HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-4291 SUFFot� Albert J.Krupski,President �W C� Town Hall James King,Vice-President h`Z` G�f.� 53095 Route 25 Artie Foster p 1 P.O.Box 1179 t'* Z Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ken Poliwoda Peggy A.Dickerson Hifi �� Telephone(631) 765-1892 Fax(631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 30, 2003 Dwi t Isacksen 551 Shore Drive Oakdale,NY 11769 Re: Stephen Cubells 2475 Bay Avenue Mattituck,NY SCTM#144-04-05 Dear Mr. Isacksen: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held May 21, 2003. RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees Approve an Amendment to Permit #4291 to extend a 12 foot ramp and attach up to a 6'x20' float, two six inch pilings to hold the boat in place—as per plans submitted—May 29th, 2003 —transfer Permit 4291 from Joan Halligan to Stephen Cubells This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions,please call our office at 765-1892. Since 22el �� � Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK:cjc Cc:DEC Town of Southold, Board of Trustees C L�f2 I VE PO box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 May 18, 2003 MAY 2 3 2003 Dear Town.Board, Southold Town Board of Trustees We recently received notice that our new neighbor, Stephen Cubells,is seeking _ permission to build a very large dock, SCTM#1000— 144-0405. We object to the size of this proposal; we feel that this project is too large for this area and that allowing a project of this size binds the board to allowing us and anyone else on James Creek to build a similar project. Mr. Cubells has a shallow water dock. He is seeking to extend this dock out into the dredged channel for a total of 123 feet(80 current feet, 30 feet extension and 13 feet piles= 123 feet.) We believe this huge dock will make the area look like a marina. There is already a marina diagonally across the creek. We do not need two. Again, we object principally to the size of this proposed dock and hope that an alternative plan can be accomplished. Yours truly, Frederick M.tnley and Dale A. Hanson Stanley 1001 Hancock Ave. Franklin Square, NY 11010 MAY-20-2003 TUE 04:25 PM THI" --D HOUSE FAX N0, 121P�229435 P. 02/02 SALT LAKE LANE ROCHELLr PLACE MATTITUCK N.Y. 1 1952 May 20 2003 Ref: STEPHEN CUBELLS SCTM#1000-144-04-OS TOTHE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUT'HOLD: Our family has lived on Bay Avenue, Mattituck since 1990. Our property lies next door but one ro the applicant's, and we have a view over the Creek. We have read Mr. Cubell's Proposal to extend his dock. If Mr Cubell extends his dock as he has described, "extending it by 30', installing an 8'x 30' float, and installing 2 outboard piles 13' froyri the float"— will this give each homeowner that borders the Creek, (on both sides) license to do likewise? If this happened, the Creek would rapidly resemble a Marina, with the accompanying water _ pollution and gas fumes, The James Creek is riot very wide. We feel that if the Board of Trustees allow the proposed dock extension, the characrer of this working waterway will be irrevocably changed. For these reasons we oppose chis extension, sincerely L Caroline Bowyer and Murray Greenfield !I. A i f Y i WNW* co a CD law -05 Y unawe«�.e4%P rr Q y- s. a3 a 1 FIOO--� S i•r�o CoQ.,^ Q�'l l{�- �G�.,�i `` o,�Q' XIC cC 131 Af r � ir2�Gam: _��_ ;,�/ _:;�`��. ✓t-� J. S4rroroA 0 DRE CSE WE <bID aH-7 MAY 2 g 2003 2+ 4rr4:�``c �/ Southold Town Board of Trustees A H73 Zc� r.c c�co�� d o I�dad 4 u c ky rU Y I( 5 S 3 T�i� mr�p 4-_ /0 0 0_/��-d - o s Q�,; Dcr;y�,�- �s�• s-�-� - Aj�a�er+ dWra,-s /1 Mr. �..St\Mr,t . P�rLUHi oOQT1 D��-Z; Ft�Pr,l I.Z, Z4o3 O �s0 ' 4a �r.�— --t'��� J-- L� SAC-4,--4b �/91i 25 ! � 3. ►` � "y �I mss_ �' I 3 7('o/OvOD f � O Mr`4�ndrt. (-�•�,s-c->. .- '"':"`�:.` _ I_ �. �Z Z o 3 �-�o �c� �� lr /-�f 2"1 0 1 / j ,r x,4�s �a0.y��„� 0-),t 1J(K '3 (l.0' Q J ��TR'2S i d.` Q�nl� `(�0 /hto�► / Mo'+4111 a��c�N}� (r�i �'3 E C L'a L`! j o j r se�r..�h t S Qs q scQso�. l joQ-� l� Cry MAY 2 g 2003Crys�-car., - • O Southold Town O� i Board of Trustees \ p y L Y FA x_90' e J X A FR.' E / conrw; -r �7, 3, 13 U o{- r W AY r� ��vcifEc � pLRcG �C,9LE ; �, - � 0 ' i t"fI,S"�.J� MoP"I-/ o5, V J Cl yr _.{ -f-1-) ' �•ti r-} S �S �'° ' '�-�'C��V ��J,'�° o uv I I f �-wb ti"0` 3ur��� n � �r1.141-0POE) 9� }o1M i d •-c7SaQ 0/ vmol PlOW09B IIJ3 X18 .1 [�7 x of �tvo, J + �p�Y� 7a Sao ?v��1 7•I�� r31� xNj� U \X M - \--.