HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-12/20/2016 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE �gUfFp(KC Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
TOWN CLERK a�o� o�y PO Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
MARRIAGE OFFICER y7Jp1 �ao� Telephone: (631)765 - 1800
RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net
December 20, 2016
4:30 PM
A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at the
Meeting Hall, Southold,NY.
Call to Order
4:30 PM Meeting called to order on December 20, 2016 at Meeting Hall, 53095 Route 25,
Attendee Name _ Organization_ Title Status Arrived
James DinizioJr Town of Southold Councilman Present
William P. Ruland Town of Southold ; Councilman p Present
Jill Doherty _ Town of Southold Councilwoman Present
._.�. _. w..�, ._.�.. ....�....,. _�._.. ....... ;
RobertGhosio Town of Southold Councilman Present
Louisa P. EvansTown of Southold - Justice Present
S_cott_A_. Russell _ Towutho
Town of Sold Supervisor Present
Elizabeth A.NevilleTown of Southold Town Clerk Present
William M Duffy _ i Town of Southold Town Attorney Present
I. Reports
1. Program for the Disabled Monthly Report
2. Planning Board Monthly Report
3. Zoning Board of Appeals Monthly Report
4. Trustees Monthly Report
5. Town Clerk Monthly Report
6. Monthly Report-Justice Evans
7. Monthly Report-Justice Hughes
8. Monthly Report-Justice Price
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 2
9. Monthly Budget Report
II. Public Notices
1. NYS Liquor License
III. Communications
1. 9:00 AM- Sandi Brewster-Walker
2. 9:15 AM- Councilman Ghosio
3. 9:30 Am -Kevin Webster, Bob Scott& Rich Caggiano
4. Planning Board Memorandum
5. Concurrent Jurisdiction for Application Review
6. Code Revision -Amendment to Section 280-4
7. Code Revision -Amendment to Chapter 100 Building,Unsafe
8. Fishers Island Enabling Act
9. Motion To: Motion to Enter Executive
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby Enter into Executive Session
at 1:16 PM for the purpose of discussing the following matters:
Labor-Matters Involving Employment of Particular Person(s) 11:OOAM—John Cushman
MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio,Evans, Russell
10. EXECUTIVE SESSION -Labor-Matters Involving Employment of Particular Person(S)
11. 375Th Anniversary Celebration Book Sale Agreement
12. Motion To: Motion to Exit Executive
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby Exit/Recess from this
Executive Session at 1:35 PM.
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 3
MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
SECONDER:Jill Doherty, Councilwoman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell
13. Motion To: Recess 9:00 AM meeting
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby Recess this 9:00 AM
meeting of the Town Board at 1:35PM until the Regular 4:30 PM Meeting of the Southold
Town Board.
MOVER: William P. Ruland, Councilman
SECONDER:Jill Doherty, Councilwoman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio,Evans, Russell
Pledge to the Flag
Motion To: Reconvenes 9:00 AM meeting
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby reconvenes the 9:00 AM
meeting of the Southold Town Board at this 4:30PM Regular Meeting of the Southold Town
MOVER: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell
Special Presentation
Properties Added to the Southold Town Registry of Historic Landmarks
Supervisor Scott A. Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Please rise and join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Thank
you. Before we get to the business of the regular agenda, we actually have the Historic
Preservation Commission of Southold Town here to make a special presentation. I am going to
invite Jamie Garretson, the chairman to come on up.
James Garretson, Chairman Historic Preservation Commission
JAMIE GARRETSON: Chairman, Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission. I would
like to welcome everyone here and thank the Board. This is a historic moment. These are the
first three historic landmarks that we have made since we- were started. Actually it's very
exciting and there are two houses and one lighthouse, which is totally different from a house. So
the first is the Terry House which is at 5720 Main Road Southold and Karen Lund Rooney is
here to accept the award. It is one of Southold's earliest houses. It's a three bay house, one and
a half stories, it has a center chimney, a side entrance which makes it somewhat unique. A gable
roof but what makes it especially unique is there is no overhang on the roof. It comes straight
down and it has three small windows, sometimes called eyebrow windows in the front, right
under the frieze, that was typically done on the half story, you know, one and a half stories and a
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 4
lot of the time that's where the children slept upstairs. And it was built in 1795 and very
exciting, a very nice house. So, can we have the first plaque...
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Can we give everyone an explanation of the houses and then we'll
come up and(inaudible)...
MR. GARRETSON: Okay, great. The second one is the Second Parsonage House at 2500
Hobart Road in Southold and Jamie Davis from the Davis family is here to accept the reward. It
was built in 1674, for the town parsonage, the second town parsonage. It was the poor house for
the town for a while and the dormers in the front vestibule was added but it's basically the same
type of house as the Terry House and then the final is the Race Rock Lighthouse station and that
is Susan (inaudible) is here from the New London Maritime Society to accept it. They own it,
it's one of three lighthouses that they own. This is an interesting one, it's right near Fishers
Island, right off Fishers Island. A very tough place to put a lighthouse but also a very dangerous
place for maritime. There's a three and a half knot current that's like a rip current that goes right
by it and there's a little granite ledge there that used to be a real problem for maritime boats and
ships that came by and an engineer named Francis Hopkins Smith and Captain Scott got together
and they said they would be able to build a lighthouse here, nobody else thought they could do it
and they did it. it's on a little granite ledge and it's known, it's a Victorian style lighthouse but
it's got a unique Gothic whimsy, very much like you would see if somebody did a doll house or
something. It's sort of a fun house, the house part of the lighthouse, so it is very, very unique.
And Susan is here to accept the award. So, if you want to come up? This is the Terry House at
5720 Main Road and Karen Lund Rooney and this makes is, her house is now officially a
landmark house in the Town of Southold. Congratulations. The next is the lighthouse, this is the
Race Rock Lighthouse and it is presented to Susan and she is to accept,it and this is now very
significant, a lighthouse that is a landmark. Jamie Davis, well, this has been a long effort. The
Davis family wanted to landmark this house for a long time. As I mentioned before, a unique
house, a special house from Southold. Congratulations.
JAMIE DAVIS: This is a wonderful and we'll hang it proudly, right where it belongs. Thank
MR. GARRETSON: Great, congratulations. And this is a first step, I just want to say that there
are 1,100 historic properties in Southold. We know have 275 landmarks in Southold which is
about 25% but this is a big step for us in going for as much of the 1,100 as we can. And I think
the ream worked very hard to do this and I congratulate everybody and the Town Board. Thank
you very much.
