HomeMy WebLinkAboutTax Statistics 2017 Tax Statistics
2017 Tentative Assessed Values Per Assessors
Assessed Valuations Amount Percentage
Fund For 2016 For 2Q17 Change Change
Whole Town 107,927,842 108,292,417 364,575 0.34%
Whole Town Pro-rata receivable's 112,646 94,949 (17,697) -15.71%
Part Town 102,985,841 103,274,212 288,371 0.28%
Solid Waste District 103,831,083 103,903,251 72,168 0.07%
Wastewater Disposal District 97,120,841 97,101,688 (19,153) -0.02%
2016 Apprgp
Per Revised 2017 Amount Percentage
Fund Budget Approp Change Change
General Fund Whole Town 30,729,510 31,507,139 777,629 2.53%
General Fund Part Town 2,312,486 2,431,782 119,296 5.16%
Highway Fund 6,521,137 6,109,385 (411,752) -6.31%
Community Development - 30,000 30,000 N/A
Solid Waste District 4,198,742 3,991,177 (207,565) -4.94%
Wastewater District - - - N/A
Total Appropriations 43,761,875 44,069,483 307,608 0.70%
2016 2017 Amount Percentage
Fund Taxes Taxes Change Chane
General Fund Whole Town 23,991,479 25,530,030 1,538,551 6.41%
General Fund Part Town 481,428 775,754 294,326 61.14%
Highway Fund 5,260,430 6,080,110 819,680 15.58%
Solid Waste District 1,987,807 1,813,927 (173,880) -8.75%
Wastewater District - (18,168) (18,168) N/A
Total Taxes 31,721,144 34,181,653 2,460,509 7.76%
Tax Rate
2016 2017 Amount Percentage
Fund Tax Rate Tax Rate Change Change
General Fund Whole Town 221.249 234.874 13.625 6.16%
General Fund Part Town 4.675 7.512 2.837 60.68%
Highway Fund 51.080 58 873 7.793 15.26%
Solid Waste District 19.140 17.458 (1.682) -8.79%
Wastewater District - (0.187) (0.187) N/A
Total Tax Rate 296.144 318.530 22.386 7.56%
Adopted 2017 Budget workpaper.xlsx 11/10/2016, 9:16 AM
Per Revised 2017 Amount Percentage
Fund Budget Revenues Change Change
General Fund Whole Town 4,632,282 4,602,109 (30,173) -0.65%
General Fund Part Town 1,491,058 1,521,028 29,970 2.01%
Highway Fund 1,004,875 29,275 (975,600) -97.09%
Community Development - 30,000 30,000 N/A
Solid Waste District 1,958,700 1,937,250 (21,450) -1.10%
Wastewater District - - - N/A
Total Revenues 9,086,915 8,119,662 (967,253) -10.64%
Appropriated Fund Balance
2016 APP FB
Per Revised 2017 Amount Percentage
Fund Budget APP FB Change Change
General Fund Whole Town 2,105,749 1,375,000 (730,749) -34.70%
General Fund Part Town 340,000 135,000 (205,000) -60.29%
Highway Fund 255,832 - (255,832) -100.00%
Solid Waste District 252,235 240,000 (12,235) -4.85%
Wastewater District - 18,168 18,168 N/A
Total Appropriated Fund Balance 2,953,816 1,768,168 (1,185,648) -40.14%
Adopted 2017 Budget workpaper.xlsx 11/10/2016, 9.16 AM
Supervisor $ 106,506
Members of the Town Board (4) @ $ 35,078
Town Justice and Member of the Town Board, Fishers Island $ 53,492
Town Justices (2) @ $ 71,755
Town Clerk $ 102,624
Superintendent of Highways $ 106,506
Tax Receiver $ 40,041
Assessors (3) @ $ 76,707
Trustees (5) @ $ 19,371
Statement of Estimated Fund Balances
Remaining Estimated
Estimated Fund Balance as Fund Balance Appropriated Unappropriated
Code Fund of December 31, 2016 for the 2017 Fiscal Year Unreserved Fund Balance
A General Fund Whole Town $ 7,255,231 $ 1,375,000 $ 5,880,231
B General Fund Part Town 848,904 135,000 713,904
CD Community Development Fund - - -
CM Land Preservation Fund 9,906,713 7,817,900 2,088,813
CS Risk Retention Fund 482,168 - 482,168
DB Highway Fund Part Town 536,520 - 536,520
DB1 Orient by the Sea Rd Imp Dist 615 615 -
SF E-W Fire Protection District 12,432 12,000 432
SR Solid Waste District 926,865 240,000 686,865
SSI Wastewater District 18,168 18,168 -
SS2 Fishers Island Sewer District 73,868 - 73,868
Totals $ 20,061,484 1 $ 9,598,683 $ 10,462,801
Date prepared: November 10, 2016
S:\Accounting\Comptroller\Budget\Statement of Estimated Fund Balances.xls
NYS-Real Property System Assessor's Report-2016-Current Year File RPS2211VO41L001
County of Suffolk S495 Exemption Impact Report DateTme-9191201610:18:30
Town of Greenport-4738 Town Summary Total Assessed Value 126,864,750
Uniform Percentage 1.08
Equalized Total Assessed Value 11,746,736,111
Exemption Exemption Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value Percent of Value
Code Name Authority Exemptions of Exemptions Exempted
10100 SPEC DIST USED FOR PURPOSE ES" RPTL 410 3 3,555,556 0.03
12100 NYS-GENERALLY RPTL 404(1) 63 305,883,519 2.60
13100 CO-GENERALLY RPTL 406(1) 110 63,821,759 054
13500 TOWN-GENERALLY RPTL 406(1) 220 70,947,685 0.60
13650 VG-GENERALLY RPTL 406(1) 34 16,879,630 0.14
13800 SCHOOL DISTRICT RPTL 408 15 276,064,815 2.35
13870 SPEC DIST USED FOR PURPOSE ES- RPTL 410 26 14,148,148 0.12
13890 PUBLIC AUTHORITY-LOCAL RPTL 412 23 8,120,370 0.07
14100 USA-GENERALLY RPTL 400(1) 9 299,722,222 2.55
14110 USA-SPECIFIED USES STATE L 54 2 2,583,333 002
18020 MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEV AGENC RPTL 412-a 3 6,916,667 0.06
19950 MUNICIPAL RAILROAD RPTL 456 1 2,481,481 002
25110 NONPROF CORP-RELIG(CONST PR( RPTL 420-a 42 68,476,852 0.58
25120 NONPROF CORP-EDUCL(CONST PF RPTL 420-a 2 3,083,333 0.03
25210 NONPROF CORP-HOSPITAL RPTL 420-a 3 8,546,296 0.07
25300 NONPROF CORP-SPECIFIED USES RPTL 420-b 152 127,752,315 1.09
26100 VETERANS ORGANIZATION RPTL452 5 7,129,630 0.06
26400 INC VOLUNTEER FIRE CO OR DEPT RPTL 464(2) 7 11,750,000 0.10
27350 PRIVATELY OWNED CEMETERY LANI RPTL 446 22 5,490,741 0.05
28540 NOT-FOR-PROFIT HOUS CO-HOSTE RPTL 422 2 1,370,370 0.01
29350 TRUSTEES-HOSP,LIB,PLAYGROU RPTL 438 8 14,787,037 0.13
29500 PERFORMING ARTS BUILDING RPTL 427 1 615,741 0.01
33201 TAX SALE-COUNTY OWNED RPTL 406(5) 13 1,995,370 0.02
41101 VETS EX BASED ON ELIGIBLE FUND RPTL 458(1) 403 102,148,241 0.87
41120 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMI RPTL 458-a 535 28,661,019 0.24
41121 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMI RPTL 458-a 77 6,715,093 006
41130 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT RPTL 458-a 322 28,983,981 0.25
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NYS-Real Property System Assessor's Report-2016-Current Year File RPS221/V041L001
County of Suffolk S495 Exemption Impact Report Date/Time-9191201610:18:30
Town of Greenport-4738 Town Summary Total Assessed Value 126,864,750
Uniform Percentage 1.08
Equalized Total Assessed Value 11,746,736,111
Exemption Exemption Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value Percent of Value
Code Name Authority Exemptions of Exemptions Exempted
41131 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT RPTL 458-a 66 9,354,907 008
41133 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT RPTL 458-a 1 85,648 000
41140 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-DISABILI RPTL 458-a 70 8,462,500 0.07
41141 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-DISABILI RPTL 458-a 10 1.339,074 001
41161 COLD WAR VETERANS(15%) RPTL 458-b 116 6,262,315 0.05
41171 COLD WAR VETERANS(DISABLED) RPTL 458-b 5 513,889 000
41400 CLERGY RPTL460 25 4,166,667 0.04
41640 VOL.FIRE&AMBULANCE WORKERS RPTL 46&-c,466-f,466-j 427 22,140,093 0.19
41700 AGRICULTURAL BUILDING RPTL 483 18 6,055,556 0.05
41720 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AG-MKTS L 305 336 88,277,778 0.75
41730 AGRIC LAND-INDIV NOT IN AG DIS AG MKTS L306 40 12,981,481 0.11
41800 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 325 64,796,204 0.55
41801 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 - 24 2,695,000 0.02
41931 DISABILITIESAND LIMITED INCOM RPTL 459-c 13 2,824,074 0.02
42120 TEMPORARY GREENHOUSES RPTL 483-c 1 18,519 0.00
47610 BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROPERTY RPTL 485-b 2 1,037,037 0.01
49500 SOLAR OR WIND ENERGY SYSTEM RPTL 487 1 18,519 0.00
Total Exemptions Exclusive of
System Exemptions: 3,583 1,719,660,463 14.64
Total System Exemptions: 0 0 0.00
Totals: 3,583 1,719,660,463 14.64
Values have been equalized using the Uniform Percentage of Value. The Exempt amounts do not take into consideration,payments in lieu of taxes or other payments
for municipal services.
Amount,if any,attributable to payments in lieu of taxes:
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