HomeMy WebLinkAboutHedges, Samuel made in duplicate the day of 1 ,? 7 , between the Town of Southold, of the County of Suffolk, and State of New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees, and in pursuance of Chapter 615 of the Laws of New York passed in 1893, and in pursuance of a written ,resolution adopted by. a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold at a meeting held pursu;tton 'ce duly ffiven to all the members thereof on the r - �� da , 1 , party of the first part, and part y of the second part, .ftu sst tlx, That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of Dollars, to said Town duly paid, before the delivery hereof, doth hereby sdrant, bargain, sell and release unto the said part y of the second part, h/,° heirs and assigns forever, All that certain tractor Gj parcel of land under water, situated'-,� in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk, and State of New York,bounded and described as follows, to wit: I" A3, = - GG!� L7� '�y, � OKr �= - :� I • II Gad a Tx e� with,the appurtenances, and,all,the right, title, and interest of the said Town of ,Southold tTierein. To Timm and to Ivold the above mentioned and described premises with the appurten- ances unto the said party of the second,part, hl,�, heirs,and assigns forever, &xctVtiug and reserving to the said Town of Southold the full and free right, liberty, and privilege of entering upon and using all and every part of the above described premises in as lawful a manner as said Town might have done had this conveyance not been f'iven until the same shall have been actually appropriated and applied to the purpose of by I and these presents are upon the express condition that if the said and assigns shall not within two nears from the date hereof actually appropriate and apply the above described pre7nises to the purpose of by the aforesaid then these presents, and -everything,herein, contained shall cease, determine and become void, and the,said prem- - l ises immediately revert to the said Town of Southold. r gn witucss xvIYe z*f, the said Town of Southold has hereunto caused its corporate seal '" r 1.i,4. i —... v i�. .4�> f t -.l� — �r r e .. J �. ... r. / r S • to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town. ,"fixe Town of '5axxt ox a by Majority of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. State of New York, ) F ass : County of Suffolk, 1 l i Upon the clay of , 1 before me personally came 001, The Trustees of the Town of Southold,in the Counand State aforesaid,zvitlz whom I am personally ,acquainted, who bein,_9 by me=each severally duly sworn; said that he resided in the said Town of Southold, and that he was,one of the Board of Trustees of said -Town; that, he. knew.-,the corporate seal of said Town; that the seal affixed to the within instru- ment was such corporate seal; that it was affaxed by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold; and that, he sissned his name thereto by the like order as one of the Trustees of said Zbavn. 7 ,,� i, 1 Town of *Onth�la 'NO r ---------------------------- Z 41 d 4 1 ' G - P - 1 ,r i • r I , r 'LTA'° _ We , AN ACT to create the board of trustees of the town of Southold, and empower said board to manage and dispose of the common lands under water belonging to said town. SECTION 1. The electors of the town of Southold are hereby"anthorized and empowered to elect by ballot from their number, at the annual town meeting next to be held in said town, and 'annually thereafter, in the same manner as other town officers are elected, five freeholders as trrAtees, who shall be known as the board of trustees of the town of Southold. They shall hold office for the term of one year. They shall within ten days after their election 0and qualification meet and choose from their number, by a majority vote, a president and clerk of said board. Such board of trustees, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized and empowered to manage, lease, convey or otherwise dis- nose of all or any part of all such common lands, waters and lands under water, or rights or other interests therein, subject,as to lands under water, to the public right of navigation and to the riparian rights of adjoining upland owners, as the town of Southold acquired and now holds by virtue of any colonial patent or charter.; and for this purpose said board may execute, all such conveyances,leases, p its, agreements or other writings, necessary or proper in carrying into effect the provisions l • J of this act ; sub ect, however, to and in accordance with such rules and regulations, it' any, con- cerning the management and disposition of said property and rights as the legal voters of said town may b ave theret±ofcre adopted or impbsed ; and the electors of said town are hereby eua` powered to adopt from time to time such rules"anti regyh:666i I 4majority vote',-At any e :. meeting. , 2. The clerk of said board of trustees shall heel) a record of its proceedings in a book to i be provided by said town for the purpose, and the same shall form a part of the records of said town. All conveyances, leases, permits, agreements and other writings, provided -for by the first section of this act, shall be executed in duplicate, in the name and in behalf of the town of Southold, attested by its corporate seal, and shall be signed by a majority of said board, after having been authorized by resolution in writing adopted by a majority of said board, at a meeting held pursuant to notice duly given to all the members thereof, and one of said dupli- cates shall be filed by the clerk of said board in the town cleric's office and recorded by the town clerk in a book separate from all other records. 