Supervisor Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Let me say congratulations to the owners of the historic
homes. -I also want to thank the Historic Preservation Commission for doing such a good job,
having people come in, understanding the importance of preservation and able to get these
designated and I also want to say thank you to the people who applied because we appreciate
your commitment to the history of Southold Town. Thank you. Okay, that completes the
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 5
presentation. I am going to ask anybody that would like to comment on any of the items on the
agenda to please feel free? (No response)
V. Resolutions
Approve Audit
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the audit dated
December 20 2016.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1105
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated -
❑ Tabled
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
_ _
❑ Withdrawn James Dimzio Jr Voter 0 ❑ 11 __0
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY.• Set Meeting
Next Town Board Meeting
RESOLVED that the next Regular Town Board Meeting of the Southold Town Board be held,
Tuesday,January 3 2017 at the Southold Town Hall Southold New York at 4:30 P.M.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1106
0 Adopted , Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Adopted as Amended - -
James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled William P Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Withdrawn Jill Doherty Voter 0 El ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt Robert Ghosio Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P Evans Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
0 Town Clerk's Appt
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 6
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY.• Set Meeting
Organizational Town Board Meeting
RESOLVED that the Organizational Town Board Meeting of the Southold Town Board be held,
Tuesday,January 3,2017 at the Southold Town Hall, Southold,New York at 11:00 A. M.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1107
El Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt, Jill Doherty Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Mover El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY. Budget Modification
DEPARTMENT: Land Preservation
2016 CPF Budget Mod
Financial Impact:Budget modification is needed to provide funding for payment of employee's`requested
compensatory time.
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016
Community Preservation fund (2% tax) budget as follows:
CM.8710.1.100.200 Ft Employee Overtime Earnings $ 2000
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 7
CM.8710.1.200.100 p/t Employee Regular Earnings $ 2000
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1108
El Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
_ _ _
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Seconder El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter IZI ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter lZ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A.Russell Voter I✓7 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Contracts,Lease&Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Engineering
Change Order#S W/Construction Consultants/LI, Inc. -Highway Maintenance Building
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves Change Order#5
to the Town of Southold Highway Maintenance Building Project Contract with Construction
Consultants/LI, Inc. in the net amount of$6,921.35,pursuant to their Proposed Change Order
dated October 27, 2016, subject to the approval of the Town Engineer and Town Attorney.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1109
Q Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain _Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James DmVo
izio Jr ter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Seconder IZI ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Mover lZ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Employment-Town
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 8
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
Appoint Cynthia Lake PT Tax Cashier
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Cynthia Lake to
the position of a Part Time Tax Cashier for the Tax Receivers' Office effective December 21,
2016, at a rate of$17.62 per hour,not to exceed 17.5 hours per week.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1110
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Withdrawn James Dimzio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Recerver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
Clean Up Deposit Returns
WHEREAS the following groups have supplied the Town of Southold with a Clean-up Deposit
for their events and
WHEREAS the Southold Town Police Chief, Martin Flatley,has informed the Town Clerk's
office that this fee may be refunded, now therefor be it
RESOLVED that Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes a refund be issued in
to the following:
Name Date Received Amount
Tammie L. Hildesheim 9/20/16 $250.00
Matt- Cutch Cub Scout Pack 39
1460 Bray Avenue
Laurel,NY 11948
Mattituck Cutchogue Teachers Assoc. 9/27/16 $250.00
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 9
34900 Main Road
Cutchogue,NY 11935
East End Hospice Inc, 11/1/16 $250.00
Thrift Shop
481 Westhampton-Riverhead Rd
PO Box 1048
Westhampton Beach,NY 11978
Cutchogue Fire Department 10/11/16 $1,500.00
United Fire Company#1
260 New Suffolk Road
Cutchogue,NY 11935
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1111
Q Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter lZ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Roland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Seconder 17 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Mover lZ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY• Budget Modification
DEPARTHE_NT: Accounting
Budget Modification for Buildings& Grounds
Financial Impact:Additional appropriation needed to account for budget shortage-Accounting Dept
.error in calculating 2016 budget
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016 General
Fund Whole Town budget as follows:
A.9010.8.000.000 NYS Retirement, ERS $52,600
A.1620.1.100.100 Buildings & Grounds, P.S. $52,600
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 10
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1112
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY.• Budget Modification
DEPARTMENT: Solid Waste Management District
SWMD Budget Mods
Financial Impact: To cover costs for commercial disposal permits; concrete mix for installation of well
pump panel; 2016 estimated remaining costs for C&D trucking and waste oil removal.
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016 Solid
Waste Management District budget as follows:
SR 8160.1.100.100 F/T Employee-Regular Earnings $1,700
SR 8160.2.500.450 Radio Equipment 150
SR 8160.4.100.150 Scalehouse Paper/Supplies 250
SR 8160.4.100.625 Maint/Supply Chevy P/U 155
SR 8160.4.400.125 Compost Analysis Services 50
SR 8160.4.400.665 Repairs—CBI Grinder 2,100
SR 8160.4.400.810 C&D Removal 3,000
Total $7,405
SR 8160.1.100.200 F/T Employee-Overtime Earnings $ 1,700
SR 8160.4.100.110 Pre-printed Forms 400
SR 8160.4.100.125 Misc. Supplies 40
SR 8160.4.100.600 Misc. Equipment Maint/Supplies 110
SR 8160.4.400.150 Compost Site Maintenance 50
SR 8160.4.400.817 C&D Trucking 4,500
SR 8160.4.400.840 Hazardous Waste Removal 600
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 11
SR 8160.4.600.300 Travel Reimbursement 5
Total $7,405
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1113
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter D ❑ 11
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A.Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY. Budget Modification
Relocation of Funds for Pump Out Boat Maintenance-New Holding Tank Pump
Financial Impact:Relocation of Funds for Pump Out Boat Maintenance-New Holding Tank Pump
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016 General
Fund Whole Town budget as follows:
A.8090.4.400.840 Contracted Services/Pump-Out Waste Disposal $3,400.00
Total $3,400.00
A.8090.4.400.600 Contracted Services/Equip. Maintenance &Repairs $3,400.00
Total $3,400.00
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1114
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Defeated James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ 17
❑ Tabled William P Ruland Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Withdrawn Jill Doherty Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt Robert Ghosio Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
EETown Clerk's Appt
O] Supt Hgwys Appt
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 12
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY.• Equipment
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
Transfer Vehicle from HRC to DPW
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby transfers N26, the 2013
Nissan Leaf, (Asset#4790), from the Human Resource Center fleet to the Department of
Public Work, effective December 21, 2016.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1115
El Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
11 Tabled _
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Mover El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A.Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
Comment regarding resolution 1115
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Can I comment on that? I would like to point out that this was and
is the town's first all electric vehicle. It was on a lease arrangement with Nissan and at the end of
the lease agreement, the town purchased the vehicle outright and we are transferring it to the
Public Works department where it will be our mail vehicle and it's 100 percent electric vehicle.
We are fortunate enough to have three electric charging stations placed strategically throughout
the town so that the vehicle can always be on charge in between when it's delivering and picking
up mail and I think it's a win-win for everybody.
