HomeMy WebLinkAboutFPIG Round 11-C800655-Demchak Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting oI'May 20, 2008 RESOLUTION 2008-529 Item# ADOPTED DOC ID: 3882 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-529 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 20, 2008: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Saa :e�°aPiswrax° Sca tt Allusscll to e cc�at'c C"w@e w lN°orli State Department of A uricullture and Markets Contract C800655 in connection with Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grant in the amount of$1,166,946 for the term December 20, 2007 through March 31, 2010, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. a Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Orlando, Councilman SECONDER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman AYES. Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated May 22, 2008 Page 35 AGREEMENT New York State Contract Number: C800655 Department of Agriculture and Markets 10B Airline Drive Albany, NY 12235-0001 Amount of Agreement: $19166,946 Agency Code 06000 AGRICULTURAL AND FARMLAND PROTECTION Contract Period: 12/20/07 to 3/31/10 IMPLEMENTATION GRANT Municipal Code: 4703-7900-0000 Contract Authority: Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AAA Contractor Name/Project Sponsor: Town of Southold Street: 53095 Route 25 City: Southold State: NY Zip: 11971-0959 P.O. Box 1179 Billing Address (if different from above): Street: City: State: Zip: Title/Description of Project: Agricultural & Farmland Protection Implementation Grant ..... ....... . ._ THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: FOR AMENDMENTS CHECK THOSE THAT APPLY: This Coversheet ❑ Additional Work If Increase/Decrease in Amount: Appendix A(Standard Clauses for all New York State ❑ Extension of Time Contracts) From to Previous Amount: $ ® Appendix B (Project Budget) ❑ Increase Amount Increase/decrease ® Appendix C (Award Letter(s) & Portion of Applicant's Proposal) ❑ Decrease Amount ® Appendix D (The Department's General Conditions) ❑ Revised Budget New Total: $ ® Appendix E (Final Report Documentation Checklist) ❑' Revised Scope of Work El Appendix F Other(Identify) ❑ Other The Contractor and the Department agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. CONTRACTOR NYS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & MARKETS Si nature :zz:; Contractor'g sentative, Signature of Authorized Office l: — Date T �� t . ......��..... ......__.. e 2 .02 Typed or Printed Name of Above f" epresen 4" f A Typed o Printed Name of Above Official: . Scott Fw5tN ....... .6. . . .. ... m . 2 Fw T....I" . l.dr t-i� Y �� First Deputy Commissioner Title of Authorized Representative: � � p q rltle t f WTiorized Official: a Southold "ovadr Ss� ,gel�vio " .. O�before me State Age the acceptance Notary Public On this ay of ce personally sled if this co nature I 1""pp r ��- � :� ecu Ina l copies of this me known,and . rs who executed sl bt er exact copies the above Ir9trAlmrAA- e "fie e r �9atlon of the of this cor Tact. same. NOTARY JUN rroz #tt3. 2 0 l� U �... � � MY COMMISSION k XPR SS DEC„ A _ . Attorney General: Approved t ptrllr ;1018, By: Date: M � DEPT OF LAND PRESERVATION I STA110ARD CLAUSES FGH HYS C89TRACTS STAtT-kRI) CLAT-IS'-PS FQRNrYS CQN7R-ACTS performance of work under this 'iCCt tri fift:" of $50.00 per person per day ftir any Violation of' Sccllcni 226-e or T'lic to ora attric1lod canna a rcrujination of this contract and ainendm-,M OF Section 239 as well as possible -:ir a sv�mnd Fx qF �L. , t o(lacr agra,,z I lncril of arly klnd Oicrrurafv-, 'hit cctnrrac:t" or "this forfeiture of an moneys due bereunder fi. lbs rltwn (,,OjjrnacFt tll) Tetl to bn bound by tht follOw"It=7 clauscr�, �whe jjcji ar- r--rly Violation. madt I Dart of Out cuaF,,j (hjC WI)rCl "C01111"LlCtOr" VII-TC111 to arca' pany r.ith,-¢ than tilt 502M,wh--th-r I-oltu-'actor,1I=rrsL1, lessox, ii. WAGE A-Nq2 ff thl� Is a pulonc, worl,, lessee or any other party): csora wact oovumd by Artkle 8 of' the LL-,ux or a butich'ag. =7vice�abor conuraci covered by rtit,d. 9 th--retriC, neither cillpirlyte;, In accordance with Section 41 of the nf)l die erriph)y= of its subcankTactiors may be required or perinirte d to Sum Finance Law, the Stale shall have no liability under this contract to word illorc thaTi the number of hour-, or days .hated al Said statutes, the Crinjray.jot Fj- to ,glyant else beyond funds appropriated and ,pt it, otherwise ptrwided in the, Labor Law arid as set forth In available,for this contract. Plevuifing; WaRt luld sUpplcrn.-lst s"t'hedules issued by lht'. Statt Labor DepartancriL Furthcunov-',Contractor arid Its subcontractan inust pay at g in accor&alce With Section Ds 01 lem-st the pr=aiThfW C Mle, and PRY OT Provide tlI e Preva ilin the Slate j:unirtct i,,;jw, tbicontract mly lim bt assigned by the supplenle1%, circ ludrng tile Pre-Trullin 1`231= for ovr.,rtinic pay, as C,orivraraor or in; rigilL, title. coin triterem, themin assigned, transferrers.,transferrers., dcerTnjncd by the Snitc Lahor Department In at=irdanm- with the Labor collyc'!e!d, "'ablct OF ciffiarwisk,riisposiwd ot''WithoUt the PrI-VIOUS cilosa,MI, Law In Wliting, 0( air, stlnL� alld Liny aftelmin, to as'sign tile Contract Wifiloul, -1 BIT)D['NC; (--F2R'T71TF1CATJ0M In a"ordalicc t1aF 'T"M -AAIntIrR)T lot Y, 7. Ng curiscra arL null alid void _N ("'ot, [T.19 nowovet, ass 1 16,11 its, ngbto re=-rVt1-saynient Withok.g tilt stalC's Pilfly WIft, St��C�Jair 139--d o� the state Fuianc,-,, Law, if tills Zorltrucl was wlitttll cora;eflt llrik�ss tills r-untract coricenis oi'Parfir-ipatlfM awarrltd bas,-d upon tilt ,rubrnissimi of bids, Contractor affirms under pursuant to Article S-A of the State Finance Law perIalry Of poijuri, Oval its,bid was arrived at OldcpLiaditntly and without. collusion altlicd w msyrif-fing competition, Contractor further affirms a S -A that l[ the Tjrri�- C,olitn",ircir stilorrillted its bid. 'an authOrMed and ll� "cc t I . -maed and deltvered to the Stam, a Elfin-cliffitsovt 13i the Start Financt LaW kJr, If th's; '��F)nuact Is With Lit",statt L�Tliversity mpansiHe 1�)ersori tw or City TJnlvurs-il)� of"'4--W Y ark, 'Sp-twn 35"', tit 671 F, of the Ljld(ifjlg ccrtif - a bf-h If. E�titAca,tiou Law), if ffivs canitraCt 00,000 tor Olt TI-II1111111,1111 attar YNAL e Olt, SL-LIC �)Tnj]ftnhtt� for CtMRID 8. IYL�EEZN Aj in accordance ihr�v.ihloldls mlyit=d FO by Ul —,[] - so or rict "J'N`,,,P aild C.TiN Y corlwact,�, or if tjji,a U ,ars fin any withS,amin 220-f of thz Labor law and Section 139-h of the State alliourni to a conu-a-t which, ras so -,jrtsstiirl000, the Contractor agrees, as a. "aa ds stah-O Y Finance Law, if this contract exceeds 55. anicaulL, al Of,by fhl!, CmIrram, tive Smut aye..,, to give olticr mawrial condinoll of the conlracft, that ritnthcr the Contractor Thou' any Litan trioncy wi,itil the Value or reaAOiliibly shrllavri vallve of such substaritiahy owned or affiliaied person, firm, parra tr.ahlp or consideration Lxc.eds 10,00o,0,00o, it ,,Wl not ric ijajjjd, tflv,,-.uve or'bindiny; 11'as particlpiltt.d., is Participating, or gall participate tit an invmahollM upon the Start luntil it has t�---n appravcd by lh. Stau, tOld boycott jr, vat tarion of dic feWl.riid Export .Adirrumitrailon Alot of 1979 I a n � my tile Offic't" (550 USC App, Secian)s 2401 l sen,','! rcplafions thartundol, If filt�d u4 tris Dffi'X, UMPFFOL4�1"�� PProv"11 sol Fl( Sarvicts ns rew wred Wilen such -mc.-ta SX-S,000 corrtraclor� or any of tiv,�, aforesaid affiiiales Of Corloracloc,is convicted (Start Finance Law Section 163.6-a). or IE; othatwls-,�, found to have, vin'tavcd said laws W uPull tht final determination of the United States ("onarierm, Dtpartiricat 0V EnY 1!=tlu,LIZ III avuorclallct 'Arllh (;ithC7 ar)rjTupa-jaup jv-,,acy of the fir ux-nd State,,; qubsvqiiffilt W tile St;;.-fion 142 of khr, State dar,tisia,e Law, thil,; cnntntto! shaV rj- wilid and oflit 01, rnod i ficali oil tiltnreto t's ,ecIltion, turh coiaract, arricrldnic M force Laid e,d wt I-iulcss, tilt ,-,rmtT1.ID5 a,hab Provick ',arid niarnitIril shall be iinic.L-rcd for-fi-0 and void. Iliac Clontractor shall so notify tht ;0VeP,Lgt lift, of lul's onrimict for filbtro-fir toe aticil 4 u t icilan, Statc ComptrollcT within five (5) b0sillesr, d0YG ()f st'f it "t V at- "Itt I-CoLIO-elt in be coveu-ji by t�je piovisions oi tile I I -,d(21%FYCRR 10,51,4), OeIrnninrItIOD or disT usition ofapp. Workers,Corripensation.Lave, S, `r'ne State shall have all of its corrunissi law, al SET,4R �F RY�lLIT— Tr) the We t -ights a include, 'out �r;CR� qg�N Rp,(-qT[RE,NTEN1'S. ii equitable aild stasukury ria of set-off. These r shall i rt Htintarl thhc) not be hribied it), tit.- Stale's option 110 wi rccluirvii by krtl.lc I- of the EXr,-,,-,ljuvt j_a,,A, �djsrj J,�jjowp "!� 0 Id for the purposes of Set- Rjghts Law) and ash otilm Sj�uc ,IIII] Fdorat %taiiiiary Find constitutional off any rnomeys d- 10 tile (Zontractor under this Contract up to, arlynun r:liscraan�irtta;ki alt , provisions" QW-: cuna-actor WRI not Iltscrilliulate artiolults duc and owing In the State with TM?'@Td to this Contiract, MIY sac ainst any -Mp'j0yet,' Or applicant for '=D1DVmenl bezliusc oil rU-, other Conlracl wili'l any State departairimi, or apucy, uscluding. any ma� ongin, q�xual aut, disabilln" 1111.11 COMITIVECITILY prior to the of fills contract,phlt� -d, color, '31ty-, FlOnO contract Tor, a T= jdn", g�,tilelic predjapasairjt� or cavricr sululs, or rnall!"ll suati.rt, Purdlermore Firly lullountrs due and owing ko 'the St-Ut for MY other r`--asOn 111 11 i In accordanc- with 1;,ccuou '226-e r)f the Labor Law, if this IF, a contrac� without hinitation. tax tithriquaimics, iet, dclinquencim' or monetary for the caustrucuort, alta rakion or r-,paF of any pinilic building, or pubilc pciialnes rz6abvt therele, VII-e E1,1,1,te sijajj exarcjsc, lt52t-off rights, in worj,. OF jut,tile sal" or d"ustribuilon of 1-namrialt" cottipiritnt With Tionual State practicas Including, "ll c=,=; of set-off nt that,thit, r_ �ou"Ct�,;u�flj hr,. widnil agcy, sir suljpb-�s,arld to the��rlc pursuant to an audit, the finalization of such audit by the State ag. thea fl to of New Yal"'K. ('-'Untra"nor agres thai: =Iffiet It rI0r Its' its representatives,or the State Comptroller. 5ribcolitnicaln shaffl. by r=1qora DJ` race, sure, co'lor, disabillhl, SeX, OT nartonad cingirl (a) dismirilltlate Ol 'mung. a-pilliql, ADY Nt- Ycjflt SLI , It. RL—,(-"0Rj,,& Tile Contractor shall arid Friaintain corriplevt F--� M (b) and ac,,�,'uralf boo enct cftizc1i WOO is rju4�jfjcd Luad available, w perform tilt -al � records, docuumnts, accounts old Diller evid dis=hrrinliatt 3PUnst or lat"R"n" an',` culo lDyc<:, hired for the direc,0Y Pertincrn to Periorrriance under thk aDrItract. (hareinaftc-E, nal ,)HIng s ret kur ec. ds") The 1r cord Inust be kzrlt for tilt baltIrice of work, uridt�r thus cann-ac', tAM M �, I ` "l �;ojjrract as dcfiric�d an Szcnon 23()offilt Labor Law, lben� In acCOMan- Of tlj.. 1"n(L�jr y,,,,�T Ill which they were made and fol six (61 additional With Iber-cl[ coritra'-ftor aal'=s alar, ylcfflu:r a rial irz tlwr2after, Tilt State Comptroller, tht Altnm-Y Genzi-al arid auy F,rIajj Qj� mhlv,national orqprf 4tt, u1bar=-.d t.0 cooc.�I,jcj w, --mmiriation, at w-H as �ubcunrrtictor.� m7act, nriall ilav- acc!�%;; to ffit ,jcx w dis,,ibilit-y' dir'c'nirriltiate In runq 3L'atrIsl arly lhin',v orl� '3urje [h.