HomeMy WebLinkAboutFPIG-C800591-E.Harbes;Sepenoski f e o r l ar
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0000 c z MKTs 518- 52080 1020 1 10080 _ X89€549.00
10128 C00591 122004 310,451.00
f 1) ,
ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
TOWN CLERK - P.O.Box 1179
Southold,New York 11971
MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax(631) 765-6145
RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net
ON APRIL 20,2004:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor ,Joshua Y. Horton to) execute ,New 'York State Department of Agriculture and
Markets Contract C800591 in connection with Agricultural and Farmland Protection
Implementation Grant in the amount of $1,000,000 for the term January 14, 2004 through
March 31, 2006, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
New York State
Department of Agriculture and Markets Contract Number: C800591
I Winners Circle
Albany, NY 12235-0001
Agency Code 06000 Amount of Agreement: $1,000,000
AGRICULTURAL AND FARMLAND PROTECTION Contract Period: 1/14/04 to 3/31/06
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Agriculture and Markets,Law Municipal Code: 47 03 7900 0000
Article 25-AAA
Contractor Name/Project Sponsor: Town of Southold
Street: 53095 Route 25 City: South 5Id,1,,, late: NY Zip: 11971
Billing Address(if different from above):
Street: City: Lmm. _ State: Zip:
Title/Description of Project: Town of Southold Agricultu Ik plementation Grant
This Coversheet LJ Additional Work If Increase/Decrease in Amount:
®Appendix A(Standard Clauses for all New York State ❑ Extension of Time
Contracts) From to Previous Amount: $
®Appendix B (Project Budget) ❑ Increase Amount Increase/decrease
®Appendix C(Award letter(s) & a portion of Applicant's proposal) ❑ Decrease Amount
®Appendix D(The Department's General Conditions) ❑ Revised Budget New Total: $
❑Appendix E(Federal Con4itions) ❑ Revised Scope of Work
❑Appendix F—(Cooperatiive Agreement El Other
The Contractor and the Department agree to be bound by the
terms and conditions contained in this reement
Signature of Contractor s Authorized Representative: .. Signature otthorized Official:
{ f
Date: Alril 21 , 200"('t_ Date�a
"d or Printed Nai a of Above Official:
Typed or Printed Name of Above Representative: �; ��
_____Jq§hkiA Y Horton Ruth A. Moore
i-irst ueputy
Title of Authorized Representative: Title of Authorized Official
Supervisor, Town of Southold
Notary Public: On this day before me personally appeared State Agency Certification: In addition to the acceptance
Joshua Y. Horton to me known, and of this contract, I also certify that original copies of this
known to me to be the same person who executed the above signature page will be attached to all other exact copies
str Ment and duly a A now 5dged the execution of the same. of this contract.
W;r' ., N
NOTA, LYNDACM�.BOH A rov t: P7,)n
At orney General, No.01I O6020RS , Approw � r
Ouallfied in Suffolk County By:
Term Expires March 8,20 JUN 004
STANDARD CLAUSES FOR NYS CONTRACTS performance of work under this contract. Contractor is subject to fines
of $50.00 per person per day for any violation of Section 220-e or
The parties to the attached contract,license,lease,amendment or Section 239 as well as possible termination of this contract and
other agreement of any kind (hereinafter, "the contract" or "this forfeiture of all moneys due hereunder for a second or subsequent
contract")agree to be bound by the following clauses which are hereby violation.
made a part of the contract(the word"Contractor"herein refers to any
party other than the State,whether a contractor,licenser,licensee,lessor, 6. WAGE AND HOURS PROVISIONS. If this is a public work
lessee or any other party): contract covered by Article 8 of the Labor Law or a building service
contract covered by Article 9 thereof, neither Contractor's employees
1. EXECUTORY CLAUSE. In accordance with Section 41 of the nor the employees of its subcontractors may be required or permitted to
State Finance Law,the State shall have no liability under this contract to work more than the number of hours or days stated in said statutes,
the Contractor or to anyone else beyond funds appropriated and except as otherwise provided in the Labor Law and as set forth in
available for this contract. prevailing wage and supplement schedules issued by the State Labor
Department. Furthermore,Contractor and its subcontractors must pay at
2.NON-ASSIGNMENT CLAUSE. In accordance with Section 138 of I least the prevailing wage rate and pay or provide the prevailing
the State Finance Law, this contract may not be assigned by the supplements, including the premium rates for overtime pay, as
Contractor or its right, title or interest therein assigned, transferred, determined by the State Labor Department in accordance with the Labor
conveyed,sublet or otherwise disposed of without the previous consent, Law.
in writing, of the State and any attempts to assign the contract without
the State's written consent are null and void. The Contractor may, 7.NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION. In accordance
however, assign its right to receive payment without the State's prior with Section 139-d of the State Finance Law, if this contract was
written consent unless this contract concerns Certificates of Participation awarded based upon the submission of bids,Contractor warrants,under
pursuant to Article 5-A of the State Finance Law. penalty of perjury,that its bid was arrived at independently and without
3.COMPTROLLER'S APPROVAL. In accordance with Section 112 collusion aimed at restricting competition. Contractor further warrants
of the State Finance Law(or,if this contract is with the State University that, at the time Contractor submitted its bid, an authorized and
or City University of New York, Section 355 or Section 6218 of the responsible person executed and delivered to the State a non-collusive
Education Law), if this contract exceeds $15,000 (or the minimum bidding certification on Contractors behalf
thresholds agreed to by the Office of the State Comptroller for certain 8, INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT PROHIBITION. In accordance
S.U.N.Y. and C.U.N.Y. contracts), or if this is an amendment for any with Section 220-f of the Labor Lads and Section 139-h of the State
amount to a contract which, as so amended, exceeds said statutory Finance Law,if this contract exceeds$5,000,the Contractor agrees,as a
amount,or if,by this contract,the State agrees to give something other material condition of the contract, that neither the Contractor nor any
than money when the value or reasonably estimated value of such substantially owned or affiliated person,firm,partnership or corporation
consideration exceeds$10,000,it shall not be valid,effective or binding has participated, is participating, or shall participate in an international
upon the State until it has been approved by the State Comptroller and boycott in violation of the federal Export Administration Act of 1979
filed in his office. Comptroller's approval of contracts let by the Office (50 USC App. Sections 2401 et seq.)or regulations thereunder. If such
of General Services is required when such contracts exceed $30,000 Contractor, or any of the aforesaid affiliates of Contractor,is convicted
(State Finance Law Section 163.6.a). or is otherwise found to have violated said laws or regulations upon the
4. WORKERS COMPENSATION BENEFITSIn accordance with final determination of the United States Commerce Department or any
. other appropriate agency of the United States subsequent to the
Section 142 of the State Finance Law,this contract shall be void and of contract's execution, such contract, amendment or modification thereto
co force and effect unless the Contractor shall provide and maintain shall be rendered forfeit and void. The Contractor shall so notify the
coverage during the life of this contract for the benefit of such State Comptroller within five (5) business days of such conviction,
employees as are required to be covered by the provisions of the determination or disposition of appeal(2NYCRR 105.4).
Workers'Compensation Law.
5. NON-DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS. To the extent 9. SET-OFF RIGHTS. The State shall have all of its common law,
required by Article 15 of the Executive Law(also known as the Human equitable and statutory rights of set-off. These rights shall include,but
Rights Law)and all other State and Federal statutory and constitutional not be limited to,the State's option to withhold for the purposes of set-
non-discrimination provisions, the Contractor will not discriminate off any moneys due to the Contractor under this contract up to any
amounts due and owing to the State with regard to this contract, any
creed, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability,against any employee or applicant for employment because race, other contract with any State department or agency, including any
contract for a term commencing prior to the term of this contract,plus
genetic predisposition carrier status, or marital status. Furthermore, any amounts due and owing to the State for any other reason including,
in accordance with Section 220-e of Lite Labor Law,if this is a contract without limitation, tax delinquencies, fee delinquencies or monetary
for the construction,alteration or repair of any public building or public
work or for the manufacture,sale or distribution of materials,equipment
paccordance with normal State practices including, in cases set-off relative thereto. The State shall exercise its set-off rights in
or supplies,and to the extent that this contract shall be performed within pursuant to an audit, the finalization of such audit by the State agency,
the State of New York, Contractor agrees that neither it not its its representatives,or the State Comptroller.