CATEGORY: Budget Modification
DEP_ARTMEATT: Fishers Island Ferry District
2016 Budget Modification-FIFD
Financial Impact: to cover over expenditures
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 13
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the
resolution of the Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners dated December 12,
2016, which amended the 2016 Fishers Island Ferry District budget by a total of$51,826.00.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1116
21 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated -
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn .Tames Dmizio Jr Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter lZ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Seconder 2 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Mover 2 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt _Scott A.Russell Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Policies
DEPARTMENT.- Fishers Island Ferry District
FIFD-Amend Resident ID Program
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the
resolution of the Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners dated December 12,
2016, which amends the `Year-Round Resident ID Program'.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1117
Z Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated "
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Mover [a ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 10 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 21 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 20,16 page 14
CATEGORY Y. Organizational
DEPARTME NT. Fishers Island Ferry District
FIFD 2017 Meeting Calendar
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the
resolution of the Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners dated December 12, 2016
in regard to the 2017 FIFD annual meeting calendar.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES=2016-1118
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
11 Tabled
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Seconder D 11 ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑' Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Contracts,Lease&Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Fishers Island Ferry District
FIFD- Capalbo Accounting Services
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the
resolution of the Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners dated December 12, 2016
in regard to Capalbo Accounting Services.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1119
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated -
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Mover 0 ❑ ❑ 0
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
0 Lost
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 15
CATEGORY. Contracts,Lease &Agreements
DEPARTMENT. Fishers Island Ferry District
FIFD-Darcy Scroxton
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the
resolution of the Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners dated December 12, 2016
in regard to Darcy Scroxton.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1120
Rl Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter lZ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Mover lZ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter R1 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P.Evans Seconder Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A.Russell Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Contracts,Lease&Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Fishers Island Ferry District
FIFD-Z&S Fuel&Service Inc
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the
resolution of the Fishers Island Ferry District Board of Commissioners dated December 12, 2016
in regard to Z & S Fuel & Service, Inc.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1121
9 Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Adopted as Amended
James Dmizio Jr Voter R ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Defeated William P Ruland Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tabled
Jill Doherty Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Withdrawn
❑ Supervisor's Appt Robert Ghosio Seconder d ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P Evans Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Scott A Russell Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
0 Town Clerk's Appt
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 16
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY. Employment-Town
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
Appoint PT Home Health Aide-Maria Gaydosik
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Maria Gaydosik
to the position of a Part-Time Home Health Aide for the Human Resource Center, effective
December 28, 2016, at a rate of$15.00 per hour, not to exceed 17.5 hours per week.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1122
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Roland Voter 171 ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 2 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
DEPARTMENT Town Attorney
CPF Refund
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes a refund (from
Account #CM.1189.10) to Anne E. Hawkins from the Town of Southold in the amount of
$3,250.00 in connection with its payment of the Community Preservation Fund tax on property
in Southold (SCTM #1000-063.01-01.00-007.000) purchased by Anne E. Hawkins on June 15,
2016, as the transaction is exempt from the CPF tax.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1123
C1 Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
0 Adopted as Amended James Dmizio Ir Mover 0 0 0 ❑
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 17
❑ Defeated William P Roland Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tabled Jill Doherty Voter 121 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Withdrawn Robert Ghosio Voter IZI ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Scott A Russell Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded
❑ Town Clerk's Appt
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Budget Modification
DEPARTA7ENT. Town Attorney
2016 Budget Modification- Town Attorney
Financial Impact: To cover over-expended line
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the Town
Attorney's 2016 General Fund Part Town budget as follows:
B.1420.1.200.200 Overtime Earnings $2,750.00
Total $2,750.00
B.1420.1.200.100 Regular Earnings $2,750.00
Total $2,750.00
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1124
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter ❑ ❑ El
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Roland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter C✓1 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
0 Lost
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 18
CATEGORY. Budget Modification
Police Department-Budget Modification
Financial Impact:Reallocation of funds for PSD full time earnings-amounts originally submitted had not
anticipated longevity
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016 General
Fund Whole Town Bud1jet as follows:
A.1990.4.100.200 Police Retirement Reserves $3,200
TOTAL $3,200
A.3020.1.100.100 Public Safety Comm/Regular Earnings $3,200
TOTAL $3,200
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1125
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter 121 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P.Ruland Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tac Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Contracts,Lease&Agreements
DEPARTMENT. Accounting
Authorize Supervisor to Execute a Grant Agreement
Financial Impact:Authorize Supervisor to execute a grant agreement between the Town and the
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York for repaving Peconic Bay Boulevard
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 19
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute a$250,000 grant agreement between the Town of
Southold and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York in connection with repaving
Peconic Bay Boulevard after the agreement is received, reviewed and approved by the Town
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1126
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dimzio Jr Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P.Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY. Contracts,Lease&Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
Authorize Supervisor to Execute Administrative Employee Agreements for Medical Insurance
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to enter into individual agreements with Administrative employees
related to their retiree health insurance, provided that the Administrative employee is eligible for
retiree health benefits consistent with NYSHIP Rules and Regulations and the CSEA Collective
Bargaining Agreement, in which case the Town's percentage contribution will be the same as
was in effect for retirees immediately prior to the effective date of the employee's separation
from service.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1127
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P.Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter D ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Mover D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
0 Lost
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 20
CATEGORY: Budget Modification
Police Department-Budget Modification
Financial Impact:Reallocation of funds for the purchase of equipment for the dispatch room project
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016 General
Fund Whole Town Budizet as follows:
A.3020.4.100.550 Public Safety Comm., Equipment Parts/Supplies $4,800
A.9901.9.000.100 Transfer to Capital Fund $4,800
and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby increases the Dispatcher
Room Capital Proiect as follows:
H.5031.55 Interfund Transfers $4,800
H.3020.2.200.700 Dispatcher Room Project $4,800
,,'Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1128
Rl Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
James Dmizio Jr Mover lZ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Withdrawn
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder E ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
0 Lost
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 21
CATEGORY.- Budget Modification
DEPARTMENT. Highway Department
2016 Budget Modification-Highway
Financial Impact:Purchase of truck
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016 Highway
Fund Part Town budget as follows:
Increase Appropriations:
DB.5130.2.300.100 Light Duty Vehicles $69,451.00
Decrease Appropriations:
DB.5142.2.400.200 Snow Equipment 14,850.00
Increase Revenues:
DB.2650.00 Sale of Scrap &Excess Material 54,601.00
Total $69,451.00
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1129
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled .
James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Withdrawn
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Equipment
DEPARTMENT. Highway Department
Purchase Trucks
RESOLVED that the Town board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the purchase of two
2017 Ford F-450 regular cab chassis for the Highway Department. The vehicles are being
purchased from the New York State County Onondaga Bid#7974 2017 at $34,725.15/each. This
to be a legal charge to the 2016 budget line DB.5130.2.300.100 (light duty vehicles).
