HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1637CREEK Eugenes Creek YOUR ORIGINAL PERMIT NUMBER 1637 BOARD OF TO'tN TRUSTEES Town of Southokl Main Roatt Southoltl, lXTew York 11971 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ICE DAMAGE PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out form below and return to above address. You should have this application approved and returned to you within a week° 1. Applicant's~r~~Name & Address:.~~ ...................... ... 2. Contractor s Names & Address:..~.~.,~:~ ........................... '. 3. The purpose of this application: Redriving or replacing openwork dock or openwork pier piling, and mooring piles, removal of damaged piling, repair, resetting or replacement of floating docks, ramps, or decking, all necessitated by ice and storm damage resulting during 1984~1985--w~nter. SPECIAL C OkrD IT IONS 1. No dredging or filling is permittsd. 2. Repairs to existing structures shall be limited to replacement of timbers without change in design or dimension. 3. No repair or replacement of bulkheads is permitted under this permit. 4. No freshwater or tidal wetlands are to be disturbed under any circumstances. ~5. A yellow permit sign provided by this office shall be displayed on the project at all times while under replacement. 6. Original permit numbers (3'~ hi~h) must be permant!~ displayed on project. (Tear off and return) , certify that the work as authorized in this permit has been completed and is now ready for your inspection. Also, the permit number required on this project is clearly visible. PEP~4IT NU~LBER Sicned - Owner ~.~ :'iCORii:GS A:{D S..~.~o F, UST DiSPL%Y VZ$iSLE "n ..... ~ ALL DC.SiCS AND BUIZ-TH~ADS~,'.iUST DiS~/~%Y ViSi'~LE PEP2.[IT NU:-LBERS uo rd Of Soutnold Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Pursuanf +o ~e provisions o{ Chap+er S15 of' %~e t~ o{ f~e Sfafe oF New '(ark, 1893; and Chaplet 404 o{ fhe Laws of fhe S~afe o{ New Yor~ 1952: and +he Sourno,d Town OrdTnance eh- filled "REC-ULATING AND THE PLACING OF O;STRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PU~,LIC LANDS and fhe RE.MOVAL OF SAND. C-RAVEL OR OTHER MATER;ALSFROM · LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance wffh fha Resolution of The Board ado?ed afa m~efing hel.d on ..J..~.Lv.....~-* .... ~ueiec, fo fha Terms and Condif]ons I]sfed on fhe rever~e side hereof, of Sou~ncL Town Trusfees authorizes and permits fha followmg: Al0plJ_eation ~pproved under "cite Grandfather Clause £or ~ dock oonsJ:ruc%ed over 1~ year~ ag:o~ ~iti¢it It,s been replaced in 1~82. a][ in accordance wli'h fne derailed spe¢if]caflons as presenfed in IN WITNESS t~l~===~= The said Board of lrusfees h:ere- ' by causes ifs Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and +hose' pres%n'h fo besu~scrmeo .... by a ma[orlf¥ of fha said Board as of fh[s date. Grandfather clause Board Of $outhold To vn-Tru S[~S SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~400&I~G NO. N/A PERMIT NO. 1687 ..... ' DATE: ...~ly 5.~.]...~.983 ~, _, eerziEv that the work as author±ze~ in this permit has been completed and is no~e r~edy for you'r ~nspec- rich. Also, the n-umber reuuired on =,.Is pro, eot is clearly visible I further understand this permit is not valid until this tear sheet is re=urned to the Trustees. _~. TERMS and CONDITIONS %'ne Pern'~.~ce Emily Jensen re~idin§ at 360 Oak Street, Cut~hogue, 1N. par~ of ~e co~ideradon for ~ ~ce of ~e P~ d~ ~de~d ~d p~ to ~ fol- lowing: 1. That the Southoid Trustees Permit must be prominently displayed on the oremises effected thereby during the period of 2. ~nat ~e ~d B~g o~ T~s ~d ~ Town of ~u~o~d m ~ed from ~ ~ carnages,' or da~' for dmag~ of ~' arJ~g' ~y or ~dy ~ a r~ o~ ~y a=on ~rfomd p~t to ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pe~=~ wE4 at ~ ~ h=r own defend ~ny ~d ~1 su~ ~ ~ by ~d pa~, and ~e ~d Pe~ ~ ~ ~ the wi~ respect ~re:o, :o ~: ~mpI~e ~cl~ion of ~ ~d of T~e~ of ~e Town o~ ~oldPermit 3. That ~ Pe~ ~ v~d for a ~ o~ ~AA wM~ N ~d~ ~o sufficient ~ r~u~e6 to complete ~e work ~wolv~ but should ~c~c~ ~ r~u~ for ~ e~c~ioa may be ~de to ~e B~d at a later 4. //mt this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as th~ said Pm'mitr~e to maintain the structure or projec~ involved, to prowme ev~ca".ce to anyone concerned that orization was originally obtained. 