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� Y�t5"+sSC A4".C. ._ ..". .., .. .. ,. , 'a' +"»;YS:"£:,:.^.'i"L''`.�I'" A :�,'"�"�PL'�'Iry°'%eC'?.°' l'd�'+%":L'SC".FST!.:a""n",.1';SG.,w�,.Gf '",'�";Yt,;.`n;�n.'t,�•n;°'"u'iic�'.SY„•nTrro;:i':(^ .r.T ,h'a`3t"irR4'F•i3Cre9'7aY - � ,.. .. 'fie° - General Utilities f, S17E: THE ENCLAVES 1' 1. CONTRACTOR SHALLL NOTIFY"DIG-SAFE"(1-848-344-7833)AT LEAST 72 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATING. 1. THE LOCATIONS,SIZES,AND TYPES OF EXISTING UTILITES ARE SHOWN AS AN APPROXIMATE 56655 ROUTE 25 REPRESENTATION ONLY. THE OWNER OR ITS REPRESENTATIVE(S)HAVE NOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SECURITY AND JOB SAFETY.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THIS INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN DOES NOT GUARANTEE SOUTHOLD,NY i THE ACTUAL EXISTENCE,SERVICEABILITY,OR OTHER DATA CONCERNING THE UTILITIES,NOR DOES IT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA STANDARDS AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. GUARANTEE AGAINST THE POSSIBILITY THAT ADDITIONAL UTILITIES MAY BE PRESENT THAT ARE NOT SHOWN SCTM#: 1000-63-3-15 r'" N WALKWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ON THE PLANS. PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL `~ t 3. ACCESSIBLE ROUTES,PARKING SPACES,RAMPS,SIDEWALKS,AND LOT AREA: 6.725 ACRES „ N WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND WITH STATE AND LOCAL LAWS VERIFY AND DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATIONS,SIZES,AND ELEVATIONS OF THE POINTS OF CONNECTIONS I r I e lute CONFORMANCE WITH THE FEDERAL AMERICAS i r � � _. Environmentaland n g o ns RE MOST STRINGEN TO EXISITING UTILITIES AND SHALL CONFIRM THAT THERE ARE NO INTERFERENCES WITH EXISTING UTILITIES e O AND REGULATIONS(WHICH A T) � " 1i � = " i Strategic Engin •n S AND THE PROPOSED UTILITY ROUTES,INCLUDING ROUTES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY. ZONE. HB- HAMLET BUSINESS I -. _ -I '"'�"?'re7S?"�%e.*"awmtmwr '-:r.�n ?a'.r+;�5:n,7�,.-e,.,..-,+^t,-,�....,•, rrvx-^r.�x,,,.�;.-c•r_:vx.,.� N AND NOT RESTORED WITH IMPERVIOUS SURFACES(BUILDINGS, 4. AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED PROPOSED T D TO CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED WORK,OR EXISTING CONDITIONS ECIEVE 6 INCHES LOAM AND SEED. 2. WHERE AN EXISTING UTILITY IS FOUND PAVEMENTS,WALKS,ETC.)SHALL R •,;: �:4 �� � � � SUCH THAT THE WORK CANNOT BE COMPLETED AS INTENDED,THE LOCATION, DIFFER FROM THOSE SHOWN S I r MIN.LOT SIZE 20,000 SQ.FT. 294,202 SQ.FT. ' HALL BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED WITH DELAY BY THE THE LOCAL RIGHTS-OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL MUNICIPAL STANDARDS. WORK ELEVATION,AND SIZE OF THE UTILITY S 5. WORK WITHIN C T -OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO COUNTY STANDARDS.WORK WITHIN STATE CONTRACTOR,AND THE INFORMATION FURNISHED IN WRITING TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE MIN.LOT WIDTH 60' 190.66' :• WITHIN THE COUNTY RIGHTS � r RIGHTS-OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENTS RESOLUTION OF THE CONFLICT AND CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO NOTIFY PRIOR TO PERFORMING MIN.LOT DEPTH 15, 17.16'' I . STANDARD SPECT-(CATIONS FOR HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. ADDITIONAL WORK RELEASES OWNER FROM OBLIGATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS WHICH OTHERWISE M!N.FRONT YARD 15' 17.16' 630 Johnson Avenue. . Suite 7 MAY BE WARRANTED TO RESOLVE THE CONFLICT. MIN.SIDE YARD 10' 48.66' ! Bohemia - NY . 11716-2618 6. UPON AWARD OF CONTRACT,CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATIONS AND BOTH SIDE YARDS 25' 104.49' } ET CATCH BASIN RIMS AND INVERTS OF SEWERS,DRAINS,AND DITCHES 1N ACCORDANCE WITH MIN REAR YARD 25' 153.83' Phone: (631) 589-6353 . Fax: (631) 589-8705 APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN NECESSARY PERMITS,PAY FEES,AND POST BONDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK 3. S C IONS ON THE GRADING AND UTILITY PLANS, LANDSCAPE AREA 25% 58.8% ( E-mail: I NFO@ PW GROSSER.COM ELEVATIONS o INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS,:N THE SPECIFICATIONS,AND IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. DO NOT CLOSE OR OBSTRUCT ROADWAYS,SIDEWALKS,AND FIRE HYDRANTS,WITHOUT APPROPRIATE PERMITS, MAX.LOT COVERAGE 40% 1 ' 4. RIM ELEVATIONS FOR DRAIN AND SEWER MANHOLES,WATERER VALVE COVERS,GAS GATES,ELECTRIC AND MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35' 32.932.93'w �� 7. TRAFFIC SIGNAGE AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC TELEPHONE PULL BOXES,AND MANHOLES,AND OTHER SUCH ITEMS ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE NUMBER OF STORIES 2 STORIES 2 STORIES CONSULTANTS-��- - � CONTROL DEVICES. SETJRESET AS FOLLOWS: 8. AREAS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF PROPOSED WORK DISTURBED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL A. PAVEMENT AND CONCRETE SURFACES: FLUSH BE RESTORED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. B. ALL SURFACES ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES: FLUSH 9. IN THE EVENT THAT THE SUSPECTED CONTAMINATED SOIL,GROUNDWATER,AND OTHER MEDIA ARE EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES BASED ON VISUAL,OLFACTORY,OR C. LANDSCAPE,LOAM AND SEED,AND OTHER EARTH SURFACE AREAS:ONE INCH ABOVE SURROUNDING ENCOUNTERED DURING OTHER EVIDENCE,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP WORK IN THE VICINITY OF THE SUSPECT MATERIAL TO AREA AND TAPER EARTH TO RIM ELEVATION. I AVOID FURTHER SPREADING OF THE MATERIAL,AND SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY SO THAT THE APPROPRIATE TESTING AND SUBSEQUENT ACTION CAN BE TAKEN. 5. THE LOCATION,SIZE,DEPTH,AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED PRIVATE UTILITY SERVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED BY,AND APPROVED BY,THE i 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT DUST,SEDIMENT,AND DEBRIS FROM EXITING THE SITE AND SHALL BE RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANY(GAS,TELEPHONE,ELECTRIC,FIRE ALARM,ETC.). FINAL DESIGN LOADS AND URS. LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND ARCHITECT. P REPAIRS AND CORRECTIVE ACTION IF SUCH OCC RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANUP, 11. DAMAGE RESULTING FROM CONSTRUCTION LOADS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING FEES FOR POLE • ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. RELOCATION AND FOR THE ALTERATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF GAS,ELECTRIC,TELEPHONE,FIRE ALARM, AND ANY OT TER PRIVATE UTILITIES,WHETHER WORK IS PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR OR BY THE UTILITIES 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTROL STORMWATER RUNOFF DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT ADVERSE COMPANY. IMPACTS TO OFF-SITE AREAS,AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPAIR RESULTING DAMAGES,IF ANY,AT NO SANITARY SYSTEM 1 (PROPOSED RESTAURANT) # COST TO OWNER. 7. UTILITY PIPE MATERIALS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN: PROPOSED 74 SEAT RESTAURANT A. WATER PIPES SHALL BE CEMENT LINE DUCTILE IRON PIPE(CLDI) z: = = B. SANITARY SEWER PIPES SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC) SANITARY FLOW 10 GPD/SEAT X 74 SEATS 740 GPID ��� � �• ���+� I tr• " I ; KITCHEN FLOW=20 GPD/SEAT X 74 SEATS=1,4810 GPD ` I C. STORM DRAINAGE PIPES SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE(RCP) a� 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR AND SHALL FURNISH EXCAVATION, TOTAL DESIGN FLOW'740 GPD+1,480 GPD=2,220 GPD Grading and Drainage Notes I INSTALLATION,AND BACKFILL OF ELECTRICAL FURNISHED SITEWORK RELATED ITEMS SUCH AS PULL BOXES, _ i R CONDUITS,DUCT BANKS,LIGHT POLE BASES,AND CONCRETE PADS. SITE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH 1. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS AND CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OF DUCT BANKS IF REQUIRED BY THE UTILITY COMPANY AND AS INDICATED ON SEPTIC TANK DESIGN 4, THE DRAWINGS. -...., ._ SPECIFICATIONS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON,SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT,SUFFOLK REQUIRED: 2,220 GPD X 2 DAYS=4,440 GPD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE AND BACKFILL TRENCHES FOR GAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH GAS COMPANY'S " AS APPLICABALE. PROVIDED: (2)10'DIA.x 5'LIQUID DEPTH SEPTIC TANK(5,000 GAL) REQUIREMENTS. i 2. UTLITY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS BASED ON VISIBLE FIELD EVIDENCE AND AVAILABLE ` N RECORDS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING 10, ALL DRAINAGE AND SANITARY STRUCTURE INTERIOR DIAMETERS(4'MIN.)SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE GREASE TRAP DESIGN MANUFACTURER BASED ON THE PIPE CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS AND LOCAL MUNICIPAL REQUIRED: 1,480 GPD X 1 DAY=1,480 GPD WORK. CARE SHOULD BETAKEN NOT TO DISTURB EXISTING UTILITIES AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS(OR _ r' STANDARDS. FOR MANHOLES THAT ARE 20 FEET IN DEPTH AND GREATER,THE MINIMUM DIAMETER SHALL BE -- ;. PORTIONS THEREOF)TO REMAIN. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ABANDONED UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION OF NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND SHALL 5 FEET. PROVIDED: (1)10'DIA.x 5'LIQUID DEPTH GREASE TRAP(2,500 GAL) COORDINATE WORK WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY. i SANITARY LEACHING POOL DESIGN " 3. REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES,INCLUDING BUILDINGS,DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, Utility Information REQUIRED: 2.200 GPD 11.5 GPDJSF=1,480 SF _ { IS TO BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON AND APPLICABLE COUNTY,STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING SERVICE OPERATING AUTHORITY PROVIDED: NEW LEACHING POOLS ALL PERMITS FOR DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS. 10'DIA.LEACHING POOL HAS 31.4 SF PER VERTICAL LINEAR FEET(VLF) = 31.4 SFNFEET 502.4 SFERTICAL LINEAR FOOT X 16.0 VERTICAL , 4. ALL STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED(FOUNDATIONS,CONCTRETE SLABS,DRAINAGE STRUCTURES,ETC.) 502.4 SF X 3 POOLS=1,507 SF PROVIDED r ELECTRIC PSE&G SHALL BE REPLACED WITH CLEAN,GRANULAR MATERIAL,COMPACTED TO 95%STANDARD PROCTOR 1,507 SF PROVIDED>1,480 SF REQUIRED _ DENSITY. WATER SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY r I t TELEPHONE VERIZON _ , 5. ALL PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED OR REPLACED SHALL BE SAWCUT. ---------- --------- ---- --- ------------ SANITARY SYSTEM#2(PROPOSED HOTEL) �_____._____ _.___--_� "- • k. SANITARY SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES �- 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY APPROPRIATE MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC MEASURES GAS NATIONAL GRID DURING CONSTRUCTION AS APPLICABLE. MEASURES UTILIZED DURING WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE PROPOSED 22 UNIT HOTEL WITH THE N.Y.S.MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. S ITE LOCATION MAP SANITARY FLOW=150 GPD/UNIT X 22 UNITS=3,300 GPD SCALE: NTS 7. EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED,WHERE NEW CONCRETE CURBING AND CURBED ISLANDS ARE It PROPOSED,THE BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVATION SHALL BE CALCULATED USING THE EXISTING PAVEMENT N. THE TOP OF C URB SHALL BE CALCULATED 6"ABOVE THE EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATION. DESIGN FLOW=3,300 GPD 3; ELEVATION. a PAVEMENT AROUND THE PERIMETER OF EACH ISLAND SHALL BE GRADED SO THAT WATER ISNOT TRAPPED � I � SEPTIC TANK DESIGN AGAINST OR NEAR THE CURB,AND WILL FLOW FREELY TOWARDS THE NEAREST EXISTING OR PROPOSED X TING PAVEMENT SHALL BE SAWCUT AT THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED CURB. REQUIRED: 3,300 GPD X 2 DAYS=6,600 GPD O 1'5OO 3'000 7 DOWNSTREAM INLET. EXISTING 6 BACKFILL AROUND THE THE COMPLETED ISLAND SHALL BE CLEAN,GRANULAR FILL COMPACTED TO 95% . STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. NEW ASPHALT SHALL PROVIDED A SMOOTH TRANSITION TO EXISTING Erosion Control PROVIDED: (2)12'DIA.x 5'LIQUID DEPTH SEPTIC TANK(7,500 GAL) SCALE: 1" - 1,500' a s PAVEMENT TO REMAIN. ALL SAWCUT LINES SHALL BE SEALED WHERE NEW PAVEMETN MEETS EXISTING 3 PAVEMENT TO REMAIN. 2 1. PRIOR TO STARTING ANY OTHER WORK ON THE SITE,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY APPROPRIATE SANITARY LEACHING POOL DESIGN 1 s AGENCIES AND SHALL INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND AS IDENTIFIED 8. ALL EXISTING CATCH BASINS AND DRYWELLS SHALL BE CLEANED OF SILT AND DEBRIS AT THE COMPLETION REQUIRED: 3,300 GPD 11.5 GPD/SF=2,200 SF Number Revision Descdpnon Revision Date OF CONSTRUCTION. IN FEDERAL,STATE,AND LOCAL APPROVAL DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THIS PROJECT. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY APPROPRIATE UTILITIES 48 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATION,CUTTING, 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT AND MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES,AND REMOVE SEDIMENT PROVIDED: NEW LEACHING POOLS REMOVING,OR TAPPING INTO ANY EXISTING UTILITY SERVICE. THE TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON SHALL BE THEREFROM ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND WITHIN TWELVE HOURS AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND DISPOSE OF 10'DIA.LEACHING POOL HAST SF PER VERTICAL LINEAR FEET(VLF) Designed By Date Created d NOTIFIED 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY SITE WORK IS BEGUN. SEDIMENTS IN AN UPLAND AREA SUCH THAT THEY DO NOT ENCUMBER OTHER DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND 471 SFNERTICAL LINEAR FOOT X 15.0 VERTICAL FEET=471 SF TC 01/20/17 `, PROTECTED AREAS. 471 SFX 5 POOLS=2,355 SF PROVIDED DrawnBy Date Created t It 10. PRIVATE UTILITY POLES TO BE RELOCATED SHALL BE DONE WITH COORDINATION WITH THE APPROPRIATE 2,355 SF PROVIDED>2,200 SF REQUIRED BG 08/2 WN ;) Approved By Scale iI` ELECTRIC AND TELECOMMIUNICATION COMPANIES. GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND/OR 3. CONTRACTOR SHLL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE TO CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SUCH THAT SEDIMENTATION BG AS SHOWN _ SERVICE ABANDONMENTS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH LIPAJ NATIONAL GRID. WHERE FEASIBLE, SHALL NOT AFFECT REGULATORY PROTECTED AREAS,WHETHER SUCH SEDIMENTATION IS CAUSED BY Client: L BE UNDERGROUND. WATER,WIND,OR DIRECT DEPOSIT. PROPOSED ELECTRICAL WIRING SHALL STHE ENCLAVES WN ON THE PLAN. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING SUCH THAT EARTH MATERIALS ARE EXPOSED ' I 56655 ROUTE 25 11. ALL CONNECTING DRAINAGE PIPING SHALL 8E 12"RCP UNLESS OTHERWISE SHO FOR A MINIMUM OF TIME BEFORE THEY ARE COVERED,SEEDED,OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED TO PREVENT SOUTHOLD, 12. DEBRIS SHALL NOT BE BURIED ON THE SUBJECT SITE. ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE EROSION. urvey Notes NY Project: DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL TOWN,COUNTY,STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS AND APPLICABLE CODES. 5. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT GROUND COVER, M �. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND CLEAN SEDIMENT AND 1. SURVEY PREPARED BY JOHN MINTO SURVEYOR,93 SMITHTOWN BOULEVARD,SMITHTOWN,NY � 1, 13. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPIING SHALL BE DR-18 PVC OR EQUAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN. DEBRIS FROM ENTIRE DRAINAGE AND SEWER SYSTEMS. DATED:MARCH 28,2006-LAST UPDATED:JULY 6,2015 WHERE SEWER PIPE COVER IS LESS THAN 4'-0",DUCTILE IRON PIPE IS REQUIRED. SITE PLAN 3 x 14. REFER TO LIPA STANDARD SHEETS FOR PROTECTIVE BOLLARD SIZES,REQUIRED SETBACKS AND OTHER DIMENSIONS AT TRANSFORMER AND GENERATOR PADS. 15. WATER MAIN TAPS,INCLUDING TAPPING PERMITS AND FEES,METER REQUIREMENTS,ETC.,SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY. + Project Address 56655 ROUTE 25 16. EXISTING WATER,SEWER AND OTHER CASTINGS DISTURBED DURING WORK SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO GRADE SOUTHOLD AS REQUIRED. RESTAURANT PARKING SPACES REQUIRED SPACES PROVIDED 17. ALL PROPOSED DRYWELL:S SHALL BE PRECAST,WITH PRECAST OPENINGS FOR DRAINAGE PIPE AND SHALL 74 SEATS!3 24.6 SPACES(1ADA) 25 SPACES(2 ADA) SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK TOTAL RESTAURANT PROVIDED:25 SPACES(2 ADA) County Tax Map Number: Contract Number: CONFORM TO SUFFOLK COUNTY STANDARDS. 1000-63.3-15 HOTEL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED SPACES PROVIDED v Regulatory Reference Number 22 UNITS 22 SPACES(1ADA) 44 SPACES(2 ADA) s 11EMPLOYYEE-OR-1%UNIT 22 SPACES(1ADA) 44 SPACES(2 ADA) True of Drawing. TOTAL HOTEL PARKING PROVIDED:88 SPACES(4ADA) SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES o •,; ;- ...;., � Drawing Number. 2. t y VV C =001 h �D4t r V/ �Jf r,fJ Sheet of o 0 FF° 0 ? 2017 `�;, 02 , , 10 '+ �r> > �' „•'' PWGC Protect Number. e� Southold Town Unauthoriiedalterationoraddilion z 1- Planning Board to this of whg and related documents AVG 1 601 a a Is a violation of Section 7209 LL o Y of the New York Stale Education Law is . "VW2dYA.V.'f^A85t d a .. ,. „ ., '61'�R' " „iAa'wT:2A„arRr•RStlYstAP.§rA( '. .v .&7F:8ff•A•rieiseiA 'K9”f '!1, ."Y�ais."�Wri,fd'Ftl> +'`Y '7,"uA7.' ,Cild5�'81ffi .�&3PPf - `C4'xJ.�.aIX" $'.":/k'&.FL+�W.1aN 4' S�SiY�»fa°'.ii .+z, 4'�"+.5`%'�iS7;�i n.."C.,";`,�i{A7r2$' .Lw.".:� r ✓:" 5."',r;'.9"'r::iR:rf%T.,C,:,ds,' 4,'°u".3.',^.:m kKvtiln`HAw'Xaa,.:S;::S.'SPa,'�'., iF&rRanT'„wren�'M°5'7`w•7fR r ,. .Y: rr 11-1 > '".�1'.iw'^?s.'NfM?9.i��'f`;.•E:.....-w"� A, Existing Proposed Notes Existing Proposed Notes Existing Proposed Notes Existing _ Proposed Notes Political and Property Boundaries Topogra hic Features UtilityFeatures 6”RD PROPERTY LINE;RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE - "' -' -' - 14 MINOR CONTOURS F C '; ROOF DRAINAGE a, BC ! BOTTOM OF CURB DRAINAGE t BW BOTTOM OF WALL ------------- ------------- � INTERIOR PROPERTY LINE ---' -'--' ' ' ~--- --'~--• 20 MAJOR CONTOURS �. 15"D I - — — — — — — - - — — — — — — - BUILDING SETBACK LINE - — — — — — - RIDGELINE UD ! UNDERDRAINAGE „'.' CAN CABLE TELEVISION R I 6--G-E L I N E Strategic Environmental and Engineering Solutions EASEMENT TOP OF SLOPE FD FRENCH DRAINAGE C2. CB CATCH BASIN gn..x." ,•: �, _.., n r 4 eT,�:,w;.,,;,.�a,:'n.;•wx,,...:.,•. gip,,, TOP OF SLOPE WETLAND FLAGGING BOTTOM OF SLOPE ___ . ._ 6"S SANITARY SEWERAGE CO CLEANOUT Ba. )M OF SLOPE -_ C N F ___.._.. FM ! FORCE MAIN i `..., _.';; "���'���"s'� 1 '"4fdt ..fwo;'i-.::•. ., };.,�w,,.N. - F CONSTR 'DISTURBANCE LIMITS 0 UCTION r 3 ' f' D DRAINAGE ,.....�... E., ter._, ., WATER MAIN `:- EL.123.45 EL 123. - -ec---------- 12"W ,.. RAIN SPOT ELEVATION DMH DRAINAGE MANHOLE ) 630 JOht1SOn - — - - - - — MATCHLINE � ? '1;:,: ' TC 123.45 Avenue. . Suite 7 BC 122.95 TOP and BOTTOM of CURB ELEVATION -- -'- - -'-'---'" 2"DW DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE Bohemia . NY . 11716-2618 --o f'r.':1'l r.:; — 95 D`,' DW DRYWELL Curb and Pavement 6"FP FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE Phone: (631) 589-6353 . Fax: (631) 589-8705 TW 123.45 ; TOP and BOTTOM of WALL ELEVATION E-f`' EBX - ELECTRIC BOX E-mail: INFO@PWGROSSER.COM CONCRETE CURB TO BE REMOVED BW 113.45 _.�___.. .- _-.----_-_•-- G NATURAL GAS E`:'"i EMH ELECTRIC MANHOLE -- — — —~----- -- - CONCRETE CURB , -------- CE. --- ---- OE OVERHEAD WIRE CONSULTANTS • ' i EX EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED Drainage Elements ------- r -- ---- E 1 ELECTRIC POWERLINE / rt:r, _..__r__ _,_.... _ i TELECOMMUNICATION '-X:D,r/',-1 DW A-1 T T F. FA FIRE ALARM RIM 135.43 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE LABEL EDGE OF PAVEMENT t". `l"V 1"603 I F ' FD FRENCH DRAIN - - - - - - — - ! SAWCUT LINE P,`A,7t�,+c i"v INV 130.43(N) FOC .--_.___-_ FOC i FIBER OPTIC CABLE CTTT T4 r„ CATV i CABLE TELEVISION eft FM i FORCE MAIN NEW PAVEMENT -!--- - •?-LL iiJ TRENCH DRAIN FA - FA i FIRE ALARM f+:'`. FOC ; FIBER OPITIC CABLE r : DRAINAGE MANHOLE with GRATE INLET TRF TRAFFIC WIRING FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE p FP HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT FIRE HYDRANT G GAS " Y WV Building and Elements ^} ® O DRAINAGE MANHOLE with SOLID COVER WATER VALVE ?'r GV GAS VALVE cv HYD HYDRANT f GAS VALVE t BUILDING TO BE REMOVED I (� f ® a CATCH BASIN with CURB INLET r'`" ICV IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE _.., OEMH i;•i�;' INV ! INVERT BUILDING ELECTRIC MANHOLE 1 / _A LA LANDSCAPE DRYWELLwithG TE INLET � UTILITY POLE .. RA i . 0 0 LP LIGHT POLE rk CONCRETE TO BE REMOVED I LIGHT POLE L _ - _ - - - J Pi f' MON MONUMENT ORD j ROOF DRAIN ,• j OHW OVERHEAD WIRE CONCRETE and CONCRETE WALK DRYWELL with SOLID COVER �.; p O POST ', _.._. I = ' RD ROOF DRAIN i SIGN a ENT ® OHD BUILDING ENTRANCE and OVERHEAD DOOR ?_''' RIM RIM ELEVATION } `+ DRYWELL with BURIED CONCRETE COVER @O IPF IRON PIPE S SANITARY/SEWER i O BOLLARD PROTECTION ® MON CONCRETE MONUMENT SMH SANITARY 1 SEWER MANHOLE _ (IF:F CIRF I ;^`r' SPK I I _ t'« Oa j CAPPED IRON ROID " ' SPRINKLER HEAD Fence and Property Features `i__ ;\ DRYWELL @IRF I IRON ROD I T I TELEPHONE i I „ _ I CHAIN LINK FENCE f."r„, CIRS + i' TC TOP OF CURB j CAPPED IRON ROID SET TMH I TELEPHONE MANHOLE ( M TE ON STOCKADEFENCE TRANS (I TRANSFORMER FENCE(OTHER) SOIL BORING ”-:..rl-. TSB TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX Sanitary Sewer Facilities i RETAINING WALL i (? TMH TMH TELEPHONE MANHOLE :Y.L,P A-': LP A-1 I TSP TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE TREE LINE } _ _ .. I SANITARY SEWER STRUCTURE LABEL RIM 135.43 TF ❑ TP I TELEPHONE PEDESTAL EDGE of WATER LINE 1 HIGH WATER !'.'`.' i;<.G.43 IP!'' INV 130.43(N) I i "'' TOP OF WALL — — " TRANS i TRANSFORMER )s UD UNDERDRAINAGE GG- - CO f +❑ CLEANOUT Parking Features Q TSP i TRAFFIC SIGNAL VI W WATER WV WV WATER VALVE ` 24 PARKING COUNT TSB TRAFFIC SIGNAL[BOX O t Q i O O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE VIF VERIFY IN FIELD F i i'a EBX ELECTRIC BOX 24 LANDBANKED PARKING COUNT I I 7 r� I 0 ICV IRRIGATION CON'TROLVALVE j 6 - 225 CUMULATIVE PARKING COUNT 5 LEACHING POOL w COVER TO GRADE _ 4t ' `:;:•.;: �;, 0 SPK SPRINKERHEAD C:3 ,t � 4 / / Number Revision Description Revision Date HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE PARKING t; '' '- �,^ •® � I SEPTIC TANK with COVERS TO GRADE Designed By Date Submitted } ( TC 01/20/17 Drawn By Date Created TC 08/23/16 Approved By Scale 1 I I I RG AS SHOWN 3 I B, �I B �i ,., ®' ® GREASE TRAP with COVERS TO GRADE hent THE ENCLAVES 56655 ROUTE 25 STANDARD PARKING SPACES /f' '/�i� I LEACHING POOL with BURIED CONC.COVER 'r'� SOUTHOLD NY Pr ect Y% { SEPTIC TANK with BURIED CONC.COVER 1 % I SITE PLAN r i I Project Address. 56655 ROUTE 25 SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK County Tax Map Number. Contract Number: 1000-63-3-15 x Regulatory Reference Number. Title of Drawing. SITE PLAN LEDGEND s Drawing Number. q Its t;t�r i J',',+'�/ ✓'/�.%r---p .kms t h n(] .1� S ka m u ►�[ ooa Sheet of 1O l � FEB 0 t 2017 �,.`.< �, 2 10 Azh - ''" tiff, " '�:, � ,.r„•�` .• PWGC Project Number. ' z ., utho!d TOwn w w Panning Board Unauthorized alteration or addition to this drawing and related documents AVG 1601 w is a violation of Section 7209 u o Of the New York State Education Law o .- TuAkd??�P`•,i�'fi,'::'zt;%RYJf:Y°sILVm',,�!'r✓'S;;-en"n'3r?�'SS'i?�F , w w _ TOWN HARBOR i UJ — r LANE � zU o 0Uo � oN o LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF r�•1 Z VALERIE M.SCOPAZ LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF Z "� S. C.T.M. N0. 1000-63-03-16 ANTHONY FORGIONE >- 1- wooD Posrs VINCENT DOLOMITE&ILEANA DOLOMITE o z U WITH NETTING i ! S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-17.3 z o vi °—° EXISTING 1 STORY FRAME f °vv oI ~Z SHED TO BE RENOVATED AND a ' Strategic g- �'�c Envr„iro-nmeyn tal and Engineering_ SolutionsS.C.T.M. N0. 1000-63-03-17.4 INCORPORATED INTO MAIN EO SEE SIGN STRUCTUREQ SCHEDULE � ?u RESTAURANT AND THISSHEE "- 310.00' ; �, : ?.:'.- € ,>'pw,. 1si`F. :'sk.: ." J :1e!° .. •' 622.78' i o S07°44'40 t S07°38'10"E '• - lyl 11'� ��F'°fir +a� •��� � � �, �� ,t . L ° I ENCLAVES(HOTEL) o o I ,I$IGH - - - m _ --- - -- 4 SIGN(SEE ..,ac.,.xtt• .,s,-._..c.,,,r..,.,-ci,......_r.,,..t.,..,.::;c,.F,.,a.a,,,w..M„%' - - ., - - ° _ _ - - - - - - - - - - f _ - _ �..- ARCHITECTURAL -o-o chain x o, NEW PROP - DRIVEWAY o-O-o- io-c-• °-°-°-°-°--o-"o--0-°-0 link fence o SED <, 0 I PRCHI� chain ~"0 '°--0.... stockadefence �, I , LANS 630 Johnson Avenue Suite 7 st ade fence -— — _._ � Bohemia . NY . 11716-2618 o R _ i fLl�= _ o LINE OF(J(ISTING 26 i iN Phone: (631) 589-6353 . Fax: 631 589-8705 \ steekadefence- - `"-' p`"""I y m cn r7Jr p r TING 1 STORY i DRIVEWAY TO BE ;,i' -EXISTING WELL 1 GARBAGE S p. m o Q Lu \ ) 1 31 AREA r 2' _ ANGARAGETO I REMOVED / - IRRIGATION WELL I O I� E-mail: INFO@PWGROSSER.COM 't N 30 m BAGE �o_lo\otO� \ . - I Zr .-,.... PROPOSED SEWAGE 29 y EA; EXISTINGTOB j'� j n i REMOVED ? : T ` I Q'� ob� CONSULTANTS 1 ` DISPOSAL SYSTEM - 1 D O O v 5 EXISTING TO STORY i z 1 'f - IGH RE TO REMAIN F . . x 7 ------------ IRD O O •O 0 '-i 28 _._. z v --- - ---- --- ---- ---- - ------- -- ------ --- ----- -- --- 27 \ 'T, � STRUCTURE } 'S r 26 <, I, ,,� /�, i cb — I� - - rJ 0 6 6 1 / '� 6'' 1 Y - , R8 5P P S 1 N, c' � ,1'' � PRO 0 E 'I r L. I r O i I 4 I __ _ N 'it - - -- FR TYA i I, 0 RD _. ;t EE SIGN o_ S G O _ .... w i' ETBACK E PRQPOS DADDITIO N _ - 1 SCHEDULE i _ SC U D V 9' R f i , e PROPOSED PARKIN A „ PR OS G R a I I 0 EA i I W / t P 2 rY W 9 THIS SHEET) K I' I RD IS B 2 6 I� ,I - -- Z 1 �ae CO sl t %7 s i S I I 6- _, d 7: f, r L i' WA KWAY 1 I. O. - .r O 'd I � 7 �Y PJ,E - RO OS D HOTEL 4 't'( f PR OPOSED i-- i 4 I, 3 I 1 0 i I Y D s 3 �FF E 3 0' ELECTRIC INE _- tl' O / 1 3 IGH _� Z c^” d Z 3 3 3 1 9 P a ROPOS EW E s' � - ----------- EDS A I G I s ate EXISTING S G TO BE JJ � 1 f _.- R P Eb VVAT R I 3 I_ C7 1 d 0'S E � .. .I -, -,,. .,•, --------. -------=------ -------- a a DISPOSAL SYSTEM 3 REMOVED s a z'i SERVICE LINE _- I' a 3 O m A 1 16'.11 M - Y m Com I, 2 I''` /SCULPTURE ¢ REO'D I m F- T SE :i -r_. 1'r-� I.;.,, aA GARDEN m FRONT (Q ttFARYi3t i _ 20' ✓ O F ; R7-8(SEE SIGN t2 < PROpO -TYP. - (,� „ ;f \F N I I SCHEDULE R7-1&R7-8b m Uj o SETBACK W —k p _____ __ p -- s Y_l THIS SHEET) 0 PROPOSED WATER SERVICE a 15'-0" I 30.5' j \ TYP.' I (SEE SIGN a O GRA \` I L 0. _._......__.. O - -- - - O � ----R5-1 � SCHEDULE - _r ; • � !"• .� ,.•,V .; ----`{ •.-. I „'.. .. I �'� _ (SEE SIGN oI-i P jTHIS SHEET) V \ SCHEDULE w ° PROPOSED WATER SERVICE 24-0 H.T _.-._ nw _._...._.. -..._,.. I \ n NEW PROPOSED DRIVEWAY y — COTTAGEI j____.__ ___ _-_, _, - - _ i r-._,.. •....,.__ s r THIS b ` c� p !` F. .•+ (F. �i.x , u :. � r, I.v, ,-" �� T) - METERAIN _� •� U� �# > ,t .mac s y _ !i`/. - { _ i� iiij i' j:• ji :i CHESSBOARD \Fp - _ _ Vi (I U. AND PARKING r� 111 0 X17 f3 f LL V'_ \' 4 MILL L._., _ Y ..._. w ''. t�A �rd:� 1w FP 7 .,.PROPOSED wATFR_ ,,,, - _1 Li` _i %>' t_- ___ a.. _ ----FP I 1 4 D POOL CABANAS- _ *_. / P--FP----FP P-_—Fp FP- ^ M M M M aq' f SERVICE ,._ i'i Fp__FP M M FI w' 25 > r- TW'30.5 TW:30.5 - - u -- - -' SHED 7 LT FISIi?OND4.5'20'W EQD 4 -- O BW:27.25 BW:27:25- t s?", PROPOSED WATER �.•_... =i E tz p 1s I, 0 :";;.i 178.00' x: I °b (LYAR O sl; - SERVICE LINE I` 3' 1 R� •'t I R1-1 (SEE SIGN r SE�ACK 32_.. f H.7. + \ COTTAGE Y } R3-1 SEE SIGN SCHEDULE i i } RD. 1 t .y/'.' 1, PROPOSED FIRE \`L. ( } ± PROPOSED 2b'H - HOTEL ACCESS SCHEDULE THIS SHEET) } O d 1 2e SERVICE LINE T) Q a _ I':"p Y;'RETAINING WALL) GRADE EL 27.5' . ONLY SIGN " THIS SHEET) cb f rn 1 ' PROP,OSE~v EL:2)2 'FF EL. _, Qj TER,. ., ,.:..__., - r ARCHITECTURAL - - � SERVICE __ =, - i } 5 2.0'"j.: 1 //11 (SEE ARC 14'•0" O R1-5(SEE SIGN z(" _ T_.._.__ ; FISH POND DRAINAGE PLANS) J j m -- ------- - _ - z I n>,,. :- - ; - - _ _...._.... ' 223'-1" ! o THIS SHEET) 3 1 se } ` ' SCHEDULE O , ¢ :w : H.T. o t \, OPOSED FRONT az o COTTAGE 3 !