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BOARD MEMBERS OF SSV Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson �� ryQ 53095 Main Road• P.O.Box 1179 'tom l0 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantest #it Office Location: Gerard P.Goehringer G Q Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank George Homing %�'Q io 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Kenneth Schneider �'`CQ� V Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net APR 2 7 2015 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631)765-1809• Fax(631)765-9064 Sparkling Point LLC 39750 County Road 48 Southold,New York 11971 Attn: Amanda Czartosieski Re: Event Permit#WP287- Weddings Dear Ms. Czartosieski: Enclosed is the Special Event Permit for the weddings planned for June 6`";June 12`h; June 20;June 27`h and July 10`h, 2015. A duplicate of this permit must be continuously posted during the event. This permit is granted as applied for,based on information supplied in the application. There are several conditions written into the permit. Please be aware that under the State Fire Code,the number of persons occupying the building and/or tent area is limited. The use of a tent will require an application and approvals at least three days before the event,from the Building Department. A Town Building Inspector must inspect the tent, before occupancy,they can be reached at 765-1802 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. This permit does not authorize parking on Suffolk County Right of Way located in front of the property or any lands owned by County of Suffolk,Town of Southold or Peconic Land Trust. All parking and traffic controls are the responsibilities of the event operators, and their agents. Note that parking on any County or State Roads are not authorized under this permit. Any violations of this permit can be cause for revocation. The Town also reserves the right to revoke any permit or deny future permits if the event(s) generates unforeseen impacts to the health, safety or welfare of residents and guests of the Town. Si Leslie Kanes Weisman Chairperson Encls. Copies of Event Permit to: Town Building Department Town Police Department Fire Inspector, Building Department land preserved through the *of development rights to the county of Folk with a permit issued by the Suffolk County Farmland Committee. If food is to be served, it must be catered and prepared off-site by food vendors who hold a permit to operate issued by the Suffolk County Bureau of Public Health Food Protection Unit. APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO HOLD A SPECIAL EVENT Please provide ALL of the information requested below.Incomplete applications WILL NUMED reviewed. APR 2 2 2015 Special Event Permit# G0102 � ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Date of Submission 'a- Is- Name of Event 11'1 SCTM#'s 1000-Section Block- 10 Lot(s) Dates of Each Event: ( ts— �' /,3— Nature of Event: wzd l�lo (Please attach a detailed description to this application) Time Period(Hours)of Event: From VQt K 1 5 to• n0 (CAjev- +k pri-) Maximum Number of Persons Attending At One Time: a V o Number of cars expec ed VU i-(S=`'1� l (jUeS S � 6,js�4 l n Is a Tent or other temporary structure being used? [X] Yes [ ] No If yes provide size(s) GA I eNmfs Ir aw- A{:Vy)f S YYl 3s+ ktz L46 X&0 YUy t+(•0-(' 't ),0 (Jot I'-c-ttitS Will food be erved? [ Yes [ ]No If yes provide number and name(s)of food vendor(s) SQ o Suffolk County permit#(s) Will other vendors be on the premises during the event? [ ] Yes No If yes how many? Describe type of vendor(s) Contact Person and Contact Tel.