5. That the work invoh, ed wi.ii be s~bject to the inspection and approval of ~e ]~asd or its agents, and non-compliance ~"ith the provisions of the ori~?atlng ap?licatiot% may be revocation of this Permit by re~otution of tAe said Board. 6. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navi~ation as a result of 'the ~maz_ herein auti~orked. 7. That there shall Le no interference with the right of the FubEc to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water ma~ks. 8.. That L{ futUre operaduns of the Town of Sou~old require r_he' removal and/or in the locatio= of ~e work herdn au~of~ or g, ~ ~e opiN~ of ~e ~o~d of T~e~ work ~h~ ~use u~e=onabte obs~mon to ~ree navigadon, ~e s~d P=~e= ~H ~ u~a. due notice~ to remove or sitar ~is work or projec~ her~in stated ~out ~ to ~e To~ ~f Sou~ol~ · 9. T'nar the said Board will be notified by the Permi=ee ot tl~e completion of rte work oriz¢d. (See tear off sheet.) 10. That the Permit:ee will obtain all other permits and comen= that may be r~uited plementa/ to r_his permit whicA may Ne subj~-~ to revoke upon failure-to obtain same. >]'.' "7'. Town 0£ Southold $outhold, New Xor~-l1971 APPLICATION FOR FIXED and/ar FL03_T!NG DOCKS Tel. ~' 3. Briefly explain the purpose of this application: ........................................................................ ........................ ............. .......... ........ ......... ............................. ~..e..N:~LZ ............. e ~.<~.:~E...,.~&..~5. = ................................................. 4. After issuance of a Permit, work musa be com~!eted within one year, LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area Mop from the Clerk of this Board, snrJ by using a/X V/ITH[N A CIRCLE indicate as closely as passible the IDeation of this deck. On thq_reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High We:tar Mark, the end size of the dock ~nd any supplemental pilings which ~re .needed to hold ~ fleeting d~ck or tie.uo ~ bo~t. Give oil dimensions necessary to determine tee ere~ of the deck surfzce ;.,T!ZCH ~XSSNDS OP~HOP~ from the O. H. W. M. Zf ad~acen~ p~opez~ owners have. docks, specify location and length to scale. 6. Will any portion of this construction extend offshore imo Town ~Vcter5 beyond un line or bounda~ formed by other similar structu'res along the eree's shoreline? YES or NO. If it does extend beyond this so-called dock tine indic~ze by how far, epproximateiy,. ......... 7. Provide tho following documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. '~/¢~(b) .A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Speciflcations.-'-~' ~'~'~"~=~ } Short Environmental Assessment Perm. Wetlands Application 8. il this cons?ructo~ require the FiJJing of any fond offshore of the Ordina%, kJigh Vfater Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water? ¥E5 or rna, If ~ does, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and ~ttcched os part of this opplicafion. 9. In requesting approval of this cpoiicction, I subrrfir the:: the interaction presented harem is true end correct to the best of mu knee, ledge and belief; I ~rn ehe person accountable the performance of the work in accordance with the plgns and resd or om iam~lisr with the provisions of any 5outho[d Town Ordinance pernnen~ to the work involved; and fur:her, J ~ntend to adhere to one ~z~ide by the Te~rns and Can:~[ans of the Permit, when and i~ issued to !0. To expedite finding specific location far inspect/on, ind/cat~ ":'.~'~:%?~'7~~ ~¢~ 2/5 X?~.~ &, ~?r). ~ L. ~ ....... Gore