subcontractors shall, by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex, or
national origin: (a) discriminate in hiring against any New York State 10. RECORDS. The Contractor shall establish and maintain complete
citizen who is qualified and available to perform the work; or (b) and accurate books, records, documents, accounts and other evidence
discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the directly pertinent to performance under this contract (hereinafter,
performance of work under this contract. If this is a building service collectively, "the Records"). The Records must be kept for the balance
contract as defined in Section 230 of the Labor Law,then,in accordance of the calendar year in which they were made and for six(6)additional
with Section 239 thereof, Contractor agrees that neither it nor its years thereafter. The State Comptroller, the Attorney General and any
subcontractors shall by reason of race,creed,color,national origin,age, other person or entity authorized to conduct an examination, as well as
sex or disability: (a)discriminate in hiring against any New York State the agency or agencies involved in this contract,shall have access to the
citizen who is qualified and available to perform the work; or (b) Records during normal business hours at an office of the Contractor
discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the
Page 1 May,2003
within the State of New York or, if no such office is available, at a employment, job assignment, promotion, upgradings, demotion,'
mutually agreeable and reasonable venue within the State, for the term transfer, layoff, or termination and rates of pay or other forms of
specified above for the purposes of inspection, auditing and copying. compensation;
The State shall take reasonable steps to protect from public disclosure
any of the Records which are exempt from disclosure under Section 87 (b) at the request of the contracting agency,the Contractor shall request
of the Public Officers Law (the "Statute") provided that: (i) the each employment agency, labor union, or authorized representative of
Contractor shall timely inform an appropriate State official, in writing, workers with which it has a collective bargaining or other agreement or
that said records should not be disclosed; and(ii) said records shall be understanding, to furnish a written statement that such employment
sufficiently identified; and (iii) designation of said records as exempt agency, labor union or representative will not discriminate on the basis
under the Statute is reasonable. Nothing contained herein shall of race,creed,color,national origin,sex,age,disability or marital status
diminish,or in any way adversely affect,the State's right to discovery in and that such union or representative will affirmatively cooperate in the
any pending or future litigation. implementation of the contractor's obligations herein;and
11. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AND PRIVACY (c) the Contractor shall state, in all solicitations or advertisements for
NOTIFICATION. (a) FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION employees, that, in the performance of the State contract, all qualified
NUMBER and/or FEDERAL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. All applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without
invoices or New York State standard vouchers submitted for payment discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age,
for the sale of goods or services or the lease of real or personal property disability or marital status.
to a New York State agency must include the payee's identification
number,i.e.,the seller's or lessor's identification number. The number is Contractor will include the provisions of"a", "b", and "c" above, in
either the payee's Federal employer identification number or Federal every subcontract over $25,000.00 for the construction, demolition,
social security number, or both such numbers when the payee has both replacement, major repair, renovation, planning or design of real
such numbers. Failure to include this number or numbers may delay property and improvements thereon (the "Work") except where the
payment. Where the payee does not have such number or numbers,the Work is for the beneficial use of the Contractor. Section 312 does not
payee,on its invoice or New York State standard voucher,must give the apply to: (i) work, goods or services unrelated to this contract; or(ii)
reason or reasons why the payee does not have such number or numbers. employment outside New York State; or (iii) banking services,
insurance policies or the sale of securities. The State shall consider
(b) PRIVACY NOTIFICATION. (1) The authority to request the i compliance by a contractor or subcontractor with the requirements of
above personal information from a seller of goods or services or a lessor any federal law concerning equal employment opr,ortunity owhich
of real or personal property, and the authority to maintain such effectuates the purpose of this section. The contracting agency shall
information, is found in Section 5 of the State Tax Law. Disclosure of determine whether the imposition of the requirement of the provisions
this information by the seller or lessor to the State is mandatory. The hereof duplicate or conflict with any such fed-;al;.law and if such
principal purpose for which the information is collected is to enable the duplication or conflict exists, the contracting agency shall waive the
State to identify individuals, businesses and others who have been applicability of Section 312 to the extent of such duplication or conflict.
delinquent in filing tax returns or may have understated their tax Contractor will comply with all duly promulgated and lawful rules and
liabilities and to generally identify persons affected by the taxes regulations of the Governor's Office of Minority and Women's Bpsiness
administered by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. The Development pertaining hereto.
information will be used for tax administration purposes and for any
other purpose authorized by law. 13. CONFLICTING TERMS. In the event of a conflict between the
(2) The personal information is requested by the purchasing unit of the terms of the contract (including any and all attachments thereto and
agency contracting to purchase the goods or services or lease the real or amendments thereof)and the terms of this Appendix A.the terms of this
personal property covered by this contract or lease. The information is Appendix A shall control.
maintained in New York State's Central Accouating System by the
Director of Accounting Operations, Office of the State Comptroller, 14.GOVERNING LAW. This contract shall be governed by the laws
AESOB,Albany,New York 12236. of the State of New York except where the Federal supremacy clause
requires otherwise.
MINORITIES AND WOMEN. In accordance with Section 312 of the 15.LATE PAYMENT. Timeliness of payment and any interest to be
Executive Law,if this contract is: (i) a written agreement or purchase paid to Contractor for late payment shall be governed by Article 11-A of
order instrument, providing for a total expenditure in excess of the State Finance Law to the extent required by law.
$25,000.00, whereby a contracting agency is committed to expend or 16. NO ARBITRATION. Disputes involving this contract, including
does expend funds in return for labor, services, supplies, equipment, the breach or alleged breach thereof, may not be submitted to binding
materials or any combination of the foregoing, to be performed for, or arbitration (except where statutorily authorized), but must, instead, be
rendered or fumished to the contracting agency; or (ii) a written heard in a court of competent jurisdiction of the State of New York.
agreement in excess of$100,000.00 whereby a contracting agency is
committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, 17. SERVICE OF PROCESS. In addition to the methods of service
construction,demolition,replacement,major repair or renovation of real allowed by the State Civil Practice Law&Rules("CPLR"),Contractor
property and improvements thereon; or (iii) a written agreement in hereby consents to service of process upon it by registered or certified
excess of$100,000.00 whereby the owner of a State assisted housing mail, return receipt requested. Service hereunder shall be complete
project is committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, e
t upon Contractor's actual receipt of process or upon the State's receipt of
construction,demolition,replacement,major repair or renovation of real the return thereof the United States Postal Service to refused or
property and improvements thereon for such project,then: undeliverable. Contractor must promptly notify the State,in writing,of
(a) The Contractor will not discriminate against employees or each and every change of address to which service of process can be
applicants for employment because of race,creed,color,national origin, made. Service by the State to the last known address shall be sufficient.
sex, age, disability or marital status, and will undertake or continue Contractor will have thirty(30)calendar days after service hereunder is
existing programs of affirmative action to ensure that minority group complete in which to respond.
members and women are afforded equal employment opportunities
without discrimination. Affirmative action shall mean recruitment,
Page 2 May,2003
18. PROHIBITION ON PURCHASE OF TROPICAL (c) The Contractor agrees to make reasonable efforts to provide
HARDWOODS. The Contractor certifies and warrants that all wood notification to New York State residents of employment opportunities
products to be used under this contract award will be in accordance with, on this project through listing any such positions with the Job Service
but not limited to, the specifications and provisions of State Finance Division of the New York State Department of Labor,or providing such
Law §165. (Use of Tropical Hardwoods)which prohibits purchase and notification in such manner as is consistent with existing collective
use of tropical hardwoods,unless specifically exempted,by the State or bargaining contracts or agreements. The Contractor agrees to document
any governmental agency or political subdivision or public benefit these efforts and to provide said documentation to the State upon
corporation. Qualification for an exemption under this law will be the request;and
responsibility of the contractor to establish to meet with the approval of
the State. (d)The Contractor acknowledges notice that the State may seek to obtain
offset credits from foreign countries as a result of this contract and
In addition, when any portion of this contract involving the use of agrees to cooperate with the State in these efforts.
woods, whether supply or installation, is to be performed by any
subcontractor, the prime Contractor will indicate and certify in the 21. RECIPROCITY AND SANCTIONS PROVISIONS.Bidders are
submitted bid proposal that the subcontractor has been informed and is hereby notified that if their principal place of business is located in a
in compliance with specifications and provisions regarding use of country, nation, province, state or political subdivision that penalizes
tropical hardwoods as detailed in§165 State Finance Law.Any such use New York State vendors,and if the goods or services they offer will be
must meet with the approval of the State;otherwise,the bid may not be substantially produced or performed outside New York State, the
considered responsive.Under bidder certifications,proof of qualification Omnibus Procurement Act 1994 and 2000 amendments (Chapter 684
for exemption will be the responsibility of the Contractor to meet with and Chapter 383, respectively) require that they be denied contracts
the approval of the State. which they would otherwise obtain. NOTE: As of May 15, 2002, the
list of discriminatory jurisdictions subject to this provision includes the
19. MACBRIDE FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRINCIPLES. In states of South Carolina, Alaska, West Virginia, Wyoming, Louisiana
accordance with the MacBride Fair Employment Principles (Chapter and Hawaii. Contact NYS Department of Economic Development for a
807 of the Laws of 1992), the Contractor hereby stipulates that the current list of jurisdictions subject to this provision.
Contractor either(a)has no business operations in Northern Ireland, or
(b) shall take lawful steps in good faith to conduct any business 22. PURCHASES OF APPAREL. In accordance with State Finance
operations in Northern Ireland in accordance with the MacBride Fair Law 162(4-a),the State shall not purchase any apparel from any vendor
Employment Principles (as described in Section 165 of the New York t.nable or unwilling to certify that:(i)such apparel was manufactured in
State Finance Law), and shall permit independent monitoring of ,compliance with all applicable labor and occupational safety laws,
compliance with such principles, including,but not limited to,child labor laws,wage and hours laws and
workplace safety laws, and (ii)vendor will supply,with its bid(or, if
20. OMNIBUS PROCUREMENT ACT OF 1992.It is the policy of not a bid situation,prior to or at thelime of signing a contract with the
New York State to maximize opportunities for the participation of New State), if known, the names and addresses of each subcontractor and•a
York State business enterprises, including minority and women-owned list of all manufacturing plants to be utilized by the bidder.
business enterprises as bidders, subcontractors and suppliers on its
procurement contracts.
