HomeMy WebLinkAboutBassford, Richard THIS'-LEAS 'maide'and :executed`,,between THE .TOWN -OF SOUTHOLD,,C1, ty of { - SuffolX-,and: State•,of New York, by FRED'TABOR; CHARLES J. McNULTY;. NATHAN DAVIa: and STEWART'•W., HORT,ON; duly ele'eted trustees, -party of the• first,part;-' and, RICHARD BASSFORL�• of Mattituck, ,Suffolk• County; ,,New York, : '-party of the,'•secand' . part; this 10th,day of May,,,Nineteen Hundred'and. thin ty-seven. ; In cons ideration. of'.the,rents'.and-,covenants'hereiiiaft`er'- expressed' the' . :said,party of the„ first part•has;.demised.and','leased'and does hereby •demise •and lease' to. thesaid party of the,',second:part, .ALL that land under''wat&i of Mattituck-,Creek,)-'in Eaid Town of 'Southold-,- ;Suffolk County;,-New York, .'described': as=follows:- • Bounde'd -Northerly by a line-'running= from low water mark_ on the • westerly side 'of,_Mattituck Creek.,to, -low water -mark'on the easterly side 'of Mattituck•Creek;which,.'1•irie is distant =800"feet south of ,the center ,point of , the h'igYiway' bridge_'crossing said Mattituck Creek,' on 'Old Mill°Road, and ' bounded•Northerly=;by__said ,l'ine^above, mentioned; 'Easterly by •low-water -mark ,of. Mattituck-Creek; Southerly by aline parallel`with the Northerly boundary,' line herein',me"nt ioned and..,600r..feet,_southerly;=,&refrom-`ands Westerly `by the" ordinary line of low water ,mark of =Mattituck +Cre,ek., The said strip .of land' being 600. ' feet in' length 'and-its wlidth to' ek'tend• from low water mark ,on 'the;West't6 said low water, mark"on :the Fast of 'said- Creek, for, ,its 'entire length.' ' Southerly boundary Iine'being approximately opposite, the north line of Henry, Hill's:bathing beach for'his ,exclusive,use ,for the:purpose'of cultivation, raising and harvesting, of shell',.flgh'on said land; with the 'privi leges and appurtenances .'for:and duri' the term of .five (5), years' from,the,. 11th day of May, 1937,•'which term will.;end, on the, 11th,day'of May, 1942;,:at noon,,' and d_ he 'party'`of the second part 'cove' -, nants that ,he will pay to,the, party of,,'the first part for 'the, use, of 'said peel= ' mises the annual-rent of TORTY ( i#'��.� Dollars to be paid annually on, the 1st day,of' June; in-each year 'd4ring said term: - . :- And provided, that the party of, the second part, shall 'fail to;pay•said;, rent,. or any part 'thereof, when it 'becomesr due it is 'agreed that the,said party of •the' first part.-may sue- for,.same, ,or'_at its 'option ,cancel',this 'lease, :or. re 'sort to"any 'legal r'emedy. . ; ;In connection, with the use of,sald,'lands •the 'party. of .the' second''part .• agrees that'he Will,:abide by 'al l;thelaws of'theUnited Stat s•of A e f merits and all -laws,of.;'the ,State'_of New 'York.; ;including the re ulatioris of the= New York-State, Conservation Department 'and' al l County'and,Town 'rules_ and ordi-~f ' nances andshal'1 use the ' ' • . •,r ,.. :' ' ,- , ` ,. „ , ,' premises .only' 'for•the ,purposes, went ioned-herein. The rt of ,the second' art 1' I Y p re he- will, not with•. 'navigation or_'of any.lawful use of the s`ai d '.waters 'of Ma'ttitu k 'Creek-,_ cby ,the, publie. ®.'violatlon,`'of any of the terms of this, lease by'the` party of.'the second ',part ,,shall; .at the''election. of, the, party-,orthe' first' part, immediately 'terminate..this lease. ; The, party. 