HomeMy WebLinkAboutHANAUER & BAGLEYBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Ma'm Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 February 4, 1985 TELEPHONE [51~) 765-1892 Abigail A. Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Wickham & Bressler, Main Road, Box 1424 Matti%uck, New York 11952 PoC. Re: Application of Hanauer & Bagley Lighthouse Road & Soundview Avenue Dear Ms. Wickham: After reviewing recent correspondence from your office, the Board of Trustees, at its Regular Meeting of January 30, 1985 reiterates its opinion as to jurisdiction regarding the above-referenced ma~er. Please be advised that any proposed activity on the Wetlands will require a permit from the Board of Trustees. The Board visited the site on January 24, 1985 and feels this is a very sensitive area. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS[:ip cc: Board of Appeals~'~ Trustees~ File ~ HAIN ROAD-~TATE ROAD APPEALS BOARD N~EMRERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER. CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONI$, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J, DOUGLASS JOSEPH B. SAWfCKI January ll, 1985 Board of Appeals E'~OUTHDLD, L,I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE [516) 785-1809 Abigail Ao Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Wickham & Bressler, Main Road, Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 PoC. Re: Appeal No. 3214 Hanauer and Bagley Your Letter of January 7, 1985 Dear Gall: After reviewing recent correspondence from your office, together with recent replies from the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation and the Suffolk County Health Department (copies of which are enclosed for reference), the board at its Regular Meeting of January 10, 1985, reit- erates its request o~ November 15, 1984 for the following: (a) Wetlands map delineating the areas of wetlands and areas underwater for each parcel (in square feet) as well as the square footage of upland for each parcel; it is our understanding that the N.Y~S. D.E.C. has recently been staking out wetlands of freshwater ponds and it is suggested that you contact them for information concerning this pond; Suffolk County Health Department approval of subdivi- sion as required under Article 6; it is our under- standing that a new application can be made for this subdivision, and that "building envelopes and sewage disposal system locations should be defined in application so these concerns can be properly addressed." (See Comments dated 12/1t/84-R. Reynolds); (c) Letter or recommendations from. the Southold Town Trustees pursuant to their 12/4/84 letter of juris- diction. Page 2 - January ll, 1985 Re: Hanauer and Bagley #3214 Abigail A. Nickham, Esq. The file has been determined incomplete pending receipt of all of the above documentation. Upon receipt df same, further process'~9 can be properly done by this board. We,re sorry that we are not able to grant any waivers to these requirements and realize there is a contract of sale pending on the premises; however, this ~s an environmentally sensitive tract of land for which a subdivision is being proposed, requiring reviews, coordination and approvals with other agencies. Ycurs very truly, lk Enclosures cc: Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Buildin9 GERARD P. CHAIRMAN Depar%ment GOEHRINGER WICKHAM. WICKHAM & BRESSLER January7, 1985 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 728 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application of Hanauer & Bagley Lighthouse Rd. & SoundviewAve. Gentle~aen: We were advised by the Department of Environmental Conservation that they do not have jurisdiction over this matter by letter dated December 2, 1982, a copy of which is enclosed. The pond on the subject property is apparently not a protected body of water. Our engineering studies have determined that the water is merely run-off which is held within the property by an underlying layer of silt or clay and by the dam that was constructed at the south end of the property. It is therefore known as perched water. Accordingly, we request that you revise your opinion as to jurisdiction. I would be happy to discuss the matter further with you if you would like to schedule an appointment for me before your Board. very :~t~ly yours, Ab~ail A. Wickham AAW: ~ml encl. cc: Z~Board of Appeals PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) '765-1938 SCOTI' L. HARRIS Supervisor PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Halt_ 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516~ 765-1823 December 20, 1991 S~nford Hanauer 130 Wood~ury Road Woodbury, NewYork 11797 RE: Proposed Major Subdivision Hanauer/Bagley/Too Bee Realty SCTM~ 1000~50-6-4 & 5 Dear Mr. Hanauer: The Planning Board is in receip~ of the yield map dated November 22, 1991, and the cluster map dated December 10, 1991, for the above mentioned subdivision. The Board is in favor of the general layout and will proceed with their review as quickly as possible. A few minor changes to the cluster map are needed. These are listed below: The area between the pond and the wetlands line as determined by En-Consultants, Inc., is to be included within the parcel to be offered for dedication to the Town of Southold. The metes and bounds of this parcel must also be shown. The wetland area within the Too Bee Realty subdivision shall be shown as "the overflow area" on the current map. This area shall be included within the land to be dedicated to the Town. Please show the poin-t of discharge from the pond into the overflow area. This should also be included in the area to be dedicated to the Town. It is not necessary to show a right-of-way around the common driveway areas. It should be noted on the map that Lots 4 and 5 are to share the common driveway shown on Lot 1. In addition to the revisions listed above, a revised application form and a short environmental assessment form are needed to complete the file for this new application. Upon submission of these items and eight (8) copies of the revised cluster maps, the Planning Board will start the SEQRA lead agency coordination process. It is understood that you will be making an application to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Planning Board will await a determination from that Board before making a sketch determination. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~ ~' 4~3 Chairman cc: Gerard P. Goehringerr Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals John M. Bredemeyer, President, Board of Trustees / PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham Ir. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone /5163 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HARRIS Supervisor Town Hail. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 1197 [ Fax (516~ 765-1823 October 25~ 1991 Sanford Hanauer 130 Woodbury Road WoodburY, New York 11797 RE: Proposed Major Subdivision Join5 Project for Hanauer/Baqley SCTM9 1000-50-6-4 Too Bee Realty SCTM9 1000-50-6-5 Dear Mr. Hanauer: As per your request, please find below a draft of the covenants and restrictions that will be required in the conservation easement area in this subdivision. No structure or building shall be placed within the conservation easement area. The terms "structure" and "building" shall be interpreted as including swimming pools, patios, storage buildings structures for the housing of domesticated animals, boat or other trailers, recreational vehicles, fences, retaining walls and bulkheads. There shall be no construction of any kind within the conservation easement. The conservation easement area shall remain in its natural state. It is not to be cleared of the indigenous vegetation of the area. Nor shall it be mowed and planted to grass. The only exception shall be the allowance of one foot path to the pond, not to exceed four (4) feet in width, for each lot. The conservation easement area shall not be filled with either soil, sand, or other debris, including brush. Any disturbance to the land within the conservation easement shall be redressed by the restorations of said land to its prior natural state. Page 2 Hanauer/Bagley/Too Bee Realty Additional covenants and restrictions may be required if deemed necessary during the s~bdivision review and the State Environmental Quality Review, and also upon review of the project by the Trustees. As indicated on the Planning Board's sketch which is included with the October 9, 1991 lette~, the above mentioned project is contingent on your offering the pond and an area adjacent to the pond (the area delineated as wetland on the Too Bee R~alty Subdivision), for dedication to the Town. The Planning~oa~d,s decision to include the area adjacent to the pond inthe parcel to be offere~for dedication~ was not based on the extent of wetland vegetation in this area. Rather, the: decision Was based on the Board's observation thatthis area is part of the natural drainage area of the pond, and is therefore an integral part of the pond. The Planning Board awaits your submission of the required information to proceed with this project. Please contact Melissa Spiro of this o~fice if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: John M. Bredemeyer, President, Town Trustees PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516~ 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOC'-D · L. HARRIS ~ervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516~ 765-1823 October 9, 1991 Sanford Hanauer 130 Woodbury Road Wood_bury, New York 11797 RE: Proposed Major Subdivision Joint Project for Hanauer/Bagley SCTM~ 1000-50-6-4 Too Bee Realty SCTM~ 1000-50-6-5 Dear Mr. Hanauer: The Planning Board has reviewed the preliminary sketch of the above mentioned project which was submitted on September 18, 1991. The procedure for approving the project was also discussed by the Town Attorney, members of the Planning Board and members of the Town Trustees at a meeting held on September 27, 1991, and at a later date with a representative from the office of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The enclosed sketch reflects the changes that must be made to your preliminary sketch in order to obtain approvals. An explanation of the changes are noted below: The land to the south of the pond is to be included with the parcel to be dedicated to the Town; 2. A'building envelope is to be indicated for Lot 6; A seventy-five (75) foot conservation easement area is to be indicated around the pond area. While the terms of this conservation area will be defined in more detail, in general, this area shall be left in its natural state with a provzsion for a foot path to the pond for each lot. The land within the building envelope for Lot 6 shall not be subject to the conservation easement. The access for Lot 5 is to be located on the north side of the lot. The accessways for all flag lots need only be 15 feet in width. Page 2 Hanauer/Bagley & Too Bee Since the maps we have are outdated, and do not shown the verified wetlands line, it would he appreciated if the revised maps included the verified wetland line. In addition you should make the necessary application(s) to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the area variance(s). Please contact that office if you have any questions about the application itself. I have enclosed a chart of the general time frames for the project. I hope this will be of help to you. The Planning Board awaits your formal submission of the clustered subdivision. Please contact Melissa Spire if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Bennett 0rlowski, Jr. Chairman encl. CC: Harvey A. Arnoff, Town Attorney Matthew Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals ~tJohn M. Bredemeyer, President, Town Trustees III') I": loc)'