Information on the availability of New York State subcontractors and
suppliers is available from:
NYS Department of Economic Development
Division for Small Business
30 South Pearl St--7th Floor
Albany,New York 12245
Telephone: 518-292-5220
A directory of certified minority and women-owned business enterprises
is available from:
NYS Department of Economic Development
Division of Minority and Women's Business Development
30 South Pearl St--2nd Floor
Albany,New York 12245
The Omnibus Procurement Act of 1992 requires that by signing this bid
proposal or contract,as applicable,Contractors certify that whenever the
total bid amount is greater than$1 million:
(a) The Contractor has made reasonable efforts to encourage the
participation of New York State Business Enterprises as suppliers and
subcontractors,including certified minority and women-owned business
enterprises,on this project,and has retained the documentation of these
efforts to be provided upon request to the State;
(b)The Contractor has complied with the Federal Equal Opportunity Act
of 1972(P.L.92-261),as amended;
Page 3 May,2003
Proposed Project Budget
Farm Name: Not Yet Determined Municipality: Town of Southold
Estimated Value of Conservation Easement $ 1 333,333.00
Total Project Costs $ 1,333,333
Local Match Funding
Municipal Funds $ 333,333
Landowner Donation
foundation,_ dation, federal, etc.) $ - Identify:
Subtotal $ 333,333
% of total project costs 25%
State Funding
State Funding $ 1,000,000
% of total project costs above 75%
George E.Patald Nathan L.Rudgers
Governor Commissioner
January 14,2004,
Mr.Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor
Town of Southold
53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,New York 11971
Dear Mr. Horton:
I am very pleased to inform you that the Department of Agriculture and Markets has awarded the
Town of Southold the sum of$1,000,000 to assist the Town in its farmland preservation efforts. Based
upon your FY2003/2004 Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grants proposal, the
Department has provided matching funds toward purchasing the development rights on any of the parcels
for which you applied.
Before State funds can be provided for the purchase of easements or development rights on any of
these farm parcels, it will first be necessary to develop a contract between the Department and the Town.
This contract must contain, at least, an agreed upon plan of work and budget. Project expenditures,which
occur prior to the approval of the contract by the State Comptroller, might not be reimbursed. Therefore,
we strongly advise that you not incur any expenses for which State reimbursement will be sought until the
contract is approved.
In order to facilitate the timely development of a contract, I am requesting that you identify the
principal contact person with whom you would like us to work. Please provide this information to Ken
Grudens,the Department's Farmland Protection Program Manager. He may be reached by phone at 518-
457-2713, by fax at 518-457-2716 or by e-mail at ken.grudens@agmkt.state.ny.us.
The Department looks forward to working with you in preserving your valuable farmland
resources for agricultural production purposes now and in the future,
Nbc 4---,
Commissioner of Agriculture
and Markets of the State of New York
cc: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Kenneth Schmitt,Chair, Suffolk County AFPB
1 Winners Circle ♦Albany,New York 12235 ♦Phone:(518)457-8876 ♦ Fax:(518)457-3087
aj printed'on recycled paper
Part A Applicant Information
Applicant: Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New.York
Joshua Y. Horton, Southold Town Supervisor
53095 Main Road
Southold,New York 11971
Contact Person: Melissa Spiro,Southold Town Land Preservation Coordinator
Department of Land Preservation
53095 Main Road
Southold,New York 11971
Telephone: (631).765-5711.
Fax: (631)765-1366
E-mail: Melissa.SpiroOtown.southold.ny.us.
Item 8: Evidence of Development Pressure
The Town of Southold has been a farming community since it's founding over.
350 years ago. The Town has seen many changes,most noticeably population
increases and the encroachment of home building on prime farmland. The Town
is located about 100 miles from the center of the Now York Metropolitan area
and is adjacent to the Long Island suburbs of New York City. The suburban
population,nearing 3 million,has caused most of the.farmland of western
Suffolk County to be converted to non-agricultural uses.
Development pressures have moved eastward in Suffolk County over the years
due to the availability,of land and the desire of urban and suburban residents.to.
live in a more rural, scenic and safe.community. The establishment in 1992 of
the Pine Barrens Preserve in Brookhaven,Riverhead and Southampton towns
resulted in development pressure leapfrogging to.the east. The development
pressures pose a threat to commercial farming because farmers.are.forced to.
compete with residential buyers for large lots.
Approximately one-third of the Town, approximately 10,207 acres,is devoted
to active agriculture use (Source. J'cwn of Southold GIS, 2003). Over.the last
twenty years,.public.and,private efibrts to conserve agricultural land for the
future have been successful in p.eserving over 2,800 acres of lard. However,.
during that same twenty-year period, it is estimated that the Town lost as much
acreage to development as was permanently protected. (Source: Southold Town
Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy,2000)
Item 9: Landowner.Commitment
See attached information for each parcel.
Item 10: Stewardship.Responsibilities
The Town of Southold holds the development rights, in a dedicated fashion and
in perpetuity. This fact is reflected in the title retained by the underlying fee
owner.of the preserved agricultural lands. The management/monitoring of the
terms of each easement is currently a task of the Land Preservation Committee
(LPC)and the Land Preservation Coordinator. General monitoring of easements
occurs on almost a daily basis due to the fact that the amount of land on which
the development rights have been purchased is not overwhelming,the majority
of the parcels are visible from the road and all LPC members live within the
Town. The LPC maintains a file for each property on which the development
rights have been sold. Included within the file is a survey for the specific site.
The Land Preservation Department will conduct specific site monitoring on an
annual basis. The site will be inspected as to its conformance to the terms of the
Item 11: Conservation Easement Document
Due to a very high level of development pressure on farms in the region,the
Town of Southold and Suffolk County typically close on development right
purchases quickly and prior to asking the Department for actual payment. The
Town of Southold has worked with the Dept. of Agriculture and Markets in the
past, and the language of the conservation easements used by the Town has
been approved by the Department. The Town is willing to work with the
Department in advance to.discuss any issues or concerns that Department staff
may have.
Item 12: Planning Documents.
Southold Town has pursued a vigorous program of Agricultural Land
Preservation. The Town has purchased the development rights on over 1400
acres of farmland. The Town Board first established a committee dedicated to
land preservation in 1983..The Land Preservation Committee(LPC) is.made up.
of 7 members,the majority of whom are active farmers or have had extensive
experience in land preservation efforts. The tasks and goals of the Committee in
regard to agricultural land preservation are spelled out in Chapter 25:
Agricultural Lands Preservation(Attachment A) and Chapter 6: Community
Preservation Fund(Attachment B)of the Town Code.
In January of 2000, the Town adopted a Farm and Farmland Protection
Strategy. The report outlines a strategy for leveraging the Town's bond funds
for the preservation of agricultural land through more pro-active partnering with
other governmental agencies and private landowners. (Attachment C)The town
has taken several steps to implement this Strategy, including appointing a Land
Preservation Coordinator whose primary function is to facilitate the Town's
land acquisition efforts.and the partnerships needed to.accelerate the acquisition
of development rights easements and fee title purchases.
Item 13: Farmland Protection Board
See attached letter.(Attachment D) from Suffolk County Agricultural and
Farmland Protection Board.
Item 14: Key Personnel
The process of review,recommendation,negotiation and contract/closing,
involves Melissa Spiro,Land Preservation Coordinator,Reynold Blum,
Chairman Land Preservation Committee, the volunteer members of the Land
Preservation Committee, Gregory Yakaboski, Town Attorney and Lisa
Kombrink, Legal Council. The contact for this application is Melissa Spiro,
Land Preservation Coordinator.
Part C—Project Details for Harbes Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: Edward and Monica Harbes
o Farm Name: Harbes Family Farm
o Farm Address: 715 Sound Avenue,Mattituck
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels (Map#1)
o Tax Map #: 1000-112-1-7
o Driving directions: Farm is located on the north side:of Sound Avenue,just east of
Riverhead/Southold border. Retail farmstand(Harbes Family
Fan-n)is prominent landmark.
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 42.5 acres
o Acres to be protected: Approximately 32.5
o. Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0.5 acres woodlands/wetland
• Acres Prime Soils: 40.5 acres
• Acres Statewide Soils: 1.5 acres
• Reserved building sites: Approximately 9.5 acres will be reserved from development
right easement (2 acres located around existing dwelling, and
approx. 7.5 acres located around existing greenhouse/retail area).
Nature of Farm Enterprise
Diverse farm, includes traditional row crop, corn and pumpkins,vineyard, greenhouses and retail area.
Landowner has owned parcel since 1985. Family members own and farm several additional parcels in
Southold and Riverhead Townships.
Farm Succession
Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map.(Map#1),
showing location of all subject parcels. Entire farm contains Prime Soils.Farm is adjacent to,and
across street from active agricultural parcels. Farm is adjacent to significant farmland area recently
protected by the.State.
Proximity to Protected Farms,
Refer to attached Location Map#1 and Aerial Map#. 1 showing subject property.