�- { 1FIa�l` 1f IDLE O RD SETBACK F I F-, d �¢ > II 1 w� - J POOL AREA SI A• m o NYR3-14(SEE SIGN oil o" ., . J o •� PF20f?OSE WAT R H.T. - ;; SCHEDULE U � 1YP�F .II Q„ E _ f2D p 3 _ PLAYICOURTS V THIS I; i Lu SERVICE i•--j m O S SHEET) I i Z t - \iI`\\\\ a I \ 1 0- w _I PROPOSED 2.5'H GRADE EL.27.5' OS ----------------------------------------- - o cb 3 1 l(,'i z K; - \�RETAININGWAL'L Y ry" IG i «aa_i t � i _ u1 PROPOSED PARKING AREA _- ' IH T' COTTAGE4 RD, Q - B- 2 ____- _ � I. 27 z O LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF W: 7.20 BW:27.25 �• 2, _. -- I :T — TW:30S RAMP- NJ:30.5 rv` RAMP O - } �I_ �` i til: 2s� i , j EUGEN TOMASIC&MIRELLATOMASIC L S.C.T.M. NO 1000-63-03-14 LOCUST LANE , 1 1 i WALKWAY I ,. - O \ �, !J _ - -' -- - - -- - --' - - - ---- - _ - -- - -- R6 5P EE ( 153-10" _ `. � I� i �.,A I a _ \� SIGN S y- -._-__ - �� SCHEDULE r� a i I 1 .- PROPOS !_ • N I }! THIS SHEET) ^�-_/•-� I ! } i i I \�•,i ,„",,,,.„. :1 i Y fi_ - - -- !} 3� WIA NEW PROPOSED DRIVEWAY �y I 'I Wi - ti InSIGN _ - I PROPOSEDPARKING - LAND LY OF 13 n... rn 32 �N P 31 \ °L �, NOW OR FORMER 9 b o JANET L. RYAN z r i ! I S.C.T,M. NO. 1000-63-03-13 yi 34 t � _..! t 31 I i !i I I i ( f I � I ' i j i I �.ti'� � ,\ c_.L� a \ Y c I (,r ep > 1 T55 j J 3a , - - - - - - -t- - - - - - - - - - - — N05*#50"W I - 616'57' LIGHTED L I - 1 33 1 ENCLAVES SIGN AND NOW OR FORMERLY OF (SEE ARCHITECTURAL \3D Tsi; IPLANS) CHARLES W.000-63- R4-8A(SEE SIGN R4-7A(SEE SIGNR7-8(SEE SIGNLR7-1&R7-8b S.C.T.M. N0. 1000 63-03-28.1 SCHEDULE SCHEDULE7 1u1SCHEDULE (SEE SIGN THIS SHEET) THIS SHEET) LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF 6 1 THIS SHEET) SCHEDULE 1 (TYP.FOR 4) THIS SHEET) PILLES REALTY HOLDING LLC 5 - - - - (TYP.FOR 2) S.C.T.M. N0. 1000-63-03-12 4 3 N05°3o'5&W PROPOSED SITE PLAN- 51.34'51.34' 1 1 SCALE: 1" = 40' ! Number Revision Description Revision Date ,3 Designed By Date Submitted 0 40 80 TC 01/20/17 Drawn By Date Created SCALE: 1" = 40' Approved By TC Scale 08/23/16 BG AS SHOWN Client THE ENCLAVES d 56655 ROUTE 25 ' !. ( � �, ' � , �;` � � �.• � ' a SOUTHOLD, NY f Project SIZEONV N SIGN SIZE N SIGN } SITE PLAN SIGN SIGNS OR MUTCD 2009 ED. SIGN SIGNS OR MUTCD 2009 ED. DESIGNATION SYMBOL PLAQUES SECTION NO. CONVENTIONAL DESIGNATION SYMBOL PLAQUES SECTION N0. CONVENTIONAL ROAD ROAD PARKING R7-1 ANY NO PARKING TIME 12"x18" R5-1 DO NOT ENTER 30'x30' Project Address: SERVED 56655 ROUTE 25 PARKING R7-8 ® ADA PARKING 12'x18" Id SOUTHOLD NYR3-14 ALL TRAFFIC - 24'x30" SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK R7-8b ACCESSIBLE VAN ACCESSIBLE 18'xg' County Tax Map Number. Contract Number ' 1000-63-3-15 _ R6-5P ROUND ABOUT 30"x30' Regulatory Reference Number. PAINTED Ila - _ DIRECTIONAL ARROW I } Title of Drawing: COLOR-WHITE ENTER I EO ONLY ENTER ONLY 18"x18' R1-1 ,, Q P STOP 26.05 30-x30' PROPOSED SITE KEEP R4-7A —# KEEP RIGHT - 24"x30" LAYOUT A N D RIGHT I RV r-'i,K NO RIGHT TURN 24'x24' fi KEEP UTILITIES PLAN _ R4-8A �-- KEEP RIGHT 24"x30" '.i LEFT 4 S U r. Drawing Number. 00 y 4 1L p C� C � � � � 1t r 0: 1 It c � �f(r Sheet of FEB 01 2017 'sz -" 3 10 • � � - PWGC Project Number. o Southold Town Unauthorized alteration or addition a Planning Board to this drawing and related documents AVG 1601 w w is a violation of Section 7209 LL o -., of the New York State Education Law o Q a�nw a o. 1 NOMEMIM Lu LL Q "' a _ I TOWN HARBOR UJ CC Ci) M - - LANE 1 ' J � N I o o LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ! cn VALERIE M.SCOPAZ LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF O N S.C.T.M. NO, 1000-63-03-16 ANTHONY FORGIONE Z z U WI HNETTNG DBPa I lt� WOOD POSTS S.C.T.M. NO. 1000 VINCENT DOLOMITE&ILEANA DOLOMITE m Z o o_° EXISTING 1 STORY FRAME RMS, Z SHED TO BE RENOVATED AND S,C.T.M. N0. 1000-63-03-17.4 r- D INCORPORATED INTO MAIN s ` \ ° STRUCTURE tcevw a: y I� ! 9 - Ir EFF�114E ,I Strategic Environmental and Engineering Solutions O RIM25a RIMMIrffF 5 DEP N28 622.78' 507°44'40"r 310 00 S07°38'10"E _ - - - - - -.-_. __ •- :,�:- - - - _ _ + EMER= �n��a.r:c+w' ,.�19m,:•vrrr - "'>Sa.c'rp°' �.: -`:;�" ;'t°y.- Km.- :,:'"..:^ .'7,'"+"'J 2.LT3F: d '= 'q;;�r5 ,� :�1 }'; `s,, "^t us.'c¢Y a 1p' ' '.,: �ml„as 1.,:r, F, ��3.��,„ :�'�i:,,��,.}^a:^f"-,.b •�'s{� <�.Y-oNEW PROPOSEDi L, di 1, s!8g'+°•js, 9 r^I t a l�chain Ilnk 7 J 'tea r _ ` _'fenceris ;'r.+rP« µfence o � --- =i Unk L DRIVEWAY _-. .- _ >, r, •. � ... :_ �`.,,:i,� rcCockade fence _- -- -._ t ,m.'aws. c.:- „crs.>,,waz:':aae...rr..cwa,..,�i,»"c.,;ri:..eia....�..»,r,....-�z_:. a.s,..h cadefence i o •--- rn / ! j '"' ` ' I Co M ' steekadefetee -•`'O"'_O� 'n _ - LINE OF EXISTING L 26 I ! I!� i well o co U x � DRIVEWAY TO BE NG'N,EL 'N 630 Johnson Avenue. . Suite 7 \ - GARBAGE m m O; i EXISTING 1 STORY / \. - l W 1 ;i 31 AREAS '� < <O - i. , o b FRAME GARAGE TO \�REMOVED \ TO REMAIN AS I ¢Ij NY . 11716-2618 ((( Bohemia n ! \ IRRIGATION WELL, � �I'; � • ' 12EFFEC�DEPTH\ \ L�Pj 1 v I N I, REMAIN i `-` ,"o, - -,___-__. _ _. ..._, -\ hp ° Phone: (631) 589-6353 . Fax: (631) 589-8705 rn 30 rn GARBANG'E `o_,p" o% I I I ZI;� I 7 RIMb6 Im \'` IAREAI Ex1STINGTOB -' ' = ` I 1 E-mail: INFO PWGROSSER.COM t 17 EFFECINEIDBM 29 Y ! I \ ( q 1 4)`(n b� O I REMOVED c,; I Cc i c n EXISTING TO 2 STORYSTRUC - \ ' , I a - ,- S O_acUo. I e, /r , -` .i_,I-•.-r 'r, .: --------Y;- r , --- ; , _ II _ RIrIMEiFSFSECTILEDsmM 7. I 9-' �I v I N O Oli -O -I w MFFF 5E C1�14Y E)'I c r TU RE TO RE-MA IN- - w ttii I IIfiII' ' .ZJ JI I' d GN _. ,__,_..._ CONSULTANTS FF:275cb 28 27 47'-2" O LCI RONTYARDRD Pa-______ _ i 26 )POSE ETBACKPRO OSED DDITI NRD DEPTH 0SED PARKIN REA 29 TYP - 26 W PR0 r1WRD O 'state Q PROPOSED OTEL , \ WALKWAY RDH i t' 0 i 3 F 1 Runs f 6 i 3 C ► FF EL.32. O 0' o ' , `) tr F r r-'k 3 1 ff EC Nc Dfffll I 3 d' Z I GN w °v z 3 s - I 3 r '� 3 3 D _ D .._ .- 1P 0..1 1 J •i%l t. slate. IN B 3 EXIST GTO E � CD I I DPF1 3 alMzss REMOVED eEnECTrvFBEmI� i 1 w,, A 3 3 3 F'EFFECTIWDffM 0 �i O Z SWIMMING POOL M Y d m lj CO 1 21 \ \ f Pwws CK Dt I LA !SCULPTURE o REO'D m F- / \ i I' U S6 ce 1 DRAINAGE a Pa E INA z S D i 12 I R RIMNS i i m DIPM 1 �/J A GARDEN FRON I U) -\ EN 7 Yl7 Y c I R - 'j 20' 0 1 wM2 a R � a'EFf(i71Y£ , FDRI O D I w E f=- I S I '\ RIM Y35 ! W I% 1 EF 0 �S' N' x rECTNEO E o - ST Q I^• BA K 1 P C i 0 - I cn PR 1YP. -t c..., �'\ srEFFECTrvFD�m +, - i \ i-°N I ! , - F o W 1 ► .._. (/ DIP ISA DLPRNS - -- a -_.-,,,...., ,,...-._-_.... ...... ._.,....._ - GRADE EL.30.5' ` J I I � I' n \ ,TYP.' .....I_,.a,,j-:,. -i FECTKDWM RIM 169 1Y EF \ N ` • �� -;.� _ 17 ffFECTT"EDAIN LCB PB �LCB P-], I j) DLP FA2 , - yIM 358 41 lI -._ '�� _ i x, F .__ S=w: I ...._ _w.............•-w....-.,-. .-...,. v,....- \ RIM255l r w V rl I F,. _I .. _� \ S ....,« ,.H ...... ....,.. -S „....._._.. ....... 1YFFFECTR£DEPIH I t__ \ �41'EFFECTI'.EDFPM 1 V- +W i wi ?j z Q 24-0H.T. COTTAGE 1 NEW PROPOSED�lf " W t r _..._. I r :'';' • : `I f'; , ;' /`,� ,. -� AND PARKING v` CHESSBOARD c i { Y '/t IJ : ¢� ., rQQy r..,.,.,,....._. ,.. .f tvw`- " ;" y.l FP Fp FP M MI �I 1 1 ,RD• FLOOR DRAY .;, ) �- P " -- \ POOL CABANAS• - l \ �`FP FP P_ _ " M M 25 r �: TW: TW:30.5 GRATE ELEV:t272� FP -E -FP_-F,P�_FE, M S itF -tv-- 1 ¢ �..,.,. `f;:%,`: FIS 2 - Q z --'BW 27.25_ --- BW:27.25 '„ ;;j HPOND SHED -NO4'45' 0"VU - x RE RD a I." \, jj 178.00' E; � RYA O -- Eta A .� cBP-I {! f cb RFA CK 32 ¢ 1' 'f'' f - FLOOR DRAIN BA 3 f.' I r ET10 1 H.T. - GRAT .ELEV:27.2 \ jj S COTTAGE 2` I E \ ( 2s 26 I I 3 tl \ , e.., GRADE EL.27.5' +ELI Lull :p725 FF EL.32.0; cb I I •l 5ol �! I 14-0 r ¢ .....,._........-.,, r _.»„- ( - Sr EFFECTP.EDBM ,I RIM n F : - C I , �- ,I 223'1" .ro T f Z4J 1 'I WUaO - oOPOSED FRONT ODDRMR RDSETACK w>COTTAGE3 _-1 n ¢ fY EFF DEPTH DLP RM POOL AREA I'! �W- ,(S ySIG m r , \7 Ow F sL-s N 1 Oi a0 '::r. \ H.T. �\ J I! - IBD w .i' ., PLAY, RTS t- w h COU U I a, Q , 0 c 0-- ,w 1 w 2 a •n / G L2 w RADE E 7.5' J - ---- - - - - - - cb i FLOOR DRAIN27 2 /� -"� }y E ELE '\FLOOR DRAIN � I R0HA2 p # PROPOSED PARKING AREA f;H,T.- 00 COTTAGE4 RD" 27.25 - 72 W 5" 1 O _' - -'- --- -..._._-.... - - - -- --- - rffFEc msD z 21 B,;�; 5 27.2 DLPR,a L' �'':li DILPLaa LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF 1 / __... BW 27 2 RAMP- TW:30.55 RAMP O GRATE V DIPLS-F S S ...., it EFFECTNEDEPP4 - _ \. RIMMS BrM1I _. _ ._- ..._ _ _. - ...,.- w __ r_._,� .,. _ M 65 EU SI IC CV 1 ..ti. -. ,., .,^ { - - - - ,,. - _ Trvi Ir EFFECnYEDe'fn i , � \ - ._„ -.. ...- � - w. <. .`�,:.�.. _,-:..::... M�"�___ , \, \/ 1' I GEN TDMA C&MIRELLA TOMAS 1 - I __ WALKWAY i _�__ RDRa, S.C.T.M. N0. 1000-63-03-14 LOCUST LANE 3 ,: 1` 153'.10 ,,n .� '---- ---- - - --- - - --- - -- -- - - _ '"- - --: �IMa.�. I - _ •\ IYEFFEcrreDEPm ARDSECrYEDpM 1 � I 1 - I i.? 1 OPO 1' �ti O 17. ! ' I I I I i ;o 'Y7.-! do +�;t. l'T-:y C• i° 1 - - -II \ ` SPR y O oLauxs5 Pww.l \ t e' ;C'= ,--' 3a\ AIM"'t `k Ir eFr DIM'. o� * \rEFFEcn,•EOEPrN NEW PROPOSED DRIVEWAY v% O cb 17 EFFECTRIM 31.8 LLJom \ 'a �' =--- it �y \ - - - -- l `= DLPP-I \ i 31 > a �{ II - ---'---r^^ I li I II 1, !;SIGN RM al a uJ PROPOSED PARKING AREA i - 13 ?:, YffFECihEDEPM 32 �;� t1.,1 �I Y 29 I 0) LAND FORMERLY OF L1 _ �I U i --_ ��- �-� a�"' --� g'\\ '� I \. I" or NOW°RET L. RYAN o 34 I *TYP,*I I =-ri N b N 31 I i { i �I I ' I I ! I + I \ =� p I a S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-13 � i I LCB P-2 t1, `N, > aU I RIM a125 + 5o W y¢ I Ln II f ,I I i I i I i I I I ,I I I ,rffFEcm'EDEPa / ,In - p N I I I Li� i ICo 15, 334 - K , c Imo_ Irs=F_'Tn4 DEm, N05°30'50"W 616.57' LAND NO 0 FOR \\ ° \ 33 \ W R FORMERLY OF - - - - 1 \ 1 CHARLES W.WITZKE 1� N `20 S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-28.1 ° LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PILLES REALTY HOLDING LLC 7 PROPOSED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN S.C.T.M. N°• 1°°°-63-°3-12 5 4 N05°30'50"W 51.34' SCALE: 1" = 40' 3 2 0 40 80 1 Number Revision Description Revision Dale SCALE: 1" = 40' Designed By Date Submitted TC 01/20/17 Drawn By Date Created '. Approved By TC Scale 08/23/16 ','*�•" BG AS SHOWN trent HE- T ENCLAVES TOTAL PROPERTY AREA - 294,202 SF(6.725 ACRES) DRAINAGE AREA HOTEL WALKWAY-5,224 SF DRAINAGE AREA RESTAURANT ROOF AREA&WALKWAY- 56655 ROUTE 25 - 4,560 SF SOUTHOLD, NY DRAINAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE REQUIRED Project DRAINAGE AREA HOTEL ROOFIPOND-24,935 SF i - IMPERVIOUS AREA: 5,224 SF x 2"/12'x 1.00 = 870.66 CF ROOF AREA: 3,035 SF x 2"112"x 1.00 505.83 CF 1 DRAINAGE REQUIRED TOTAL REQUIRED = 870.66 CF IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1,525 SF x 2"112"x 1.00 = 254.16 CF ROOF AREA: 24,935 SF x 2"/12"x 1.00 =4,155.8 CF DRAINAGE PROVIDED TOTAL REQUIRED = 759.99 CF SITE PLAN TOTAL REQUIRED = 4,155.8 CF DRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS DRAINAGE PROVIDED DRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS (2)10'DIA.x F EFFECTIVE DEPTH LCB DRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS _(2)x 68.42 CF/FT x 8 FT. = 1,094.72 CF Project address: (4)12'DIA.x 121 EFFECTIVE DEPTH DLP'S (2)10'DIA.x V EFFECTIVE DEPTH DLP 56655 ROUTE 25 ! _(4)x 100.9 CF/FT x 12 FT. = 4,843.2 CF TOTAL PROVIDED = 1,094.72 CF =(2)x 68.42 CF/FT x 8 FT. = 1,094.72 CF TOTAL PROVIDED = 1,09.72 CF SOUTHOLD TOTAL PROVIDED = 4,843.2 CF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK County Tax Map Number: Contract Number: SITE LANDSCAPE AREA - 146,022 SF 1000-63-3-15 Regulatory Reference Number. DRAINAGE AREA POOL&RECREATION AREA-40,700 SF DRAINAGE REQUIRED _ DRAINAGE AREA TOTAL SITE PARKING -72,761 SF Title of Drawing' l DRAINAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE REQUIRED LANDSCAPED AREA: 146,022 SF x 2"112"x 0.30 = 7,301.1 CF IMPERVIOUS AREA: 10,345 SF x 3"112'x 1.00 = 2,586.25 CF IMPERVIOUS AREA: 72,761 SF x 2"/12"x 1.00= 12,126.8 CF ROOF AREA: 3,280 SF x 3"112'x 1.00 = 715 CF TOTAL REQUIRED = 7,301.1 CF PROPOSED SITE TOTAL REQUIRED = 12,126.8 CF LANDSCAPE AREA: 27,075 SF x 3"112'x 0.30 = 2,030.65 CIF DRAINAGE PROVIDED DRAINAGE PROVIDED TOTAL REQUIRED = 5,331.9 CF DRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS DRAINAGE DRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS DRAINAGE PROVIDED (7)12'DIA.x 12'EFFECTIVE DEPTH DLP (11)12'DIA,x 12 EFFECTIVE DEPTH LPDRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS _(7)x 100.9 CF/FT x 12 FT, = 8,475.6 CF AND GRADING PLAN _(11)x 100.9 CFIFT x 12 FT. = 13,318.8 CF (5)12 DIA.x 12'EFFECTIVE DEPTH LCB I TOTAL PROVIDED = 8,475.6 CF S ij - _ PV....\',-••- ..-._�4,,. Drgwing Number 3 _(5)X 100.9 CFIFT X 12 FT. 6,054 F < 3 (5 1/k' i TOTAL PROVIDED - 13,318.8 CF a TOTAL PROVIDED = 6,054 CF t\li 211 0 0 ;, ,tis "}3 V-��• � �°t I iA�.fSh j. eet of4 10 FEB 0 1 2017 >°` ons;` F1W PWGC Project Number, c1 Lu,li ' Southol�tl Town Unauthorized alteration or addition AVG 1601 15to this drawing and related documents Plannin Qoard isaviolationofSecbon7209 LL o of the New York State Education Law j o a a LU U_ Q N o = TOWN HARBOR "U LANE ! f CIE- 6 T" Li — ' 0 0 oZ LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF l ! / '/ fill J: ? N VALERIE M. SCOPAZ I I f tl LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF o S.C.T.M. N0. 1000-63-03-16 f ANTHONY FORGIONE LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF z } t- WOOD POSTS III E S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-17.3 VINCENT DOLOMITE& ILEANA DOLOMITE Z zo U WITHoNETTiNG EXISTING,STORY FRAME I S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-17.4 c Q = r- 1 SHED TO BE RENOVATED AND j I INCORPORATED INTO MAIN E l J ~ STRUCTURE ! i Strategic Environmental and Engineering Solutions Y O I - - —U_ 310.00, 622.78' S07°44 32 S07°3810„E s't SIGN n 1 , ' - - ,-.o-,�sammd#r° ase -wP.�sr ....,.,,-�,�.�„ a o I I iI ,•.. ' .,W_. �:1:Cr�. `.':'�",-f.'.}..,.,y,, _ Y �— - - - - ..,..�. •e,..vr oro - - o-°-o-°...a.r.,.° e.haln"fiitR(�tf„e� chain kri ”. ." NEW PROPOSED r DRIVEWAY _D - Isit- 96e __ ' yl I � ,se_capa�....,a.;.:,,r^„aK..wblw..i'..,.„.,..,,,a,.�',a.,..,„I..:c ar.u%+.��.t�»'rz�t;:,.,:+t..:-«•.wf •,,.., I�,,,� .r..«. mom++.. w w ....u. r""..' ...... 0-fir,-° ,_oma-°-o - ° o`O o o' = Cockade RI LINE OF EXISTING well f I to -`' EXISTING I STORY 26 ; �N '' 630 Johnson Avenue. . Suite 7 _stockade fence O'O-O --tom DC l REMOVED TO BE ^' i TO EIMAINAS Q w Bohemia • NY . 11716-2618 1 fARBAG FRAME GARAGE TO - !!! / ! ! RRIGAT(ON WELL g E— 131 RFA I I REMAIN / \, I L I t1 Ph _ _ _ o \.r.. _� !_.. .-.-_, I � o i! one: (631) 589-6353 • Fax: (631) 589-8705 30 EA - -- - EXISTING i ! ¢ E-mail: INFO@PWGROSSER.COM ` \ O REMOVED D cb 4 EXISTING TO 2 STORY Z STRUCTURE TOREMAIN I ,SIGN CONSULTANTS i FF:27.5 cb i ffpp ' rt I \ r 27 - IF ' I"1�I ; ;!----- 26- --------------------- 6 o Io \ z. %/.,• ;moi,% i I ! .1., Y i I 1 1 1 �'- I /i � I! 1 .i a i O .'PROPOSED A IT _ \ ,. N D DD 10 N 0 -. I , T . I. 0 XI T I E 1 I ii - 'I I OP SE PARKING AREA ¢ !i 'II PR 0 DP W _ r 6 t W 29 a' I O ' 1 slate I °o I,. � I f 4if I {`111 •% I Q d _J /•i/. _ •°a. WALKWAY o i 1 J I I. - I 1 , i i _ 'OP'SED FIbTEL R 0 - 4 P i A 14'4" 9; T 0 O IIrY 0 j V 1 1 FF .. EL.3.0'” 2 o SIGN o ;s _ Z f a li m /.. I 1 , 1 - ,r „ sate' 1 1, -: i i EXISTING TO E 3 � � co'. - \ �'---------`---------- ------------ --------- REMOVED �I Z i m m � LA I SCULPTUREF- 1 GARDEN __ i O I �° I W I i W V I GRADE EL.30.5 - _,,....._i..,.-,�.. _ 7:-�"T; ,� I �1 I l•' /y�•5 -\,, f / ' i I r--___ ( I II i r ? i"A w rr NEW PROPOSED DRIVEWAY o o COTTAGE, r - I ct i ---n - - -'t' ti-;c�l._j ZD C AND P l - I -I ARKING {_ CHESSBOARD - �T� V'i'! LLT _ u- _.{ -.kr it-__� 1t�.__ � \ 'l_�•J L_.`Y ._ r$ t C`, - ^'^w+w�-. lL' POOL CABANAS., LNi j - -76 30.5 -TW'30.5 Cs II SHED o n _ _ - - '.�• + I w I 11 FISH 2 - H !I 1 POND N04 4 -- - 178.00` _ BW:2`725. I�� �' �'� r r ISI I B � 5' oW 1 32 3 H.T. COTTAGE 2 1 j r II I'- Q 1 s _ -_ f 1 (`t GRADE EL,27.5' / 26 cb E 0' r S I � I _ `'� l: FEEL 32 j 14 '. I I � I- COTTAGE 3 =' RbGE 1 115GY 1 1� POOL AREA I- o - \ f O I J t t _ a H.T.' D C - o I i-- w I W' 1 ` '3 a � , �/ �.�. � _._-__._�,__..,__..., .__ .. --I �m -- _-, _. PLArcouRTs . o a. _ i ' I W' _. w I cb Z i _ _......,_.. ^I{ i GRADE EL.27.5' v ----- - - ------- ------- ----- -- I I I i o o J! y�_) \ r w Ion C,I' IG L1 _8W:27.25 \, f 3 i PROPOSEDPARKINGAREA N.T. COTTAGE4 '- I II \ \"I'1 -�\ z m i - I ISI L- -- �._I�_I 1_lI. t . 117 I LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF 30.5 I T"` R"MP— _ 4I - I l 8\ EU EN TOMASIC&MIRELLATOMASIC _ i '� 2 I G N ` t ._.�_� ... w., .:..:.. _ _ -- �( S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-14 J LOCUST LANE WALKWAY I I - i r - , , �:: IIS� 1 of 15-1011" � � 'i �II26 /a ' I I NEW PROPOSED DRIVEWAY It I ' 1 _ 'L 34 - = \ PROPOSED PARKING AREA 31 \ �' �*�'�— ---- \ - ---- ,3 32 1' C�� C �I - \ _- -- - - -- - - - -- LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF 1 29 - t -I of � M t I I �Ei I ! - -'-- S.C.T.M. NO 1000-63-03-13 JANET L. RYAN 34 ! 31 i I I I I I I I I I I I \- fir] ;4 S'1' OF -- -_.1�. I ••i ' i i I i i'1 i i I I I ' � � I -..\ ' i � I I t I 11 I i RR o1co 34 o .wi.,.. •rte, '�""' ....... ."..w, ....... �.... �,.. N05°30'50"V1+ 'w616.5T -- — — — — 1 33 , LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF o --- — -- __ .2s %' N CHARLES W.WITZKE / S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-28.1 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PILLES REALTY HOLDING LLC 7 1 6 S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-12 5 .�. ...... ,.•�..� 4 k' N05°30'5ft 3 51.34' , 2 t } 1 i3 Number Revision Description Revision Date i, Designed By Date Submitted TC 01/20/17 k EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN Drawn By TC Date Created 08/23/16 Approved By Scale SCALE: 1" = 40' BG AS SHOWN Client 0 40 80 I I I I ' . , ' . I ' ' I THE ENCLAVES NMI I 56655 ROUTE 25 SCALE: 1" = 40' Sediment and Erosion Control Notes i SOUTHOLD, NY Project 1. THE PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL EROSION Proposed Notes CONTROLS MAY BE NECESSARY, BASED UPON FIELD CONDITIONS THAT MAY DEVELOP AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES AND AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE Protection Elements SITE PLAN OWNER OR DESIGNATED OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. THE FOLLOWING GENERAL CONDITIONS SHALL BE OBSERVED. A. ANY EXISTING VEGETATION NOT SCHEDULED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE STRAW BALES EROSION CONTROL PROTECTED AND REMAIN UNDISTURBED. B. CLEARING AND GRADING SHALL BE SCHEDULED SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE SIZE Project Address: Sediment and Erosion Control Grading' OF EXPOSED AREAS AND THE LENGTH OF TIME THAT AREAS ARE EXPOSED. SILT FENCE 56655 ROUTE 25 C. THE LENGTH AND STEEPNESS OF CLEARED SLOPES SHALL BE MINIMIZED TO 1. ALL 1:2 & 1:3 SLOPE AREAS WILL BE PROTECTED REDUCE RUNOFF VELOCITIES AND QUANTITIES. SOUTHOLD TED AGAENST EROSION DURING D. RUNOFF SHALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FROM CLEARED SLOPES. CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT GROUND COVER SHALL BE SUCH THAT E. SEDIMENT SHALL BE TRAPPED ON THE SITE. III ( SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK EROSION WILL BE PREVENTED. NECESSARY MEASURES SHALL INCLUDE, BUT F FABRIC SPECIFIC METHODS AND MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN THE INSTALLATION AND County Tax Map Number. Contract Number. NOT BE LIMITED TO, HAY BALES, AND SILT FENCE, AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL CONFORM TO THE "NEW 1000-63-3-15 FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION AS WELL AS FOLLOWING THE Regulatory Reference Number, COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE PROPOSED YORK STATE STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT - PLANTINGS HAVE BECOME ACCLIMATED/ESTABLISHED. CONTROL, LATEST EDITION'. TtleofDrawing: 2. SEDIMENT BARRIERS (SILT FENCE, HAY BALES OR APPROVED EQUAL) SHALL BE _ INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING WORK ALONG THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SEDIMENT AND SHOULD BE MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE WORK. NO SEDIMENT LANDGRADINGAREAS AN D FROM THE SITE SHALL BE PERMITTED TO WASH ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTIES, WETLANDS OR ROADS. 3. ALL DRAINAGE INLETS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT BUILDUP THROUGH EROSION CONTROL THE USE OF SEDIMENT BARRIERS, SEDIMENT TRAPS, ETC., AS REQUIRED. 4. PROPER MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES IS TO BE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PLAN PERFORMED BY PERIODIC INSPECTION AND AFTER HEAVY OR PROLONGED STORMS, MAINTENANCE MEASURES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, '4 CLEANING OF SEDIMENT BASINS OR TRAPS, CLEANING OR REPAIR OF SEDIMENT BARRIERS, CLEANING AND REPAIR OF BERMS AND DIVERSIONS AND CLEANING :`' '""'"" -',: Drawing Number. AND REPAIR OF INLET PROTECTION. ff `t-','•,' �'�'`�'I"'I./� ! �"r'',•,~7':fi�,..,..��)�'\ bpi 5. APPROPRIATE MEANS SHALL BE USED TO CONTROL DUST DURING Vii;°ix DUST CONTROL t' d CONSTRUCTION. 6. A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT SOIL AND LOOSE DEBRIS FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO LOCAL ROADS. THE (� jun CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS D Lt�1 �J Itt. Sheet of " PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. CURB DROP INLET PROTECTION FEB Q 2��] �,'' �"2. 5 1 O "o :� X7r� PWGCProjectNumber. Til u _ - Southold TownUnauthorized alteration or addition z w Planning Board tothisdrawingandrelaeddocumeMs AVG1601 -- is a violation of Section 7209 ao of the New York State Education Law o TN I SYMBOL SYMBOL SYMBOL SAND BAG OR SYMBOL2'MINIMUM LENGTH ALTERNATE WEIGHT I -. _. FLOW -T?t 2"X4"WOOD FRAME ( I I I OF 2"X4" 1.5'MAX. STAKE -� 2"x 4"WEIR -� 4"VERTICAL FACE / y2 2"STONE FABRIC -� BEDDING DETAIL \\\ FILTER CLOTH 2"x 4"SPACERPi TV WIRE MESH No NOT TO SCALE '�/ 3'MIN. DRAINAGE AREA NO MORE THAN 1/4 ACRE PER 100 FEET OF STRAW o II II-II = III v t' ° ° INLET TO BALE DIKE FOR SLOPES LESS THAN 25/0. -(III=�-III III, D PIPE Strategic Environmental and Engineering Solutions - I-�- v° -III -I a 6'MAXIMUM SPACING ANGLE FIRST STAKE TOWARDS DITCH OR DIVERSION TO OF 2"X4"SPACERS � �f1 PREVIOUSLY LAID BALE. __J � A �- DIVERT SURFACE FLOW DROP INLET BURIED FABRIC �f Y WITH GATE wIF11w �e `�" `4v t rC' 2 p FLOW � .,va. ,,,,,, .rlrlr4 allllrc 4- x •w ,r. w.a'1ys`.n:6A6wuwisakirM.s.i'2,a+-a..',,• `.'x.ri'ri<v::,.i+.c+m-sit.;°hiwNsit•+;��o-;.i�y.k'six,/?t': r BOUND BALES PLACED BENCH GRADE 2-3% FRAME HR AT AN2 4 CHORS �a6. v1 /// - +� •r+� .ruin .�uur- Auta. 4urx ywrc auurc DIST. k� yr rr ON CONTOUR. 630 Johnson Avenue. . Suite 7 �--- STONE AMESH Bohemia . NY . 11716-2618 2 RE-BARS,STEEL PICKETS \ � c� 1'MIN. / Phone: (631) 589-6353 . Fax: (631) 589-8705 Y I E-mail, INFO@PWGROSSER.COM OR 2"X2"STAKES PLACEDIRy� ' f1 1/2'TO 2'IN GROUND. (III IIIIII F *lk - GATHER EXCESS 2"X 4" DRIVE STAKES FLUSH WITH MIIIII 1'MINIIINNII�II III � ` AT CORNERS ! I CLOTH IllII i SPACER ANCHORING DETAIL TOP OF BALE. (III 111111 Y >irIIIII "� y �� CONSULTANTS NOT TO SCALE 1�IIIIIIIIII�'Iv,� � � 6'MIN. X hgllCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 2"x4"MIR i CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS I�IIIIIII�q�Illllll CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS X Y(MAX) 1.FILTER FABRIC SHALL HAVE AN EOS OF 40-85.BURLAP MAY I BE USED FOR SHORT TERM APPLICATIONS. 1.BALES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE TOE OF A SLOPE OR ON THE CONTOUR AND IN A 1.FILTER FABRIC SHALL HAVE AN EOS OF 40-85. ROW WITH ENDS TIGHTLY ABUTTING THE ADJACENT BALES. 2 20' 2.CUT FABRIC FROM A CONTINUOUS ROLL TO ELIMINATE JOINTS.IF 3 30' JO INTS ARE NEEDED THEY WILL BE OVERLAPPED TO THE NEXT STAKE. 2.EACH BALE SHALL BE EMBEDDED IN THE SOIL A MINIMUM OF(4)INCHES,AND 2.WOODEN FRAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 2"x 4"CONSTRUCTION 4 40' GRADE LUMBER. PLACED SO THE BINDINGS ARE HORIZONTAL. 3.STAKE MATERIALS WILL BE STANDARD 2"x 4"WOOD OR EQUIVALENT. METAL WITH A LENGTH OF 3 FEET. 3.WIRE MESH ACROSS THROAT SHALL BE A CONTINUOUS PIECE 30 INCH 3.BALES SHALL BE SECURELY ANCHORED IN PLACE BY EITHER TWO STAKES OR 4.SPACE STAKES EVENLY AROUND INLET 3 FEET APART AND DRIVE MINIMUM WIDTH WITH A LENGTH 4 FEET LONGER THAN THE THROAT. RE-BARS DRIVEN THROUGH THE BALE.THE FIRST STAKE IN EACH BALE SHALL 18 INCHES DEEP.SPANS GREATER THAN 3 FEET MAY BE BRIDGED IT SHALL BE SHAPED AND SECURELY NAILED TO A 2"x 4"WEIR. BE DRIVEN TOWARD THE PREVIOUSLY LAID BALE AT AN ANGLE TO FORCE THE WITH THE USE OF WIRE MESH BEHIND THE FILTER FABRIC FOR SUPPORT. 4.THE WEIR SHALL BE SECURELY NAILED TO 2"x 4"SPACERS BALES TOGETHER.STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN FLUSH WITH THE BALE. 5.FABRIC SHALL BE EMBEDDED 1 FOOT BELOW GROUND AND BACKFILLED. 9 INCHES LONG SPACED NO MORE THAN 6 FEET APART. I 4.INSPECTION SHALL BE FREQUENT AND REPAIR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE IT SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO THE STAKES AND FRAME. 5.THE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PLACED AGAINST THE INLET AND SECURED PROMTLY AS NEEDED. 6.At 2"x 4"WOOD FRAME SHALL BE COMPLETED AROUND THE CREST BY 2"x 4"ANCHORS 2 FEET LONG EXTENDING ACROSS THE TOP OF THE 5.BALES SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFULLNESS SO OF THE FABRIC FOR OVER FLOW STABILITY. INLET AND HELD IN PLACE BY SANDBAGS OR ALTERNATE WEIGHTS. AS NOT TO BLOCK OR IMPEDE STORM FLOW OR DRAINAGE. MAXIMUN DRAINAGE AREA 1 ACRE MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 1 ACRE U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FILTER FABRIC U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 4 NATURAL EOS STRAW BALECONSERVATION LANDGRADINGCONSERVATION NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CURB DROP INLET NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMENTAL NEWYORKTATEDEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMENTAL NEWYORKSTATE DEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMENTAL DROP INLET NEW YORK i DIKE DETAIL STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PROTECTION NEW YORK STATE SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE NEW YORK STATE SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE NEW YORK STATE SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE PROTECTION NEW YORK STATE SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE i C I 4 WOVEN WIRE FENCE SYMBOL SYMBOL (14 1/2 GAUGE - r - I I EXISTING PAVEMENT I CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS W/6"MESH 3' S 1 10'C.TO C. SPACING) �\ 36"LENGTH FENCE EXISTING FILTER -� MOUNTABLE BERM POSTS DRIVEN 16" GROUND -r CLOTH PROFILE (OPTIONAL) 1. ALL GRADED OR DISTURBED AREAS INCLUDING SLOPES SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED SEDIMENT INTO GROUND. CONTROL PLAN UNTIL THEY ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 2. ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES AND MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, HEIGHT OF FILTER a� APPLIED,AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED SEDIMENT .41 =16" EXISTING CONTROL PLAN AND THE"STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SOIL EROSION .v GROUND -� ,. AND SEDIIMENT CONTROL IN DEVELOPING AREAS". t., 't y y 8 \\ EXISTING 3. TOPSOIL REQUIRED FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION SHALL BE STOCKPILED y y y y y PAVEMENT IN AMOUNT NECESSARY TO COMPLETE FINISHED GRADING OF ALL EXPOSED AREAS. PERSPECTIVE VIEW 4. AREAS'TO BE FILLED SHALL BE CLEARED,GRUBBED,AND STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL TO PLAN VIEW REMOVE TREES,VEGETATION,ROOTS OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. 36"FENCE POST 5. AREAS WHICH ARE TO BE TOPSOILED SHALL BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF WOVEN WIRE FENCE(14 1/2 GAUGE FOUR INCHES PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL. W/6"MESH SPACING)WITH FILTER CLOTH 6. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED AS REQUIRED TO REDUCE EROSION,SLIPPAGE, 20 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SETTLEMENT,SUBSIDENCE OROTHER RELATED PROBLEMS.FILL INTENDED TO FLOW SUPPORlr BUILDINGS,STRUCTURES AND CONDUITS,ETC.SHALL BE COMPACTED UNDISTURBED GROUND 1.STONE SIZE-USE 2"STONE,OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REQUIREMENTS OR CODES. 7 6 COMPACTED SOIL 2.LENGTH-NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET(EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE 7. ALL FILL TO BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED 9 INCHES 5 EMBED FILTER CLOTH 16" A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). IN THICKNESS. 4 6"IN GROUND. _ 3.THICKNESS-NOT LESS THAN SIX(6)INCHES. 