HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Public Hearing NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND 2017 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Preliminary Budget and Preliminary Capital Budget of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York for the fiscal year beginning on January 1, 2017 has been prepared and approved by the Southold Town Board and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, where they are available for inspection and where copies may be obtained by any interested person during business hours. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will meet and review said 2017 Preliminary Budget and 2017 Preliminary Capital Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, in said Town at 4:00 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m., on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, and at such hearing any persons may be heard in favor of or,against the 2017 Preliminary Budget and 2017 Preliminary Capital Budget as compiled, or for or against any item or items therein contained. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law,the following are proposed yearly salaries of members of the Town Board,the Town Clerk and the Superintendent of Highways: SCHEDULE OF SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS (ARTICLE 8 OF TOWN LAW) Officer Supervisor $ 106,506 Members of the Town Board (4) @ $ 35,078 Town Justice and Member of the Town Board, Fishers Island $ 53,492 Town Justices (2) @ $ 71,755 Town Clerk $ 102,624 Superintendent of Highways $ 106,506 Tax Receiver $ 40,041 Assessors (3) @ $ 76,707 Trustees (5) @ $ 19,371 SUMMARY OF TOWN BUDGET 2016 PRELIMINARY Appropriations Less: Less: and Provisions Estimated Unexpended Amount to be Code Fund for Other Uses Revenues Balance Raised by Tax A General $ 30,591,587 $ 4,562,808 $ 2,500,000 $ 23,528,779 B General-Outside Village 2,287,486 1,491,058 590,000 206,428 DB Highway Fund 5,942,010.44 443,580 250,000 5,248,430 CD Community Development 49,165 49,165 - - CM Community Pres. Fund 12,711,500 6,507,500 6,204,000 - CS Risk Retention Fund 542,000 542,000 - - Total-Town $ 52,123,748 $ 13,596,111 $ 9,544,000 $ 28,983,637 DB 1 Orient Rd Improve. Dist $ 3,190 $ - $ 440 $ 2,750 SF E-W Fire Protect. Dist 759,191 285 6,000 752,906 SM Fishers Island Ferry Dist 4,080,900 3,000,250 276,772 803,878 SR Solid Waste Manage. Dist 4,138,507.00 1,902,700 250,000 1,985,807 SS1 Southold Wastewater Dist - - 17,155 (17,155) SS2 Fishers Island Sewer Dist 31,500 31,500 - - F.I. Waste Manage. Dist 614,871 52,150 - 562,721 Orient Mosquito District 88,430 - - 88,430 Subtotal-Special Districts $ 9,716,589 $ 4,986,885 $ 550,367 $ 4,179,337 Orient-East Marion Park $ 54,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ 44,000 District Southold Park District 327,726 - - 327,726 Cutchogue-New Suffolk 140,000 - - 140,000 Park Dist. Mattituck Park District 535,756 34,435 80,930 420,391 Subtotal-Park Districts $ 1,057,482 $ 44,435 $ 80,930 $ 932,117 Fishers Island Fire District $ - $ - $ - $ - Orient Fire District - - - - East Marion Fire District 599,337 89,928 - 509,409 Southold Fire District 1,896,950 24,190 - 13872,760 Cutchogue Fire District 1,389,650 1,000 - 1,388,650 Mattituck Fire District 1,904,854 - - 1,904,854 Subtotal-Fire Districts $ 5,790,791 $ 115,118 $ - $ 5,675,673 Total-All Districts $ 16,564,862 $ 5,146,438 $ 631,297 $ 10,787,127 Grand Totals This Page $ 68,688,610.00 $18,742,549.00 $10,175,297.00 $39,770,764.00 Dated: October 18, 2016 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Neville Town Clerk PLEASE PUBLISH ON NOVEMBER 3,2016, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Attorney Town Board Members Comptroller Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Website STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 