3. The members of said board of trustees shall be deemed to be town officers, and as such subject to the requirements of all laws controlling town officers where referred to collectively in such laws, and especially in taking and filing the oath of office, refusal to serve, filling of vacan- cies, the disposition of monies and securities which may come to their hands in their official ca- pacity, filing statements of their receipts and disbursements, and the delivery of all books and pa- pers to their successors in office. Said board of trustees are hereby authorized to receive any and all rents and receipts of the sales or other disposition of the property committed to their charge, ,� and it shall be the duty of said board to pay over to the supervisor of said town, at the first. meet- ing in each year of the town board, all moneys which shall have come to their hands in the rexercise of their trust, to be by said supervisor applied in such manner as the electors of said town shall by vote at their annual town meeting direct or in the absence of such directions, to paying the Contin- gent expenses of the town. § 4. Each of the members of said board of trustees shall be entitled to receive the sum of three dollars per day fbr such time as they shall he actually employed in the discharge of their duties under this act, the same to be a legal charge against the town of Southold, to be audited and paid in the same manner as other town charges. § 5. The town board of the town of Southold, or a majority of thele, shall within sixty days at- ter the passage of this act convene at the town clerk's office in said town at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and appoint, in writing, under their hands and seals, five electors of said town to be and constitute the board of trustees of the town of Southold, and they shall immediately cause such appointment to be filed with the town clerk. The persons so appointed shall within ten days after receiving notice of their appointment, take, subscribe and file in the office of the town clerk the oath of office, and thereupon they shall possess and exercise all the powers and be subject to all the duties given and imposed by this act, and shall hold and discharge the duties of their office until the next annual town meeting to be field in the town after their appointment, and until their successors shall be,elected andualifi d. q e § 6. This act shall take effect immediately. In accordance with section 5 of the above law the town board met and appointed as trustees, to serve as above: k eJEREMIAH G. TUTHILL, New Suffolk; JONATHAN B. TERRY, Southold, JAMES E. GILDERSLEEVE, Mattitucli. ELBERT W. TABER, Orient, GEORGE H. CLEAVES, Greenport. i ' i UL161% AND REAUL&MODINS OF THE Trustees of the Town of Southold Governing Applications for Water Grants. Resolutions of the Trustees adopted June 12, 1894. Resolved, 1st, That no grants of land under water be hereafter made, unless the applicant make affidavit that he intends forthwith to appropriate the lands applied for, to the purposes of commerce, by erecting thereon a dock or docks, or that the land is proper for the purpose of the beneficial en- joyment of the owner, specifying which, and stating in what manner the said enjoyment will be beneficial. 2d. That this Board will not act upon any application for lands under water, unless the same be accompanied with an accurate map of the land applied for, and those adjoining, and by a full and accurate description of the former. 3d. And no grants for beneficial enjoyment shall be made when the Board shall deem it necessary that the grant of such land should be made to promote the commerce of this State. 4th. The following requirements must be observed in making applications, and all affidavit must be made upon blanks, which will be furnished on application, by the Clerk of the Board of Trustees. Resolved, That the patent fee of five dollars shall be charged for each separate parcel of land un- der water applied for. �OCVMENTS, MAPS, Etc_ To be presented to the Trustees by applicants for grants of land under water. 1. An affidavit of the publication of the notice of application for four weeks successively, in a newspaper printed in the Town of Southold. The notice must contain a concise description of the land ander water, and give the name of the actual occupant or occupants of the uplands, and the boundaries of the same by the adjoining lands, by giving the names of the owners of such adjoining lands. It must also state the quanti,y of the land applied for. The exact courses and distances must be given in the description in said notice in words of full length, and the said notice must also contain a statement of the soundings, once in fifty feet on the whole exterior water.lines. The first publication of said notice must be at least twenty-eight days be- fore the date of application. 2. An affidavit showing that a printed copy of said notice of application was put up on the door of the Town Clerk's office of the Town twenty-eight days before the date of application. 3. An affidavit of the applicant that he intends forthwith to appropriate the land applied for, to the purposes of commerce, by erecting thereon a dock or docks; or that the land is necessary and proper for the purpose of his beneficial enjoyment of the same, stating in what respect it will be so beneficial, and the reasons therefor. Said affidavit shall also state whether the land applied for is situated within the corporate lim- its of any incorporated village, and, if so, shall state in what incorporated village the said land is so situated. Said affidavit shall also state that the matters of fact set forth in the printed notice are true to the best of the knowledge and belief of said applicant. In cases of application for grants for beneficial enjoyment the said affidavit of the applicant shall also conform to the following requirements Said affidavit shall state the assessed value of the uplands owned by applicant adjacent to the lands applied for on the next preceding assessment-roll of the town and also shall state the area of said uplands. 4. W ben the lands applied for are situated within the corporate limits of an incorporated vil- lage, an affidavit of the personal service of a copy of the printed notice on the president or clerk of the village, at least twenty-eight days previous to the making of'such application. 5. When the lands applied for are not within the corporate limits of any village an affidavit of personal service of a copy of the printed notice on the town clerk of the town at least twenty-eight days before the making of such application. 6. In cases of applications for beneficial enjoyment an affidavit of three disinterested freeholders of the town stating what, in their opinion, is the value of the lands applied for. Said affidavit shall be foll.,wed by an offer subscribed by the applicant of a sum of money which he will pay for the lands applied for in case the Trustees determine to make the grant thereof. 