HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARBORVIEW ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM HARBORVIEW LANDING SUBDIVISION AND GHANGE OF ZONE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This Environmental Assessment From (EAF) is submitted for the proposed action to subdivide 24.989 acres from a 83.1I?-acre parcel to enable the construction of 40 clustered townhouse units. A change of zone for the subdivided 24.959 acres from the current "Residential A" to "M-]" would be required to permit construction of the attached townhouse units. The remaining 58.157 acres, representing 70% of the site, would be preserved and dedicated to the Nature Conservancy or a similar organiza- tion to be held in trust as forever wild. The site, approximately 83 acres, is located east of Main Road (Route 25), north of Tarpon Drive and north of Southold Bay in the Town of Southold. The County Tax Map as Section 53. owned by H~'rborview Realty Co. in Hauppauge, New York. sine is designated on the Suffolk Block 5, Lots 12.3 and 12.4 and is with offices at 300 Rabro Drive The property is currently zoned "Resident/al-A" and contains 31 substandard, non-conforming cottages. The proposed action would remove the cottages and construct a we/l-designed, upscale, low-density residential development. A rezone to "M-i" is requested on the development portion of the site (24.959 acres, in order ~o construct the proposed pro3ect. The proposed project would conform, in all areas, with the M-1 Multiple Residence District except for the necessity of a variance for the separation between principal buildings. 6 ,~$. "Ap~)row{fs Require~h Type Submittal Date ~R~. Town, -~'Fa:g~e Board ~]Yes :~lNo ~P~, Town. ¥~'f,~¢,~e Planning Board ~Yes l]No ~ftV. Town Zoning Board of Appeals 6kv. County -lealth Department E:qYe~ ~]No Other Local Agencies EaYes [~No Other Regional Agencies ~Ye_~ ,r~No State Agencies DEC ~]Yes ~No Federal Agencies E:]Yes ~No Town Truaceea []Ye8 C. Zoning and Planning Information _Zonin~g_.~hange p u_b~ ~_~_!~ ~i~o_~ IS~ t e__~.a_n_.~Ehr ova 1 Var~n_~e__ Sewage and water Greenport Water District Wetlands Permit Wetlands 1 Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning .leos onr ~Yes r~Nc If Yes. indicate decision required: [~zoning amenc'nent [~zoning variance .Jspeclal use oerm~t ~5ubdlviston ~}$i~e o}an [qne,,vfrevision of master plan [~resource management otan [~other 2. What ~s the zoning c[assification(s)of the s~te? Residentia~ A 3. What is the maximum potential develooment of the s~te if deve~ooec as ~ermitted ov the present zoning? 31 units existing 4. What is the ~roposed zoning of the site? M~i General Multiple - Residence District 5. What is the maxtmum potential development of the s~m if develooed as oermittec by the proposed zoning? 40 units Pending 6 Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses m adopted local ~ano use 3]ans? [~Yes F~No 7 Wi~at are the predominar[ land use{s) and ?onmu classifications withh a 'z roue radius of proposed action? Res. A Land use ~s primarily single-family residential on avera~ lot size of 1~.000 sq.ft and commercial (marina) use 8 ]s the proposed acuon compatible with adjoinJng/surrounomg ~ano uses w~thin a ~,~ mile? ~Yes 9 ' the proposed action is the subdivision of [and now man tots ate oroDosed? 2 sec~Lons:58.$57-ac~es forever-'~ild a. What is the minimum ~o~ size proposed~24-959 acres for 40 unit townhouse development 10. Wi[[ ProPosed action require any authorization ~ [or the ~ormat~on of sewer or water a,stricts~ ~Yes X]No 11 Wil[ the 3rooosed action crea[e a oemand for any co[l~mun[tv provided services recreat:o~ educat~or oolite fire protection)? ~Yes ~No a. If ves, ~s existing :aDac~tv sufficient to narme -)roected demand? ~Yes ~No 12 Wdl [ne DrODOSefl action result m me generation --- u'a~nc significandy above oresen[ levels? [~Yes ~Nc a. If yes. is the existing road network ~fleatJa[u to qanq[e tne additional traffic? ~Yes ~No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to c[a-:fv your prolec[ l[ there are or may De any a~verse re)acts associated with your proposa~ please discuss such moacts and the measure~ which you propose to avoid them. E. Verifioation [ certify that the informauon orovided aoov~ s ~rue u~(, oest of m~ knowledg~ ;..0+ N~ J~ P~nnin~orp for Harborview Realty Co .... ~e~ua=y 11, i988 -naure~'~"t~~-~~~-~,~~~ ~~2 .... ~'- --'~ate -.~ .... 