#�1�1A �c jr-t ,, VYl w LQ _7 t tD -1 `l9'1 10 I& I Wi To Avrva"P, C2carFosi ,6" 0 f,�X31 --IGS- 0200 Event Location:Street-Hamlet Address: , [�/ f gl5o tan eta "10 Mailing Address to`Send Event Permit to: Have any of the development rights been sold to the Town of Southold [ ] Yes X No and/or Suffolk County? [ ] Yes ] No If yes to either or both, also indicate on the attached plan the boundaries of the reserved area upon which the event will take place. YOU MUST ATTACH A PARKING/EVENT PLAN TO THIS APPLICATION (see next page) IF THE EXPECTED ATTENDANCE IS 300 OR MORE PEOPLE,YOU MUST ALSO ATTACH A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN(see next page) 2 A Parking/Event Plan may* survey. site plan and/or aerial view *example Google Earth) of the subiect property.INDICATE ON THE PLAN ALL of the following information: A parking/event plan showing: (1) The size of the property and its location in relation to abutting streets or highways. (2) The size and location of any existing building(s)or structure(s)that will be in operation during the course of the event and any proposed building, structure,or signs to be erected temporarily for the event. (3) The location of the stage or tents, if any. (4) The designated areas of use for spectators, exhibitors, vendors,employees and organizers. (5) Location of all exits. (6) The location of all fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment. (7) The location of all temporary utilities to be installed for the event, if any. (8) The layout of any parking area for automobiles and other vehicles and the means of ingress and egress for such parking areas. The parking spaces must allow for 300 sq. ft. per car. (9) A traffic control plan for vehicles entering and leaving the site for the proposed event. (10) Plan for the use of live outdoor music, loudspeakers and other sounds which will be used, if any, and the type and location of speakers and other audio equipment. (11) A description of emergency access and facilities related to the event. 60 (12) Provisions to dispose of any garbage, trash,rubbish or other refuse. (13) Location and description of any additional lighting to be utilized in conjunction witlRpVED event. (14) Location of sanitary facilities on site. APR 2 2 2015 Traffic Control Plan ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Events for three hundred(300)or more people also require submission and approval of a traffic control plan, acceptable to the Town of Southold,AND a qualified traffic controller must be provided.Please attached a written description and/or notate on the parking event plan the following: 1. who will be conducting traffic,2.where they will be stationed on site,3.how they will direct the entrance,circulation,parking,and exiting of cars on site,and 4.contact information for use by Southold Town Police. I am the Owner of the Property where this event is to be held and do agree to comply with the laws, rules, regulations, conditions, and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold, including but not limited to the conditions listed below, as well as all other applicable agency rules and regulations pertaining to the activities under this event. �dn1 ?-N OS 1 c.k" /i/_ Print name of Owner Signature of Owner Print name of Authorized Person filling out Signature of Authorized Person filling out application application PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED,SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. By acceptance of this permit, applicant agrees to adequately supervise and direct all parking to be on the premises or at another site, and to provide parking assistants and any additional traffic controls necessary for this event.Parking is strictly prohibited on ANY Town.County or State Roads or Rights of Way. 2. Traffic control at events for three hundred(300)or more people shall be provided by a qualified traffic controller in accordance with the attached,approved traffic control plan. 3. One "on-premises" sign not larger than six (6) square feet in size may be displayed not longer than thirty (30) days before this event, and removed immediately after the event. Directional parking signs shall be adequately displayed. 