7. Proof by affidavit by some disinterested person or persons of a possession of twenty years or more next preceding the time of application, with claim of ownership by the applicant himself, or by himself and those under whom he claims. The affidavit of possession roust state the acts of owner- ship or use, which are alleged to constitute the possession. 8. Accurate maps and surveys upon tracing cloth, of the lands under water applied for, and also of the adjoining upland owned by the applicant. Such maps must show the general course of the shore a distance of one-half mile in each direct- ion from the land applied for, as well as the particular c,rurse at the point where the grant is applied for. The maps must also show the lands of adjoining owners on each side, and any adjacent docks bulk-heads or other improvements thereon ; and, if the water be a creek or narrow channel, the width of such channel or creek, together with an outline of each shore to extend one-half mile upon both sides of the creek above and below the land applied for, providing the creek is less than two miles wide. Said maps roust also show the courses and distances of the boundaries of the lands ap- plied for, and the depth of the soundings once in fifty feet on the whole exterior water-lines. The map and survey as to each of the above facts must be verified by an affidavit of the Surveyor. The point of beginning of survey of the land applied for shall be defined by its true course from some prominent object when practicable. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 8,3. : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, . - of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says: i 1. That he is the. . . of. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF a newspaper printed and published in t e Town of LAND UNDER WATER.—Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, Samuel P. Hedges. Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in the State of Intends to make application to the Trustees of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County, N. Y. at New York. the office of their clerk In the Village of Green- port,in said Town on the 10th,day of May, 1897, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day for a grant in aua below high water mark Inland front of the 2. That a notice, of which the annexed is a uplands owned and occuptedlbyim in the Village of Greenport,in the Town off Southold.County of Suffolk and Stace of New York; which land so printed copy, has been published in said newspaper applied for gis bounded as follows: water mark whe of the waters of Peconic hsay for four weeks successively, commencing on the (sometimes known as Shelter Inland Sound)and �� the t,said be in the a line of Greenport 4� "/ .. . . . .day of. . meet,said point being on the line between the _- uplands of Samuel P. Hedges and C. Pliny Brigham,and from which point of beginning the tower of the Manhansett House bears South forty-three degrees.forty-five minutes East, and running thence (the course being magnetic) South eight degrees, flue minutes, East, tour „ hundred andfeet,thence running at right- ` \l angles to abovee course South eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes West, forty-one feet; thence running at right angles to last named course and r parallel to first course North eight degrees five !!! ! minutes West four hundred and fifty feet;thence again running by ordinary high water mark along the uplands of the said Samuel P. Hedges North eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes Fast, r forty one feet to the point or place of beginning and containing by survey Four hundred and twenty-three one thousandths of an acre. e The owner or occupant of the upland fronting on the land under water above described is the subscriber,Samuel P.Hedges, the said upland being bounded as follows.viz.:Northerly by the land of Manuel Claudio,Easterly by the land of C. Pliny Brigham, Southerly by Peconic Bay, sometimes known as Shelter Island Sound. and Westerly in part by land of Charles H.Tuthill and others,In part by land of said Samuel P.Hedges and Lewis Youngs, in part by land of Hannah M Tuthill.to part by land of Wolf W.Smith.and In part by land of Manuel Claudio, and contain- Ing about one quarter of an acre. rust be at least twenty-eight days before the date of application. The Soundings taken once in each fifty feet on the whole exterior water lines on the land under water above described and applied Yor.beginning fifty feet from a point on the line of high water mark formed by the intersection of the upland of the said Samuel P.Hedges and the upland oft:, Pliny Brigham are as follows,viz.:Five feet,eight feet,ten feet, sixteen feet.twenty feet,twenty- three feet.twenty-six feet,thirty feet.forty feet, forty feet,thirty feet, twenty-six feet, twenty- three feet,twenty feet, sixteen feet,ten feet, eight feet,and five feet,taken at ordinary high water. Dated Greenport,N.Y.April ffi'd.1897. SANUBL P.HBDass, Appplicant. C7HABLE9 S.LYON,Attorney,for ADP cant. dreenport,N. Y. i I i IT OF PUBLICATION. }� � ' V of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says: 1. That he is the. . . or of. a newspaper printed and published in te Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in the State of New York. 2. That a notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said newspaper for four weeks successively, commencing on the 4 - . .. . .day of..11... . . . 18q. .�. . Sworn to b fore me, this. . day of. . 18 . . l NOTE.—The first publication of said notice must be at least twenty-eight days before the date of application. J ` i i I i i 1 , AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICES ON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says: 1. That on the. . .lief AK).day of . 18?.7. .he securely posted and put up and left upon the outer door of the Town Clerk's office of NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF the Town of Southold, In the County of Suffolk, In LAND UNDER WATER.