arty of the severs
lusted parcels.
Before State funds can be provided for the purchase of"easements or developmentrights ora any of
the approved properties, it will first be necessary to develop a contract between the Dep,ulrnent and the
Town. This contract must contain, at least, an agreed upon plan of work and budget Project:
expenditures, which occur prior to the approval of the contract by the State Comptroller, rnight not be
reimbursed. Therefore, we strongly advise that you not incur any expenses for which State
reimbursement will be sought until the contract is approved.
In order to Facilitate the timely development of a contract, I am requesting that you identify the
principal contact person with whorls you would like us to work. Please provide this information to Ken
Grudens, the Department's Farmland Protection Program Manager. He may be reached by phone at 518-
457-2713, by fax at 518-457-2716, or by mail in care of the Department's main offices located at 1
Winners Circle, Albany,New York 12235-0001.
The Department looks forward to working with you in preserving your valuable farmland
resources for agricultural production purposes now and in the future.
Commissioner of Agriculture
and Markets of the State of New York
cc: Kenneth Schmitt, Chair, Suffolk County AFPB
Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
R - 9 2001
1 Winners Circle ♦Albany, NewYork12235 ♦Phone: (518)457-8876 ♦ F (518)457-30ffpT,OF LAND
Co` printed on recycled paper PRESCRyAjION
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MELISSA A. SPIRO Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25
Southold,New York 11971-0959
0-1 Telephone(631) 765-5711
Fax(631) 765-1366
February 25, 2003
Ken Grudens
Farmland Protection Program Manager
NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets
1 Winners Circle
Albany,New York 12235
RE: Town of Southold
Contract Number C800021 ($600,000)
Dear Mr. Grudens:
Enclosed please find the following in regard to the Town of Southold's request for payment:
➢ Robert Schreiber
SCTM# 1000-95-1-4
• State Aid Voucher
• Budget report
• Executed purchase agreement
• Two copies of appraisal dated 10/2/01
• Title policy
• Deed of Development Rights
• Southold Town's Monitoring Plan
• NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets Waiver
➢ Reynold Blum
SCTM# 1000-75-5-1
• State Aid Voucher
• Budget report.
• Executed purchase agreement.
• Two copies of appraisal dated 10/31/00.
• Title policy
• Deed of Development Rights
• Southold Town's Monitoring Plan
• NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets Waiver
Town of Southold
Contract Number C800021 ($600,000)
February 25,2003
Page 2
The contract term expires 3/31/03. Please advise if I should request an extension.
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding the enclosed information.
S n r�ca��el ,
Mclissa Spiro
Land Preservation Coordinator
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179
MARRIAGE OFFICER �� Fax(631) 765-6145
RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER 4� Telephone (631) 765-1800
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net
�. X
ON APRIL 22, 2003:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Horton to execute an arnendinexit to the Agricultural and Farmland
Protection Implementation Grant Contract C800021. This amendment will extend the
contract period from 3/31/03 through 12/31/03.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
New York State
Department of Agriculture and Markexs Contract Number: C800021
I Winners Circle
Albany, NY 12235-0001 Amount of Agreement: $600,000
Agency Code 06000
AGRICULTURAL AND FARMLAND PROTECTION Contract Period: 4/2/01 to 12/31/03
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Agriculture and Markets Law Municipal Code: 47 03 7900 0
Article 25AAA
Contractor Name/Project Sponsor: Town of Southold
Street: 53095 Route 25 City: Southold State: NY Zip: 11971
Billing Address (if different from above):
Street: City: State: Zip:
Title/Description of Project:Town of Southold Agricultural & Farmland Protection Implementation Grant
This Coversheet Additional Work If Increase/Decrease in Amount:
❑Appendix A(Standard Clauses for all New York State N Extension of Time
Contracts) From 3/31/03 to 12/31/03 Previous Amount: $
Appendix B (Project Budget) ❑ Increase Amount Increase/decrease
❑Appendix C (Award letter(s) &a portion of Applicant's proposal) ❑ Decrease Amount New Total: $
❑Appendix D (The Department's General Conditions) ❑ Revised Budget
❑Appendix E (The Department's Special Conditions) ❑ Revised Scope of Work
❑Appendix F- Other(Identify) ❑Other
The Contractor and the Department agree to be bound by the
terms and conditions contained in this Agreement
Signat e of Contra r°s Au Norized Representative: Signature of Authorized Official:
Date: +? r'�I 23„mm 2003 Date: °
Typed or Printed Name of Above Representative: Typed or Printed Name of Above Official:
Joshua Y. Horton
Title of Authorized Representative: Title of Authorized Official
Supervisor, Town of Southold
Notar Public Onis day before me personally appeared State Agency Certification: In addition to the acceptance
....... ,to me known, and of this contract, I also certify tha �160a1�m,00pis of this
known to me to be the same person who executed the above signature page ”" e-att ex ct copies
instrument and duly acknowledge the executin of the same. of this contract.