The farm is adjacent to 100 acres of Town owned development rights and is.adjacent to 528 acres of
land recently preserved by the State, 328 acres of which are farmland on which the State holds a
conservation easement.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map (Map#1)
showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
0 � �„� Town Hall, 63095 State Route 25
T " + O R P.O.Box 1179
Southold,New York 11971-0959
Telephone(631) 765-6711
FEB 3 2��3 Fax(631) 765-1366
FPT,OF tAtio �
am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this
land-under the Town's Land Preservation programs.
Name of Owner(please print) Ea w a r 21� t.M. 0 o vi e A
Names of other owners
Mailing Address "
Phone Number _ �7 j-to27 —
Tax Map No. 1000 IIZ . - n1 ° Acreage red for
Property Location No hi k SlAt of soowd Avc Soo #-I wcs
of' A I J L.;t L. L,a si r _
Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you
may have about preservation of your property.
Ko it l' � + .8.3 r st. �v)a r+ ce�,lcoI►.p�rA,d�
Isa u t at+� µt�• 0-iour Y �� Q4
o _. �'a r waw + ► 0.h
wf!/ be jd � /� p'iNrty4rel 1 eq oN we.t e . �' .ty� p,,�e,ly
You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to
participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee.
understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the
sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto. Rather, it signifies an
interest in serious dialog concerning the merit and method of possible preservation of my land.
lv. date 2• /y• 0.3
Please return the completed form to
Southold Town Land Preservation Department
When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other
Part C—Project Details for Rowehl Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: Robert Rowehl
o Farm Name: None
o. Farm Address: 2755 Oregon Road, Mattituck
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels(Map#1)
o Tax Map#: 1000-94-4-2& 1000-100-2-6.1
o Driving directions: The farm is located on the north side of Oregon Road in
Mattituck,just west of the intersection of Elijah's Lane and
Oregon Road. The number on the farmhouse mailbox is 2755.
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 32.25 acres (total area of the two.parcels)
(Tax lot 94-4-2 is single and separate 5 acre lot,
tax lot 100-2-6.1 is 27.25 acre.parcel)
o Acres to be protected: Approximately 29.25 acres.
o Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0 acres woodlands/wetlands
o. Acres Prime Soils: 32.25 acres
o Acres.Statewide Soils: 0 acres
o Reserved building sites: Approximately 3 acres.of tax parcel 100-2-6.1 will be reserved
from the development rights acquisition.
Nature of Farm Enterprise
Robert Rowehl has been fanning these parcels for over 25 years. In addition to his 25 acres,Mr.
Rowehl farms over 125 additional acres in the vicinity of his farm.. The farm is a traditional Long
Island farm,producing mainly corn and grain.
Farm Succession
The farm is adjacent to, and in close proximity to protected farms. The.farm contains Prime Soils and
allows.for long straight rows. The farm is located within large area of other parcels in agricultural use.
The farm is supported by irrigation wells, support structures and a farmhouse.
Proximity to Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map#1 and Aerial Map#2 showing subject property.
The subject farm is adjacent to 11 acres of County owned development rights and across the street
from 36 acres.of Town owned development rights. The farm is in the vicinity of an additional 51 acres
of Town and County owned development rights. In addition,the Town has a pending offer to purchase
a development rights easement on 10 acres of adjacent property to the east.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map (Map# 1)
showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use.
Development Pressure
Development pressure is especially high on tax lot 94-4-2 as it is single and separate 5 acre building
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
SO f 01
Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25
1 R P.O.Box 1179
Southold,New York 11971-0959
► Telephone (631) 765-5711
NOV 20
Fax(631) 765-1366
I am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this
land under the Town's Land Preservation programs.
Name of Owner(pease print) rT-
Names of other owners
Mailing Address
NT Ti T 0 C-k 1
Phone Number
Tax Map No. 1000
10 p — 2. -- �. r Acreage offered for
Property Location
� � C) r-e �
M k1-T/r1/ Gk. / Y. 2-
Briefly describe the property(e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you
may have about preservation of your property.
You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to
participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee.
I understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the
sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto. Rather, it signifies an
interest in serious dialog concerning the merit and ethod of possible preservation of my land.
date -9j-2L
Please return the completed form to
Southold Town Land Preservation Department
When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other
readily available information that describes your property.
Part C—Project Details for'Carroll Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: Dorset Farms Inc. (a.k.a. Peter Carroll)
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 4 100 Oregon Road,Mattituck
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels(Map#1)
o Tax Map #: 1000-100-4-8
o Driving directions: Farm is located on the south side of Oregon Road, Mattituck.
Going east: 0.3 miles east of intersection of Elijah's Lane and
Oregon Road.
Going west: 0.5 miles west of intersection Alvah's Lane and
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 33 acres
o Acres to be protected: 31.5 acres
o Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0 acres woodlands/wetlands.within easement
o Acres Prime Soils: 29 acres
o Acres Statewide Soils: 4 acres
o Reserved building sites: Existing structures.on property will be located within 2 acre area
which will not be included in development rights.easement.
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The Carroll family has owned and farmed this vineyard parcel for approximately 10 years. The
Carrol's own and operate another 30 acre vineyard in Southold Town, on which 25 of the 30 acres
have a development rights easement.
Farm Succession
The property is almost 100% established vineyard and is adjacent to, and across.the street from, active
agricultural parcels.
Proximity to Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map# I and Aerial Map#2 showing subject property.
Adjacent to over 36 acres of County owned development rights,which is adjacent to.20 additional
acres of Town owned development rights. Across the street from over.50 acres of Town and County
owned development rights. The farm is adjacent to, and in the vicinity of, other active.farms.on which
the Town is interested in pursuing the purchase of development rights.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map (Map#1)
showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use. Parcel is
located within Special Groundwater Protection Area(SGPA is a recharge watershed area within a
designated sole source aquifer area. Southold has a designated SGPA of approximately 2,900 acres).
The farm parcel contains significant road frontage. Therefore,the farm is an important scenic resource.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner and the acceptance of offer for the purchase of the
development rights.
MELISSA A. SPIR.O " Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25
Southold,New York 11971-0969
21 April 2003
Peter and Deborah Carroll
' �. 0 U
Box 28 IT
Peconic,NY 11958 JUN - 5
RE: Purchase of Development Rights
SCTM# 1000-1004-8 DET,Of LAND
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Carroll:
On behalf of the Land Preservation Committee,I am pleased to outline the offer for the sale of Development Rights to
the Town of Southold. The Committee thanks you for your interest and participation in the Town's preservation
Details of the offer are as follows:
• The offered price is W,000 per acre.
• The total area of the property is approximately 33 acres. Your proposal includes approximately 31.5 acres on
which the Town will buy the development rights and an approximately 1.5 acre reserve area that encompasses
the existing buildings and driveway. This exact acreage will be shown on the final survey.
• The preserved land will be for agricultural purposes only and on which no structures shall be built.
• This offer is valid for thirty days from the date of this letter.
The return of a copy of this letter with your acceptance-endorsement will allow me to work with the Town Attorney to
prepare the contract.Once you have accepted the contract,I will schedule a Town Board public hearing.The purchase
is subject to approval by the Town Board.The Town of Southold will order and pay for a survey of your property for
purposes of the development rights acquisition.The survey will be subject to your approval,as well as that-of the
Committee.In addition,the Town of Southold will order and pay for an environmental site assessment and a title report
for the property.
I will do all I can to keep you informed of the process.However,please feel free to call me with any questions that you
may have.
Melissa Spiro
Land Preservation Coordinator
. p-.n. a offer , purchase� P _... .. Y property.
.�-,� .�..
ecce t the abov r r to the 1 c to ent 1 �it on m
51�3/03 Owners
Part C—Project Details for Kauneckas Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: Louise Kauneckas
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 8500 Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels (Map#1)
o Tax Map 1000-95-4-3.1
o Driving directions: The farm is located on the east side of Alvah's Lane in
It is 0.4 miles north of the intersection of CR48 and Alvah's
Lane. It is 0.3 miles south of the intersection of Oregon Road
and Alvah's.Lane.
Farmland Easement Information
o. Total parcel area: 26 acres
o Acres to be protected: Approximately 25 acres.
o. Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0 acres woodlands/wetland
o Acres Prime Soils: 24.5 acres
o. Acres Statewide Soils: 1.5 acres
o Reserved building sites: Approximately I voce.area including farmstead
will be reserved from the development rights easement.
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The principal crop on this farm has historically been traditional row crop and potatoes with
rotation/rest as needed.
Farm Succession
Farm contains Prime Soils and is flat and level allowing long straight rows. Farm is surrounded by
active farms. The farm is supported by irrigation wells,barns and farmhouse.
Proximity to Protected Farms
Refer to Location Map#1 and Aerial Map#2 showing subject property.
The farm is adjacent to approximately 42 acres of County owned development rights, and is in the
vicinity of approximately 28 additional acres of Town owned development rights. The farm is adjacent
to.active farms on which the Town is interested in pursuing the purQh"e of development rights.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is located within Special Groundwater Protection Area(SGPA is a recharge watershed area
within a designated sole source aquifer area. Southold has a designated SGPA of approximately 2,900
acres). Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture.Refer to attached The
Map.(Map# 1)
showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use. The farm parcel
contains significant road frontage. Therefore, the farm is an important scenic resource.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
Town Hall,53095 State Route 25
P.O.Box 1179
Southold,New York 11971-0959
JUL 3 2nFax(631)765-1366
� � �
am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this
land under the Town's Land Preservation programs.