—Notice Is hereby intends to make undersigned, cation to the Trusstees of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County, N. Y. at the State of New York, a notice, of which the an the office of their clerk in the Village of Green- at ne o'clock in nth afternoo of that day'for9a nexed is a printed copy. grant in perpetuity to him of the land under water and below high water mark in front of theUPIaDds owned and occupledtm In the Village of Greenport,In the Town o 8 iCounty of Suffolk and State of New York;; which h land s0 applied for is bounded as follows: Beginning at apoint on the line of ordinary high water mark where the waters of Peconic Bay (sometimes known as Shelter Inland Sound)and the uplands situate in the Village of Greenport meet,said point being on the line between the uplands of Samuel P. Hedges and C. Pliny Brigham,and from which point of beginning the tower of the Manhansett House bears South forty-three degress.forty-five minutes East, and running thence (the course being magnetic) South eight degrees, five minutes. East, four hundred and fifty feet,thence running at right- angles to above course South eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes West, forty-one feet; thence running at right angles to last named course and parallel to first course North eight degrees five minutes West four hundred and fifty feet;thence again running by ordinary high water mark alongg the uplands of the said Samuel P. Hedges North eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes Bast, forty one feet to the point orplace of beginning and containing by survey Four hundred and 't least twenty-eight days before the date of application. twenty-three one thousandths of an acre. The owner or occupant of the upland fronting on the land under water above described is the subscriber,Samuel P.Hedges, the said upland being bounded as follows.viz.:Northerly by the land of Manuel Claudio,Easterly by the land of C. Pliny Brigham, Southerly by Peconle Bay, sometimes known as Shelter Island Sound. and Westerly in part by land of Charles H.Tuthill and others.in part by land of said Samuel P.Hedges and Lewis Youngs, in part by land of Hannah M Tuthill,to part by land of Wolf W.Smith.and in part by land of Manuel Claudio, and contain- ing about one quarter of an acre. The Soundings taken once in each fifty feet on the whole exterior water lines on the land under water above described and applied for.beginning fifty feet from a point on the line of high water mark formed by the intersection of the upland of the said Samuel P.Hedges and the upland of C. Pliny Brigham are as follows,viz.:Five feet,eight feet,ten feet, sixteen feet,twenty feet,twenty- three feet,twenty-six feet,thirty feet.forty feet, forty feet.thirty feet, twenty-six feet, twenty- three feet,twenty feet, sixteen feet,ten feet, eight feet,and live feet,taken at ordinary high water. Dated Greenport,N.Y.April 3rd.1897 SAmuEL P.HRnalts, Applicant. CHARLES R.LYON,Attorney for Anpllcant. - Greenport,N. Y. - - CES ON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE. of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says: 1. That on the. . .��AvK).day of . 18?.7. .he securely posted and put up and left upon the outer door of the Town Clerk's office of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in the State of New York, a notice, of which the an- Hexed is a printed copy. Sworn to before me, this. / day ! . ... ..Is 20 NOTE.—The posting of said notice must be at least twenty-eight days before the date of application. i i, I ` AFFIDAVIT OF APPLICANT. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, I�88. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Ae'."e . . . . ..... . of f the . . . . ... . in the CountY of.. being duly sworn, says: a lst. That..he. 1.• L o Av the person named in the annexed printed notice, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF LAND UNDER WATER.—Notice is hereby as the applicant for a grant Of the land under' given that the undersigned, Samuel P. Hedges. 1 p intends to make application to the Trustees of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County, N. Y. at water, therein particularly described. the office of their clerk in the Village of Green- a6 neocloockintn afternoo of that May, 1897, 2d. That the said land is situated in the Town grant in perpetuity to him of the land under water ndsown d nhigh c water lin front of of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, and in the of Greenport,In the Town o Southold.County of Suffolk and state of New York; which land so State of New York and is. appned for is bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the llne of ordinary high watermark where the waters of Peconic Bay within the corporate limits of an mcornorated vll- (sometimes known as shelter Inland Sound)and p the uplands situate in the Village of Greenport ( , meet,said point being on the line between the ]age, or city,VIZ. : lJ A uplands of Samuel P. Hedges and C. Pliny �Lir�ZtiftXi(J. ��a� v Brigham,and from which point of beginning the !, tower of the Manhansett House bears South 3d. That..he. . fo forty-three degrees.forty-five minutes East, and running outh a ght degrees, course being East, oucr owner in tee of the adjoining upland described in hundred and fifty feet,thence running at right- Q angles to above course South eighty-oaedegrees said annexed nOt]CP and,!!!LdCJ,.. . . .. . ... .ln fifty-five minutes West, forty-one feet; thence running at right angles to last named course and mio testWestfourn dtedandanyfeet�;tn five the actual occupation thereof. again running by ordinary high water mark alongthe uplands of the said Samuel P. Hedges 4th. That the matters of fact set forth in said North eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes East, forty one feet to the point or place of beginning and containing by survey Four hundred and annexed notice are true to the best of the linowl- twenty-three one thousandths of an acre. of thelndunderwaterabove deserlbed Istthe edge and belief of deponent. subscriber,Samuel P.Hedges, the said upland and ofManuPlClandlo.Easterly yhthe lane of 5th. at the uplands owned by ap L ' ant ad C. Pliny Brigham, Southerly by Peconte Bay, sometimes known as shelter Island sound. and scent to the ran s hereb a )lied f vere assessed Westerly in part by land of Charles H.Tuthill and J P i others.in part by land of said Samuel P.Hedges and Lewis Youngs, in part by land of Hannah at the sum of... . M.Tuthill,In part by land of Wolf W.Smith.and in part by land of Manuel Claudio, and contain- ing about one quarter of an acre. dollars on the next ) ,ding as of the The Soundings taken once in each fifty feet on the whole exterior water lines on the land under water above described and applied for.beginning said Town in ieb said ul nds are situated, and fifty feet from a point on the line of high water mark formed by the intersection of the upland Sald i dS are Of• t11e area O of the said Samuel P.Hedges and the upland of C. • - Pliny Brigham are as follows,At.:Five feet,eight feet,ten feet, sixteen feet.twenty feet,twenty- (�('/f � s, . . ., . . .. , three feet•twenty-six.feet,thirty feet,forty feet, forty feet.thirty feet, twenty-six feet, twenty- three wenty three feet,twenty feet, sixteen feet,ten feet. 