'g 'e~, ~ -( ~_ - -~ - - Title Jean A. Cel, nder, President .... - -. ....... o sta~Area, an~ you are a state agency, complele the Coastal Assessmen ~orm be~¢r~proceedh~ with ,~,s assessment, - ~/~/ ~// ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (C0NT'D.) The clustering of the buildings reduces the impacts on the natural features of the site and reduces the amount of imper- vious surfaces necessary for road and walkways. It also allows the new structures to remain in the area currently occupied by the unconforming cottages. This project would consist of 40 townhouse units which would be clustered in 10 buildings (4 units per building) along the southern half and the point of the eastern most portion of the property. (See attached site plan.) This configuration follows, in essence, that of the existing 31 substandard cottages and, therefore, would reduce the impact to the site's sensitive natural features. Among the amenities provided for the development would be 40 boat slips, a dock house for storage and 2 tennis courts, all of which would be available for residents only. A total of 90 parking spaces would be provided, 40 of which would be in Two 20-car garages. The additional parking would be provided proxi- mate to each townhouse cluster except for 8 spaces, which would be located at the tennis court area. An interior roadway/walkway system would be constructed within the subdivided 24.959 acres. This system would be designed as a private road with access controlled at a gate house at the entrance ro the development. Access would be maintained To Main Road, through the dedicated port/on of the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM ADDITIONAL INFORMATION {CONT'D.) property, using the existing roadway, This roadway will remain as-is with only minor repairs necessary for safe use (such as pothole repair), In addition to concentrating the development in the area of the property that contains the existing structures, the site plan will maintain the integrity of wetland areas by observing 75-foot setbacks for all components of the development. The existing bulkhead in the eastern portion of the site along Southold Bay (approximately 375 feet) by Hurricane Gloria (September 27, 1985). restored with similar materials To original was severely damaged The bulkhead will be condition under an existing Army Corps of Engineers permit. A permit granted by the Town Trustees of October 2], 1985 lapsed and a request for its reissuance has been submit%ed. A previous application for a subdivision entitled "Sage Property, Section 1," was determined not to have a significant effect on the environment (Negative Declaration) and was granted approval by the Southold Planning Board on March 4, 1985. This application was amended on November 6, 1985 and included, in brief, the following modifications: 1. single-phased project 2. 28 cluster lots as oppose~, to 31 lots in two sections 3. removal of non-conformin~ cottages 4. removal of docks on east side of lagoo~n and replacement width a floating 18-slJp dock on the west side of the lagoon and a smaller 5-slip dock 5. Preservation of 32.61 acres of open space. 8 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (CONT'D.) The current pian represents s further improvement in design and protection of environmental features with a significant increase in land area which will be undeveloped and kept forever wild. Although there is a slight increase in the number of units, there are benefits to clustered multi-family units when compared to single-family lots. Census figures have shown that number of persons per unit and less compared to single family Water condominium units that water use is homes. district records and have a reduced substantially Attached homes are energy efficient and land held in common is maintained in a more environmentally responsible and professional manner in terms of landscaping and maintenance. The following information is supplied to further clarify responses to the EAF. The numbered notes refer To the item numbers on the EAF. (Item Al2) Unique Land Forms In addition PoSnt, which 56.591 acres includes the to the 1.566~ acre island at Conkting will be kept forever wild, an additional would remain undeveloped. This acreage 11.551 acres of underwater land. (Item B13) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (CONT'D.) Sewag~ The project site is which is outside of Hydrogeologic Zone located in Hydrogeologic Zone IV, the deep recharge area of III as defined in the "208 study." According to Suffolk County Health Department regula- tions, a conventional sub-surface sewa§e disposal system may be approved when the equivalent wastewater flow of 600 gallons per day per acre in Zone IV is not exceeded as long as there is a public water supply available and the soils and groundwater condi- tions are conducive to the proper operation of a sub-surface sewage disposal system. At maximum, each cluster of the proposed development would have a design flow requirement of 1,200 gallons per day (4 units x 300 gallons per unit). For the total 10 clusters, design flow would equal 12,000 gallons/day which is well within the 14,975 gallon per day equivalent wastewater flow (24.959 acres x 60O gpd). 