- a:--,ra;y of ag,.ncias uiyovee,in this c�o of ffie . _ Cont, z[fizen W'no acid alvaiiable to perfonil, ffit, wrjrk,„ car (b) TL-,,nrm riurillu liormal businm tiours, at ail offict aCro�L ritutwe iltifw- any th", a.t�BLITV'r0 L)r 3une-2006 I>Iage 1 5019 D RD PLAUGES FOR MYS'- Ce l within the State of New York or, if no such office is available, at a employment, job assir :nt, promotion, upc adinas, demotion, mutually air ;.0^�l,y ffltd r ISOnable venue within the State, for the term sfer, layoff, or termination and rates of pay or other forms of specified itbove for Inc purposes of inspection, auditing and copying. compensation.; The State "ta�aall ta4 r easo i.'r0c steps to protect from public disclosure any of the Records which are exempt from disclosure under Section 91 (b) at the request of the contracting agency,the Contractor shall request of the Public Officers Law (the "Statute") provided that: (i) the each employment agency, labor union, or authorized representative of Contractor shall timely inform an appropriate State official, in wfitma, workers with which it has a collective bargaining or other agreement or that said records should not be disclosed-, and (ii) said records shall be und.-i-standin.g, to furnish a written statement that such employment sufficiently identified; and (iii) designnation of said records as exempt agency, labor union or representative will not discriminate on the basis under the Statute is reasonable. Nothing contained herein shall of e, creed:color.national origin,sex., age,disability or marital status diminish, or in any way adversely affect, the State's right to discovery in and that such union or representative will affirmatively cooperate in the any pending or future litigation. implementation of the contractor's obligations herein; and I. g1N2'IF'1°ING lNp,f}IwC4d TION' A pip IV''"ayCY (c) the Cantractar shall s in all solicitations or advertisements for d t I'l+lt r l',lC l (a;l Ll.akt,C'fit_ l.;lvllilru.i"TIy ff�l.:,N'°1 C1{ Al-1 ON employees, that, in the performance of the State contract all qualified NRfivfTEF andirit l.:�Ii1THF-kL SOCIAL SE(",4TF:1TY '1^tCJCvffdF.p All applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without invoices or New York State standard vouchers submitted far payment I discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, for the sale of®nods or services or the lease of real or personal property disability or marital status. to a New York. State agency must include the payee's identification number, i.e.,the seller's or lessor's identification number. The number is Contractor will include the provisions of "a" b" and "c" above; in either the payee's Federal employer identification number or Federal every subcontract laver " Ta OOdJ.tlt1 for the cons't'ruction, demolition, social security number, or both,such number when the payee has both replacement, rnaptrr repair renovation, planning, rat do io of real such numbers. Failure to include this number or number may delay property and irnproverriants &hzmort (the " ark,) except where the payment. Where the payee dl)� trial nave such rturriber or numbers, the Work is for to beneficial use of the Contractor, Section 312 does not payee, on its invaics car I l w York .+rare t.ridarai vritrclaeu,must dive the apply to: (i) work, goods or services unrelated to this contract; or (ii) reason or reasons wbN, Iia^p=aye�-tuovs iint have sLicb number or number. employment outside New York State; or (tit) banking services, insurance policies or the sale of securities. The State shall consider (b) PRIVACY I"ttT1'1T IT 1 6t p d.. (1) Tire :aotiaonly to request the 1 compliance by a contractor or subcontractor with the requirements of above personal nd urrn atrort'fyl..)rn ii sel'lrsr of soodr fat .,,Wrvices or a lessor any federal law concerning equal employment opportunity which of real or petsonail ,aa rap 9r:}, Ind t.bt to maintain such effectuates the purpose of this section. The contracting agency shall information, is Toand In flab tfaaas :f of th; atate°1"ax Law Disclosure of determine whether the imposition of the requirements of the provisions this information by the seller or lessor to the State is mandatory. The hereof duplicate or conflict with any such federal law and if such principal purprose for which the information is collected is to enable the duplication or conflict exists, the rint�riac.tmnF aTL ncry shall waive the State to identify individuals, businesses and others who have been applicability of Section 312 to the exta til of such dup-hcation or conflict. delinquent to films tax returns or may have understated their tax Contractor will comply with all duly prrornimi+gated and lawful rules and liabilities and to generally identify persons affected by the taxes regulations of the Governor's Office of Minority and Women's Business administered by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. T"ne Development pertaining hereto. information will be used for tax administration purposes and for any �stl'aem" riiiau�z.r d by lariy 13. CONFLICTING S. In the event of a conflict between the pill-pose aut ("2) T rrc p rsoar al iriirarrrrrituaarr r rc aia:aasca;t by the purchasing unit of the terms of the contract (including any and all attachments thereto and a!pcir yinri ac;am E to p urchant fisc goods or services or lease the real or amendments thereof)ape the Terms of this Appendix A, the terms of this r cahalprop-jr), r,uvcrccl try thr ca'�rntr.ict or lease. The information is Appendix A shall control. u �' maintained lir 1,,Icw -'Tarn, Staw' Cmltrtal. Accounting System by the Director of Accounting Operations, Office of the State Comptroller, 110 14. G®SPEFt1YTNC LAW. This contract shall be governed b}' the laws State Street,Albany,New York 12236. of the State of New York except where the Federal supremacy clause requires otherwise. I'.. ITL 0Far,c)Iz l' IT 11 S;_ FOR 1CYT T'T~,I r a i l w Wr r l;pfi Tai me nrrkiriasw with t=��e�ticrni 1'l +7r'IncIS.LATE PAYMENT. Timeliness of payment and any interest to be "r'artevtirtvc: Law, il" ttai �wa.tntra;l r (i) a rOmicui with cSntcatt or laumrchti;c paid to Contractor for late payment shall be governed by Article 11-A of tiler inistrume-tit, providing for a total e.txp:aaaiidiltrr'e in excess of the State Finance Law to the extent required by law. s �a .pttlll;00, wvir,.rc.,w a r.riaatrraoting agµna,y is ccrratinitted to experid or 16. NO ARBITRATION. Disputes involving this contract, including does expend furrri.� irr return for lar%rant s-v� icrs, supplies', cquiprrn-ant' the breach or alleged breach thereof, may not be submitted to binding mmr ,nidi, or any comburanuri of the flit Rai�ng, tat be perrouned for, or rendered or furnished to the contracting ag ncy; or (ii) a written arbitration (except where statutorily authorized), but must instead be heard in a court of competent jurisdiction of the State ofNew York. agreement in excess of 5100.000.00 whereby a contracting agency is committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, 17 SER OF PROCESS. In addition to the methods of service construction, de olitiorts replacement,major repair or renovation of real allowed by the State Civil Practice Law &Rules (" LR"), Contractor property and improvements thereon; or (iii) a written agreement in hereby consents to service of process upon it by rmgistered or certified excess of 5100,000.00 whereby the owner of a State assisted housingmail, re receipt requested. Service hereunder shall be complete project is committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition ®n Corittactor s ac 1 receipt of process or upon the State's receipt of construction, demolition,mplacerrment, major repair or renovation of real the raturn thereof by the limited States Postal Service as refused or property and improvements thereon for such project,then: undeliverable. Contractor must promptly notify the State, in ring, of each d every change of address to which service of process can be applicants Tne f trnti a s:y rij l tuftal uasta;rrrrztntmt,e against ertapuaa"y °°rY or made. Seng ce by the State to the last known address shall be sufficient. anplicaxits.f,e i.mrasnuoyirteot caj-=Muse oi' "r.,. need,coiw, natu°a>iiaal lingua„ Contractor will have thirty' (30)calendar days after service hereunder is set: pe, els iras�ity rsr titan ul gmt1is, Intl will imnertakt or continue complete in which to respond. exisr= praaura ms of afhrrara.rr 6 e acilon to Wns e that nunori�r Kra catrsa members and women are ar i-ded equal employment opportunities without discrumnahon. AZirznanve action shall meaty. fac-naracent, as '? .lune. 2006 5T11110STAW11110 CLAUSES FOR MYS CONTRACTS 88, fi t Id3R�C.1f 1N (O_kc LFI SF Old i �t ,1 1,a t... Iw, T ad waTTnus, that all wtxrrd (b)T'ne Contractor has complied with the Federal Equal Opportunity Act - tie �eatras stat raasae as Products to tae used arndor this Cuntraot award will be tin nccord:asae with of 1971(P.L. 92-261), as arrtended; but rant hunted to, tilt pwr ifs<ataaaax and paovisiuns of ;talc Firi arit:w � 6aaaw t;;Iris. dl.rse olW s raagatewid flbtrdwoarclt) wlaicla prohl'aaat Ca urwhase. and (e) The Contractor aces to make reasonable efforts to provide use of trtapicul laart�iw no.aaiu., pati spe titcu9l'1a Wern'pated by tilt, State a�ar notification to New York Stat_ residents of employment opportunities Xny goverrunclual agency or political sui:adivssimi air- p%biia, benefit on this project through lrsttng„ any Mich prow^saious With the Job Service :�rarpnraauort Qualification fin in exesatptinn under thi:: law will be theDivision of the New'1'sari.Statc.Far paar°tni nl of"LataoC,or providing such rrsliorilsil ilts)a of tkat contractor tristarialifito file-.q with the a:ppri'avdl oi' notification to such rniriner Its is corlsistreiat wio-1 existing collective the State. bar-painingrn contrasts or agreeents. The Contractor agrees Co document these efforts and to provide said documentation to the State upon lti a'addinon, when arny purtirul of 'this can7tract irrvo)viragtyle trse of request; and wo.On;, whether supply or instwalltattort, is to he perimmed by any rralrr riritstaraor the primet'.onirticta a will ittdi at:e and certify rzi toe (d)The.Contractor aclaiowledges notice that the State may seely to obtain submitted bid.proposal thal Oat silbcosikr,ctoi lim tw-n attffumed and tis offset credits from foreign countries as a result of this contract and in Coinplianct With spec icailon; and provasirons regarding csae of agrees to cooperate with the State in these efforts. traapical'hardwoods as detailed In iia Stare Firt ailm Law A.ny such use '71. RECiPROC'L'P'1' AND SANCTIONS PROVISIONS. Bidders are rnust me"t with the approval of the Sante ait:hOrwise, Ibe bid tnaY not ba* hereby notified that if their principal place of business is located in a consldt. esi rtzpottsaarre.L311der'otdairr ce-nifications, proof of quoisaic"iritancountry, nation, province, state or political subdivision that penalizes forex�arnution will °be the r:sponsibihty a�.at"'die Caoutrrclor TOmenl witl't New York State vendors,and if the goods or services they offer will be the approval of the State. substantially produced or performed outside New York State, the Lg h4 { 13I IGtI' "wI:l1 Ldfbl,O� ,, T' PFI^�CIC' Eti,. In Omnibus Procurement Act 1994 and 2000 amendments (Chapter 684 accordrauct w" t'h thy~ IvlacF'iridz Fair Employment Principles (Chapter and Chapter 383, respectively) require that they be denied contracts 807 of the Laws of 1992), the Contractor hereby stipulates that the which they would otherwise obtain. NOTE: As of May 15, 2002, the 11-'_,Q11VoIf1'tor eithef. lab bas mica bunnucrss opera0aans in Nc:irthtrri IaMand, or list of discriminatory jurisdictions subject to this