3 4. Applicant indemnifies and holds harmless the Town of Southold from all claims, damages, expenses, suits and losses including but not limited to attorney's fees arising from activities under this permit. 5. Tent proposals must receive permit approval from the Southold Town Building Inspector before placement on the property and must meet all fire and safety codes. 6. This permit is valid only for the time, date, place and use specified above, and for the designated event. Each additional day will require a separate permit application, fee, and related documents for review, etc. at least 60 business days prior to the scheduled event. 7. Adequate temporary sanitary facilities must be provided by applicant for this event and applicant agrees to remove the temporary facilities from the premises within 48 hours after the day of the event. 8. On-site food preparation is NOT permitted, although food may be catered subject to all Suffolk County Department of Health regulations. 9. NO activities associated with this event, including but not limited to parking, ingress/egress/access, tent(s)o temporary structure(s), or temporary sanitary facilities, shall be conducted on Town of Southold Purchase of Development Rights land. 10. NO activities associated with this event, including but not limited to parking, ingress/egress/access, tent(s) or temporary structure(s), or temporary sanitary facilities, shall be conducted on Suffolk County Purchase of Development Rights land without a permit issued by the Suffolk County Farmland Committee. 11. Issuance of this permit does not authorize in any manner the occupancy of any building exceeding the legal limitations under the fire code or other codes which would prohibit such increased occupancy. 12. Access shall be provided for emergency vehicles,to all public assembly areas, all buildings, all work areas and any additional area where emergencies may occur. Two emergency-fire exits and exit paths from the building(s)on the property,to a public way or remote safe area,shall remain open and unobstructed at all times. 13. Owner assures that all fire, safety,building,and other laws will be complied with. 14. Music,when outdoors,is required to stop at the time specified in the permit.Placement of the speakers must be in a location that affords the greatest protection from noise intrusion upon adjacent properties. 15. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: No parking is permitted on CR 48. Signage and/or a parking attendant shall direct guests to park only in designated spots on the subject property. ANY VIOLATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED HEREIN WILL TERMINATE THIS PERMIT. Date Issued: APPROVED, ZBA Cha rperson ZBA Town of Southold Office Location: 54375 Main Road(Capitol One 1"floor) PO Box 11971-0959 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Tel: (631)765-1809(press 5012 at voice recording) Updated August 2013 Fax(631)765-9064 4 DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) ACORU' CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCEF 111.� 04/20/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Phone: (831)298-4700 Fax: (831)298-3850 coNTACT Debby Simicich ROY H REEVE AGENCY,INC. PHONE FAX PO BOX 54 A C N xt: 631 298-4700 a No (631)2983850 qp RILS dsimicich@royreove.com 13400 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK NY 11952 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 9 MATT INSURER Regent Ins.Co.