HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1658 ALL :,iOOF~Ii:GS Ai~D S .... ~o MUoT D'~o~LJ~Y V2SiBLE kOO:'.z.,= "' ALL .... ' '" DC~-.~ n~,D BU~U{EADS MUST DiS~AY VISibLE PEPC4IT , .... ' SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ¢~ p~MT x,~ 1658 m~T~August 9, 1983 f~[~3 5SUEDT~ Robert Patchell _~ ~ . , . ~'d~ ~ ',~. Pursuanf fo fha provMcns of Chaplet 6lB of fha Laws of [~]~ fha Slate of New York, 1893, aha Chad,er 40't ct the Laws or L~e kr~'x-,~-~,~ Sfafe of New York 1752; and +he '' .... ~'~ SoumoJa Town Ordinance fffle~ "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and fha REMOVAL OF SAND, G~AVEL OR OTHER ~ATERIALS. LANDS UNDE~ TOWN WAIm,S; and in accoraance Mfh fha Reso[ufion of The Board a~opfed afa m~efing hel~ on ..~..~.~ .... 83 .... - 19 ............. an~ Jn ccns~erarmn of fha sum of $..~.~.~.~..~5 .. paid by ~obe~¢ of ....... ~.~.~.~.~&~.~ .................................................. N. Y. and subjecf fo fha Terms and Condffic~s l]sfed on fha reverse side hereof, of SouMoL Town Trus,ees aufnor~=es and perm~;s fhe head and 23' return, a fixed dock will lead to a 3'x 15' ramp and 2- 6' x 18' floats (dock is to be 4'X50' and bulkhead is to be kept in line with existing he~s;~ accar~ancs wi~h ~he derailed spec;float;ohs as presenfed in }he or;ginafing app';cat;on. IN WITNESS WH,_R,_O~, The said Board o~ Trusfees here- causes ~fs Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and fhese' presCn+s fo subscribed by a majorlfy of fha said Board as .............. Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOORI'4G NO. N/A Pr-,,MIT NO ...... 1.6-58 ....... D~TE: ... Augus.t....9, ISSUED TO Robert Patchell 1983 , certify tha~ the work as authorized' in ~.,-.~ permit has been completed and is now rbadZ for your ins~ec- t_c... Also, the n~um~er required on this proOect is clearl~ visible. ~u.~,.er understand this permit is not valid until this tear sheet is returned to the Trustee~. _ ~.~ OF CREEK Mattituck Creek BOARD OF TOIVN TRUSTEES Town Of Southeld Sou~hold. Ne~ York i1971 APPLICATIOR~ FOR FLXED ~n~/or FLOATLWG~OCz~Sn ~ ~Q~ert' Pat~heli East Le ion Ave, Mattituck 1. Applicant's nome and address: ................................. ~ ............ ~ .................. ~ ................. · Tel. 298-8426 2. C~n~roctor's nome end address: The Land Use Compe~ny .. Et, 2~A= Wa zng River~ N.Y. ]17 2 m=] 929-3575 3. Briefly expJain the purpose of this cppi/cotion: .Ap.p..l%c .~..t ]~ro~,9, ses to co,n..struct ..a.....b...._.x.._?..O._._,f!.~._e..d..._d..o,..ck leadzng to a 3 x 15' r~p ~d 6' x 18' float · ~...~.~k~...~.l~h~._~J._~...~3.h.~.~.~...~p.~.~...~bove the MHW line. Dock ~11 be sited as ~o not infPinEe on ~etian~ aPeas. A~_~ lssuance of a Permit, work must be ~ ~ ' ' ' co~plete~ w/thln one year, 5. Secure the correct Arec Mop from the ~ler~ of th~s Beard, and by using a/X W']TH~N A CIRCL~ ~ndicute us closely as pass,me the locat~on of this Sock. On ~ne reverse side of map, provide a SCAL~ DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Wct~ "~-' the and size of the dock and any supplemental p~Ungs which ere needed to hdd a flouting dock, or tie-ua a b~at. G~ve all dimensions necessary to determine the cre~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~'mmw ~-m ..... ,n~ d~ck ,~ ...... 5I*z~DS OE~S~[O~ tram the O. m. W. M. If adjacen~ proper%y owners have. docks~ specify location and length to 6. %V~ll any port[on of this construction extend offshore ~nto Town '~ters beyond on Hne or bounda~, formed by other similar structures along the area's shoreline? YES of NO. [f [t does extend beyond thb sa-called d~k line ]nd[cate by how far, approx mote y,. ...... ~O 7. Provide fha following documents: (a) A tkensed Engineer's Survey of the prope~ involved. (b} A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. lc) S~ ~ ~, '~ z*o~'~ E:.v/_o.~mentai Assessment ~ %d ~etzands Application ~ 8. ~'J[ this construction requke the tilling of amy (and offshore of the Ordins~ High Water Mark or the Dredging of any material Fram T~wn Lan~s under water? YES or NO. If it does, Form A/4 (Application For Dredging,/FiH[ng) must be completed ~nd attached as Dart of this application. · ~O 9. ]n requesting approve( of th~s cppqcahon, ~ sub,it that: the information presented here{n is true end correct to the best of my know, ledge and belief; J am the person accountable for the performance of the work in accordance with the plans and spec~fJcafionsattached; I have read or am Famd~ar with the prov~sians of any Sauthaid Town Ordinance pertinent to the work fnvo~ved; and further, I intend to adhere to and ab~de by the Terms and C~nditions o{ the Permit, whe~ and ~F issued to me. by us,~ng a temporary ~erker~ loca~ f~ion, indicate_. ...... Scale,~ l~,= 30~ o 5 3o 45 proposed Bulkhead tt ~/F~xed Dock 4~x 70~ ./~3 x 15~ ramp e ]80 ~Y 0 25 50 75 ~estohalTa Road Private moorinE and erosion Control 1. AU~Us~'~s G~etle 228 N~E. 5~h St. Delray Beach, Fla ~. E. Va~ Holthe North Fork Ba~k & Trust Co. Mattituck~ N.Y. Proposed Dock and! Float in Mattituck Cr. at Mattituck Town of Southol~d County of Suffolk State of New York Application by: Robert P~tchell Prepared 6/~ 9/83 Sheet I of i