21" day of October , 2016, a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York. 2017 Preliminary Budget Public Hearings Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this 21St day of October , 2016. N tary Public LYNDA M.RUDDER Notary Public,State of New York No.01 RU6020932 Qualified in Suffolk Coon Commission Expires March 8110-d #13025 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successfully commencing on the 3rd day of November, 2016. i Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of �. BTINA LVOLINSKII NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No, 01V06105050 Qualified In Suffolk County MV Commission ExPifes ffttyury 28,2020 ° w LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET i a AND 2017 PRELE UNARY CAPITAL BUDGET. , I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Preliminary Budget and Preliminary Capital Budget of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York for the fiscal year beginning on January 1,2017 has been prepared and approved liy the Southold Town Board ! ` and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk authe Southold Town Hall',53095 Main Road,Southola,New York,where they are avail- able for inspection and where copies may be obtained by any interested person during business hours i _ FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will meai and review said 2017 Pre- i lmunary Budget and 2017Prelimmary Capital'Budget and'hold a public hearing thereon at the Southold Town Hall,53095 Main i Road,Southold,New York,in said Town at 4:00 p.m.and at 7:00 pm.,on Wednesday,November 9,2016,and at such hearing any i persons may be heard in favor of or against the 2017 Preliminary-Budget and 2017 Preliminary Capital Budget as-compiled,or for or against any item or items therein-contained. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law,the following are proposed yearly salaries of members of the Town Board,the Town Clerk and the Superintendent of Highways: ; SCHEDULE OF SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS- (ARTICLE 8 OF TOWN LAW), I Officer j Supervisor $ 106,506 - Members of.the Town Board,(4)@ $ 35,078 ' Town Justice and Member of the Town Board,Fishers Island $ ,53,492, Town Justices(2)@ -' - _ ` $ 71,755 Town Clerk $ 102,624 ' f Superintendent of Highways _ $ 106,506 i Tax Receiver, $ 40,041 i Assessors(3)@ ! ' ' $' 76,707 Trustees(5)@ - $- 19,371 SUMMARY OF TOWN BUDGET ) 2016 PRELIMINARY = Code Fund Appropriations Less: -Estimated Less, Unexpended •Amount to be and Provisions Revenues Balance Raised by Tax - t for Other Uses ' ! A - General $30,59i;587 $4,562,808 $2,500,000, $23,528,779 B General-Outside` 2,287,486 1,491,058 590,000 206,428 Village k DB Highway Fund 5,942,010.44 443,580, 250,000- 5,248,430 CD Community- Devel- 49,165 49,165 = = opment - CM " • Community Pres ,. 12,711,500 6,507,500 , _ 6,204,000 - Fund CS, Risk- Retention _. 542,000 542,000 Fund. n Total-Town. _ :, $52,123,748 $13,596,1.11 $9;544,000 $28,983;637 I DB1, Orient Rd Improve. $3,190 $- $440 $2,750 District ; L SF E-W-Fire Prote" 759,191- 285 ' 6,000 752,906 - - - ----- tion-Dist.- SM ion Dist-SM Fishers Island Ferry 4,080,900 i 3,000,250 276,772 803,878 Dist.. i SR Solid Waste Man- 4,138,507.0.0 1,902,700 250,000 1,985,807 I i agement Dist. 'SS1, Southold Wastewa- _ _ 17,155 (17,155) ter Dist. SS2 Fishers Island Sew- _31,500 31,500 - er Dist.,; 4 i F.I.Waste Manage- 614,871 52,150 -562,721 ment Dist.: Orient _Mosquito„ 88,430 88,430 District 'Subtotal-Spe- $9,716,589 $4,986,885 $550,367- $4,179,337 cial Districts j Orient-East Mari- $54,000 $10,000 $- $44,000 on Park District - , - i Southold Park Di.