(0310761) 24449 INSURED SPARKLING POINTE LLC WOR THRESHOLD BLUE LLC INSURER B C/O ROSICKI ROSICKI 8t ASSOCIATES PC INSURER C 51 EAST BETHPAGE ROAD INSURER O PLAINVIEW NY 11803 INSURER INSURERF COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 58121 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONITI U H LICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN RD BY PAD CLAIMS INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CC10827575 05/17/14 05/17/15 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE l_';71 OCCUR CCI0827575 05/17/15 05/17/16 DAMAGE TO RENTED 100,000 PREMISES Ea occurence) $ + MED.EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 PRO- POLICY 7 ECT F-1 LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LI $ 1,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LUIBILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea awAenq $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY Per accident) $ HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS (per accident) UMBRELLA UAS OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS Lue Ld CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED I RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION SPER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY TATUTE ER ANY PROPRILTONPARTNERIEXECUTIVE YIN E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICERMEMBER EXCLUDED? NIA E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ (Mandatory In NH) �J If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS./VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attic paee Is required) Town of Southold is Included as additional Insured with respect to General Liability as per the (Dad conditions of form CG20260413 Additional Insured-Designated Person or Organization APR 2 /U'a ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Town of Southold THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN PO BOX 1179 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Southold NY 11971 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1 Attention: Thomas A.Dickerson ACORD 25(2014101) 01988.2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD DATE (MMIDDIYYYY) ACORO' CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 04/20/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: H the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holler in lieu of such endoreament(s). PRODUCER Phone: (631)298.4700 Fax: (631)298-3850 CONTACT Debby Simicich ROY H REEVE AGENCY,INC. PHONE FAx (631)298.3850 PO BOX 54 a 631 298-4700 NO:. E-LIAIL 13400 MAIN ROAD dsimicich ro reeve.com MATTITUCK NY 11952 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC ft INSURER :Regent Ins.Co.(0310761) 24449 INSURED SPARKLING POINTE LLC WOR THRESHOLD BLUE LLC INSURER B C/O ROSICKI ROSICKI&ASSOCIATES PC INSURER C 51 EAST BETHPAGE ROAD INSURER D: PLAINVIEW NY 11803 INSURER E INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 58121 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, LUSIONS AND CONDITIONSF SUCH LICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN RY PAID CLAIMS. INSR I TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTRPOLICY NUMBER LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LL481LITY CC10827575 05/17/14 05/17/15 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE IK OCCUR CC10827575 05/17/15 05/17/16 FRMISET RENTED.., $ 100,000 MED.EXP(Anyone person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY❑�E� D LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LI $ 1,000,000 AUTOMOBAE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accldent) $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY Per accident) $ HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS r accident) UMBRELLA LAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LAB HCLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED I RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS' IJA91LIT' STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE YIN E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICERIMEMMM EXCLUDED? F N I A - (MandatorY In MHI E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes,describe umler DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ RECEIVED DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional R S e Ie_ t5.attached if more space is required) Town of Southold is Included