8. EXCEPT FOR APPROVED LANDFILLS,FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE OF FROZEN 3 4„If PARTICLES,BRUSH,ROOTS,SOD,OR OTHER FOREIGN OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE 2 SECTION VIEW 4.WIDTH-TWELVE(12)FOOT MINIMUM,BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT MATERIALS THAT WOULD INTERFERE WITH OR PREVENT CONSTRUCTION OF 1 POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRESS OCCURS.TWENTY-FOUR(24)FOOT IF SINGLE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS ENTRANCE TO SITE. SATISFACTORY FILLS. Number Revision Description Revision Date 5.FILTER CLOTH-WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING 9. FROZEN MATERIALS OR SOFT,MUCKY OR HIGHLY COMPRESSIBLE MATERIALS SHALL 1.WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OF STONE. NOT BE INCORPORATED IN FILLS. Designed By Date Submitted OR STAPLES.POSTS SHALL BE STEEL EITHER"T'OR"U"TYPE OR HARDWOOD, 10. FILL SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON SATURATED OR FROZEN SURFACES. TC Ol/2U/1� i 6.SURFACE WATER-ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CON- Drawn By Date Created 2.FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE STRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE.IF PIPING IS 11. ALL BENCHES SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SEDIMENT DURING ALL PHASES OF TC 08/23/16 IMPRACTICAL,A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED. roved B FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24"AT TOP AND MID SECTION. DEVELOPMENT. Approved y ScaleBG AS SHOWN FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN WIRE,12 1/2 GAUGE,6"MESH OPENING. 7.MAINTENANCE-THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL 12. SEEPS 1OR SPRINGS ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE HANDLED IN Client PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY,ALL 3.WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER- ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION FOR SUBSURFACE DRAIN THE ENCLAVES SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED OR TRACTED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD. LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED. FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X, MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. MIRAR 100X,STABILINKA T140N,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 8.WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED,IT SHALL BE DONE ON A AREA STABILIZED WITH 13. ALL GRADED AREAS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 56655 ROUTE 25 4.PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB,ENVIROFENCE,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. FINISHES GRADING. SOUTHOLD, NY 5.MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS(NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN 9.PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH 14. STOCKPILES,BORROW AREAS AND SPOIL AREAS SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND Project ` RAIN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION. g "BULGES"DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STABILIZED U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE SILT FENCE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE LANDGRADING I� NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NEWYORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION NEWY(ORKSTATE DEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SPECIFICATIONS SITE PLAN NEW YORK STATE SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE NEW YORK STATE SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE ENTRANCE NEWYORK STATE SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE EROSION CONTROL Project Address: 56655 ROUTE 25 SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK County Tax Map Number. Contract Number: 1000-63-3-15 Regulatory Reference Number. Title of Drawing: 1 i SEDIMENT AND I EROSION CONTROL µ DETAILS U .T'y • Drawing Number ' A.��,r'` tom, (a,���,•�,. .` p � C� � � T ttrLt�", :d%� •• Sheet of L 6 10 FE�3 0 2017 : , VO ,, •? r{ PWGC Project Number. Unauthorizedalterationoradditon z t7 Southold Town to this drawing and related documents AVG 1 601 FianningBoard is a violation of Section 7209 LL o of the New York State Education Law o a a ' _.. .- - rvv� i' Ci - I 4 t'I "') I - . . . i ___��,�,,, rx, .�_ „� ax< 1 -- .-_- __- i� L1 �� _ UJ ND NOW ORµ; F'(7F�P�1E•-kLY OF I C� u -D �' VAI.F-1 M.SCOPAZ ' ' , ? LAND NOi,^r OR FORMERLY O I � ,,, _ c i <i F" n,t1,;:I. (_.1.M. N(7. 10)t) Ei3 (.)3 1F r kNTNC7N= FCRGiONE LA,:"�C PiOVr;'F>: F"r'!R"1'=;RLQ' i;C Y : 4.C.T.Il NO. 1000-63-03-17.3 i iCE:r:,IT !t ry r s c-,�' n:-r I —) 11 . . ry �F. i lir;r >I{r_' - lilt X01 ./I 1I E fL_ .I�r;GC}LC;F:' Q,v.T.l'd1. NU. 1000)-6'3-01-17.4ic �` Z /y i S' .,. ,i` C' :;' I 1, I11 I CUPRESSOCYPARIS i4.!> ! ,;.ry i ,i;I k 7 kill CORNUS FLORIDA z ' I'i �o " , A -I I I I I CORNUS FLORIDA i LEYLANDII(96) \' _ i1 i 1 ,°,,r,.,, 1:1,u _ ._. _,._ `} I ,, I VAR.RUBRA(5) t F<<.IS z• F - - _ - _ Q _= +' VAR.RUBRA(1) S07°3s'i0"E - _ >--- - -- - - s31 � I 1 ---. v .a__--. 1111-1111- _... - - .., - - - P ',c? I. i g I and Engineering zg', _. ._ ----- ... _ _ ---- - ...- -° — - °- „_ _yid - \ - -` Strategic Environmental g g Solutions 1 _ k ' 3 -- ----'-" - -- ----- -'i, ,,,•-.°-'`_, �., - ° I - - _ \� Nf bV I'I i/,f�'' ._. 1111 -.- .._.. ---..._ . _..-- --_-- .- - ;, 1� , " .. .r.a,,ate.°_ _. _. -.._ .-... D — _— —.. _ _. _.—__,_ _.. Y ,. ,.—, ..p- 1. — ---... ._ - — — - 1 [,,�=!i,,,,,,�7� \- l��,.- - - 1 r F -; \ , \ _ _ ... 1_11_1_ -_____. -- _ I•,nr ��ACER RUBRUM - -- •-- - _---a \ I,�� ! __ � a „_ - :_- ._._ `Win.,. 14.. .._. _ -1.11,1,` C C \\ II 1 I 1111_ _ - __ s I�,,� �'�;� _ -_._ - \ . 0 l �� �? �ye%� _-__. / _. , :-�::_'-TBE GLORY 1 � ^OC 0 R _ -- --( ) - '� : , ��!i� .__._ ___ N .. _ -.v- .,....,�.r-..n `� �' SYf`!{ I IPPW - .._.- .- - - .� .C \`C \� �1 � ��� � ,)1 -. _._ ..- ..___. _ fT. ,..,....,m....,.,.-.�.,..�. 1 i,.. 1�1 I . \i l 1 ♦(. .-1 _. o\ , \ � ,1 m", COR US F RIDA - = x s 1N .T \\..- � __ -' ----- v--1111_. T- / . i ;? _ � s ._ - --• - rn, [,-, - ' , DPI'dr'Yt (TOB- -.........-..._i ��u 1 i ! i '�h ,.:,E �. �° z ' VAR.R c >r,: -_..:.1NG roc,o� RASS AREA •�' -'I: IG T BE qt1. , 9� r: .,,• n d��._ :v t .j" i \, �\ � ,1R..A�.' �, m„ � � ;� ,n a, 'Atr � .. `I: E.6nihiAS - k .1 ARF. t 1i , :`' RESTORED I F:_tI N � � p / ih, GRASS AREA TO 8E ,:i i, ,,r'i'' . I 1 1 I __ I $ ( " s ACER RUBRUM ' sa I-�\n:�"r b _.::,�_ ,/ w.:::.. _- 630 venue. . Suite7 \ -, i' _ ,__:;I /1 RESTORED; 3'l./ Johnson A .t:. T B Y' 1 �. - T ,(,j ._ ) Jai-.',' -_ =__- - I='tt t,. : ,. : r, Bohemia . NY . 11716-2 �C 0 ER GLOR . ( } }1 t ., ):,: 618 r t :. , _ ' I _ t \; � iI_._ - �; �/ `� i I'f; I i r �r, :: Ph . (631) 589-8705 ---... _ ,I i F�, �.;:_: :>;ISTI\;' ;f> I one' 6353 Fax" (' � `' (631) 589- i 11-RUC 1.A:i L. ,. 1111 „o ;' ri'%� !i_. 1 :'r ±: ;.., E-mail: INF WGROSSER.COM s. . - _ ' O (", , I , ri O P f I P 1.1.11._.. _� _ e CORNUS FLORIDA ~ " _ % ..z` , II �..,.,..,...,.,�...- � 1. .._. .__- r.- _ ...�,, _.._ .•-rr-_-.___.. i_._.__ IT_.__.,.'-. _ _ _. ._' '- _�_.--_ --_�'tl' ..--• __'+ _.. �-_ _. - / i' .,-�� � iii/�. L� .•....�......•_..-1111_,.. t GRASS AREA TO BE- \. / F ` " -` 1 i_..... ...t 1, u n 'r: ::I� I i . q f If -�> VAR.RUBRA 7 I ': Y.f. _ ._ CONSULTANTS ( / \ 1 'RESTORED ,%%/f__ i//�— �;•-'U 11\(,1 '�>0 \ it I' + I� i� ii ) l U j / \ -L•'i .1. .._ _ _ I I I ._-_„ _.r _ __ _. --- _ lj _. _ ' PROPOSED PARK'PdG'A•REA \ j; I. I I I I i _ _ ILi ` ACER2 RUBRUM _..-_--. _ \ I �. r .. t o tt 1 r , , r '� 1 s 11 , , OCTOBER GLORY 1 1,; ';> i, . \ j iI r,':I - I" O ✓ \ //1 __ I "s-�- - I• II I I rE._.a[7 t - I -- h', -'I j �s ,..,. \ i� r =\- -- --.. 11 ;l 11 it I , - - ACER RUBRUM i _ 1 i \ 1 ✓.�;ji. / r` �/./ :I •\\ I �4 _ ..,+ sir\ I I I I i I I I I i I i ! i '-- Ij//' r-" -: - - --- ---- - 111 .7 4 ;,; i II .� , o . \ J P. \OCTOBER GLORY 2 ! C , \ ;; / // F�_i _- n,) _ - - ..'-- ,l . :' , . I 1 •I !I I '; I I' ! ...,t...,..,,.=.,-,:1. .,.a-,,.... ,m: - _L - \ 1 P -% �; +�- \ i „ --. ! \ -----= ,r ` ../ '� ,.� ,I-- ' �' _- ✓- ,\. -e-.y<' ' , I I i! I i �\ II 1: ii G f I , � � i 01�_._', �", vi I. I Ii �. TI O^c_ O I __ _li- _ _ _� `� ; Il I �`� _ ______ CORNUS FLORID 14- 1-1 of - -_- -= ", - ' '' 1 THUJA X THUJA(13) - - -I f,_117 w w. - ,__, 0��[," !� ;!o ACEf�RUBRUM , __,_.k , - -1 \ q _ ,,, `�r?J1\�^ �'.�, I scut- VAR.RUBRA(1) , i ! ioNT\;., ',y9.F. - . i I T AR FN - 11_�'' - `- --- ,.OCTOBER GLORY'(1) -y.,_- t;rl' I- " s To - D a \ .�,---- \ a( ( i I '<n GRA S AREA B lQitC �j ,t o,F P-- ---- f 1 r. cRAss n UNIPERUS'DAVURICA 1 I I j u I T ' \� ! _ _,__ I I ACER'RUBRUM''. n j --- \ - I I � In RESTORED -,0 y 11� o i e\ I i r- _ ..—.- _ ___..._ _ EXPANSA(5) � ! �.I Iii 1 �, F - I 1 .r- ur . OCTOBERGCORY (1)- is---- y s r ,i ;F y �I \ �, 4� / ^t: i i i ew,..,.:, -._r,...-•,..<,___ t I 1 + ` "`a`. :I I' I --,Il ,� . _ \r :.I '\`.� -- 11 \ :RC,c::3E:0^H:V``:"A`( F I -+:<�� it l<,i1 \ --------- ( f 1,3 -=p 'A - i CS CORNUS LOR DA) W �, 1 1 � .`, i{.—_. 'I 'i�W'"'°—I \ ,111__1" '1.`.�.._', .�// 'W _ ` 11 '��r�e � i J,�. 1::; 11- ��' 1 % \ i l 1 �_ -i I -xc.t_... ,�'�1 f.y a `" ;!, I :..._,1__.. _ y AND P 'CI L�'<c I T... "",_. t - _ Il \ k' a VAR.RUBRA(3) - I r ,:. - - tY. i ==M ' v ' 1 , ---__11.....1------ § i+^., ,l ._w1- T - ,`�" /.. ,r \ _ ^ - U I \ ',.. II - _ _ fi - -..._ -. '1 THUJA X THUJA 23 , ./ , / t - �. -__- __--- - - -�_ - _ -..� _s-_ T- ';._::_m..�,�::__r-. ,_.. �A_ �:Ga:. 11 - - r. ., -' 'r- 'j a - - a 'i r: d '�•.'. , f. ,r I t r. = - r 1 ,'\\ _1.111 �/ - - _ - - - - © 0 1 k k ,_, .v,, 1+1:11,'-^..:./t_:f,__1_111 - - - n v. r� \S _ - j _-� -CORNUS FLORIDA ,- __ .:_ �_._ f it r R \,T \ _ - - !. ;�, 11.11, - � � ' , • \. -, t. - - / -,f I I " FFi- n' r; „1., �~.�/lIt�__ ?7�"+'-'�a\/,,3„- ... „.. //s} 1.1_11 _... .._. ._- _._ ._... _ r� VAR.RUBRA 3 i Y 1 ) �_._ - - - - �, '.<, `I A' `'s_ e,. O s\„lrr ,. r.... •1I.._)}___ ;, - i L'>r.:2'25 - _ - Bl '[;? t:- - \ ,1 \ I �L_ -# . 1'q. ii, rte- .:.. _- ` - t , 1 11,11..,'Ir-f(, - :.. -_-_-_--_:' - _--- r+:'. it I' \a \'� 'I i -f _,_. vUrC; I, 1.,, : 1' , GRASS __ t _ _':.. 5” \ I -1111:--. _- _r - -- ,. -- - .1 IRIS _`' O I 12 C;')I Ta:11,_r t ,__._. \ I 1 r%' ;ai h �\!_,. i' I I 1 1 _ - ter:_. k`_- r I,• THUJA X THUJA 23 ,_ :.THUJA THUJA _ [1 0 010 , rs v ' 1 s - c:-! NTA \; 1 1,; I' i ;i�,K-,: -I ,,� ( ), . --_ � �g'� OCCIDE LRS(8) }i{ _ ;I,; ,' _ H CUPRESSOCYPA is ...__ � LANDIn:..... TO BE II• LEY I(19) I'�- 1 o,r j „ ' GRASS AREA B �` I I. ';n 1 , , 3E 5' +:• 'i' \, <, c l` �, ! . .',, ., ',, -, f'" S(8�- `,- - ._..__ t:' j, r L_?.0' I! RESTORED II .( y i Y. �- .- `i l'.' d` QC it li'1 i'` 1 S II _._ j , � CIDENTALI- � !� 4 -...,� ..-�,.� t.l 1F1, -.J - - - , i n I 11 \ �.. y" " '-', _�'-'. ( i= THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 13 yy ___ , - - yDW , ______ -_ - 1 ti,-;'�-_1..�..f,_k',_.-a,.m, .sd..w-.� ' _._-.___ ___..__. 2�3'-1" � 11 f I ! t. - , 1111 �.. , , , I I _ I I � i! b �' ,�,.. , ----.._.._.._._..._.-'----.. ._..--, . -- -- ._ 111_1. _..__-'-------__.._- -- -- - o : t./i ., :-._ :-. ,: .., - - - -- d -- ACER R B M 1 � . ;-" o. � 'r. •�I `--� - _..#, { ,.i .i. n i I I :OPOS .)FRCn?� U RU I , I !.. i rc 1 dd ,• .-1111. "' .., r S: ,' Si c� I i , 11 -i`" ,� I� i i u o _ �f..t t,,�rTA :';:_=` av --} Ci Rr,s_TrA 'I OCTOBER GLORY' 1; �.: - I" i L Land 11 u I THUJAXTHUJA 23 - I ee;;, = 4 ( �/�,'•,D '`70N''�;OR r:j E V(,)r ` soaping , r PtiT r''r _- - . < RL 1111 �... -- - - t ,, �'. r, - i= G I j - _._..-. -' _ ,- 11 11-.. . ' _ _ - - - / i. ter,''\7",'Y�-•`I(" `,/-(,J '->; ::.•� ~ \ I ! -i tI I _ i': ' - L•i_;J CN c[;.1ASRsr is iMtRf' 1 1411A'`(C _ A, 1. _ ;,. I r...- ., € ,S I 1111.,.,� -'e-� '. � ' p , , R f I _ j,.=:_:,.f: I____._...__.--...._____;_.;_..-_ _;.__.__.__-I -- , �; ?, Y ij R t4 ;., �_� _,�o- 1 1. ALL PLANTS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AS NOTED IN THE LATEST EDITION OF ' r 1 I r"\; '"',� (": !r , , r -7t- I^ --- -- - - - ___ ------ =- __-- 9 n I �.V.:„vI. [, irO„ �.3 v,1 14 j . is I ._ GRASSAREA1013 .' :, - ___' /:. ?..._ .._ Z r - i cL2';' - # , ?'.f - ml RESTORED i.0°• I •,,-1-.<.,, ,",.< �.:i�- �.._._,. *.--�.__ _ , ,. ._ =;', \ %" I 1 = AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN,ANSI q ' ' _ - -_. / i I (,'1ui iI" �; - I10 � I I �J' , ' G 260.1. / *,._ moi'. , I, 1 i1 f ROPO:"•,ED Fv\.K!P.G Ail%:4 1 1 �-\jii.iY.- I �7'. - + )"_-.1,_ _ �. P - ��^ '.ii i!I1! 1 is - '\! `, � 0 ;-, ' f f I f . r-n i - ?.;Y$ r1, 'h - I - --- ---.-1111._-... _ ---G` -" I - - , �,, d Q Q ,:i %',, -- THUJq X THUJA(23) �`� -- r `a`' I I ).i _ ., ) Ii I 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HI5 OWN QUANTITY TAKEOFF. O i i t A`r1('.. fl 3,., r',,=.M.' �r I -I J ! Vi' I =r 1, l,..____ -j- �i4;- r�}'•, T- >f.'�' 'it - y;`' - -, \ i r ,,t v I/ , [ is z 1 i ! I I 1 r `.--CORNUS FLORIDA, c \ c '. L �.< ' \ I y may, _..[ D 5:: 1 1 h u��.-�. a » Y ly.. n ^5�_3.f>. r=2_ "M f _.. t. 2 i aft _.a.�, __ R' �: I, Y �` r f I>I _ w n " I; f �\� 1 I ! j ii 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKEOUT PLANTINGS FOR ENGINEERS ANDIOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL . i VAR.RUBRA(3) �' ----- ---- -- -- -ViA K=-- -- - -.. _._�_�THUJq_X THUJA�31)-_- % -- 1 i _-_ `+ - - a i >. Ili ,,. PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK • t� r1. - - - --- - -- _�-- - - -"- _ -- - ------ r, � 1,111,._..-------11_11---- ------ - . 1 l _ ' -•_- --:- „ _ ra.' - , -- - - -- �� -- GRASS ARE;TOBE \ , - _ I - �2r_. - - __ fi --_a" �_ y % K ', »c.� .j - =a z - 1 I ._._c -� - �.<.- N.a ; REsroRED $ -ACER RUBRU .r — - --'•'; RhQ ESI, p I I I I I' l I y 7,y 1 ¢.� P -,, , - -- _--- - - '\ "°'=,�,,, �,`\ f�/ 'Q\. t 1 ` ! 14 BE WITHIN 5 of UNDERGROUND UTILITIES RELOCATE SAID TREES TO MIN 5 y I 'I: I "). r�r." r - OCTOBER GLOR q S I I/ o 1% .. \ M Y'(1) I I Yj R SHOULD LOCATION OF TREES o P_ I i \ i rt PFo�O ` - ` '_'7_I I I j I i rte-"�' �a.G �u 1 `�.._ __ �;: �:, 1 ! I FROM BALL 0UTILITIES. "` ' T _."_ r I `. Y .. .�, -.- Y b k l I j 11 i 1 ; \`\ ' n1 i h ,� \ -- : 14 . _ •C,,inn.-,:-, rl ' ` h; `: �:t -:-, 1 : ': I I , 1 \i i<'-...<.a', , �<``. ..;: @._�,,s"` \ - 11-- -- _.. �,>�D•DRI\,ThAv J_:°r'® '= ! i r I I 1 t. 11 I, ° _ - i :h.�; n�: \- \ `'' a iI '\ I ,'cn I 5, SHOULD LOCATION OF TREES BE WITHIN 20'OF OVERHEAD UTILITIES, RELOCATE SAID TREES TO MIN.20'TO .rx. CUPRESSOCYPARIS I! I ' 1r I -.",1, ''r_'__;',' - y -° _- `- �; _,�lii I .q I I 1 WIRES.TREES WILL BE PLACED ON UNDISTURBED EARTH AND BACKFILL WILL CONTAIN AT LEAST 50 CORNUS FLORIDA; RCPo.:, o aa1;KING'�,-i- 3. ,'___----_-_z�, �-_ _ � Q. :. ._, _ ___ - - I , �' LEYLANDII(19) OF THE C \ Y ,l , o ( PERCENT SOIL TAKEN OUT OF THE PLANTING HOLE,TO PROMOTE GROWTH IN THE SURROUNDING 1a1 -CORNUS FLORIDA . " �'t''' ` o VAR.RUBRA(3) n•_ " 1 - tl r1� . SOIL. --CORFLORIDAA RU SOIL. \ ` ` NUS FLORI B VAR.RUBRA{1) o - , O ♦ t I r,.,,..,.n CORNUS FLORIDA`, j K' ���;>._;F%``` - R RA 1 + ' ;_` I i '. ' i 1 ' ' ! ! i `�' J�' - n .,\ ` .. ° `--p�JUNIPERUS DAVURICA 6. ALL BEDS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 4 INCHES OF FINE SHREDDED BARK MULCH AND SHALL BE KEPT AWAY 0 6_ i, I. VAR.RUBRA(2) \ rc ACER RUBRUM - ( j ! I { I' u o r' >''''` CORNUS FL RIDA '`''\ I \` EXPANSA 5 FROM THE IMMEDIATE BASE OF TREES AND SHRUBS. I I is ( ) ••C�, , i 1 (. I I I I �� yi ",�..rY i Imo(" `' ... / OCTOBER GLORY'(1) I _l.— _ I _ I i I��// o VAR.RUBRA 3 �.- r _ F,: ,M1,:-C, / , ( ) r i ; - - - 1 __ ._- ! __1_111 .: .__ ___`- --_.___-... --__=,;-_r: .�-�.,.n.,... _.__._, 1:111,,.-.,.m.. - '\- ._ - , , 147 F_:'. _,:>._... - ¢_mss BRUM �.__,, _ .. _,_-; __.:;_:.-m:,.,„ „-__ .___ ,_.. ..�.__. _., . _...� n_:_ : M.-1-- - (�� "; A ACER RU �.��,.,;, f 1,,,Y 7. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN HEALTHY AND VIGOROUS GROWING CONDITION. PLANTS THAT FAIL - -~ ---1'- -- - - -___ _. 'n OCTOBER GLORY'(1) SHALL BE REPLACED WITH PLANTS OF COMPARABLE SIZE AND TY 00, *0V � \\ O TTHEBE BEGINNING F � �0; ti\'- - - - -- - --- \- — -- JANET L. RYAN PI PEA G GO THE NEXT 0 p _ - - - - --00O��'_* o\_ o i• - - - _. r GROWING SEASON TO MAINTAIN PLANT DENSITIES AND SPECIES MIX. - --- -- - -' ,\ f7/l\\ �`�� 1 . -- - -- --- -0--0-- - --- 1� -- F`; 1 i0 I . r,.t15�4v E1r')' i' �� � _._. _. Illi- - _ r \' 1 a- 'h-.:.. = I - -_ - - - - . 8. PLANTING OF DECIDUOUS TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL OCCUR BETWEEN APRIL 1 TO JUNE 1 AND OCTOBER 15 \ � \ --�- - ACER RUBRUM , CORNUS FLORIDA i - 1. - IL ACERRUBRUM - -1 - -'- CUPRESSOCYPARIS"- JUNIPERUS DAVURICA 1 \V1 Z O i ( ) O ( ' I'll, ' TO DECEMBER 15. PLANTING OF EVERGREEN TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL OCCUR BETWEEN APRIL 1 TO JUNE �+t 33 ; z OCTOBER GLORY' 1 �. VAR.RUBRA 3 \:. 1 AND SEPTEMBER 1 TO NOVEMBER 15. 'OCTOBER GLORY'(1) \� % \ J LEYLANDII 69 'EXPANSA(1 2) - - "Y , , u' \ L"''' ' ''�r' '' ` " ` ,I-'_M1,1:-I.,!'' ' riF 9. IF PLANTING Al SEEDING IS IMPRACTICAL DUE TO TIME OF YEAR,TEMPORARY MULCH MUST BE1. 0 � r 3i o ' �• _ r ,n, Y / !AND NOW OR FORMERLY 0' �' n Cr A l E- V ,V _ Kt- / r ILLS i REALTY HOLDING NG LLC APPLIED UNTIL FAVORABLE WEATHER CONDITIONS PERMIT GERMINATION AND GROWTH,BUT NO MORE S.C.T.M. NO. "10!- 3 03 28.1 THAN 6 MONTHS AFTER PROJECT COMPLETION. 1 , �'0 , I ' 3z S.C.T S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63 03-12 1, 10. ALL PLANTING BEDS SHALL BE CULTIVATED TO A DEPTH OF 8 INCHES AND RAKED TO REMOVE SOD CLUMPS, 7 . t, �--" - —" - �'' WEEDS,STONES AND OTHER FOREIGN MATERIAL EXCEEDING 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER.IMMEDIATELY AFTER 6 PLANTING,WRAP DECIDUOUS TREES TRUNKS FROM BASE TO FIRST LIMB WITH 4 INCH WIDE BITUMINOUS 5 I Nv `'30'5 'W IMPREGNATED,INSECT RESISTANT TAPE OR PAPER MANUFACTURED FOR THAT PURPOSE.TIE WITH JUTE AT 51.34' ,, d ,� TOP AND BOTTOM. THE TRUNK WRAP SHALL BE REMOVED ONE YEAR AFTER PLANTING. 11 `11 � ` 3 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN 11. UPON COMPLETION OF LANDSCAPING WORK,ALL EXCESS SOIL,DEBRIS,ETC.SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE 2 3, % 1 11 SITE.THE SITE SHALL BE IRRIGATED. SPRINKLER HEADS AND PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL NOT ENCROACH Number Revision Description Revision Date SCALE: 1 rr = 40' UPON ANY RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF THE TOWN of SOUTHAMPTON. 0 40 80 Designed By Date Submitted 11 TC 01/20/17 Drawn By Date Created 1.11 i O n PLANT CENTER SCALE: 1" = 40' TC 08/23/16 �r Approved By Scale ,C . BG AS SHOWN Client Q+ + + Pv+NrRow i I THE ENCLAVES 1; \ PRUNE 1/5 OF GROWTH& O O O TYPICAL ON CENTER BROKEN BRANCHES BUT 56655 ROUTE 25 = t t t SPACING AS LABELED ON PLANTING PLAN RETAIN LEADERS AND (� L.......-..._- ..- ...._---._' -_ _ ---„.... - 11 1 1 _.. - -` --- - - PLAN-SPACING NATURAL FORM OF SHRUB SOUTHOLD NY , PLANT SET AT ORIGINAL PLANTING - QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING Project 0 8 4:1 o o d AS SHOWN GRASS SEED AS SHOWN SEED AS SHOWN c DEPTH PROVIDE FULL COVER ' o s "w a,yytiVyq. ew,�— 3”DEEP SHREDDED BARK MULCH 3"MULCH WITHIN 1211 °MIN. \ EARTH SAUCER I AS SHOWN 5'-6'Tall,8&B / AS SHOWN SITE PLAN PLANTING BACKFILL ,/ NOTES: Cornus florida Var.rubra Red Flowering Dogwood WHERE SHRUBS ARE PLANTED REMOVE ALL PLASTIC&WIRE TABS. AS SHOWN Thi occidentalls American Arborvitae WEED BARRIER � 1 HEDGE TRIMMED SECTION IN MASS EXCAVATE ENTIRE I DO NOT CUT BURLAP FROM SIDES PLANTING BED 3' 4'TaII,B&B LANDSCAPE PLAN OF BALL. AS SHOWN TYPICAL GROUND COVER LAYOUT I 1 REMOVE ALL PLASTIC CORDS FROM AS SHOWN Thuja x Thuja(standishii x plicata) Arborvitae'Green Giant' 5'-6'Tall,B&B HEDGE TRIMMED Project address: SCALE: NTS TREE BALL.IF PRESENT. As sHowN 56655 ROUTE 25 MIXTURES. ROOT ROOT AS ER TOPSOIL MIXTURE I AS SHOWN CUPRESSOCYPARIS LEYLANDII LEYLAND CYPRESS 5'-6'Tall,B&B AS SHOWN,8'd:O,C.. ` SOUTH OLD M: �--- 3"DEEP SHREDDED BARK MULCH BALL BALL A.AN STD 1 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK w AS SHOWN Juni erus davurica'Ex ansa' Parsons Juniper 1 GALLON CONTAINER County Tau Map Number Contract Number. F � P p p AS SHOWN Q f_ UNDISTURBED EARTH 6"MIN. ) 1000-63-3-15 ~_ Regulatory Reference Number. M ) 0 L AS SHOWN Acer rubrum'October Glory' Red Maple 2,5"-3"CALIPER,B&B AS SHOWN PLANTING BACKFILL MIXTURE !I I�!r j I I I I W EVERGREEN TREE M Z 0 Title of Drawing: —1 11-fl I I_ —' I I—III- AS PER AS PER b Z II-Ill--I( 111 I II 6" Now i 6" -00 to 11 [ 1)�_ SOIL SAUCER,TOP W/MULCH A.A.N.STD. A.A.N.STD. m LANDSCAPE PLAN TYPICAL SHRUB PLANTING MIN. MIN. SET TOP OFROOTBALLI"ABOVE FINISH GRADE NOTE: s SCALE: NTS TYPICAL LARGE SHRUB PLANTING SHREDDED BARK MULCH AT4"DEPTH SCALE: NTS A DEPTH OF COMPOST,INSTALL AND DETAILS AND MIX W/PLANTING BACKFILL ALL TREES,SHRUBS,AND GROUND COVERS SHOWN TO NOTES: I FG MIXTURE APPROXIMATE SCALE AT 10 YEAR MATURE SPREAD TOTALS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED UPON FIELD INSPECTION. I — FINISH GRADE(LAWN) 1.SPRAY ALL PLANTS WITH ANTI-DESSICANT. REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1!3 I CONTINUOUS CLEAN, I T"— SHARP,&SMOOTH 2.SHRUB SHALL HAVE SAME RELATION TO FINISH GRADE = OF PLANTING BALL ALL TOPSOIL FOR PLANTING SHOULD HAVE A LABORATORY a PREPARED PLANTING MIXTURE TESTED ORGANIC VALUE OF 5%MINIMUM.SOIL SHALL HAVE A SHOVEL OR TROWEL AS EXISTED AT NURSERY. m w / SHAPED EDGE o 25%COMPOST PH VALUE BETWEEN 6-8.SOIL SHALL BE FREE OF ALL STONES F BETWEEN LAWN AND 3.IF BALLED&BURLAPPED,REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP. 75%TOPSOIL AND ORGANIC MATTER LARGER THAN 1 112"DIAMETER.SOIL i; =W Drawing Number. MULCHED AREAS PH RANGE:6.7 TO 7.0 �''``✓ FOR PLANTING PITS SHALL BE AMENDED AT THE RATE of 7 f t i�" ')[= y`''` a r 4.REMOVE ALL PLASTIC&WIRE TAGS I II I II�- 5 LBS.TYPE 1-ROOT GROWTH ;i:', ,-�,.. _- f t ' 1' FINISH GRADE(MULCH) :I - ENHANCER PER CUBIC YARD OF CUBIC YARDS OF WELL ROTTED MANURE PER CUBIC YARDS ;)F,•.:I,b"-` //\//\ 5. REMOVE ALL PLASTIC CORDS FROM TREE BALL,IF :I�- MIXTURE OF TOPSOIL. /,`",i"��Yr (,',,•s,.-'_X.,. \ \ \ PRESENT IN GROUPINGS OF SHRUBS,EXCAVATE DO NOT EXCAVATE LOWER THAN /\/ / BALL DIA. v > * U =400 i_- // AND BACKFILL ENTIRE SHRUB BED AREA BALL DEPTH.IF EXCAVATED BELOW THE , y !y,' I g �11 \\ \\\\ w/PREPARED BACKFILL �1r -�` rT-,8 w " \ \ \ BALL DEPTH BACKFILL AND COMPACT ` t '' a s: \\��\�/\/�\�\/�\��\��\�� BALL DIA.x 2 MIN. TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT. t t tl,i f�,' o 11 �i.:<- � .. , .r Sheet of Is TYPICAL TREE PLANTING <'_",, , Cq ��T. �,;7 J TYPICAL EDGING BETWEEN LAWN AND MULCHED AREAS Q E C� E � V r'r,� `G ,�1'� ,Y°`�t,,,;' 7 10L. SCALE: NTS S �\ ~R\�_ SCALE: NT "' .;,?` r't<i'jtU�. '` PWGCProjectNumbec `.. FE(3 0 1 217 2`� Unauthorized alteration or addition z - to this drawing and related documents AVG 16 01 � I __ !s a violation of Section 7209 LL o of the New York State Education Law U Southold Town 08 a d 1 iuu,:,tlt3 uuulJ `, ` .yr:::�,=_': :; as .rr;�*l m'm.�: arnaaa*a :�-ax .. 'nrr ,e rt . - . , ..t� t- x1 - t , X kpFl@141".w7 "o7A,;-v,,%,r' 4:v.d« ,,..r.o,'dza"4�n �st.7+'. 4F2:7z::;',w SERSOWNVWIBWIWOMW'A I f'r•, 1= i- -, Vi -.I:L t'1., ! 1 i j '� :.' 1 , ND N 1l'`f' \i'rx FOf?M FORMERLY ! t�Pv"^r;,�Nti'Ft�c.r;;{�n;E ,"v r._ ""N O�< ,=U.r<.",1i.RLY OF _ ;i ;',1. P'!'). , .. +',, j !j T �r'rl; I x� �G'^ r, VIN(11N. _.7,1 T u flrsrc t^ N ':fik;;.,'x'ry )",t�T. ,,J, ri�'' .i;� <.. , - _ ✓ �'�rr`t Lel i_i.. r;' .. ', I l 7 V•ir;',. _ �,.. t.lr-,-Tr i .s:. i7 r, I FI1 -,". 'I;�,`ii 1.l,; rt:J- i :� 1 1.4 I X i ,:` I - ,I 1i �7 ` - <. '1 - _. • G "'t ii r _...r. _,. .",n.1, .,�, ,.. ,a. 1 - ._ -' __. --- - . - -' -. ..__,... . .. _..--- - ' !"� if ., -----c !, -- - - - - c' .__ - - ._. ."._.._;. _ _ w- _� .. _.. _ _.. - - .1. I 1 . -- - :.nnhnl. N`W t:C r"-.,i`� ---' -_._.... -- I ,a ZIL ___ ... ... _.. _.___ __ _. . . I 1. -.+.,. .�\i:, �.,' _ - „ - -. ,nice '� - ..- _-. .. _ _._... _ __- . ... ._ •• ..r o - 1.1., - .,,.,o-.m-„-u.. o vv C., 1 .",. - -_...-..-.__ I)•,I':4l✓Av '! Zl I ei „_o n _,__ -- _) '1 s• n- .,-:,-.,,_o.._a_: ' -J - ---' -. ._....-_. i-_- - -.- -`_-. .. _..... j' ._ .o. 'a , t r;3 _ - - I -- ---... _ �`�7 -, , J �l ( I Ili qq - f I t % . Wr '� !`° i� k 7 k � J.... . .. � it o ,-. "+- o d _..... L. -- : i' Strategic Environmental and Engineering Solutions � I t , _. . c' ,, t: r�/ r,. PIt I _ rf P__1 W , - ', y„ i'f { c ci ! "o a -! ( \Y 'U_, '' �jllf! e rl]",_-�.7 'rsyp % - - - *..� .. :I' 7", - / '+� @ 5 I / { /'_ it �i - /' _ / � 1 ero r f. «`@. ��k• i{r._ s g_y, '• wn1 f /'i h 'i 6 l �,t r. --� t%, i, "1 r , I __ .� ¢ � 1 g 1, 4 t.t �.ti e ✓,. °,,, r,. , tt : l 1 Q 1. {. - c ti........... ..a__-_____.. 2, .,.., /, :` .:.. ,i'>1 ,� ., ;; - •a:k ..b . .. /.'� - it i' 1' , ,`i'. .._, d:, ,. , '' 1. , ., : is .'"ws.^"-.... .3.,:.;:,:,.;.:v<..�.'.s c:r �'1., I� �I _ ._- _ - 630 John . to 7 ` 1 \ ,. :_ -. il t. 1 R �__ - - __..,,, I it ; � \! �''- � n Avenue Suite o GRcr c., _.,, Ir.,:an I ! 1 =i:,,. i I Bohemia >1 li __ 111. r . NY . 11716-2618 ? iy;7a i, :I in\ I; 1' cc,•, 2� I { - I f' - I _ o , r; F': .,_.. .- 1 i i 31 589 6353 . Fax: : '' I .. 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', :, MODEL : SSM3100LXFFS-2 f I (10 MOUNTING) TYPEIIISHOEBOX 7 11 LIGHTING PLAN I SINGLE PHASE, 208 VOLT 11 5 SCALE: 1" = 40' 1 a 10 '-0: HIGH x 4" SQUARE 3 1. ALUMINIUM LIGHT POLE, 2 0 40 80 I SMOOTH ALUMIUM 6063-T6 1 Number Revision Descdpton Revision Date _ SCALE: 1" - 40' I THICKNESSS MIN. WALL Designed By Date Submitted I MANUFACTURER: USS TC 01/20/17 MANUFACTURING INC. Drawn By Date Created MODEL: USS 40A10AB-SQ TC 08/23/16 Approved By Scale - ---- - --- - -- 1--l---- .-------------....----- ---- ---- - - - --- '3MH I BG ASSHOWN Client L. 1 I THE ENCLAVES 2#12 THW+ 1 #12 56655 ROUTE 25 GROUND TO FIXTURE I SOUTHOLD, NY x ----- - ------- --- ----_.. .. -- Project 2MH EXTRUDED HANDHOLE 11.11_ _ _ _ -- - ---- 1111.._-.__'-- NOTES _. ..- --- -...- 1 ; SPLICE IN POLE _.__ __- \., AL CABLE 6 OR 12 BEHIND EDGE OF PAVEMENT THROUGHOUT AND AT A DEPTH OF 2-0 BELOW SITE PLAN DIRECT BURT r' LE FINAL GRADE 3/4" DIA __ ( . GALVANIZED ANCHOR B LTS - _ - _ ---- --11.1\_1\ -= --- ---- --- 1MH MIN. 28" LONG 4 EACH PER POLE - I ASTMA576 (TYP.) SITE LIGHTING PLAN 2, CABLE IN PVC OR GALV. IRON ELECTRIC CONDUIT WHERE CABLES CROSS WALKS OR DRIVEWAYS,SIZED AS 1 \ ~' \ INDICATED AND 2'-0" BELOW FINISHED GRADE,AND AT LEAST 7-0"BEYOND EACH WALK OR PAVEMENT EDGE. Project Address: '� � E 25 ' - 56655 ROUT 3.METAL HALIDE, 1Q0 WATT FIXTURES AND POLES AS SPECIFIED. GRADE 211 2" GRADE SOUTHOLD I t ... __ .. .,, _ ' \ 1 - ._.. -ti_'-- -----'--'-, - , ---- -- \�. \ - --- -- - OMH 4 LARGE DIAMETER CABLES ARE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN NO MORE TH NEWYORK AN 3/a VOLTAGE DROP AT EACH FIXTURE. _ , Q SUFFOLK . . . , i County Tax Map Num 1 • f ,-11.11.__...,_. . y .. _.. Co ler. Contract Number. i i 1 i ` I I 5. SPLICING OF VARIOUS SIZE CABLES SHALL BE DONE IN BASE OF POLE AND SPLICES SHALL BE WATERPROOF. i ' � 1000-63-3-15 0 PVC I ) 2" DIA SCH. 4 Regulatory Reference Number. -10.0 - � %t Io..-; ;. _ . _ f I 2'-6" M BURY - = = ELECTRICAL TiUeofDrawing: IN. -- __4___ - - CONDUIT WITH TWO / 1MH - - . ..----._ -. .. - ='------ -- ------ --------- .. . - --'-- t. - - - - - USE 50 -- '-- --1 I i I (2) #10 RR- -2 .'_'- . - ! - , . _ ---- - _ -- - ' 1 1 I i- 2.0 I l i COPPER --` -.--- ' - CONDUCTORS PLUS SITE LIGHTING / I 4'-6" MIN. DEPTH i - - ' 0 RR-USE ,y -- ._ 1 0 - - - -- - --- - -U E _._ it GR / ----- -I-- GROUND.: I , . _ - - AND DETAILS --- ----- - - ---------.--.--,. - -- ---- ----- - - - 2MH -- - :_ .:- -11 - ---- ---- I' :_t_:. ,. .. .I.. 4000 CONCRETE WITH 6" " 1 /10 WELDED WIRE FABRIC _ iz / Y i - . -I I a1 ,/ REINFORCED s _' -= - , - - . - -- .` ' I,3 a ; „ (DIVISION MANUFACTURER: FECO (DIV -���,�-, o OF OLDCASTLE PRECAST) - . .^ i\ 1. l f' DawmgNumber. a -- ___ . -____ _-.- 3MH - " il DRAWINGS BEFORE [ i _ _1_111. _. ._ . ..,. ---- . - . -_ ---- -- - •--- - - r. % . .t;- ..,_ ._ ') VIDE SH ,' ��,. ;�' :, ° [ .i CAST ES , . E PRO OPD ;`� I .. 11_ I 11, , C = rm 1 - �. i NNG BAS } Y`'`Y < 12 4MH 3MH 2MH 1 MH OMH 1 MH 2MH 3MH 4MH f----16"W x 16" D---� �y�' ! yy f/ .r.' I,'; 00 c 1. l`} ' .�_ m MH = MOUNTING HEIGHT }� � .. �// /// p-!',, �- �`` r�, / /`/ p� ("�r(� Sheet of 0 N E J p !9 ,..,w . 10 POLE LIGHT PHOTOMETRICS �., ��� N ,--i r ,r t r�iC^ PWGC Project Number. ' SCALE; 7"=1�' nauthorizedalterationoraddition ':'...r=;gym,. ((' 1 `L W F C� 0 1 O t this drawing and related documents AVG 1601 .j w is a violation of Section 7209 LL a the New Yo k State Education Law 0 o 30 i Planning boaw d ! 9fb�fl".,8' ,.w d'. ;:w".',L"AiAY7:'M' .f' . %7,':. `P9 '>'s„,�k':.:d WS%Ik4.. i:4f' ;F"�3k`S',`,'!'b!.C#d". ab'S,"•f,:,;t'4'R.:'".:8,uw.i"K^..^.',n*:'.:�F:tr. i 4'. 