Name of Owner(please print) L o u s
�4 U_,V E C-]GQ-c
Names of other owners
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Tax Map No. 1000 — Acreage offered for
Property Location --.
Briefly describe the property(e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.)and ideas you
may have about preservation of your property.
You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5719 to discuss questions or to arrange to
participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee.
understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the
sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto. Rather, it signifies an
interest in serious dialog concerning the merit and method of possible preservation of my land.
Please return the completed form to
Sotathold Town Land Preservation Departme-rit
When you return this completed form,it would be helpful-to include an existing survey/sketch and any other
readily available information that describes your property.
Part C—Project Details for Aliano Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: Nicholas Aliano
o Farm Name: None
o. Farm Address: 10475 Oregon Road, Cutchogue
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels(Map#1)
o. Tax Map.#: 1000-83-2-17.1
o Driving directions: Farm is located on the.north side of Oregon Road. It is under 0.1.
miles east of the intersection of Depot Lane and Oregon Road. In
addition,it can be located from tap roads(Thar Lane and Olivia
Lane)off Duck Pond Road(Duck Pond is northerly extension of
Deport Lane.after.Oregon Road intersection).
Farmland Easement Information
o. Total parcel area: 28.7 acres.
o Acres to.be.protected: 22 acres
o Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0.acres woodlands/wetlandswithin easement
o Acres Prime.Soils: 28.7 acres.
o Acres.Statewide.Soils: 0.acres
o Reserved building sites: Landowner is.reserving approximately 4 acres at northerly side
of property for future residential development. In addition,
approximately 2 acres will be reserved around the existing
dwelling on Oregon Road.
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The principal crop on this farm hashistorically been traditional row cropand potatoes with
rotation/rest as needed.
Farm Succession
The property is adjacent toactive agricultural uses. The property is located within a block of land on
which the development rightshave been purchased, or aree pending purchase.
Proximity to.Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map#1 and Aerial Map #.3 showing subject property.
The farm is adjacent to 27 acre parcel pending sale of Development Rights to the Town. In the vicinity
of 47 acres of County owned development rights and approximately 55 acres pending sale of
development rights.to Town and County.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map.
(Map#1 ) showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner, and acceptance of offer.
UO/lu/dVU0 LJ.10 VOL rft"f 4L" ML.4W" MMM" LOIMIG
X. rot A
MELIMA A.SPMO Town H&U,83098 State Route 28
Southold,New York 11071-0959
February 21,2003
Nicholas Aliano
Aliano Real Estate
Corporate Offices
970 Route 25A
Miller Place,NY 11764
RE: P=hase of Development Rights Easement
SCTNI# 1000-83-2-17.1
Dear Mr,Aliano:
On behalf of the Land Preservation Committee,I am pleased to confirm your verbal acceptance
of the offer of$24,500.00 per acre for the sale of Development Rights Easement to the Town
of Southold. The Committee thanks you for your interest and participation in the Town's
preservation prograrn.
no return of a copy of this letter with your acceptanco-cndorscment will allow me to work with
the Town Attorney to prepare the centraet.Once you have signod the contract,I will schedule a
Town Board public hearing.The purchase is subject to approval by the Town Board.Ilia Town
of Southold will order and pay for a survey of your proparly for puxpr. es oi"'#w developukrAlt.
rights acquisition.The survey will be subject to your approval, as well as that of the Committee..
In addition,the Town of Southold will order and pay for an mivirot ental site asscssma it and a.
title report for the property.
The total aures oryour property is approximately 28.7 acres.Your proposal is for the Town to
purchase a development rights easement on approximately 22 acres. The Committee
understands that the developmag rights acquisition is subject-to your ability to obtain Planning
Board approval for the following:
1. A reserved area of approximately 2 acres including the existing dwelling and improvements
on Oregon Road,or the creation(by Planning Bond approval)of a separate 2 acre lot
including 1ha imdsdng dwelling and Mor tltO, A(Evements on Oregon Road;
2. The creation(by Planning Board approval)of two residential lots(eget,approximatoly 2
acres in eros)at the northerly side of the pwperty.
/JiI0/2003 23:18 6317441414 ALIANO REAL ESTATE PAGE e3
3. The completion(by Plawing Board approval)of the lot line change(s)to reflect the deeds
that were filed when the property to the north(SCTM#83-2-17.2)changed qwnership.
In order for the subdivision component to be excluded tom the moratorium on subdivisions,the
plan must meet the foilowing:
• The portion of the property on which the rights am being sold must encompass at least 75%
of the entire pamcl.
Wetlands,stmems,crecks,ponds, slopes over 15%, underwater land,land enc ed by
OMOWents or other restrictions prcycriting use of sudi land for constri wtion of buildings,or
development ofland within the coastal erosion hazaxd area,am not to be included in the
calculation of the 75%threshold.
I will do all I can to keep you informed of the process.However,please feel free to call me with
any queotions the you may have.
MV fissa'Spire
Land Preservation Coordinator
accept the above offer to purchase the Development Rights 041 my property,
Date: Owner(s)—yu
rpt jre 0-.e,,-eAr7"– A1c,*u�-,vW-9
gvj'"OV S eee
Part C—Project Details for McBride Farm
' Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: Richard McBride
o Farm Name: McBride.Farm
o Farm Address: 10725 Oregon Road, Cutchogue
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for.Subject Parcels (Map#1)
o Tax Map#: 1000-83-2-16
o Driving directions: The farm is located on the north side.of Oregon Road,Cutchogue.
Going east: 0.1 miles east of intersection of Depot Lane and
Oregon Road.
Going west: 0.4 miles west of intersection of Cox Lane and
Oregon Road. Farm vehiclesand sign for McBride Farm are
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 30.8 acres
o Acres to be protected: Approximately 27 acres.
o Acres.woodlands/wetlands: 0.acres woodlands/wetland
o Acres Prime.Soils: 25.4 acres.
o. Acres.Statewide Soils: 1.6 acres.
o Reserved building sites: Approximately 3 acre area including farmstead
will be reserved from the development rights easement..
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The principal crop on farm is.potatoes.
The.McBride family is a multi-generational farm family, leasing several hundred acres of additional
Farm Succession
The property is adjacent to active agricultural uses. The property is located within a block of land on
which the development rights have been purchased, or aree pending purchase. The farm is supported by
irrigation wells,barns and farmhouse:
Proximity to.Protected Farms.
Refer to attached Location Map#1 and Aerial Map#3 showing subject property.
The farm is adjacent to 22 acree parcel pending sale of Development Rights to the Town. Adjacent to.
37.5 acres of County owned development rights. In the vicinity of 10 additional acres of County
owned development rights and approximately 55 acres pending sale of development rights to.Town
and County.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map(Map# 1)
showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
Part C—Project Details for Manzi Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: R. Arnone& Others, Trustees Manzi Trust
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 13945 Oregon Road, Cutchogue
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels (Map#1)
o Tax Map#: 1000-83-2-9.1
o. Driving directions: The farm is located on the north gide of Oregon Road,
Going east: 0.3 miles east of intersection of Cox Lane and
Oregon Road.
Going west: 0.2 miles west of intersection of Bridge Lane and
Oregon Road.
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 25 acres.
o Acres to be protected: Approximately 17 acres.
o Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0 acres woodlands/wetland within easement
o Acres Prime Soils: 14.75 acres
o. Acres Statewide Soils: 6.3 acres
o Reserved building sites: Approximately 8 acres fronting on LI Sound, and a 25' r-o-w
(located on east side of property).to sound front area,will be
reserved from the development rights easement. The landowner
is before the Planning Board to create 4 residential lots within the
reserved area.
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The farm is currently planted in rye by the adjacent farm owner.
Farm Succession
Farm contains.Prime soils and is adjacent to, and across the street from,protected and active farmland.
Proximity to Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map.#1 and Aerial Map #3 showing subject property.
The farm is adjacent to approximately 11 acres of County owned development rights, is in the vicinity
of 37 additional acres of County owned development rights, and is across the street from a block of
approximately 60 acres of Town and County owned development rights. The farm is in the vicinity of
over 80 acres pending Town and County purchase of development rights.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map (Map# 1)
showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use. The farm parcel
contains significant road frontage. Therefore, the farm is an important scenic resource.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
MELISSA A. SPIRO Town Hall, 53096 State Route 26
Southold,New York 11971-0969
Telephone(631) 766-6711
I am the owner of the property described below and I would like to'explore preservation of this
land-sander the Town's Land Preservation programs.
Name of Owner(pease Pant) "-
Names of other owners
Mailing Address
Phone Number ^
Tax Map No. 1000 —�, Acreage offered for
Property Location
Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active armland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you
may have about preservation of your property.
� W
You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to
participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee.
I understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the
sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto. Rather, it signifies an
interest in serious dialog concerning a merit and method of possible preservation of my land.
date Z o
Please return the completed form to
Southold Town Land Preservation Department
When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other
lL-1J-....Ak....-..--.-- -#..