10 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (CONT'D.). Test hole data collected in 1988 indicated that soils on-site are capable of supporting sub-surface septic tanks and cesspools. The proposed action would eliminate the present old sub-surface systems which service the existing cottages, (Item B23) Water Use Public water by the greenport Water District is available on-site via an existing water main along Sage Road. New connections will be provided to the water ma~n for each of the new residences. Suffi- cient supply of potable water is available to service this development, which is projected to maximum water use of 12,000 gallons per summer months. have an day for the In accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617 (State Environmental Quality Review Act Regulations), the applicant sets forth as indicated by the insignificant effects noted above, that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the environment and should be issued a Notice of Non-Significance (Negative Declaration) by the Lead Agency. 11 12 ~' 617.21 Appendix E State Environmental Quality Review POSITIVE DECLARATION Notice of Intent to Prepare a Draft EIS Determination of Significance ' SEQR Project Number Petition No. 286 Date April 19, 1988 This notice is issuec~ pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Envfronmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Con~erv'a~ion Law. The Soueho't~ m~w~ R~)-,H . as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below may have a significant effect on the environment and that. a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared. Name of Action: Harborview Realty Change of Zone SEQR Status: Type Unlisted Description of Action: Proposal is for a change of zone on 24.95'9 acres from A-R Acricuttural- Residential District to M-1 General Multiple Residence District, to provide for the development of 40 homes in 10 buildings. Locatiod: ( nc uoe street address and the name of the municipality/county. A location map of apg rooriare scale ~s also recommended.) Proposal Suffolk map. is located at Main Road and Sage County Tax Map'No..1000-53-5-12o3 Boulevard, Greenport; and 12.4; See also location SEQR Positive Declaration Page 2 Reasons Supporting This Determination: A) B) See Part II and Part III attached, and The proposed zone change is requested on 24.959 acres of land and would constitute a Type I act!on if it were Droposed for.25 acres of land. This.is interpreted as contrivance'to avoid an automatic Type I classificat!on. For Fu~her Infonzation: Contact Person: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Address:iTown Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY Telephone Number: 516-765-1801 11971 A Copy of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233-0001 Appropriate Regional Office of the Department of Environmental Conservation (Stony Brook, NY) Office of the Chief Executive Officer of the political subdivision in which the action will be 0rincipally located. Applicant (if any) Other involved agencies (if any) Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Jeffrey D. Forchelli, Esq., for Harborview Realty Co. Suffolk County Department of Planning Suffolk County Department of Health Services B. Water Resources Groundwater items a-b Surface water items a-d The surfacewater to be discussed includes the water to the East of the existing access road and the water quality within the Bay. D. Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology items 1-3 E. Agricultural Resources - are not required to be addressed. Human Resources A. Transportation Transportation items a-b. Traffic counts are required for Main Road (Rt. 25) and Sage Blvd., Kerwin and Main Road (Rt. 25) and August Acres road intersection with Kerwin. It was noted that the spur road from the August Acres subdivision road will be the main access into the site and the access from Sage Blvd. to Main Road will be secondary. The traffic for the traffic count should be weekend, seasonal traffic. Consideration of existing traffic conditions from the cottages may also be taken into account. It was noted that the marina continues use over the existing right-of-way which they have and will not be allowed to use the proposed right-of-way. There is'no right-of-way passage over the existing right-of-way for the existing cottages since they are only seasonal rental units. B. Land Use and Zoning Items~l-3 