'Fifth. That...4ecc/ intends.• •.. . . .•. . eight feet,and five feet,taken at ordinary high water. Dated Greenport,N.Y.April 8rd.1897. forthwith to appropriate the land applied for to SAMUEL P.HEDGES, A plicant. CFARLEs R.LYON,Attorney for ADplIcant. the purposes of commerce, by erecting thereon a Greenport,N. Y. dock or docks. *7th. That t land applied f'o is necessary and proper, and not mor s necessary for the purpose of the bene' ' enjoym, Of the said ad- joining uplan , for the fol lowing reasons: _ 1. ... . .. . . . ...... . .. . ... . ... . ..... . ... . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . . ... . .. . .... . . . 2. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .... . .. . . .. . . . ...... . . . . . .. .. . . . . ..... . .. .. .... . . . ... ... `'_ li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . Sworn to before me, this. . day of. . 18 *NoTF.—In cases of applications for purposes of Commerce,omit the 5th and 7tb narngraphs; and in cases of applica,- tions for beneficial enjoyment, omit the 6th paragraph. we I� I j ' I 1 4 6: AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ON PRESIDENT OR CLERK, ETC. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 188. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suf- folk, aforesaid,cbeing duly sworn, says that on the . . . . . . . ./Q. Z -_ �.. . . . ..day of'. . . . . ... . . . . ... . N°TICE OF APPLICATIONLAND UNDER WATER.—Notice GRANTOR Not1 a Ishereby lcg. . . ..he personally served upon given that the undersigned. Samuel P. Hedges. 4�/?% Intends to make application to the Trustees of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County, N. Y. at the office of their clerk in the Village of Green- ' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . port,in said Town on the 10th, day of May, 1897, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day for a grant inperpetulty to him of the land under . . . . .Who was to him person- water and below high water mark in front of the uplands owned and occupied�py1him in the Village Suffolk anddState o1 New York; Sk; which land so ally known to be the.. . . applied for is bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the line of ordinary high water mark where the waters of Peconic Bay (sometimes known as Shelter Island Sound)and . . . . . . . . . .• • • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . the uplands situate in the Village of Greenport meet,said point being on the line between the uplands of Samuel P. Hedges and C. Pliny of the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold in Brigham,and from which point of beginning the g' p > > tower of the Manhan.tt House bears South forty-three degress.forty-five minutes East, and running thence (the course being magnetic) the Count of Suffolk in the State of New York a South eight degrees, five minutes, East, four y > > hundred and fifty feet,thence running at right- angles to above course South eighty-oRe degrees fifty-five minutes west, forty-one feet; thence notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, by running at right angles to last named course and parallel to first course North eight degrees five minutes West four hundred and fifty feet;thence again running by ordinary high water mark handing the sante to and leaving it with him. along the uplands of the said Samuel P. Hedges North eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes East, forty one feel to the point orplace beginning and containing by survey Four hundred and twenty-three one thousandths of an acre. The owner or occupant of the upland fronting on the land under water above described is the subscriber,Samuel P.Hedges, the said upland being bounded as follows.viz.:Northerly by the land o1 Manuel Claudio.Easterly by the land of C. Pliny Brigham, Southerly by Peconic Bay, sometimes known as Shelter Island Sound. and Westerly In part by land of Charles H.Tuthill and others.in part by land of said Samuel P.Hedges and Lewis Youngs, in part by land of Hannah M Tuthill.to part by land of Wolf W.Smith.and In part by land of Manuel Claudio, and contain- ing about one quarter of an acre. The Soundings taken once in each fifty feet on the whole exterior water lines on the land under water above described and applied for.beginning fifty feet from a point on the line of high water mark formed by the intersection of the upland ' of the said Samuel P.Hedges and the upland of C. Pliny Brigham are as follows,viz.:Five feet,eight feet,ten feet, sixteen feet.twenty feet,twenty- three feet,twenty-six feet,thirty feet.forty feet, forty feet.thirty feet, twenty-six feet, twenty- three feet,twenty feet, sixteen feet,ten feet, eight feet,and five feet,taken at ordinary high water. Dated Greenport,N.Y.April 8rd.1897. SAMUEL P.HRnaRs, Applicant. CHARLES R.LYON,Attorney for Applicant. Greenport,N. Y. i CE ON PRESIDENT OR CLERK, ETC. � . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suf- folk, aforesaid, being duly sworn, says that on the . . . . . . . .4 Q. lj.. . . . ..day of. . . . . ... . . . . ... . ..18. . . ..he personally served upon . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .who was to him person- ' ally known to be the, of the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in the State of New York, a notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, by handing the same to and leaving it with him. Sworn to before me, this. ./ .. . . day of. �1 -*✓.. ..18�. . . I 'i AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ON TOWN CLERK. STATE OF NEW YORK, I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says, that on the.. . . . . . . . . . . .day of. .aX. . .. . . . .. . . . .18 . .'7 he personally served upon. .C�!i .�. . . ,. . . NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF ` LAND UNDER WATER.