NOTARY PUBLIC Mete of New York
_ pp
No.01I� �tta370
Attorney General: Gaerpe low On Approved: Alan I levesi om�ro e� v
Commission )iree September M3f 1 By: ���
�Sl a1,0
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE fit,! " �� '"� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
TOWN CLERK F 5� P.O. Box 1179
Southold New York 11971
MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax (631) 765-6145
RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ���� � ` i�' Telephone (631) 765-1800
ON MAY 22, 2001:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute New York State Agriculture and, Markets Contract
C800021 in connection with the Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation
Grant in the amount of$600,000 for the term April 2, 2001 through March 31, 2003. All in
accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
Nm„ E
MAY 2 5 20M
New York State
Department of Agriculture and Markets Contract Number: C800021
Winners Circle
Albany, NY 12235-0001
Agency Code 06000 Amount of Agreement: $600,000
IMPLEMENTATION GRANT Contract Period: 4/2/01 t0 3/31/03
STATUTORY AUTHORITY:Agriculture and Markets Law Municipal Code: 47 03 7900 0
Article 25AAA
Contractor Name/Project Sponsor: Town of Southold
Street: 53095 Route 25 City: Southold State: NY Zip: 1.1971-0959
Billing Address(if different from above):
Street: City: State: Zip:
Title/Description of Project: Town of Southold Agricultural & Farmland Implementation Grant
This Covershet ❑Additional Work If Increase/Decrease in Amount:
Appendix A(Standard Clauses for all New York State 0� Extension of Time
Contracts) From to Previous Amount: $
Appendix B(Project Budget) ❑ Increase Amount Increase/decrease
Appendix C(Award letter(s) &a portion of Applicant's proposal) ❑ Decrease Amount New Total: $
Appendix D(The Department's General Conditions) ❑ Revised Budget
❑Appendix E(Federal Conditions) ❑ Revised Scope of Work
❑,Appendix F-Cooperative Agreement 73-2C31-8440 ❑ Other
The Contractor and the Department agree to be bound by the
terms and conditions contained in this Agreement
g p � ` „ �Si eture of Authorized Official:
Signature of Contractor's Authorized Representative,;
V 1/14611
1�t r.r
Date: Date: '-.
Typed or Printed Name of Above Representative: I ped"or Printeel Name of Above Official:
''` Ruth A. Moore
Irs e - yCommissioner
Title of Authorized Representative: Title of Authorized Official
N ary Public On this day before me personally appeared State Agency Certification: In addition to the acceptance
V t to me known, and of this contract, I also certify that original copies of 101
known to me to be the same person who executed the above signature page will be attached to all ottIr," 6q p01 ies
instrument and duly acknowledged the execution of the same. of this contract. �
Attorney General- Office of the State Comptrol r:
Qualified In Suflolk County
. rrrnllunExpires April
6. /I
APPEM=A reason of nice,=4 color,
ST (nt)difctintuaam in.hiring anyNow"y'rsrlt State dlizeet who
NEW YORK ST,&7ZCONMACM is rlunalifiad and availidala to Vadjurn tha wwaar or(b)diminiftiale,,
ag hen or imialidatle any crailloyac hired for the p"fovam=of
a a:t oounaat Con h"a attlzleca tta of ytl illi
"The pardazi to the attached coulnuct, 11clansaj lasse, Per pa"on per day lhr any Violation of S=Ziaa=-a to Scatka
arisindenaut or other'agressmaut of My kind (AmmiaMAXE. 41113 239 es'wc1f as pa slbles taerroinadan 0 this coaftnat and lbrMare
contract' or"this coatiace)agree to be bound by the fbllowing of an mono"due hercumixrlbrasacaond orseditequentvioiadon.
ciannics which am hemby sanda a part of the coMMI(ft Wild
herein mfc= to lary Party other than. the State. 6. HAGH_&HaBMMA22MM9=
whadalara or my o S a building
party). e
amployeali nor the cmployoas off oubtmatmatots way be requited
1. _.aUDrI _Ai. in acconbleas wft Section 41 of ft ar parmitted to wask nnary than the number of'hoara Or d'at'a sbeted
State pleartem Law, the State ahatill heave no Ha under ' in.snld =.dpt pt as notexwiso mid 'hat die Labor IA'w amt
contract to the Contractor or to anyone also beyond flrmds as°set fbids is prig vap and sp1icanind:sabodalea iswrd by
appropristmd and le forthis con4wL the State Lidior Dapartranot. Contractor and ift
miticantracturs meat Y at least the prmaing,vaW ratto mad pay
2. Cy .. �S C.tel: In,accordance with Section or provide the polvailbaff,MphisocaM Including
138 ofdne Slaw tri aamo LAur,this caaaalarr aaaay tntir tea caner 1nl" pay. a State
ttlta chatrackv or its righr, Stria or slonrast diarain assigned, Divartracutiziacculdiesm widt the Labor Law.
