HomeMy WebLinkAboutSproessig, Charles H GRANT, Or, LAND UNDER.•IVATER THE- TOIVN OF SOUTHOLD TO CHARLES , Be, SPROESSIG•: THIS INDENTURE 'made the :. 'day of PIineteen" Hundred and thirty-ore,' between TbWN OF, SOUTHOLD County . of, Suffolk' and State of New York, by -a' majority ,of its .duly 'elected'Trustees and by virtue' '. ,of Chapter 615' of ' the lads of •Mere Fork, 'passed.- in IS'93, and' pursuant to a ' vIote' by a majority -of the Uoard•of-Trustees;:of,'said -Town of .Southold, at, a meeting held -pursuant to'`notice` duly given" to `all' its members, - on,'th:e seventh, day ®f hlarcht 1931, party 'of the first .part,,_and CHARLES ,H* SPROBSSIG,r of Cutcho;uo, Town of Southold, Suffolk" County, New, Yorks party of the second part- WITNE55ETli, that' the Party of',the f ir`st part in _ consideration, of •the sum :of DOLLAF�duly• paid to "said ' • party of the first part-, bef ore -the`delivery' hereof.1 the' receipt whereof- is hereby duly, acknow-ledged , has released' And does hereby- grant and release unto the';.said party' of the second Y`e - part, has heirs and assigns forever, all,, waters°: .' _ and Lands under •water and 'rights or other, interests•'therein; ' r� such:i as , the, Town of Southold acquired and now hold.'d by virtue • of"any Colonial. Patent ,or' Charter'... .situate :in the' , Town,�of`S.outhold, County of Suffolk incl state of` New 'York r ' , ° • under 'water 'and below high water mark in Wickham's Creek, •autcgiogue,, in the said Town of,.southold.,' adjoining the upland • - -gip. ' - -of tkie -said partyof the second' part- and 'founded and des- orib6d' as,_follows:- BEGINNING -at the,pQlnt of !intersection of the dividing line -between ,Bay Joad.,and ,_the"Southerly' :cline of Jand 'of ' Oharles H ,Sproe'ssig and the ;Easterly ,side' of Wickhani's =Creeps running thence No 65 21' W* to, the 'center-of WialrYiam's , reek't thence -in a, 'northerly direction' ,along -the center ,of, Wickham's Creek to 'a point", in the center of said Widldlam's ' eek ,formed r zby the: intersection' -of the said line;-and _the Northerly line of the, land of. Cjjarles N•''Sproessig if extended to the ;center -of-- said .Creek.; '-thence S••, 61•.44': 'W',°to , a, point,',f;orIIed by•' the `intersectinn of -the -Easterly, line of Wickham'' Creek with the: No' theirly. line of land of ' harles H:' Sproes' "i and t�elice, southerly 'along high water mark of Mickham_ s Creek• on the'' Westerly line ,of, land of Charles' H• Sproessig to the. , oint or place of beginning, as - shown, ,on 2map of-Boatmen°!s Harbor, ' Fleets Neck,•°Cutchogue, Southold; Ong ''land' attached hereto and made a_'�part, hereof.'•, All `of°said' .1'and lying., in ; front, of and, e, jacent to..-land's' o,.med Eby said Idharles` k- ' '- Sproessit� with. the- priyilege,-of excavating the premises, hereby granted and placiiig'tlae 'material, obtained , therefrom ' upon the. ,upland of,-the party 'of the second;part- acid,-the- ' ' `privi lege,°of dredging ,;c anals`�into and connecting =adjoining " lands of the party of, the ,second part. and the building of ` bulkhead ,along,.the 'upland. Iixceptiim and` reserving, to. th said V,own .of'''Southold,, the right ,.of entering upon and 'usifg,, all and every 'part of the ab ove','gra��tec� pren3'ses` os full�ry -as' said' down , or, `the inhabitants' thereof'.,might have done haat this, conveyance hot , 'been' made, until- the said, granted premises shall'be 'actually appropriated and •applied to ,the beneficial enjoyment',of the', saircl grantees his heirs and ,assigns by. filling 'in and' grading or, by, ,the' erection of:bullrfheads's, ,docks,, or, other_ 6t runtures _ .thereon* :And these presents` are` `u ori < the ,.expre,ssed condition _ that 'if the said grantee, hi;s 'heirs and',-assigns,, shall not withii ,two- .years from .the',date hereof, actually appropriate the.'above;"granted ,premi s'es 'to Iii's' �ieneficial enjoyment.,` then these` Presents 'and. everytIiiTig herein;,contained, shall',cease, ;ferminitze and be .void, and the said" ' ,remises above iranted ' and all"interest 'andr rigYit, therein shall iinmediatelrevert,,' , :to- the_ said Town of Southold:: : And the. said grantee doth 'hereby ,covenant .rith the said, partr of _the,"firstpart' that' he ,-the ,sgrantee, s'grantee,' his• 'heirs , ;and assigas dill=not at any time' maintain,' erect or permit `upon- any part, of the pr6misesl 'ab`ove granted. or on the riparian rights in and about: the same," any Isl'aughter-,house',; - 'smi'tb sliop•, forge; furnace,' stdam, 'engine,- brass foundryp hail : 0 other iron.-foundry, .or- any-factory:.'for "the manufacture of gun powders' glue, .vdrnish,,`;vitrioI, , ink 'or' turpentine, or for the'''tanning" or prepari' ng,;`of sins, hides or�.,'leether; .,or ` `any .brenery, 'distillery, or:ariy, other factory yah eh'may'be ob'jectionabl'e, or any 'ob'jectioiiabley-b;uildiri orforfloat a . or other•-places for. the, openang o scallops or 'oysters,' or, -h ' ;for the laying up of scallop ori oyster boats;. for 'any other -noxious;, or- dangerous,,trade.'.or;.busine'ss.,or ',oc'eupation, pro- - :hibited',by law and it "is hereby agreed -that `the' foregoing, , k .covenants: shall run, �r3ith" the ;above, granted .'piremi•see - - . ,• and. frights.'Forever•,;'., And-subject to the, above exceptions, reservations and ' ' 'c'ovenah.ts "that Itihe 's ald� `-par' y of- �iheV,s°ec'6nd 'part ; his heirs ,, and ,assians',areto' have- and, to hold, the, above branted. ' 'premise-' with the' ,app'u.rtenances thereunto'belonging ,to, _ .,his and,' eir :only, proper use,,.benefit- and. be'hoo#' forever- Ind', WITNESS :WEIREor, the' •saad-,Toisii of Southold party of -the, first•,',part has by•a' vote 'of, a-ma'j•ority'.,-of the Board' , of Trustees, of said _Town, caused ,its corporate seal; to be- . ,hereunto affixed; ah(I 'these' present's to be; 'subscribed by a ma•joritp of� said•Board of Trustees and the' 'said grantee has. also hereunto set his •hand and' seal, in ,duplicate, the ' dad and' year First above written-. J L:S., 4) i L (Los.,) As..-T ustees 'of 'the" Town 'of Southold i F ; (rose ) STATE OF NEW S5:'- : ' .. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On' this day of'.'August, .1931, before me personally came,_ ID ."TAEER; � '__Ori'�nt; MARIE J: McNULTY, of Mattituck; FIIAAIF .D• SOHAU1b1BUBG,; of Greenport',•' NAT' AF DAVIS, of Southold' and '•STHWA-RT' W4 HORTON, of''Outchogue, all in the -,Town of..soitthold, 'County of Suffolk and Sate of New Yo, all personally known, to' me, -who being -by me duly sworn, severally, said that •they resided-in the Town of Southold., County of Suffolk anct' State- of Neer••Yor?r� and were members '.of the board :'of,' Trus"tees' of .said Toiii-'`of,,Southold and -constitute a majority::of the same; ' that, they-knew the corporate seal of said' Town, of S outhold; that -the seal affixed to the `foregoing-• instrument was such corporate, seal; that it was affixed, thereunto by -order of the Board of TrUst' of .said,,,Town of, Southold and that-,, each, one," of.•. them signed his name' -thereto as a trustee'' ''the like order• Notar -'-PMb'1iep, Pu Co• STATE, 0r NEW YOItX, _ - SB:= = COUNTY' OF SUFFOLK: On,"the, �"'"r day of 'august, 1931, before me •personally came CHA.RLEs H=. 'SPROESSTG,, of,'Cutchogue, XOv York,- personally kno to -me "and known to me to' be the' grantee` naned in the. foregoi g instrument: and described therei'ng - and ,he' duly ack:nowleft ed, t me, that'.he • executed the same: 0 Motary Publie-q Ste'. . ; r j t I 7 l' TOIVN Oa SOUTF.OLD and CHARLES H. SPROESSTG• G R A N To ' (Original) 1,44 dTJo �3s ed,A4 11-41 17 ail I t