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 22
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1130
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY.• Committee Appointment
Conservation Advisory Appointment
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Peter Meeker and
Caroline Burghardt to the Conservation Advisory Council, effective immediately,term to expire
March 31, 2017.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1131
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY.• Budget Modification
DEPARTMENT. Highway Department
2016 Budget Modification-HighA,ay
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 23
Financial Impact: to cover over expenditures
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016 Highway
Fund Part Town budget as follows:
DB.5140.4.600.700 Licenses 801.00
DB.5110.4.400.600 Other Contracted Service 700.00
DB.5110.4.100.995 Signs & Sign posts 287.00
DB.5140.4.600.500 Inoculations 1,000.00
DB.5130.2.500.300 Other Equipment 2,386.00
DB.5142.1.100.100 Snow Regular Earnings 13,000.00
TOTAL: $18,174.00
D13.5110.1.200.1 00 Part Time Regular Earnings 1.00
DB.5130.4.100.500 Parts & Supplies 3,000.00
DB.5140.4.400.600 Office Equip Maint/Repairs 324.00
DB.5140.4.400.150 Rubbish Disposal 76.00
D13.5110.4.1 00.100 Misc. Supplies 450.00
DB.5142.4.100.920 Sand 2,613.00
DB.5142.1.100.200 Snow Overtime Earnings 10,000.00
DB.5130.4.400.650 Maintenance &Repairs 1,500.00
DB.5140.4.600.750 Permits 210.00
TOTAL: $18,174.00
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1132
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated -—- - - --
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled ------__ _____ _-__ _ _ _
❑ Withdrawn James Dimzio Jr Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P.Evans Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease&Agreements
1)EPARTUENT. Town Attorney
Amend Resolution 2016-1091
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 24
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends Resolution 2016-
1091 adopted on December 6, 2016 to read as follows:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Contract between the Town of Southold and the
NYS Department of State in connection with grants permission to the Planning Depa,.*ment+„
apply for a grant entitled"Southold Prosperity—A Comprehensive Plan for Jobs, Housing,
Natural Resources and Heritage", in connection with updating the Town's Comprehensive Plan,
under the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program, and the New York State Consolidated Funding Application.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1133
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter M ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
C4TEGORY.• Contracts,Lease&Agreements
DEPARTIUENT. Town Attorney
375Th Anniversary Celebration Book
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes the Town Clerk to offer
for sale copies of the 375th Anniversary Celebration Book at the Town Clerk's Office, and be it
RESOLVED that the authorized price per copy of the 375th Anniversary Celebration Book shall
be twelve dollars ($12.00).
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1134
0 Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Adopted as Amended James Dmizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Defeated William P Ruland Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tabled Jill Doherty Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Withdrawn Robert Ghosio Voter M ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter M ❑ ❑ ❑
0 Tax Receiver's Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 0 ❑ 0
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 25
❑ Rescinded
❑ Town Clerk's Appt
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease&Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
Authorize Southold Historical Society/Sale of 375Th Anniversary Celebration Book
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes the Supervisor to enter
into a consignment contract with the Southold Historical Society for the purposes of the
Historical Society facilitating the sale of copies of the 375th Anniversary Celebration Book at
their offices on a consignment basis.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the authorized sale price per copy of the 375th
Anniversary Celebration Book shall be twelve dollars ($12.00).
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-105
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
El Withdrawn James Dinizio Jr Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Mover 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P.Evans Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY• Organizational
DEPART/IIE.VT. Town Attorney
Establish the Southold Town Water Conservation Committee
Whereas, Southold Town recognizes the need to promote responsible use of the town's natural
resources, and
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 26
Whereas, the Town's groundwater is its sole source of drinking and irrigation
water, a fact that is recognized by its designation by the State of New York as a Special
Groundwater Protection Area in 1992, and
Whereas, Southold Town's Local Waterfront Revitalization Policy 5 calls for conservation and
protection of the public's potable water resources for future generations as well as adopting
measures to reduce negative impacts to the town's waterways from septic systems, and
Whereas,recent information from Suffolk County Water Authority indicates a need to take an
active approach to water conservation to relieve such problems such as saltwater infiltration and
overuse, and be it
Resolved, that the Southold Town Board establishes a Water Conservation Committee to study
and make recommendations concerning water use and waste water treatment in town, and be it
Resolved, that said committee will be comprised of 5 members of the community including a
chairperson, all as appointed by resolution of the town board, and be it further
Resolved, that members of the committee shall serve for a term of four(4) years,provided that
the initial term of 2 members shall be for 2 years and the initial term for three of the members
shall be for four(4)years.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1136
lI Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Ruland Voter Rl ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Mover 10 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Seconder LTJ ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 2 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
CATEGORY: Local Law Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT. Town Attorney
Set PH 1/17/17 7:32 PM Chapter 280-Demolition
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County,New York, on the 20th day of December, 2016, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 27
relation to Amendments to Chapter 280, Zoning, in connection with Demolition" now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, on the 17tH
day of January 2017, at 7:32 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 280,
Zoning, in connection with Demolition" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 280, Zoning, in
connection with Demolition".
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
4 280-4 Definitions.
DEMOLITION _Any removal of a structure or portion thereof, where the total cost of the
reconstruction of the structure or portion thereof;4hat exceeds 7-5-50% of the total square
footage market value of the existing structure before the start of removal.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1137
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
❑ Tabled
El Withdrawn James Dmizio Jr Mover 0 El 11
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P Roland Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 28
CATEGORY.• Misc.Public Hearing
DEPARTAIENT: Town Attorney
Set PH 1/17/17 7:31 PMChapter 100-Dumpsters
WHEREAS,there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County,New York, on the 201h day of December, 2016, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in
relation to Amendments to Chapter 100, Buildings,Unsafe; Property Maintenance, in
connection with Dumpsters."
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, on the
17th day of January,2017 at 7:31 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 100
Buildings,Unsafe; Property Maintenance,in connection with Dumpsters" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 100,Buildings,
Unsafe; Property Maintenance, in connection with Dumpsters".
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
§ 100-3. Definitions.
DUMPSTER-A litter storage and collection container of one cubicarmgreater in capacity,
which is mechanically ptied or removed.
§ 100-4 Standards.
A. Property maintenance.
(1) Surface and subsurface water shall be adequately drained to protect buildings and
structures, to prevent damage to adjacent property and to prevent the development
of stagnant ponds. Swimming pools, spas, hot tubs and other similar structures
erected for recreational use shall be maintained so as to avoid the stagnation of the
water therein.
(2) Landscaping shall be adequately maintained so that lawns, hedges, bushes, weeds
and trees do not become overgrown and unsightly so as to constitute an unsafe
condition or blight. At no time shall landscaping, hedges, bushes, weeds or trees
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 29
create an impediment to emergency and/or fire rescue vehicle access.
(3) Garbage, crates,rubbish, refuse or debris shall be kept inside a building or
buildings on the premises, or in an acceptable enclosed container, and shall be
regularly collected and removed from the premises.
(4) Open wells, cesspools or cisterns shall be securely closed or barricaded to prevent
access by the public.
(5) Junked or unregistered vehicles may not be located or stored in open view but
shall be stored in a suitable location inside a building or behind a fence outside of
public view.
(6) Exterior facades shall at all times be kept free of graffiti or other defacement.