Part C—Project Details for Macari Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: Joseph Macari (contract vendee)
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 22600 CR 48 and 4735 Cox Lane
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels.(Map #1)
o Tax Map#: 1000-84-4-1 & 1000-96-2-10 --
• Driving directions: The farm is located on the south side.of CR 48, and the west side
of Cox's Lane, in Cutchogue. It surrounds a small out parcel on
the comer.of CR 48 and Cox's Lane.
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 33 acres (total area of the.two.parcels)
Tax parcel 84-4-1 is.approx. 6.acres, tax parcel 96-2-10 is
approx. 27 acres.
o Acres to be.protected: Approximately 25 acres.
o Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0.acres woodlands/wetland
o Acres Prime Soils: 33 acres
o Acres.Statewide.Soils: 0 acres
o Reserved building sites: Approximately 8 acres to be reserved from development rights.
easement. Exact location undecided. Existing structures will be
located within reseryes areas.
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The principal crop on this farm has historically been traditional row crop. New owner is one of the
largest farmland owners.within Southold Town. Together with his son,he owns and operates over 500
acres of vineyard and owns and operates an established winery.
Farm Succession
Farm contains Prime.Soils. The Farm is surrounded by active farms and in the vicinity of one of the
largest blocks of protected farmland within Southold Town. The farm is supported by irrigation wells,
barns and farmhouse.
Proximity to.Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map#1 and Aerial Map#.4 showing subject property.
The farm is adjacent to approximately 10 acres of Town owned development rights. It is across the
railroad tracks from, and in the vicinity of over 280 acres of Town and County owned development
rights. The farm is adjacent to active farms on which the Town is interested in pursuing the purchase
of development rights.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is located within Special Groundwater Protection Area(SGPA is a recharge watershed area
within a designated sole source aquifer area. Southold has a designated SGPA of approximately 2,900
acres). Parcel is within the Town's train area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map (Map# 1)
showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use. The farm parcel
contains significant road frontage. Therefore, the farm is an important scenic resource.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
09/29/2003 14:57 6312040711 PECONIC LAND TRUST PAGE 01
September 24, 2003
Melissa Spiro
Land preservation Coordinator
Town of Southold
53095 Marin Road
Southold, NY 11971
& s
: Farmland Preservation Program (SCTM#1000-96-2 10 10 � 4-4-1)
Dear Melissa:
As you are aware, our family recently entered into a contract to
purchase the above referenced farm parcels on Cox Lame in. Cutchogue (see
attached map). We expect to close on the property sometime in October of
this year.
We would be interested in exploring Conservation options for the
property and would request that the town put-both parcels on your list for
consideration under the town's farmland preservation program (PDR).
Please let me know if there is anything else you need from us with regard to
this request.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
l ,
loseph Macari
Part C—Project Details for NYS Federation of Growers&Processors.Assoc. Inc.
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: NYS Federation of Growers &Processors Assoc. Inc.
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 31800 CR 48, Peconic
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map.for Subject Parcels (.Map#1)
o Tax Map #: 1000-74.4-4.9
o Driving directions: Farm is located on the south side-of CR 48 in Peconic. It is
across the street from the intersection of CR 4&and Henry's
Lane. It is just west of North Fork Wood Design and the Amoco.
Gas Station.
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 4.6 acres
o. Acres to.be protected: 4.6 acres.
o Acres.woodlands/wetlands: 0 acres woodlands/wetland.
o Acres Prime Soils: 4.6 acres
o. Acres Statewide Soils: 0 acres.
o Reserved building sites: None
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The.farm is currently fallow. The proposal is for the adjacent landowner to the west to.purchase the
4.6 acres, and to merge it with the adjacent 12.25 acre farm on which the,Town owns the development
rights. The adjacent 12.25 acre farm is planted in potatoes.
Farm Succession
Farm contains prime soils. Farm is supported by irrigation well.Farm is adjacent to protected
Proximity to Protected Farms
Refer to Location Map#1 and Aerial Map# 5 showing subject property.
The farm is.adjacent to 12.25 acres.of land on which the Town owns the development rights. The 4.6
acre subject parcel will be merged with the 12.25 acres. The farm is in the vicinity of approximately
72 additional acres of County owned development rights.,
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is located within Special Groundwater Protection Area(SGPA is a recharge watershed area
within a designated sole source aquifer area. Southold has.a designated SGPA of approximately 2,900
acres).Parcel is within the Town's main area of agriculture. Refer to attached Location Map (Map# 1)
showing location of subject parcel in relation to other land in agricultural use. The farm parcel
contains significant road frontage. Therefore,the farm is an important scenic resource
Development Pressure
Development pressures are especially high on this parcel due to the fact that it has an approved site
plan for a nursery school and includes 2 lots (merged to I as condition of site plan approval)within an
approved subdivision.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner and acceptance of offer for the purchase of the
development rights. ..I
YJG r1.1 L_4A 1yuMW HI'1 """MC I .7U" GO1 (GL 4447 1'. ,2L
°°mm -� IVA ,•r., olu Ott Lana Sagtl1e71d Tarn Accou� tpg
£°, QJdO>:
1>ri USSA A. SPIRO Town Hall.33QUt9 stere Route 28
Bauthold.Now York 11871.0980
Telephone(63 1) 765.11711
Augu,;t Z712ra3 1�FPARTM.MW OF LANs PRp8pR'VAT1014
NYN Fe&ral;al I)fGrowers R Prooessors Assoc.kc
Cto, Flunk Mkapl y
P.O.-Box 2
,TRmtmpnrt,N Y 1104"
RU; NMI=of Nveldpmont Rights Ramnent and Fee Tide Ptttahusc
ProptwW owned by I TYS Federation of Growtiv dr.Prodes4orx Asxoc.Inc,
(>a.k.N.ch-t we'k Place)
SCTM#d 000-744-0
Dear Mr.Murphy:
Ott brhalf of dig LAM Pivsa:mbou Commlttoo,Y taus pl tsod to oullitae 0 ofi-4 for the sale of'die
drvclopment rights to the'1'own of Southold and alae sale of tv rosuiotecl too titla iand to tl,e gadjacent
landowner, The Committee thence you for your Interest aaaad ptarticlpadw ill etc Town's pre srrvotion
Details of the offer are as follows;
• 'lbs tota:urea of the property is approximately 4.6=us.
• '1W"rows,With prartial handing fi0n)s private grant,has ofLued to purobase tho development rights
easmaa tit lora total of 260,000(two hundrvil wid'sixly tbotimax1 dullats).
Tho To%T.will fund SM2,000 of the daveloplticnt dots purchme,with Town funds,and Will 1iand
53 1,000 of the development rights purchase with Etm&from tho private grant.
e it,is Vndwtood that at the some olosing We,after the deveJopmetlt ripgbts tray, "oar,.tho sdjaeent
lan&w=wiU purchaac tlao rontim restdoted lana wry*om 3mttr client at e puTclose price of$62.000
(NIMYt t t,tliousami&llals).Thr4elbro,the ag8mgeta tratuaction wig total 327,000 alollaa ,as
Vorbally 1WQC atcd by your clicnta.
a This offir is valid for thirty days from tho date ofthis latter'.
The rehtrn oft Copy of thix latter with your client's seceptance-endomm=t will allow me to wort;with
r,ur attorney to pranam rte contract for the Tmn's purchase of the dc"lopmem nights moment.Oilcc
you.-cliont hae si�aod the cot tlUL I w►ll sohcdule a Town Board pubba hearing.The development right
ef.sen,ent purchuoa is subject to approval by.the Town Board,
P1rena frol rim to Lutl Dae with any woVions that you my have.
Sin °ely,,
M� se 1 P 4
Land Reservation Coordinator
ce;ri the nbovt offer to purataase ilu Development l )ts on my property,
Date a _U 3
Part C—Project Details for Senenoski Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's.Name: John B. Sepenoski,Jr.
o Farm Name: None.
o Farm Address: 37025 CR 48,Peconic
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels(Map.#1)
o Tax Map#: 1000-69-1-6
o Driving directions: Farm is located on the north side of CR 48 in Peconic.
Going east: 0.7 miles east of the intersection of Peconic Lane and
CR 48.
Going west: 0.4 miles west of the intersection of Ackerly Pond
Road(landmark for Ackerly is.Doroski's Nursery on the south
side). The farm is on the north side of CR 48,landmark is.
Wesnofskes.Farm Stand which is on the south side.of CR 48.
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 39 acres
o Acres to be.protected: Approximately 34 acres.
o Acres.woodlands: Approximately 2.2
o Acres wetlands:. Approximately 1.39
o Acres Prime.Soils: Approximately 30 acres.
o Acres Statewide.Soils: 4.6 acres.
o Reserved building sites: 5.acre.area, with approx. 400' of Main Road frontage, around
existing improvements will be reserved from development rights
Nature of Farm Enterprise.
The principal crop on this,farm has historically been traditional row crops.
Farm Succession
Majority of farm contains Prime Soils. Farm is in vicinity of other parcels in agricultural use.
Landowner's family owns.over.60 acres in the vicinity.
Proximity.to Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map.#1 and Aerial Map# 5 showing subject property.
The farm is in the vicinity of over.50 acres of Town and County owned development rights to the east.
The farm is adjacent to, and in the vicinity of active farms on which the Town is interested in pursuing
the purchase of development rights.
