HomeMy WebLinkAboutKAMEN, DEANHENRY P. SMITH, President .JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 November 4, 1987 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Dean Kamen North Dumpling Island c/o 1874 Associates 340 Commercial Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03101 Dear Mr. Kamen: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeting held on October 29, 1987 regarding North Dumpling Island. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees Waiver the need of a Wetland Permit as requested by Dean Kamen to construct a tower with a turbine generator on North Dumpling Island as long as the recommendations from the Coast Guard are adhered to. Please return to any other department or agency which may have jurisdiction in this matter so that ali plans are consistant with all parties concerned. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS: ip cc: Bldg. Dept. Board of Appeals D.E.C., Stony Brook & Albany C.A.C. John Thatcher ~/ file North Dumpling Island October 27, 1987 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Main Road Southold, NH 11971 Attn: Eileen Pfefferling, Clerk Dear Board Members: This letter is in reference to my application to the SouthOld Board of Adjustment for the construction of a tower and wind turbine on North Dumpling Island. Based on an alternate location reco~nended and approved by the U.S. Coast Guard, I hereby request a waiver from the re- quiroment of a Wetland Permit. c/o 1874 Associates 340 Commercial Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03101 (603) 669~9000 EO. Box 292 Noank, Connecticut 06340 (203) 572.9438 HENRY P. SMITH JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III, President John Bednoski,~Jr. ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President TELEPHONE {516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD l~own Hall. 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 January 28, 1988 Mr. John Thatcher, President Fisher Island Conservancy, Inc. P. O. Box 132 Green Village, New Jersey 07935 Re: Dean Kamen Dear Mr. Thatcher: The Southold Town Trustees concern regarding the application of Mr. Dean Kamen is one of it's impact on the surrounding environment, not on it's exact positioning. The Board feels that for safety reasons, we would let the applicant coordinate with the Coast Guard as to exact specifications. The Board also felt that this decision would simplify matters, unfortunately, it has not. Our position is that the Coast Guard, for safety reasons, should dictate the height of the tower and other physical specifications for local navigational safety. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees AK:ip cc: file FISHERS ISLAND CONSERVANCY, INC. BOX 553 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 November 17th, 1987 Sout~.ol~ Term Board of Trustees SoUthold To~ Board of Appeals ~t~ · . Southold, E.Y. I ~ 97t Members of both Boards: In regard to your several iette_~s of Noverr£oer JSth and %~ovember 6th, 1987, to ~. Dean iE~¢zen, I ~,.¢ish to point out the following discrepencies a;ad contradictory instructions given by the Southoid Boards having Jurisdiotio::: "~* ~ '~ ~ .o~n Trustees, in waiving the need for a zae Sou.~o_d Board of ''~ -- wetzan~ permit (a permit ormgmnai~y requested by ~. ~en) gr~uted the waiver, ~as ~en~ as the reoo~vsaendations from the Coast C~ua~d ~r8 am~em ~o." (2) (3) (k) The coast q.~ard, in its letter to ;~.~. ~q~vaen of October 2nd, 1987, inst~,~cted hi*m to build his tower ~. . . to insure that the rotor blades are goove the focal plane of the li~mt at all times~. AS the ''~ ' _ l~g~ ~s listed ~n official naut~ cal charts at 9~ fee~ above sea level, and as ~e rotor blades have a radius of over 11 feet, it would logically appe~ that the engine nacelle of !.~r. Z~men' s wind turbine would'have to be ~. 