HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOOSE BAY CIVIC ASSOC. INC.E3OARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN O Fg~-~ OUTHOLD []UFFOLK GDUN?Y NEW YORK May 3, 1972 Goose Bay Civic Associationf Inc. Goose Bay Estates Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: We have assigned mooring ~11 to Jerome B. Lewin, 875 Oak Avenue, Goose Bay Estates, Southold, New York. This mooring was previously assiqned to Karl Ahlberg but we understand he is no longer using same. Very truly yours, Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Southold Town Trustees Ti~m lett~ is- to pu~ on tim re~or~ that 1%971 July 26th, 1972 Board of Trustees Tow~ of $outhotd Suffolk County, N.Y. Atten: }~o Alvah Goldsmith, Cb~irman Subject: Permit #548 ~#546 -#458 Dear ~. Goldsmith: I ~m sure that the present Board of Trustees and your secretary are well aware of the pe~uiiarities in the deeds of all Goose Bay Estates property in regard to the'use of the waterfront ~ecia!ly in regard to the issuing of stakes, docks and mooring permits. ~n the naturall~ co~-rse of events the personr~el of your Board and Secretary will change and these details may have a tendency to become lost in the mass of the minutes of your general meetings. I ~ concerned that there is nothing in the record of the individual mooring permits ~Do~t this situation. For this reason I t~ve sent the enclose~ separate letters in duplicate and ask that they are each made a part of the specific permits for stakes in front of my property. ~ would appreciate a letter from the Board confirming that this has been done~ Box 455 Southoid~N.Y. 11971 ~c~Respectfuity, / ~ Frard~ G. ~iund!ey / RE)ARD OF TOi.W~ N TRUSTEES TDWN OF SOUTHFILD -~ U FFrl LK DC)U N TY NEW YnR K Mr. Frank G. Hundley P. O. Box 455 Southold, New York 11971 September 15, 1972 Dear Mr. Hundley: Thank you for your letter of July 26, 1972 with which you enclosed letters of consent for moorings in front of your propersy'for the follow- ing individuals: ~546 - Otto Macomber - 5/26/69, ~548 - Andrew Lutkowski - 5/26/69, and ~458 - Alfred Weimann - 4/1/68. As ~specified in your letters, the permits issued are for the specific individuals, and not 5ransferable, will no~ pass ~o futurer owners of the permitee's property, nor is binding on any future owner of your waterfront property (lots 168-171, Goose Bay Estates). Your letters have been placed in the files of Mr. Macomber, Mr. ,Lutkowski, and Mr. Weimann, as well as a copy of this letter. Very truly yours, Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Town Trustees June I2, 1969 ~arold Schwerdt, ~resi~ent Goose Bay CivicAssociation0 Goose Bay Estates Southol~, LoI., N.Y. 11971 D~ar Mr. Schwerdt~ The Southold Town Trustees have the following on file in ~he Tow~ Clerk's Office in re~tion to the mooring stakes and dock per.its locate~ in Goose Creek in front of the Estates= I. A list of the numbers of the stakes as shown on the prepare~ map with the name of the person given permits for use of each stake. 2. A copy of the permit issued to each applicant. 3. A map with the name of the party written in beside the number of the mooring. Any of this info~nation is open for inspection. Very truly yours, Southold Town Marion A. Regent, Sec. I a~- ?ran!~ H~r~di~.y, -a propert~ o~er~ in the Goose Bay Estates sactlor~ of ~3outhoid. i a~ also tb~ Secrata~ of the Goose Bay ~i-~ic Z~ssoc.~ I~ au~ appear before you a'c ~e raouest of the Board of Directors of t~t Associatiom to pra~ent ,to the Board o~Z Trustees o~ u~.derstamdi~g ok the deeded ri~hts of ov~uarship i~ raga.rd to the waterfront of Goose Bay Estates i~ relation to the To~ Ordi~a~ca s~. moorim~ stakes~k. d0cks~ i ~ not a t~ryer but what- i have to saM. is our inte~ratatiom of legal op~r~ions which have beam gixzam om this GooSe Bay Esthetes.is a sub-dix?isiom accordiu~ to Suffolk ~unty ~i!76 ~h~ch was filed ~r_ 19~4. This sm~!l map that I ha~ to you shows the shapa~ size a~d ga~_arai location of this sub~di~zision. A~iI of the roads~ e~zcept Cedar ~e. are ~ri~-ate roads amd are maintai'aed by the Droperty ovmars ~.