--— It r.. C�-Doo �i---3x ( _j-) ----------I = Town Hall. 53095 Main Road T P.O. Box 1179 TelephoneO . Southold. New York 11971 (631) 765-1892 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, May 13, 2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Melvyn Morris, seconded by Bill Cook, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of . the Amendment Request of STEPHEN CUBELLS to Amend Permit#4291 to extend the dock 30', install 3'X 15' ramp, an 8'X 30' float and two outboard pilings. Located: 2475 Bay Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#144-4-5 The CAC recommends Disapproval because the extent of the proposed changes requires a new permit. Vote of Council: Ayes:'All Motion Carried U3, 21,'U3 FRI 15:59 FA1 510 765 13616 Southold Town ACCOUntIng Doul 2" R. r5oard Of So uthol d 'Town Trustees :1. ..... SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. .42,91. DAM. 3/24J:94 ISSUED TO ..........10AN IULLLIGAN... Nut4mization Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of th,� State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the S+a+e of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- iitleJ "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM C ;:' ' LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of T6 Board adopted a+ a meeting held on ,M 4 and In consideration of the sum of $ 465.00 pald by I pp En-Cons.uJ.tantq.,.Ahc... for.1.0AN IIALLIGAILIT ......... ...... .... ''• ;;:: f of N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Cond;f'oris l4ied or, the reverse side hereof. of Scuthold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the Following: W rQ GOP S:react a 4!. X 80' fLzed wood catwalk (/11 r.dn. elev. alboV,' grade sapportiTig 4artin.a alterr.i flora), IAOX 4wide wood steps j` 11 Fre located at seward end of catwald A per re-vised map dated. (March 1-1 1q94 James C(.K. J in with the ej specifications as presented in the origina+ing application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees hiere- 6y causes its Corporate Seal to be. affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of +he said Board as of this date, 1 4 J Trustees �o Chi C, Iv\ 641 1-o �! p A (9 �'/�� �� �3 a. q ° kaaus Z MATTITUCK i Q nuc n AIRPORT �y7LE SPS vMOEOIA P/Jik a•• �i, ..r-•�. I - _ . • i1c,g� '� '�P 11'11 c51pF v1E /G" 1-0 ., a — — — — — — — — — — - - — • .r 3��2 N cj C_J n I maulj\ , , Ccl4 I��so�l�/��11._ 1, �t11r0 i-0grn p,°(1.445 yA�Va,�iZ 4oLJLJcvC, C (ROSS EcT ) oFIXE-D D0C- �1 ALW- o ,o i Neel- /0*- E7 , D0C-k 301 cSc � / - 16 � C>� -�= rod i c r n Desc)-• Akio'\ Plle -q~X•zS r Wo+., C3oc(y 4 S4 3 �• �.. �0.-��►,�-M.�a•,. Lew v,11,L a}��,,.9� r_ � x � Q nn 11 tt \ � 130o �}•� _ CFO S 1"���+.. r- ••�( 10�� /�a� i�- GCff - � M0.' �` k,'.�� ,•.' SC4 Ie -� _.?. /vv�� �csi-�:c+,i e 1-&,w.p A4, t � Ca„S�1 Nal,..c �=)0 0.�-�-,_.fro���� Fes- �,1 i ��h t'�'Sa�kS-�•� Dao, Oc /doo—/5/�—d�— o,S' /, 4c),l 3o ` 4o Q F1 OA- �O J-�C S�CG�v'.�.� b� �/ J1X.ZS[ p 1l(,!C OMir FMK, (-�-a�►,s-c-y. 6• -�-n a-�,c,II al4"X�i� o c��-�v aY�P'°I!!!�S (3` r vam F'loo� 4, oc-lccqn��e— o r— v-e ss.k L, (D• �/� 1�.ermS �,►� Color �rc�aszp� � 1-1 . rn � 2 .•.3 RES 74-1 IT, jq 14W JFR, 7 t' �o co•rrA&r- � � y � .2F3, r -3 s s„,• ���� 6 v o-t ' f1J Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. ~g.91 DATE: ....... 3 Jg4/.94 ...... ISSUED TO ........ JD.A~..HA.Lu~IGA3T ............................................. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 4.04 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- filled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeflng held on 19 ..~.(~, and in consideration of the sum of $._~65.,.00 pald by En~Consuliants~., ~c....for .J.OAN...HALLIGAI~. ............................... of Mat~itu~ck N.Y. and subiec~ to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse slde hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: To construct a I~X S0' fixed wood catwalk (4' min. elev. 