1.e~s~ 105 feet above sea level (Italics mine). As the varia~ace (alternative relief) granted t~. K~_men by the ~ou~mold ooar~ of Appeals requires ~:That the tower, inclusive of blades, stancions, etc. ngt~ exceed a toBal height at 8~ ~eet above me~n sea level," it is apparent that if M~. lgaen follows the Southold Board of Appeals instructions he ~ll violate the Coast E-uards conditions, t~als is serious enough as it is, but shy flouting of Coast Guard requirements will also violate tlme So~thold Trustees' a~onition (as stated in their letter to Mr. ~men of ~ove~ber ~th, 1987) that they waive the wetland pe~it requirement only if ~e Coast Cuard's instructions are adhered to. Because the inconsistencies and outright contradictions inherent in ~u overview of these several variances and waivers cast grave legal doubt on t~he yalidity of Mr. Ka~en's plans (whichever one he chooses) it is the suggestion of the Fishers Island Conservaney that both the Southold Board of Towua Trust~es and the Southeld Board of Appeals review the entire r~atter jointly not only $o, a) straighten out the inconsistencies and contradictions that obviously d~q exist here, but also to, b) bring their decisions ~d strictures in line with the C~ast G~uards reco~aendations of October 2nd, 1987, -2- Our Conserv~ucy feels that navigational safety is one of the key issues in this whole matte~, and that the Coast Guard (having primary authority and jurisdiction in this ~ea) deserves to have its recommendations given a little more attsntion. As the Conservancy's Chief executive, I would appreciate being info.ed of ~ay remedial action the 8outhold ToWn Trustees and/or the Southold Bo~d of ~ppeals intends to take. gincerely~ John H. Thatcher President. (,3.17) 16500 Mr. Dean Kamem North Dumpling Island cio 1874 Associates 340 Commercial Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03101 Dear Mr. Kamen: As stated in a discussion with ~. Manet of your staff, the Coast Guard objects to the construction of a wind power generator in the propose~ location on North Dumpling IsIand. Construction to the northwest of North Duo, piing Light introduces a possibility that the legs or blades of the to,er will momentarily obscure the signal seen by passing boaters. A mi~int~rpru~a%ien of this signal could lead to a marine accident. We would not object to construction of the wield generator w~tF~n ~;ither ~f two sectors laid out in the enclosure hereto, both 5o tnt Sout:,u.Dst light, provided that the additional provisions noted tetow are rz2%. 2inee r. he majority of vessels navigating Fishers Island Sound pass %o the north of light, it is more desirable to locate any possible oDstruction southw~:-,~ the light, in the sectors indicated, any small obstruction would effect upon the advertised signal due to the fact that' i', wou!,', bt wcl_ the red (danger) sector of the light. ~e edges of a sectored lizht are crxtical to a mariner. ~e arc between the two labeled acceptable for the location Df the :. also stay clear because of the pass between South Duaplind and ?].at, Islands. ?nis pass is n6t marked with ether aids to navigat~r, but it be used by vessels to transit between Fishers Island Sound an,d We.It ~ar~.: on Fishers Island. i recognize that construction within the areas that I have identifie~ require that a somewhat taller tower be u~iiized" to maks~.~in~ t~:~ ~height of the wind generator to ensure that~ the rotor blades are ~bov,: ~mfocal plane of the light at all times. Based upon previous; ~-m':erc:~a~.~.: I understand that you will have no problem with this [ request that all surfaces of the wind generator and tower be cc-,~q:.~:~ wz'~;r~ a non-reflective paint that will eliminatD the possibility of a into the white sector of the light. This statement of non-objection covers only Coast Guard concerns and [~ r:ot to be construed as authorization to begin construction. Any o~her ~r'.,~ztc or waivers that may be required by local, state or federal agencies (~.e., ~otate Department of Environmental Conservation, Federal Aviation Admi~i:tration~ are ~Csgo your responsibility. I request that ~ou inform this office of the l~o~as~c~ that you choose to construct the wind generacor to co:ap!ett ~ay f~le. Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. Should y--~ questions concerning our requirements~ please feel free ~o contact HAYDIN. Enol: Copy: SineereIy, S. L. RSCHr~OND Captain, United States Coast Guar~ Chief, A~ds to ~,~av~at,]on Branch By direction of the First Coast Guard District (1) Plot Plan modified with acceptable secsors wind power generator Gerrard P. Goehringer, Director - Southold ':o,~n :,,.rd s~' /:,;::~!o John H, ~rnatcher Jr., President - ?'~shora Isl~m~ ':o:~: ::.',~.nc, y, ~::,_. Commander, Coast Guard Groap Lon~ Z.slan,~ Sousd Commanding Officer~ USCGC REDWOOD >~L~-~ 685) / J /¢3/. ,/: ' S-2~E~ D~SI:G~ PARC]gl i~ i, .i / ~'~ i~ h '' - -~inga ~' Use :' 900 gallon S.~p~h: t~nk~ 6 c~aso 240U pApe thYoug~¢U~; 'B~k ,r~.