HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDSMITH, ALVAH B. THIS IND~i~T~ made in duplic~t~ th~ ~ ~ day ~f DeC~mbe~. 9~4, b~tw~*n th~ , in the, Oo~ty of a majority ~ th~ Be~d ~f T~ustees ~ ~ald To~ of ~outhold at meeting held p~t to notice duly ~v~n to all th~ mam.be~$ thereof ~n t~ 13th day of ~ebru~, 1940, p~ty ~ the ~i~st pa~t: ~ ef Seuthold~ Suffolk Ce~ty~ N~w York~ party of the second par~, W~TN~ETE, thmt Sh~ p~y ~ th~ first p~t i~ conziderm~i~n of th~ s~ of ~ ($ /~ ) DO~S and l~gal exp~sea to maid Town duly paid b~fo~. ~ deiiv~y h~r~e~ doth he~y ~ant~ b~galn, sell and ~lease ~to th~ said pa~$y of the second part~ hem he~s and ~ssi~ for~ver, A~ that certain t~t or p~cel of l~d ~der of New Yo~k, ~d be~ud~d ~d described as f~llows:~ ~I4E4ING at a po~t on the southwesterly lln~ of HobOS Avenue, ~0~ f~t n~thwe~te~ly along said i~ fro~ th~ w~s~l~ T l~e of e~ry ~ r~n~g ~hen~e in a genenal southmrly di~eetlo~ along ordin~y high water m~k of To~ Greek, 3%0 ~t~ ~e or l~ t~ ~ point lOC fees w~sterly f~om the westerly line ~ s~id p~allel $o said westerly l~e of Te~ry L~e, S. 21° 32~ W~ 70 westerly line of H~b~'t Avenue measur.d on a tin~ parallel to ~d 100 f.e~ westerly from said WeSterly lin~ eF Terry L~e~ thence 47° 08~ 20~ W. 200~22 f~t t~ l~ ~der wa~e~ conveyed by the par~y oi~ the float pa~t to Alv~h B~ Gold~ith~ then¢~ along last de~C~i'b.d l~nd. N~ 38~ 31~ 20~ ~ 323~40 f~et to the p~int of ~0~PTING ~D BE~NG ~ the ~mid Town ~ Southold. the f~ll ~d ~ ~ight. liberty ~d p~ivileg~ ~ ~te~i~ mpon ~d umi~g a~ o~ ~uy p~t of the above d~sc~ib~d p~e~s ~ ~ la~l ~pli~d to ~ p~pos~ ~f ~h~ beneficial enjo~e~ ~ th~ z~e the said J~etSe G~lds~th. her heirs ~d assigns, by filling ~u~ Sheme p~esent~ ~e upon the ~xpress condition that the said J~uette Goldsmith~ ~ heirs ~d aSsi~s~ shall not two ye~$ ~om the date ~eof actmally mpp~p~iat~ ~d ~pply the ahoy, ~sc~ibed p~mises to tD~ p~po~e of ~h, b~fiCial enjo~n~ thereof by the ~oPesald filing ~ ~d g~a~ing or by the erection p~es~nt~ ~d ~v~ryShing h~ cont~ned ~ha~ c~a~e, te~nat~ and b~ome w~id~ ~d thin,aid pre~Sem Shall ~iat~ly ~ve~t to the ~id To~ o~ IN Wi~$ ~HE~. th~ ~aid Town of Southold has h~oonte ~so the ~aid J~et~ ~oldsmith~ hms h~e~o set her ha~d and ac~wt~ged~ h~ ~e~ ~ d~$ h~by ~t un~e ~e ~ai~ the public ~i~ ~f navigation and p~y of th~ second p~ will ~id tbs ~tly ~o~ ~o ~ who ~ei~ ~y ~ duly THiS PERMIT made in duplicate, thc =~a~-~ day of ~ 19%k.~ between TON (F SOUTHOL~D~ in tine County of Suffolk and State of New ¥ork~ by a ~majority of its duly elected Trustees and by virtue of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New ]fork~ passed in 1893~ and pursuant to a written resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town af Southold, at a meetin~ held pursuant to notice duly given to all ~e mercers thereof~ on the ~LS-' day of ~ ~ 19~4~ party of the first ps-~t~ and MIRI~2~ B. GOLD__~MITH~ party of the second part, WITNE~SETH, the party of the first part in consideration of the sum~ of $ ~'-. ~ ~ duly paid to the paz~ty of the first part~ before t~he delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby duly ack= nowledged~ has granted and does hereby grant unto the said party of the sscond part~ her heirs and assig~us~ forever~ permission to erect a dock on the easterly side of Great Island~ Lo~ Creek (~shs~momoque Fond) at