B. Dumpsters
(1) No dumpster shall be permitted in the front yard or side yard of a property used for a
residential use for more than thirty (30) days, unless the property benefits from an open
and valid building permit. If the property benefits from an open and valid building
permit, said dumpster may remain in the front yard or side yard until either the building
permit expires, or a certificate of occupancy and/or compliance is issued for the work
described in the permit, whichever occurs first. Thereafter, the dumpster must be
(2) Dumpsters shall be permitted in the rear yard of properties engaged in a residential use,
provided they meet the following criteria:
a) The dumpsters shall comply with all setbacks for accessory structures for the
zoning district in which the property is located.
b) All dumpsters shall be fully enclosed by a stockade fence, or other similar
enclosure of not more than six feet in height.
c) A dumpster in a residential district shall have a cover which shall cover the
dumpster when it is not in active use.
(4) Dumpsters shall be promptly removed or emptied when they are full.
(5) It shall be unlawful for any person to store, deposit, place, maintain or cause or permit to
be stored, deposited, placed or maintained any dumpster upon any portion of any street,
lane, sidewalk, roadway or highway located within the corporate limits of the Town.
(6) Exceptions.
a) Properties used for bonafide agricultural production shall not be subject to this
b) Condominium complexes, apartment complexes and other residential uses subject
to site plan approval shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 30
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-1138
171 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
❑ Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain _Absent
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn James Dinizio Jr Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supervisor's Appt William P.Ruland Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Tax Receiver's Appt Jill Doherty Mover D ❑ ❑ ❑
El Rescinded Robert Ghosio Voter 0 ❑ El
❑ Town Clerk's Appt Louisa P Evans Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ Supt Hgwys Appt Scott A Russell Voter El ❑ ❑ ❑
❑ No Action
❑ Lost
VI. Public Hearings
Closing Comments
Supervisor Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay, that is the last item on the agenda. I am going to invite
anybody that would like to address the Town Board to please feel free?
Councilman Robert Ghosio,Jr.
COUNCILMAN GHOSIO: I would just like to make one comment, Mr. Supervisor. I would
just like to take a moment to thank my colleagues on the board for supporting the creation of the
Water Conservation Committee. I think it's a very important issue for us to start to take up, not
just for us but for generations to come and I look forward to seeing how the Committee, what
they come up with and where we go from here. Thank you.
Supervisor Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Sure. Who would like to address the Town Board? Please?
Allie Tuthill,Exec. Director L.I., Wine Council
ALLIE TUTHILL: Good evening, my name is Allie Tuthill, I am the executive director of the
Long Island Wine Council and full-time Southold resident. During this morning's work session
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with the Town Board, Supervisor Russell referenced our joint letter that the Long Island Wine
Bureau and the Long Island Farm Bureau sent to the Town Board in response to Supervisor
Russell's list of issues associated with his proposed craft beverage moratorium. The summary of
the letter, given without an opportunity to comment, was misconstrued and we are here to let the
record show both the willingness of Long Wine Council and the Long Island Farm Bureau and
our members to collaborate with the Town of Southold. Our organization first learned about
these issues during a meeting with Supervisor Russell on Monday, October 24th. It was made
clear to us by the Supervisor that he intended to find a solution and it was agreed that the
Supervisor would deliver to us a formal proposal that would identify the root cause of proposing
,a moratorium as well as the issues associated with that cause. During this meeting our
organizations suggested that we start working immediately to form a joint coalition that would
address any needed revisions to town code without the need for a moratorium. On November
17th, three and a half weeks after our initial meeting, Supervisor Russell delivered to us a
document listing all issues that he would like to see addressed under a proposed moratorium.
The issues ranged from processing, zoning and land use to traffic and direct marketing. He also
stated in the delivery of these issues that "if the Town Board doesn't show interest in putting the
work in addressing these issues through a moratorium, that he wouldn't support a working
group". Because there are many in this community who have a long term stake in these issues
from an agriculture, processing and retail perspective, including many of the largest land owners
in the town, it was important that the LIWC and the LIFB form a cross functional working
committee that could review Supervisor Russell's issues and work with he and the town in a way
that reflects all commodities not just wine. As a result, our committee'is comprised of Southold
winery owners, land owners, farmers and brewers a great cross section of residents. Our letter
sent yesterday was yet another attempt to work collaboratively with Supervisor Russell and the
Town of Southold, that was rebuffed publicly this morning. The letter outlined the steps that
our organizations have taken to date to properly address Supervisor Russell's concerns, our
commitment to collaboration as well as our feedback at this time. Key points included, one, that
our independent working group has been tasked with working with Supervisor Russell and the
Town of Southold. Their goal is to address concerns and to quickly align on a path forward that
supports a sensible, sustainable approach to agriculture growth and success and to establish a
healthy, productive working relationship moving forward. It should be known that in a note to
Supervisor Russell yesterday it was made clear that this committee is open to dialogue and
willing to meet and discuss all issues. Two, that our organizations still need to understand what
we are solving for in order to properly address Supervisor Russell's concerns and what his long
term vision is for agriculture is in the Town of Southold. Three, that many of Supervisor
Russell's concerns can be addressed with a thorough review and enforcement of existing laws
and regulations. It should be noted that this point was in reference to existing state and federal
legislation and not a call for the town to attack wineries that may not currently be operating
according to overly restrictive existing town code. Four, an agreement that efforts must be made
to bring clarity to town code that can't be solved through existing state and federal legislation
and we are willing to work hand in hand with the town to do this. Five, a request to see
transparency and consistency in the policy and procedures that different departments involved
interpreting, enforcing code and six, that the issues that the agriculture community would like to
see addressed include revisiting zoning requirements and bulk schedules for agriculture. We
would like to stress again, that our working group Long Island Wine Council and Long Island
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Farm Bureau are committed partners and look forward to working with the Town of Southold.
Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Can I just ask a question? How was your letter rebuffed today?
MS. TUTHILL: The letter, your summary of our letter was certainly delivered in a way that
made it seem that we were not open to collaboration,that it was an attack on our own industry.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: How? How did I attack the industry?
MS. TUTHILL: You can go back and review your statements but you...
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I read yours verbatim. I read your letter verbatim.
MS. TUTHILL: You did not read our letter verbatim.
MS. TUTHILL: You summarized our letter. You did not read it verbatim.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I read it and then I was trying to decipher it because you said
through review and enforcement of existing laws and regulations, what enforcement, you
MS. TUTHILL: You were interpreting (inaudible)
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: The code is the law.
MS. TUTHILL: We are here not to pick a fight, we are here simply to state our willingness to
work with all of you in order to find a solution here.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: But I have a right to clarify if you are going to misrepresent me, I
have the right to say I am sorry but when you said review and enforcement of existing laws, the
town code is the law. Regulation, that's town code as well so I don't understand why you are
going to advocate for existing laws. I sent you four pages of bullet points and nowhere in the
four pages did I ever say enforcement was an issue. If you are going to make it an issue, that's
fine but I never raised that issue.
MS. TUTHILL: What we are saying is that the list of issues that you sent us, a lot of which can
be addressed through reviewing and enforcing existing state and federal legislation.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: And then ignore the code?