as additional Insured with respect to General Liability as per the terms and conditions of form CG20260413 Additional Insured-Designated Person or Organization ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Town of Southold THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN PO Box 1179 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Southold NY 11971 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE / Attention: Thomas A.Dickerson ACORD 25(2014101) ©1988.2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD S PARKLI N G P61 NTE M ETH O D E CHAMPENOISE To Whom This May Concern: Please accept this application for Special Events/Weddings to be held at Sparkling Pointe. We are applying for all of the weddings to be held in June and will submit the applications for all future events in a timely manner. It is our goal to obey the rules and of course be respectful of our neighbors during all events. All private events held at Sparkling Pointe will end no later than 11 pm. We do not allow weddings and private events to have guests exceed our approved indoor occupancy. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. I can be reached any time via email at aczartosieski@sparklingpointe.com, or at the office 631.765.0200. 0,P aP9 RECEIVED Thank you for your time. APR 2 2 2015 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Sincerely, Cmanda Czartosieski Private Events Manager Sparkling Pointe Vineyards and Winery 39750 COUNTY ROAD 48. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 p. 631.765.0200 • f. 631.765.5264 www.sparklingpointe.com S PARKLI N G P61 NTE METH 0DE CHAM PEN OISE Nature of Event Description Sparkling Pointe holds private events and weddings on site. When applicable, tents are set up in thf back of the building. However, not all events require tents. Restrooms are contained inside of the building. During these weddings and special events we are closed to the public. All weddings and private events end no later than 11 pm. P OV/2 RECEIVED APR 2 2 2015 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS • 39750 COUNTY ROAD 48. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 p. 631.765.0200 • f. 631.765.5264 www.sparklingpointe.com S PARKLI N G P61 NTE METH 0DE CHAM PENOISE Caterers for Upcoming Events Art of Eating restaurant: Parrish Art Museum Cafe 631.267.2411 info@hamptonsartofeating.com www.hamptonsartofeating.com contact: Cheryl Stair Creekside Catering restaurant: La Plage 631.744.9200 laplagerestaurant@yahoo.com 60 www.laplagerestaurant.com RECEIVED contact: Aubrie Gross APR 2 2 2015 East End Events Catering, INC. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS restaurant: CJ's American Grill 631.356.5078 cjagr@optonline.net www.eastendeventscatering.com contact: Chris Richards Irish Coffee Pub Catering restaurant: Irish Coffee Pub 631.277.0007 catering@irishcoffeepub.com www.irishcoffeepub.com contact: Stephen Mahood 39750 COUNTY ROAD 48. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 p. 631.765.0200 • F 631.765.5264 www.sparklingpointe.com x, 0 Goode earth feet 500 metersl 100 wo- (;,0 cars w dob n We- have 41 ,paces and ore. 0- b ie -6 a.r k /D car 5 � grproper�X �►'1d �� ho aD eo 4he easy- 'stde )� Da G v i Vega -b � he wQ5� w -�ou4 block-11 caps �n 4)e d .� R E +he f(ow of CEIVED Zo APR 2 7 2015 NTNG BOARD OF A pp EARS A 3 �M ' earth 00 00 • 015 OF.App, IlId141111lI1mlI�I s,II1 rRW®IIS I�n111HRIIIWIIs111MILLHIlmm 1 11 1 1111110, all s I-yRwNIW,., ids p I LL1 ILL.` .10 L ( REVBIONS SITE DATA NOVDWER 21.1D„ NEW AD09M SCTNI i ,011.53.10-1 NEW CRUSHING PAD PROPERTY: 13733 CRN . ADDRESS 3DITr"OL0.NY 11971 Ow"m 71IOYA3 P.ROSICIO CYNTHIA ROSICIG ' (WARKLAW POINTE,LLC) •' Sf1E: 513,313 SO.Fr.