—Notice IS hereby ,who given that the undersigned, Samuel P. Hedges. ' ' " ' ' "'' ' ' Intends to make application to the Trustees of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County, N. Y. at the office of their clerk in the Village of Green- was to him personally known to be the Town Clei k port,in said Town on the 10th,day of May, 1897, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day for a grant In water and bellowlhigh water mark into him of the land front of the of the town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, uplands owned and occupledlby1him in the Village of Greenport,in the Town off Southold.County of Suffolk and State of New York; which land so applied for 1s bounded as follows: in the State of New York, a notice of which the Beginning at apointon the line of ordinary high water mark where the waters of Peconte Bay and (sometimes heuplands situate In the Village of Greenport annexed is a printed copy, by handing the salve to meet,said point being on the line between the uplands of Samuel P. Hedges and C. Pliny Brigham,and from which point o1 beginning the and leav inU it with him. tower of the Mnhansett House bears South a forty-three degress.forty-five minutes East, and running thence (the course being magnetic) South eight degrees, five minutes, East, four hundred and fifty feet,thence running at right- angles to above course South eighty-oRe degrees , fifty-five minutes West, forty-one feet; thence running at right angles to last named and parallel to first course North eight degrees five minutes West four hundred and fifty feet;thence again running by ordinary high water mark along the uplands of the said Samuel P. Hedges North eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes East, forty one feet to the point or place of begin Ding and containing by survey Four hundred and twenty-three one thousandths of an acre. The owner or occupant of the upland fronting on the land under water above described is the subscriber,Samuel P.Hedges, the said upland being bounded as follows.viz.:Northerly by the land of Manuel Claudio.Easterly by the land o1 C. Pliny Brigham. Southerly by Peconic Bay, sometimes known as Shelter Island Sound. and Westerly In part by land of Charles H.Tuthill and others.In part by land of said Samuel P.Hedges and Lewis Youngs, in part by land of Hannah M Tuthill.In part byland of Wolf W.Smith.and In part by land of Manuel Claudio, and contain- Ing about one quarter of an acre. The Soundings taken once In each fifty feet on the whole exterior water lines on the land under water above described and applied for.beginning fifty feet from a point on the line of high water mark formed by the intersection of the upland of the said Samuel P.Hedges and the upland of C. Pliny Brigham are as follows,viz.:Five feet,eight feet.ten feet, sixteen feet.twenty feet,twenty- three feet,twenty-Six feet,thirty feet.forty feet, forty feet.thirty feet, twenty-six feet, twenty- three feet,twenty feet, sixteen feet, ten feet, eight feet,and five feet,taken at ordinary high water. Dated Greenport,N.Y.April 8rd.1897. SAMUEL P.HEDGER, Appplicnt. CHARLES R.LYON,Attorney for ADpllcant. - Greenport,N. Y. I I z P 1 I ' L- F SERVICE ON TOWN CLERK. of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says, that on the,. .. . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . .. . . .18 . .'7 he personally served upon. . . . . . ... . . .who was to him personally known to be the Town Clerk of the town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, in the State of New York, a notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, by handing the same to and leaving it with him. Sworn to before me, this. . d. . . da 00.._`... ..107 i AFFIDAVIT OF FREEHOLDERS. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 83. ; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, J and j and. being severally duly sworn, each for himself, says NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GR,4NT OF 1. That he Is afreeholder of the Town of South- LAND UNDER WATER—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Samuel P. Hedges. the Town o Southold SufolktCthe u ty Trustees ai old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and the office of their clerk in the Village of Green- port,in said Town on the 10th,day of May. 1897, at one o'clock in the afte.. of that day for a has no interest in this application. water land be�lowiliigh waterlbto him myarki nlind fr front of ther e 1 1 uplandsGreenport in the Town of Sontho d.County lin in the of 2. That he is acquainted with the lands under Suffolk and State of New York; which land so applied for is bounded as follows: water mark what aere the nt on twaters of Pecone line of lc Bay water described in the annexed notice. (sometimes known as Shelter Inland Sound)and the uplands situate in the Village of Greenport meet,said point being on the line between the uplands of Samuel P. Hedges and C. Pliny 3. That the value of said lands in the opinion Brigham,and from which point of beginning the tower of the Manhansett House bears South forty-three degress.forty-five minutes East, and of deponents is the t opposite our re- running thence (the course being magnetic) p e amounseo 1 p South eight degrees, five minutes. East• four hundred and fifty feet,thence running at right- angles to above course South eighty-one degrees n' es5 ective viz. fifty-five minutes West, forty-one feet; thence h i uat right angles to last tcfirst course North ght f�TmnWest four hundred and fifty feet; by ordinary thence the uplands of the said Samuel P. Hedges North eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes East, forty one feet to the point or place of beginning . . . . . . and containing by survey Four hundred and twenty-three one thousandths of an acre. i�O(!t The owner or occupant ofthe upland fronting tJ/`2? T• r• \ /�/f/�n�� �. �r �/ on the land under water above described is the . . . . . . . . . . . subscriber,Samuel P.Hedges, the said upland being bounded as follows.viz.:Northerly by the land of Manuel Claudio,Easterly by the land of C. Pliny Brigham, Southerly by Peconle Bay, sometimes known as Shelter Island Sound. and Westerly in part by land of Charles H.Tuthill and others,in part by land of said Samuel P.Hedges '+ and Lewis Youngs, In part by land of Hannah M Tuthill,in part by land of Wolf W.Smith.and , In part by land of Manuel Claudio, and contain- ing about one quarter of an acre. The Soundings taken once in each fifty feet on the whole exterior water