HomeMy WebLinkAboutCapital Budget Adopted 2017 CAPITAL BUDGET o��S�fFO(��oG o N Z Town of Southold in County of Suffolk Villages within or partly within the Town of Southold: Village of Greenport CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, certify that the following is a true and correct copy of the 2017 Capital Budget of the Town of Southold as adopted by the Town Board on the 15'h day of November, 2016 Signed Dated Capital --Adopted 11/10/2016,9:11 AM Town of Southold Three Year Capital Improvement Plan For Fiscal Years Ending 2017 through 2019 F F F n n n a, a a n n n Proposed c Proposed c Proposed c Projects wi Projectsn Projects „. General lFund Whole Town' Dept. --2017 g ._2018 g 2015 "g I-Tax Receiver Collection System Upgrade IT 11,000 A Personal Computers, Laptops, Printers IT 9,400 A Town Hall Telephone System IT 31,000 D Firewalls IT 120,000 D (2) Ford Escapes Central 52,000 A 54,000 A 56,000 A (1) Ford Escape Aging 26,000 A (1) Ford Ford W450 Bus with Handicap Lift Aging 65,000 A Pike Street Parking Lot Drainage Basins DPW 16,000 A Town Beach & Gull Pond Swings DPW 10,862 P Town Hall Windows DPW 24,000 A (1) 2017 Dodge 2500 Truck & Plow DPW 33,500 A Park Benches DPW 6,000 P Cochran Park Bathrooms DPW 50,000 P PD Headquarters Expansion Study PD 20,000 A Restore Early Town Records TCLERK 5,500 A Environmental Cleanup to Town Hall Baseme TCLERK 250,000 D Fire Records Vault TCLERK 50,000 D Total General Fund Whole Town 689,262 145,OOQ 56,000 Highway Fund Management Vehicle HWY 27,000 A Road Resurfacing HWY 1,000,000 A Road Resurfacing HWY 1,000,000 D Road Resurfacing (CHIPS) HWY J 422,000 G Total Highway Fund 2,449,000 - - GRAND TOTALS 3,138,262 145,000 56,000 Adopted S.Wccountmg\Comptroller\Budget\2017 Capital.xlsx 2017 Capital Budget Capital--Adopted 11/10/2016,9:11 AM Town of Southold Three Year Capital Improvement Plan For Fiscal Years Ending 2017 through 2019 Summary F F F n n n a. a a n n n ., Proposed r c ' . Proposed Proposed -Projects ,; Projects Projects n General Fund Whole Town Dept. 2017 g 2018 g T 2019' 9 Appropriations 171,400 A 145,000 A 56,000 A Debt 451,000 D - D - D Park & Plaground 66,862 P - P - P Total General Fund Whole Town 689,262 145,000 56,000 Highway Fund Appropriations 1,027,000 A - A - A Debt 1,000,000 D - D - D Grants 422,000 G - G - G Total Highway Fund 2,449,000 - - Flnancing Sources Appropriations 1,198,400 A 145,000 A 56,000 A Debt 1,451,000 D - D - D Park & Playground 66,862 P - O - O Grants 422,000 G - G - G Totals 3,138,262 145,000 56,000 Adopted S:Wccountmg\Comptroller\Budget\2017 Capital.xlsx 2017 Capital Budget