u=fvrred conveyed', suhlw or otbarwiso disposed of wlrbtaut the
previous 'consent, in writhaff, of the State and any.aiaxpta in
assigncz wilhoult Ilic Stews wiltual conscantain mill and aru^r.trr to with Se tions 139»4 of tlaa Stara 15101040 Law,if
voicL Me Contractor may,hawmer, assign its d curet ens awaaled based upon the an an of bdd%
pisyment without thin Staw's prior written consent unlaiis this Caaou ctor warrens, under paualty of pt(Juay, "that its blot was
co>ittaax wncems Ccidaataata of Pardcilmdoe pu want to Article arrived at,inde pandent(y and wdlhout collusion rtiraed at msoduting
5-A of 'S Pi • w as laatltlon. CArt ara<aw firriber wamuta tbar; at tlao limb
contractor flulaniltod its bid,an authorized and rasp mttriblo Feriae
3, jffRD a.AXM6A, IT,ALOrdailen witti 9 tithe S a bidding
112 ref thn State latiraraaa=t atw(or,if 1111th is iS a
Lkhm sity or Catty Uuivcmity ofNow Yaidt,Section 3W or Session
6218 of the Education Laws If this comhazS emcends$15,000(or S. #� �a .����'� ����� r
the ininhourn.thresholds agroad,tu by the Office of the State a=ordaancta with Sadjuat 22Wf of tiro Labor Law and Saatltaa 139-
Comptroller for certain S.UNX. and C.LLN.Y.'casittactO. or if b of the Suft Finance g taruu,if this coutraat arc aom$3,dlll0,-the
this is an amendmant for a so cecizaasror ayes„ as a matwial condltlou of the couhw4 that
aarrtaatdad c'rroa rabw.st irf ataetaalraa aiasaataattW an.1A,hay trials cnnttrnast,the ttritber•the Ca ntractnr our soy sahliattpndialty owned or a fllate:al .,..
S�a ea if)gi�a Smoothing ot�'dtnn Monoy`whou t luo ��oaa, ��tm„ nt�iup or corporation h peal b ,
rexasaanaa�bly tiaa lded vuhn:ofsanch c sidalti o!�v="da 510,000,- orticipating„ JOIJ pa da"i��Ala am l rawanituaal ba�utt in
it shall aaot tae anolid,m0=14roaa or birartfag capon tho Seen laud it has violation of the iWaaral Saapad Adroisd tttaddnn Act of"1979 (54
been sppinvod by,troch State t'aar rtrta llor sn ti dibr d aha his to la e; 'd7'SCAppi Senations 2401 Or sc t,.)aar atagolntlaaaa tluca , 11"aaic,k
Coutrocarac, of any of the Afilivnilid affflanes of cordraCt0e, is
with Section 1 12 of•tho Stairs Prana t'M Latw,this _
canvl d- r is iso tua halm^vio s*°lswa m'
a tm�0 be teguts3imid-bptaa, 1110,B441 riot nine of the "ffai l States
void and of no force and affect unless the Contraamr shall.provide (�orueqcroo D aaroncut or any odi" Capri age O 1110
and maintain aovesage during the life of thda: la nhact for the United, Statrawt subauaaluent 'nes the oaaalracttiaaa nar clon, such
benefit of such amployees as are requind to be coverad by the conamot, antcoill'ar.aat or modification theaato ab all bas tembutdprovisions .
nfthe Worklars,Compensation law. fbr1Wr and void, "d'baa Contractor shall^rho nodfY the Stale.
Componliaar wi ddar five (;) business darya of anch cenviationn,
5m ll�fT t T(
In a daeaioe tilstrenimadan ordis+puaidon of appral(21 TL""M 115,4),
arwitb Article, 15 Of tite 1 xcranvo r...at^aw(alaaa)lanoaawa i s the kbnulaa
Wl#iat Ljw) ;and aadt cthor stare, toad FLdearaal Awatury Owl 11th Stain alrali have aT sits otrmanaat
corifidualoual awl.-dia wiraioadea proviadarwrs, this CantrActor will lsawr, aadlaitaablia atnaf ty is oaf s it Those`1 wti rigbtat r the
east' allacsanainxata sgoh3st any eaarplopen or applieaat for daaluda;taut act kaa li'uKitoto,tlaa taata"s optica to rsihial'card flit fba
anploymaar btxmusrx of t=a, aaa"eed, calor, ar , °g poaa.ltoser of aotroil hart'hal nttiyu alrcra tma that Caap Stain with
le taw
as ,disability rah^ aaaaribil chains. Fuitherahaarta,Ina a contraaat cap to alnyamonants dao and raaudngn tSa State"arla,entttOr
St ciian 22C-o of the Labor Taw, If fbb 1s A hon .for the to tlhia ccai�naor, coy atlnar a rvatla away Stara a3g prior
t or
c ction,alteration.or of y blio b or b agtnaary,ianaludlaagany aeon a taaana is egto the
to on
or for ma a or distribution tenth oftbia coutraac,plus arty aarorantaa duo curd uw9tng to tdna Shane
Work 1lndwas fax
qwpxanti'r:or sragapflos,;aid ho alto exa'cat th this c taaet shall lora $1 t any oi3aes" r �wdao r9aadisag rwl zarar u
perfotonaced•aawidaln the Stara of New"lark, cora uctur aprea than ddinqucuoica,, td:o tical"uaaluanrcScai or araaaaartary paaasab'w 'chat er
noitllor it nor its scalar oaataataatars shall, by sr.a wen of Lance„ =red, therein.7 e Stano ahandl aarerrilil iara scoff dghtas irr aoatadaace,
color,diasbfli w„saaawa,or cationat origin. (a)discrindaM In Ndrbigwith nonaaal,Strafe graham incla line;,in cases of ac"trPu aaot
agalast any New Yorlr.Staaw Citizen wlto is epuslldlod and awaalabla to an,aiariit,the,tiaalitxntdou of such audit by the Stats ograaay, its
to pa^arlbraat the awca 't ar(1a)d1=inrbmf a apinst hit•it dttadilanm anxy^ talar�targtativas,ortlhe Stato Camptro t
prolrryea hired for the poxibraillaza.al",�=h tinder this contract° If
this la a building sorvict.Maahact as dafi ed in Rection 2.10,of tine 111. ��), "lltea Condaanatan shalt catadalialt stat raaadataatna
Labor have, than, inaaacorTlaaaaas.-With Section 730 thaveaf, complains anxi aceaunto books,XMI0114 does arnseats„ accorrots and
Connector agrees that neither it nor its subcrawtrartars spall by
other awldenca directly pextittwsat to Per ibriance" ce drier,this
contract oinvainafler, co0aawively, "1120 Rccaataba). The gtsrotda.
