HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-295Board Of $outhoid Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 295z 2 pilings ISSUED TO .,Howard Ha.ss.le~ Anll ri ation Pursuanf t'o t'he provisions of Chap'~er 615 o~ +he Laws o~ ~he Sfafe of New York. ~893: and Chapter 404 of ~he Laws of ~he S~ate of New York 1952: and +he Sou~hold Town Ordinance rifled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS aha REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" aha 'n accoraance wi~E fee Resoluf[on o~ T~e Boara aaop+ea a~ ~ mee+ing ~ela on ~une 5 19 72 , ~na 'n cons[aerafion o~ ~e sum o~ $16.20 pala 6y Howard Hassler Southold o~ ~950 Clearview Ave., N.Y. aha sub[ec~ fo f~e Terms aha Conditions Jisfe8 on +~e reverse s[ae ~ereo[, of Souf~ola Town Trustees authorizes aha permits f~e ~olJowlng: Construction of a ramp 3 ft. by 10 ft., and float 8 ft. by 14 ft., with ~wo pilings a; Goose Creek, of~ of Clearview Avenue, Southold, all ~ acco~dancet accoraa~e wit, t~e aetallea spe~Tl~atlons as presen~e~ +~e originafing IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees kere- by causes ifs Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and fhese presenfs fo be subscribed by a majorify of ~'he said Board as of +his daf,i~. Foz~n A/1~ BOARD OF SOUT~OLD TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE '"~"'~ SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT Check one or more of TO MOOR A BOAT the following purposes: (secure & complete) Form A/2 .Y TO BUILD A BULKHEAD TO CONSTRUCT A DOCK TO DREDGE AND FILL Form AZ3 Form A/~ Form A/5 OTHER PURPOSES---State and describe: j3. Name and Address o£ · Estimated date of Maximum number of ' Contractor: commencement of work: months required to complete work: / Using a DOT WITHIN A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate on the proper Zoning MaD as supplied by the Secretary of this Boar~, the location of this project, and attach this map as part of this application. List below all other forms or documents you are attaching: 7m In requesting approval of this application, I submit that: the information presented herein is true and correc~ to the best of my knowledge and belief; I am the person accountable for the performance of the work in acdordance with the plans and specifi- cations attached; I have read or am familiar with the Southold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and I.intend to adhere and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if zssued. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 8. Application TF, Amount of Fee--Form A/1--~. 5.00 Minimum Form A/4 BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 CONSTRUCTING A DOCK 1. Does this project involve the use of WETLANDS as defined in the Wetlands Ordinance? ~ .(yes or no). If so, your application should be filed through the Southold Town Clerk. Will the work requzre the filling of any land beyond Mean High Water Mark or the dredging of any Town Lands under water? ~ (yes or no). If so, Form A/5 must also be completed and attached as part of this application. 3. State briefly the intended use for this structure: 4. Will any portion of this construction extend into Town Waters beyond a theoretical boundary fornled by other existing docks or similar structures.$ /~ -- --.(yes or nc). If~so, by how much ft. Provide a copy of a Licensed Engineer's Survey o~ your proper~y and by means of your own diagram drawn to scale thereon, show the nature of the work to be done in relation to your own premises, high water mark, and the adjacent body of water. Provide a copy of the plans or drawings which will be supplied to the Contractor performing the work. In requesting approval of this application, I declare there will be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. o Computation of Fee: (for use of the Board) Area of the construction beyond M.H.W. ~the ra~e of 10¢ per sq. ft., plus $1.00 per piling for supplemental piles. Amount of Fee Form A/4--- $