MS. TUTHILL: No, we are saying the rest of the things that cannot be covered in that, we are
here to work with you in order to find a solution that works for the Town of Southold.
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SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: What do we do about the code? In other words, enforcement only
pertains to state but not the town code?
MS. TUTHILL: We are here to work with you to figure out what we do about the code. I am
standing here and we are all here to reinforce that we are here as partners and as allies and not as
an organization or a group of organizations that are trying to not work with you and that is the
tone and the impression that you gave this morning, that our letter was somehow interpreted as
us not willing to collaborate or work with you and that was a direct quote.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: You know, the thing is that we just talked about creating a working
group,that was a recommendation of your organization.
MS. TUTHILL: Absolutely. And we are very happy to, we are very happy that was a
recommendation, however, your interpretation of us forming a working group in order to
respond to your issues was interpreted as us not willing to work with you and you made the
assumption that that working group wasn't a cross section of the constituents of Southold that
would essentially be affected by this.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes, it is put together by the Wine Council, so I have to assume that
you are going to advertise, like we do?
MS. TUTHILL: It was absolutely put together by the Wine Council and the Farm Bureau, it
does not only include wineries.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay, okay. I am sure it doesn't and I understand that. The
decision today was your organization, as you develop policies and recommendations can present
them to the working group. That's not...
MS. TUTHILL: We are not recommending policies, we are not making anything. The only
reason that that group was formed was to review what you sent through and to act as a body to
help navigate through this process.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I appreciate that but the entire agricultural community is essentially
going to serve as a body too, because everybody gets to weigh in on that. A couple of other
things, first of all, you weren't given the right to speak. It's a work session. Generally the public
comment is held for the public meeting. That's the essence of transparency that you say you
would like to see.
MS. TUTHILL: And that's why we are here. We are speaking....
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: But you are acting like we didn't let you speak today. It's a work
session so generally we ask for all of the comment to come as part of a public, transparent
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MS. TUTHILL: I think that that is fine but we do assume and wish that what we put forth is
respected and assumptions aren't made on our behalf in terms of our attention which is what
happened this morning, which is why we are here.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Well, I am sorry you feel that way but I honestly read the letter
verbatim so....
MS. TUTHILL: You did not read it verbatim.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: You focused on code enforcement, I didn't. So, I addressed that
issue because it was a little disconcerting to me. That's not the direction that I would want to see
the town go in.
MS. TUTHILL: I think that it's important to note that a lot, you say that there is no clarity in our
code and that you need to find clarity for the code and the point we are making is that there is a
lot of clarity in state and federal legislation that we can use as a starting point to eliminate a lot of
what is on your four pages of issues. Anything that isn't, we are here to work with you. We also
need to identify what we are solving for, so that we have it and output.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes, the thing is I gave you four pages that's actually quite specific,
so you are asking like you are in the dark here. I gave you four pages of bullets. It's very
specific stuff. I met with your organization and the local ag advisory committee before I
discussed it with anybody and we had a discussion on the general issues and I have talked to you
about it's problematic because the code in one respect is very permissive. It was designed early
on to promote an industry that I honestly think at the time people thought was more novel than
viable, that was proven to be wrong and that was created years ago. The problem is now it's in
some respects restrictive and it's not restrictive by design it's restrictive by how code works.
You have a lot of these little operations that are running, there's no avenue for them right now to
be approved based on how the code is structured. So I discussed with you, with specific
examples, on how I think we really need to revisit the code and say you know what? Maybe
there needs to be an avenue for these people to come through and get approval but if we are
going to do that, let's do that in a manner that is going to consider the impacts. Maybe mitigate
that with special exception or something like that, so you are more than aware of the concerns
that I brought. I brought them to you directly and then I followed up with a specific four pages
of bullets. I don't understand that.
MS. TUTHILL: The four pages are a list of issues that you would like to address through code.
As I mentioned, there are five categories of issues within that. if you are proposing, and this is
all going back to a proposed moratorium, six month moratorium, if you are proposing that we
need a moratorium to address four pages of code issues, that's not realistic. What we were
asking for from the get go is what are we trying to solve for now? Can we accomplish that
without something as drastic as a moratorium which we think we can do through a working
committee and that is it. We are not here saying that we are against you, we are here as partners.
We want to see agriculture survive and thrive out here, whether that be wine or beer or any type
of commodity. However, we can't do that if we are working against each other. Our letter
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yesterday was an attempt to say, we are here, we have great people who are willing to act as a
reference, a resource, a partner in this process and that was it. And we are still here and willing
to work with you on that.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay. Let's all clarify for the public record that I had asked you for
input some time ago at a meeting.
MS. TUTHILL: Three and a half weeks ago, yes.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I said, I am going to give you specific stuff and I want you to give
me ideas because you know with your members, what some of the problems are. So I want you
to give me those ideas so we have a template on what we are going to, so it's not like I haven't
reached out to you. I reached out to you early on in the process but I got to be honest, when you
go to a public meeting like a chamber and someone says well, where did the moratorium come
from, well, I don't know; we are still waiting. That's not necessarily being honest because you
knew where the moratorium was coming from because I had already explained it to you, all of
the general concerns and yes, I included a few specifics in that conversation. So you know
where my concerns were and I think it would have been fair to say, well, we did have a general
discussion with the Supervisor, he did reach out to us, he did ask us for input and he assured us
he is going to give us more specifics, so we are waiting for that. That would have been a fair
MS. TUTHILL: We are not on the record as saying that. That's...
MS. TUTHILL: We have said that over and over again, publicly and to our own members.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes, you probably have.
MS. TUTHILL: There is no discrepancy there. And I am not, again, I am standing here on
December 20`", not to revisit the past and meetings that may or may not happen, we have been
actively engaging with the community to get an understanding of how we can be better
community partners, that is nothing against moratorium or code or anything. That is us showing
our commitment to the community and to be, to really working with them to make sure that we
have a sustainable future here. Meeting with Chambers of Commerce is a great way to do that.
At no point during any of those meetings have we ever wavered on our stance that yes, you
engaged us in that process, yes, we are willing partners in that process,that has not changed.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Well, we were at the same meeting and you didn't say that at first. I
had to go up and make sure the public understood that.
MS. TUTHILL: I am not here to play tit for tat, sir, I am not....
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Let's be honest about the dialogue.
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MS. TUTHILL: I am being honest. I am here again, to the Town Board and to you, to say that
our organizations are here as partners and we want to work with you and you have a working
group that consists of a number of very strong individuals who are dedicated and passionate and
want to see this through. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anyone else like to address the Town Board?
Karl Novak, Pres L.I. Farm Bureau
KARL NOVAK: Karl Novak, I am president of the Long Island Farm Bureau and I would just
like to reiterate what Allie said, we are here to work with you. We are not here as adversarial
people, adversarial organizations. We want to do what's best for the community, we want to do
what's best for agriculture. Whatever part of agriculture that is. And we have a long history of
working with the Town of Southold, you worked with us very well with the deer cull, you
supported us, we supported you. That's what we are looking to do now as far as any continued
dialogue as far as the wine industry, agricultural industry. We are here to support our member
groups and we are here to support the town.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Who else would like to address the Town Board?