0 v N6 r AMERICAN MADE C.I.FRAME WITH SLOTTED COVER OR C.I.FRAME WITH SOLID :, O.D.PLUS 2'MAX a COVER BY NEENAH, (SEE NOTE NOTE BELOW) CAMBELL0 R APPROVED LAYER MATERIAL $ AL FINISH T I EQUAL ' 4 I ADJUST TO FINISHED RIM ELEV. PAVEMENT CURB LINE GRADE FRAME&GRATE - - GRADE WITH BRICK Strategic Environmental and Engineering Solutions SOILS IN EXCESS OF 9"BELOW V MINIMUM,4 MAXIMUM ALLOW 4'MIN.FOR g 9 9 H FINIS GRADE OPENING F R SIZE OPE G O ADJUSTING OF PAVEMENT SUBGRADE �I ^ • .• � � . ,'' � , / CASTING - CASTING , ° i COMPACTED TO 90%AASHTO 12"DIA.PIPE AT I.O°o MIN. r, a I (MATERIAL AS PER DESIGN) T-99 MA G nz REINFORCED COC - •u.11+ a:li 1...'^9 wS �� i'd.z j -'vr: _ LIMIT OF WORK DOWNSPOUT SLAB OVER am-V.ia�.inicae.e't.%,X&a•^'-;r.�.>.).II;X^2.c1•i0'aa+�..�sYr:";�•,',';.ui-F.:-r...n...:.:'��_ ` CLASS IV RCP PIPE ° ;'-' GRADE CAST IRON CLEANOUT WITH BRASS FERRULE s'0' T-0' WITH C OTEOXTILE WRAPPED ABR C D ; e. . Suite 7 BY SITE CONTRACTOR ry ; _. .. .. L'-1 L—' .._ — ._ O.D.— f BACKFILL ABOVE SPRINGLINE T (CAST IRON PIPE PAINTED TO COLOR MIN - MIN SU I_ . — — p �+ �-' - #30 ASPHALT 630 Johnson Avenue. APPROVED EQUAL 8'MIN. = — ROOFING FELT 1' Bohemia . NY . 11716-2618 BE PLACED IN 12"LIFTS SPECIFIED BY ARCHITECT.) L7 tom ` j P RAV Phone: 631 589-6353 . Fax: 631 589-8705I FIRST FLOOR a T-0"MIN. RING DEPTH VARIES AST GRAVEL ( ) ( ) AS PER DESIGN I O 6„— COLLAR E-mail: INFO@PWGROSSER.COM ; 18” �. SPRINGLINE D FLAT FOUNDATION WITH GRADE OO # REINFORCED PRE-SHAPED FOUNDATION OR 1 30 TYP BACKFILL UNDER AND _ - '- --1 CONSULTANTS AROUND DRYWELL WITH _ BACKFILL TAMPED INTO PIPE GRANULAR MATERIAL CONCRETE PRECAST PVC(SDR18)PIPE FITTINGS SIZE TO BE ) HAUNCHES AT CONTRACTORS `' I CONTAINING LESS THAN RINGS COORDINATED WITH DOWNSPOUT /'. DISCRETION I l 15%FINE SAND,SILT,& LEACHING RING FERNCO SERIES 105G COUPLING FOR CAST 30 CM L� S� CLAY. (SILT&CLAY ,, _ FRACTION NOT 70 BEDDING(CLASS I,II,OR III) IRON TO PVC PIPE ' ' Irl cm L� � I= - " 4" � EXCEED 5%) L 4• WHERE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL © t TYP. 12" IS ENCOUNTERED DURING TO DRAINAGE SYSTEM _ I i TYPICAL '. BACKFILL PLACED ALTERNATELY - I �' � DRAINAGE RING € EXCAVATION OF PIPE ° GRAVEL COLLAR T-W •' IN 6"LIFTS ON BOTH SIDES OF TRENCHES. v 5_p• PVC(DR 18)@ 1.0%MIN. _. ._ PIPE UP TO SPRINGLINE e" 3'-0'MIN.TO MIN.ALL AROUND ELEVATION ' y 1, : GROUNDWATER LEACHING RING (: NOTE: GROUNDWATER BACKFILL UNDER AND AROUND DRYWELL WITH NOTE 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE DOWNSPOUT SIZE WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. ! ! 12'-0"9 ! GRANULAR MATERIAL 1- IF DEPTH OF TRENCH EQUALS OR EXCEEDS 5'-0",THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE ! SIA((6)FOOT MIN. I CONTAINING LESS THAN SHEETING AND BRACING.AS AN ALTERNATIVE,THE TRENCH WALLS MUST BE CUT BACK TO PENETRATION INTO I 12, : 15%FINE SAND,SILT,& ' / ACCEPTABLE LEACHING A 1:1 SLOPE,OR THE NATURAL ANGLE OF REPOSE FOR THE SOIL,WHICHEVER IS MORE ROOF DRAIN DOWNSPOUT �`_ I CLAY. (SILT&CLAY SHALLOW. __ — __i MATERIAL. IF SAID 12'-0'DIA. FRACTION NOT TO SCALE: NTS CONDITION CANNOT BE 2- CLASS I,II,III OR IV COMPACTED BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ALL PIPE ZONES,PER USCS EXCEED 5°/e UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) ACHIEVED WITHIN THE ) NOTE: FIRST SIX(6)FEET BELOW NOTE: PRECAST CONCRETE 3- SAWCUT T BEYOND TRENCH FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION WHERE REQUIRED. THE BOTTOM OF THE LAST FOOTING 1. ALL DRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS TO HAVE 10 FT.EFFECTIVE DEPTH. LEACHING RING,CONTINUE 1. ALL LEACHING CATCH BASINS TO HAVE 10 FT.EFFECTIVE DEPTH. PIPE TRENCH DETAIL DRAINAGE LEACHING POOL THESX(6)FOTH THE OOTMIN. F CIRCULAR WICK UNTIL DRAINAGE - LEACHING CATCH BASIN SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS APPROVED PENNETRATION SCALE: NTS ' IS ACHEIVED g: NYLOPLAST 24" DRAIN BASIN: 2824AG a CAST IRON CURB INLET TRAFFIC BEARING BICYCLE SAFE(BY ©®INTEGRATEDFRAAEt1&CGRLAETE TO .g 'CAMPBELL') MATCH BASIN O.D. ALLOW 4"FOR FINAL a ��D � 18'MIN WIDTH GUIDELINE z` ADJUSTMENT OF FRAME 2-6- 8. '6" ►i ��� l a 8" °- ' j 8" ®VARIABLE INVERT HEIGHTS MINIMUM DEPTH PIER PE P PEI °y '---- 8 MINHICKNESSGUIDELINE I � , k. � AVAILABLE(ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER PLANS/TAKE OFF) RECOMMENDATION 1314DAPTER TRAFFIC LOADS: CONCRETE SLAB DIMENSIONS ARE FOR GUIDELINE % 10'-0" 10'-0" ANGLES PURPOSES ONLY.ACTUAL CONCRETE SLAB MUST BE DESIGNED `t ` #4 BARS IN TOP SLAB(4"O.C.) / VARIABLE O•-360' TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION LOCAL SOIL CONDITIONS,TRAFFIC `''•,,, ;r , i ACCORDING TO LOADING,&OTHER APPLICABLE DESIGN FACTORS. PLANS 2 GROUT AROUND ENTIRE PIPE 18"MIN. DRAINAGE PIPE SEWER MAIN OR I ' CORRUGATED HDPE DRAIN PIPE 'HOUSE CONNECTION to VARIABLE SUMP DEPTH ACCORDING TO PLANS(6'MIN) ;F OR APPROVED EQUAL OPENING 18"MIN. VARIOUS TYPES OF INLET&OUTLET ADAPTERS a'MIN 6' 0.5%MIN. 4 0. AVAILABLE: 4'-24'FOR CORRUGATED HDPE r I J,•. $I �` (ADS N•12,ADS SINGLE WALL,RANCOR DUAL WALL), I 1, POLYPROPYLENE COATED%" SDR 35,SCH 40 DWV,CORRUGATED&RIBBED PVC k STEEL RUNGS @ 12"O.C. — — 10'-0" 10'-0" I THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHED STONE OR OTHER PIPE INVERT J (DWATERTIGHTJOINT GRANULAR MATERIAL MEETING HE REQUIREMENTS OF CLASS II (CORRUGATED HDPE SHOWN) MATERIAL AS DEFINED IN ASTM D2321.BEDDING&BACKFILL FOR T-6"SQ. OPENING FILLED (D-GRATESrsouDCOVER SHALL 13EDUCmEIRON PER ASTM A536GRADE 70.6005, SURFACE DRAINAGE INLETS SHALL BE PLACED&COMPACTED 7 3'-O" WITH GRAVEL �f ®-FRAMES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PER ASTM A536 GRADE 7050.05 UNIFORMLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321. J� ®-DRAIN BASIN TO BE CUSTOM MANUFACTURED ACCORDING TO PLAN DET AILS. 6 i ', RISERS ARE NEEDED FOR BASINS OVER 84'DUE TO SHIPPING RESTRICTIONS. SEE DRAWING NO.7001-110465 5 _ i _ _ r Q-DRAINAGE CONNECTION STUB JOINT TIGHTNESS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM D3212 -'--"-'""`- uf_l n��>.��• '- •"' FOR CORRUGATED HOPE ADS&RANCOR DUAL WALL&SDR 35 PVC ( ) 4 : Q-AOAPTERSCANBEMOUNTEDONANYANGLEo'TO360'.TODETERMINEMINIMUM 3 jI ` C �i ,y.;pANGLE BETWEEN ADAPTERS SEE DRAWING NO 7001.110-013. 2 P_Jtt-: - -------- 1 �— GRATE OPTIONS LOAD RATING PART# DRAWING# THIS PRINT DISCLOSES SUBJECT MATTER IN WHICH NYLOPLAST HAS PROPRIETARY RIGHTS.THE RECEIPT OR 3130 VERONA AVE 1 I J_o.V.SCC",C+� v O��cl.•bJ �� VU - PEDESTRIAN MEETS r+10 2499CGP 7 0 01-11 4 21 6 POSSESSION OF THIS PRINT DOES NOT CONFER,TRANSFER,OR LICENSE THE USE OF THE DESIGN OR TECHNICAL BUFORD,GA 30518 1 •;l v v G U Cin (:1 `' O ! STANDARD MEETS H-20 2499CGS 7001-110-217 INFORMATION SHOWN HEREIN REPRODUCTION OFTHIS PRINT ORANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN,OR PHN(770)9324443 Number Revision Description Revision Date T-8" 1'-6"�'- 1'-8" ►{ ' UNDISTURBEDSUBGRADE ( 4,�• a• SOLIDCOVER MEETSH2O 2499CGC 7001-110.216 MANUFACTURE OF ANY ARTICLEHEREFROM,FORTHEDISCLOSURETOOTHERSISFORBIDDEN,EXCEPTSYSPECIFIC N�71� last FAX(770)932.2490 DOME WA 2499CGD 7 0 01-11 421 9 WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM NYLOPLAST. .7 wvnr.n laat•ua.eom N°P DROP IN GRATE LIGHT DUTY 2401 DI 7001-110-075 TITLE Designed By Date Submitted 24 IN DRAIN BASIN QUICK SPEC INSTALLATION DETAIL TC 01/20/17 SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW DWG NO. 7661.11x182 REV B Drawn By Date Created S DRAINAGE - CATCH BASIN DRAINAGE / SEWER CROSSING DETAIL Tc 08/23/16 SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS Approved 8y BG scale AS SHOWN CATCH BASIN DETAIL Client ') SCALE:NOT TO SCALE THE ENCLAVES 56655 ROUTE 25 SOUTHOLD, NY Project: NOTE: u WATERPROOF INTERIOR FACE OF SITE PLAN CONCRETE RETAwwGWALL WITH DRI-SEAL A SOIL BORING IS RECOMMENDED TO EVALUATE THE CURRENT ELEVATION OF (OR APPROVED EQUAL)SILICONE EXTERIOR GROUNDWATER AT THE SITE. THESE GRADING, DRAINAGE AND SEDIMENT AND EROSION COLORLESS WATERPROOFING(5%). CONTROL DESIGNS (PWGC DESIGN SHEETS C-100, C-200, C-300) ARE BASE ON THE SOIL TOP OF WALL ELEV.30.5' BORING PERFORMED BY SOIL MECHANICS DRILLING, LLC., DATED NOVEMBER 11,1986 SHOWN AS BORING NUMBER B-13. Project Address: 12"THICK POURED GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS AND/OR LEVELS MAY HAVE FLUCTUATED SINCE THAT TIME. 56655 ROUTE 25 CONCRETE WALL \\�\ DESIGN CHANGES WITH RESPECT TO THESE GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND SEDIMENT AND 4,000 PSI \ . 3.25'REVEAL EROSION CONTROL PLANS, MAY BE NECESSARY BASED ON CURRENT GROUNDWATER SOUTHOLD CONDITIONS. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK No.4 BARS 12"O.C. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CURRENT GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, AND HAVE ALLOWANCES County Tax Map Number. Contract Number. 1000-63-3-15 BorroMOFwnLL MADE AVAILABLE FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CHANGES. 3"MIN COVERAGE ELEV.27.25 Regulatory Reference Number. Yl ` No.4 BARS 12"O.C.ALONG EARTH SIDE .• //\ \\%j\\ NOTE: Ti8eot0rawing: FOOTING CONSTRUCTED ON 4 4'-0" 2 TON/SQ.FT.UNDISTURBED BEARING 2"x 2"KEY SOIL,OR PROPERLY COMPACTED No.4 BARS 18"O.C.6'-0"LONG 1 ENGINEERED FILL CERTIFIED BY A SITE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. 4. ,'6" DETAILS No.4 BARS 18"O.C. �— r 6'-6" rC U ,9, L7 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL Drawing Number. SCALE: NTS =600_10-1 d "������ ♦ ' �'� Sheet of I;, j n n 9 10 PD r,CA PWGC Project Number: ti 4 .). .-;.. r w I I �� 0 1 2 0 7 to this drawing and related documents AVG 1 601 J N ho �� Unauthorized s iola6on of Section addition LL o 'r. Of the New York State Education Law o Planning Board 0"(N.T.S.) N.Y.S.D.O.T. s' 3/4" SIGN No.R1-1C CAPPED WITH CONCRETE - - -� 9"DIA. --i RESERVED - PARKING 3a" 10" ri .0� -o-- ISTP 3"GALVANIZED(WEATHER Y: PROOF)STEEL MOUNTING TYPICAL TRAFFIC - _--_-_ 4"WIDE BLUE STRIPE CHANNEL(TMP.)COATING TO NEW BLUE HANDICAP . CONTROL SIGN ' COMPLY WITH N.Y.S.D.O.T. 3'-0" REQUIREMENTS(SEE NOTE 1) SYMBOL a 2'SQ.POSTO 7'-G*MIN. i POST PUNCHED FULL LENGTH 6"DIA.HEAVY DUTY PIPE FILLED Strategic Environmental and Engineering Solutions q WITH 3/8"DIA.HOLES 1"O.C. WITH CONCRETE&PAINTED 20' -- - - _..._...... - O `�' YELLOW ( ) Z ... 4 .rte-�'>•,"<�; 3`''r, p. :..:, ,.<:..� 7'-0"MIN. `'?i ;iy`aiaa. y . '7q�CI. Kt4 RSx°f^rS: to€. M� : FINISHED 2' {I 'i.::A'•Y•;'LEE- W:': �:, ;',Sp'gyy µ'.i;'�6'a q1 nR.•o- :,Y. O FLOOR : Cr v O 18"MIN.FROM EDGE OF i 1/2"PRE MOLDED BITUMINOUSJohnson Avenue. . Suite 7 5 Bohemia . NY . 11716-2618 ` 42" 27"DIA 15° - ---- - ------ O PAVEMRNT TO SIGN `~ JOINT FILLER �` \'` Ph - - -'- - ne: (631 589-6353 . Fax: 631) 589-8705 4"BELOW FINISHED PAVEMENT I o ) O@ W RO SE 0 6• r<';.< E-mail: INF P G S R.COM GRADE , ,.;_;;;:- >; ''' 3'=0" CONCRETE i O FOOTING REPAIR OR REPLACE SURFACE---- A ;'` v% ?vti`. ` 21/2'SQ.SLEEVE _... - 36" r> ifs l\ %\� y,\ y , 10 - 10, 8 IN KIND '�� 4,000 PSI CONCRETE FOUNDATION O 42" -,z <r; ; ,;; .;Y% @28DAYS CONSULTANTS 4,000 PSI @ 28 DAYS f 1 21/2"SQ.SLEEVE DIRECT EMBEDMENT 2.0 - - - - STRIPING DETAIL 7" N Y S D 0 T REQUIREMENTS 3"_.. _..- --..-.._.._...... .......... r . . . . . C NT AS PERL f - SCALE. NTS 6. <' 3- - - -- --- ---- �. 6' BLUE PAINT 1'-0" r, SQ. VARIES _ SEE PLAN HANDICAP SYMBOL TYPICAL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN DETAIL STOP SIGN DETAIL BOLLARD DETAIL u SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS CURB EQ. 4 :. SAWCUT EDGE OF EXISTING IDE (TYP), •.cr"'{ t, «77 r :2l,.nrr.,: I G S WALK TO 24" TYP ;:;?':: __-..-.�t:-:•:.'rsis'.1..d.Mild;:',y:'ye'k+Sa-'9�:�`,mF,�9t3TJ;71:',.ati•£:;n:k;.:,.:;_•: i CONCRETE WALKWAY PAVEMENT SUB-BASE FILL WITH 1/2"PREFORMED ,. ��-:� :? F PAVEMENT RAMP VARIES SIDEWALK BITUMINOUS MATERIAL %"WIDE FULL DEPTH CONTINUOUS A q /a LIP Y4' EXPANSION JOINT BETWEEN CURB &CONCRETE PAVEMENT(TYP AT 6 FACE OF CURB (TYP) EXP.JT. ALL EDGES OF RAMP) A-A FG 5" 12 1 1/2" CONCRETE PAVEMENT 4 0' C', J} SECTION �.. :, —01 '.' •:�:,,.z" w.. •" rte:: s `f I SIDEWALK SIDEWALK VARIES WIDTH OF CL CL VARIES SIDEWALK ¢ w w In _;.` awe'm±e;'<Wix'meuy3y>nidnG�'>«�s'?;??!?uri?'�:^(,r.',:j:• S' RAMP , M 4'MAX. 'sae MP ;; •;: - ::wr z: : :;:., 4'MAX. RAP `��--y� RUN DETECTABLE WARNING a VARIES I� hI f i J-�I` 6X6-W3XW3 WWF ��! STRIP(1 FT.x 1 FT TILES) CONTRACTION JOINT EXPANSION JOINT , '. _� p„ r" m ''' S 4'MIN. JJ I 1�:1?_ (TYP) EVERY 4' EVERY 20, =-.;.. .; . SEE PLAN 12 1 1 1�— 6" I I—I(�_ COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE 400- c;� _ 3" x ak aid a, �� RAMP RUN--� PLAN -` COURSE o' NOTE: %"EXP.JT. �"EXP.JT. � LANDING - o%>°n° SECTION 'AA' COMPACTED SUBGRADE (> �; 1:12 DETAIL'A" 6"x 6"W2.9 DETAIL'S" STRIPING WIDTH TO SECTION B-B 0 x W2.9 W.W.F. MATCH WIDTH OF _'? +.•;` T_____ CONCRETE WALK WHITE PAINTED MARKING u CONCRETE TO BE 4,000 PSI Caw 28 DAYS CONCRETE TO BE 4,000 PSI @ 28 DAYS MAx ���' `'"'�"�""'°~'�'a""y'��""'0'"":`�'""^'"-•� ., :.. cj-^fuik�'aF 3a,5.,. °"mx""+ ckai.:n42^+kas�.w ;•+ CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE W/ ' ! 4' --�! BROOM FINISH LANDING COMPACTED 5"POURED CONCRETE k A -_. .-. PLAN SUBGRADE '``:'' ...'.:,,..:;; '. ;^:'_ ,..=:• :. EJ CONCRETE WALKWAY w PAVEMENT(SEE PLAN FOR A, P A JOINT SPACING) CONCRETE TO BE 4,000 PSI @ 28 DAYS SECTION A-A o CONCRETE TO BE 4,000 PSI @ 28 DAYS A cv� �, TRANSITION FLARE-WALKWAY NOTES: ,<_ I 1> 6'MIN. F✓ PAVEMENT OR LAWN AREA,SEE 1/4"RADIUS 1. THE MINIMUM WIDTH OF A SIDE CURB RAMP SHALL BE FIVE FEET '•'•r' A v - PLAN FOR SPECIFIC CONDITION. 1" 1/2" 1/4' 1 ti A', 2. THERE SHALL BE A LANDING AT THE TOP OF EACH CURB RAMP AND SHALL HAVE MINIMUM CLEAR DIMENSIONS OF A 48"BY 48"SQUARE. 7 — CURB 12:1 MAX$LOPE 3. THE MAXIMUM RUNNING GRADE OF ANY PORTION OF ANY CURB RAMP SHALL BE 1:12 8 3%. / I „-:. 833°k 1/2"WIDE FULL DEPTH ( i W n Jc 8. o o' '; T RAMP EJ=-,: a c" ___ EJ . t ",/�/ � `.,g>. 4. THE LENGTH OF THE FLARED SIDES SHALL BEAT LEAST TEN(10)TIMES THE CURB HEIGHT,MEASURED CONTINUOUS EXPANSION ALONG THE CURB LINE. 24" TMP JOINT BETWEEN CURB& ' 5. THE SURFACE OF ALL CURB RAMPS SHALL BE STABLE,FIRM AND SLIP RESISTANT. PROVIDE A COARSE CONCRETE PAVEMENT(TYP AT BROOM FINISH RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE OF CONCRETE RAMP SURFACES,EXCLUSIVE OF / CROSSWALK DETAIL ALL EDGES OF RAMP) }, DETECTABLE WARNING FIELDS. 6'MIN.TRANSITION TRANSITION CURB(TYP BOTH 6. RAMP TRANSITION BETWEEN WALKS,GUTTERS,OR STREET SHALL BE FLUSH AND FREE OF ABRUPT - - SCALE: NTS DETECTABLE WARNING STRIP CURB TYPICAL BOTH SIDES SIDES) VERTICAL CHANGES(Y,"MAX.) FLUSH INTEGRAL CURB W/Y" / d LIP JOINT SEALER PLAN DETECTABLE WARNING STRIP PLAN VIEW 1/2'PREMOULDED DETAIL A EXPANSION MATERIAL DETAIL B 6 SIDEWALK RAMP DETAIL SIDEWALK RAMP DETAIL SIDEWALK RAMP DETAIL CONTRACTION JOINT SIDEWALK DETAIL EXPANSION JOINT 6" - —I a FINISHED 3" '— I1 SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS GRADE 1'-. =5"-� 2 - --_.. _-- - �� PROPOSED 1 2" PAVEMENT Number Revision Description Revision Date Designed By Date Submitted 18" TC 01/20/17 Drawn By Date Created #5 BAR Approved By TC Scale 08/23/16 (CONT4 L wuous) I BG AS SHOWN R=1" Client THE ENCLAVES DOME TOP L_8" - 56655 ROUTE 25 TERMINAL POST 2.875' BLACK VINYL PRIVACY SLATS SOUTHOLD, NY ?tt O.D PIPE CONCRETE TO BE 4,000 PSI @ 28 DAYS Project 1 LINE POST 2.875"O.D.PIPE TOP RAIL THROUGHOUT TOP,DIAGONAL, AND 1.66" O.D. 1.66"O.D.PIPE LINE POST TIE 12"O.C.8 BOTTOM RAIL 1.66'O.D.PIPE BRACE RAIL J GAGE ALUM.(TYP.) CHAIN LINK FABRIC CHAIN LINK FABRIC MOUNTABLE CURB DETAIL RAIL TIE 18"O.C. TENSION BAR 2:X6"GA.TYPE 1 ALUM.COATED BLACK VINYL 2:X6"GA.TYPE 1 (j I PRIVACY SLATS ALUM.COATED SCALE: NTS SITE PLAN - TENSION BAND 12"O.C. 1.66'" O.D.BRACE RAIL I ' BRACE BAND LINE POST LOOP TOP 2"ASPHALT CONCRETE TOP COURSE }i TYPE 1 A-ITEM 70B Project Address: PROVIDE JOINT SEALANT R=1-112" •f �,�,��> .�, - ��s }� �s �°��• r`,r, 4"ASPHALT CONCRETE BINDER COURSE —— 6" 56655 ROUTE 25 TYPE 1B-ITEM 51 FX(2 LIFTS) i - VARIES FINISHED „f GRADE 3' 6"STABILIZED SOIL AGGREGATE SUBBASE S O U!T H O LD $'"0" �\\�, PROPOSED SUFFOLK COUNTY N - ,' 1 COURSE(RCA) ITEM 4S 6 s i r C ° 2" PAVEMENT EW YORK 1-1/2"TOP COURSE - --- 4 _ -------_----___ _ ax umber. Contract MATCH EXISTING Ld 2-112"BINDER COURSE + � County 7 Map N t Number: - - �• <�� >,.. - :;;•..-.';;,,;,,, , 1000-63-3-15 zx z� 3'-0"MIN. - <%\;''%/ %< %"%L : Regulatory Reference Number. . . . . . . s;;; �j\'• �.�,: �:!��: 6"COMPACTED RCA 18• g story Title of Drawing: \ �\ \ ' COMPACTED SUB GRADE #5 BAR 3/8"(9.5 MM DIA. DOUBLE GATES '' = `; ''. ( ) —.., {►— SECURED BY CHAIN , ; ' . ` \>;�j;` ,�l (CONTINUOUS) TRUSS ROD 2'CLEARANCE 3'-0"MIN. TMP, /'`'!/ COMPACTED SUBGRADE /''%' .� AND PAD LOCK I`;. ;�\\\\COMP.•'.; BOTTOM SELVAGE TENSION WIRE Y-- I EXISTING PAVEMENT AND SUB BASE TRUSS ROD TIGHTENER WITH 12' ' TO REMAIN BRACE BAND 10'-0"MAX. 7 GA.TIE TO POSTTYF POURED CONC. $. _ DETAILS 10'-0"MAX. 1 FOOTING(TYP.) TMP' CONCRETE TO BE 4,000 PSI @ 28 DAYS CURB DETAIL 3 CHAIN LINK FENCE DETAIL CHAIN LINK GATE DETAIL PAVEMENT PATCH DETAIL TYPICAL ASPHALT PAVING DETAIL SCALE: NTS ~" Drawing Number: o SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS ( �= }' SCALE: NTS R;}•.. '"( Zt �F,r •J'.�: i X111�- j C =601 . ej 4""e" e' Sheet Y ,\ ` 10 of 10 FEB O L IJ 17 PWGC Project Number. w Unauthorized alteration or addition z C Southold Town to this drawing and related documents AVG 16 01 Planninn Board is a 7209 oftheN wolaton of YorkStateEducationLax a a II DRAWN BY. `IM DA TE: 07/08/16 CHECKED 8Y., IM DRAWING NO.: MO/17 Rd ✓oE No.: Main Road SHEET 1 OF I UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF -- SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. 10 30.24 GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN A VV ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE ASID + + 30 TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND ISL 30.39 5a- LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND- !" 313172 TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- n, � TUITION. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. L/� `• 30.35 32 . O 3-03. °2214 N0 j000- 4101 33 WOODED AREA 30.36 31.20 fe.cor,- i / 6.1'W o _ 30.33 �'j X31.85 0 - + fence 30.31 + o + + X31.72 n ' + ...-' ,r.•. O 33.74 .. - � o' l'1 d 32 a 30.24 + �.r' X32.34 X31.33 n o fence 11'1 34.18 33 ,3.s'w`j +'l .� 31 30.20X32.24 "_ '✓`"'�'�>' X 32.24 _< 70 V O + ' 34 1 1 fence o W O _ I 15.4'W 33.94 ! q 7:) 7C> CT 30 - �_�--cJv " 1t, C;-3X32.29 t W co 33 fence - O = ° ! Z 33.78 Q1 33.13 n-1 ` Xw V1 p fete 33 wacd frcre c__ ! 30 0ce _ t ^ fence, \ ", ,'f / / I X29.74 7.9'w o �y X32.10 X32.55 m 32.45 2t o 32.81 AF X31.89 \ / 30 29 WOODED AREA X31.69 / M 0% ?� 2C) fence X32.51 6.9'W�I tX31-91 x3z.z1 X31.60 28 �.. ence^� - ? 7 X28.23 f8 4'W \I X27.89 fence y / __-- 1 / fe.cor � X32.09 > 10.3W 1_.O q. - 32 ,r 4.2'E x31.19 WOODED AREA l X31.63 f i ,X � N a n 27.70 /f a 1 O 1 a r� X27.35 ?o n � GENERAL LINE X31.44 / 4 X29.68 OF BOAT STORAGE I'y X28.03 fence{ 8.9'W X27.38 AREA / b 31.22 X30.91 / o'o Cn 31 / X27.21 C-13 X31.23 / X28.88 °4 Z j WOODED AREA � ^ m Q Z Q X3o.s1 r /! X27.48 Q X 27.57 a d 70 -� O fence 31 130 27 4.2'v✓ Flo O Q O O 1 O % 8.2'E 29 / 28 - m ' f fe.cor It O 3.4w 1° It-1 tM r W X30.77 27.90 1 7 X30.73 2 202 50. / /x27A6 -A , X27.09 -o28 27 n I,t fe.cor� Fo r X30-95' 3.3'W\J-o` \ OR 6. 75 ACRES _NJ y a Z IV X30.41 1, X30.31 X29.56 X26.63 a v frome u Z J X28.17 post o� ' 1 1V / X26.57 fence�%i', 28 a1 �► Q i X27.27 3.0'N, �• �.► O S` �� Of'orne a 1 N a w m 30 X26.84 27 1 1 �.. X29 92 X29.56 ' X 27.45 fi a X27,71 ;t 29 1 fence ` astockode !' X26.21 X26.68 fe.cor ` ° S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03- 11.8'E X29,22 I: X28.59 X26.74 17.2 x27.15WO DED AREA 0 27 26 a Z �` / 26 26.61 - Z Q rr1 IV 70 X, ' . -. C 29 X26,50 Y C 1 I"Q :1 WOODED AREA X26'49 Q C _ CONCRETE ('f1 MONUMENT GENERAL LINE X26.04 n X 26.91 �! OF BOAT STORAGE AREA 1 X27.88 X26.25 6.2'W Q _ a ° T1 OF o _ i? CHAT END 9 a E FENCE o WOOD POSTS X26-28 ° ' WITH NETTING X26.18 o J 25.97 0 3.4'W - _ hedge row 28 13.4 27.07 'EX26.36 - X �""26.01 26.22 �+ 25.72 Z� O O o X26.24 W I, X26.36 O WOODED AREA 1 STORY FRAME ��' ^ o Q X25.77 X25.66 GARAGE St X27.24 X26.18 18 maple 11'1 1 O . 14 cedar 7.0'E 7C� X26.50 ry 18.3 27 26 EP . 26 28 ICN RETE / 4.9'S shed�cor C 26.38N 2&.S 36 Oak fl'1 fence end O.4'N '� 2.0'N fe,,ce MONL'MEN- J 0.2E j 1.3'8 18 white birch 18.3 16 cedar' ' 20 beech cluster 26 IV vin. 'e^ce ___.- - _ _ 26.03 avement .`$, shed car _ edge ofJp V0.2'E ✓ `�/ fe.cor 0 X 3 V �/ x ( wood on I;ne ` 24.83 25.67 ( fence cont f' SHED C METAL cover 1 osphclt 103.00 pavement 0.18 UTILITY Q 1 O 18 white birch 26 frame ° 81- SHED I'0.f0 a 1 11 +'X25. c�U 835014,40 •' /y shed � f SO1 58'S0'I W 18 spruce ti.i 1,,.r• i ITT d BUILDING 22 white birch ? o ' e CCOR. 8.2'W rl: ae 2 STORY FRAME ; 142 2982+, S.C.T.M. NO. BUILDING fence I '�`"1e "I of000-63-0346 f� y CJ BU'�LDING 31'_ ... ! N s?ed t `G Z CCR. 8.4'v! �/ ^� 14.2 lza of C o r hp O I r, .I .4 7. STOCKADE 20 7 F Weil .q 2 STORY FRAME ' 63 26 25.s5 70 -*� z RESIDENCE 26 N , % i W ]a 25.51 0.8'W S.C.TM. N0. S.C.T.M. N0. Q N X O 25.13 3.1 27.50 0 ', 1000-63-0343 `'1 n '0 X'25 2.9 37,4 _ 49.6' 1000-63-03-f2 C ° 331.01 S.C.T.M. NO. D , \ N `22.7' 25.42 _ f000-63-03-14 n Posts Yz 3' ona';r . I 25.95 frome s,g P walk i,,°n,d;nc I 24 walnut 1" " 25.69 / / ° 26 walnut 25.26 1 25.88 EP 1.2'W a/ 18 walnut utility Pole util;ty Pole - 25.52 C - - - -- dront 25.69 25.53 ---- concrete sidewalk - c fire .63 ,- TRAFFIC LINE / rte,� 25.63 -X 25.35 WHITE 25.89 25.2525.39 - / wV° 25 28 basin 25,68 catch 27.31 25.70 TRAFFIC LINES 26.16 25.31 _ 25.00 YELL utility pole o DOUBLE OW co'ch 25.04 25.61 26.03 25.82 ospholt curb _ _ - I,as,n WHITE TRAFFIC LINE 25.54r 1ry�OUND 1/1111 25.37 WL�1 U LJ11Y 25.94 V H1TE TRAFFIC LINE 25.51 cats asphfllt oos,, 25.83 povernent 25.85 25.77 O DOUBLE YELLOW' TRAFFIC ONES 25.53 FAMOUND LANE 25.72 26.00 1c TRAFFIC 25.59 C LINE utility 25'66 26.04 � SIGN WHI CURBING pole 25.87 25.94 25.38 CONCRETE p 25.77 SIGN torch 25.86 D (� ����/p 0 end of white l,nes utility P IIv_ U 25.58 basin utility torch bos;n Pole drop curb SIGN TY1 pole 25.46 7C� .p� CIO drop curbs �ckk -- 191.301 IO s-- - - catch SF4°04'50"�N 70 FEB 0 12017 bos,n A 'N1 ROAD Southold Town c� ROU ��TF 25 Planning Bvard � NYS TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OT IDRa PERTY SITUATED IN - 1 _ ••�`-tom a SOUTHOLD �1 , LAND SURVEYING '` "A 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. r SUBDIVISIONS g _ S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-I5 TITLE & MORTGAGE SURVEYS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS CPA LF I" = 40' JULY 71 2016 LAND PLANNERS SITE PLANS GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 160 JOHN MINTO, L.S. PHONE: (631) 724-4832 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NEW YORK STATE LIC. NO. 49866 FAX: (631) 724-54553 93 SMITHTOWN BOULEVARD SMITHTOWN NY 11787 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. A � � X e TA I \ f ANDREW Ve �R GIAMBERTONE ASSOCIATES F1 OR ARCHITECTS 0 0 LAUNDRY (2b'-3" X 25'-10.) 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 I.T.RM. 14'-6' x I3'-0" E Telephone: 631.367.0050 Fax: 631.367.6636 IL 510RA6E GiambertoneArchitects.com ( The Enclaves f f 56655 Route 25 Southold, New York i .. MECHANICAL W. 16-003 XX XX _...._.................... .,...m.... __.._ __........ 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit .. ................ .......... .........._.. ..._.._............ 01-30-2017 Issued for 7BA&Planning Dept. ......................... ........._. ... ..... . ....... ..... ..................................... ........ __,............. _,.,.µ..__.._...._.. ... :...... . ........._......................... ........................... ..............................._....... ............... ................... ....... 5TORAGE PING OFFIGE i M�INTENANGE _........ ............................. ............ .... .......... _..__.....__._ __......._._......,.."........... __....... _..__....._...._. ...._,.. E ( I i ED q9 QQ' ENTG� y x'0804 Q� pF N�.10 :.?. t Issued for Permit © 2016 AVG THE COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND OTHER DOCUMENT, PREPARED BY ANDREW V.GIAMBERTONE AND ASSOCIATES,ARCHITECTS; P.( (AVGA)FOR THIS PROJECT,ARE INSTRUMENTS OF AVGA. THESE DOCUMENT` ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLES`• OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESI DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHF.,; RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THi OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THl` PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHER? Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-8:31am By: ernesto File: L:\AVGA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A2-1_dra' ............ .. ..................................._.......,............ .........._................. ........... Zee - (Luc,.6611m, _. I Lower Level Plan FEB 01 2017 Southold Town Planning Boardj . .__...._..._,..,......,...__,.....,._.,...._...._-._.....,ell,. . As Note( Hotel Louver Level. Floor Plan F SCALE : 3/32"= 1'-0" A201 AA I AA rn µrn. .sem t 2681-111 z -� r- - - - - - - - - - - ---1 , � � f MAIN HALL MAIN HALL 6'-05,8a ,,_�,511 ' ANDREW V. E :.r. .. - ICE MAKER �� � �' � 3 � / U Uo:o 0 0 ❑ TOR t GIAMBERTONE MEOR RM. PVOM OOL ENS BATH & ASSOCIATES O � � O. F1MAIDS,�.INENS TAI D... E D ® ® T0 ° ARCHITECTS 51 ` \ I ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® 62 Elm Street 17'_gPOOL y" I-II_c��ll RBGEPTION 2 Huntington, NY 11743 o o a a I ` FOOD PREP, \ ► Telephone: 631.367.0050 O O�O� O � �0O0 0 Fax: 631.367.6636 / GiambertoneArchitects.com 10 MEWS POOL BATH N-TOL ET ... b d Q WAITING 0 I I. 10 11110 0AREA .-TOILET ......_...... I I The Enclaves 26'-738" 4'_6511AA �-,Su ..1—L.. AR AREA 1�- � - 56655 25 COTTAGE #I I I � Routei _ Southold, New York I I � I I _,,,, ....... _ RDI tf I Fel 4=i iu .. I FISH POND I 11 .. " I € 16-003 XX — — — — — r-- -1--- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —FI A,.E I FIREPLACE D NI G OOR fn Ilan I .�A=-}- 3.CI I I 1 r--1 a i i 0 _ i II I .. 10-11-2016 . ........... . _....._.__.......-.....__.. . .......... I I 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit [--� U 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. COTTAGE #2 .. .. ....... .. _.. .. ..... y _,.,_...._... _ .,w_.. ......._ m .,,. .._. .....,.. i I ............... .... ......_............................--.......................... _................_....................... ® ® IIEj ................ ......_.._.......................__._..........................._...................................................................... ........ I w w a... PFall M I "ice — _._._ _.... ... . ....._._. . _._ / J•a E............................._ ..........................................._........................ l I \ ._. ........... . COTTAGE #3 I I OBBAREA I ........ .._..................... ......... ....... .. ...... .._..... ............ MAIN GIFT SH .. SHOP ..................................................._.. ......................................... .........................................._............................._ I IIRS BACK • CHECK-IN I T m ® ® I _................... ........_............................-.......... .......................... ...................Ql ........ I oa 0 0 ................................. ..._......... _......................._.. ..................._...............___...... MAN `......_.._.._....._. I. ARZA E' _........... ........... _._ . ......_ .. rrI D I I i !71 COTTAGE#4 .I ` i ii i • i I i � I I ' I BRED q i ENT c cy�T � �i • a i i i � i � �`� �9� _, _ _ • 11 "' ILII OII� EN'1 V 1 1 [ 1 r, ED fl OF NES O I Issue ............... ...................... _ .: O 2016 AW " THE COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS ,SPECIFICATIONS, AND OTHER DOCUMEN PREPARED BY ANDREW V.GIAMBFRTONE AND ASSOCIATES,ARCHITECTS,I- (AVGA)FOR THIS PROJECT,ARE INSTRUMENTS OF AVGA. THESE DOCUMEN' ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT,UNLI OTHERWISF PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL.BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THI DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL CO1,MONLAW,STATUTORY AND DTII RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHAII, NOT BE USED BY TJ OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON' OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO TI PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF TIIIS PROJECT FOR OTHEI Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-833am By: ernesto File:• L:\ANCA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Arawings\A2-2 d± Hotel Main Floor flan SCALE: 3/32"= 1'-0" I FEB 0 1 2017 First Floor Plan "M Southold Town j Planning Board As Nott :...... . .......... ..