Natural Resource Buffer
The farm contain significant road frontage. Therefore,the farm is an important scenic resource.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
MEIL SSA A. SPIRO Town Hall, 63096 State Route 25
60 P.O.Box 1179
(r1 (� D " Southold,New York 11971-0959
C Lam+ VE. Telephone(631) 765-5711
" Fax(631)766-1366
SEP 24 2003
I am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this
land under the Town's Land Preservation programs.
Nape of Owner(pleases pi,c) J d ►1 /� �� ,f���' ��
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Tax Map No. 1000 -- (� -- Acreage offered-for p
1 preservation "'GL p 5- ?C Ar '
Property Location c>�
Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas.you
may have about preservati n of our pro)erty. w
« fooeg µNY[v ,4 "' l
You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to
participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee.
I understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the .
sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto. Rather, it signifies an
interest in serious dialog concerning the merit nd method of possible preservation of my land.
Please return the completed�ornn to
Southold Town Land Preservation Department
When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other
` ^i!ii _ .res glry .. '7�d� •j4:, u,ydt 01, i y W�(.,; o v.
.. ,1`f
Part C—Project Details for Simon Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's.Name: Charles Simon Estate c/o John Simon
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 2350 Wells Road,Peconic
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels (Map#1)
o Tax Map.#: 1000-86-1-10.9 N
o Driving directions: Property is located on the southwest corner of Main Road
(Route 25)and Wells Road in Peconic.
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 32 acres
o Acres to be.protected: Approximately 27 acres.
o Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0 acres.
o Acres Prime.Soils: 32 acres
o Acres.Statewide.Soils: 0 acres
o Reserved building sites: Approximately 2 acre area at southerly end of property and
3 acre area on western most side.of Main Road side,will be
reserved from the development rights easement.
Nature of Farm Enterprise.
The entiree farm is leased by Briarcliff Sod and is planted in Sod.
Farm Succession
Entire farm contains Prime.Soils. Farm is.level and contains irrigation well to.support agricultural
use. Farm is adjacent to, and across street from active agricultural parcels.
Proximity.to Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map#1 and Aerial Map#6 showing subject property.
Adjacent to.37 acres of Town owned'Development Rights and directly across street from 25 acres of
Town owned Development rights which, in turn is part of larger block of preserved land.
Natural Resource.Buffer
Parcel is.located within the watershed area for Richmond Creek. The farm contains.significant road
frontage. Therefore, the farm isan important scenic resource.
See attached signed application from landowner
Part C—Project Details for Moffat Farm(North).
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: John Carroll c/o Maureen Moffat-Wolfe
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 47775 CR 48, Southold
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels.(Map#1 )
o Tax Map #: 1000-55-2-10
o Driving directions: Property is located on the north side of CR 48, Southold. It
is slightly east of the intersection of Boisseau Ave. and CR 48.
Farmland Easement Information
o Total parcel area: 25.5 acres
o Acres.to be.protected: Approximately 22.5 acres.
o Acres woodlands/wetlands: 0 within easement area
o Acres Prime.Soils: 19.5 acres.
o Acres Statewide.Soils: 3 acres
o Reserved building sites: Approximately 3 acre area will not be included in development
rights easement. Thisarea includes the existing improvements.
Nature of Farm Enterprise.
The farm is leased by Sep.Farms. Sep Farms owns and farms approximately 50 acresand leases
approximately 35 additional acres. The principal crop is, and has historically been,potatoes.
Farm Succession
Farm contains.Prime.Soils. Farm is level and contains irrigation well to support agricultural use. Farm
is adjacent to preserved agricultural land and is acrossthe street from active agricultural parcels.
Proximity to Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map#1.and Aerial Map#7 showing subject property.
This farm is adjacent to 19 acres of Town owned Development Rights.and 7 acre parcel on which the
Town is currently in the process of accepting a gift of a development rights.easement. The.adjacent 19
acre protected farm is.across.the.street from 45 acres of Town owned Development Rights.
Landowner owns.36.5 acre farmland parcel directly across.the street that has an application for the
purchase of the development rights.by the.Town.
Natural Resource.Buffer
The farm parcel contains significant road frontage. Therefore,the farm is.an important scenic resource.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
FROM Moffat PHONE NO. : 415. 868 9818 ;'="j Sep. 04 2003 09:30PM P2
09/04/2003 15:02 631 *0 0711 PUMA, 61.Yvu us
MELISSA A.8RM0 Tom X414 68093 ON09 Routa'W
8otftold,Now York 119'/1-0959
I am tho owner of the property deswribed below and I would like to explore preservation of-this
land underifis Town's Land Preservation programs,
Name of Owner(owe p 1nQ
Names of other owners
Maitfnl�Address 10• �o ,
Phone Number a i/kY
Tax Map No. 1.000–�S ,Z – /o �– sge offe,ed for
press r O. d
Property Location 17
Briefly describe the property e.g..open space,active farmland,wetland,etc.)and Ideas you
rrta have about les your peoto. A 4 �t —419--
Di acre 'L►R U
You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to
participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee,
undamiand that thle applicatlon does not commit me,or the Town of Southold,to the
sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto.Rather,It signifies an
Interest In serious dialog concerning the meat and method of possible prsserve eon of my land,
., date l a 3
Please return the oomploted form to
Southold Town Land Preservation Dep2riment
When you return this completed farm,It wotad bo WPW to WUde an exieifng surveylsketoh and ahy other
raegy available Wormation ftt d**0A1x*Y6ur property.
Part C—Project Details for Moffat Farm(South)
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: John Carroll c/o Maureen Moffat-Wolfe
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 50100 CR 48, Southold
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels (Map#1
o Tax Map#: 1000-55-3-6.1
o Driving directions: Property is located on the south side of CR 48,Southold. It is.
approximately 0.4 miles east of the intersection of Boisseau Ave.
and CR 48.
Farmland Easement In-formation
o Total parcel area: 36.5 acres
o Acres to be protected: Approximately 34.5 -36.5 acres.
o. Acres woodlands: 14.7(includes some prime/state.soils)
o Acres wetlands: 8.9 acres
o Acres Prime Soils: 14.5 acres
o Acres Statewide Soils: 14.9 acres
o. Reserved building sites: Undecided. Landowner may reserve 2 acre.lot on the Long Creek
side of the property.
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The farm is leased by Sep Farms. Sep Farms owns and farms approximately 50 acres and leases
approximately 35 additional acres. The farm is planted in potatoes and rye.
Farm Succession
Farm contains Prime Soils. Farm contains irrigation well to support agricultural use.Farm is across the
street from active agricultural parcels.
Proximity to Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map#1 and Aerial Map#7 showing subject property.
Landowner owns 25.5 acre farmland parcel directly across the street from one end of the farm,which
has an application for purchase of the development rights by the Town. The 25.5 acre parcel is
adjacent to 19 acres of Town owned Development Rights and 7 acre parcel on which the Town is
currently in the process of accepting a gift of a development rights easement. The adjacent 19 acre
protected farm is across the street from 45 acres of Town owned Development Rights. The other.end
of the farm is across the street from 20 acres pending County development rights.purchase and a 10
acre Agricultural Reserve area in an approved subdivision.
Natural Resource Buffer
Parcel is located within the watershed area for Long Creek,which is part of Hashamomuck Pond.
Hashamomuck Pond is an important shellfish resource.
The farm contains significant road frontage. Therefore, the farm is an important scenic resource.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
FROM Moffat PFK ME NO. 415 068 9818 Sep. 04 2003 09:30PIl P2
09/04/2003 15,02 631 jn�6711
NMLIUA.SOPMO Town UA 58095 St4to Route 26
SA P.O.ECK 1179
I am the owner of the property d"arlbed bekww and I would Mw to explore PrO"WlOn Of-this
landunder the ToWa Land PrWrYafloa..pmQn%M$-
Name of Owner"m pK
Names of other owners
iAaltlng Address
Plhone,Number �f i s6 V
Tax Map No. 1.000 preservation Acreage oftred for
Property Location
Briefly describe the property(e.g-open space, active farmland,wetland,atc.)and Ideas you
may have about prase on Your Property.
01 C Ire �Ijwg—qv—
you may talk with the Coordinator at 631.765-6711 to dk*As que$60ns or to arrange to
participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Pressration COMMIU00.
I understand that this appowtIon does not commit met,or the Tom of$outhold,to the
sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the dobts thereto.Rather,it signifies an
Interest In serious dialog concerning the merit and method of,poss!Wo ptesorva$Qo of my land.
<;-: ,, date 10 0 a
na;oe return the CVrW1oMd form to
Southold Town Lane!Preservation Department
When you return ft completed".it wot9d be helpful to Wudo an existing surveylsketch and any attier
reedy avaUdbla kimrddlon that dosodW*your property.