ltaast; be kept for the bidnam of dada CAID"dar lir
upon it by registered or (a) The r le to the
Service hereunder shad be complete upon a l p an of New York Statia.Busmass Entupdaes as suppd
reacipt of process or upon the S s receipt of the ratim thereof and subcontractors, atl minority and we==-
by the United States Postal Sca:T6 as nAmed or undadverabla owned business en rises,on this project ed the
Camtractor must prompidy notify the State,in wdiin&of each and documentation of these affints to be provided upon to tho
wary ahamge of address to which s ice of be madia. Store;
:• ,
Service by the Stolz to the last known be
C4utmctor will have thirty (30) calendar dop of= service (b) Mw Contractor has complied wiffi the Federal
hercundar is complete in which to respami. Opportunity Act of IM(P.L 92-261).as
1s. MO TT10N ON P AqR OF TROPICAL (c) The cammotoragracs to make rasonable affads to provide
Contractor cartifies and wismants that ad ractificadost to New York- State ividdem of employment
wood proditats to be used under this otialract award vA be in opportunities on We prOact through Haling any such positions
accordance with, but not limited t0. the 4ighcations and Job Sarvica Division ofthis Now Ycot State l3apartmaid
provisions of State Roman Law §165. ([Jae of Tmpical of labor, or providling such natifiboadusa in such manner an in
ffardwoodg) winch pmWbhs pumbass asad use of trapical consistent with misting collective g contracts or
hardwoodsi, unless specifically byor any ageements-The C to these efforts and
gov agency or cal subdivision or public betiefit to provide said doomnantation.to the 9 upon and
corporation_ QuiiMcadimforno examption.under this law will be
the rusponsabIRLY of the to establish to meet With the (d) The Commanor acimawledgmnod Sho may auk to
approval ofthe Stam obtain as a result of tbb
contract and agrees to cooperate WA the in time affixte.
In addition,when any portion of this couttact hivolvtoff the use of
woods.whether supply or installation.is tQ be performed by any
subcontractar,the primo C in ft 21. R_F.l I3C) ANL)SAN--__ S PROVI31 a-Bithim
aubmitted bid proposal that the subcontractor has been h0wimed aro hereby nodflad that if thdir pdncW phm of buidness is
and Is in conapdancei with apecifications and provisions regarding 1 iia or political subdivision
use of tropical hardwoods as damfled in§165 State Tniffica Low. that pentallms Now Yark Staft vandois, and if flul goods or
Any such use mim meet vft the appro.val oftho Statc,otharwhic6 services they offw vifl be suixamitially produced or parlbraind
the bid may not be considered responsive. Under bidder outside Now Y the Omnibus PTociarament Act 1994 and
witifications, proof of qualificalticat ier exemption will be lite 2000 aniandracrits (Chapter 664 and Clavier 3 )
responsibility of the Contractor to meet with the approval of the require that they be denied con °ch thAY would otherwise
Stanis. obtana. Contact the Dapadment of
" nfor Small.Business,303 y New
19. MACBRME FAIR M&PLOMOM-PRREMMIIS° In Yodc 12245, for a-currant list of jmdsfflctlws subject to this
accordance with the Macilkide, Fee Principles Provision-
roon.( ter 807 of the Lim of •1992), the Contractor hereby
stipulates that the Cc (a)has no business operations „
in.Northern Ireland,or(b)dud take lawfid steps in.good hilb.to
conduct any business apaadausia Northima Imland in accordance
with the MacBride Fair Principles(M d ad is Revised November 2000
Section 165 of the Now Yaak State Finance Lowl and sW liemak
independent monitoring of compliancewith such pdn*fc3.