__ .,.... ..._. _,._. ....._..-...... ...,._._...._...._._._..............._.. ........ .._....f AAA292 F II F AA :$ i 225'- a" I'-10 261-011 BALCONY o„ ' STAIRS - O MAIN HALL MAIN HALL ' ANDREW V. F .......... MAIDS WENS DD CODO GIAMBERTONE , ITICAREA (DO 3 3D 3D❑h❑ 00 ❑ ❑ ❑'❑ ❑ � � TOR A & ASSOCIATES 2 ND R M-TOILET 5 5 r m W-TOILET MEETING RM. °ARCHITECTS m to fMAR ® . ® 0 ® ® :, ® ®_ ® ® : TOR cn 5TAIR5 0 ' 62 Elm Street ® ` ® ® ® ® \ ® ® ` ® ® Huntington, NY 11743 IL / dnan II LIU a Telephone: 631.367.0050 0 � �/ � � Fax: 631.367.6636 00,c� ;. 00,000010040 00 ` �O� �00 001 \ MEETING RM.#2 r GiambertoneArchitects.com {F - ...........__........ . . ...... ......_.._. . .........-.. -tv MEETING RM.#5 I ( MT BAR — The Enclaves i I � F 0 I — s 56655 Route 25 Southold, New York � m 16-003 0 FIREPLACE ROOF— OOF — — — — ARET-€R XX ..........., _ .m...__.. . ..........._. ... , _.__...,... Li 1.�-11-2016.Issued for_Permit........................... .... _........................... ......._ 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. 0 ............................._............ .........................................._....................._.................... ......................................... ................. ................................................................................................................._....... m m .................................._..__......................................................................... .................................._....... 1...._ ...............:............... 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THESE DOCIIMEN'IN ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESF OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESI DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMONLAW,STATUTORY ANDOTHE4 RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THI OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THI` PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS Plotted: Thursday,January26,2017-8:36am By: ernesto File: 1-\AVGA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A2-3_dra,,: wr Second 1 Floor Plan E.__.-___.._�...... .............. .........m..,.._,.-.......,_..:..:.._.....................,.... �._,._._�,,..._..,......_._._... f F 4 As Note(' e.f S. Hotel Second Floor Plan SCALE: 3/32"= 1'-0" FEB 0 1 2017 AA Southold Town A2e3 Planning Board F AA f N` f w j ANDREW Ve / I GIAMBERTONE ro ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 Telephone: 631.367.0050 V Fax: 631.367.6636 i \ \ GiambertoneArchltects.com E E I The Enclaves ` � 1 \\ EEE 56655 Route 25 Southold, NY 16-003 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit ............. _m __ ..,......_._.........._..._._..._._,,.._.._....................................... m_.....,_ ..._.. 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. I [o _..................... .................................... .. _.. ............................ ...................._.......... ......._..........._ ............ .... ..__..................,.......... ........................................... I 2 E � i I ....................................................................._.........,. .......................... i , � � E i :............._..............-_... ....,,..,...........__.. .-............ ...._....-.,......_.._........ .. ....,.............................. ... .... ! i �° ❑°\ , \ f E \ \ E E , i I ..........::.:. i t E g ARCyiTcc G14 C� 3 9p * OQ 0208 -� TgrE OF I s sued for Permit . .............._... ....._..... ......................._.. ..............._.............. ............. © 2016 AVG1 .................................... ...........,.......-__,....-._....,,.-...._......_......._....................--............ ._.. .__............. . THE COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY ANDREW V.GIAMBERTONE AND ASSOCIATF,,ARCHITECTS,P.C. (AVGA)FOR THIS PROJECT,ARE INSTRUMENTS OF AVGA. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS THAT TIIESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. ........................... . Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-8:37am By: ernesto File: L:\AVGA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A2-4_draft. ¢, ,' Roof Plan Roof Plan ........... ........... _ ,.......... _ __ _,..__. _.. ,,,,,,_ 3/3211-11-011 SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" m.._..__._,._.. ......._..__.,__._..._... ..._._._ .. ............... AA FEB Q 1 2017 Southold Town A2e4 Planning Board t ; t �n F F E I i ii D. t ANDREW Ve GIAMBERTONEI & ASSOCIATES A ' ®ARCHITECTS 10'-?9/4EE 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 Telephone: 631.367.0050 0 6A5 METER HJN.H. Fax: 631.367.6636 OILER GiambertoneArchitects.com I I aI ........... - - - - - - - - � I WATER f �=�€:4fti� =I METER OIL TANK OIL TANK i Restaurant I The Enclaves Ln I 56655 Route 25 XX - - - -� — Southold d New York � I w.._____ ,._ _ _.. I — - - - - - - - - ' • . • ° � 16-003 < 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit !...__ ..... ..., .............__......,,,..._,..m.___.._..__........_, 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. j cn ,; _......_----....._......................._............... `... _......_ ..........._....................... ........._....._................. .._...................................._..__.........................: E i 5................................ ..........._..._............................................ .. ............. - 1 ............ ............. ..............................._..,...............................,........_............................... ............._......? 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THESE DOCUMENTS { ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON AW,STATUTORY AND OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. Plotted: Thursday,)anuary 26,2017-8:39am By: ernesto File: L-\AVGA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A2-5_draft.dv s Root Cellar E Floor Plan _ ............. As Noted . `'.. . .f. : e.f.s. D FEB 01 2017A2e5 Southold foam Planning Board f II F . .. fly £ ✓ �J , t ANDREW Ve GIAMBE"PTONEXVX & ASSOCIATES AA ®ARCHITECTS 62 Elm Street 4'-258" Huntin on NY 11743 .s WETelephone: 631.367.0050 Fax: 631.367.6636 GiambertoneArchitects.com 01 MAw�ER's 01 21-4v of 51 Off ICIE / .............. .......... .. EE „ Restaurant TAKE-OUT M 7 r, � I The Enclaves I � ei4 IUP I I III ®I to I �� E I I I u:. _ xx - _- - - - - - - 56655 Route 25 xx OD \ STAFF - Southold New York JLL -------- --- - , STAFF BATH — — ............... ° - - - - - I - - - - - \ I I — � 1 1 I 16-003 IR I I I i I I ` m / II I I 'Qn:xr. I 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit � 1 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. a'—,V2" ` II 3b SEATS II ............................._.-_............._. .E F � m iq'-65/8FF 53'-I13/SF ......................._...................................................._........................................................................ ......................................i ................._.............................................................................._....................................................................._............. ......_.._............_......_-.......:..._._._...,...._._....._..__..._......__.,... . _._....,_.. 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THESE DOCUMENTS ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS € PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. IIT Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-8:39am By: ernesto File: L:\AVGA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A2-5_draft.dwtj s.........._._. ....................................._.........................................__.......,.................... ................................................. r Proposed First �¢ f Floor Plan ; As Noted j e.f.s. } D � � � FEB 01 2017 Southold Town A2 ,06 Planning Board II F I f E Y 4s'H'W i I 1 k 11 f E s„2= 3 f ANDREW Ve E € GIAMBERTONE i & ASSOCIATES °ARCHITECTS AA 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 Telephone: 631.367.0050 — F Fax: 631.367.6636 GiambertoneArchitects.com 3 .............. ................................. ............................................................... ....................... i i'RIYATE,tM. Restaurant S 5EAT5 € ' The Enclaves :4N II 56655 Route 25 II POW, Southold, New York xx --� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F ( OMEN TO BELOW �� if IIT ® .. E. }~ 12R® 3 A� _51 j 16-003 IIF ---------- ------------ L1L21L—`11L i i I I I ............_......... ........_..,.._...........,..................,...........,.._.-.........._,_......,....,..._. ....,...........,... ' 10-11-2016 VIssued for Permit 10 5EAT5 .............................._......................................................_................v...... 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. ............... f ` . _._.... ......... 16 DINING .__..,..,_..., »- ,.._ _._.........._ ........ ...M._ .. .... ......._...._.__._.,,,....__......._.. ..__�_ I 20 5EAT5 ....................._._.._.............. .. ......._. ...._ .. , _ ....................... . ........... ..........................._.__.............. ................L jI C __...w. ._.._..... ,.....__...,. ..... ._.._.._...,.._ ....__..... .........._ ._..._................................... ................................................ - ..... E i f :..................... ---------- ,........................_................... ............................................ 1 AA , ��REo ARC'S GENT Proposed Second Floor Plan SCALE : 1/4"= 1'-0" l LEGEND: __w. ..,...w_.... m_:_ .,...... __ ....,,.._. __ ......... ...._, ...._ EXI5TIN6 WALL TO BE REMOVED 0 EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN Issued for Pt .. FROF05ED NEW WALL w ..................._............................................ ......................._................................................... .,..............._.. CO 2016 AVGA {................. ....._......... ........_.................................................._............._.,..........................,....._..................... .............: [ THE COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY ANDREW V.GIAMBFRTONE AND ASSOCIATES,ARCHITECTS,P.C. (AVGA)FOR THIS PROJECT,ARE INSTRUMENTS OF AVGA. THESE DOCUMENT'S ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHAM BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE ' DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS ` PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. }. ...__,._._.__,........._.......................... �-....._..._._.___..____._.-.........................,...._......_..,.,.......... ._......,..... Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-8:40am By: emesto File: L\AVGA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A2-5_draftdw£P J Proposed Secondf. } Floor Plan ..... __. _ ____ _ _ .,_ __ _. ___ ,_ __ _ _ .................... _ .. w-c : it,: As Noted s e i ✓ is II�' L/ V FEB 01 2017 A207 Southold Town Planning Board 1' f 4 8, I 3q, I Y ; ANDREW Ve 4 t GIAMBE',P-,T ONE & ASSOCIATES E *ARCHITECTS AA NEW EXI5TING 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 - - - - - - — — — Telephone: 631.367.0050 Fax: 631.367.6636 i GiambertoneArchltects.com LL— I EXISTING FLAT ROOF NEW FLAT ROOF TO I I _..__,.........._. ...._._„ ..._ MATCH AND ALIGN W/EXI5T'G. I .............. .......................... — — — — — — — — Restaurant a 'r b:12 8:12 I_ I s The Enclaves NEW PITCHED ROOF TO ALIGN W/EXI5T'G. cit NI EXI5TIN6 PITCHED f I ROOF TO REMAIN 56655 Route 25 NEW PITCHt ROOF I EXI5TIN6 PITCHED TO AL16N XIST'6. ROOF TO REMAIN : - -� - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Southold, New York XX xx PROPO5ED EXISTING NEW CONSTRICTION -------- Y_.,....` µ.,_..._........_..__........................ ..... �....... _.,.............._.... . � — — 16 003 EXISTING PITCHED ROOF TO REMAIN --\ NEW PITCHED ROOF TO AL16N W/EXIST'6. 4 . ...._._.__..____._.__._...,......_.._....._,.._........._...._..,._._..,_...................... — ,.. ....._.._._._._._.`r 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit _. ................................................... ............ i 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. I I III I ............._.......................................................-..._........................................................................_...................... ` NEW DECORATIVE RAIL ..................................._.................._..___.. ..-- .-.-................. ....._._.._.... ..............-............ 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I E E D AqC j�G�R1T Proposed Roof Plan f , I. z SCALE: 1/411= 1'-0" Q2088� O� ATF OF NE`�`y Issued for Permit - ...... ._..._......._..._.................... ._........................._............. .................. © 2016 AVGA R ................................_..............................................-._..-._...................,.................._....................... ............... THE COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY ANDREW V.GIAMBERTONE AND ASSOCIATES,ARCHITECTS,P.C. (AVGA)FOR THIS PROJECT,ARE INSTRUMENTS OF AVGA. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS } PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. f Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-8:41am By: emesto File: L:\AVGA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A2-5_draft.dm . � Pro o s ed I Roof Plan ........... As Noted h' 0 : el ., , ' ... ' DECE VE FEB 01 2017 A208 Southold Town Planning Board ................ if pla xx 3 I ............ IJ F T-1 =cexn n n n o n n n n �j n o n n n fl n o fl n o n n n n o n n n n n n n n n n n n NDREW Ve I ILI ELEV.+12'-bl .7 114-X-7,71, JILAL _L_ J ".4 t] 0 _TT_ ............ f U EJ U i F1 Ll I m GIA�ERTONE _J_ J. j , + ,t I € - 3 i L ................... .. IJ ASSOCIATES FLOOR FINISH I (tL. +32.0') +01-ON 1-1 IN. *ARCHITECTS 62 Elm Street South Elevafion Huntington, NY 11743 SCALE: 3/32"= V-0" Telephone: 631.367.0050 Fax: 631.367.6636 AA GiambertoneArchitects.com . ........................................................ .............. . ............. ............ U —7 < The Enclaves !rL= LOOK FINISH V ELEV. +12'-6a Vj_� 56655 Route 25 f New York LA I Southold, -1 FLO J4 T.O.r -09 FINISH 'VELr=V. +0'-0- (EL. +52.0')1 t 16-003 East Elevation 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit SCALE : 3/32"= V-01' ..............................._.................. ................................................ ................ .......... 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. .......................................................................................................... . . ........... . .............. ............. ............................................................ ............................... .......................... xx .............. .. .......... ...... . ....................... ..................... ...................................................-.................... ........ .................. .................................. ........... .. ............................. ................................................... .... ................................... ............ .41 iT ........................... .........-........... ........ ....... . . . ......... . ................. ................. 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THESE DOCUMENTS ARE SERVICES FORT HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS _=:MJ__ — OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEbfED THF.AUTHOR OF THESE � DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIlV ALL COIvL'IIONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHER D RESERVE RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. 77- ........ 7 Iz ............. Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-8:42am By: ernesto File: 1,\AVGA Current jobs\Enclaves 16-003\WorkingDrawings\A3-1 draft.d, LJ ..............................................- ....... SE.00NI) FLOOR F1 1!�H ............ ELL" F -1,4 Proposed Hotel NISH A TD,F T _F ....... r-1 EV 4Qt ' '-0" (EL +52,01) El- Et evations .......... .......... As Noted .................... .............. e.f.s. ...........,,..,m .....- -------- ...... ....... West Elevation E C E V F SCALE:3/32"= V-0" FEB 0 1 2017 nH J A391 Southold Town Planning Board t (%O` € XX t - k. E , : f : AND RE �XI V. ELEV. +12W, I Tom,, ND FLOOR I r m .m. ILI U11 �� ��",f € t ■: GIAMBERTONE p J r""'-1 & ASSOCI+ ,�-_ � . ATES f Jh TD,�IRST FLOOR FINI - r _. +0'-0" + f t #._ r' € T�FIRST FLOOR FIy1�14 l " + ARCHITECTS I 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 South Elevation Telephone: 631.367.0050 scALE:3/32"= 1'-0" Fax: 631.367.6636 GiambertoneArchitects.com i i XX j{pp � int„';+') r i The Enclaves I . E:wry%>+���__�"=-•F=+ � I I . I . E - I _ tI I ; _ I I t1' i 56655 Route 25 E , �..; € I: I '{ a t < I. .. II I _i.- I.. . .. .. ., (' SND FLOOR FINISI_I s I � - - - -.. _ — I I I i -•{�1'1--''-"`�—"" syn [ T ._ ..� .T _---I— — — — — Y I i E I ((( ) •.—._!-•-.^e•--F,i --�— > i I E i �----- u South 1 e r F s� S t o New York _ ; _ i x , t '; ...t.. �"\£ •.,..."..,r I t psi--A : I I I x : I � V� i } i .. T.O.FIF3�T FLOOR FINISH - - - - - -- -�--� 16-003 _....,.._........ _..._.......... 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit ....._............_......................................._......... ....... ............................................................_.._........ ........ 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept." ,.._..__._.........._..... ........._..... ............. .. ...._..... .................................... ..-. I........................................................... ............ ..._....... ..._............... ................................ _...._.__..._.........................__............ _..__"..........................._.............. North Elevation ( SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" ►..._._................ ...................................._....._...._............................ . ............ _.... . .. __.........._.... ................... ....................._......._................................_........ .................. . ....................... ..-..... ..... .. ......................................_......................._._...................... ............ ........................_.-... ........................................_. ......._....._.......... ..... .......... ............... .......................................... i.................. ............"............"..............._..............,..................................... ................................................_....... s i ..,..._.............._,._._....,. __ _ _ ..._...................... ._"........._."......,,....". 3 RED ARC GLU j9 f o yk O�Q8oN i Issued for Permit ........._._.................... .......... j © 2016 AVGA THE COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY ANDREW V.GIAMBERTONE AND ASSOCIATES,ARCHITECTS,P.C. (AVGA)FOR THIS PROJECT,ARE INSTRUMENTS OF AVGA. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLFI.Y WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COhLMONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE j OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2(317-8:42am By: ernesto File: L:\AVGA Current)obs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A3-1_draft.o Proposed Hotel Elevations ................... ::• ''° As Noted D ECE � � � FEB 01 2017 Southold Town A302 Planning Board i II ............................._._..._.._.__................. _.......................:..........._...................._...... .... € 7 i XX 1, t !Y' tr . { F y.. I .. t ANDREW V. F E GIAMBERTONE I 1 & ASSOCIATES f ®ARCHITECTS 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 Telephone: 631.367.0050 Fax: 631.367.6636 f V_:; 1 GiambertoneArchitects.com �I -- --- - --- --- - -- i , ........ . ...... I T.O. SECOND FLOOR FINISH ELEV.+8'-11 1/4N - -- - - ---- - - _ _ Restaurant f T I: I; El The Enclaves is 56655 Route 25 17�1-- - - -- - -- Southold N Y k dk e or w T.O. FIR5T FLOOR FINISH ELEV. +O'-0" — — — ......_.............:....................................................................... .... ... ... ._........_. ._. ....... ........ (( F 16-003 Existing South Elevation (Front) SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. ..................... ..... ........ ................................-_................................................. ....... . ... . .................. f.:.............: ....... ...............,..........�........,... ....._..:................... , .. .............. ......................................................................,.,_.-----............................,.....,..............................-', I (........................._._ ........................................................... ............. .._......... ............. .... i EE...................................,........,...................:........:...,......,.............................,......:,....................._.. ,,:..................................,. 4 XX E I.. ..........................:..„...............,,:.....,...,........................:......................,,.,.... ............ ... ...... ........ .,..........:.,.,............ 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OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE �I '' DOCUMENTS AND SIIATT.RETAIN ALL OMMONLAW STATUTORY AND OTHER ERVE RI BY THE OWNER, ORGOT14ERS,FITS T ON OTHER THESE PRO CTS FOR N HALL NADDITIONS OT BE DTO THIS P OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS I j I I PROJECT, E Plotted:.....Thursday,January 26,2017-8:44am:..........................By:.....emesto............. I i _. LL� A "ki File: L:\AVGA Current obs\Enclaves 16-003\Workin Drawm draft.dNk I i I T.O. FIRST FLOOR FINISH _. . -- EL.E1/.+O'-O" Restaurant Fro.....nt......Elevations .................." .=gH;o 1/4" = 1.. -011 Proposed South Elevation (Front) SCALE . 1/4" = 1'-0" Ir.. . € t LLJ FEB 01 2017 Southold Town Planning Board II e _.........._................................_.................. .r......_.........._........._.._...................... tr i AA #t ii i d ii ANDREW Ve 0 GIAMBERTONE & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECT62 Elm StreetS { Huntington, NY 11743 f { Telephone: 631.367.0050 I i -------- --- - ------ - : - -_ Fax: 631.367.6636 - -- - - -------- : - GiambertoneArchitects.com ; T.O. SECOND FLOOR FINISH ELEV. +V-II 1/4" _.. . ......__............ _.......__..._...._ �I I f A I� I j 'I I I i 1 � { I I t • I � I h I � it I: ;i i f r fAji. i Restaurant i I I I• ' I I ,i I I I R5 FINISH _ _ _-_- _ _____ _ _._.._ __ . . _ _ _.__- I ; The Enclaves T.O. IL =H— FIT FLOOR I i 56655 Route 25 Southold, New York Existing East Elevation (Right Side) v __ _ . _ _ __...................... _ _ - �I., SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 16-003 ..... ...... ............................. ............................................................. ..................._.. ....... ............... . 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. ....................._..............._........................._................................................-............... ................................. .................................... ...................-..................... .............. ......_......... ....................... ................................. F [...... ....................... ...............................-.._-.__......... .................... ............_ .................................... 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SECOND FLOOR FIN15H ELEV. +8'-I 11/4" 20 _-... 1` y F E OF N I I i I f i' I liI I I : I I El I� I I I Issued for Permit II I I fli , I I 21 - - - - _ - — -- _,_._ .. ..._..... ._............W.,......_......__.._.__... .............:............. __.. ---_-'. ----- .--- - - _.___.. ._. . _......--..__-. _ .. _-- -j_^------------------1-' -------------------'-1=-------- .._ .. THE COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND OTHER DOCU,IIFNTS D BY ANDREW V.GIAN[BERTONE AND --- - - - T.O. FIRST FLOOR FINISH i -J__----- _� _ ` .- - _— _"._._ ._ .. _ -'- _ _--_--- ..__. -. - ---_- . - ------- --__-- — — II I � _ -_ Eu� - _ _�_._ .-._ ___._ _.. _. --- _ _-- .- -. _. .__. "_....__ ..._ _. _ _ _ -- -. _ - - -- _-- -_ ---.-- (A�VGA�RTHISPROJECT,ARF.INSTRUMENTS OF AOCIATESESECDOCUMENTS ---- - --- - ARE SERVICES FORT HE USF SOL - ---- - ELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS ELEV. +0I-0° # OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COXMONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHFR RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE ! OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS PROJECT, OR FOR THF COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. EXISTING PROPOSED NEW GON5TRZTION i Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-8:44am By: emesto File: L:\AVGA Current Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working€ Drawings\AM_draftd«...................................... ....... ..,,, _.........,............:....,,...................._..... _... _._ .._... w. Proposed East Elevation ht Side q =z; p Restaurant SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" Riaht Side Elevations ......_..__........ ..._......................._........_............. ........................................ E " 1/4 = 1 .................. e.f.s. I D FEB 0 1 2017 A306 Southoltl'Fown Planning Cioard I i F I { € E XX € ANDREW V. GIAMBERTONE I ASSOCIATES { ®ARCHITECTS 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 I Telephone: 631.367.0050 Fax: 631.367.6636 -- --- --- -- XX XX GiambertoneArchitects.com ijk T.O. 5EWO v FLOOR FIN15H a - - -- - yI = - � ;I I f 01 - Restaurant I ' ` I • — I I � i ! i ! i I _ he Enclaves - - — - I , _ I !` ; � [ I I 1 0I 56655 Route 25 T.O. FIRST FLOOR FINISH Southold, New York : . z ...z_ , __.. ............. .......... _ • 16-003 Existing South Elevation ear Existing Shed South Elevation Existing Shed North Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ~ SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. ..................... i ................ _...._ _.......... ........ .:......... __w._ 3 } XX I ._......_ .....,..,.....,......_.......,.,.-„....-......_-....- .-...,..:................::......._.._.....,.._,,... .....,..:... . .._............... .. ,. S z........... ...- .._, ..........................:..........._..._....__._. I ._.. ........ ................. ..........„,.__, .................................... ..__.. i �.. ........_ ................. ..........._........ .............. 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I - - --- - - --- - --- '-' DOCU'vfENTS AND SHALLAIV ALL COMbfONLAW STATUTORY AND OT'I ' -- - - RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THE Sr DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY TIP I OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO TH: PROJECT, J , OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHER. - - ( RO ECT It T.O. FIR5T FLOOR FINISH r esto Plotted: Thu sday January 26,2017-8.45am By: em ELEV. +0'-ON _ He: L AVGA Current Jobs Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings A3-5-dra + I ............................ _ . ..._..._....... .........,...._.. .__._._... .._...... `. i t Restaurant Proposed South Elevation R ear Rear Elevations ......... ..... ...._-....._ .................. _. SCALE: 1/411 = 1'-0" :< 1/4 = 1 -6 E .............. ...__...._.._........_......._......... ... .............................__.......... ............................. E ` FEB 01 2017 A3e7 Southold Town Planning Board I'. €... _..................._......._....-...__....._.__.._....... ............... ......_ ..........._.......... ......... 1 y.. £ J W i `5e vi:v AA :° , i ANDREW V. € GTIAMBERTONE { & ASSOCIATES - - - - °ARCHITECTS : 62 Elm Street Huntington, NY 11743 — fi v+61G F1=00f Telephone: 631.367.0050 � Fa 631367 6636 1 it I j - GiambertoneArchitects.com TA. MOM FLOOR FINISH ELEV. +8'-11 1/4" I li i 1 I I I , I! 'I ! Restaurant i I � , I , I The Enclaves : : I I ! I I T.O. j : j FIRST FLOOR FINIS ELEY. +O'-o" _..