provision includes the states of South Carolina, Alaska, West Virginia, Wyoming, Louisiana (t)) shall take lawuil °togas In gourd faith iii conduct a+nY husiness and Hawaii. Contact NYS Department of Economic Development for a Operations its Jh ortherur ar.;i and tit arc,ordr�itice w.vit�h the. ac rldt Fair aril f irtaiat." Law), and lsx l Grin ctio,i 163 tnt'lgrtsori�.; of current list ofjuiisdictions subject to this provision. f rrroli�rvrar sit t i usct ai f.a.G o e.r burl tr Section t tisi� aai tlie�. lv�au '"fr�ra'&: c C 1 p` P ti I rF�CHA!j in accordance with State Finance compliance with such rinci les. ­ Law t d2,(4-0a the,SLxw 11a.Cl not prura n ix:er any apparel from any vendor tl C:1 ' arc p �c;, of anabre gar " ) s apparel was manufactured in ff lFbgs F"gl 1LTF1T` Nr hC P Cif 1,W . It i., tl°a art° iuwillvri+! iia twill that )"w' iictu I lr;w `i ori, Sninf to rnamnii s orrportiaio w Isar the p,artacipation[at Neu conaplhuriat: with all aupiirzablt, labia, and oc=uptaasmsal 'Pori, State kiumnest� ena.wi:prr,r,�, l�iaseludinti nunt.arity and worriers-own uclisduag,"pial notf.iniarcal to, child laborlaws, w zrr 3116 hours 'saw and osa,"iii sit coLerprses, as biddt r, subconnactors and supplier-, on its !voe&pa a . saiery luws, and (ii) vfmdw will supply, with its bid (at, if procurement contracts. not a bad atn ataran, prior to OF at tire time of 3s+anant, a ti olitnict with the state). if k:rrr:awta„ the naaritz anal addressm of rwach sobcraotractrar axil°.1 N Information on the availability of New York State subcontractors and list of all manufacturing plants to be utiiized'oy the bidder. suppliers is available from: NYS Department of Economic Development Division for Small Business 30 South Pearl St- 7`"Floor Albany,New York 12245 Telephone: 518-292-5220 Fab: 518®292-5884 http://www.emljire.statn.ny.us A directory of certified minority and women-owned business enterprises is available from: NYS Department of Economic Development Division ofMinority and Women's Business Development 30 South Pearl St- 2nd Floor Albany,New York 12211.5 Telmhond: 518-292-5250 Fax: 518-292-5803 bttn://www..-mpire.statt.n),.us ---------- Tne omnibus Procurement Act of 1992 requires that by si--rung this 'bid nronosai or contract;as applicable,Contractor;, certify that wbr=ver the total bid amount is greater than S1 million: (a) T°ne Contractor has inade r aa4soriantc efrorul to encourage the participation of Neuw York Stale business icos;e'rpra a.^ as suppliers and. siibconuamors, including c,rri.fierl rn.rTawrrg Y and worm-ri-owned business enterprises, on this pro}ec1 auiud has rtutini:d the documentation of these efforts to be provided upon request to the State; cava 3 June, 2006 Form B.1'-Budget Summary for FPIG Proposal APPENDIX B 2007-2008 Budget Summary for FPIG Proposal Farmland Protection Implementation Projects Involving Conservation Easements ATTENTION: You MUST submit one Form B.1 -Budget Summary for FPIG Proposal to summarize the overall budget of this proposal and you MUST submit one project budget for each farm to provide details of the proposed budget associated with each farm in this proposal. Please use the appropriate project budget form(i.e., Form B.2 fora farm whose value of development rights is <$29,000, per acre, or Form B.3 for a farm whose value of development rights is >$29,000 per acre). Kauneckas Farm Local Government Farm Name(s): Demchak Farm Applicant: Town of Southold Total Acres Proposed for Permanent Protection=E39.0000 TOTAL COSTS OF PROJECT(S)ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROPOSAL Total Value of Development Rights $ "EM1. �,� For all project proposals,the applicant is urged to base this arnoutIt upon either an appraisal or the most recent valuation of the subject property as reflected on the landowner's property tax statement. Administrative Costs Subtotal= s—_ 35 946 Administrative Costs (in-kind) Subtotal= 1 $ 2,000 Amount shall not exceed 80%of the local match. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS = $ 3,029,546 FUNDING SOURCES Local Match Applicant must provide documentation acceptable to the Department accounting for the encumbrance or expenditure of the sum total of all required local match for this proposal by the time the last disbursement is requested by the applicant for this proposal. Total Local Matching Funds= 1,862,600 %of total project costs 61.5% State Funding State shall not contribute more than$29,000 per acre toward the value of Requested State Funding = $ 1,166,946 development rights for any farmland protection implementation project. % of total project costs above 38.5% State Funding%shall be no more than 75.0%. Local Match%plus State Funding%must equal 100%. Form E3.3-Project Budget for FPIG Proposal(>$29,000/A for development rights) 2007-2008 Project Budget for FPIG Proposal Farmland Protection Implementation Project Involving a Conservation Easement ATTENTION: You MUST submit one Form B.1-Budget Summary for FPIG Proposal to summarize the overall budget of this proposal and you MUST submit one Form B.3-Project Budget for FPIG Proposal for each farm whose value of development rights is >$29,000 per acre. Local Government Farm Name: Demchak Farm A l'icant: Town of Southold ................... Estimated Acres to be Permanently Protected=1--_!±90_001 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS If this$per acre value does not exceed Value of Development Rights $ 1,087,700 Em NOW$29,000/A.,do NOT use this form. For all projects,the applicant is urged to base this amountupon elli°uer an appraisal or the most recent valuation of the subject property as reflected on the landowner's property tax statement. %of total If<100%,a bargain sale will result. The value of landowner's donatlon will be the difference Proposed Purchase Price= development between the appraised value and the $ 1.087.700 rights= 100% purchase price plus any administrative �._.._� costs that will be paid by the landowner, Administrative Costs Title Insurant $ 4,830 _ _._ ....... _ _ I ttrvey( ) $ 4 00! Appraisal 00 �w00 Outside Easement Expertise Amount paid to consultant(s)to assist with the conservation easement (If any) transaction for this project. (Do NOT Include cost of baseline documentation $ report In this Item. aRecordlnc, Fees $ Stl Wvartjsitt FOCI $ Araaetant shall not exceed$10,000 per conservation easement. Baseline Documentation Report $ s0 Other administrative cost $ 1,500 Identify: Phase I,Environmental Site Assessment Other administrative cost $ 100 Identify: Title closer attendance fee Subtotal $ 15',580 Administrative Costs(in-kind) 'Applicant's Staff Time $ 1,000 Tuav+�6ltIflce ex Ons $ w Other in-kind cost $ Identify: Subtotal $ 1.000 Amount shall not exceed$25,000,or 80%of the local match,whichever Is less. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS= $ 1.104 280.1 FUNDING SOURCES Local Match Applicant must provide documentation acceptable to the Department accounting for the encumbrance or expenditure of the required local match for this project by the time this project's perpetual conservation easement is conveyed. For project proposals where the full value of the conservation easements will be donated, nano of the amount shown shall be used to compensate the landowner forthe value of Municipal Funds $ 65500 development rights. Wiwi the full value of development rights will be donated,enter full appraised value of the Landowner Donation $ cons rvatto,n easement. ......... ......._ NOTE: Federal Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program(FRPP)funds will Federal FRIT" NOT be allowed as a local match. In Kind(from subtotal above) $ 1,000 ., (t`or prolW proposals wlaero the milt valare of the crarnsat°vakloWro aasoarmgnrsa wIIN be donated, none of the amount shown shall be used to compensate the landowner for the value of devel9prno d rights.) IDENTIFY SOURCE(S)&SPECIFY AMOUNT FROM EACH SOURCE: Other('foundation or similar) $ Subtotal $ 656,600 %of total project costs 59.51yo State Funding State shall not contribute more than$29,000 per acre toward the value of State Funding $ 447,680 development rights for any farmland protection implementation project. %of total project costs above 40.5% :hate Funding%shall be no more than 75.0%. Local Match%plus State Funding%must equal 100%. Form B.3'-Project Budget for FPIG Proposal(>$29,000/A for development rights) 2007-2008 Project Budget for FPIG Proposal Farmland Protection Implem'trntation Project Involving a Conservation Easement ATTENTION: You MUST submit one Form B.1-Budget Summary for FPIG Proposal to summarize the overall budget of this proposal and you MUST submit one Form B.3-Project Budget for FPIG Proposal for each farm whose value of development rights is >$29,000 per acre. Local Government Farm Name: Kauneckas Farm Aunt:- Town of Southold Estimated Acres to be Permanently Protected _ _mm 24.10001 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS I If this$per acre value does not exceed Value of Development Rights $ 1,903,900 $29w0001A.,do NOT use this form. For all projects,the applicant is urged to base this arlloufnt upon either an appraisal or the most recent valuation of the subject property as reflected on the landowners property tax statement. %of total If<100%,a bargain sale will result. The value of landownel's donation will be the difference Proposed Purchase Price= development between the appraised value and the purchase price plus any administrative $ 1,903,900 rights= 100% costs that will be paid by the landowner. Administrative Costs Title Insurance 7,316 A alf lo �.5_. t }0'a _ _ sis $ 2,800 utsid6�..��ai 1` s cif ani ..... .... . 2,000 Outside Easement Expertise Arnottr'it paid to consultant(s)to assist wlth the conservation easement (if any) Vansaction for this project. (Do NOT Include cost of baseline documentation $ report in this item.) r �ew.orFoo m .. 30I- ,. tewar ,S 11p Fee $ Amount shall not exceed$10,000 per conservation easement. r Baseline Documentation Re ort $ 50 „_.. _....._.... ......... Other administrative cost $ 1,500 Identify:FPhase I.Environmental Site Assessment Other administrative cost 100 Identify: closer attendance fee Subtotal $ 20 366 Administrative Costs(In-kind) 111cat1t's�t ff Time $ 1.00 I'faveiofifice xpr nse $ Other in-kind cost $ - Identify: ...... ........-.— ...... Subtotal $ 1,000 Amount shall not exceed$25,000,or 80%of the local match,whichever is less. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS= $ 1,925,266 FUNDING SOURCES Local Match Applicant must provide documentation acceptable to the Department accounting for the encumbrance or expenditure of the required local match for this project by the time this project's perpetual conservation easement Is conveyed. Far project proposals where the full value of the conservation easements will be donated, none or the amount shown shall be used to compensate the landowner.forthe value of Municipal Funds $ 1,205,000 developmentrights. 'Wban the full value of development rights will be donated,enter full appraised value of the Landowner Donation $ - conservation easement. NOTE: Federal Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program(FRPP)funds will Federal FRPP NOT be allowed as a local match. ire IincfCrorrave $a1,Doo ...