20. OMMUS FROaMMMU ACT OF 1992°'It is the policy
of Now York State to rntkifini;,m rrtrpartuaitim fort,”,patticipation,
of Now York Stolz busies s enterprises, including minority and
women-owned badness enterptises as bidders,subcontractors and
suppHaman its.procurement contracts.
loformation on the availability of Now Yadc Ststa subcontractors
and suppliers is available
Department of Economic Development
Division for Small Business
30 South Pearl Street
Albany,Now Yadc 12245
TeL 518-292-5220
A directory of-cartified minority and women-owned business
eaterprises is available
Department ofEconomic Development
Minority and Women's Business Development Division
30 South Pead Street
Albamy,New York 12245
httpdhvww.cmph ►r ny us
The Omnibus Fmcurement Act o£1992 requires that by signing
this bid proposal or contract.as app` l%Co tors cw*dud
whenever the total bid amount is givirlar than$1 o
n- pp"14 B
Farmland Protection Implementation Grant Budget
Town of Southold
Estimated i 775,000
Administrative Costs $
Administrative Costs (in-kind) 25,000
Incl. implementation, staff time
legal review, and closings, etc.
Total Project Costs 800,000
Local Match Funding
Town/County Funds 175,000
In-Kind 25,000
Subtotal 200,000
% of total project costs 25%
State Funding
State Funding 600,000
% of total project costs above 75% (not to exceed 75%)
George E.Pataki Nathan L.Rudgers
Governor April 2,2001 Commissioner
Ms. Jean Cochran, Supervisor
Town of Southold
Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
Southold,New York 11971-0959
Dear Ms. Cochran:
I am very pleased to inform you that the Department of Agriculture and Markets has awarded the
Town of Southold the sum of$600,000 to assist the Town in its farmland preservation efforts. Based
upon your FY2000/2001 Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grants application, the
Department has provided enough matching funds to purchase the development rights on any of the seven
listed parcels.
Before State funds can be provided for the purchase of easements or development rights on any of
the approved properties, it will first be necessary to develop a contract between the Department and the
Town. This contract must contain, at least, an agreed upon plan of work and budget. Project
expenditures, which occur prior to the approval of the contract by the State Comptroller, might not be
reimbursed. Therefore, we strongly advise that you not incur any expenses for which State
reimbursement will be sought until the contract is approved.
In order to facilitate the timely development of a contract, I am requesting that you identify the
principal contact person with whom you would like us to work. Please provide this information to Ken
Grudens,the Department's Farmland Protection Program Manager. He may be reached by phone at 518-
457-2713, by fax at 518-457-2716, or by mail in care of the Department's main offices located at 1
Winners Circle,Albany,New York 1223570001.
The.Department looks forward to working with you in preserving your valuable farmland
resources for agricultural production purposes now and in the future.
Commissioner of Agriculture
and Markets of the State of New York
cc: Kenneth Schmitt, Chair, Suffolk County AFPB
" Melissa Spiro,Land Preservation Coordinator
1 Winners Circle ♦Albany,New York 12235 ♦ Phone:(518)457-8876♦ Fax:(518)457-3087
CA printed on recycled paper
JEAN W. COCHRAN per" � Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
C40 Zt
r Southold, New York 11971-0959
Fax(631) 765-1823
Telephone(631) 765-1889
r ®ect itl�; Purchase of Development Rights of selected farmlands within the Town of
Anr�licar�t: Town of Southold, Suffolk County,NY
By: Jean W. Cochran, Southold Town Supervisor
Melissa Spiro, Southold Town Land Preservation Coordinator
_Addcess Tel,#: Department of Land Preservation
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
PO Box 1179, Southold, NY 11971
Tel. (631) 765-5711 or(631) 765-1800
Fax(631) 765-1366
Amount Requested: Maximum available. Town funds presently available
approximately $6 Million.
Duration of Proiect: Parcels will be selected and contracts closed within 2 years.
: Skil l°01
JEAN W. COCHRAN Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Fax(631) 765-1823
� $ Telephone(631) 765-1889'
Proiect Summary
The Town of Southold proposes a cooperative effort under terms of the 1996 Clean Water/Clean
Air Bond Act and the 1993 Environmental Protection Fund for Agricultural and Farmland
Protection Implementation Projects, to acquire the development rights to agricultural properties.
The properties have been submitted by their owners to the Land Preservation Committee(LPC)
of the Town of Southold for sale of such rights to the Town. The common characteristics of these
properties and the community in which they are situated are described below. The plan, under
which the Town proposes to utilize its own, and other public funds, has been reviewed and
approved by the Suffolk County Farmland Protection Board, as required (see Attachment "X').
Agriculture in the Town of Southold: The Town of Southold has been a farming community
since it's founding over 350 years ago. The ensuing years have seen many changes, most
noticeably population increases and the encroachment of home building, since the early 1950's.
The Town is located about 100 miles,from the center of the New York metropolitan area and is
adjacent to the Long Island suburbs of New York City. This suburban population, nearing 3
Million, has been expanding eastward and has developed most of the farmlands of western
Suffolk County and continued expansion into the eastern extremity as well. Agricultural products
are shipped to these populated areas from Southold Town, as well as to other New England
locations. A significant amount of farm produce is retailed from farm stands to local residents
and tourists frequenting the Town. A large and thriving agricultural community exists in the
Town, but its long-term viability remains threatened by pressures of land development.