-'-- 56655 Route 25 Southold, New York .............. .......... . 16-003 Existing West Elevation (Left Side) SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" -'F ............................_.... ..................... ..... _..... ....._. .............. ...................... ........ 10-11-2016 Issued for Permit 01-30-2017 Issued for ZBA&Planning Dept. q..... .....�.................. ... ....................................................... ............... ...............................,.......... i 1: ............................................................. ........ ... .. .................... .................................................................. AA E I ......:_...,... ............. ........... ..............._...... .. ..... i 3 f x................... .........................................,....-..-.........,... -............ .,.....-....._........ ........................ i � t ....................................................................,............r....-......._....._.. ......-................................................_. .. / \ .......»..........,.........,..,,..,....,,,,.,..........,-.....,.........,.,,.:.:............................ 4 i T.O. ATTIG FLOOR I. I I I t E .............................................................. ........ : TF' _ FSH NIX11XX T.O 5F�OND FLOOR ! « - F_t.EV. Q2080- pQ� j _ --- - II I j j I j Issued for Permit : i I : oho : . - iii I .. ', -. _ } .____-- i• }�f © 2016 AVG .A : :I THE COPYRIGHT DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS T.O. FIRST FLOOR FINI5F1 _. .. _ . ._..... ....... ....... . — — — — — — — - - - PREPD BY _ . . .. ' j'iAND � (AVGARFORTHIS PROJPCT,AREA NSTRUMENTS OF AVGA.�TIIESECDOCUMENTS ARE SERVICES FOR T HE USE SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT.UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, AVGA SHALL BE DEEMED THE AUTHOR OF THESE DOCUMENTS AND SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMONLAW,STATUTORY AND OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS THAT THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE USED BY THE OWNER, OR OTHERS, ON OTHER PROJECTS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS PROJECT, OR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT FOR OTHERS. PROP05ED EXI5TIN6 W-A GONSTR ZMON ......................._.................. . Plotted: Thursday,January 26,2017-8:45am By: emesto File: L:\AVGA Cutrent Jobs\Enclaves 16-003\Working Drawings\A3-5_drafL(' Proposed West Elevation (LeftSide . ._. .._._. I Restaurant SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" E i Left Side Elevations ..........................F F ......... .....I-.-..-...--.--.. .. ........... -011................ ............. .._.......................................... ...................................................... 3 e.f.s. ................_._................._...._........._............_....................._. ._-..._......_..........._...._.._....... ...._ ' FEB 01 2017 Southold Tok,,m Planning Board A3e8 E ......................... ................................................... ............ II Pei H �-� IVBT I p.)L Michaelis, Jessica From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:59 PM 9MAR 21 2017 To: Michaelis,Jessica hold Cc: Terry, Mark SoutTown N9anning Umar 1 Subject: FW: THE ENCLAVES Hotel - 56655 Route 25, Southoldt30 Attachments: 2017-03-16 Letter Town of Southold ZBA.pdf, FEAFpartl-56655 MainRd.pdf, LOCATION MAP.pdf From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:23 PM To: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: THE ENCLAVES Hotel - 56655 Route 25, Southold NY - SCTM# 1000-63-3-15 Hi Brian, See attached and below Kim E. Fuentes Secretary to the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 631-765-1809, Ex. 5011 E-mail:kimf@southoldtownnv.aov From: Ernesto Silva [mailto:ESilva@giambertonearchitects.com] Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:31 PM To: Fuentes, Kim Cc: AVGCa)GiambertoneArchitects.com Subject: 56655 Route 25, Southold NY - SCTM# 1000-63-3-15 Hello Kim, Attached please find our response to your request on behalf of the ZBA dated March 7"', a narrative, the Full Environmental Assessment Form Part land a location plan. Please note we are sending hard copies addressed to your attention via FedEx for delivery tomorrow afternoon. Please let us know if there's anything further you need from us. Thank You. 1 11,'r1` esto Silva Andrew V Giambertone & Associates, Architects, PC 621 Im Struirt, Ninv Y irk. I t -1� 11horc, "6S IY. Thk is for the.0m)Ied I�l-Idem"ly.if WAN'tow pmprletaq jr)r Ixgulk,Im.601qwd 11'Ike mAd"rf A I M m-H;he �v"arc hctctvnfu&M Om tit mponp:4 dais cumvluoiotion islilnoly pr p1m ' linal mmagt frtgn put compuEer, xi"this o:mnmurkation erwy sw nobfil os immciIiArriv by vu&1%rIJ delete the on g have reL th I to rmonitotAll ;I iry wo Aip keit gvAont"9}1ww'd Alt h(w9b we Wvmw i�cmml vtd mly Act din, and we arcus!no hiabifiqr for any km or damage ai-Wng figm its use, Please consider the environment before Printing this email 2 £ T March 16,2017 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Attn: Kim Fuentes Re: Special Exception for the Enclaves 56655 Main Rd, Southold NY SCTIVI No. 1000*63-3-15 Dear Nis. Fuentes, Pursuant to your request I have prepared the following Narrative of the Project we are submitting to the Zoning Board, known as the Enclaves. The Enclaves will be located at 56655 Main Rd, Southold. It is located on a 6.75 Acre parcel of land located within the Hamlet Business District. The concept is to incorporate the existing home on the site, formerly known as the "Hedges" Bed and Breakfast, to function as the restaurant component to the project. In addition, the new Hotel will be set beyond a dense hedge row and a nearly 1 acre meadow, making it virtually invisible to the street as well as the restaurant.The L-shaped Building will consist of 18 individual Hotel rooms, each one under 600 SF,as well as 4 individual approximately 600 SF cottages at the far Northern end of the property. Between these two structures wiU be an enclosed "Courtyard" where the pool and lounging areas will take place. All activities (pool, courtyard and parking areas) will be located facing the Property to the West (a Commercial Boatyard) as weU as the property to the North (the LIRR Tracks). The building itself will act as a buffer to the 3 neighboring properties to the East.The project is fully compliant in all respects to the Current Zoning Requirements for a Hamlet Business district,yet due to its (permitted) use in this Zoning District, requires a "Special Exemption" from the ZBA, hence our application relative to the Zoning Criteria I offer: 62 Elm Street, fWntin ton, NY 11743 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Page 2 • Minimum Property size required for this use: 5 Acres (Actual Property size: 6.75 Acres) • Allowable Number of units for a property without Public Sewers: One Unit/6,000 SF of Land (Number of units permitted: 294,202 SF Property/6000 sf= 49 Hotel units allowed)- Please note we are applying for 22 units • Maximum size of each Unit: 600 SF (Actual size of each unit proposed: 545 SF) • In addition, there shall be no music, entertainment or Loudspeaker system that shall be audible from beyond the property line (This shall be accomplished through careful design and directing of the Sound systems as well as significant dense evergreen planting at the perimeter of the property) Should you have any additional questions or Comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. incerely, Andrew itone President AVG(@Giambertonearchitects.com 62 FIm, Street, Huntingtor,, NY 1 743 Tel, 1,631) 367-0050 4 Fax (631)367-6636 AVG@Gi,-imbertonp-Ari:'nitp,,�,rt:i.com Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 1 -Project and Setting Instructions for Completing Part 1 Part 1 is to be completed by the applicant or project sponsor. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information; indicate whether missing information does not exist, or is not reasonably available to the sponsor;and,when possible,generally describe work or studies which would be necessary to update or fully develop that information. Applicants/sponsors must complete all items in Sections A&B. In Sections C,D&E,most items contain an initial question that must be answered either"Yes"or"No". If the answer to the initial question is"Yes",complete the sub-questions that follow. If the answer to the initial question is"No",proceed to the next question. Section F allows the project sponsor to identify and attach any additional information. Section G requires the name and signature of the project sponsor to verify that the information contained in Part lis accurate and complete. A.Project and Sponsor Information. Name of Action or Project: The Enclaves Project Location(describe, and attach a general location map): 56655 Main Road(Route 25),Southold Brief Description of Proposed Action(include purpose or need): Converting existing single family residence into a restaurant. Constructing new 2 story hotel with outdoor pool area and required parking.New project will completely comply with all zoning regulations and be situated such that no music,entertainment or loudspeaker system will be audible beyond the property lines. Name of Applicant/Sponsor: Telephone:(631)367-0050 Andrew V.Giambertone E-Mail: avg@giambertonearchitects.com Address:62 Elm St. Cit /PO: State: NY Zip Code=: y Huntington Project Contact(if not same as sponsor;give name and title/role): Telephone: E-Mail: Address: City/PO: State: Zip Code: Property Owner (if not same as sponsor): Telephone: (516)997-6190 56655 Main Road c/o Jonathan Tibett E-Mail: Address: 185 Willow Point Road City/PO: Southold State: NY Zip Code:11971 Page 1 of 13 B. Government Approvals B. Government Approvals,Funding,or Sponsorship. ("Funding"includes grants, loans,tax relief,and any other forms of financial assistance.) Government Entity If Yes: Identify Agency and Approval(s) Application Date Required (Actual or projected) a. City Council,Town Board, ❑YesmNo or Village Board of Trustees b. City,Town or Village mYes❑No Town of Southold Planning Board Planning Board or Commission c. City Council,Town or mYes❑No Town of Southold ZBA Village Zoning Board of Appeals d. Other local agencies ❑YesmNo e. County agencies mYes❑No SCDHS,SCWA,SCDPW,SCSA f. Regional agencies ❑YesmNo g. State agencies mYes❑No NY State Dept.of Transportation,NY DEC h. Federal agencies ❑YesmNo i. Coastal Resources. i. Is the project site within a Coastal Area,or the waterfront area of a Designated Inland Waterway? ❑YesmNo ii. Is the project site located in a community with an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program? m Yes❑No iii. Is the project site within a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area? ❑YesmNo C.Planning and Zoning C.1.Planning and zoning actions. Will administrative or legislative adoption,or amendment of a plan,local law,ordinance,rule or regulation be the ❑Yes®No only approval(s)which must be granted to enable the proposed action to proceed? • If Yes,complete sections C,F and G. • If No,proceed to question C.2 and complete all remaining sections and questions in Part I C.2.Adopted land use plans. a. Do any municipally- adopted (city,town,village or county)comprehensive land use plan(s)include the site ®Yes❑No where the proposed action would be located? If Yes,does the comprehensive plan include specific recommendations for the site where the proposed action mYes❑No would be located? b. Is the site of the proposed action within any local or regional special planning district(for example: Greenway ❑YesmNo Brownfield Opportunity Area(BOA);designated State or Federal heritage area;watershed management plan; or other?) If Yes, identify the plan(s): c. Is the proposed action located wholly or partially within an area listed in an adopted municipal open space plan, ❑YesmNo or an adopted municipal farmland protection plan? If Yes, identify the plan(s): Page 2 of 13 C.3. Zoning a. Is the site of the proposed action located in a municipality with an adopted zoning law or ordinance. ®Yes❑No If Yes,what is the zoning classification(s)including any applicable overlay district? HB-Hamlet Business b. Is the use permitted or allowed by a special or conditional use permit? ®Yes❑No c. Is a zoning change requested as part of the proposed action? ❑Yes®No If Yes, i. What is the proposed new zoning for the site? CA.Existing community services. a. In what school district is the project site located?Southold b.What police or other public protection forces serve the project site? Southold Town Police c. Which fire protection and emergency medical services serve the project site? Southold Fire Department d. What parks serve the project site? Southold Park.Founders Landing Park.Hortons Point,South Harhor,Triangle Park_ D.Project Details D.I.Proposed and Potential Development a. What is the general nature of the proposed action(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial,recreational;if mixed,include all components)? Commercial b. a. Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 6.75 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 5.69 acres c. Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 6.75 acres c. Is the proposed action an expansion of an existing project or use? ❑Yes®No i. If Yes,what is the approximate percentage of the proposed expansion and identify the units(e.g.,acres,miles,housing units, square feet)? % Units: d. Is the proposed action a subdivision,or does it include a subdivision? ❑Yes®No If Yes, i. Purpose or type of subdivision?(e.g.,residential, industrial,commercial; if mixed,specify types) H. Is a cluster/conservation layout proposed? ❑Yes❑No iii. Number of lots proposed? iv. Minimum and maximum proposed lot sizes? Minimum Maximum e. Will proposed action be constructed in multiple phases? ❑Yes®No i. If No,anticipated period of construction: months ii. If Yes: • 'I'otal number of phases anticipated • Anticipated commencement date of phase l (including demolition) month year • Anticipated completion date of final phase month _year • Generally describe connections or relationships among phases, including any contingencies where progress of one phase may determine timing or duration of future phases: Page 3 of 13 f.Does the project include new residential uses? ❑Yes®No If Yes,show numbers of units proposed. One Family Two Family Three Family Multiple Family four or more Initial Phase At completion of all phases g.Does the proposed action include new non-residential construction(including expansions)? ®Yes❑No If Yes, L Total number of structures 5 ii. Dimensions(in feet)of largest proposed structure: 33.92 height; 48&72 width; and 270&182 length iii. Approximate extent of building space to be heated or cooled: 49,659 square feet h.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that will result in the impoundment of any ®Yes❑No liquids,such as creation of a water supply,reservoir,pond,lake,waste lagoon or other storage? If Yes, L Purpose of the impoundment:Decorative Pond Feature ii. If a water impoundment,the principal source of the water: ❑Ground water❑Surface water streams mother specify: Municipal Water iii. If other than water,identify the type of impounded/contained liquids and their source. iv. Approximate size of the proposed impoundment. Volume: 43,600 million gallons; surface area: .06 acres v. Dimensions of the proposed dam or impounding structure: height; length vi. Construction method/materials for the proposed dam or impounding structure(e.g.,earth fill,rock,wood,concrete): Earth fill,bentonite clay liner. D.2. Project Operations a.Does the proposed action include any excavation,mining,or dredging,during construction,operations,or both? ❑Yes No (Not including general site preparation,grading or installation of utilities or foundations where all excavated materials will remain onsite) If Yes: i.What is the purpose of the excavation or dredging? ii. How much material(including rock,earth,sediments,etc.)is proposed to be removed from the site? • Volume(specify tons or cubic yards): • Over what duration of time? iii. Describe nature and characteristics of materials to be excavated or dredged,and plans to use,manage or dispose of them. iv. Will there be onsite dewatering or processing of excavated materials? ❑Yes❑No If yes,describe. v. What is the total area to be dredged or excavated? acres vi. What is the maximum area to be worked at any one time? acres vii. What would be the maximum depth of excavation or dredging? feet ML Will the excavation require blasting? ❑Yes❑No ix. Summarize site reclamation goals and plan: b. Would the proposed action cause or result in alteration of, increase or decrease in size of,or encroachment ❑YesmNo into any existing wetland,waterbody,shoreline,beach or adjacent area? If Yes: i. Identify the wetland or waterbody which would be affected(by name,water index number,wetland map number or geographic description): Page 4 of 13 ii. Describe how the proposed action would affect that waterbody or wetland,e.g.excavation,fill, placement of structures,or alteration of channels,banks and shorelines. Indicate extent of activities,alterations and additions in square feet or acres: iii. Will proposed action cause or result in disturbance to bottom sediments? ❑Yes❑No If Yes,describe: iv. Will proposed action cause or result in the destruction or removal of aquatic vegetation? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • acres of aquatic vegetation proposed to be removed: • expected acreage of aquatic vegetation remaining after project completion: • purpose of proposed removal(e.g.beach clearing,invasive species control,boat access): • proposed method of plant removal: • if chemical/herbicide treatment will be used,specify product(s): V. Describe any proposed reclamation/mitigation following disturbance: c. Will the proposed action use,or create a new demand for water? [Z]Yes❑No If Yes: i. Total anticipated water usage/demand per day: 7,500 gallons/day ii. Will the proposed action obtain water from an existing public water supply? mYes❑No If Yes: • Name of district or service area: Suffolk County Water Authority • Does the existing public water supply have capacity to serve the proposal? m Yes❑No • Is the project site in the existing district? m Yes❑No ■ Is expansion of the district needed? ❑Yes[Z]No • Do existing lines serve the project site? m Yes[--]No iii. Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to supply the project? ❑Yes mNo If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: • Source(s)of supply for the district: iv. Is a new water supply district or service area proposed to be formed to serve the project site? ❑ YesmNo If,Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted or anticipated: • Proposed source(s)of supply for new district: v. If a public water supply will not be used,describe plans to provide water supply for the project: vi. If water supply will be from wells(public or private),maximum pumping capacity: gallons/minute, d. Will the proposed action generate liquid wastes? 0Yes❑No If Yes: L Total anticipated liquid waste generation per day: 5,520 gallons/day ii. Nature of liquid wastes to be generated (e.g.,sanitary wastewater, industrial; if combination,describe all components and approximate volumes or proportions of each): Sanitary(proposed restaurant)=2,220 GPD,[proposed hotel)=3,300 GAD W. Will the proposed action use any existing public wastewater treatment facilities? ❑YesmNo If Yes: • Name of wastewater treatment plant to be used: • Name of district: • Does the existing wastewater treatment plant have capacity to serve the project? ❑Yes❑No • Is the project site in the existing district? ❑Yes❑No • Is expansion of the district needed? ❑Yes❑No Page 5 of 13 • Do existing sewer lines serve the project site? ❑Yes❑No • Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to serve the project? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: iv. Will a new wastewater(sewage)treatment district be formed to serve the project site? ❑Yes®No If Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted or anticipated: • What is the receiving water for the wastewater discharge? V. If public facilities will not be used,describe plans to provide wastewater treatment for the project, including specifying proposed receiving water(name and classification if surface discharge,or describe subsurface disposal plans): CQnvenklonal sub-surface septic syskem with leaching orwI& vi. Describe any plans or designs to capture,recycle or reuse liquid waste: e.Will the proposed action disturb more than one acre and create stormwater runoff,either from new point ®Yes❑No sources(i.e. ditches,pipes,swales,curbs,gutters or other concentrated flows of stormwater)or non-point source(i.e. sheet flow)during construction or post construction? If Yes: i. How much impervious surface will the project create in relation to total size of project parcel? Square feet or 3.40 acres(impervious surface) Square feet or 6.75 acres(parcel size) ii. Describe types of new point sources gutters,catch basins iii. Where will the stormwater runoff be directed(i.e.on-site stormwater management facility/structures,adjacent properties, groundwater,on-site surface water or off-site surface waters)? On-site stormwater management structures. • If to surface waters,identify receiving water bodies or wetlands: • Will stormwater runoff flow to adjacent properties? ❑Yes®No iv. Does proposed plan minimize impervious surfaces,use pervious materials or collect and re-use stormwater? ®Yes❑No f. Does the proposed action include,or will it use on-site,one or more sources of air emissions, including fuel ❑Yes®No combustion,waste incineration,or other processes or operations? If Yes, identify: i. Mobile sources during project operations(e.g.,heavy equipment,fleet or delivery vehicles) ii. Stationary sources during construction (e.g.,power generation,structural heating,batch plant,crushers) iii. Stationary sources during operations(e.g.,process emissions,large boilers,electric generation) g. Will any air emission sources named in D.2.f(above),require a NY State Air Registration,Air Facility Permit, ❑Yes®No or Federal Clean Air Act Title IV or Title V Permit? If Yes: i. Is the project site located in an Air quality non-attainment area? (Area routinely or periodically fails to meet ❑Yes❑No ambient air quality standards for all or some parts of the year) ii. In addition to emissions as calculated in the application,the project will generate: ■ Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide(CO,) ■ Tons/year(short tons)of Nitrous Oxide(N2O) ■ Tons/year(short tons)of Perfluorocarbons(PFCs) • Tons/year(short tons)of Sulfur Hexafluoride(SFS) r Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide equivalent of Hydroflourocarbons(HFCs) • Tonslyear(short tons)of Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPS) Page 6 of 13 h. Will the proposed action generate or emit methane(including, but not limited to,sewage treatment plants, ❑Yes®No landfills,composting facilities)? If Yes: i. Estimate methane generation in tons/year(metric): ii. Describe any methane capture,control or elimination measures included in project design(e.g.,combustion to generate heat or electricity,flaring): i.Will the proposed action result in the release of air pollutants from open-air operations or processes,such as ❑Yes®No quarry or landfill operations? If Yes:Describe operations and nature of emissions(e.g.,diesel exhaust,rock particulates/dust): j. Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels or generate substantial ❑Yes®No new demand for transportation facilities or services? If Yes: i. When is the peak traffic expected(Check all that apply): ❑Morning ❑Evening []Weekend ❑Randomly between hours of to ii. For commercial activities only,projected number of semi-trailer truck trips/day: W. Parking spaces: Existing Proposed Net increase/decrease iv. Does the proposed action include any shared use parking? ❑Yes❑No v. If the proposed action includes any modification of existing roads,creation of new roads or change in existing access,describe: vi. Are public/private transportation service(s)or facilities available within ''/z mile of the proposed site? ❑Yes❑No vii Will the proposed action include access to public transportation or accommodations for use of hybrid,electric ❑Yes❑No or other alternative fueled vehicles? viii. Will the proposed action include plans for pedestrian or bicycle accommodations for connections to existing ❑Yes❑No pedestrian or bicycle routes? k. Will the proposed action(for commercial or industrial projects only)generate new or additional demand ®Yes❑No for energy? If Yes: L Estimate annual electricity demand during operation of the proposed action: 937,320 Kwh/yr ii. Anticipated sources/suppliers of electricity for the project(e.g.,on-site combustion,on-site renewable,via grid/local utility,or other): Local Utility W. Will the proposed action require a new,or an upgrade to,an existing substation? ❑Yes®No 1.Hours of operation. Answer all items which apply. L During Construction: ii. During Operations: • Monday-Friday: 0 a Monday-Friday: 24 hrs. • Saturday: 0 • Saturday: 24 hrs • Sunday: 0 • Sunday: 24 hrs. • Holidays: 0 9 Holidays: 24 hrs, Page 7 of 13 m. Will the proposed action produce noise that will exceed existing ambient noise levels during construction, ®Yes❑No operation,or both? If yes: i. Provide details including sources,time of day and duration: Conventional noise generated by consiriacUon equipment. _ ii. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a noise barrier or screen? ❑Yes®No Describe: n.. Will the proposed action have outdoor lighting? ®Yes❑No If yes: L Describe source(s),location(s),height of fixture(s),direction/aim,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: Site Lighting in parking lot,fixture height 10'-0".+/-50'to nearest occupied structure. H. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a light barrier or screen? ❑Yes®No Describe: o. Does the proposed action have the potential to produce odors for more than one hour per day? ❑Yes®No If Yes,describe possible sources,potential frequency and duration of odor emissions,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: p. Will the proposed action include any bulk storage of petroleum(combined capacity of over 1,100 gallons) ❑Yes®No or chemical products 185 gallons in above ground storage or any amount in underground storage? If Yes: i. Product(s)to be stored H. Volume(s) per unit time (e.g.,month,year) iii. Generally describe proposed storage facilities: q. Will the proposed action(commercial,industrial and recreational projects only)use pesticides(i.e.,herbicides, ❑Yes ®No insecticides)during construction or operation? If Yes: L Describe proposed treatment(s): ii. Will the 2ro2osed action use Integrated Pest Management Practices? ❑ Yes ❑No r. Will the proposed action(commercial or industrial projects only)involve or require the management or disposal ❑ Yes ®No of solid waste(excluding hazardous materials)? If Yes: L Describe any solid waste(s)to be generated during construction or operation of the facility: • Construction: tons per (unit of time) • Operation : tons per (unit of time) ii. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of materials to avoid disposal as solid waste: • Construction: • Operation: W. Proposed disposal methods/facilities for solid waste generated on-site: • Construction: • Operation: Page 8 of 13 s. Does the proposed action include construction or modification of a solid waste management facility? ❑ Yes® No If Yes: i. Type of management or handling of waste proposed for the site(e.g.,recycling or transfer station,composting,landfill,or other disposal activities): ii. Anticipated rate of disposal/processing: • Tons/month,if transfer or other non-combustion/thermal treatment,or • Tons/hour,if combustion or thermal treatment iii. If landfill,anticipated site life: years t. Will proposed action at the site involve the commercial generation,treatment,storage,or disposal of hazardous ❑Yes®No waste? If Yes: i. Name(s)of all hazardous wastes or constituents to be generated,handled or managed at facility: ii. Generally describe processes or activities involving hazardous wastes or constituents: _ iii. Specify amount to be handled or generated tons/month iv. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of hazardous constituents: v. Will any hazardous wastes be disposed at an existing offsite hazardous waste facility? ❑Yes®No If Yes:provide name and location of facility: If No: describe proposed management of any hazardous wastes which will not be sent to a hazardous waste facility: E. Site and Setting of Proposed Action E.I.Land uses on and surrounding the project site a. Existing land uses. i. Check all uses that occur on,adjoining and near the project site. ❑ Urban ❑ Industrial ® Commercial ® Residential(suburban) ❑ Rural(non-farm) ❑ Forest ❑ Agriculture ❑ Aquatic ❑ Other(specify). ii. If mix of uses,generally describe: b. Land uses and covertypes on the project site. Land use or Current Acreage After Change Covertype Acreage Proiect Completion (Acres+/-) • Roads,buildings,and other paved or impervious 0.129 acres 2.76 acres +2.631 acres surfaces • Forested 0 0 0 • Meadows,grasslands or brushlands(non- 5.9 acres 3.99 acres -1.91 acres agricultural, including abandoned agricultural) • Agricultural 0 0 0 (includes active orchards,field,greenhouse etc.) • Surface water features (lakes,ponds,streams,rivers,etc.) 0 0 0 • Wetlands(freshwater or tidal) 0 0 0 • Non-vegetated(bare rock,earth or fill) 0 0 0 • Other Describe: Page 9 of 13 c. Is the project site presently used by members of the community for public recreation? ❑Yes❑✓ No i. If Yes: explain: d.Are there any facilities serving children,the elderly,people with disabilities(e.g.,schools,hospitals, licensed ❑YesoNo day care centers,or group homes)within 1500 feet of the project site? If Yes, i. Identify Facilities: e. Does the project site contain an existing dam? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i. Dimensions of the dam and impoundment: • Dam height: feet • Dam length: feet • Surface area: acres • Volume impounded: gallons OR acre-feet ii. Dam's existing hazard classification: W. Provide date and summarize results of last inspection: f. Has the project site ever been used as a municipal,commercial or industrial solid waste management facility, ❑Yes®No or does the project site adjoin property which is now,or was at one time,used as a solid waste management facility? If Yes: i. Has the facility been formally closed? ❑Yes❑ No • If yes,cite sources/documentation: ii. Describe the location of the project site relative to the boundaries of the solid waste management facility: W. Describe any development constraints due to the prior solid waste activities: g.Have hazardous wastes been generated,treated and/or disposed of at the site,or does the project site adjoin ❑YesONo property which is now or was at one time used to commercially treat,store and/or dispose of hazardous waste? If Yes: i. Describe waste(s)handled and waste management activities, including approximate time when activities occurred: h. Potential contamination history. Has there been a reported spill at the proposed project site,or have any ❑Yes® No remedial actions been conducted at or adjacent to the proposed site? If Yes: i. Is any portion of the site listed on the NYSDEC Spills Incidents database or Environmental Site ❑Yes❑No Remediation database? Check all that apply: ❑ Yes—Spills Incidents database Provide DEC ID number(s): ❑ Yes—Environmental Site Remediation database Provide DEC ID number(s): ❑ Neither database ii. If site has been subject of RCRA corrective activities,describe control measures: W. Is the project within 2000 feet of any site in the NYSDEC Environmental Site Remediation database? ❑Yes❑No If yes,provide DEC ID number(s): iv. If yes to(i),(ii)or(iii)above,describe current status of site(s): Page 10 of 13 v. Is the project site subject to an institutional control limiting property uses? ❑Yes❑No • If yes,DEC site ID number: • Describe the type of institutional control (e.g.,deed restriction or easement): • Describe any use limitations: • Describe any engineering controls: • Will the project affect the institutional or engineering controls in place? ❑Yes❑No • Explain: E.2. Natural Resources On or Near Project Site a. What is the average depth to bedrock on the project site? none existing feet b.Are there bedrock outcroppings on the project site? ❑YesmNo If Yes,what proportion of the site is comprised of bedrock outcroppings? c.Predominant soil type(s)present on project site: OL(Silts&Silty Clays) 10 % SP(Sands) 90 % d. What is the average depth to the water table on the project site? Average: 26.9 feet e.Drainage status of project site soils:® Well Drained: 90%of site m Moderately Well Drained: 10%of site ❑ Poorly Drained %of site f.Approximate proportion of proposed action site with slopes: m 0-10%: 100 %of site ❑ 10-15%: %of site ❑ 15%or greater: %of site g.Are there any unique geologic features on the project site? ❑YesmNo If Yes,describe: h. Surface water features. i. Does any portion of the project site contain wetlands or other waterbodies(including streams,rivers, ❑YesmNo ponds or lakes)? ii. Do any wetlands or other waterbodies adjoin the project site? ❑YesmNo If Yes to either i or ii,continue. If No,skip to E.2.i. iii. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies within or adjoining the project site regulated by any federal, ❑Yes❑No state or local agency? iv. For each identified regulated wetland and waterbody on the project site,provide the following information: • Streams: Name Classification • Lakes or Ponds: Name Classification • Wetlands: Name Approximate Size • Wetland No.(if regulated by DEC) v. Are any of the above water bodies listed in the most recent compilation of NYS water quality-impaired ❑Yes❑No waterbodies? If yes,name of impaired water body/bodies and basis for listing as impaired: i. Is the project site in a designated Floodway? ❑YesmNo j. Is the project site in the 100 year Floodplain? ❑YesmNo k. Is the project site in the 500 year Floodplain? ❑YesmNo 1. Is the project site located over,or immediately adjoining,a primary,principal or sole source aquifer? ❑YesmNo If Yes: i. Name of aquifer: Page 11 of 13 in. Identify the predominant wildlife species that occupy or use the project site: Native Birds Rabbits Squirrels n.Does the project site contain a designated significant natural community? ❑YesIDNo If Yes: i. Describe the habitat/community(composition, function,and basis for designation): ii. Source(s)of description or evaluation: W. Extent of community/habitat: • Currently: acres • Following completion of project as proposed: acres • Gain or loss(indicate+or-): acres o.Does project site contain any species of plant or animal that is listed by the federal government or NYS as ❑Yes®No endangered or threatened,or does it contain any areas identified as habitat for an endangered or threatened species? p. Does the project site contain any species of plant or animal that is listed by NYS as rare,or as a species of ❑Yes®No special concern? q.Is the project site or adjoining area currently used for hunting,trapping,fishing or shell fishing? ❑Yes®No If yes,give a brief description of how the proposed action may affect that use: E.3. Designated Public Resources On or Near Project Site a. Is the project site,or any portion of it, located in a designated agricultural district certified pursuant to ❑Yes®No Agriculture and Markets Law,Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? If Yes, provide county plus district name/number: b.Are agricultural lands consisting of highly productive soils present? ❑Yes®No i. If Yes: acreage(s)on project site? i ii. Source(s)of soil rating(s): c. Does the project site contain all or part of,or is it substantially contiguous to,a registered National ❑Yes®No Natural Landmark? If Yes: i. Nature of the natural landmark: ❑Biological Community ❑ Geological Feature ii. Provide brief description of landmark, including values behind designation and approximate size/extent: d. Is the project site located in or does it adjoin a state listed Critical Environmental Area? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i. CEA name: _ ii. Basis for designation: _ iii. Designating agency and date: Page 12 of 13 e.Does the project site contain,or is it substantially contiguous to,a building,archaeological site,or district ❑Yes®No which is listed on,or has been nominated by the NYS Board of Historic Preservation for inclusion on,the State or National Register of Historic Places? If Yes: i. Nature of historic/archaeological resource: El Archaeological Site ❑Historic Building or District ii. Name: iii. Brief description of attributes on which listing is based: f.Is the project site,or any portion of it, located in or adjacent to an area designated as sensitive for ❑Yes®No archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO)archaeological site inventory? g.Have additional archaeological or historic site(s)or resources been identified on the project site? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i.Describe possible resource(s): ii. Basis for identification: h.Is the project site within fives m iles of any officially designated and publicly accessible federal,state,or local ❑Yes®No scenic or aesthetic resource? If Yes: i. Identify resource: ii. Nature of,or basis for,designation(e.g.,established highway overlook,state or local park,state historic trail or scenic byway, etc.): iii. Distance between project and resource: miles. L Is the project site located within a designated river corridor under the Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers ❑Yes0No Program 6 NYCRR 666? If Yes: L Identify the name of the river and its designation: ii. Is the activity consistent with development restrictions contained in 6NYCRR Part 666? ❑Yes❑No F.Additional Information Attach any additional information which may be needed to clarify your project. If you have identified any adverse impacts which could be associated with your proposal,please describe those impacts plus any measures which you propose to avoid or minimize them. G. Verification I certify that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Andrew V.Giambertone Date 3/16/2017 Signature_ Title PRINT FORM Page 13 of 13 •>y �a c - , w e u+ .r z . o tn kn O H ' U O BOARD MEMBERS 4 � Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson , t 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes Office Location: Gerard P.Goehringer G Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank George Horning 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Kenneth Schneiderou ; G�-zy��' Southold,NY 11971 ' ti b' L _ http://southoldtown.northfork.net L' ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FEB 0 1 2017 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631) 765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 5auftld Town Planning Board MEMO TO: Planning Board FROM: Leslie K. Weisman, ZBA Chairperson DATE: February 1, 2017 SUBJECT: Request for Comments ZBA # 7046 56655 Main Rd. LLC (The Enclaves) The ZBA is reviewing the following application. Enclosed are copies of Building Department's Notice of Disapproval, ZBA application, current map on file. Your review and comments are requested at this time. The file is available for review of additional documentation at your convenience for reference if needed. APPLICANT TAX # ZBA# I HEARING I CODE DATE OF PREPARER ZONE DATE SECTION STAMPED OF SURVEY DIST SURVEY/SITE PLAN 56655 Main 1000-63- 7046 May 4, Art. X Sec. 7/8/16 John Minto Rd. LLC (The 3-15 2017 280-45 B (2) L.S. Enclaves) 8/23/16 PWGC Engineers Your comments are requested 1 week prior to hearing date. Thank you. Encls. 00��p ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK Phone(631)765-1809 (631)765-9064 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Application No. Dale Filed: TO THE'ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK: Applicant(s), Andrew V.6lambertone of Parcel Location: House No. 56655 Street Main Road ( Route 25 ) Hamlet Soliftid Contact phone numliers: (631) 361-0050 SCTM 1000 Section 63 Block 03 Lot(s)_ 15 Lot Size 6.15 Zone District HB Ar,RE5 — hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE,ARTICLE X ,SECTION 280-45,SUBSECTION B(2) for the following uses and purposes: Hotel as shown on the attached survey/site plan drawn to scale.Site Plan review[X I IS or [ ]IS NOT required. A. Statement of Ownership and Interest: 56655 t-10111 St. LLG c% Jonathan Tbett is(are)the owner(s)of property known and referred to as 56655 Main Road ( Route 25 ) ,Southold (House No., Street,Hamlet) identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000,Section 65 , Block 05 Lot 15 , and shown on the attached deed. The above-described property was acquired by the owner on Au"t 21,2015 B. The applicant alleges that the approval of this exception would be in harmony with the intent and purpose of said zoning ordinance and that the proposed use conforms to the standards prescribed therefore in said ordinance and would not be detrimental to property or persons in the neighborhood for the following reasons: (1-113) C. The property which is subject of this application is zoned Hamlet Business and [X] is consistent with the use(s)described in the CO (attach copy),or [ ]is not consistent with the CO being furnished herewith for the following reason(s): [ ] is vacant land. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) �`� ss.. _ STATE OF NEW YORK) (Signature Sworn to before me this a[o day of Tll ' , '2017 9a Q -- -� (Notary Public) Rita A. Lee Notary Public-State of New York No.01LE6075039 Sufrblk County My Commission Expires May 27;,,a 01� ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OFSOUTHOLD,NEW YORK Phone (631)765-1809 (631)765-9064 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Application No. Date Filed: Page 2 General Standards, please answer the following as it pertains to your project: A. The use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts BECAUSE: The proposed use of the property Is In compliance with the allowable use In the Hamlet Business P[striat as per Southold Code. The use of property will be contained to the property Itself,adequate screen planting will be provided to screen neighboring propertles,therefore not effecting the odfacent properties. B. The use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the requested use is located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts BECAUSE: The proposed use of the property Is In compliance with the allowable use In the Hamlet Business District as per Southold Code. C. The safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location BECAUSE: All activity related to the proposed project will be contained within the property,and the use of the proposed project Is In compliance and character of the town therefore not adversely affecting the town. D. The use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of Chapter 280-142 BECAUSE The proposed use of the property Is in compliance with the allowable use In the Hamlet Business District as per Southold Code. E. The use will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regard to visibility, scale and overall appearance BECAUSE: The proposal consists of keeping the existing residence which Is the most prominent and viable structure of the project. As this is an exleting structure It doesn't change the vlablllty,scale and overall appearance as It relates to the nel arhood. F. All proposed structures, equipment, and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection BECAUSE: The proposal is to have two separate access entrances off Main Road which will faoilltate accessblllty by both fire and police protection. G. The proposal shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 236, Stonnwater Management BECAUSE: The applicant will submit a Storm Water Management Control Plan for the approval by the Town of Southold,prior to the commencement of construction. SEE SEC NO.055 LINE ——— ., ��.-dr MATCH _ LINE 9,3A(c) a 24 ti 61 1.1 6'6A(c) 1' d 10-BA(c) N t7�S w N A 1 t¢QI+ P �• I. tt I`91 • °� ,4� 1 5y 6 1b., �•' . 57A(c) - 28 'a it t0 2.5A(c) f7 +Z,�J . 6 5 9 25 7AND ;6.9A(c} � ^rti^pl 1.9A(c) ,.OA( "" i5 4 1A t6 ri � $ t 1P a � � '�' l9lu �' yry d• 7- 10 a 11 1.6A(c) LLC- L b33-32 J TOWNQr- (0 3 RI 27AM — o ,g I,-.ti � X3_3- !�'• `� _ '30.1 f m 91.1 63-3 .�` -- ,3 I -v 33 lztx- 3_a I i (OPER SPACE) 19 w 21 I? AAb v. 1.OA(c) Z3 m •�' - c �; ' s nl 1Sq s *� r`6j Et FOR PCL NO. $ -# SEE SEC.NO. ff DI ' OA,� 2R �.'� 070-06-034 �� 11y If A! u a N � �'�ad MATCH _—_--ZZ__— iT NRL �H73. W' c3 NOTICE arca, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K 063 TDWN OF 80UTHOLO SECTION NO I.WNTENANCE,ALTERATION,SALEOR ry• Real Property Tax Service Agency Y abs DISTRIBUTIONTYTA PORTION O -T VILLAGE OF SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP I6 PROHIBIHIBI TEDf= County Center Riverhead.N Y 11901 M OBI 06 4 6.1 TMOUT NTifREN 1-1—ONOF THE �+ '" BfJLLEIN FEET 063 {7J nyT A �'�^ 13 DISTRICT NO nFx PROPeHTY rAK e6RVICEAce astirJ, oTO 7000 P PROPERTY MAP APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION (For ZBA Reference) Applicant: Andretn V. 61ambertone Date Prepared. teary 24,2017 I. For Demolition of Existing Building Areas Please describe areas being removed: Exlstlna 8'-4" x 8'-q" shed. II. New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor extension: Dimensions of new second floor: 5EE PLAN5 Dimensions of floor above second level: ATTACHEDLH-F-,RE TO Height(frotn finished ground to top of ridge): Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes, please provide height (above ground) measured from natural existing grade to first floor: _ III. Proposed Construction Description (Alterations or Structural Changes) (attach extra sheet if necessary)- Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: 2 Story single fam114 residence. Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: 2 Story structure to house a restaurant with a 14 seat i ca ar,1 . A provowd addition connecting the footprint of an existing shad and the existing hovse structure. IV. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage (from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: 2 }Ib"I sq.ft. Proposed increase of building coverage: 8.25% Square footage of your lot: 2g4,Z02 sglt. Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: q.1 % V. Purpose of New Construction: 2 Story hotel,pool,and It's required parking. VI. Please describe the land contours (flat, slope %, heavily wooded, marsh area, etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): >;xEstlnr�contours vary from el. 92 at rata of property to el. 26 at front of property. Southern part of the site consists Ofie�esclsflru� houh IVervay,garage and-mdnor outbuildlrgs and n scope areas. North of a use .-and-1Upea uudur grardanlrVnconno0on 1Uvthere IVfMtO-vr the -P'.Opart #IoFt#, o�the heU9a-Is tvvodlrnd. Please submit seven (7) photos, labeled to show different angles of yard areas after stalcing corners for new construction), and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 7/2002; 2/2005; 1/2007 QUESTIONNAIRE SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION I. Has a determination been made regarding Site Plan review? Yes x No If no, please inquiry with the ZBA office and if site plan is required,you may apply to the Planning Dept, at the same time so both applications can be reviewed concurrently. 2. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? Minor Changes proposed to create flat a. No X Yes please explain on attached sheet.pool terrace area see attached site plan. 3. Are there areas that contain sand or wetland,grasses? No a. 2.)Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application?n b. 3.)Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? _ c. 4,)If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the trustees: and if issued,please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved survey. 4. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? No S. Are there any patios,concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting? None _Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. 6. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your preinises? None If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe:__ 7. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking, please apply to the Building Department to obtain copies of them. 8. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel? No If yes, please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. 9. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel Existing single family reslderice with garage,and shed. and the proposed use Restaurant, in existing structure. storu hotel, .(ex:existing single ramdy,proposed same with garage, aol or other or vacant proposed arrice with apartments above,etc aF,;t) 7 uthorizecl signature and Date ID-8195017-031 ABSTRACTERS' INFORMATION SERVICE Q•1 1 l 1 l MARCUS AVE,SUCCE MZ' LAKE SUCCESS NY l 1042 , PHONE;(516)918-4600 FAX:(516)918.4540 %'du"7e CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Prepared For:First American Title Couatyi SUFFOLK YRLE NO.0260-M 19736405 DATE:6/1012015 PRENUSES:56655 ROUTE 25, SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION:063.00 BLOCK:03.00 LOT:015.000 SEC: 063.00 BLOCK: 03.00 LOT: 015.000 A SEARCH OF THE RECORDS CONDUCTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS REVEALS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: COIF Z13486 DATED: 05/31/1965 ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH TWO ATTACHED PORCHES, THREE ACCESSORY SHEDS, GARAGE, WELL, BED AND BREAKFAST. LNIPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT SEARCH INFORMATION ABOVE MATA TRACE MO43IATLQY i M VICES Lir DUCLAO"AXVA,"D ALL LIARILTTy To A'R TL0.mv OR C;1'TIir IOM TQC 1ROILR TTalOiL wc,at 3CRYiCT,1tip I..LCT LIO"i LIC LOSOITIQ,� . 711 TFTLL To O.AL FlOP94TI?TIrR SMICTl1 ARE 140ATDED•,V Lt•ryYTIfgS:T AYAIIiLaCTT'DI AYF A7 CO,IR ARR t!)11 T,S1fq t7R RSN 4Lo,i'cClC01[r•.Tr[7ftg7�1,MT1ATIpv 4v vonmANlAYiTTt Or]I escuL^CTAEILIT Y OR my L73 Idol A TAR TIC{'T,AN T1�LJ+ QR WA"A:CZUJ■A7 Lo 7377 coC7R[or U.XLLNG QR}MACS LV fl. X p;[4R ORi QR OfIy,SSIQ6I RLSITTivO TAOii:<LGLIr LtCi TT➢11i;fq'T AS CLSI;R."Ituv'ICL.Too$LITCL1i11TM SLT'f➢[SLOLR.ALL I'RD]a AVD CCl�.'(Ll,p RlLvLgLY L1yTRiTA,�p.EVG3.TIAL 1L4AlC 11 A5L'LAE LCI{R'Li 1•}Q4 F a7I Aagr,.a•T4L 0.tiP QT 104 TAIL ALIT 1CI QI;'�]T1fIR711ARTTLA. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NEW XORK ,t CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NONCONFORAUNG PREhUSES THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Land Pre C.O. 1- &13486 / / Building(s) Date- May 31, 1985 L Uce(c) located at 56655 Baia Road Southold Street Hamlet shown on County tax map as District 1000, Section 063 . Block 03 , Lot 01_5 . does(notkWform to the present Building Zone Code of the Town of Southold for the tcllowing reasons; trie dwelling is non-conformins; there is iaaufficiant front yard. There in a re-exiatin Lnonconr'orming Bed 6 Breakfast. On the basis of Infmmation presented to the Building Inspector's Office, it has been determined that the above nonconforming �1/Land !X/BuUding(s) rA/Use(s) existed on the effective date the present Building Zone Code of the Town of Southold, and may be continued pursuant to and subject to the appli- cable provisions of said Coda. IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIEo that, based upon information presented to the Building Inspector's Office, the occupancy and use for which this Certifi- cate is issued is as follows; property contains a two-story wood -framed one-family dwallial with two attached porches. Property also has thra® gccosMory sheda,_ an aeceaearX_ ag raga; and an ornamental wall. Property situated in B-1 Zone. The Certificate is issued to WILLIAM G. & BARBARA 0. ALBERT309 (owner, k4mwe-or-tenant) of the aforesaid building. a Suffolk County Department of Health Approval not required UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. nam reanired NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the owner of the above premises ILAS NOT CONSrNTED TO AN INSPECTION sof the premi3es by the Building Inspec- tor to determine if the premises comply Mth a3] applicable codes and ordin- ances. other than the Building Zone Code, and therefore, no such inspection has been conducted. This Certificate, therefore, does not, and is not intended to certify that the premises comply with all other applicable codes and regula- tions. yy Butdin- inspector _. NY M-Baron and Ste Peed table CbaHd asalarl Ornwm't Asn Isd v"err Corporation(Slosh SWW(NyWM MM) CONSULT YOUR LAWyERBEFORESIGNOVG THIS tNSrRUbUXT•THIS INMUb1EM'SHOULD BE USRD BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE,made ft C�) day of V,I S► ,is the year 2015 BETWEEN Rita Costello Cohen,Individually and as specific devisee of the last will and testament of Albert Cohen,deceased 56655 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 party of the first pan,old 56655 Main St LLC,a New York Limited Liability Company 20 Stony Hill Path Smithtown,NY 11787 party of the second(ten, W UNESSLt' .that the party o f the f ire c pan,In consideration of Ten Dollars and other valmtble cooldetethm paid by the party of the second pert,does hereby grant mad release unto Itu party of tla second part,the helm or successors and usigas of the party of the second part forever, ALL that corrals plot.piece or parcel of land,with tha bulldlags and hoprovemanls tlhiamon erected,situate,lying orhd being In the SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF. BEING AND]INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to Albert Cohen and Rita Costello Cohen by deed dated June 13,1985 and recorded on June 28,1985 in Liber 9821 Cp 9 la the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. TOGETHER with all right,Ude and interest,Wally.Girdle patty or ft fist pan of,In and to any Mats and roads AMIdog the obove•dui,.ibcd prcmiacs to the center lints thereof TOGETHER with the appnrtananees and all the estme and right of dee patty orthe first part in and to said prt'miaas;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pw=iaes herein granted unto"party of the second pail,the hdre or succezanrs and assigns of the party ordle second part foravar. AND the party of the first part covenants that the parry of the fu-rt parthes not done or suffered mything whereby the said premises have lxtn Ineumbered in any way whnttver,except es eforraaid. AND the party of the first part,in Compllattcc with Section 13 of the Ucn Law,Covenants thel aha piny of the first part will rxcivc the conaldcratlon for this cwsvayitsce and will lsold time right to rrteivc such considerallon o.s a twat fund to be applied Brat far tht purpose of paying the cast or the Impmvenwnt and wilt apply the some first to the payment of the cast of the Impmve.mcnt before using any part of the total of tltc some for any niter ptupi)m 71w word"parry"shall be construed as if It read"parties"wlsenevcr the sense of thl,Indenture ro rcRuGes. IN WIT EW WHEREOF,the party of the first part bu duly executed dds deed /the f,,dday and year flru above written. IN FRESE`hCE OFt r �✓ Rita Cosigio Cohen USHACUMMZDaWMVrFORA1BEWw1/MUNNSwYORKSrA7sONur MAmwwLnw&mvrlroRA mwwimmvN6wYOMSTAMOt&r, StatoofN�York,County of Suffolk )as.: Slot ofNewYorh,Coantyof . ',)a,l On Iltea day of Al jr'�- In a,e yew 2015 on tfie bdm ma Ibe anderslgrsvd,ley bdwe ane„date or in pamtally eppwW in the year Rita Costello Co eft pessortally hmawn to tan or pmved to ma on the basin of sadsfactory pe NAY brawn to sate or Proved to me on do beds of tatisroetary cvLdcncnlo be due Ltriividud r)w}mm mrm(a)Ls(arc)subscribed to ate -Weave to be the Mviduatfs)wh=mase(,)is(am)mbsaibed in the widdn lasauttttatt and aclatnwln"to me Oral hehhchhey executed within fidmment ural w1mowlvd to tna dw bel executed the sarnc In hlsRtcsi it capauty(Les), and that by hjVwrRbetr tlro tame Ya hixlLtcrAlseir dw aignatuce(a)on dao instrument,the Lnd}vidualfs),or the person upon signaturc(a)on the insdument,utas int ridu�(a) or tic perwn upon behalf of wh1ch the hsdhvlduat(s) ted she I trumM =*tTaf which die Ud kuru iduti(s)hetet cncctulyd the 3ntlrurncnt. 7HERfi5ALAPDRT_ Notary Noa01,Stall Of Notary Public Ovattiled In 8ulfolk County n Commisaion Expires November 2,t?n f l AMOKEDGUOTFOdMFOBMIT WMIVNEWYORKSMEONM A0MivLEDGq&aFokAfroRUSG0U75MVNs7 Vy0XtSrArV0Xy,. IN-Torg Mm-Ad-whdi—Cntl-jej 10w eSArtr ar-rom4rn Geft"Ad# .f,4mrn+Crrr!