HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrustees Minute Book 1893-1913 _ 9 1 28 , I �KVUI ILN QV TOWN T1-R 8'Wr 1. III,Beebe, referring to the import- r� ance and growing need of a decision as to the question of the town's tights SOf,IFU�}�=31V-• �� N0 !T14AA ��'!0N;- i Pui•st�ant to call the Board by Town as - -, Trustees met at Village Hall, Green- in lands under water included•within port, on Monday,Jan. 29, at 1 p, in., its patented limits-its,moved the fol--• Rd6polldlria to,L regi ddt ffoirl Ndtary 111r J. B. Terry in the chair and all I lowing •a Reeves of Southold Towrt Trustees, the members present. The Secretary ltesoh ed, That the secretary of,this: Mr.Albert J.Post,clerk of S'odlhamp- �`r= i ead the minutes of the last meeting, B°aid be duccted to draft at petition ton Town Trustees, wrote proposing which,when sullicietrtl signed.. shall be a meetiag at Greenport on TaesJay, i Flo also read correspondence had with siibrnitted-to the Board Sof Town Officers, Ion. ��%m. Rase uiu, r., counsel for , i Feb.6,to talk over the subject`of how 1 asking it r call a special Town_ ul sting to establish the boundary line, be- cisMutual Life IDsuranee Co., own- for the purpose of votini;on the gaestioD cis of the large tract of land known of in appropu.Ltaon to defiav the cost of a tween the two towns. Accordingly. as 1�7assau Poiat, in relutiup to per- sort to detWruline tile on that clay,accompanied by e boundaries of the � - mission to build it brldgo across ' town and its rights in land under water ;H. 31. Howell of 5uuthampton, lie 1 Jalue6 creek so as to form a roadway withitr those boundaries. (came to Greenport and met witlr`➢ir to their propei ty,and stated that the The motion was-seconded by Mr. iReeves and Lawyer Albertson Case at I company desire.l to develop and Latham,and after discussion was 'tire WATCHMAN office. The matter was implove ft-Lid were willing to agree unanimusly '-adopted. discussed in various bearings. It was agreed that no practical ste i could be that a draw 15 feet wide, capable of Tlie Board Ulnen adjourned to meet I �, p'r I I,� + (peratiou by a single mal), should be at the call of the secretary. � Itaken in the absence of definite part of tiie bridge. The Board, au- at, ' H. A.PELVES, au- thority; but a mutual incl earnest de- whlie recognizing the good faith and ------—� --- sire to reach a friendly settlement,if, liberal views of the company and de- one be practicable, was expressed oil sirous of dealing with it in a comes- i both sides. After careful considera- ponding spirit, instructed the secre• ; tion it was decided that a joint meet- tart' to inforin its counsel that Lire' 'ing of the two boards be held at the Botud did Dot feel justified in taking 'Griffin House, Riverhead, on Tues- any deliuite action upon- its applica- day,Pei). 13,at 9 tr„ ni., for the pur- ! I tion until atter- the proper prelimi- pose of further debatiug the question nary steps, including the required it issue and of takiug such action as survey and notieo, had been taken. !may be judged most expedient' to A motion to that effect was unani- ;brine about a speedy determination piously carried. lof the boundary line-111r. Post to The question of having the bound send notices to that effect to members MY line between the towns of South-, of his board and Mr. Reeves to those I ` old and Southampton established and Jof the Southold board. defined, was referred tojDasmuch as, - �-- - aceDrdinn to newspaper reports, the, trustees of the latter town have coo-' sider,ed the subject and directed its ' clerk to look up the facts in the case. Ik The Board, whilo doubtful of the le- gal snfucieney of the two towns to de. I teiiniuc such a matter, of themselves, expressed it strong desire to have-a friendly settlement of the question, and iusttucted the secretary to corn- W11Dlea te to that effect with the trus- �_ _ tees of So_rtharrrpton town. - ff �, ff •