The Town comprises an area of about 34,000 acres, from Peconic Bay to Long Island Sound, and
contains over 10,200 acres of agricultural land. The Town is part of Suffolk County Agricultural
District No. 1, which encompasses about 5900 acres within town-boundaries. An infrastructure is
in place in eastern Suffolk County, to support agricultural enterprises. Offices of the Farm
Bureau, Cornell Cooperative Extension, farm credit agencies and farm equipment and supply
dealers are in close proximity. Agricultural practices are ever evolving, with wine grapes,
vegetables, nursery and greenhouse stock, and sod becoming production leaders.
Statistics as of January 2000, indicate the following agricultural acreage and respective use,
M, the Town of Southold:
- 1820 acres: vegetables and fruits
- 1743 acres: vineyards
- 856 acres: potatoes
- 1503 acres: fallow lands
- 763 acres: nursery and trees
- 665 acres: sod
- 954 acres: hay, rye and other grains
- 161 acres: greenhouse uses
- 156 acres: pasture
7,495 acres - Total
Plan of Work
Plannine Document: Recognizing the inexorable encroachment of development on farmland,
and its attendant degradation to a rural character and sense of place, the Town Board has pursued
a vigorous program of Agricultural Lands Preservation, Local Law first established the current
LPC in 1983. The tasks and goals of the Committee are spelled out in Chapter 25 —Agricultural
Lands Preservation, of the Town Code (see Attachment "B"). Selection of candidate farmland
parcels for preservation is performed in accordance with Chapter 25 and a set of criteria
established by the LPC (see Attachment "C"). These factors meet the qualifying thresholds of
Section 325 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law. Additionally, the Town Code
details prohibitions and restrictions on use and/or alienation of thereby-preserved agricultural
Prior Activity: In 1983,1987, 1991 and 1994, the Town of Southold voters approved bond
issues, each for $1.75 Million and again in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999, each for$2. Million, to
acquire farmland development rights in order to preserve important agricultural lands and the
farming economy, as well as other open spaces within the Town. Additional land protection
measures were enacted when the Peconic Bay Region Community Preservation Act was signed
into law on June 22, 1998. This legislation created a mechanism whereby the Town was able to
establish a preservation fund financed solely by revenues from a real estate transfer tax.
Revenues from the Community Preservation Act as of August 2000, total 2 million dollars.
Thusly represented $17. Million is the serious and dedicated commitment of the community to
its quality of life.
Present Project: The commitment continues. The remaining available funds of the above-noted
approved bond referendums and the Community Preservation Act (in excess of 6 Million)will be
applied to the costs of purchasing the project parcels herein listed.
Further, the Town is working closely with third-party land trusts, in certain instances, where
other forms of easement and fee acquisition enhance the development rights purchase.
Additionally, the Town Board is joining in partnership with Suffolk County, to jointly share
acquisition costs for certain projects deemed worthy of preservation. These approaches
effectively "leverage" more agricultural lands into preservation, at less cost to all partners
(basically, the approach represented in this application).
The ongoing program will be conducted much in the same manner as in the past. Additional
applications are always forthcoming. It is expected this pattern will continue and may accelerate
dependent upon economic influences, public awareness and funding. The LPC is also performing
out-reach, initiating a solicitation of owner-applications from selected priority areas of important
agricultural lands in the Town.
P'r'esent Stag's:
A. Outstanding Offer-Applications: The majority of the parcels herein listed have landowner
applications for development rights purchase currently submitted to the LPC. The parcels
that do not have landowner applications are desirable agriculture parcels and are listed on
the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan. These applications represent
approximately 170 acres of productive farmland; having estimated development rights
purchase-costs in excess of 2 Million.
B. Work in Progress: The referenced applications are in the process of review, appraisal and
evaluation by the LPC. Purchase offers for the development rights and further contract
negotiations, are forthcoming.
C. Brief description and Status of Project Parcels (in priority order). Individual maps for
each project are attached(Attachment "D"):
Doroski Family limited Partnership. SCTM# 1000-69-1-9
North side C.R. 48, Southold.
34±acres of potatoes.
Estimated cost = $408,000.
M. Cullinane. SCIM# 1000-19-1-1.2
Northwest comer Main Road and Narrow River Road, Orient
25±acres of vegetables.
Estimated cost= $162,500.
IL Schreiber. SCT M# 1000-95-1-
North side Oregon Road, Cutchogue,
32±acres of sod and vineyard.
Estimated cost= $480,000.
IL Jenkins. SCTM# 1000-102-2-2.3
West side Depot Lane, Cutchogue.
17±acres of nursery.
Estimated cost= $204,000.
IL Blum. SCT MH 1000-75-5-1
West side Peconic.Lane, Peconic
14±acres of vineyard.
Estimated cost = $168,000,
G. Starkie. SCTM# 1000-96-3-2
Interior parcel west of Cox's Lane, Cutchogue.
18±acres of nursery.
Estimated cost = $216,000.