Southold~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York~ approximately 40 feet from low water mark~ Subject~ however~ to thc public ri~.t of navigation and sub~ ject to thc right of the public to pass and repass along that portion of the beach between low and high water mark. On condition. mowever~ that the party of t'he second part will hold the said 2rustees and the Town of SoUthold harmless and free from any and 'mall damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said erection~ IN WITNES~ WHER, EOF, the said Town of Southold~ party of the first part, has by a vote of a majority of' the Board of Trustees of said Town~ caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed~ and those presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board of Truste~s~ ;:bho day and year above written° STATE OF N~ YORK ) C0~TY OF SUFFOLK ) 0nthis~ day of ~ 19~4~ before m~ personally came ~MONS DE~N~ of Gresnport~ N~Y~ L~ F. TUTHILL~ of Orient~ N.Y. ~ ~VAH B. GO~SMI~ ~ Southold~ N~Y. ~ JO~ McNULTT~ of Laurel, N.Y~ ~d FRANK ~WSON~ of New S~folk~ N.Y. ~ all personall~ ~own to me~ who being by me duly sworn~ severally said that they each resided in the To~ ~of Southold, Co~uty of Suffolk ~nd State of N~w York~ and w~re members of the Board of Trustees of said To~ of Southold and constituted a majority of the same~ ~at th~y$ knew the corporat~ seal of said Town of Southold~ that .~ho seal ~m~fixod to th~ foregoing instrument was such corporate seal~ ~at it was affixed thereunto by order of th~ Board of Trust~es of said Town of Southold and that oach one signed his name thereto as a Trustee and by like order~ Notary P~olic~ Suffolk Co~ty~ ) STAT~~ OF N~ YORK ~ who b~ bY me eaeh severally duly ~worn, maid each f~m that he. r~ded in %he'mai~ Town ef ~outhold a~d tha~ h~ was o~ o~ the Bo~d ef T~tee~ of said ~O~ '~hat h~ew the co.craSs the~to by like order as on~ of ~he T~umte~s of said Town. STAT~ OF MEW YOMJ~ ) S~. ~ COUNTY 0~' ~UFFOLE } On the day ~f Dec~mbe~. 195~, before me pemmonally and scOw!edged that sh~ ~x~cuted the IN T~ MAT~ER OF TP,~ A?PLTCATiON OF FOR Per~issien to e~e~t a dock TO T~ TOWN TRUSSES OF Tz~ TO~'C~ 'OF SOu~i'~OL~. Ti~ U!ZDERS!GI~SD DOE8 i~PSBY REQ~ST Pi{D}~ ~[hz~ o~6~Umm'~T~ TO!fi'} m~TT~8~ (a) permission ~o dredge (b) permission to erect a aoc~ (c) a grant of land under water And~ T~Z U~{D~ISIGi~ DOES !~DY AGREE to hold the said Trustees and the Town of Somthold harmless and free from any e~ud al! dss~ages and claims~_-s~no~ ~' ~ under or by virtue o~ o~.md~' COU_~'£ OF SUFFOLX~) SS: On the 1~% day of ~a~ ~ 19 55 ~ before me persoi~!y came so me known and known to me %0 be the individual ctescribed in and ~,~'io executed the forego2ng instrument~ and duly ack::owledged to me that ~ e:~ecuted the ssme. Term Expir~ ~ ~O~ ~......~ I~T T~, MATER OF TP~ APPLICATION OF TO TBS.'. TOWN TRUSTEES OF ~"~z~ T0'~: OF SOUr.2HOi~ : T~ U~ZDERSIGNED DOES i-~BY ~QL~ST FRDM ~-~ SOUTHOLD TOUN TRUSSES (a) permission to dredge (c) a grant of land unde~ wate: And~ T~ U!'~DV~RSIGI'~.~iD DOES ~-~REBY AGREE to hold the said the Town of Southold heir,s!ess and free from any and all dsmages and claims arising under or by virtue of said COU~U OF SUFFOLK~) SS: to me knoun and kno~m 5o me -co be the indi~iduai described in and executed the foregoing instrument~ and duly acknowledged to me that e:ecuted the sam. e, notary Pub!ic~ Suffolk eo~.,nty~ N.i.