'of.1the 'second,part' covenants and agrees .that, he will' not , - assign ' this- lease, 'nor sublet •any.'portion of the leased premises, ,,without, the ,written ;consent of-the',party'of-the'fir,st,`part and a-v olation 'of this copenant` shall,- ' constitute':acancellati"on of -'said lease. "party. of;`the second,part,agreed,;that, he-zxi11• 'suri-ende'r• up," al . , ,premises to the party, of,the f irst part" In-'-,as ood ,coedit ion` ~ " g as now; except ing - ''such damage which may result 'by-the reasonable use thereof as provided.for ,herein. IN WITNESS;WHFRBOF, the-..party of-'the first part has hereunto e ` au'sed'.its :c,orporate seal to be attached and:,these presents �to be" subscribed''.by a 'majority ._ ' ., • .- `of tts` Trustees 'arid,'the ' , . . - , party of•;the_first' part• has hereunto set, his�hand ' and seal-,` _in duplicate, the-day and year first b' ritten. „ Tru`steei, 6fh he`. Towyn"of Sout STATE OF NEW YORK ; COUNTY-OF SUFFOLK. -Oh,thday of, May, 1937, ,before.ine-pers'onall ;�. y.came FRED,-•TABOR'•� CHARLES JMc NU ;-N DAMS' S^ ` ' 'W: HORTON' eac t . . and' tEJ�'ART, , h. a' me known; who being'by me' severally ,duly, sworn'•,did each for liimself` s, r - , _ ey,,that,,'-' , ' 'he resided in-said,Town of Southold; ,that, he;;is -a' Trustee ,of •sa'id, Town the , 'corporation`,described.in'.and which executed, the foregoing-instrument;• that he knew the,seal of said-dorporation�; that the seal affixed'to such instrument, was such;corporate.seal; .that it was' so' affixed by order of"the said'_Trustees and that;he• affixed',Yiis,'name thereto by 'like orde ` r Notary-'Public; Suff. Co.` STATE f OF NEWS YORK, z , SS. COUNTY.OF SUFFOLK':, fln ;this ,� day of,;May.,_ 193`7, ,before me 'personally. came ; = 'RI,CHARD'BASSFORD;'to me ,known' and known' tome :to• be• the'individual described. in and who 'executed-the''foregoing,Lease' and,"duly„'(acknowledged tome. that he,, ' executed'the: same. 4 Notary-Public, ,Suff� ,Co: , , •' , � _ 1 _ 1. 1.. r , r- .. f _- of _ ` , ' _ , . 1 ' i i l FRED TABOR & ORS. as Town Trustees, -to- i RICHARD BASSFORD. L E A S E (original) i 1 9 II TO THE'.HONORABLE ,TOWN `TRUSTEES 'OF,-SOUTHOLD •TOYIN,' SUFFOLK-,COUNTY; , NEW YORK:- ; ,I; the undersigned; a:resident- of ,the Town- of, Southold, Suf•fo'lk ,County, New York, hereby.petition you to'Pease'•to' me"lands under water n 'Mattituck •Creek, -Town of Southold, Suffolk"Qounty,_ New York, hereinafter,described, for" - a period of five, (5) •years' at such rental' as ,you may agree -is'_ just:, and:equit- able ,for the purpose- only:as a cultivation; raising and harvesting of shell fish on said land. ; The premises;which 1 wish to lease' are described,as follows:-''.' , ALL that land ,under waters of Mattituck Creek, in said Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Nevi York,' ,described as follows:- -'Bounded Northerly by a line running from low water'm' ark on, the ,westerly side "of Ma' ttituck Creek to low 'water" mark on the •easterly side of .Mattit6ek` Creek which'line is., " distant 800 feet south-o'f ,the center point of, the highway-bridge crossing' said Mattituck -Creeki on•Old Mill- Road,,, and bounded-Northerly 'py 'said-line v e - rTy y; low water^m ark' of attituc alio, e- men Baste b a k- Creek;-. SoutYierly by, a line parallel with the Northerly,boundary' ;line herein mentioned and, 600 feet southerly therefrom_ and Westerly ,by. the ordinary, fine .of 1. 0w,water mark of Mattituck Creek. The said strip,of:land'being, 600'feet in"length and ' its ,width"to'extend",,from low -water mark on the_Nest to said low-water, mark - : on the East of 'said Creek for its entire' length• The Southerly boundary line being approximately,opposite,,,the- north-,'line .of, Henry Hill Is bathing beach: Dated at Mattitiiek, New'York, this seventh day ,of May, • - . . •f>.a . - � _', r,is ; . . - S. • -• - c--� _ '- S - ,; -' " .'AAS' : • - , i 1 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION -of- RICHARD BASSFORD' for a lease of lands under graters In xattituck creek. Dated May 7th, 1937. i r. l