- 327,726 327,726 trict Cutchogue.New -140_,000 140,000 Suffolk Park Dist.' Mattituck Park 535;756_ 34,435 80,930 420,391, , District Subtotal-Park _ $1,057,482 $44,435 $80,930 $932,117 Districts , Fisheis Island,Fire $- $- $, $ P' District Orient Fire District f East Marion Fire 599,337 89,928 509,409 District i Sworn to before me this day of 6 rVOILINISK, NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK NO DIV06105050 Auallfl®d In Suffolk County My Commfsslon EXPlreb f@91991y 28,2020 I - I o LEGAL NOTICE - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2017 PREL AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the PreliminaryBudgRe and Preliminary CAPITAL LUDapEital Budget of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,Newyork for the fiscal year beginning on January 1,2017 has been prepared and approved by the Southold Town Board and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall,53095 Main Road,Southold,New York,where they are Bail- rd able for inspection and where copies maybe obtained by any interested person during business hours FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will meet and review said 2017 Pre- liminary Budget and 2017 Preliminary Capital Budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Southold Town Hall,53095 Main Road,Southold,New York,in said Town at 4:00 p.m,and at 7:00 p.m.,on Wednesday,November 9,2016,and at such hearing any persons may be heard in favor of or against the 2017 Preliminary Budget and 2017 Preliminary Capital Budget as compiled,or for or against any item or items therein contained. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law,the following are proposed yearly salaries of members of the Town Board,the Town Clerk and the Superintendent of Highways- SCHEDULE OF SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS Officer (ARTICLE 8 OF TOWN LAW) Supervisor Members of the Town Board(4)@ $ 106,506 Town Justice and Member of the Town Board,Fishers Island $ 35,078 Town Justices(2)@ $ 53,492 Town Clerk- $ 71,755 Superintendent of Highways $ 102,624 Tax Receiver $ 106,506 Assessors(3)@ $ 40,041 Trustees(5)@ $ 76,707 SUMMARY OF TOWN BUDGET 9,371 2016 PRELIMINARY Code Fund Appropriations Less. Estimated Less: Unexpended Amount to be - - and Provisions Revenues Balance for Other Uses Raised by Tax '°' Genera] - _ $30,591,587 $4,562,808 $2,500,000 B General Outside 2,287486 $23,528,77928 Village 1,491,058 590,000 206,428 DB Highway Fund 5,942,010.44 Devel- 49,165 443,580 250,000 5,248,430 Community opment 49,165 _ CM Community Pres 12,711,500 .Fund 6,507,500 6,204,000 _ CS Risk Retention 542,000 Fund 542,000 Total 'own $52,123,748 $13,596,111 $9,544,000 $28,983,637 DB1 Orient Rd Improve. $3,190 District $- $440 $2,750 SF E-W Fire Protec- tion Dist. 759,191 285 6,000 752,906 SM Fishers Island Ferry 4,080,900 Dist.. 3,000,250 276,772 803,878 SR Solid Waste Man- 4,138,507.00 agement Dist. 1,902,700 250,000 1,985,807 SS1 Southold Wastewa- ter Dist. - 17,155 (17,155) SS2 Fishers Island Sew- 31,500 er Dist. 31,500 FI Waste Manage- 614,871 merit Dist 52,150 562,721 Orient Mosquito 88,430 District 88,430 Subtotal-Spe- cial Districts _ $4,986,885 $550,367 $4,179,337 Orient-East Mari- $54,000 on Park District $10,000 $- $44,000 Southold Park Dis- 327,726 trict _ - 327,726 Cutchogue-New 140,000 Suffolk Park Dist. - 140,000 Mattituck Park535,756 34,435 District 80,930 420,391 Subtotal-Park 4 $1,057, 82 Districts $44,435 $80,930 $932,117 Fishers Island Fire $_ i District $- $- $ Orient Fire District East Marion Fire 599,337 89928 District , 509,409 Southold Fire Dis- 1,896,950 24,190 i trict 1,872,760 Cutchogue Fire 1,389,650 1,000 District 1,388,650 I Mattituck Fire Dis- 1,904,854 trict 1,904,854 Subtotal-Fire $5,790,791 Districts $115,118 $- $5,675,673 I Toft= fis. $16,564,862 tricts $5,146,438 $631,297 $10,787,127 Grand Totals $68,688,610.00 This Page $18,742,549.00 $10,175,297 00 $39,770,764.00 Dated.October 18,2016 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Neville 13025-1T 1113 _ Town Clerk