� (rof proj�oct proposals where 911e roll vnruo of die conservation easements will be donated, none of the amount shown shall be used to compensate the landowner for the value of development rights.) IDENTIFY SOURCE(S)&SPECIFY AMOUNT FROM EACH SOURCE: Other(foundation or similar) $ ®. .. _._. Subtotal $ 1,206,000 %of total project costs 62.6% State Funding State shall not contribute more than$29,000 per acre toward the value of State Funding $ 719,266 development rights for any farmland protection implementation project. %of total project costs above 37.49% State Funding"/o shall be no more than 75.0%. Local Match%plus State Funding%must equal 100 , APPENDIX C r STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS 108 Airline Drive,Albany,New York 12235 Eliot Spitzer 518-457-8876 Fax 518-457-3087 Patrick Hooker Governor www.agmkt.state.ny.us Commissioner December 20,2007 Supervisor Scott Russell Town of Southold P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Russell: I am very pleased to inform you that the Department of Agriculture and Markets has awarded Town of Southold the sum of$1,166,946 to assist the Town in its farmland preservation efforts. 'Based upon your FY2007-2008 Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grants prbposal,the Department has provided enough matching funds to purchase the development rights on Demchak Farm and Kauneckas Farm. Before State funds can be provided for the purchase of.easemerits or development rights on these farms,it will first be necessary to develop a contract between the Department and the Town. This contract must contain an agreed upon plan of work and budget. Project expenditures,which occur prior to the approval of the contract by the State Comptroller,might not be reimbursed. Therefore,,we strongly advise that you not incur any expenses for which State reimbursement will be sought until the contract is approved. In order to facilitate the timely development of your contract and the completion of the project,I am requesting that you identify an authorized representative of the Town with whom you would like us to work with regard to all fiscal matters associated with the contract between the Town and the State. Please.have that person complete and sign the enclosed Contractor's Information Checklist. Also,please identify the person with whom you would like us to work with regard to all matters associated with the conservation easement(s) that will result from this contract;that person.will serve as your project manager. Please provide this information to David Behm,the Department's Farmland Protection Program Manager. He may be reached by phone at 518-485-7729,by fax at 518-457-2716 or by e-mail at'david.behm@agmkt.state.ny.us. The Department looks forward to working with you in preserving your valuable farmland resources for agricultural production purposes now and in the future. Sincerely, Patrick Hooker Commissioner cc: -Melissa Spiro,Town of Southold . Kenneth Schmitt,Suffolk Co:AFPB Michael&Maria Demchak Louise Kauneckas Form NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS 2007-2008 (ROUND XI) APPLICATION FORM Farmland Protection Implementation Projects Instructions: 1. Respond to each of the following questions in the space provided and ONLY attach separate statements or maps as directed. Any attached statement MUST NOT exceed ONE page. 2. The details that you provide in response to the items below together with one Form B.1 (Budget Summary for the entire application) and a Project Budget for each farm project contained in your application will form the basis for the scoring of each proposal submitted. If requesting funds for two or more farms, the information requested in Part 2, Items 1 through 8, should be separated for each farm, but may be aggregated onto attached maps, lists or charts from which the information for each farm can be clearly delineated. 3. You MUST provide all the information requested in order for your proposal to receive full consideration for funding. Failure to provide all information may result in disqualification of certain proposed farms within an applicant's proposal and/or a lower overall score for a proposal. Part 1 —Applicant Information (for single or joint applications) 1. Please provide thea name and b address of munici alit s in the space below. (a). Town of.Southold (b). 53095 Main Road (Route 25) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 2. Please provide the (a) name, (b) mailing address, (c) telephone number, (d) fax number, and a e-mail address of onerimary contact person. (a) Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation.Coordinator (b) Southold Town Hall Annex 54375.Main Road (Route 25mmm�....� _.................... .. ) _... . ..... __ P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (c) 631-76 ..... ..._. .... .._ _... (d) 631-765-6640 (e) melissa.spiro(cDtown.southold.nv.us 3. Please provide a copy, if available, of any plan, report or map describing any existing or proposed public sewer or water infrastructure in the vicinity of each farm proposed for permanent protection. PROJECT DETAILS TAI S FORM A—PART 2—Items 41-9 See attached information for each parcel. The 2 projects included in this proposal are; ¢�ri�N^^w,uw! 4 sir r aG�%•.,/ z'r %%/ f, 1l x f, " 'Yr �l%' rY a#'3UU r�`;gVN .pp�/ry�rl>r 1dr^(r Ix��11/r,:.��wri�r /�!7 i r',�rl',: �r„.YaF,F i�Ur ry„�1 r� +.,,rN„� �` ,�yyrr i F••�,� ';�(�} �-yY> r �?"d�;;:tN I";'d�//�' lr ,a,,,,i/r Nllr!•-. Y✓�rr7/;,� ^yrr9��. �rIV�II f ,,,n="'- G6d rrlrr4 aG �'Ip x�''r 11 ( ;,,'fro "" h��r�� ;t� �1�' ,�'Ty.'{✓ uI()v /x/Yr i!rt r FNi„/� ,,�,, :!�, �° ,�,,k i r+l.a!l � J,�� a :. C� ra N,w, r .r l i 9 r N'..., k m,i}...,,,4,,r,,%kk`7;t ,�(rir,5,,,a ✓ j r, J;� r d,Ji7 � r%r rrr` t^ ��r -� kr, r ,� /,�,�, r xz(J,) ( F�,° ✓ z i r$ V ��:rr>v ,, �,..'.�#. SII + .,:;"'�NI f ccr�rNiMl„ at/I ;,..,'I ;a/ rvE”. ;� y J�, aw,.. (r '� �,rrr:. trk r,'U. "�� �.ri'vp � ,.xr 1 i”,� �y,.;/ ��l°rr r�x,:.';•p'"ter;:. �'Yt,,�, a ,,; d uc ,v a �:.:�� 1 ,�J`;r v _I�5�,11 �h� /U�i.;.,TM'� `: ,.IG71y �u$/i f r�!.rr ��'r rr'li.¢� N� .a/ 1 r✓s".�.� 7� ny7frf r -,�as Nr fr)llr1r1� ggJ a + v`arluev„(lrV6f f('. r� 7i:!.. 4 t x r((:. e r ,,( :. 4 ,RY,u, rzkV r � J b, r/ a d ;.xou r� ✓r::, G#u �1 J�. 1„1 J.le.r,Y' '. er ;,,w/ rr � rr 'v f„ /rrr,, W/ rM {„rr ;, 7p .,:,r � 1. rC ( ,�, a, tei3rl! +arr✓b r r t r �z:��( x.�/rF �'� r��'ry-"..Eplr, Demchak 84.-1-13 14.9 acres $ 1,087,700 $ 1,104,280 Kauneckas 95.4-3.1 24.1 acres $ 1,903,900 $ 1,925,266 ryrz �' r�3 ( 4A {�f -11 �'{1G IF Yr'�',,{1r ,�, rv� Iil7r'exY�Y� r�" ".:.M1';�,,, Form A 3. Farmland Easement Information — � For please o, ple s the far right two columns ing in table for p provide ALL of the following information: • e proposed conservation easement area associated with each farm in your proposal. • Please attach a soil survey map of the proposed conservation easement Extent of area associated with each farm in your proposal. Proposed • Please attach a table illustrating the acreage of each soil type Farm Easement comprising (a) USDA Prime.Soils, and (b) Soils of Statewide Rank o Significance occurring within the proposed conservation easement area Order Acres Area associated with each ....... .._......._.. ,._. .__.w... _. Acres to be protected (#1) 14.9 (based upon either a tax parcel map or an existing legal survey) _ ((#2) 24.1 .. ..... .._._ (#3) #.of protected.acres available for crop.m production and/or livestock 100% • Please calculate the extent of the proposed easement area for this.item mm �#2) 24.1 100% for.each farm as follows (enter.this information in far right column of this. w_ ...............„_mm._. ,mmmmm�mm row in this table): of protected acres available for crop.and/or livestock production divided by the.#of protected acres, then multiply that amount by 100.to determine its % (round up to,the.nearest whole.number). (#3) #of protected acres in woodlands and wetlands = • Please calculate the extent of proposed easement area for this.item for (#1) 0.6 4% each farm as.follows (enter this information in far right column of.this _. . ..__............. row in this.table): #.of.protected acres in woodland and wetlands divided by the.#.of (#2) 0 0% protected acres, then.multiply that amount by 100 to determine its.% (round uptothe nearest whole number). (#3) #.of.protected acres in USDA Prime:Soils= • Please calculate the extent of proposed easement area for this item for (#1) 14.0 94% each farm as follows.(enter.this information in far.right column of this -,.—.......... -�-- row in this.table) (NOTE: Prime soils are distinct from those below.): 94% #of protected acres in USDA Prime Soils divided by the#of protected (#2) 22.6 acres, then multiply that amount by 100 to.determine.its % (round up . . . ........._. .......... to the.nearest whole.number). (#3) #of protected acres in Soils of Statewide Significance= • Please calculate.the extent of proposed easement area for this item for (#1) 0.9 6% each farm as follows (enter this information in far right column of this . ..... row in this table) (NOTE: These soils are distinct from those above.): #of protected acres in Soils of Statewide Significance divided by the# (#2) 1.5 6% of protected acres, then multiply that amount by 100 to determine its % (round up to the nearest whole number). (#3) Note: Please DO NOT submit copies of LESA or other farmland assessment reviews, local application forms, or local ranking systems for proposed farms. Statement of Relevance-All applicants must attach a brief statement(labeled as "Form A-Part 2 - Item #31') that clearly and convincingly illustrates the relevance, importance and significance of protecting the farm(s) identified in your proposal to the implementation of your County Agricultural and ( Farmland Protection Plan, or, if the applicant is a municipality, that municipality's farmland protection plan or comprehensive plan or similar planning document. DO NOT RELY SOLELY ON YOUR PLANNING DOCUMENT TO MAKE YOUR CASE. Form A- Part. 2 - Item 3: Farmland Easement Information SOIL INFORMATION CHART FARM PRIME SOILS STATEWIDE SOILS ;`P,a ,r6Jiry liaili 1» »»'!,;, `, ✓ !J�y ,,;ua / �,,,, r;e"Y" /i "rbc !y J f YY 1 ,`t, �1 �,r,' �,r i ai l r l � i yfr;p r»�T I I � � � /r,`, ✓ i,i IP�� k� r L P �M�h r i4" wr �.` /f9r m , I, OU" qy mi/11�1� rrFl 11 h'�A�w. y 1 gyp*+ ,, ��r ::r » '�. I�,d�,i �7✓,v,r�"�yil" nu�4Ct 1r'r A.��, K'" „�" �.� p�.r:,,c p �, ✓ r'f l I, ���9�.'y ��ry.!r`y✓Yi� z°;� kr ry3",„.�^;„ a �"�» r r9 �, h aY�q r. ,1>4� �. .y .. ! s ? Ji 9r -„u''u+' ,r, 11� err ,,f ;2 .r eu:r N F✓%r; r"u» x I,r.Y� bF �'M +i ,� Ifr � t k �^�*"zw r'1 f ,. 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J r `.,��,Y „ysw,y�;�� �� Ise„I(.�1�"oi �r�✓?! I y r a� „.:,,,a. rF:,,6 �!W a iA I r�l1�0 Y/' VIII i'.��,' :4 M�ri.��, ""'�� ',��, v� µ*J'��I° 'M t' �r fv.:aM .F 9 �,�:''�'t':�pg� f� J��1�i✓� h»�I ,,;�,r�,, r o It „ r<r2� rll 7�+`�u� .1 ✓r '7 r� i 7(ti„ �,l-.:,r i �ra r,..td r;�ll �0�" �� il �r,.. b,�"„:r� ✓fir hY✓./ �r r A41:r?1 � .:..;r �Y � ,I'f I�>< '''" r� V, 'bi, � y�'��� �jG���i�q� �!f�� t rate+r(,�f� J�iJ�rlr"lia��i�rA.b�7S t�,>rFi(bro.'l+l�"�in�".rn! � »A',.,gtl' ,�'" , ��,,,I;',.Jr'r�f�yr�:tE;-... �1��,"„ I,:.l l/�I,r;✓�7r�in(w.A`�,r�.+,,�»,✓A,k:.,Pr✓ir1;�'o'�Y V'A...k',tf,�(�1�,�1���i,,YkJ!.I. 4� NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets 2 Request for Proposals—FY2007-2008 _ Part 2 — Project Details (Repeat all Part 2 information If more than one farm. 1. Landowner Information — Please provide (a) landowner's name, (b) farm name and (c) address. Does any landowner listed below have a conflict of interest? X] No ❑ Yes — if so, submit documentation regarding how you addressed each conflict of interest. (NOTE: Please refer to "Applicant Eligibility" on pages 2-3 of the Request For Proposals for additional information regarding conflicts of interest.) (a) Michael & Maria Demchak (b) Demchak Farm _�s_ .... ...... .._. ....