lines on the land under water above described and applied for.beginning fifty feet from a point on the line of high water mark formed by the intersection of the upland of the said Samuel P.Hedges and the upland of C. C�; Pliny Brigham are as follows,viz.:Five feet,eight feet,ten feet, sixteen feet.twenty feet,twenty- three wentythree feet,twenty-six feet,thirty feet.forty feet, forty feet.thirty feet, twenty-six feet, twenty- three feet,twenty feet, sixteen feet,ten feet, if the lands applied for herein, hereby offers the suns of eight feet,and five feet,taken at ordinary high water. ' Dated Greenport,N.Y.April 3rd.1897. SAMUEL P.HM)GEs, s til eref'or. . Applicant. CNAaLES B.LYON,Attorney for Applicant. Greenport,N. Y. / , FREEHOLDERS. and . . . i��° . i EF and. . . . . . . . . being severally duly sworn, each for himself, says 1. That he is a freeholder of the Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and has no interest in this application. 2. That he is acquainted with the lands under water described in the annexed notice. 3. That the value of said lands in the opinion of deponents is the amount set opposite our re- spective n' es, viz. : Sworn to before me, this. �Q. . . . day of. .�.. 18rJ'7. . e'-- The undersigned, applicant for a grant of the lands applied for herein, hereby offers the sum of . . . . . . . . . . .do s therefor. . . /. . . . . . . . .. •. . e: . . * F i u i AFFIDAVIT OF TWENTY YEARS POSSESSION, ETC. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Wax s4 . . of the Town of Southold, in the Count ofruffolk, Y in the State of New York, being duly sworn, says: 1. That he is well acquainted with the lands of NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF .. . . . . • . . • . • • • • • . •• • . • . • • • • • • . • . . ••• • • • • . . LAND UNDER WATER.—Notice is hereby mends to the undersigned,appicatonso ne Trns eaeeeoi described in the annexed printed notice, and has the Town of Southold,Suffolk County, N. Y. at the office been so for more than twenty years last past. Green- port,to sakid their clerk In the Village of Green-Town on the 10th,day of May, 1897, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day for a ester land b Int,high wattermark inlfront under 2. That the uplands have been more than uplands opwned and occupied iby'him in the Vil yge of Suffolk and Stace of Newin thenYoffrSSk; wh chCland so twenty years last past In the possession of said apppiled for IS bounded as follows: Beginning at apointon the line of ordinary high water mark here the waters of Peconic Bay ,4? ?+c (sometimes knwown as Shelter Island Sound)and the uplands situate in the Village of Greenport meet,said point being on the line between the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . uplands of Samuel P. Hedges and C. Pliny Brigham,and from which point of beginning the tower of the Manbansett House bears South forty-three degrees.forty-flue minutes East, and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . running thence (the course being magnetic) South eight degrees, live minutes, East, four and those under and through whom he now holds hundred and fifty feet,thence running at right- b angles to above course South eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes West, forty-one feet; thence running at right angles to last named course and and claims, and that such possession during the time parallel to first course North eight degrees five gainifahyatth running by ordinary high water aforesaid was aces mpanied by a claim of title and along the uplands of the said Samuel P. Hedges North eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes Bast, forty one feet to the point or place of beginning ownership by and on the part of the said...��a..�..- and containing by survey Four hundred and twenty-three one thousandths of an acre. The owner or occupant of the upland fronting on the land under water above described is the subscriber,Samuel P.Hedges, the said upland being bounded as follows,viz.:Northerly by the . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . land of Manuel Claudio,Easterly by the land of C. Pliny Brigham, Southerly by Peconic Bay, sometimes known as shelter Island sound. and and those under and through whom he now claims Westerly in part by land of Charles H.Tuthill and others.in paand Lewis rt by land of said Samuel P.Hedges M Tuthill.to parrrtt,bylaIn nd of art Wolf W.Smiland of itth.and annah title t0 said premises, andsuch possession and in part by land of Manuel Claudio, and contain- InThe Soundinabout one gs takeuartern once in each fifty feet on claim of title were accompanied by the following the whole exterior water linea on the land under water above described and applied for.beglnning fifty feet from a point on the line of high water acts of ownership and use, viz. mark formed by the intersection of the upland of the said Samuel P.Hedges and the upland of C. Ace- Pliny f,/ e Pliny Brigham are as follows,viz.:Fivefeet,eight .. . .`. . . . . . . . Gtr^o . feet,ten feet. sixteen feet.twenty feet,twenty- three feet,twenty-six feet,thirty feet.forty feet, forty feet.thirty feet, twenty-six feet, twenty- . . . . •• . . .•,, , three feet,twenty feet, sixteen feet,ten feet, eight feet,and live feet,taken at ordinary high water. r. . .. . . Dated Greenport,N.Y.April 3rd.I 7. SAMUEL P.HRDORs, Applicant. . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . CttARLEs S•LYON,Attorney for Applicant. Greenport,N. Y. .. . . ... .. . . . 3. And deponent further says that he has no interest in said premises, or in this application, or in the result thereof. Sworn to before me, this. ./.Q . . C TY YEARS POSSESSION, ETC. 9 ruffolk,of the Town of Southold, in the County of d iin the State of New York, being duly sworn, says: r 1. That he is well ac5,u ntedwiwith the lands of described in the annexed printed notice, and has been so for more than twenty years last past. 2. That the uplands have been more than twenty years last past in the possession of said d�P /'• . .. . . . . and those under and through whoin he now holds and claims, and that such possession during the time aforesaid was acc. mpanied by a claim of title and ownership byand on the part of the said...eS� .�.- r t.P�.. .00 . . ... . . .. . . .. . . . . and those under and through whom he now claims title to said premises, and such possession and claim of title were accompanied by the, following acts of ownership and use, viz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 6-1.1 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . 