HomeMy WebLinkAboutHALLIDAY, ROBERT T & DOROTHY R n enture, Afade the and sixty- one ttl elt OF TOW 25th day of September , nineteen hundred SOUTHOLD, a rcu~icipal~corporation of the State of New York having its office and principal p~l~mr~ib~s~eJsi~ea~t~noRoH~g ~onkt%old, New York, party o£ the ~r~t part, and ROBERT T. HALLIDAY and DOROTHY R. HALLtDAY, his wife, both residing at 1914 81st Street, Village of Jackson H~ights, New York, part the second part, TEN and no/100 ($10.00) Dollars, lawful money o£ the United States, and other ~ood and valuable considerations paid by the partie~f the second part, do of the second par¢, hereby rem~se, release and quitcl~itn unto the part their heirs ~[ that certain lot, piece or parcel of land and b~',mng at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, New York, bounded and described as follows: andassigns~rever, situate, lying County of Suffolk, BEGINNING at a point on the ordinary~igh water mark ~f Mattituck Creek as found in 1950 on the southeasterly corner'of lands conveyed by William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason to Robert T. Halliday and Dorothy R. Halliday, his wife, by deed dated January ~9. 1959; and recorded February 3, 1959. in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office and running thence: (1) South 45 degrees 00 minutes East 100 feet, more or less, to the existing ordinary high water mark; thence ~2) Southwesterly along the existing high water mark about 160 feet to ~ point in the extension southeasterly of the southwesterly line of said land; thence (3) Along said extension of the last described line North 39 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds West 90 feet, more or less, to the said ordinary high water mark as found in 1950 and thence (4) Northeasterly along the last described line 165 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING. ~Et~Er~ith t~e app~zrte~ances and a]i the estate and rig~s of the party of ¢he i~rst part i~ and to said premises. the premlses liere~n granted ~nto the part o£ the second part, ~he/x heirs and assigns £orever, .A~D That, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, the grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive s~ch consideration as a t~ust frun to he applied first for the purpose of Baying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first' to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using-any part of ~the total of the same for any other purpose. at'xed, and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized ot~cer the da}, and year ~r~ above written. ~I~ prg~llZ~ of: THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE SS. Countl . of \ On~e day o£ to me known,~ho, being by me duty s~n, did depose a~d say that t~at he is the TOWN OF SO~ HOLD Ale-ah B. Golc~mith Philip W~iler I~ resides in order 0£ the board o£ ~ o£ s'xa,~ corporation; and that he signed h ] nam~ thereto by Hke order. ~ % :SS in 1the year ~Dne ~usand Nine Hundred and ~E~: J~ D~ ~ORaISON~ and DOROTHY ~esid~g at 232 Crescent avenue, Wyckoff, Jersey' ROBERT T. HALLIDAY and DOROTHY residing at 1914 - 8ist Street, Village of Jackson the undersigned, being the owners of Lots$ 3 ~rea known as Westview, at Mattituck, Town Co~ bf. Suffolk, State of New-York, which lots are adja~% and to the east of the lands of Robert T. Ha Doro~ R. Halliday, his wife, in such Westview Sectien consOl}to the conveyance by the F~ARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES SOUT~, SUFFOLK COUNTY~ N~W YORK to the said ROBERT filled property to be conveyed to ROBERT T~ and DSRgTHY R. HALLIDA¥, his wife is more particularly as ~ws: and 1. 2. 