HomeMy WebLinkAboutGUNTHER, OSCAR B.IN TP~ MATER OF THE APPLICATION OF FOR c~ GRANT ~ LAND U~R New ~rk, TOWN TRUS_TjE/,E~S. OF T~m TOW~W OF S_:OU.~__,tOtJD. DOES .=~Y ~ST FR~M ~_~ ~0~TLOLD ~0~:IN TRUS~mES (a) permission to dredge (b) (e) ' ' ','~ ~- e_ee~ a dock permlssl0,.~ bo '~ ~' a grant of !~ad mnder water ~re~ mp~oified im mttmched e~y ef s~rv~y ~- mm~e by ~te 7~ ~yt ~f ~ 26%h, 1949; ~ich ~em I~epese te ~e~ ~d fillte And~ T.~:~ U~DZ~RS_Gi~D~ = T ~ DOES '~z~RE~YW° AGREe' ~ to hold the said Trustees and ~-~'~ ' f '~-i~ '~ , "r'Om ~e To~n o_ So~._o~d_-~_~,~,'~,~.~_~ and free . ~_ .... ' any all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of S~-~ grma~ ~f lmad under water. S~AT= OF COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ ) SS: On the lgth day of July came to me z~nown and !~own to me ~ ~1956 , before me personally executed the forego:Lng instr~uent~ and ~ duly acknowledged to me ttnat he executed the same. l~ice~s PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION: ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS SEWERS COMMUN'~ITY COST' SJTUDIES PE,A.NNING AND DESIGN OSCAR B. GUNTHER. P.E. & L.S. CONSULTING ENGINEER Board ef Town Trustees August 0'Clock MATTITUCK, NEW YORK Ocumty of- taffolk State of In'further support of my applic&t~om ma~e and d~ted on Jmly notarized and sworn to, accompanied with a ¢ a smrvey of property ~de Dy 0~to W. Van Tmyl, licensed ~arveyor of GTeenport,New York on Nay 26,19~9, tO 2own True%ecs for C. A Grant of Land Under %~ater; I herewith present o~rtmin facts in support of my claim~ t. Property in question described ms 'mine in a Hertgage .u..a ~uu.~y uzer~s cfi-ice in Libor 1625, Pages 513 to 517 s~id agreement preDared by ~illiam ~iokham, attorney of Nattituck, between Oscar B. ~anther and Charles Gunther. ~is property is a portion of the original dee~ ~rrank 0. Russell and Elizabeth Russell, wife to Jehu ~agah~w dinted ~ 21,1~19 and reoorde 26,1919 in Suffolk County ~lerks office in Libor 9~?, 5?8. in q~estion is and ~as been taxe~ to me by 0. Gra~ie, ta~ assesse~r who in ~f his '~eords shows bo~d~y li~ bet~e~ ~ ~cels b e~ 0sc~ ~. ~er ~d Jennie ~. ~Bter. l~e was ~ old ditch ~ by~rs ~s ~o ~d ~d l~e ce~i~d by s~veyer Otto ~. -~ ~y[ of Greenpert in attached ~ey ~d ~so for~ a ~vey ~de by ~m for Je~ie · - ~ stet. Therefore in suppor~; of t~e above I request my appli-cation '~efere your board be gram,~ed. I wo~d also t~ to 0~ to - eot ~r in ~is 'to the ~t~ituck Creek ~e~i~ ~oj- eeul~ be c ~ds ~ed~d to '~ ~l~d ~ro~rty e~rs. seal Reslm~ctfulty,