__..._ ..__._... ........ ....mm_....... ...._ _7810 Cox' Lane. Cutchogue,.NY 11935 000-84-1-13 2. Property Identification — Department staff will conduct a visual survey of the farm(s) proposed for funding. Please provide written driving directions (in the table at the bottom of this page) to each farm from a major highway. --........ ......... 4 Heading west: County Route 48 to.Cutchogue, turn right (north) at stoplight at intersection of CR 48.and Cox's. Lane. Demchak property line begins approximately .2 mile on right after a residential light gray home on n/w corner of Cox's Lane and Matthew's Lane. Heading east: County Route 48 to Cutch�o ue. T._..u..._r..n_. left (north) at stoplight located at Intersection of CR 48 and Cox's Lane. Demchak property operty line begins approximately 2 mile on s g gray home on n/w corner of.Cox's�...�_.__...-..._..._...........�ew'sL-Lane,right after a re idential light mmr y..... �Lane and Matthew's Lane, _..._............ . .... _, __... Form A—Part 2- Item #2: Area Excluded from Conservation Easement Demchak Farm The Demchak's are offering a development rights easement on the entire 14.9 acre property known as SCTM# 1000-84-1-13. They are not proposing to leave out any area for residential lots from the easement. The Demchak's own two more farm parcels in the immediate area. One parcel is adjacent to the subject parcel and the second parcel is adjacent to that one. The parcels were acquired by Mrs. Demchak's family at different times, and remain as single and separate lots. The Demchak's are exploring preservation opportunities on all or part of the adjacent parcels, but they are not prepared to offer a development rights easement on these parcels at the current time. The Demchak's do not have any current plans for development of the adjacent parcels. The Demchak farm is located within a 157 acre contiguous block of active farmland without separation by a public road. Within the 157 acre block of active farmland, 94 acres are currently preserved by Town or County farmland easement. The subject farm includes over 700 feet of public road frontage. The road frontage and the location of the farm within the 157 acres of active farmland are factors that positively affect the long- term viability of the farm. The Demehaks are not currently offering an easement on the other farms under their ownership; however, neither are they proposing to develop them. Therefore, excluding these single and separate farm properties from the proposed conservation easement area will not affect the long-term viability of the subject farm. The subject property has not been subdivided by the current landowner within the five years preceding the date of this application. Dalen ' a ; g i O _„d._ LINE N 4 2(I 971 e ..... >, MATCH 4 ON Uri a -aa��aaa,z t �' _...- -.-. w �rur. �. � ~`�K" RAAq 11 c No, '� Y FOR PCL.NO. p FOR PCL.NO. "�n„ SEE SEC.N0, 6.1AlcY ,r* .,"""'^�„„ SEE SEC.N0, `�1.1 +�,, r ry 073-02-004 4 10 qt FOR men..awr " M -k "0 2A 0 SEF.Sic:.wrt �, 073-p1-007.4 a.dB Y 07 0 k el4Y2-PIWfi w�1, '^w, ^» 5 M 4.4 Fnva amwrao..uwaaa.. ,,,, 73.7A 4JA �OA4a!EE /f " — r w(r ., � TOWN OF SOUTNOLO •,,p 9DEVELWWNT WIITSI n.(S,. FF kN� 27.2A1oI y"aty , Ft �mmy , 7,4 w, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK IDEVELDPNENT RUTS,DEMCHAK PropertyFj .�,. FOR PCL,N0, SEE 5EC.N0. � AK � Y valyl 1YP 7 'LI '*1� t' 2.4A f B.1 20-9A DEMCHAKrr So ^ Development Rights r� A 2 0A9 a:Y1 13Easement �a, 9 n^tlar rv;i 14.9A(c1 m Iar�n-Y�r a 9 6.2 3.0414 2.oa I, a ty .. +'" , K n^lu* .a m ., ^'• "a^,.� ,- 1 O"4 ».,'^. , _ � � �„�m'"�"4� r � •...,, .,.,," !'a.9A "^*.e'���sr" N 25.2 7.47.0(d z f ,„ I �a ✓ dfJ � ws FOR PCL.N0. '"" •e. w `,w" ..^ r"' r H- SEE SEC.N0. 096-01-017.5 6.JA(d ..LINE �... sa Eaa ..._..... a MATCH MATCH „a SEE SEC,N0.096 4"_ "- �..,...—_........_,. .... _..,.... L Rrov rrr 6a lwe 2 a..� ..,,-�...... . r.�uru dry .--_-- r+ ........_., a P e°ti Marr wmm....._...�... P'rc dr rw V PfYµ WI DRAWN DTHER SE�•• IT��—� C - E S+AMnhbn lar lMe wan P I{ LLL PROPERTIES THIN PNE LOW G TRICTS S9ram r Yve �� L I ply D an. asa i®It z wml, — 'h..k&CaRX rzn M2-1, "cx�. -.- ..... nwaa:uuwn aorHr term — n.. _....._ N lcd pi YEln V,C A A6 U a _..._. •n o..,ue r.Var u.w�vlrz ww_...�, _._ b P."9..^ ,• —. Form A—Part 2- Item #3: Statement of Relevance Demchak Farm In 1999, the Town commissioned a full farmland inventory and in 2000, unanimously adopted a Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy. The Purchase of Development Rights program is a vital part of the Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy, as is the continued leveraging of Town funds with matching federal and state funds dedicated for farmland preservation. Goals of the Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy include: 1) To preserve land suitable for farming and 2) To ensure that farming remains an important part of the local economy. The objectives of the Goals are to make farmland preservation a viable and attractive option for landowners (as opposed to residential development) and to help farms and farm-related businesses remain economically viable in the highly competitive agri-business market, and in the face of escalating residential development. Preservation of the Demchak farm meets the overall intent and goals and objectives of the Strategy. It preserves land through the development rights program, it leverages the Town's funds through a partnership with the State, it preserves an existing, actively farmed parcel and it removes it from the threat of residential development. In 1997, the Town adopted a Farmland Bill of Rights as part of the Town's Zoning Code. Suffolk County in 1996, published an Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. The goals of the plan include; 1) Preserve agriculture as an important Suffolk County industry 2) Ensure public policy is protecting, promoting as sustaining agriculture 3) Preserve farmland as an important natural resource 4) Preserve the cultural continuity of farms and farm families 5) Preserve 20,000 acres of productive farmland through the purchase of development rights. The preservation of the Demchak farm meets the goals of the County's Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. t Form A—Part 2- Item#4: Nature of Farm Enterprise Demchak Farm The subject farm has been under the ownership of Michael and Maria Demchak since 1991. The Demchak's own two more farm parcels in the immediate area. One parcel is adjacent to the subject parcel and the second parcel is adjacent to that one. The subject farm and the adjacent farms under their ownership, have been in the family since the 1940's. The farm was originally farmed for traditional row crops by the Demchak family. The subject farm and the adjacent farms under their ownership, are currently leased by DeLea Sod Farms and are planted in sod. DeLea Sod Farms does not own any land within Southold Town; however, they lease close to 400 acres within the Town. The Demchak's plan is to continue to lease the farm or to sell the restricted farmland to another farmer. r Form A—Part 2- Item 95: Farm Succession Demchak Farm The Demchak farm is made up of Prime agricultural soils. The farm has been in some type of agricultural use since the 1940's. The Demchak farm is located within a 157 acre contiguous block of active farmland without separation by public road. Within the 157 acre block of active farmland, 94 acres are currently preserved by Town or County farmland easement. The subject farm includes over 700 feet of public road frontage. The Town's purchase of a development rights easement on this farm will change the current highest and best use from that of residential development to a future highest and best use of continued agriculture. While the Demchak's may not retain ownership of the property into the future, the preservation of the farm will keep the land viable for farming into the future. The Demchak farm is enrolled in the New York State Agricultural District Program. i Form A—Part 2- Item#6: Proximity to Protected Farms Demchak Farm The Demchak Farm is adjacent to 12.6 acres off land protected by a Town owned development right easement. It is likely that the Demchak's will, in the future, preserve the other adjacent parcels under their ownership. The farm is in the vicinity of 784 acres of active farmland, of which 367 are preserved with either Town or County development right easements. More specifically, the Demchak farm is located within a 157 acre contiguous block of active farmland without separation by a public road. Within the 157 acre block of active farmland, 94 acres are currently preserved by Town or County farmland easement. 9 31 g MOM Mw _ - tv MC WW CM W iC s � a of f - - _ — � 211 . 'Ad4 _ } . " W, r • �� _ � x ' - t - _ t m } _ $ ye ate ` • 3 baa`.0 -op-N, - , oi- sk i t j Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS _ September 10, 2007 - Aerial Photographs Taken From Spring 2004 Flight Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2007,County of Suffolk,N.Y. Form A—Part 2- Item#7: Significant Natural Resource Buffer Demchak Farm Preservation of this farm includes the preservation of agricultural soils. Preservation limits future residential use; therefore, it protects the agricultural soils from conversion to residential uses. Form A—Part 2- Item#8: Evidence of Development Pressure Demchak Farm The Town of Southold has been a farming community since its founding over 350 years ago. The Town of Southold faces significant development pressure from an expanding year-round population and a large and ever-growing demand for seasonal vacation homes. The increased growth and development is placing severe pressure on the agricultural lands, water supply, open and recreational space, rural character, natural resources, and transportation infrastructure of the Town. In 1990, the US Census bureau defined the western edge of the adjacent Town of Riverhead as urbanized. Increasing development pressure has caused land values to skyrocket. The average per acre price for Town development right projects acquired in the year 2000 was approximately$10,000 per acre. The average per acre price for projects closed thus far in the year 2007 is approximately$74,000 per acre, with projects pending to close before year end ranging from $75,000 to $80,000 per acre. Development pressures pose a threat to commercial farming because farmers are forced to compete with residential buyers for larger lots. Approximately one-third of the town, approximately 10,200 acres, is devoted to active agriculture. Over the last twenty year period,public and private efforts to conserve agricultural land for the future have been successful in preserving over 3,500 acres of farmland; however, the Planning Board currently has before it 23 applications for Standard Subdivisions (full yield subdivisions without a preservation component) and 5 applications for Conservation Subdivisions (subdivisions with a preservation component). Many of the subdivisions are within the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District and Low-Density Residential R-80 Zoning Districts which are comprised mainly of prime agricultural land. The Demchak farm, like all farms in Southold Town, is faced with significant development pressure as the land values continue to increase. C OFFICE LOCATION: MELISSA A.SPI O � '(, Town Hall Annex LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR �, 54375 State Route 25 melissa.spiro@town.southold.ny.us "„ (corner of Main Rd&Youngs Ave) Southold,New York Telephone(631)765-5711 Facsimile(631)765-6640 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O Box 1179 � ^ T DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AUG 14 2007 1 am the owner of the property described below and I would like to expl re press iw 1 land under the Town's Land Preservation programs. PRESERVATION Name of Owner (Please print) Names of other owners ww. _ Mailing Address 3 .......... � a r 17 e Ceq-` . 