It was noted that the wetlands in close proximity to the proposed access road should be flagged, however, it would not be necessary to flag the entire site. A mechanism to preserve the "forever wild" land is to be included. The existing land use, adopted master plan, and proposed zoning should be indicated. A public benefit for the change of zone should also be indicated. The project description should show the layout. Community Services 2. Police Protection 3. Fire Protection 8. Public Water Supply 10. Sewage Treatment Facilities SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONtv~ENTAL CONSULTANTS These services should be described to the degree that an impact is anticipated. The above four should be discussed in depth and to a lesser degree the following: education facilities, health care facilities, social services, recreational facilities, utilities and solid waste disposal. Demography - there should be a general discussion of this. Cultural Resources 1. Visual Resources items a-c any elevations of the buildings should be included. 2. Historic and Archaeological Resources items a-b. The archaeological resources should include a statement from recognized source. V. Significant Environmental Impacts - The following should be discussed: Construction in a flood zone Dredging - It was noted that there may be dredging to deepen the dock area. Documentation for Suffolk County Department of Health Services and Village of Greenport. It was agreed that there could be a parallel review of the DEIS and Health Department review. Rare and endangered species - areas that may be disturbed should be reviewed and discussed. VI. Mitigation Measures to Minimize Environmental Impact should be discussed. VII. Adverse Environmental Effects should be discussed. VIII. Alternatives Items C-F This should also include a discussion on the existing and proposed zoning, the present application, no action, continuing the existing use, and R-40 zoning. Construction staging and time is not an important consideration. Xe Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources should be discussed. SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. :-NVIRONMEN]AL CONSULTANTS PART III HARBORVIEW IJ~NDING SAGE PROPERTY Access road will within 75 feet of be constructed [wetlands quite possibly within wetlands. Proposed buildings will be within a flood zone freshwater 40 boat slips are proposed in conjunction with proposal which will have an impact on water quality, drainage and parking. Proposal would need approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for sewage disposal systems as well as for the water hookup, without documentation, it is difficult to assess if the soil would support subsurface septic tanks and cesspools since ~he area conatins clay. Approval would also be needed from the Village of Greenport for the water hook-up. As assessment would also be needed to determine the presence of rare, threatened and endangered species on the site and whether there would be any adverse impact. There would be a ma]or reduction in aesthetic resources which are important to the community, although, there will be a preservation of open space, it may not mitigate the impact of the construction, especially the view from the water. There should be some public access provided and the zmpact of none should be discussed particularly with regard to the LWRP. The roadway access to the site is questionable since it is right-of-way which does not provide adequate width for new development. The 40 dwelling units proposed is twice the number that the Planning Board would ordinarily allow using a single access of adequate width. There should be a dedication of open space and proof that this will be left in fact "forever wild" "A" RES I DENTIA L ' AGEE:U LTUR A L ZONING USE DISTRICT LocUST AvE. LOTS2 LoT#O' (40) ', Supply LOT ! g 50,4785, . HALL~ LOT$O T IOTP9 54r{.~80 S'F' 55,352 S. F. / /OT 35 40) (~1) \ cREEK or MUD cREEK £0T28 LOT24 LOTP3 47, 677 S. F, 43.296 :~' - 40, [:)rai~age ~,rea  " LOT 8 $.F. · ~, 48,825 : HoU$E ,MOVERS, ,lNG MATT/TucK DRIVE LOT20 42, 298 S. £ FEEO G. 8 ROSEblARY $' MORITT ~ LOTI8 ~ LOT/9 ~ ~°~ CREEK . _ LoT l/ I~ LoT I0 ¢//) LoT 9 _ .47, I~' ~o~' ~ ~ ~,.t oRED6ED ~d H006 i HoUsE S TREE T TYPICAL PLOT PLAN LOT 12 45~541 S.F. cREEK 45,74 47.662 $.r. I d LOTI6 LOT I5 56, i~o $.F. 20206 TEST /40£ ES HOWARD~YOUN~NYS.~J~ L/DNO. 45Bg$ / HEPEBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY US F~OM AC~AL SURVEYS COMPLETED ~. ~ AND THAT ALL CONCRET~ MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS ~ HE~EON ACTUALLY NO5 0.0 7.0 LOCATION MAP TYPICAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM VIEI/Y SOU TI-LOt