3. And deponent further says that he has no interest in said premises, or in this application, or Q in the result thereof. Sworn to before me, this. ./� C / day of..()14.4 .. ..1 W7. o �(9 71 i i AFFIDAVIT OF SURVEYOR. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 88. : ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 4%I'/cJ���!llLPt�N. . .. . . . . . . . of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says, that he is a practical surveyor. That he made the maps accompanying the pa- pers in the matter off the application of'.J,.. NCTICE T OF LAND U.DSR WATER.-Nott a IsOR N er by fora grant tint of land mends to make application tomthe Trustees of c >> c the Town of Southold,Suffolk County, N. Y. at under water marked respectively c A and c B," the office of their clerk in the Village of Green- port, reen- L/ /� at one o'clock In thd Town 0ea aM.. of that daof y'for a and signed.�i�IV i!.�A ZZv ,�A�,O P ,X grant in perpetuity to him of the land under war and low high water markhe uplandsowneda doocC piedlby1himlintheVillfront of tage that the said maps are accurate and contain a col•- of Greenport,in the Town off Southold.C=ty of Suffolk and State of New York; which land so appphedforisbounded asfollows: rest description and plan Of the lands under water Beginning at a point on the line of ordinary high water mark where the waterq of Peco Bay (sometimes known as Shelter Inland Sound)and as applied for by Q the uplands situate in the Village of Greenport meet,said point being on the line between the uplands of Samuel P. Hedges and C. Pliny . . Brigham,and from which point of beginning the tower of the Manbansett House bears South forty-three degress.forty-five minutes East, and and also of the adjoining lands of said applicant. running thence (the course being ma8netle) South eight degrees. Hoe minutes. E. tour hundred and fifty feet,thence running at right- That the annexed printed notice contains a col'- 1 angles to above course South eighty-one degrees fifty-ave minutes West, forty-one feet; thence running at right angles to last named course and parallel to first course North eight degrees five rect description (in accordance with said maps) .,f minutes West four hundred and fifty feet;thence again running by ordinary high water mark Said lands under water, the exact courses and dls- along the uplands of the said Samuel P. Hedges North eighty-one degrees fifty-five minutes Fast, fortand ycontalning by surveyint rFourehu aged and tances being given therein in words of fall length. twenty-three one thousandths of an acre. The owner or occupant of the upland fronting on the land under water above described is the That one of said maps, marked "A," A,„ shows subscriber,Samuel P.Hedges, the said upland being d of Manu 1 Claudio Easterly bythelandshe of further the soundings once in fifty feet on the en- C. Pliny Brigham, Southerly by Peconic Bay, sometimes known as Shelter Islad Sound. and Westerly In part by land of Charles H.Tuthill and the exterior line of said lands under water and the others.In part by land of said Samuel P.Hedges and Lewis Youngs, In part by land of Hannah M Tuthill.in part by land of Wolf W.Smith.and particular course of the shore line of the 4_4.0:4�'.-. s. in part by land of Manuel Claudio, and contain- ing about one quarter of an acre. The Soundings taken once in each fifty feet onat the x)1nt.S where the whole exterior water lines on the land under ' • ' ' • '' ' ' . ' '' . . . . . . . . 1 water above described and applied for.beginning fift onthe line of water markfor ed byfeet from apthe intersection of the upland said lands under Water are situated, together with of the said Samuel P.Hedges and the upland of C. Pliny Brigham are as follows,via.:Five feet,eight the lands of the adjoining owners on either side feet.ten feet, sixteen feet.twenty feet,twenty- , three feet,twenty-six feet,thirty feet.forty feet. tteffeh � itxfeet, nft,hrreet,twetyfeesixeenfeet, teeeand all docks, bulk-heads and other improvements eight feet,and five feet,taken at ordinary high water. Dated Greenport,N.Y.April'ird.1897. thereon. SAMUEL pP.HsneEs• CAARLEB R.LYON,Attorney for Applicant nt. That the other of said maps, marked "B,”shows Greenport.N. Y. the general course of said .. . . . . . on both sides of said . . . . . . ... . . .for a distance of one-half mile in each direction from the said lands under water and also the width of Sworn to before me, this. . day of..t4 ..18& ���� 1 '. 1 VIT OF SURVEYOR. i ..� IJV .'I ! .. . . . . . . . of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, being duly sworn, says, that he is a practical surveyor. That he made the maps accompanying the pa- pers inthematter of the application of.s !�.�w•— "_,e_. . for a grant of land under water marked respectively "A" and "B," and signed. AA,. �o�,ti.,,•�y that the said maps are accurate and contain a cor- rect description and plan of the lands under water as applied for by a . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . and also of the adjoining lands of said applicant. That the annexed printed notice contains a cor- rect description (in accordance with said maps) of said lands under water, the exact courses and dis- tances being given therein in words of full length. That one of said maps, marked "A," shows further the soundings once in fifty feet on the en- tire exterior line of said lands under water and the particular course of the shore line of the Q:KeX._. 1 . . . . .. . . . .at. the points where said lands under water are situated, together with the lands of the adjoining owners on either side, and all docks, bulk-heads and other improvements thereon. That the other of said maps, marked "B,"shows the general course of said AIOt . .. . . . . . on both sides of said Z . . .. . . ... . . .for a distance of one-half mile in each direction from the said lands under water and also the width of . 1. .�.r said... ... ... . . .. . .. ... .. . . . - Sworn to before me, this. . day of.. C:�� 5� V ;1 i! i � j //L//moi ` �J►_ ./f i �, /� �j�� G.. �f� //lK� <<���` � R p� IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TO THE Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y., FOR A GRANT OF LAND UNDER WATER. 'r. Dated l' 1897' Attorney f�ppicat I'.