4 Phone Number / pte Tax Map No. 1000 -- -- Acreage offered for �3 preservation Y5 Property Location �C o. Co Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you may have about preservation of your property. _ ..... ... ... .. .. W"o 121'01-2PP /�v........ Z�R-J—f—1 Sol-/ Fat You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee. understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto; rather, it signifies an interest in serious dialog concerning the merit and method of possible preservation of my land. � ,P _ .__. ....._ date Ow-f / i 0/,-- Please return the completed form to Southold Town Land Preservation Department When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other readily available information that describes your property. NYS Department of Agriculture.and Markets 2 Request for Proposals—FY2007-2008 Part 2 — Pro`ect Details Re eat all Part 2 information if more than oine Esau, 1. Landowner Information — Please provide (a) landowner's name, (b) farm name and (c) address. Does any landowner listed below have a conflict of interest? X� No ❑ Yes — if so, submit documentation regarding how you addressed each conflict of interest. (NOTE: Please refer to "Applicant Eligibility" on pages 2-3 of the Request For Proposals for additional information regarding conflicts of interest.) (a) Louise Kauneckas .�. ......._ ......... . .......�........... ..��.... ........... .�................... (b) Kauneckaass Farm (C) 8500.Alvah's Lane Cutchogue, NY. 1105 SCTM #1000-95-4-3.1 2. Property Identification — Department staff will conduct a visual survey of the farm(s) proposed for funding. Please provide written driving directions (in the table at the bottom of this page) to each farm from a major highway. _ __....._ ...................._.......... Heading west: County.Route 48 to Cutchogue, go.past stoplight, then past blinking yellow light. Turn right (north) at 3�.rroad past blinking yellow light onto Alvah's Lane. Kauneckas property Line begins a roxlmatel 2 mile o g' pp y . ... n right. Residential home & agricultural barns identified by red truck mailbox#8500 located .4 mile fm .." turn onto ITmmmµ rom turn. onto Alvah's Lane, mHeading east: County Route 48 to Cutchogue. From sign on south side of Rt 48 "Entering Cutchogue. Fire District", go .4 mile. Turn left (north) onto.Alvah's Lane. Kauneckas.property Line begins approximately .2 nmm- _. _.�...� �. �ITIT � mile o. right. Residential home & agricultural barns identified by red truck mailbox#8500, located .4 mile from turn onto Alvah's Lane, Form A—Part 2- Item #2: Area Excluded from Conservation Easement Kauneckas Farm An area equal to approximately 2 acres has been excluded from the proposed development rights easement area. The Reserve Area contains an existing residential dwelling and barns. The Town's program has historically excluded residential dwellings from development right easements. The Kauneckas Family is not proposing to subdivide the residential dwelling from the area with the development rights easement. Exclusion of the Reserve Area from the development rights easement will not affect the long-term viability of the agricultural land. The subject property has not been subdivided by the current landowner within the five years preceding the date of this application. The Town, in its review of the Kauneckas property, determined that the property contains scenic value in addition to agricultural value. In light of this, the Town has designated an Agricultural Structure Area and a Limited Agricultural Structure Area within the easement area. The locations of the designated areas are clarified on the attached Agricultural Structure Area map. The Agricultural Structure Area is located behind and to the northwest of the existing house and barn. All future agricultural structures allowed within the easement area will be required to be located within this area unless they are very small agricultural structures as described below. The Limited Agricultural Structure Area is located southeast of the existing house and barn. Agricultural structures will generally be prohibited within this area; however the easement will allow very small agricultural structures within this area; for example, a small shed to cover an irrigation well or a small run-in shed for equestrian purposes. The Land Preservation Committee reviewed the site, soil maps, contour maps and the location of the utility(Long Island Power Authority) easement on the property before designing the designated area within the easement. It is the Committee's opinion that a sufficient area is designated for future agricultural structures so as to not affect the long- term viability of the agricultural land. FORM A - PART 2 - Item #2 (Kautieckas) SEE SEC.N0.093 "^'. SEE SEC.NO.003 ^� .A T r ..._ '"`*, •"+, rodt SEC fan. "'�S" y "'M. '4 �'^' ti pav v1u aT:1 9.2 4.3A TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 4rx �h r IQEYELCagM MGRTS1 "M `'ti. 1`1 w 25.3A(c) k 4'O, ✓' y..9A ^r., '*a ., 1.I4A 20.OA '^+r,.,•+, OF SOUTNOLD 4 InEVELGPPtENT RIGNYSX 14.3 su Ss "„•, TOWN OF LO T �;[{{ml;µfi'+WyaM uq MONO S"3 41.9a COUNTY OF SUFFOLK IpEYELPPPMEtdY RtGXtI51 t R6TT'4PdNII � fu a `",, �, 1.20 urq w", saun«x0 '" radw AO"12 w, 5.2 18.32 �. aA"vd �1 IJf Sri ,.„ 1 1Ad �. f KAUNECKAS Easement yea le, �GYIJ p 1 vF1Y.u(nrr 54.OA(c) ''",,,*. T ( F � �a�rs� �r"�� ✓ 4 r^" fl0.73 `* MIA Al 5 C' 13Aila. syyj.. 1(d r ."' ve` K OI,% r 11d ✓ �' �' Y h brti" /„ Ir „., ',.,'C'" ! 1• tl,.1A 19.4 �S n FOR PCL.NO. FOR PCL.N0. y^, SEE SEC.NO. , 19 SEE „0 �� � .a= 2'.2a6 101-O1C14O _ ..— o-. ✓^� _. .._._.... _ ........� ..�-..._ VNf 1p(c1 YAdt561 ^^'• Y.rN(': 'w.. "1M,AY Lfi .... 101-01019.1 2 19 �T ry Property q SeVHACkf WIPHry1 T E...... LI XNG O.S TRICTS 'AAIi Md POdhO�Q.Fo iiV,lEP AdOaIEB .FlY,.F PUW A � 1\V®I I I O VI I I®R J •• IT ., x,,u _.... FNtU _ _..__._.. ......... _�. du:P1No� w C�U�...._ �rt E COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (C kM1oW(Hsl kp LI 614�- 6Aad' µ' I. U 1655 DR N iN6PR µ �➢ Pba tAafr4P tl "" , } y r y n1 r P lP TA 1 nR T p a vice 1901 P WFF L"16111 all r" F'aoPrlP","I" I'D ,>q,' Center Afvarherad N Y 119Q1 I,C P 4E ak NP .,..,., UfF/1 IP 6➢I,VIIV I F 1. FRCrt91a8GUG County Y a,4.e NaXr L r EFJ E —..— CU4nz 0➢ CVPUI kPE M'P eVY ➢IV[ h SCdI(Ild FLLI SXEesa CW % (h tae, a roe remMe�' x, 6 r- Form A—Part 2- Item#3: Statement of Relevance Kauneckas Farm In 1999, the Town commissioned a full farmland inventory and in 2000, unanimously adopted a Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy. The Purchase of Development Rights program is a vital part of the Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy, as is the continued leveraging of Town funds with matching federal and state funds dedicated for farmland preservation. Goals of the Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy include: 1) To preserve land suitable for farming and 2) To ensure that farming remains an important part of the local economy. The objectives of the Goals are to make farmland preservation a viable and attractive option for landowners (as opposed to residential development) and to help farms and farm-related businesses remain economically viable in the highly competitive agri-business market, and in the face of escalating residential development. Preservation of the Kauneckas farm meets the overall intent and goals and objectives of the Strategy. It preserves land through the development rights program, it leverages the Town's funds through a partnership with the State, it preserves an existing, actively farmed parcel and it removes it from the threat of residential development. In 1997, the Town adopted a Farmland Bill of Rights as part of the Town's Zoning Code, Suffolk County in 1996, published an Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. The goals of the plan include; 1) Preserve agriculture as an important Suffolk County industry 2) Ensure public policy is protecting, promoting as sustaining agriculture 3) Preserve farmland as an important natural resource 4) Preserve the cultural continuity of farms and farm families 5) Preserve 20,000 acres of productive farmland through the purchase of development rights. The preservation of the Kauneckas farm meets the goals of the County's Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. Form A—Part 2- Item #4: Nature of Farm Enterprise Kauneckas Fane The subject farm has been under the ownership of the Kauneckas family since the early 1940's. The farm is currently owned by the Estate of Louise Kauneckas. Louise Kauneckas made an application to preserve the farm, but passed away in July of this year before preservation was completed. The Kauneckas family includes 7 of Louise's grown children. It is the family's intent to continue with preserving the farmland. Although family members farmed the property in the past, none of the Kauneckas family members are currently farming. The farm is leased to a local farmer named Robert Rutkoski. Mr. Rutkoski farms approximately 280 acres within Southold Town, including the land adjacent to, and in the vicinity of the Kauneckas farm. Mr. Rutkoski plants grain, including corn, wheat, rye, barley and oats. Mr. Rutkoski owns 5 acres of farmland. His parents own a 30 acre farm which Mr. Rutkoski leases. The Town purchased a development rights easement on his parents' farm several years ago. Form A—Part 2- Item #5: Farm Succession Kauneckas Farm The Kauneckas farm is made up of Prime agricultural soils. The farm has been in some type of agricultural use since the 1940's. The Kauneckas farm is adjacent to a 42 acre preserved farm and is located within a 175± acre contiguous block of active farmland without separation by public road. Within the 175± acre block of active farmland, 95± acres are currently preserved by Town or County farmland easements and 32 acres (including Kauneckas) are pending preservation. The subject farm includes over 1600 feet of public road frontage. The farm is supported by an irrigation well, barns and a farmhouse. Due to the death of Louise Kauneckas, the family is in a position of having to make decisions about the future of the farm. The Town's purchase of a development rights easement on this farm will change the current highest and best use from that of residential development to a future highest and best use of continued agriculture. While the Kauneckas family may not retain ownership of the property into the future, the preservation of the farm will keep the land viable for farming into the future. The Kauneckas farm is enrolled in the New York State Agricultural District Program. r Form A—Part 2- Item#6: Proximity to Protected Farms Kauneckas Farm The Kauneckas farm is adjacent to a 42 acre preserved farm. The farm is in the vicinity of 1,009 acres of active farmland, of which 391 are preserved with either Town or County development right easements. More specifically, the Kauneckas farm is located within a 175± acre contigu6us block of active farmland without separation by public road. Within the 175± acre block of active farmland, 95:L acres are currently preserved by Town or County farmland easements and 32 acres (including Kauneckas) are pending preservation. The Kauneckas farm is within proximity of Oregon Road. All of the farms on Oregon Road are on the Town's list for potential preservation. -` L a f _ x Iz go _ as f �Zk . 