'ad supporting ~ariina alterniflora), I~i~X 4' wide wood steps will be located at seward end of catwald a~$ per revised map dated March 14, 1994. James Creek . all in accordance with fha detailed specifmations as presented in fhe originating appJlcaflon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF:, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes, its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscrrbed by a majority of the said Board as of '~his dat,e. ....... .......... Albert A Kmpsld, President lohn Holzapfel, Vice President William G. Albe~tson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 June 2, 1994 En-Consultants Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 Re: Joan Halligan SCTM ~1000-144-4-5 Dear Mr. Haje: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during its regular meeting held on May 26, 1994 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, En-Consultants on behalf of JOAN HALLIGAN applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 9., 1994 and, WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on March 24, 1994 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLI~ED that the Board of Trustees approves the application of Eh-Consultants on behalf of JOAN HALLIGANto construct a 4' X 80' catwalk with steps on landward end ( dock will be 4' above grade), 3.' wide ladder will be located at seaward end as per revise~maps dated May 26, 1994. Permit will expire two years from the date it is signed. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon comple~ion of said project. Very truly yours, Albert J. p President, Board of Trustee ~AJK: j d cc: CAC T~ephone (515) 76~-1892 BOAP. D OF TOWN ~USTEES F~ ($1~ 76%-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPI~'VI~OR SCOTT Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soug~ld, New y_r~k 11971 COASTAL EROSION MANAG~ PE~IT APPLICATION TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT AP~LiCATION TRUSTEE LANDS PERMIT A~LICATION Office Use ~nly: ~Coastal Erosion Permit Application Permit ApplicatiO~ Per, it Appllcation %~r_rUstee Lands andfather ~omple=eU Apps. Dats:'~ ~ eig~ors no~fi~ ~=e: OWN OF SOU _ .p~lic Finings: Pe=mi~ Vo=e: (Y/N): Special Condi~ons: (-also see file) Application Number; SCTM Project Name (If any) Date Prepared: 12/22/93 Applicant: En-~onsultan~s. i-n~_ Address: 1329 North Sea Road Inter.st: (owner, Owner of Address il000- 7,44-4-~ Southampton, NY 11968 Phone consultant,lessee,etc.) ( 516) 283-6360 AGENT Subj Joan H~l]igan P.O. BOX 294 Mattituckt NY 11952 Property: Phone ~i6 ) Property Location: 298-5156 2475 Bay Avenue, Mattituck (Proviae LILCO Pole ~, Distance to cross £tree=s if no= on locanion map) ys~. 'to be excavated: N/A Y~o ~x~ be ~i11~.- N/A ~er ~ wh~ ~t~i~ wi~ be r~ed N/A width of C~, creek or bay ~rone~-g prope~: Dep~ at 1~ ~de: Aver. Distance to ~e~est ch~el: Dis~ce ~rojec~ Area zo~g: R-40 L~ ~ea ~ a~: 0.99~ Is projec~ for priva~ or ~e~s ~e: tnt~ ~e of prop~y: DeserVe ~ prior ~era~o~ ~o~a--c~ ~ Pr~ses: ~redge, or c on said premises: Has any license or p~-~= =v=~ been revoked or suspended by a Governmental Agent/: Project Description The project description must also inc!udeplans for reclamation of land disturbed during constructionof the principle and accessory structures and underground structures.(i.e., pipeline and septic system; make additional attachments if necessary). ~onstruct 4' X 40' fixed wood catwalk (4' minimum elevation above qrade supporting S~artina atterniflcra~) 4~' X 4' wide wood steps will be attached to landward end to attaih 4' elevation and a 4' ~ide tadder will be located at seaward end 9f catwalk. Authorization (Where the applicant is not the owner) I ,Tn~ Halliqan residing at ?~Tq. m~.~ Avenue, Mattituck (~rint-owner of subject property) (MaiQ-%ng address-phone) do hereby authorize En-Consultants~ Inc. to a~ly for Coas~at Erosion pe~it(s) from ~e Sou~otd Town ~taes EN-CONSULTANTS, iNC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL S RV C S 516-283-636( FAX NO. 516~283-613( May 26, 1994 Mrs, Darlene Gerbino New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SUNY, Building 40 Stony Brook, New York 11794 JOAN HALLIGAN - #I-4738-00917/00001-0 ~ea~ Mrs. Gerbino: As required by Kevin DuBois of BMHP, the ienqth of the fixed pier has been extended approximately ~40' landward to make the overall length 80' trust a permit can be issued promptly. By copy of this letter and revised work plan, I am re- questin~ other involved regulatory agencies to amend the applications now pen~ing before them. very truly yours, RLH:KD Enclosures ROy L. Haje President CO~ - $oFhie Et%in~er Town of $outho!d Trustegs 41 FR~,~-CONSULTANTS, INC TO i~:'~ 2984494 P. 84