Adam Suprenant, Southold
ADAM SUPRENANT: Hi, my name is Adam Suprenant, I am a resident at 425 South Harbor
Road in Southold. I am also a winery owner, the winery is called Coffee Pot Cellars and I am a
board member on the Long Island Wine Council. I would like to just take the time to address the
Board because I think as far as I am concerned, your voices are often not heard by us and we
largely hear Supervisor Russell's voice and that's his job as Supervisor. What I would like to
address is what I see as kind of this farce of a moratorium. Now we were basically told as a
group, the wineries, that oh, come down and talk to us otherwise it's not a quid quo pro but we
are going to have this moratorium, so you have to come down and talk to us and so that's kind
of, to me, a little disingenuous to say that it was just a call for open dialogue, that we could just
meet and have some discussions on the inadequacies of the code which I admit, the code is vague
in many areas and it's not just in terms of wineries and what wineries are allowed to do for land
use. But what I would like to say is we heard a very short program of resolutions by the town
and I just want to know how long this cloud of moratorium is going to hang over our industries
head without this Board voting up or down on whether a moratorium should in fact be put into
existence and why?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: The Town Board doesn't...
MR. SUPRENANT: No,please.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I was answering.
MR. SUPRENANT: Supervisor, this is the people's time to talk.
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MR. SUPRENANT: You have had your time to talk and with all due respect, I would just like to
finish my commentary and you are welcome to open up your questions.
MR. SUPRENANT: But the other issue that I would like to raise is Southold Town has an ag
advisory committee. There are a couple of members here in attendance, one of our Wine
Council members is the chair who I think you know, Chris Baiz. And they have been working
four and a half years on definitions of agricultural uses, Chapter 72, now at least a page and a
half of your bullet points were essentially definitions that could be addressed in Chapter 72.
Now you have been working on this, the Town has been working on this with the ag committee
for four and a half years and they stopped, apparently, the effort stopped short when it came to
defining what a farm winery is. What a farm brewery is, what a farm distillery is. so for me, a
four and a half year process to come up with basic definitions for what is a farm or to redefine
the code on what is a farm, what are farm stand uses and when is a farm stand required to have
site plan, when does it need to have a building permit; it took four and a half years to do that, so
the idea that a six month, some sort of a six month halt to the process would accomplish what
four and a half years to date has not accomplished with Chapter 72 and the ag advisory, plus the
fact that there already is a vehicle for the Supervisor and the Town Board in the ag advisory
committee to address issues that you raised in your four page bullet point, I just don't understand
why there needs to be some sort of Wine Council or some sort of body put together by the
wineries to develop some of these regulations when there already exists an ag advisory
committee which I would think would fall under their jurisdiction? So I guess to wrap up my
statement here, I personally don't want to see somebody build a 10,000 square foot on the ag
land, to, under the guise of being a winery. I think that's wrong but if you are legitimately
farming your land, okay, and you are creating your farm product which happens to be wine, there
is really in my mind and I am sure this is open for disagreement, there is no difference between a
farm stand selling potatoes and a winery tasting room which is in my mind a farm stand selling
an agricultural product, okay? So I think we have to kind of step back and look at the fact that
many of our operations are legitimate farms that are engaged in legitimate ag enterprise and that
in the code of Southold Town, there is a right to farm provision and we should be allowed our
rights. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Sure. I just want to answer, I didn't mean to interrupt, I was just
trying to answer the question.
MR. SUPRENANT: And I wasn't trying to be disrespectful.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: The Town Board doesn't support a moratorium, this Town Board.
And although I didn't think a working group would work without a moratorium, this Town
Board does and I support them and I think I told in my email to you, you would need to check
with the Town Board, I wasn't supportive but you should check with the Town Board, I think I
sent them the same email. Well I did, I checked with the Board and they said they want to go
with the working group. But understand something, I get it that wineries are just like any other
ag operations but it needs to differ a little bit and I will give you an example. You said a winery
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is just like a farm stand. The problem is, we already addressed the farm stand code and the
wineries could not live under the restrictions of the farm stand code. The farm stand code limits
size to 1850 square feet. It requires 60 percent of the sales to be from non-processed agricultural
products grown on site, these are the restrictions. You would eliminate the viability of a, of a
tasting room or winery, whatever you want to do. If you were to take that and say, well, we are a
farm stand too, believe me, you don't want to go there because it's far too restrictive. And the
needs of the winery industry, they just could not be viable living under those restrictions. But
there are issues here that need to be addressed. Again, I think you mischaracterized when I
almost strong-armed you to come to Town Hall. I asked to meet with you, all I wanted was an
opportunity to convince you that a moratorium was the better way to go. I supported it, you talk
about transparency, I didn't hide that I told you I think that's the way we need to go and look, I
will give you my specifics, I want to get them from you. Okay? That was an effort to try to
convince you, that's what it was. I already told you exactly what happened. It wasn't meant to
go into and be part of a public discussion but when you start talking it with the department heads
and say well, what are your issues, what are your issues, what are your issues, next thing I know
I have a reporter sitting in my office saying well, I hear you are talking about a moratorium.
Well, again, in the interests of transparency I have to be honest and tell them that yes, we did
discuss it. Yes, I went to the ag advisory committee, in fact, that was the first stop of mine and
then I went to Wine Council representatives. All I asked for at that time was for an opportunity
that it was a better way to go. This Board disagrees, the conversation with regard to
moratoriums is over. We are going to take the direction and the recommendation of your very
organization and put a working group together and try to solve some of these problems. I
shouldn't even call them problems but.
MR. SUPRENANT: Definitely and I appreciate those statements, those are very reassuring to
me as a citizen of Southold. I would also just like to remind the Supervisor, we are an
organization, the Long Island Wine Council, that represents wineries. So we don't really, can't
really represent the interests of breweries and distilleries so, I am hoping that you will somehow
separate us out of that conversation or somehow bring in some people who can really adequately
address that. This is not the alcohol industry versus the Town of Southold, this is farmers and
business men in the Town of Southold. But thank you for clarifying that for us.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: Can I just clarify? What Scott is talking about, the resolution
that we did tonight for the working group, we are going to form our own working group which
will consist of all different entities in the town. It's not your working group with us, it's a
working group that we come up with from the wineries, from the distilleries, from the residents
and of course, you guys can have input as well.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: And I can appreciate, I am sorry, we didn't do the resolution, we
will do it after the 1St but then I want you to understand I proposed the moratorium in the context
of everything. I recognize you just represent one segment, but we have issues here that we need
to solve on a global scale which is why I presented the moratorium. Because those are the issues
that need to start getting factored into the equation. Our working group is going to have all those
different segments and like I said, I don't necessarily oppose breweries on farmland but we need
to be very cautious on how we are going to make them happen. That's why I proposed it and
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 39
that's what I discussed with you. I certainly didn't mean for your organization to start trying to
help the town figure out the winery issue. We have to step back and I have to be honest, this is
an ongoing problem. I appreciate the impacts you might think a moratorium would have on your
industry but like I said, it was a larger issue. We had the same issue with special events years
ago. I think winery or Wine Council members kept thinking the special events legislation was
for was for wineries, it was a town-wide special events legislation. And I know one member
recently tried to use that as I was being anti-winery and that the wine community wasn't
involved but that's not true. Steve Bate stood here at a public hearing, thanked us for including a
lot of his recommendations and suggestions of your group. We at the time, recognized that there
were concerns that were raised but we really at the time felt those concerns wouldn't play out.