16 p z Ilk" = = r _ mss: _ W A g w�. . e Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS September 10, 2007 _- Aerial Photographs Taken From Spring 2004 Flight Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service AgencyWA ' GIS Dasemap COPYRIGHT 2007,County of Suffolk,N.Y. Form A—Part 2- Item#7: Significant Natural Resource Buffer Kauneckas Farm Preservation of this farm includes the preservation of agricultural soils. Preservation limits future residential use; therefore, it protects the agricultural soils from conversion to residential uses. r' Form A—Part 2- Item #8: Evidence of Development Pressure Kauneckas Farm The Town of Southold has been a farming community since its founding over 350 years ago. The Town of Southold faces significant development pressure from an expanding year-round population and a large and ever-growing demand for seasonal vacation homes. The increased growth and development is placing severe pressure on the agricultural lands, water supply, open and recreational space, rural character, natural resources, and transportation infrastructure of the Town. In 1990, the US Census bureau defined the western edge of the adjacent Town of Riverhead as urbanized. Increasing development pressure has caused land values to skyrocket. The average per acre price for Town development right projects acquired in the year 2000 was approximately$10,000 per acre. The average per acre price for projects closed thus far in the year 2007 is approximately$74,000 per acre, with purchase prices for projects pending to close before year end ranging from $75,000 to $80,000 per acre. Development pressures pose a threat to commercial farming because farmers are forced to compete with residential buyers for larger lots. Approximately one-third of the town, approximately 10,200 acres, is devoted to active agriculture. Over the last twenty year period, public and private efforts to conserve r agricultural land for the future have been successful in preserving over 3,500 acres of farmland; however, the Planning Board currently has before it 23 applications for Standard Subdivisions (full yield subdivisions without a preservation component) and 5 applications for Conservation Subdivisions (subdivisions with a preservation component). Many of the subdivisions are within the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District and Low-Density Residential R-80 Zoning Districts which are comprised mainly of prime agricultural land. The Kauneckas farm, like all farms in Southold Town, is faced with significant development pressure as the land values continue to increase. The Kauneckas farm is under additional development pressure due to the recent death of Louise Kauneckas, as the family is now in a position of having to make decisions about the future of the farm. MELISSA A.SPIRO a. OF Town Hall Annex LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR 15S, FI54375 State Route 25 melissa.spiro®town.southold.ny.us (corner of Main Rd&Youngs Ave) Cz Southold,New York Telephone(631)765-5711 !� Facsimile(631)765-6640 t MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this land under the Town's Land Preservation programs. Name of Owner (please print) r L Names of other owners Mailing Address !?- A -5 Phone Number e�, 2 __..... Tax Map No. 1000 -- q 5 -- -- 3 - 1 Acreage offered for _.. preservation 1 ...... Property Location L-. Lj A i!-t 'S •J Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you (nay have about preservation of your property. You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee. I understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto; rather, it signifies an interest in serious dialog concerning the merit and method of possible preservation of my land. date b7 Please return the completed form to Southold Town Land Preservation Department When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other readily available information that describes your property. NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Request for Proposals—FY2007-2008 Responsibilities 0. Stewardship R or organization that .. ..... ��� 11-1- Name of municipality g will hold Town of Southold the conservation easement(s): ®.._ �..... _.. _ Name of municipality or organization, if any, that will serve as a third party with right of enforcement for the conservation easement(s): regularly f monitor the conservation Preservation Dept. I ty organization that will Town of Southold — Land Pres � � ation easement(s): enforce — _.....n m ... a _ p y g Town CodeEnforcement aOfficereservafio Name of munici alit or organization that will n Dept. and defend the conservation easement(s): Note: If the municipal applicant will NOT be holding or monitoring the conservation easement, please attach a letter from the organization (labeled as "Form A — Part 2— Item #90") that will be doing so, verifying its role in the project. NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Request for Proposals—FY2007-2008 11. Conservation Easement Document — Applicants must specify which conservation easement they intend to use in their local farmland protection implementation project: Xthe Department's Standard Agricultural Conservation Easement. The Town of Southold has worked with the Department of Agriculture and Markets in the past, and the language of the conservation easements used by the Town has been approved by the Department. The Town is willing to use, and has used, the Department's Standard Agricultural Conservation Easement with amendments approved by the Department, and is willing to work with the Department in advance to discuss any issues or concerns the Department staff may have. ❑ the applicant's conservation easement document. If so, the applicant must indicate if it will consider any modifications to its conservation easement that the Department deems necessary to achieve the goals of the Farmland Protection Program. Please also submit a copy of your conservation easement document with the proposal. Note: For awarded projects, first priority for reviews of required documentation will be given to those entities that use the Department's Standard Agricultural f. Conservation Easement. NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Request for Proposals—FY2007-2008 �- 12. Planning Documents — Non-county applicants should provide a copy (labeled as "Form A — Part 2 — Item #12") of only the relevant sections of the planning document(s) that serve as the basis for requesting implementation funding from the State (e.g. a municipal farmland protection plan, comprehensive plan, or other similar planning document). Note: A county with an Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan, approved pursuant to Article 25-AAA of the Agriculture and Markets Law, SHOULD NOT submit a copy of the approved county plan with its proposal. Attachment "A" Chapter 70 —Agricultural Lands Preservation Attachment "B" Chapter 17 — Community Preservation Fund Attachment "C" Southold Town Farm & Farmland Protection Strategy FORM A— Part 2 — Item #14 Key Personnel The process of review, recommendation, negotiation and contract/closing, involves: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator (full time) Town of Southold Department of Land Preservation 20 years working for the Town of Southold in Planning and Land Preservation Departments Melanie Doroski, Sr. Administrative Assistant (full time) Town of Southold Department of Land Preservation 7 years working with the Land Preservation Coordinator Lisa Clare Kombrink, Esquire 5 years as special counsel for the Town of Southold Department of Land Preservation working with development rights easement contracts and closings John P. Sepenoski, Chairman (volunteer) Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee d 6 years as a volunteer on the Land Preservation Committee (1 year as Chairperson) 4t" generation of an active farm family in Southold Town Members (volunteers) of the Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee that include farmers and environmentalists. APPENDIX D GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL AND FARMLAND PROTECTION IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTS New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets These general conditions apply to the administrative aspects of the Grant Agreement and reflect New York State's contract recordkeeping and payment procedures. These general conditions cannot be changed. PAYMENT Advance Payment Upon approval of this Agreement by the State Comptroller, the Contractor may submit a payment request (Standard Voucher) for an advance payment on each project funded under this Agreement equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount, as set forth in the project budget(s) annexed as Appendix B of this Agreement, of the following administrative (i.e. transactional) costs: • title search (i.e. title report); • legal survey; • appraisal; • environmental assessment of the subject property(ies), if deemed necessary; • outside easement expertise; and/or • outside legal expertise. Partial Disbursement In lieu of receiving an advance payment as set forth above, the Contractor may submit a payment request for partial disbursement of any or all of the administrative (i.e. transactional) costs identified above that have been incurred by the Contractor or a project partner, other than the participating landowner(s), during the course of completion of the project(s) funded under this Agreement. Any partial disbursement request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents: 1. a Standard Voucher requesting payment for up to 75% of the costs incurred; 2. a project budget identifying those administrative (i.e. transactional) costs (as identified above) that have been incurred; and 3. invoice(s) or paid receipt(s) for services that have been received. Appendix D C800655 The Contractor is not eligible to receive a partial disbursement of costs incurred for a project if they have received an advance payment for that project as set forth above. The Department will only allow one partial disbursement of costs per project funded under this Agreement. Final Payment Final payment of state funds shall be made to the Contractor upon the submission of a Standard Voucher, and the following supporting documents: 1. a fully executed purchase agreement (even if development rights will be fully donated); 2. a Form B—Project Budget for Disbursement to represent the actual total costs of the farmland protection implementation project as well as the local matching contribution and the state funding requested; 3. a title insurance commitment for a policy to insure the conservation easement interest indicating an amount of coverage at least equal to the State's financial contribution toward the total project costs of the conservation easement transaction for the subject farm — provided that all title curatives required by the Department have been previously approved by the Department prior to disbursement of the State's financial contribution; 4. an appraisal by a New York State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser; 5. a legal survey (including corresponding legal description), which has been prepared by a licensed surveyor, of the proposed conservation easement area for the subject farm; 6. an approved conservation easement or deed of development rights; 7. a draft baseline documentation report of the proposed conservation easement area for the subject farm which describes the condition of the property and an inventory of all man-made structures and improvements that will be present at the time when the conservation easement is conveyed; 8. a monitoring plan; 9. any agreement between the municipality and another to hold or maintain the interest in the real property, if applicable; and 10. a signed waiver, if applicable, pursuant to Section 305(4) of the Agriculture and Markets Law. The Contractor shall submit all requests for payment, reports and supporting documents to the following address: NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Fiscal Management,- 10B -Airline Drive, Albany, NY 12235.