-12.900 AC ZONI Al SURVEYOR: STANLEY J.BAKSEK Rt PO SOX bN NEW SUFFOLK NV 1110,55Si LICE713II E,mn } I DAITEH,1 AIUGIIST 1000 Y ZONING RUR.DNG: EX13T.TOTAL:n,,r SQ AC ' " CAVg�IPAVO P� 7,00130.". I.f 2AN SQ.FT. ii o F R, SEE ENLARGED SITE BGOUTDOORTEaRwcE>:&A42 SO.FT. 1,1 PLAN SHEETf� L9 �� PRCFOSM 0 _�� i WRR9TY(Tmtpk* T,N0134FT. Z w ZONING1Yl1,F' �- oumom7ERRACE3:CRUSH PAD: i,SSO S7311 a FT. f� Z f Nt1 AC �� NEW ADDITION, 1.771 SM FT M...Q t � LLm,ERAGE 34%ACTUALI 20%MAX ALLOWABLE ==A 11,SA SOFT1 U%LOT COVERAOE `— LIIND3CAPND:Yt.111 SO FT 111.9%LOT COVERAGE z Lu O r NORTH R°AD courrr Ro as wie LOCATION MAP c oZ 46NING ILB CL Imo_fi p19 �/ ZONING \\ { Q AC s a Z r��( YACANT 1J � f ,� / ANNEA,NB6Y0 yj ❑ // I ZC 1111NRFD MQ_ 010.013 I� IZU ` ; �y�I �� xTH01 I �_� I\_ (a N Y 0 sP,o rmZi rc,x / I PARKING CALCULATIONS / I I ' Md dIDT Al FIN„ID,3'LYAll1-, A.VOS RETAIL NNIlsmlmm 1,XAOO / I 1Pi1 IIPi L MX OFFICE AREA 1/3AFIIMAFRPAi1 LI RACE/ UwDVL yY 117s f \ Y / /9 TASTWGE� a�Plf,NpP fP AgX JAM PitROOUGTION AREl1 N1MX9N1FIXAti uXAti3 • II § / TOTAL PAIR W3:3RIO,N® tl.f O3 A,XAQt _• TOTAL PANRf1A,XAC0IROVDEOetl XAtpS / f0// �W i / ZONING / 6 F-• �{ AC \ 8•I PL1 7>rD MWIM 11TH IIWCA770f dM M9CTWC III I I- 1 nlomt w w lit" �l r ZONING \Lph,\\\\\4�y,•'a� / AC \1.e,_ ��\meq Y�,�1I1Nsuxlms�,mnnmFx�aes,lo. ,aoo-w-ray �_"FD •wy���• \\\°tae n,.f�.'_�1.• I .1/97(! gMOOtL,WO.v a� � R JE1 NO: 1100 9711.DSITY f5f,N \`T \��\ "SIJ / N2 tIX � DRAWN BY:NS d UT SONlOIO M 11971 •1J w• \\\\ CHECKED BY: \ N3 \�� ArrADv®5Y DATE: c� �n" ti \��� roa,cigamwnFLwwm°B°"PD NOVEMBER 23.2011 SCALE 1-=1w-r SITE PLAN NOT>:Tx.PPP�P>v1�i.,vld1� SHEET TITLE ^��.,/) ayednd ufm,x l7)Im fim lM dtle ofRPnPPP SCALE: 1"=100'-O' /{/ (,/�/Y2 >wlmloo-us. OVERALL RECEIVED SITE PLAN APR 2 2 2015 SHEET NO: ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SITE PLAN APPROVAL-AMENDED ' I REVISED I October 24,2007 ISTIN6 DRIVEWAY G1-05ED SEPTEMBER 30.2009 AS BUILT 1`O � NOVEMBER 23,2011 Q COUNTY NEW ADDITION NORTH �0�� NEW CRUSHING PAI Ew O X al PATER EXIST. �� v NTRY w �" Y 0 0 W �o _ W LAWN SGN ? Z EXIST. EXIST. W _ CIL AND PARKIN& EXIST.6 FT HIGH PENCE 1 BL1JE TOM SUOiL ANDZNS A _SFHALT SATE WITH PRNACY 0 SLWAZHS REEK ARCUNO O O ON ASPHALT 20 SPASG CES OM•/PBTe R 56488 gp1aU ' �\ gT 016 EAST. l AG [,5P QOO LAWN f W M'•' EXIS Q ENTRY AND { r .,- It Q EXIT xl _ � 2� t� 21 28�50"E on �rt� p�((.�� �E77.0pgg77 J f'0Av°aj //� _Z N ✓ LAY'81 IC.AVW' L709T- :'ti 1 1 ( 4 k� I G. 1w `"6 EXIST._ o L20 SPACES ON ASPHA�T s a a � O tl A RELOG NEW o_ � U) �. , 40 s Nm CATCH � al z. N I .' N .. W-1 E Ln o 1 NEW COVERED •�� I vR'/NiL W ` GONG. erne Y 1 W R EXIST. �-1 LAWN ems- 4- 2O 07 N• I +�1t� YARs W � d S � r� y � caraecr ORYFeLLS NTN I PIPINe OF NOTE: EXIST. F!"1 DRYYQL g4rt i V STEEP`} J I SEE SHEET #1 FOR LAM Retx� `E5 OVERALL SITE PLAN . _. E NO: 1108 I I A DRAWN BY: NS 3 UT I I+I fII I I N P I I I 00 CHECKED BY: NS C, August 7,2007 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: 1 DATE,SEE REVISION !� ROOF STRUCTURE SCALE: 1-=2ff-0" 25 DRY WELL AREA x RAINFALL x RUNOFF FACTOR p a PARTIAL SITE PLAN (DRU-A" ,.SSO SF x(2112 FT.)x ,.e•258 CU.FT. SHEET TITLE: s,cE YARD I APPROVED BY CRUSHING PAD DRY WELL AREA x RAFlFALL xRUNOFF FACTOR ENLARGED i SCALE: 1"=20'-0" PLANNING BOARD (DW)•A- 1,558 SF x(212 F7.)x 1.0.280 CU.FT. S RUSE:(2) TORDRAIN M NK NIGH FOOL SITE RECEIVED L TOWN OF SOUTHOLD {2)8'X 8'STORM DRAIN RNG=675 CU.FT. PARKING CALCULATIONS DATEr� r�a3 ' 650 U°F°. > � `FT. PLAN APR 2 2 2015 RETAIL AREA 637 SFrzoe SF/SPACE 4.1 SPACES Cy.as U ROOF STRUCTURE OFFICE AREA 813 SFHDD SFISPACE 8.1 SPACES DRY WELL AREA x RAINFALL x RUNOFF FACTOR SHEET NO: TASTING ROOM 4170 SF1200 SFISPACE 20.8 SPACES (DW)"B" 2,503 SF: (2112 FT.)x 1.0=n7CU.FT. W STORAGE AREA 3306 SF/1000SF/SPACE 3.3 SPACES USE:(2)6 DIAMETER x 5'HIGH POOL ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PRODUCTION AREA 2415 SF1500 SFISPACE 4.8 SPACES (2)4•X S STORM DRAN RING=422 CU.FT. 