~o are me, bars of the ~ssoci. ation. You will mote tbm. t tla~ ~p ~%~s a beach alomg the e~_t~e waterfront. O Tb~ filed mad specifica~y sh~s a width of 48 feat for this beach. ~:, typical watarfro~%t deed cor~veys a~ rZ~ht title and interest the seller im the land in fror. t of the deeded proF~rty to the mean high ~atar line of Goose ~eek a~d the ]m~s m~dar ~he sa~.e~ sub,eot to the right of other ~nars of plots or~ the ~p to pass o%~er au.d usa the ~ t%~'ic~, nor~-~-~aterf~nt dead co~:~eys~ as ~es the typichl waterfront deed~ the right to use for all reaso~b!e purposes all the lamd lyir_g fromt of all watarfro~.t iots~ the righ~ to ba ia co~on with oZher plot The Goose Bay Oi~ic ~%ss~ Ir~was iD. corporated iD. 1949 and its priory pump~e was to mair~ts/n the pri-~ate roads~ tbm beach ar~d tb~ water- way in front of the beach. I~$~rshi~ in this ~ssociatio~a is ~v-otuntary so tb~ as is usu~al!y tbm ease~ so~.e of t~ prore~ty ~r~rs ~e not me~Joers~ z~t preaer~t out of 'kb~ 52 propemty o~ers~ 54 are ~.e~fDers which is The zZ~ssociatior- does ~ct own any proparty~because of this ~' the p8~,{-e - 2 Association has no standing to eD£orce the deed provisions~ It can only recommep~d a course of action and use persuasion to accon~tish ~nat it has recomRended. The S~ssociatiou b~s racaut!y redradged a boating ch~naI and ras~faced the b&sch of 48 feet w~ch is sh~u on the map. Aeparently ~2ais b~s prompted m~.~ of the pro~r~ av,~ers to make app~icaticn to the 3oarc[ of Y~ustees for permits for moorings~ ~cks~ stakes~ ~et~ies~ etc. an~ ~a ur~derstand tb~.t about 20 arein process~ some of ~d~ich have bean partially or %~hoi!y aDprovad~ ~' ~ ~ ~ xrustees to give ~ ' rights of all of tnt ~aterfront a'nd ~f %zaterfront Droper~ ovmers as ~ve oresep~ted them~ The ~robiem as it appears to us is tln~ intez~Tetation of the ~}hrase ~'Reasonab!e Use': ~.inich ~curs in ail of the d~ds and. in the belief that it %7i!i help the T~Jestees in their ~nsidePation of the various applications I offe{~ tb~se First~ the beach au~ '~,~aterfront is for the use of bathers and those ~zho just like to ~?alk~ as well as' for boating apJ fishing~ and it ~ould not be reasonable to clutter up the beach ~th mooring stakes or docks jetties every fev~ feet~ 8econd~ again~ in recognition of the use of th.e beach f~ it ~-~ouid not be reasou~ble to pe~aeit the' m~ring of .boats to stakes t~.t are parallel to the beach if tb~-moeriD~ is so close to the beach that it interfa~es ~ith its use for bathing pu~oses~ Thi~.~ at t~ east end of the beach rna ~ate~ay is n~o%z apg it would not be reascuab!e to moor .boats in ~ach a manp~e~ thatt~e~- ~ %~uld interfere ~ith ~- ~- o of an accident, ~e passage of other boats arrl per, eps. be the c=us= Fourth ~ at present there ate 52 property ov~ers~ all cf }~%om ~ve an equal right to use tb~ beach. -It vDuid not be reasonable to issue oermits for more than o moorio~s to any ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~-o~e_ ~v o~_er or i dock and 2 moorings =~ u~ any ~aterf~'n~ proart' cvz~r~ i ~gggest t~m~t there are v~ous alternatives to granting the cations for moorim.~s as they-, no%z stand: Allocate ~r{_~ sites at s~ecified ~ ~ a77 zoc ...... ohs for __ prooerty First Second ~ermzt =he .~ssociation to erect-a mooring dock at the end of Cedar Ave~ for the use of ,off-~vaterfront ovmers~ ?bird - Establish a m~ximum !ene~th~ ~ b~t for which an onshore' - mooring ~rr~it wi]~ be iss~d~ also establish a minim~ tater~al sDaci~l~ b et~eem, moor lm~ s. Of these suggestions~ th~ sim~olest g~d least e~ensive is the To ~!l~e~te moorin~ siees at ~ezzLo l~a~ions~ ~azs ~zouid be easy ~o do if~ end that is ~ bi~ if~ if ~iI of ~ne ~erfront o~aers would ~E~e ~ost~racticei ~nd-probably the most ~cceptabie ~u~e' ~ ~ be the erection of a m~o~ ~n~ dock at end of Oedar ~ve. but at'this ti~ i do not ~-~.nc~z- if the Ass~iation %~uld a~ree to assumzn~_ ~bm~ cost oz~ such a pro jeer. In via~ of ~ ~3aat b~.s been presented to yo~ this evening ~ze m~ke the follo?zin~ s~ecific request to the ~'z~st~es~: First ~ Give ~oese~ Bay- Givic Assoc~ Inc. the right to erect a moorlng' ~ock at the end of ~ ~ ~ _u ~ats if ~ne Geeai =circ.:cop the use of possibly ~ ~: a~ees snzp ~to t!