/x"j State G(NewYork,County of )u ,)sw On do dly of in 1119 (Caw*f vrnur with DOM[amyrvrbm ermoak 1y) bdare m!.lha wWadgtsed,h—may sI7P� Yw ml On the , day of In the yemir before me,the unda:igned,pumnally wpp� ftsutxscrtbing witness to six fartrgp�g L►twenetu,whh whom I esti pcaonsily acquainted,who.being by an duty awom,did&Tm and L dY awn to me or pmved to me an the basis of xadifactm say that hehhellhey reside(j)in evidcnec to be the indlvlduah(s)%iK a nam (s)Is(arc)atubsm-bed to the widtin Instrurnm and acknowledged to me Wt hr/ahehisay executed f(fdsepfaroq/nr&lascelsfnadry fedudelhemeaorndimaernwnbar, the memo In Kwlim kk capacl�i�yy(('r'et),dulby hlaRterlshcEr:ignature(a) AermA.that huh wtmy knows) on Ore Inmumeat,the iadividuel(s),or the pcssan aspen betutf of whlth the lndivuiusl(s)acted,executed the instrument,ond Ili Lit a Kh individual to be the hldividta)damribod In used who exemned dw fhnolaig mtdv tach apP mrwm before die micrilgned in rbc frMu m %flat add txabaslbleg witaea wa pteseat end aw said execute the sato;and that add witam at dw emus Huta subscribed (Iru mhe�ryOrOdwrpakicdX"wWw rad thesrtueorcotawyor h udief mfr aetste(s)a s wibwn themlo. other pfaae s!u mabrowkwMim t war Askm). BARGAIN A SALE SIMM WMCOMWMAatisatasAM"Ass TMENa DWMCr 1000 Satrrim 063.00 Rita Costello Cohen Bt= 03.00 Lor 015.000 TO COUKTT ORTOWN Suffolk 56655 Main St LLC RBGOBDBDATAJ! USSrOF Flddity Nadoaat Thk]Insomme Company aarvraverxAnm F'rlmmy NA7'tt3NAt.'rrrLE Diann C.Prevete,Esq. INSURANCE6COMP+rev Albanese&Albanese LLP 1050 Franklin Avenue n,A Fidelity,;,„ ,,. Garden City," 11530 N.1irA�•.1W fr.L+/n�r Fur4,� Q�s L Title No.3019-736405 SCHEDULE "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN PLAT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND,SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN SOUTHOLD,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,COUNTY OF SUFFOLK,STATE OF NEW YORK, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF MAIN ROAD AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LAND OF SCOPAZ AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE PREMISES HEREIN DESCRIBED; RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY UNE OF MAIN ROAD,SOUTH 840 04'S0"WEST, 191.30 FEET TO LAND FORMERLY OF MIL.OVICH,NOW OR FORMERLY OF PIETRODANGELO; THENCE ALONG SAID LAND FORMERLY OF MILOVICH, NOW OR FORMERLY OF PIETRODANGELO TWO COURSES: (1)NdRTH 4°45'20"WEST, 178.0 FEET, (2)SOUTH 85° 1140'WEST, 103.0 FEET TO LAND OF GOMEZ, THENCE ALONG SAID LAND OF GOMEZ,SOUTH 870 58'50"WEST,90.10 FEET TO LAND OF ALBERT W. ALBERTSON; THENCE ALONG SAID LAND OF ALBERT W.ALBERTSON,THREE COURSES: (1)NORTH 5°30'S0"WEST,616.57 FEET; (2)SOUTH 71°22'40"WEST, 59.72 FEET; (3)NORTH 5°3W S0"WEST,51.34 FEET TO LAND OF LONG ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY; THENCE ALONG SAID LAND OF LONG ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY, NORTH 710 22140"EAST, 415.71 FEET TO LAND OF EAST ISLANDER HOMES,INC.AND LAND OF DOLOMITE AND ZUSTOVICH; THENCE ALONG SAID LAND AT EAST ISLANDER HOMES,INC.,AND LAND OF DOLOMITE AND ZUSTOVICH, SOUTH 7°38'10"EAST,622.78 FEET TO SAID LAND OF SCOPA74 THENCE ALONG SAID LAND OF SCOPAZ, SOUTH 70 44'40"EAST,310.00 FEET TO THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. THE policy to be Issued under this report will Insure the title to such buildings and Improvements erected on the premises,which by law constitute real property. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY:TOGETHER with all the right,dde and Interest of the party of the first part,of in and to the land lying In the street in front of and adjoining said premises. AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD If'fIF_N TO UST THISFORM: The form must be completed by the applica►it for ruay special use peri►tit, site plait approval, use variance,,,or subdivision approval on property }vithin an agricultural district OR ►Vitt:in 500 feet of a farm operation located in agricultural district All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with sections 239-- in and 239=n of the General Municipol La* 1)Name of Applicant:_ Andrew V. Gtambert ma 2)Address of Applicant: 62 Elm 5t, Huntington,KY 11"745 3)Namd of Land Owner(if other than Applicant): 56,655 main 5t. L.LG clo Jonathan 'Mptt -- - 4)Address of Land Omiur: 20.5ton4 Hill lath,5mlthto►vn NY 11167_-1131 5)Description of Propbsed Project: Gonvarting axisting single faml(y.resldence Into a restaurant. Constructing new story hotel with autdayr gaol area and required parking. 6)Location'of Property(road an:d tax map number): 56655 Main Road(Route 25) 5017031000-65-05-15 7) Is the parcel within an akricultural district?.ONo ElYes If yes, Agricultural District Number 8)FIs this parcel actively fanned? ElNo El Yes 9) Nanie and address 'of any ownor(s) of land within .the agricultural district containing active farm operation(s)'located 500 feet of the .boundary of the proposed project. (Information may be available through the Town Assessors Office, Town Ball location (765-1937) or from any public computer at the Town_ Hall locations by viewing the parcel numbers on the Town of Southold Real Property Tax System. Name and Address 2. 63-5-24 3. 4. 5. 6. (Please use back side of page if more than six properly owners are identified.) Th unxbers ay ae obtained, in advance, when requested from the Office of the Planning Board at 765- 19 or tl Z 'rd of ppeals f 765-1809. Sign Applicant Date Note: 1.The local board will solicik coininenta Goin tt� owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation.Solicitation will be triad by supplying a copy of this statement. 2. Comments returned to the local board will be taken into consideration as part of the overall review of this application. 3. The clerk to die local board is responsible for sending copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement to the property owners identified above.The cost for mailing shall be paid by the applicant at the time the application is submitted for review.Failure to pay at such time means the application is not complete and cannot be acted upon by the board. 1-14-09 61 Z 20 Appendix 13 Short Ettviraztttetttal Assessntettt Fornt Instructions for Completing Part I -Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part I -Project and Sponsor Information t Name of Action or Project The Enclaves Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): - 56655 Main Road(Route 25), Southold Brief Description of Proposed Action: Converting existing single fanlly residence Into a restaurant. Constructing new 2 story hotel wlth outdoor pool area and required parking. Name of Applicaul or Sponsor: Telephone: (631)369-0050 Andrew V.6lanbertone E-Mail: avgrglanbertonea'chiteats.com Address: 62 Elm St. Citylpo: -- State: Zip Code: Huntington NY 11145 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that X may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Roes the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: Suffolk county Dept. of Health 5ervlaes,Suffolk Suffolk County!^tater Authority,Suffolk Gotnty Dept.of Public Norks, Suffolk County 5errar Agency x N.Y. State Dept. of Tramsportatlon,N.Y.Dept,of Environmental C,4mervation 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 6.73 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 5.61 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 6.75 acres 4. Check all land uses[2mai occur on,:mdjoining and near the proposed action. ❑ Urban ❑Rural(non-agriculture) ❑Industrial Rl Commercial 0 Residential(suburban) o Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Aquatic ❑Other(specify): ❑Parkland Pagc I of 4 F5. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? X b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? X 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? X 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify: S. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES X b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? X c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? X 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: — - X 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: X 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment:Contolned within on site 5eptic System X 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? X b.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? X 13.a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,stale or local agency? X b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? X If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: ❑Shoreline ❑Forest ❑AgriculturaVgrasslands ❑Early mid-successional ❑ Wetland ❑Urban 55 Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? X 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES _ X 17.Will the proposed action create storm water,discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? ®NO❑YES X b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? If Yes, briefly describe: ❑NO 50 YES on-Site catch basins piped to dirt vel Is. ,r Page 2 of 4 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO 1'ES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: X 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: _ X 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: X I AFFIRM THAT E INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLED 1. Applicant/spo e; draw V. Glambertone - Date:_January 24,201'1 Signature: Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained In Part I and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large a Impact impart may may occur occur i 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the eavironmenW characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate _- reasonabjy available eneW conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: a.public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large w . • •.r, ��, impact impact ' Sxt t d•�`'� }t; i 1 may may Sys, .L -` � ,,�:_.� .mak.'�s.---•--'�= It 1,,+�!irfe:.��,xst- ^'�,.,i, occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion, Flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. o Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. [I Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Page 4 of 4 Board of Zoning Anneals Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) L 56655 MaIn St. LLC c% Jonathan Tibett residing at 185 Willow Point Road,Southold NY 11911 (Print property owner's name) (Mailing Address) do hereby authorize AndrewV.&ambertone (Agent) to apply for variance(s) on my'behalf from the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals. 4::*— (0 Aer,s Signature) cAL-1, —_ Tilbm (Print Owner's Name) APPLICANT OWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code or Ethics nrojawitS costnicls pf Interest on (lie Dart of Wiyn officers and employees.The purnase of this form is to rovide information which cnn nleri the fu%va of possible conflicts of interest and nllow it to take%s-hatcvcr action is necessary to avoid some. YOUR NAME: 56655 Main St.LLC c%Jonathan 1lbett (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) _ _ Planning X Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If No,sign and date below.If YES,complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest In a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted thisIp a or ,t8 il 1 Signature _ 71A V I Print Name Jo an Tett AGEN�PRESENTA_T_IV_E TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interesi on the nnrl of town officers and employees.The purpose orii,is form is to rovidc inforrriat OTI wi►ich con alert the town of possible conflicts of interest wind nllow it to lake whntever action is necessary to avoid some. �W YOUR NAME : Andrew V.Olumbertone (bast nam.,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.Uso,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance Trustee Permit _ Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning _ X i Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"Includes by blood, marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation In which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If No,sign and date below.If Yes,complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe In the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%orthe shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the npplicanl Is not a corporation) Q an officer,director,partner;or employee of the applicant;or D)lite actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIT Submitted th' ay of 1plu4 ,20 Signature Print Name Andrdm V. 6larrlbartone Town of Southold LWIZP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT I+ORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1, All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other inforrnation used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except mirror exempt actions including Building Permits and other ininislerial permits not located within the Coastal LrOSloll Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the prepares of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial-and adverse-cffeets-upon-the-coastal-area-(wliich-includes--all-of-Soutliold-T-own).. - -- 3, If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LAW policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 63 03 - 15 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ElPlanningDept. 1:1 Building Dept. L^_1 Board of Trustees ❑ 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction, plarming activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Pennit, approval, license, certification: Z Nature and extent of action: The proposed action consists of the construction of a 22 unit hotel,outdoor swim pool as well as required parking to serve some. In addition the existing two-story frame dwelling with detached garage and shed would remain,but would be converted to a restaurant consisting of 74 seats. Location of action: 56655 Main Road (Route 25), Southold Site acreage: 6.15 +/- Present land use: Residential Present zoning classification: HB - Hamlet Business District 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Andrew V. Glombertone (b) Mailing address: 62 Elm St. Huntington NY 11743 (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( ) (0030-0050 (d) Application number, if Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? NY5DOT Highway Work Permit, NY512EG Yes E No❑ If yes, which state or federal agency? Notice of Intent DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary - A� Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 3 through G for evaluation criteria L Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Town of Southold LWI113 CONSISTENCY ASSESS1V ENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAP for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ininislerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the prepares of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial-and-adverse-effects-upon tlne�oastitl-area(which-includes all-of-Soutllold-T-own): - 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consisteimt with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 65 _ 03 _ 15 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Dept. ❑ Building Dept. l_TJ Board of Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital ❑ construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: OX Nature and extent of action: The p�Tosed action consists of the construction of a 22 unit hotel, outdoor swimming pool as wall as rectulred parking to serve some. In addition the existing two-story frame dwelling with detached garage and shed would remain,but would be converted to a restaurant consisting of -14 seats. Location of action: 56655 Main Road (Route 25), Southold Site acreage; 615 +/- Present land tisc: Residential Present zoning classification: HB - Hamlet Business Dlstrlat T 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Andrew V. Glambertone (b) Mailing address: 62 Elm 5t. Huntington NY 11 143 (c) 'I'elephone number: Area Code( } (631) 367-0050 (d) Application number, if Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? NYSOOT Highway Work Permit, NY512EG Yes E No❑ If yes, which state or federal agency? Notice of Intent DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. F]Yes F] No [—] Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary ~ Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWIZP Section III —Policies Pages 3 through G for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable �* 11 T `W , 4 'L L v r+ • as•_ _ � + - - � "'� 3+r.� ' 11 ,. Al . f °rt #�^,�yyiill.. ,fir,. t'�. i vt�►-��I+a s - r � a � ~'r r T'� ! � i . f'� Yi{<. ,y` _ •;��r'..{�,�1�y', ;I, �`T � F 4- 0. • i : * , r r r + ,'fir .i • r �. qwkL* �, y 1 a..lfF/" `. ' • I -+ rr a F� ti. �kl r ,�"..r f �!�"• ••"k 1", r 'I' �t ■ j - d';r+ r'°" t R! r �`A a I r .. • ' '_ •.'!_1 }, 'a _E �.�'t ;.'ice, I r ►� �, r• "i ii" '--b ' rr 1 - eM ` . 4" =Ifl/e _ '1r'I�j y,�„` :rte' . r`1�►•r� .. S�� 1 x r S�*; '�f,'� # �1�� M 9 1'-. _ 1 ...-• ,r y~� � ..f A ��a■ rt _ �f ��'�a }��1 " ! .� ! 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IR Y•M* i y � 1 y* t 1 rf L ..d� i/ }1�AAMOOJ[� # + L + � Mat al "�*, . f. it t 1� Vic Y h LIQ¢ R j — , IL TAKE #5 }�� �,�r,� ��,,;, . �� �- , ,.yy" •%�. `Y *Fl Wr SM R ' Or ' r r ��`` � � .•`�" . � � '� ;�`ti'''p{ � ► y _ '�" ,►• '�;, ,- - 'q#• . •' , +�` _- - { 1 - _F r.� Me via R,.��A. •'� j;l.R ,r rr yy� ". - I t ■' �. 1'•• i T - ' � � .I+ +r- 6 }s .,a •• .rRY. ;.. �.F+ �; I • '�_ �!'� „ ,.a °,[ .. r , ' . s moi- it I ��'�} _' }>r �, �1 �I�r`a,.' � � � 4'*��r� � •fM + +! J - �' Y - �r ,e,� _t +r�L„ ri -ar { _# qtr � '� ° C..�- -}+ *'�= •� +�}� 4'; # ''�,�{ _+id s y �rx, +�� t� sY"+ `�r 'rt�'�� +��}P''': �� --i k � `�.�a' _ .;� - '� �L °`yR 1 � ,n ..•e f y�'•. .1 +y� 'U + 'L ! �" xµ, yam'$. - • R*�, � �+• r T-7►d 1k 'tri i 4' 4 �' � " # +y • `!".'" � R'}y /{►��y r/��� ■',�+ fir. �•k �Y.�.+�� sir r 44At, 10 vir =1� , �4 4 � ._ � f :y s.{.fit r�z }•r .1'y� ��!����+� +�•y��l�� ��a.r� mJo ' 'r ae.- '" #_. 41' F ik '��� F- •,r _' -`s 'N'• .. I": 4 - _�°s[ - �f'.'yr J,�` r. - y,. _ - � . R � w` � .! �,!'.,%ry'.'r■" � .. .i .+�* �'•sM. # r :;rt FyJ R s4* � ~ f ih #. _ _ �3 �+ *° e1F�i,'a+ - ,• �► • a .fl �V` "�r ' yi .0 iih. -6 •,�,°R ,r �y r ✓' ,, 1 y'"•,'llyR � , I�y>r ,�►"� rF ^ �+�+ .F� -�.yy. * ,kms 1` ^+ _ 1R4 �' r 'I►q�i ''q!r i '�"'�'y "�'_r.. ,tb" At IL r •- �:,s - ' Kik�+' .• '�Yr O # A 4,tit fir NR IL ij f r"•= •di t ''•�s��►��'���� e �JrY i �`+ti MAE Ar Ir AN y.,r, �y.,r► __ 't •.-�, f i derl_ ;f v�yi .� Jos fR , �, ,+ _ A' te" - f,�fi 4 aid ���'_ is it STAKE #6 ► +fl�'� y 13 1 F �" �' t. �'; ;;'� r ��r�7■TT; ' �uw- riF Wd I la 1'f_� � , ,r' 4'� r• { •Orly ," � ' yr f r. 1� u*'ovy FO 4 ■ m..y� r, y T 'e r , L - •'a of a y4 A6 ��a'a! - �■ 1 y I ` �1 r r a. 3� � � i� �� � r � r -� .�^ +' yry', r � €"^ _ '+ *_. Fa v .. .. � r•1 .. .y-��- bl�-• -�y •,-ay�"'r A •� y• ti,¢t � '_-�.■y a+- -'� � • `• 'r► y '�.' ■"r,, r' , e�` ■ rT �r �.. _ ��°ts,� +� �- Na. i.y-, � ,• � `I�' � 1 r r. _ 'r 1 - - e� i R �fe ■ 'T' Yy Y i r.,y IF! _s `• y 1 ■c,►� fit. 'u J � - ,Y r. -3-•:� .:f '� F / 'f � s• _ �J �' �,� � �' ,Y�. :- .r `■v-- �� ' `�sV r I - I _. r ' a 4 r r �� ••+� y.$ _ !. �f+s '� • ��. .,�c�-+� � ,y.r*i~ .IY'� ykF i v v frr■ {� ,, a�'r° . . s t� .d rr r 's. �► , r'r � 3`'h �� k �., «q' y� r1T R 44 lo M A� 1 iw ��. ,_ �"�' � ^� �+t ..y�, '• ryi•.i. 1 r,a.� _ '�`'• !' 'r¢�i t �� a • ~ 'rY a�4A 7 -r� 'a. p ••- > ** '• r �`'a' r V. ` y.r '",r'i � /•- [�+ _ _ ,�Y� - *ice, ,��y�y� r �/�r'.1 ••! ��'+5,,�°�� �Fr`r �';■R* � � r _ • '� �' •�`����a_ �+'i'M p=��, 1j-a a •r�, "� ,�■ � �i r-•a 'Ly .! Ya, ti� d���A' _• 1y �a •{ . e��l`r.i •• 9 `�„ x".,3 .#` ■` _ { �.. ,rff.' .'�� 1� _ x.•"�,`• � � `� ,• �■�r ~�� r '�'"' r I i+� lam,t� ' F r� -.rte! ���` 'r�"`�- /� .�■r '�0 - �•y r M +c9 # i .y M ��,'�'r". � .rim 4�+ � r -t -�"� h •- •� u.. , f . z # u. *• } fir' �!'� ' Mia"" �� � ,� Y ,p w 74, .^ � �, � y'i tea' ice.. ,■w ' � , ✓k � �� =•� .�� �T�- � r� s� �Y �i��i'� i �-v a � a1 a e�� x���� �,� ,� •p .,�� �r j�4 �_' � ' - ys* `x �r Y" i�F.,y��r�iF•;; j h WON- `�; I'0'0- 40 - ; !r4•�•, �- « r lk ON • . STAKE #6 , . � a F 4 "�.r#'•���y*ti I II `,r aF �. - �' a ? 1rtA eGr9'ryl�•� t .rr -, i. -I '�� . ra •rS- ''• ;1' . ar4 '. � y Y � �"� a �� �' � `. - f yF• ' •' J � J ! i y,r�-./r�.` _ t-Y 1 'S�e 4 Iii. r. •I._ f. • OFF— AW1 • '�-M �-. � �� �- - �- .d ��cs�■eIs* "'� t ti , •4tr � _ 1 - r Or 44 �TFt s..T-� ��- _ __ '� ��'�� ��j.� r �_ ��� .•� ." � •_ .� ,, � arm. k _ • . ��l •'r an.-� - 7- .._� .. } 'art Jam. •�� _' � �� ■ ■� r1� 1 .� �� q °' r- n X 1' rt r. t 1 ■f } - f a. �!. * �,,, t■ ``i.L-M. I. ., +1pa _ - '' i'} M ... 4 ',� _ ° a _a 3'' di a .41. •Y � �� { _�'"`•ri a� # '1 s - 01" R`1 - ■ + �� +`-`rM a mac, �,-b ° -n ► �� - .lei �. '-arh� _ .rte i a .. w � I, ; I n7 le VOW a� �s�r - � �!� - tri � ►,! � �`�/■� � kip OL ` ��i z.R:�}t�r .�. �.-. •� t -414 .`� �w .. i�'�_. '�f. .�lwzJ r r a az I`yjti "•4, a;. -•« _ ' t-ar �fir: 1r'.. II! i AP Ict! yr•' ..fir Mb 81 LA r - it _� a M'� � y �• '`� ,, aka■ } ! STAKE #7 0 r■■��^ ter♦ � � -J,>s• �,ti.. aM r I , s �lr��.�tY�'---^ ,i.iYr F ... w1 . °�. wft! M• P��.•R 1 �� ^��� � i _ _ �•� t .' - •. _ _ _ LIP r:,.'+,Y Mfr .1 .7 r .��_- _ 1� .� - r. a.. s 4' � '�'I.k Ia"�'` ��• �h � � � lie r f*ti, it ..a � *f .} 1 } 1 ri �'1� �1 '7"+rr i k�'"4 - 4a• a �- z • •���+. �t, s' i� JR'� i s�'��L ._� �� • J_Y '' } I�-y , 4� .�r "•� ����P°F4 . r 1'1 v " '`'` •, ~r,_i ir� r F . g� L7 k -'. , ■ .1f��}�/R `7 +1 r'4�� -4R •w.�� • ', A ; + •;-rF r 1 �._ � � �Na.,G+11"+1. .60 �,•#�' a *i �'L ��._yrs r •' 'f r+v � � 4' r 1•rr .'_ w i r i �'r�- �s � .+ � ••s et�krl r a1*& M � �_ — .� •!' �N r�fj'��� .�t�a���- f T /yr�� 1 iqe I 1 r"tea._ ` r '�' r€�•:.., •r.� %a _-. s m 1 _y F' i jy _ 1Fr . '.raeo ��'_-.r a� L �^ '� � . .�;��� �1�� •Y v ,�►�� ;�:�•--{„ �•p,4 w• ' t - t ' � `' `. w i •r ' *i .fir 4 .P ."mfr•e a IS �� IF _��• � 7�' •!�' fes_ li J - =14..� L� '�' kid-IY.� ^ 1 JF'�`1i �� 4�S �' t_�!.' •^I �!Y F �r r br 43( L _ � �� .�r --`�a ���# Ip '•�.. + ,�or r _ '4 ' '" rfie ► �.Ir ar:7� �k 1la1 - k a�. • .4.L. � .w �". � e �•1 � 1 �� F�■a,.+ '� �I'�1 PJ�T gg" Lryl1tL4 - t s �h IL IL �'• �A1j, 4 Yom " . Ay" 1 i -AV : 1 +���{ ��`f .� y, r .`r ._•• ,.ti, � _ ��� Imo'1 yl �.. . •'�PR a• �.+,=+�■K. �� .+. ,y�,�;�� R a I'.^ tel`�IIs` i t {fit � e � � fq� !_ •y ply iti�� t��r a .tj'i''_" �r� •r ��_ #:....'��+� %dw ,. - n'�F.-• ._;add `li.•-`€'` '1 •1 • '' �: *' •'>.. ksk " AN ." _ ■ LAE R � Ar r � STAKE #7 ►� a' IQ . y 10 S" • Flj4 a f •� SRM..' •,i , or rr. L, �s 'i' - � . - . 4�* or, of�-- - �� '•� -.. ... - ` . �.. i - #ni,. `' to,&. 'f t o f.pr_� ,--. _ • ,' L ... — lam" "R * � � ,T dot," F:s� -. '� , hs_ �; .x wi,.sIMF _ , ` rre- - - r nn - r.. _ 1, Vii, �r 3� + 'r _ ;• . Wokv '-t iJ'. �� t � rt'. �_ 'es# ''�"r.. A *- �. "",.sir' a • - - �r..i � r� .,• R d� e.�rre R'e`''�k.•��wl F�r�i� � � -� +�`wo - ,Jl R * r; '� � i - !i { ���' � Y�+T�' *��! � ,y�• 1b` �'� _ _ " * .rt�Vie.. +. ,�,i• , • w� _ r- d 41 q N � - • v�Y i'W - 1 .i.! � 'SVT W.ti p i • F `h n +'��'^r+, til. �'� •"��.� « a-x.�'�-'� �... '�+5,� 'Jt" 'J,IAs • 'k0% qp jr ik 05Ir-�lr �!�, •i n". ''a�*r - 1f'"f"ar+a , jw .. AV OF 7 j �. n. nr t' x,}' 41.� ;^'• .._ 'mow — Lk f awl: ' ." r� ! e i�•f y ; rtFi y'/ Fi r f IF -t� '' STAKE #8 is �!�' - ,^ J •�a !� _ �n � A � • r� �-f r 4 * � - r{� �!-j •ti'4 ., _ �,•,1 1 - '-YR .^ ,�• i.r ` .f`rte 4 �� �� �'.r�. • ot jN r .fa � _ 4 � 4 yR� ► Y.-r aY.1.i=-rte ��_�pyF'*''I*-.� �.� �+. j-6 1 5/ n� .►7 .M r ,. fo VA if r 4PI `4"_ #R '4Ce , • , 1*0 ! y _..,�R+•,w �` i f {+�� i Slog-.- b rd W w r y ! I i fir+ r �x k��+■�49f�+w �r�ro iL�� �kr - V ti' r��,r��l■T• 'S ire l • '�� �, � r ► ■ ��.fa eF =� 1'Y*y Ir w! 4 �yf y 4' �q'lfiM�i d S■#� Are 1 . - "- '.- r- .� �•� ■' '•;moalas ifi y► • 14s x Lr Ar - R1 r.r R f!•Y 0,.. F41b,b 1�r- ,y I-� ■ :tri • �1i 1 ��. c _ r r'�:,I_ . �:- , �' '•* ,.'`ins ,■�a„�4 I i�V--w; w6. 1 w� a ry .r . -�'F$ ■ �r �t ,,• Ire �` i �� �+�� � � r 5�: _ ��. , r �'1� ���a'�.' " •� ¢ viii NOW f Ar fc9 y��Iie � 1iWity� 1 KID p IV Y ?� . % rrr►,• rr iyM+ 1� :. STAKE #9 ., r r 1 s !, i i Mf ,� �f__ ��'.� '" . fes• . .��'��`��� � � ����� i � 'tom 1�,. i� ��, MFy�} .yJ� -•� - ■ a ,� •F ���- ,, ���s ... � �,� �� • �.- �^� �f1 IST � w r `�� i , �I� €R�J � 1�q�� +� � 'r +d� i. if.- � �- ■ a , T!1af ...iirol NA n re.+' a .Ir. wt LLLLLL _ • - I Or ONO y F x � 'r ]►' F owl AL,4 a Y� x rl}••. .'r.lk t,�+1; s an+ i* _,{�. �, � �.- # * � ',4yrt�� -i«�t � r� - �j "e��a ��" �" R r i�, � t�n'•�R. � s'��� ��� _ rr xrf r eF' .ry !y-r .. _to � ,a ''��r ��� #�1��� k � x r _ f 4 y �54 �k .'d x •r i, ;'i• l :i 5 + * tom ' ,jet •* '-s 'S . P �. _ •i r r.li ifn.r�,l�j,. N s 04}, atw ,gl1 "fir, la,• � r'� �M{ j' •rte ra•� lam , k iti x*,- ' t i 1i r 40y' .,; Y' •l a r Erb l' .w t i 1 Al 4T rl I � a�lEltiRd, f rY'rx, 'k' p. •*.��r �r -4 +� -'a1k l• fra'� tq kl' a l� ra fig. �d��'�a� ,� � rSti���4 ,�`.�',��l.,�r , u ' �r`, -r■. '�Jr*• �M1 1 .""�" w,� �E r� V. ON � ��� .r��{ N I ...►�i 1. � � �� _��� l r ! �x•. A 1 yR41 P ° p F ' .sem ` ! ":l '�► 'k • ,.y r i � •,'4f.j�+ ttAl . .€ r ■ 1 M ti of , � f :• r • /1 • iy' r� as .�wr,i.11R�•� � •kd �+r� • ��.kk IN pr . V6 +�y - ti 11 I ft ,� y , . i �,•. = # r "� •• f w i4! { { • Wr , lk e x ILI It r J I STAKE #9 . - ! 1 +• .+.�_ � 1.1 1 r !� +,_ II T-._J.• -1 �' ��� "_ Kr,,rf" ,r�►2'r*• ! 1E7 tot sl - r V •j n lbr. � Ik `�i- "�i',rT,� ..>.�Y,w; r � :I r,.-r '_ � •I-, i1� � �€1 t � � �, �jl rR � �.. fz - �.i_ '�I,°�-Y, � ���r�'�r �• �'4'I ,. s. s•�. �j.'F - + / 'l. s. k� ,' `" �,}�� "4r �lr� ��'i�a . i..����� �•� e � :�w�, i- �--�` dam_. � 6 • N : .����+tl �' ' - 4r „'T-r`+,.r.�q - - • { - y •-s—r 43r ' •- 6 ' •R �� J " ! - - -w I.. r-r�. ♦i. 'e z.r �� er 'r!,eR'} �.�, �`- "�� � ii ir aIw TL IF +p i 1` e J _ T, ems. - � w� I y +werWr'_J�•_ ..-'. :. - *7 "A r t i .r- « , ... ` �•♦ ►- i'♦s a' '�. _.mbe lb OL +.. no STAKE iKLJ 1 k!V : ` F -, ; x _ 1 +�iti_'"'� •tr,�. ' +`` # _ d',i ,�* 4sy _�1,-� •+ I 4f ; 1 .'I� �r i �. � • � � '- _ _ r# � _ f ��. s _ �1.. ,fir .. ' SOL.A ` -- '�'.'+�: #!►,I�'�r, �,ri. �;4 _. r a' e• f ♦`� �� � J I. 'rl� . x i ♦:. fi a a?r ,f• .11� s: s r, ' 94 {� 'K lL��.`a wf ,y r�.� �. r �vi .• �a U!t. p'�'S ■ �r +� ��X - ' `" - -M r'� • 4i _ •9. .. . • ice •. - 4 _ ••' �_x,41 - r,'�f -/l� � 42, ,;o aw=�r..��� �'.L r1' ; a _ e r • `� •1�1,r r R� i r :.• • T Y� lk IlLr � - , �� ,.,� „�' � "lir-=►��e �� * � �• '��, �r iY.♦ 7 + � �-r�r • /�,rR �• �Y� „ tis is� r � � - ..'�M �'7iE '��.� `t Imp i6 .► .y .• '± R,* �klr• t 1" f4 Amman. 411 •�`. Iw WON� �°'fiOIL- aR r AZ to71 +nAT ��� ��`,. � �♦ �*� '♦ .�^r '�•� • ��R• IL { •_� .• -y •r . '; i. _'y�'i;- �'t� ', •K a ,. .,- +'�.�-7"^ �.• r.. �t • R ,f�� � ♦ � t • , a-. A ,its �'r' rte•'y �7'l•r� ��� �� r 4 'l +. STAKE # 10 : � , R = ,• �. M..• - . ' i �, - � r. � �. '""ti �4 i �f •f F . � '� •_ �.. e. - �.�� lis :f _ ` rl+.• +�� 'ti.s '� � .-fir w.a. .��'V►� i••,i1� 1J 1 WOOD P05T5 S.G.T.M. NO. 1000-63-03-16 1 WITH NETTING EXISTING I STORY FRAME SHED TO BE RENOVATED AND INCORPORATED INTO f ° MAIN STRUCTURE t1 n I 507044'40"E 310.00' — J --- SIGN L ° — ° — ° ---- - - - -- - - —_ -- s _ 91'3! NEW PROPOSED / u� DRIVEWAY r 5 �n - - - - - - - --- - - 1\ well EX15TIN6 I STORY i i EXI5TINS TO FRAME GARAGE ~;�. i i REMAIN1- 8 TO REMAIN __j ____ EX15T'6. a 6 RBA E ,o , z I A to II {� t I! ^ ) Gil I IL I EXISTING TO 2 STORYr X STRUCTURE TO REMAIN SIGN - - sramc EXISTING TO I 17'-2" BE REMOVED 12 11 PROPOS _ --------' FRONTY - --------- 5ETf3AC LU LUPROPOSED ADDITION TO Z z rqEXI5TIN6 5TRUCTURE /slate> µ ° -- — — — > —� v t3 EXISTING TO Z � SIGN LJ BE REMOVED tbl qn Q 0 i slate m I3 0 L F- �I K Lu REQb W 1 NEW PROPOSED DRIVEWAY SETBAC z U LLL ISL v` IL F shed F- N04°45'20"W — — — 178.00' Gb I _z drawn: scale: job##: ate: Giambertone Architects e.f.s. N.T.S. 16-003 01-30-2017 62 Elm Street title: Huntington,NY 11743 Exist'g Photo dwg: P:631.367.0050 F:631.367.6636 Key Plan .- ti � - - - 'All, � T ■. . ijo'"y' or ._It c• g. tr.F: 60 - . r _ ; ate , �►!s - .}-. �• � ��� tom, . i - -` s ^ 4 W M __ _ - � - .� ,,� _ r ' � � ��_ _ _ _ _ �.r.__"■.ter-. � � � a c v.. - +� �I r3 � tom, y s . « � !_ _ �. _ - .� � '4�ti y �.�, . � � - �y� � � �� - ti � �• ■ter --�� ,. � ,� � � r � �� 'ale. - f �, ��-^' �. f � �\��i ^^^^IYiiIYYYiii _ .. o� r .^ �* , ♦ �� ' ,� � �` r i�r� - . i . . , �� r ray. r �•�—J L F Alk �1 yip ! J r- . ■ , -' r rn AA � q •� a r r �' z _, Fl - } 31 +�• ,� It 40k Ir LIM a t� � 44 - ! r ,� _ � � � -y y�.*,.f� � _ �� n 11 —r+ .�. � �;est. r• �w Ll-t it ffp 411 OIL. 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TOTAL DATE REMARKS i AGE I BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre -- Value Per Value Acre I Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland FRONTAGE ON WATER Brushland j FRONTAGE ON ROAD House Plot DEPTH BULKHEAD Total DOCK fir..=.CY;.�• C dAAW AVt