Part C—Project Details for Cassidy Farm
Landowner Information
o Landowner's Name: Marie Cassidy
o Farm Name: None
o Farm Address: 2055 Albertson Lane
Property Identification
o Location: See attached Location Map for Subject Parcels(Map#1)
o Tax Map 1000-52-5-55
o Driving directions: Farm is located on the south side of Albertson Lane,
Greenport. It is approximately 0.4 miles north of the intersection
of Albertson Lane and Main Road(Route 25). It is
approximately 0.4 miles south of the intersection of Albertson
Lane acid CR 48. The farm is right at the significant bend in the
Farmland Easement Information
o. Total parcel area: 6.5 acres
o. Acres to be protected:. Approximately 6.5 acres.
o Acres woodlands: 1.3 acres (includes some prime/state soils)
o Acres wetlands: 1.5 acres.
o Acres Prime Soils: 5 acres
o. Acres Statewide Soils: 0 acres
o Reserved building sites: None
Nature of Farm Enterprise
The farm is leased to the.neighboring fanner and is planted in traditional row crops.
Farm Succession
Farm contains Prime Soils.Farm is.adjacent to, and across street from active agricultural parcels. Farm
is adjacent to protected farmland and protected open space.
Proximity to Protected Farms
Refer to attached Location Map.#1 and Aerial Map#8 showing subject property.
Adjacent to 35 acres of Town owned Development Rights and 23 acres of land owned by the Peconic
Land Trust. The farm is,in the vicinity of other active farms.on which the Town is interested in
pursuing the purchase of development rights.
Natural Resource Buffer
The parcel is within the watershed area for Hashamomuck Pond. Hashamomuck Pond is an important
shellfish resource. Farm is adjacent to protected open space.
Development Pressure
Development pressures are especially high on this parcel due to the fact that it has an approved
subdivision plan for 4 lots. Farm is.for sale.
Landowner Commitment
See attached signed application from landowner
MELISSA A. SPE110 Town Hall, 63095 State Route 25
TORP.O.Box 1179
cm Southold,New York 11971-0969
Telephone(631) 765-5711
FEB 1 4 2003 Fax(631) 765-1366
I.am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this
land under the Town's Land Preservation programs.
Name of Owner(please print) _ co rs,,
Names of other owners
Mailing Address
Phone Number 63, V7 7� f 7 7 Q� `7� 2a.6eLb
Tax Map No. 1000 ----,�-2-- � w' Acreage offp�d for
preservation ,
Property Location �" n ✓
Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you
may have about preservation of your property.
You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to
participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee.
I understand.that this application does not commit me; or the Town of Southold, to the
sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto. Rather, it signifies an
interest in serious dialog concern' g the merit and method of possible preservation of my land.
date /3 ZO3
Please return the completed form to
Southold Town Land Preservation Department
When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other
-...,.Iii.. infnrmnHnn Oho+flocrrihPc vniir nronarty_
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
These general conditions apply to the administrative aspects of the
Grant Agreement and reflect New York State's contract recordkeeping and
payment procedures. These general conditions cannot be changed.
Payment of state funds shall be made to the Contractor after approval of
this Agreement by the State Comptroller, upon the submission of a payment
request (Standard Voucher), an executed purchase agreement with the
landowner, a budget report detailing the Contractor's match, two copies of an
appraisal by a New York State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, the
required title policy, a copy of all subordination agreements, an approved
easement or purchase of development rights, a monitoring plan, and any
agreement between the Contractor and another to hold or maintain the interest
in real property.
The Contractor shall submit all requests for payment, reports and
supporting documents to the following address: NYS Department of Agriculture
and Markets, Division of Fiscal Management, 1013 Airline Drive, Albany, NY
12235. Invoices, standard vouchers and any reports will not be considered
received by the Department and any interest which may be due the Contractor
will not begin to accrue until they have been received by the Division of Fiscal
Payment to the Contractor under this Agreement shall not be made
unless the Contractor shall have submitted to the Department a written payment
request together with such information as required by the Agreement. Payment
shall not be due until the 60th calendar day after receipt of the payment request,
where contract funds have been appropriated and made available to the
Upon examination of the Contractor's payment request and supporting
material, the Department may, in its sole discretion, modify or adjust the amount
requested to reflect contract funds expended as of the date of the request.
Subsequent to its review and approval of the payment request, the Department
will transmit the request to the Comptroller for payment.
Appendix D 1
The total payment made under this Agreement will not exceed the
Contractor's actual costs and expenses arising from the completion of the work
under this Agreement.
The Contractor shall ensure that the title to the lands or interests therein
shall be unencumbered or, if encumbered by outstanding or reserved interests,
the Contractor shall ensure that such encumbrance shall not interfere with the
agricultural and farmland protection purpose for which the interest therein is
being acquired. The Contractor shall provide a title policy and title insurance, at
a minimum, for the State's share of the interest in real property being obtained.
In the event of a failure of title, the Contractor will use the title insurance
proceeds towards the purchase of an interest in another approved parcel
contained in Appendix C or reimburse the Department for the amount of State
funds paid.
The Contractor shall require that all easements or other interests in land
acquired under this agreement:
1. run with the land in perpetuity;
2. prevent the land from being converted to non-agricultural uses; and
3. require that all amendments to the approved easement be authorized
by the Department.
The Contractor shall notify the Department in writing if the Contractor
proposes to alienate, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Chapter 25 of
the Town Code of the Town of Southold, any of the development rights
purchased under this Agreement. The Contractor shall reimburse to the
Department any State funds used for the purchase of any development rights
which are subsequently alienated and reunited with the underlying fee title.
Appendix D 2
The Contractor shall submit the proposed agreements to purchase
development rights or to obtain a conservation easement, the monitoring plan
and any sub-agreement to hold or maintain the interest in real property at least
sixty (60) days prior to the planned submission of the payment request for that
transaction. The Contractor and the Department shall negotiate the terms and
conditions of such agreements and monitoring plans, when necessary. The
Department shall advise the Contractor in writing when the agreements and
monitoring plans have been approved. No funds available under this Agreement
shall be disbursed until the Contractor's agreements and monitoring plan have
been approved by the Department.
The Contractor is responsible for complying with all local, state and
federal laws applicable to the work performed under this Agreement.
Funds for payment under this Agreement are provided to the Department
through appropriations from the New York State Legislature. These
appropriations are made on a fiscal year basis. New York's fiscal year begins on
April 1 of each calendar year and ends on March 31 of the following calendar
year. Funds for payment under this Agreement were appropriated to the
Department during the 2003-2004 fiscal year. Payment for work under this
Agreement which is completed by the Contractor after the 2003-2004 fiscal year
is subject to appropriation or reappropriation of funds by the Legislature in each
subsequent fiscal year.
The financial limit of State appropriated funds under this Agreement is
One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) and the Department shall not be obligated to
make any payment to the Contractor in excess of that amount.
The payments received by the Contractor under this Agreement shall not
duplicate payments received from any other source for the work performed under
this Agreement. In the event of such duplication, the Contractor shall remit to
the Department the amount which duplicated payment received from other
Appendix D 3
Any subcontracts under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall clearly
describe the goods or services to be provided and the total cost of such goods or
services. Subcontracts for services only shall separately state the rate of
compensation on a per-hour or per-day basis.
Not later than sixty (60) days from completion of the work under this
Agreement, the Contractor shall file with the Department a final written report
including: a map depicting the location of properties where interests were
purchased; a copy of the recorded easement or purchase of development rights
and any monitoring plans or agreements for another to hold or maintain the
interest in real property; and a copy of the final budget showing project
The Contractor shall maintain records and accounts in specific detail to
identify all c ontract f unds received and expended under this Agreement. T he
Contractor shall maintain a daily written record which contains the name(s) of
the officer(s) and employee(s) providing services under this Agreement and the
amount of time expended upon such services.
The Contractor shall maintain the records required under this paragraph
as set forth in Appendix A to this Agreement.
The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State of New
York and the Department from all liability incurred by the Department for bodily
injury and personal property damages resulting from the negligent acts, errors or
omissions of the Contractor, its officers, agents or employees in the provision of
services under this Agreement, provided that the Department promptly notifies
the Contractor of any such claim and affords the Contractor an opportunity to
defend such claim and cooperates fully with the Contractor in the defense of
any claims.
Appendix D 4
The Contractor shall not expend funds received under this Agreement for
any purposes other than for performance of the work under this Agreement, and
hereby represents that no contract funds shall be expended directly or indirectly
for any private or sectarian purpose.
Neither the Contractor, nor its agents, employees, suppliers or
subcontractors shall be in any way deemed to be employees or agents of the
Department or of the State of New York in performing the work under this
The Contractor shall perform the work under this Agreement as set forth
in the application attached as ,'appendix C. Any substantial deviation from the
application shall require the pr�r written approval of the Department.
The Department may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon
giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. Upon receipt of such
notice from the Department, the Contractor shall immediately cease work and
prepare a statement of costs, expenses and non-cancelable commitments
incurred as of the date of such termination.
The Department may terminate this Agreement for cause upon giving
one (1) day's written notice.
The Contractor's failure to perform in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement due to circumstances reasonably beyond the Contractor's control
should not constitute cause for termination pursuant to this provision. In the
event of such failure to perform, the Department may, at its option, either grant
the Contractor a specified period in which to correct its performance, or
terminate this Agreement in accordance with this paragraph.
This Agreement may not be modified unless such modification is made in
writing, executed by the Department and the Contractor and approved by the
Appendix D 5
Attorney General and Comptroller of the State of New York.
This Agreement shall not be binding and effective upon the Department
unless and until approved by the Attorney General and the Comptroller of the
State of New York.
Appendix D 6