~ expe~e~ Second - Give the ~ss~iation an opportunity to come up %~ith a re~endation for~oc ~ etlon of mco~in~s. ..... ~ird - Establish a m~m length ~ boat for x~hich on shore mooring% ~=i be iss~d~ ~its ~ ' ~ ~e s~re avTare tpau-t~e 3'~!sa_ction ~ the T~stees is =zm~tee to t~ ~n high v~ater ma~ but in this case it is immossible to !~no_e the - 6 - th.e affect of tl:e Board's action on the rig%ts of the various t_~s reas6r~ wa ask your· coo~,e_, n ~a~z~n~-~ in this ~atter~ pro.Fry owners and for h< ~auk you for listening. N ,% TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ................................ 19 ..... Application No ................... Approved ............................................. Permit No ............................. Disapproved a/c ............................................................................................. ...................................................... chairman, Board of Trustees APPLICATION FOR PERMIT A. This application to be completely filled in by typewriter or in inl< and submitted to the Town Trustees in dur,- licate. B. Plot plan showing location of lot and buildings on premises, relation to adioining premises, public streets, parks. etm. and giving detailed description of proposed layout of project must be drawn on diagram which is part of this application. C. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before the issuance of a permit. D. Upon approval of this application, Town Trustees will issue a perm~ ro applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises and available for inspection at all times. E. Applicant shall notify the Board of Trustees upon compjetion of the work covered by permit. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the laws, Ordinances and regulations governing construction of: docks, piers, bulkheads, jettys and dredging in, under, and over the waters of Town of Southo}d. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and conditions specified by said trustees, and to bold ehe Town of Southold, and all Town officials free from liability and damages of any kind. T. Randolph Bruckner & Emma ~. Bru0kner Name of Owner of Premises ............... . ....................................... ~. ............................ Stree~t Address of Property . ~.0.0~..~..e.a.~p.. fi{ .i.v. ?. .......................................................... Home Address If Other Than Location .¢.8.~..B..r.O..8~?.~.y. ,..2~r~.e..~.~.,..o.e.,..~.e.~.. fi.orE. ................... Creek. Bay or Harbor Fronting Property . .O.O..O.$.~...B..8~. ........................................................ Permits Requested To: . .~.0..O?..i.~.~..~.~?.r..~.J:..~ ............................................................. Size of Proposed Work: Length ................ Width ............ Heighth Above High Water .............. Depth Below Low- Water .............. Average Rise In Tide .............. Yards to Be Excava'ted ............ ~v'idth of Canal, Creek or Bay Fronting Property ........................ Depth at Low Tide .................. Is This For Private or Business Use ? .~.~.r.~.y?.~..~. ............................. Area Zoning .................... Complete plot plan to be drawn on reverse side of this application. William Buhler, holder of ~oor[ng permit #-~ do hereby relinquish r~y ownership of said mooring and request the grausfer of mooring to T. ~andotph Br~ckner. (! have recently sold my property w[tt no longer need a moor[nE for my boat. ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) )s.s. ~COUNTY OF ) ¢i' fli[arn Buhler ............................. being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above descrlbe~l permit, and ~chat all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in the application and as approved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. and the applicant agrees to hold 'the To~vn of Southold and said trustees harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit. (applicant) Sworn to before me this ................ day of ........................ t9 ...... Notary public ............................................................. County of ....................... 6~ ~9 ' ss'-