3o at a point on the ordinary high water mark of in 1950 on the southeasterly corner of H. MASON and HARRY E,-MASO~ to ROBERT To !R. HALLIDAY, his wife by deed dated January 29, February 3, 1959 in the Suffolk County Clerk's thence: ~5° 00' E. 100' more or less to the existing mark, thence along the existing high water mark ipoint in the extension southessterly of the of said land, thence said sxtension of the last described line N. 3~ more or less to the said ordinary high water in 1950 and thence ~TES AND B(r0_WDS DESCRIPTION of land to he conveyed by BOARD OF TOW~ TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTI/HOLD to ROBERT T. ~tALLIDAY and DOROTHY R. HALLIDAY, his wife 1914 81st Street Jackson Heights, New York mark of ~tti- S found in 1950 on · corner W~LLIA~Hi ~ASON and HARRY E. ~ASON to ROBERT T. ~AI~LIDAY~ his wife by dee~ dated January · 3, 1959 Clerk's Office 1. S. 45© 00' E. 100' more or less to the existing ordinary high water mark, thence Southwesterly along the existing high water mark about 160' to a point in the extension southeasterly of the southwester line of said land, thence Along said extension of the last described line N. 39° 20' =~0~' Wo 90' more or less to the said ordinary high w~ter mark as found in 1950 and thence 4. Northeasterly alon~ the last descried line 165' more or less tO the point of BEGINNING. the last described tine BEGINNING. 16~i~i/~nd 4 ~gve h~eunto Signed ou 165 ' , owners of presence Dorothy ~u3otic o£~ew Jersey expiresMarch 10,1963 OF NEW JERSEY ~F BERGE~ : SS that on this /~) day of June, 19 a Notary Public of the JOHN D. MORRISOb~ and DOROT~YV. who I am satisfied are the persons named in t to whom I first made known the contents - acknowledged that they signed, sealed 'their voluntary act and deed for the there/=n~e~rpressed. K. Ciandel~ Notary Public of My commission March i0, 1963 ~,.~ THIS AGREEMENT made this 3 u ~ day of ~ t_he year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-One THOMAS F. FLORENCE and ELSIE FLORENCE, his wife .~esmd~ng HALL~DA¥ a~d DOR©THY.ROl ~L ~DAY, hms wife, 8tst stree~ti,, ~iilage ~f. ,Jackson Heiql/~s, New York to the west {ALLIDAY ~ .~onveyance by' t SUFFOLE in such )OROTHY R. tuck Creek from Old High ~nd in front Thls filled ~r~perty ROBERT T~ Is follows: ~EGLNNING at a lreek as found reyed by?~LL~A ~nd DOROTHyR.! ~nd recorded Fe~ tn~ running tken !7 $. 45° 00' Water mark:, Southwester: a point line of Along said~.~ W. 90' more found in mnt on the ordinar ; y gn w~ter mar~ Pf~tuck ~950 on the SoUtheas~eriy~corne . $oN snd E. LTJDA~, hms ~lfe, by ~eed ~ated J~a~ 1959 ~y 3, ~959 in the S~ffolk Co~ c~e f~ics more or'less to the O0. the e~sting.h~gh water mark sOUtheasterly of the thence of the last described line N~ said Ordinary high and thence the day of Northeasterly along the last described less to the , point of BEGiNNI~G.o IN WIT~ESS W~EREOF WE, the undersigned, 1961. New ¥o~k line, 165' owners of wore or said Lot : SS that on this ~ ~ me, the subscriber, a personally appeared THOMAS S, I am satisfied are the tOrWhOm I first,made knowr they acknowledged that and for their voluntary therein expressed. State lof within and I, ALEXANDER ALL~. N; Clerk of th~ County of Bergen ~und als5 ;Clerk of the County STATE OF NEW J~SEY ~ Cou~ of Bergen County t~ same being a ~ur~ ~f Reco~ of ~he afores~d County, COUN~ OF BER~ ~ss. :having by lmw a seal)~ DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That EI~LYlt K. GIA~DELTA ~q,l~e, whose name Is subscr bed t0 the at~ehed cer~t~cate of acknowledgment, proof or affidavit was . ~ ~ ~ the t~e of ~klng said acknowledgment, proof or affldavit~ a NOTARY. ~UBLIC, duly com- ~ ~ ~ ~ missioned a~d sworn and resid~g ~ said S~ate and was as such NOTARY ~BLIC, an officer ~ ~ ~ of said State duly ~uthor~ed by ~e laws thereof: to take and certify the same, a~ ~ell as ~o Clerk LICK ,o~'oU-r-14oz. o Co.~ /V. Y. /~o,y s5 /.9,6'9 ~,'~' TUYL I I I I I / ~ = ~ron p~p¢ d