'r I TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 41.1 OR 41 SPACES PROVIDED REQUIRED TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED:41 SPACES 422 CU.FT. > 417 CU.FT. SITE PLAN APPROVAL-AMENDED IIID urIiouullrllVlpgPgVlllol� if irmrrI�II �B�ii ���I Illi„,��luAli� IIIvi, � 11 41 A i l 1 1,1 niluMlph �EBII>1 milli II III iiwiwiioLmtowlpmlImiifIB�IIIlIniO,l” q_ ���°aiRou 10"�plfliu mu l o ill' li lu n"iii'iiiill®IiillliAllllllllllllllll'1 111"I IIII'll'll iiliN'ii a 11rRB01Bg11�1 u IJJIlllllll„I IIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIII��V1��If1�Nlll.ilW� f�M I!lh�41..�l..!l.��....- I,. 11111 Ill .._ - I _ ltlL�L.LIL .—.L. Il III ,li) _i � . .,.. _ .. � ��. .�. . ., , ,., ,.,,.�.._.._......., .__._,..�., _.�...,_...,..."...� — ...... REVISED October 24 2007 R SEPTEMBER 30,2009 XISTING D IVEWAY CLOSED AS BUILT I�O � NOVEMBER 23,2011 Q COUNTY NEW ADDITION I�O�� NEW CRUSHING P NORTH �, 0 DUr1PS7ER - NTRY I � n Y kC O O .,)L^Cl ay( Z O EXIST. e� Z n' LAMSIGN r)F Ifli4, a 3; ;'�'' 10 r EXIST. f EXIST. PARKING_ OFE EXIST.b FT HIGH Pt54GE 4 Z W ^ H�0 l OIL AND OIL AND rJURFAGINGASPHALT GATE WITH PRIVACY O F SURFA O 7 SGREBI AROUND 0 ON ASPHALT 20 SPACES ���" ~ Z 0 564 g8 �LR40'S _ Srp$01406 EXIST. AG 2 400 3~Cis Q Exile) T::--. 22 z 0 0 ENTRY AND x( t Ill C7 I EXIT50E �+ O11_--pG0mot1 — � Z ExIST: 0 N NG s EXIST. URFACING, S Z URPAOING J• �' f� O C X20 SPAIUS �` i Q = ASPHALT RELOGA O H54 nRrrsiL //� 05 10 SPACES L N91 CATCH r6 Z• BAST M Q• z -i M. j cn , III-J. nNi NEW COVERED vRYrc1.L W $ O 1 N I GONG. � 1 W iB I�( YN /� limor.,.e m A2.e/ Q F• u'0 en m• ' SIDE YARD 1 J ` 1 pie w1H uce+s,Roaam PInNs C NSA VRYYCLL �P,�EOF NEIy YO NOTE: EXIST. y �y�.srEF SEE SHEET #1 FOR LArrI OVERALL SITE PLAN c I I E NO: 1108 DRAWN BY: UT SA Q CHECKED BY: III DATE:August 7,2007 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: SEE REVISION /AAS ROOF STRUCTURE SCALE: _ DRY WELL AREA x RAINFALL x RUNOFF FACTOR 1'-20'-0” v (DW)-A' 1,550 SF x(2112 FT.)x to•250 CU.FT. SHEET TITLE: APPROVED BY CRUSHING PAD SIDE YARD RECEIVE!? PARTIAL SITE PLAN DRY WELL AREA x RAINFALL x RUNOFF FACTOR SCALE: 1"=20'-0" PLANINING BOARD Ill 1.595Fx(2112 FT.)x 1.0-200 CU.FT. ENLARGED USE:(2)B'DIAMETER x V HIGH POOL SITE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (2)T X V STORM DRAIN RING a 675 CU.FT. APR 2 7 2015 PARKING CALCULATIONS DATE "a ) PROVIDED5 . . > REQUIRED PLAN RETAIL AREA 837 Ill SFISPACE 4.1 SPACES z y�,4 U ROOF STRUCTURE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OFFICE AREA 8135FIlGOSFISPACE 8.1 SPACES YWELL AREA x RAINFALL x RUNOFFFACTOR SHEET NO: TASTING ROOM 4170 SFf200 SFISPACE 20.8 SPACES Ill 2,503 SF x(2112 FT.)x 1.0_417 CU.FT. STORAGE AREA 3306 SF11000SFISPACE 3.3 SPACES USE:(2)W DIAMETER x S HIGH POOL co PRODUCTION AREA 2415 SFIM SFISPACE L8 SPACES (2)V X 5'STORM DRAIN RING-422 CU.FT. o u I TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 41.1 OR 41 SPACES PROVIDED REQUIRED TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED:41 SPACES 422 CU.FT. > 417 CU.FT. SITE PLAN APPROVAL-AMENDED ZBA TO TOWN CLERK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Application and Check for Processing) DATE: 4/24/15 ZBA # NAME CHECK # AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP RECEIVED APR 2 4 2015 WP287 Sparkling Point LLC 3703 $150.00 Southold Town Clerk $150.00 Y By _lc Thank you. * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 04/24/15 Receipt#: 183527 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 Public Events WP287 $150.00 Total Paid: $150.