J. Scott. SCTM# 1000-102-2-23
North side Main Road, Cutchogue
32±acres of vegetables and pasture.
Estimated cost = $394,000.
Other applications before the LPC, are not here-listed for reasons of current priority and funding
easements: The Town of Southold holds the development rights, in a dedicated fashion and in
perpetuity. This fact is reflected in the title retained by the underlying fee owner of the preserved
agricultural lands. Any proposed alteration in the terms of the town-held easement requires a
public hearing, prior to adoption. The management/monitoring of the terms of each easement is
currently a task of the LPC.
Timetable: Purchase Contract executions are a responsibility of legal counsel to the respective
parties. Evaluations and appraisal reviews are an initial task of the LPC, thereafter approved by
by the Town Board and subject to a public hearing. Based on past experience, the funding
currently available(as supplemented by any grant award resulting from this application) is
expected to be disbursed or contractually obligated within two years.
The Town of Southold is ready to participate in this program with the State of New York
Department of Agriculture and Markets. The Town enjoys a history,of successful, committed
protection of its agricultural resources through purchase of development rights. The above-
referenced project parcels attest to the fact there are willing farmland owners ready to sell such
rights to the Town. Some of these project parcel owners may ultimately choose not to sell,
however experience has shown that most purchases are accomplished, when pursued with
concerted effort. Generally, the development rights are now within a cost range of$10,000. to
$15,000. per acre, with the preponderance tilted towards the higher end of the range, reflecting
the now-inflationary influences of the development/agricultural land market in the Town.
Key Personnel
The process of review, recommendation, negotiation and contract/closing, involves the Town
Board, the Land Preservation Coordinator, the Town Attorney, and the members of the LPC,
Chairman: Richard C. Ryan, P.L.S.; Licensed real estate broker;Real Estate Officer
(NYSDOT/DEC), retired.
Members: Noreen McKenna, Coop. Ed. Coord. — Southampton College; farmer.
Ray Huntington, business administrator, retired.
Fred Lee, member- Cornell Coop. Extension Agricultural Program Advisory
Committee; farmer.
Reed Jarvis, vineyard manager.
Joseph Krukoski, member- Suffolk County Farm Select Committee; farmer.
Approximately $6. Million remains available in Town funds for application to the acquisition
costs associated with the above-referenced project parcels. Normal overhead expenses and
ordinary soft costs are anticipated as additions to the actual costs of development rights purchase.
Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board
Vc Cometl Cooperative Emnston - Sufblk County
246 Griffing Avenue. Aiverneao. NY 1190j-3086
August 24, 2000
M.,Oorie Brague,Director
Division of Fiscal Management
NYS Department OfAgriculture and Markets
i Winners Circle
Albany, New York 12235
Dear Ms. Brague.
The Suffolk Courily Agricultural and Farmland Protection 13oard met on August 24.2000 to review the Countv
proposal for rRatching State fiartds,for the Stiffolk Counly Agriculture and Farmland Protection Program and.to
review proposals from rhe local rrgraunic:ipalities for State funds for their programs.
The Town of Southold's application was considered and the Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland
Protection Board voted to endorse the Town's grant application.
The Committee also saw the report titled Southold Town Farre and Farmland Protection Strategy,January 2000.
Kenneth Schmitt
Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
These general conditions apply to the administrative aspects of the
Grant Agreement and reflect New York State's contract recordkeeping and
payment procedures. These general conditions cannot be changed..
Payment of state funds shall be made to the Contractor after approval of
this Agreement by the State Comptroller, upon the submission of a payment
request (Standard Voucher), an executed purchase agreement with the
landowner, a budget report detailing the Contractor's match, two copies of an
appraisal by a New York State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, the
required title policy, a copy of all subordination agreements, an approved
easement or purchase of development rights, a monitoring plan, and any
agreement between the Contractor and another to hold or maintain the interest
in real property.
The Contractor shall submit all requests for payment, reports and
supporting documents to the following address: NYS Department of Agriculture
and Markets, Division of Fiscal Management, 1 Winner's Circle, Albany, NY
12235. Invoices, standard vouchers and any reports will not be considered
received by the Department and any interest which may be due the Contractor
will not begin to accrue until they have been received by the Division of Fiscal
Payment to the Contractor under this Agreement shall not be made
unless the Contractor shall have submitted to the Department a written payment
request together with such information as required by the Agreement. Payment
shall not be due until the 60th calendar day after receipt of the payment request,
where contract funds have been appropriated and made available to the
Upon examination of the Contractor's payment request and supporting
material, the Department may, in its sole discretion, modify or adjust the amount
requested to reflect contract funds expended as of the date of the request.
Subsequent to its review and approval of the payment request, the Department
will transmit the request to the Comptroller for payment.
The total payment made under this Agreement will not exceed the
Contractor's actual costs and expenses arising from the completion of the work
under this Agreement.
The Contractor shall ensure that the title to the lands or interests therein
shall be unencumbered or, if encumbered by outstanding or reserved interests,
the Contractor shall ensure that such encumbrance shall not interfere with the
agricultural and farmland protection purpose for which the interest therein is
being acquired. The Contractor shall provide a title policy and.title insurance, at
a minimum, for the State's share of the interest in real property being obtained.