We passed special events legislation, we have a permitting process and it really hasn't
encumbered anybody. So I think we were proven right there, it wasn't anti-winery, it was about
again, the global scale special events town-wide. Not just at wineries.
MR. SUPRENANT: Well, I just hope that we can you know, moving forward with this working
group that we can keep these issues as much as possible, I know you guys are public
representatives and you need to be transparent but it doesn't help when we are dealing with
statements in the press that seem to be just kind of biased in our opinion. Our opinion, it may not
be your opinion. But I think that these are great first steps and we, I am hoping we can figure out
how to not have every winery and vineyard development have to go through ZBA and have to go
through a painful process of trying to establish their business. So, thank you very much.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Who else would like to address the Town Board?
Please, Chris.
Chris Baiz, Southold
CHRIS BAIZ: Good evening, Chris Baiz, Agricultural Advisory Committee along with a couple
of my other committeemen here and I would just like to take this opportunity to point out as you
all know, as we have been working with you as the Agricultural Advisory Committee with the
Town Board, we do have a working document that takes agriculture, if you look at the zoning
code, Chapter 280 and the definitions section, there are 210 definitions in there currently, there
might be another one in there tomorrow but of those 210 definitions, there's one called
agricultural production, there's another one called farm stand and a third one called roadside
farm stand and then recently was added two other definitions aquaculture and mariculture and
just to make sure agriculture wasn't being left out of the code, I added a sixth definition of the
definition of solar, electrical installation on farms as the sixth agricultural definition and I think
it's to try to define agriculture in six rather diverse definitions in a pool of 210, our efforts have
been to better define agriculture through a much better realization of what we can do with our
greatest underutilized natural resource in town. We have 10,000 acres of farmland here, that
won't be 10,000 acres in the distant near future if we can't make agriculture work and as we've
all discussed with you in the past with you members of the Board, getting a value added
component such as what the winery industry has shown us and the rest of agriculture, what it can
mean for us, I've estimated that if we could take the other 7,000 acres of town's agriculture and
get value added to it in the form of on-farm processing and on-farm direct marketing, we would
probably see an addition in town of 300 to 400 new technical professional jobs like a new wine
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 40
maker or like a vineyard manager or like a vice-president of marketing for each of these firms
that have been in the wine industry and it just behooves us to try to elevate the use of our natural
resource so that we can create wealth in the community and not just have hospital jobs,
government jobs, school jobs etc. I mean, those don't add to the wealth, if we can create value
out of our raw materials here, that creates value for the community. You know that our working
document is fairly well-defined and down the road to simply take a pause and let wineries,
breweries, distilleries catch up, most of those terms are very well defined in state and federal
law. They were defined by state law under the 21st amendment to the Constitution of the United
States so there's a pretty good backbone to why those definitions are there and the way they are.
I have spoken with the Planning Department, I discussed with them some of their concerns about
these applications and if one reads the state and federal laws very carefully as lawyers like to do,
I think that would resolve probably 70 or 80 percent of the issues that are out there right now.
Because they do define what we are all in question about. And after that, it's just a step to get the
other issues and let's get them into this working document so that we can get if into law for the
rest of the agricultural community. We are always here, ready and willing to talk with you all. I
talk with Scott quite frequently and you know, I guess the amusing thing to me was at one of our
code committees, the question came up of how do we define a farmhouse? We have tried to
keep the definitions very simply, very mono-harmonic, so that there's no if this then that, but if
something else then we go in three other directions so that we try to leave the interpretability out
of these definitions, they are pretty clear and concise. We hope to be working with you all very
soon in the new year to get this legislation finished up. We have got the working document that
this can be the basis for and adding this on, very simple, very quick to do. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you, Chris. If nobody else wants to speak, I want to say one
quick thing and I know I have talked a lot, I am sorry. This is the thing and this is the difficulty I
am having because I understand you don't want to read comments in the paper that you view I
guess as confrontational or antagonistic but I don't either and when you bring them up, you say
well, you don't want to see those. When I bring them up, your director says we don't want to
visit the past. You know, we have got to say what we mean. I don't think either side wants to
see that and when some of your members start using the word scapegoat right away after this
discussion, I found that a little reactionary and probably a bit immature because that wasn't the
dialogue I had been having with your organization first. Also...
UNIDENTIFIED: Inaudible comments from the audience.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: A reporter that came to me.
UNIDENTIFIED: What happens on social media is some other world. It doesn't need to be, it's
not really reality.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay, but there were comments (inaudible) whatever you want to
say. but also, there's one other thing here and this is getting to be stale rhetoric and there's
people sitting here that accused me of being anti-wine and I have been for years. I have been
here for a decade. Name one thing I have ever proposed or supported that was anti-winery. One
Southold Town Board Meeting
December 20, 2016 page 41
thing. One thing. And you can bring that to the next Board meeting if you can think of one
because I sure as heck can't. Would anyone else like to address the Board on any issue? Chris?
MR. BAIZ: Yesterday, I was summoned to the wood shed by about a half a dozen farmers out
here and they were beseeching me, when are we going to get this done? We are just choking and
I don't know how close you guys are, the Board is, to what's going on out there but 2016 was not
a good year and the previous year,,if you looked at the larger agricultural scene in the north
eastern US and talked to the president of Farm Credit East, commodity prices collapsed for a lot
of the rest of agriculture in the north east US here back in October of last year, September of last
year and most of these people have still been living with the same thing and you know, I have
had comments that Riverhead can do it, Brookhaven, my god, they are going to allow breweries
because there's some brew master from Brooklyn who wants to come out and just build a
brewery out on eastern Long Island but not sell anything, it's all going to be in the New York
market, so you know, this is a moving target and we have to keep up with the rest of the area if
we are going to keep our farmers here in the Town of Southold. I had guys yesterday they were
ready to put up for sale signs and submit development plans to the Planning Department. All I
want to do with agriculture in the breadth of all categories is move ahead. And let's not look
back, let's move ahead. We have got one direction we can go and that's forward. Thanks.
Supervisor Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you, Chris. And I know you guys have been working hard
and I think we are ready to adopt the definitions as an entirety. That will help steer the rest of
72. So,thank you. Anybody else?
Motion To: Adjourn Town Board Meeting
RESOLVED that this meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby is declared adjourned
at 5:34P.M.
EliLbeth A.Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
SECONDER:Jill Doherty, Councilwoman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell