Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 728
Southold, New York 11971
February 4, 1986
f516) 765-1892
Mr. Scott L. Harris
37800 Main Road
Orient, New York 11957
Re: .Request for Waiver
Dear Mr. Harris:
Following deliberation, the Trustees took the following
action regarding the above referenced matter:
WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are
familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area; and
WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the documentation
submitted concerning this request; and
WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of fact:
!. By this request, appellant requests a waiver of Chapter 97
from the Code of the Town of Southold to'regrade a 10'x155' section of
property upland of an existing berm separating his property from
Town regulated wetlands.
2. The property in question Ks on the Map of Property at
Orient, Town of Southold or more particularly known on the Suffolk
County Tax Map Designation: Dist. 1000, Section 020, Block 3, part
of Lot 9.
In considering this request, the Board finds and determines:
1. The project as proposed will not adversely affect the
wetlands of the Town.
2. The project as proposed will not adversely affect the
health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town.
Your cooperation in regard to this matter, has been greatly
appreciated. We look forward to serving you in the future.
Very truly yours,
Henry P. Smith, President
Board of Town Trustees
Ilene ?fiffe~li~, Clerk~/
Southold Town Scott L. Harris
Board of Trustees 37800 Main~Road
Hain Road 0rient. NY 11957
Southold, NY~ 11971
I Scott Harris hereby request a waiver from the provisions
of the Town Wetlinds Ordinance (Chapter. g?) for a wetlands
permit. I would like to regrade a section of my properz¥
upland of~an existing berm separating my property from town
regulated wetlands.
All operations will proceed so as to preclude any run-off
to Town wetlands and area regraded will be immediately
reseeded and replanted with natural grasses.
Site plan enclosed indicated proposed operations.