----Invoices,-standard -vouchers-and-any reports will not be considered received by the Department and any interest which may be due the Contractor Appendix D 2 C800655 will not begin to accrue until they have been received by the Division of Fiscal Management. Payment to the Contractor under this Agreement shall not be made unless the Contractor shall have submitted to the Department a written payment request together with such information as required by the Agreement. Payment shall not be due until the 60th calendar day after receipt of the payment request, where contract funds have been appropriated and made available to the Department. Upon examination of the Contractor's payment request and supporting material, the Department may, in its sole discretion, modify or adjust the amount requested to reflect contract funds expended as of the date of the request. Subsequent to its review and approval of the payment request, the Department will transmit the request to the Comptroller for payment. The total payment made under this Agreement will not exceed the Contractor's actual costs and expenses arising from the completion of the work under this Agreement. Any partial disbursement made under this Agreement shall be reconciled with the final disbursement(s) made for each project associated with this Agreement. TITLE The Contractor shall ensure that the title to the lands or interests therein shall be unencumbered or, if encumbered by outstanding or reserved interests, the Contractor shall ensure that such encumbrance shall not interfere with the agricultural and farmland protection purpose for which the interest therein is being acquired. The Contractor shall provide a title policy and title insurance, at a minimum, for the State's share of the interest in real property being obtained. EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall require that all easements or other interests in land acquired under this agreement: 1. run with the land in perpetuity; 2. prevent the land from being converted to non-agricultural uses; and 3. require that all amendments to the approved easement be authorized by the Department. I1IE,N "°III N OF DEVELOPMENT PMENT II IIQI°°IT The Contractor shall notify the Department in writing if the Contractor proposes to alienate, in-accordance-with the-proce-dure set forth in Chapter-25-of -the- Town Code --of- the-Town of Southold,- any- of the development rights Appendix 0 3 C800655 purchased under this Agreement. The Contractor shall reimburse to the Department any State funds used for the purchase of .any development rights which are subsequently alienated and reunited with the underlying fee title. APPROVED AGREEMENTS AND MONITORING PLANS The Contractor shall submit the proposed agreements to purchase development rights or to obtain a conservation easement, the monitoring plan and any sub-agreement to hold or maintain the interest in real property at least sixty (60) days prior to the planned submission of the payment request for that transaction. The Contractor and the Department shall negotiate the terms and conditions of such agreements and monitoring plans, when necessary. The Department shall advise the Contractor in writing when the agreements and monitoring plans have been approved. Final payment under this Agreement shall not be disbursed until the Contractor's agreements and monitoring plan have been approved by the Department. COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS The Contractor is responsible for complying with all local, state and federal laws applicable to the work performed under this Agreement. PAYMENT CONTINGENCY Funds for payment under this Agreement are provided to the Department through appropriations from the New York State Legislature. These appropriations are made on a fiscal year basis. New York's fiscal year begins on April 1 of each calendar year and ends on March 31 of the following calendar year. Funds for payment under this Agreement were appropriated to the Department during the 2007-2008 fiscal year and were or are expected to be reappropriated during the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Payment for work under this Agreement which is completed by the Contractor after the 2008-2009 fiscal year is subject to appropriation or reappropriation of funds by the Legislature in each subsequent fiscal year. FINANCIAL LIMIT The financial limit of State appropriated funds under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount indicated on the latest executed version of the signature page-of this-Agreement-and the Department shall not be obligated to make any payment to the Contractor in excess of that amount. Appendix D 4 C800655 CONTRACT EXPENDITURES Expenditures under this Agreement shall conform to the budget annexed as Appendix B, provided however, that the Contractor may vary budget amounts by not more than fifteen percent (15%) within each specific budget category. Any budget variance in excess of fifteen percent (15%) shall be made only upon the prior written approval of the Department. This paragraph does not apply to budget amounts of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or less. NON-DUPLICATION OF PAYMENTS The payments received by the Contractor under this Agreement shall not duplicate payments received from any other source for the work performed under this Agreement. In the event of such duplication, the Contractor shall remit to the Department the amount which duplicated payment received from other sources. SUBCONTRACTS Any subcontracts under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall clearly describe the goods or services to be provided and the total cost of such goods or services. Subcontracts for services only shall separately state the rate of compensation on a per-hour or per-day basis. FINAL REPORT Not later than ninety (90) days from completion of the work under this Agreement, the Contractor shall file with the Department a final report that includes the documentation set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement. RECORDS MAINTENANCE, EXAMINATION AND RETENTION The Contractor shall maintain records and accounts in specific detail to identify all contract funds received and expended under this Agreement. The Contractor shall maintain a daily written record which contains the name(s) of the officer(s) and employee(s) providing services under this Agreement and the amount of time expended upon such services. .. _. The ontra �t it shawl maintain the records required under this paragraph as set forth in Appendix A to-this Agreement Appendix D 5 C800655 INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State of New York and the Department from all liability incurred by the Department for bodily injury and personal property damages resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor, its officers, agents or employees in the provision of services under this Agreement, provided that the Department promptly notifies the Contractor of any such claim and affords the Contractor an opportunity to defend such claim and cooperates fully with the Contractor in the defense of any claims. NON-SECTARIAN PURPOSE The Contractor shall not expend funds received under this Agreement for any purposes other than for performance of the work under this Agreement, and hereby represents that no contract funds shall be expended directly or indirectly for any private or sectarian purpose. CONTRACTOR NOT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE OR AGENT Neither the Contractor, nor its agents, employees, suppliers or subcontractors shall be in any way deemed to be employees or agents of the Department or of the State of New York in performing the work under this Agreement. DEVIATION FROM WORK The Contractor shall perform the work under this Agreement as set forth in the application attached as Appendix C. Any substantial deviation from the application shall require the prior written approval of the Department. TERMINATION The Department may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other parry. Upon receipt of such notice from the Department, the Contractor shall immediately cease work and prepare a statement of costs, expenses and non-cancelable commitments incurred_as:of the date of such termination. --- =The=Department may terminate this Agreement for cause upon giving one (1) day's written notice. The Contractor's failure to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement due to circumstances reasonably beyond the Contractor's control should not constitute cause for termination pursuant to this provision. In the Appendix D 6 C800655 6 event of such failure to perform, the Department may, at its option, either grant the Contractor a specified period in which to correct its performance, or terminate this Agreement in accordance with this paragraph. MODIFICATION This Agreement may not be modified unless such modification is made in writing, executed by the Department and the Contractor and approved by the Attorney General and Comptroller of the State of New York. NECESSARY SIGNATURES If the financial limit under this Agreement exceeds Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) this Agreement shall not be binding and effective upon the Department unless and until approved by the Attorney General and the Comptroller of the State of New York. Appendix D 7 C800655 APPENDIX FINAL REPORT DOCUMENTATIONLI The Contractor shall provide the Department with a copy of each of the following documents within ninety (90) days following the closing of the conservation easement transaction(s): ❑ A closing statement for each conservation easement transaction. ❑ All closing checks associated with each conservation easement transaction. The final title insurance policy issued for each conservation easement. ❑ Any subordination agreements and any mortgage discharge statements that were required by the Department for each conservation easement. A fully executed stewardship agreement and any other agreement between applicant and easement holder if not the same entity (if applicable). ❑ A recorded conservation easement (or deed of development rights, or equivalent document). Final baseline documentation report (including all attachments thereto and as signed by landowner) for each conservation easement. ❑ Combined Real Estate Transfer Tax Return (form TP-584) as filed for each conservation easement. ❑ Easement holder's letter to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation pursuant to Section 49-0305(4) of the Environmental Conservation Law. A statement of any problems encountered during the contract period which may have affected the completion of the plan of work. ❑ A letter from easement holder to the Department indicating the approximate date(s) of the first monitoring site visit for each conservation easement. Appendix E 1 0800655