In the event of a failure of title, the Contractor will use the title insurance
proceeds towards the purchase of an interest in another approved parcel
contained in Appendix C or reimburse the Department for the amount of State
funds paid.
The Contractor shall require that all easements or other interests in land
acquired under this agreement:
1. run with the land in perpetuity;
2. prevent the land from being converted to non-agricultural uses;
3. require that all amendments to the approved easement be authorized
by the Department.
The Contractor shall submit the proposed agreements to purchase
development rights or to obtain a conservation easement, the monitoring plan
and any subagreement to hold or maintain the interest in real property at least
sixty (60) days prior to the planned submission of the payment request for that
transaction. The Contractor and the Department shall negotiate the terms and
conditions of such agreements and monitoring plans, when necessary. The
Department shall advise the Contractor in writing when the agreements and
monitoring plans have been approved. No funds available under this Agreement
shall be disbursed until the Contractor's agreements and monitoring plan have
been approved by the Department.
The Contractor shall notify the Department in writing if the Contractor
proposes to alienate, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Chapter 25 of
the Town Code of the Town of Southold, any of the development rights
purchased under this Agreement. The Contractor shall reimburse to the
Department any State funds used for the purchase of any development rights
which are subsequently alienated and reunited with the underlying fee title.
The Contractor is responsible for complying with all local, state and
federal laws applicable to the work performed under this Agreement..
Funds for payment under this Agreement are provided to the Department
through appropriations from the New York State Legislature. These
appropriations are made on a fiscal year basis. New York's fiscal year begins on
April 1 of each calendar year and ends on March 31 of the following calendar
year. Funds for payments under this Agreement were appropriated to the
Department during the 2000 - 2001 fiscal year and were or are expected to be
reappropriated during the 2001 — 2002 fiscal year. Payment for work pursuant to
this Agreement which is completed or continued by the Contractor after the
2001 - 2002 fiscal year is subject to appropriation or reappropriation of funds by
the Legislature in each subsequent fiscal year.
The financial limit of State appropriated funds under this Agreement is Six
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) and the Department shall not be
obligated to make any payment to the Contractor in excess of that amount.
The payments received by the Contractor under this Agreement shall not
duplicate payments received from any other source for the work performed under
this Agreement. In the event of such duplication, the Contractor shall remit to
the Department the amount which duplicated payment received from other
Any subcontracts under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall
clearly describe the goods or services to be provided and the total cost of such
goods or services. Subcontracts for services only shall separately state the rate
of compensation on a per-hour or per-day basis.
Not later than sixty (60) days from completion of the work under this
Agreement, the Contractor shall file with the Department a final written report
including: a map depicting the location of properties where interests were
purchased; a copy of the recorded easement or purchase of development rights
and any monitoring plans or agreements for another to hold or maintain the
interest in real property; and a copy of the final budget showing project
The Contractor shall maintain records and accounts in specific detail to
identify all contract funds received and expended under this Agreement. The
Contractor shall maintain a daily written record that contains the name(s) of the
officer(s) and employee(s) providing services under this Agreement and the
amount of time expended upon such services.
The Contractor shall maintain the records required under this paragraph
as set forth in Appendix A to this Agreement.
The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State of New
York and the Department from all liability incurred by the Department for bodily
injury and personal property damages resulting from the negligent acts, errors or
omissions of the Contractor, its officers, agents or employees in the provision of
services under this Agreement, provided that the Department promptly notifies
the Contractor of any such claim and affords the Contractor an opportunity to
defend such claim and cooperates fully with the Contractor in the defense of
any claims.
For this Agreement the Department has established the following goals,-
oals;Minority business enterprises 1%
Women owned business enterprises 1%
The Contractor shall not expend funds received under this Agreement for
.any purposes other than for performance of the work under this Agreement, and
hereby represents that no contract funds shall be expended directly or indirectly
for any private or sectarian purpose.
Neither the Contractor, nor its agents, employees, suppliers or
subcontractors shall be in any way deemed to be employees or agents of the
Department or of the State of New York in performing the work under this
The Contractor shall perform the work under this Agreement as set forth
in the application attached as Appendix C. Any substantial deviation from the
application shall require the prior written approval of the Department.
The Department may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon
giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. Upon receipt of such
notice from the Department, the Contractor shall immediately cease work and
prepare a statement of costs, expenses and non-cancelable commitments
incurred as of the date of such termination.
The Department may terminate this Agreement for cause upon giving
one (1) day's written notice.
The Contractor's failure to perform in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement due to circumstances reasonably beyond the Contractor's control
should not constitute cause for termination pursuant to this provision. In the
event of such failure to perform, the Department may, at its option, either grant
the Contractor a specified period in which to correct its performance, or
terminate this Agreement in accordance with this paragraph.
This Agreement may not be modified unless such modification is made in
writing, executed by the Department and the Contractor and approved by the
Attorney General and Comptroller of the State of New York.
This Agreement shall not be binding and effective upon the Department
unless and until approved by the Attorney General and the'Comptroller of the
State of New York.