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#3703 $150.00 Sparkling, Pointe L L C Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Sparkling, Pointe L L C SCTM#59-10-1 51 E Bethpage Road Plainview, NY 11803 Clerk ID: CAROLH Internal ID:WP287 ZBA TO TOWN CLERK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Application and Check for Processing) DATE: 4/24/15 ZBA # NAME CHECK# AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP WP287 Sparkling Point LLC 3703 $150.00 k�. � 1 a SPARKIJNCi POINTE LSC " $97€0 COUNTY RD 48 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 . Town of Southold PAYTO THE : ORDER OF ne Hundred Fifty and 00/100 "'150.00 *+t+tkwrk.t�k.t+t#*itR***+Fintu*i,**k+FkfMt#4t+kfttt4*+tr�Rtit+tlF#k+k*#MFiN4Mrtk�+kk#Ad $R*+}}#}t!t{�kk*rt*1►RYifMkRA4#M#* DOLLARS Town Of Southold MEMOl9 G(ts, �qIdl 0-0115 � AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE • Owner: Threshold Blue LLC/Sparkling P File M WP287 Address: 39750 CR 48 Code: 06L Agent Info Czartosieski, Amanda c/o Sparkling Point LLC 39750 County Road 48 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631 765-0200 Fax: Email: r::w2X7.1 #'tllf Town of South 4/24/2015 J" kz 53095 Main Rd N Southold,New York 11971 r ,�a V Zoning Application Information File Number: WP287 Master Parcel: 59.-10-1 Assignment Code: 06L Owner Name: Threshold Blue LLC/Sparkling Point LLC Location: 39750 CR 48 Southold Status: OPEN Description: Special Events-weddings 6/6; 6/12; 6/20; 6/27 and 7/10/15 for approximately 200 people until 11 p.m. Notes: DATES Sent to Town Clerk: 4/24/2015 Sand W: Decision Date: CoPL: PB: Sent to LF: LWRP: Trustees/DEC: Page 1 of 1 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall Annex,54375 Route 25 �404A � V�� P.O. Box 1179 /°D°`iii"� Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax(631)765.9064 } Telep 31) 765 1809 _ o � I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AP096fATION FOR AN OUTDOOR SPECIAL E(ENTT A WINERY �ARp Ur �pP�p45 IG CHECKLIST Date: Z�N Your application is being eturned as incomplete for the following reasons: Q R eived 1 th 30 business days from the proposed event date(Requires written request for D �� YF : d re ' stating reasons) t BTYI A ication(3 pages): APR 2 2 2015 De ' 'on of the event: Insurance Certificate: The location(s)and width(s)of all ingress/egress to the winery property Parking for the existing winery building(s)and proposed additional on site parking for the outdoor event,including the number of parking spaces and the square footages'of parking areas Th ocation(s)of adequate on site sanitary facilities The proposed locations)for any tents(s),vendors,or other temporary structure(s)and the size of each T c control ore people will attend event: ormation on sale of Development Rights Vendor Information: Other: ! G a I (S a�u u� U�2c Cevt_rko FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE INFORMATION NOTED HEREIN TO THE ZBA OFFICE WITHIN FIVE(5)BUSINESS DAYS OF THE ABOVE DATE WILL RESULT IN DELAYS IN PROCESSING YOUR APPLICATION AND MAY RESULT IN A DENIAL. Toth, Vicki From: Spiro, Melissa Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 11:56 AM To: Toth,Vicki; Glew, Claire; Lanza, Heather;Webster, Kevin; Flatley, Martin; Fisher, Robert Subject: Special Event Application, sparkling point Hi, I have reviewed the request. The subject property is not preserved; however the property located to the east (59.-10-2)which is under similar ownership, is subject to a Town Development Rights Easement. The site plan included with the application has a handwritten note indicating overflow parking within the property subject to Town PDR; however, the arrows point to the subject property.Therefore, it is assumed that overflow parking will be within the subject property, and not the property subject to Town PDR. It should be noted that event parking is not allowed within the property subject to the Town PDR easement. Thanks, Melissa From: Toth, Vicki Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 9:07 AM To: Glew, Claire; Lanza, Heather; Webster, Kevin; Flatley, Martin; Spiro, Melissa; Fisher, Robert Subject: Special Event Application Dear All— Please review the special event application from Sparkling Point for weddings and send comments to me. Copy the link below into your browser and it will bring you right to the application. S:\Everyone\Special Event permit applications\2015 Sp Event appl Vicki Toth Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 631-765-1809 631-765-9064(fax) 1