HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRALTON & OTHERS-DENIED APPEALBoard Of $outhold TOwn Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO .... 3.8.~.5 ..................... DATE: .~.u!¥ ~ 2 ?., ISSUED TO .... .T. homa..~....Q;ralton &. ,g.~.h.e,rs ......................... Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted afa meeting held on .J.~!¥....26 ........ 19._.c).0.., and in consideration of the sum of $ ..... ' ...................... paid by of ........................................................................................ N. Y. and sUbiect to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Grandfather Permit to reconstruct dock located at East Creek off of Stillwater Avenue, as submitted. SCTM #1000-137-4-1 all in accordance with the defai[ed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees h~ere- by causes its Corporate Seal fo be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by'a majority of the said Board as of this date. TERMS and CONDiTiONS The Permitte~ Thomas Gralton resicling at 5220 Stiltwater Avenue. Southold, NY 11971 N. ¥., m parr of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the fol- lowing: 1. That the said Board 'of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages, or claims for damages, of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any ol~- ation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permi~tee will, at bis or her own exl~mse, defend any and all such suits initiated by third parries, and the said Permittee assumes full liabih'~ with respect thereto, ro the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold 2. That thi~ Permit is valid for .a period of mos. which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved, but should circumstances warrant, request for an extension may be made to the Board ar a later date. 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that auth- orization was originally obtained. 4. That .the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application, may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be .no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and Iow water marks. 7. That ff furore operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation, the said Permirtee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That the said Board rill be notified by the Permittee or the completion of the work auth- or[zed. 9. That the Permktee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required sup- plemental to this permit which may be subject To revoke upon failure to obtain same, TRUSTEES John M. Bredetneyer, I~, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert I. Krupski, Jr. John L. B~i~oski, Ir. John B. Tuthill TelePhone (516) 765~ 1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. I-IARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 November 22, 1991 'Thomas Gralton 5220 Stillwater Ave. Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Thomas Gralton and others SC~ ~t000-137-4-1 Dear Mr. Gralton: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees on Thursday, November 14, 1991: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees DENY the amendment request for Permit ~3845 to add a 2'6" X 10' ramp and 4' X 16' float on to existing permitted catwalk. Reasons for the denial include: lack of agreement among 'the parties, concerns that the proposed addition to the structure is larger than the existing structure and the need to have a formal' application to properly review navigation and wetland issues as well as have a formal public record upon which to base a decision in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees JMB: j mt TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, Ill, President Henry P. Smith; Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Ir. John L. Bednoski, Ir. lohn B. TuthilI Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box t179 Southold, New York 11971 September 11, 1991 Thomas Gralton 5220 Stillwater Ave. Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Thomas Gralton SCTM %1000-137-4-1 Dear Mr. Gralton: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at the regular meeting of September 5, 1991: Upon request from the applicant it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees table any action on the above referenced application until the November 14, 1991 regular meeting. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, Iii President, Board' of Trustees JMB:jmt TRUSTEES Iohn M. Bredemeyer, llI, President Hex~ P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Jr. John L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (5 !6) 765o1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES 'TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ' SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York' 11971 August 2, 1991 Thomas P. Gralton 5220 Stillwater Ave. Cutchogue, NY 1t9'35 Re: Amendment of Permit No. -3845 Dear Mr~ Gralton: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeting held on August l, 1991 regarding your request to amend the above permit. RESOLVED that the Town Trustees Table the request of Thomas Gratton to amend permit number 3845 for 14 days to gather more information. As a result of concerns raised after that meeting, I have concluded that the measure to provide for a decision outside the context of the regular meeting is inappropriate and possibly illegal. Consequently, the Board will again consider this matter at our September 5, 1991 meeting~ Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees JMB:jmt cc: CAC Bldg. Dep't. Gregory J. Blass TRUSTEES' John M. Bredemeyer, Iit, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Kmpski, Jr. John L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box t 179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-t823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 April 9~ 1991 Thomas Gralton 5220 Stitlwater Ave. Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Grandfather Permit #3845 SCTM 81000-137-4-1 Dear Mr~ Gralton: In answer to your question, the Southold Town Board of Trustees has issued Grandfather applications on a case by case basis as of the effective date of Chapter 97, of the Southold Town Code. Any structures that were built prior to wetlands, Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code which was adopted June 29, 1971 and satisfactorily proven to the Board will receive a Grandfather permit. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. rety, John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees JMB: 3 mt TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Ir. John L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 May 7, 1991 Thomas P. Gralton 5220 Stillwater Ave. Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: SCTM ~1000-137-4-1 Dear Mr. Gralton: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees on Thursday, May 2, 1991: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees approves the amendment to permit 93845 to amend dock as per NYSDEC request as shown on survey dated as received May t, 1991. Please note all terms and conditions of the permit still exist. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees JMB:jmt TOWN OF SOU?HOU 595 West End Avenue ~ew - J' Yoz~, N.Y, 10024 November 11, i~ ~ Mr. John M. Bredemeyer~ III $outhoid Town Board of Trustees Town Hall $3095 Main Road P.O Box ~ ~ Southold~ N.Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Bredemeyer: ! am writing'to you in regard to the application for a permit to add a floating dock as submitted by Tom Gra!ton of Cutchogue~ Unfortunately~ neither my husband nor i can attend the upcomil~g Board of Trustees meeting, However~ i would like to state that. we are in favor of said application~ As the owners of a home located at 4225 Pequash Avenue in Cutchogue~ we have deeded rights to and pay taxes on the property for wLich application is being made. The present doek~ built in accordance with ali appropriate permits~ is often too high above ~Le ~=oa_er would greatly improve ~ water to allow safe access, A ~ + ~ ' access ~ would allow ~=~ dock to be equally useful to a~l~ households with deeded rights. Tha.~k you for your ~o~s~d~.=a~zon, Sincerely, Barbara G~ Dworkowitz TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Jr. John L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (5t6) 765-1800 July 27, 1990 Thomas P. Gralton .5220 Stillwater Ave. Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Grandfather Application for Property at SCTM 91000-137-4-1 Dear Mr. Gralton: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees on Thursday, July 26, 1990: RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approve the request for a Grandfather application to re-construct a dock as submitted. Property located on Stiltwater Avenue. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. V~ ~ruly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees JMB:jmt TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Kmpski, Jr. John L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN' OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O.' Box t 179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1'800 GRANDFATHER APPLICATION t. Name 2. Mailing address: 5'~ ~) 7Z' 3. Address of Property: Tax Map Number: 1000- t 3 7-~'k/ Approx.yr.of construct: Prior owner if known: Diagram included of existing structures, including with th~appl~catio~ k - ', ' all dimensions~ must be Indicate on attached map: Location, xe; reference point, telephone pole nun~ber, adjacent proper~ty owners, etc. ~_L--T~,~,~/ Signature of applicant: _,~.~~ '~.~~ Date: Please note, there is a one time fee of $50.00 for filing this application.