HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1911ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORI~,~G NUi4BERS ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE pEP~i!T NU~',LBERS Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring ~ N/A ISSUEDTO Juno L. Hussey ' ' Pursuant fo the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of ' the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the L.~ws of the ' State of New York 1952; and the Soufhold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;'" and in accordance.wH'h 'the Resoluflon of The Board adopted afa rneef~ng held on ~..o..¥.:.....2..~.~... .)?..~:~::,.. a.d i. consldera~o, or f~e sum or _ of ._.C_u_?._l?:.o_~.u._e.. .................................... N. Y. and subiecf fo the ~; Terms and CondH-ions I~sfed on the reverse s~de hereof, of Soufhold Town Trustees authorizes and perrnlfs the ~tollowlng: ' To Construct approximately 97½ ft. of bulkhead · ~ ~in'East Creek, all in accordance with the application submitted. -,~ a][ in accordance wlfh the detailed specificafions as presented in · the orlginaf~ng app[icaflon. :--.. '&:: ~' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board o{: Trustees h.ere- ;. by causes ifs Corporafe Sea] fo be affixed, and fhese presenfs fo ? be subscribed by a .ma[orH'y of +he Board as of '. Pleaso tear off and return to the Trustees Board Of Southold Town ir 'oo USEr_S SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOOP. 'rA*G NO. PERMIT NO.. . ISSUED TO DATE: I, , cer=ify that the work as authorized in this sermi~ has been completed and ~s now ready for your inz~ec- ticn. Also, the number recuired on ~- ...... projecg is clearly visiDle. I-u~~'-~...e_ ~ understand t~s--- permit is no='valid.unti!~ this tear shee~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF SOUTHOiLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit No...1..8..6. ............ has be~n.g~anted by the Town Trustees according to information furnished in Application No...2...2..4...'..¢..[.~.,... filed by Applicant ..J...u..n..e.....L.......~.%Z~.%~lz .......... on Aug. 30, ~ 84 A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the Trustee Office under the application number given. Permit granted to do the following worl~ ,TO ~,EPLACE 100 F,~.~ ,Q~ E~IS,~I~G.Z~UL~HP,~D WHICH HAS DETERI~,~T~D A~ ~LO~ED ~A~ TO ~ ~a .~. C~ ~.~.~ 1065 'FLEETWOOD R~D~. C~T~DGD~ ......... rotation of prope~ on which work to bo ~u.~ ~ .............................................. Creek. Bay or Harbor fr(~nting property EAST CREEK ............. Size of work: Length ........ ,1..0...0.....f..t.....'....." ...... ~,: .................. ; ............................................................... Width ... 1..t.o 1½. f'c. Sc. Heig_ht Above High Water 2½ ft. . ..... '.. 1 1½ft. Depth Below Low Water .......... .)~, ................................................................................... '-Yards to be Excavated ~-~N..~.~n`~.e~..~.a.D`T~.¢-~-e.~.e~.t~r.eca~a3:.~.~1`~iQs~t.~ through damaged bulkhead. - - . Yards to be Filled .................. ee ................................................................................... Manner in which material is to be removed or de~,osited ..... .b, y...~..a..c.,.k..h..o...e.... .......................................... Personal = ..... Intended use of property .................................. ~. .............................................................................. Conditions if any .................................. ::; ............................................................ NOVEMBER 26z 1985 Expiration Date ............................................ ~ .................................................................................... 2 - NOT~FY THE ~RU~T~ES UPON cOMPL~Q O Number of Inspections Required .....................~ ............................................................. ~..Q~'...j Inspection Fees ....$.....5.:..0...0...p..a..i...d. ................ ?.: .......... ' .......................................................................... '."Liability Policies in the Amount of ................. .~ ..................................................................... ~ ............... The validity of this permit is or may be subjee3 to the approval of other governmental or municipal ..authorities. The Town accepts no responsibil!~ty in applying for or obtaining ,such approval. In the "event that such approval is necessary, the hol~r of this permit shall not commence operations here- · under until such approval has been obtained in?.r ting. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immedi~,.~ revocation by the Trustees upon receipt by the Trustees. of written notice fr~m such other :governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. AL!-] DOCKS AND BULK- HEADS MUST DISPLAY .... VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS. ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Z~'erephone [5~ 6-765-1892) NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PERMIT T Mrs. June L. Hussey 1. Your application, dated...5.~.l.5./.8..4.' ....... ' ............... has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees he|d nm November 26, 1984 and resulting in the action, as indicated belOw: (.X.~.) Applica[iOn approved. --; --~- ( ..... ) Application denied. ( ..... ) Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: Your Trustee and Wetland Applications were approved by Resolution Adopted aG the November 26; 1984 meeting of the Board of Town Trustees. If your application is approved above, a Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according' to the Schedule of Rates as set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form 1/1). This fee must be paid within 90 days or reapplication and additional fee will be necessary. If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Clerk of the Board, the Permit will be obtainable at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the Permit will be mailed in reply. 4. Computation of Permit Fee: A $5.00 Inspection fee for the wetland permit is now due and payable, upon remittance your permits will be forwarded to you by mail. Thank you for your cooperation. Total Fee for this application ............................. $ ....5.:.0.0. ......... President, Board of Soul'hold Town Truste.e,~ TO~N OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 June 15, 1984 TEL. 765-1802 Board of Trustees Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: June L. Hussey 1065 Fleetwood Road Cutchogue, N.Y. Gentlemen: At the request of your office, dated June 13r i made an insepction of the above premises on this date. I met Mr. Hussey and he, stated that the bulkhead replace~ ment was to be made "in place", since repair of existing bulkhead is necessary due to deterioration and damage. Repair of bulkhead on the landward side of O.H.W. is exempt from wetlands permit, Art. I, Sec. 97-12 A' (5) of Chap. 97, Wetlands - Code of Town of Southold. Yours truly, Edward F. Hindermann Building & Housing Inspector by Eileen M. Carey Clerk ( cove // ~A~LE OF CREEK,, BOA.lID OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Soudmld Southo],l, New York ]2971 Main APPLICATION FOR A BULK!IEAD, DIKE, OR JETTY 1. Does this project in)r~4~e the use of WETLANDS os defined ir: the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance? YES o~ If it does, you must lite through the Town Clerk's Office. · 2. is the proposed work entir,?~_vithi~.~tbe boundaries of your own properly as substantiated ~ by your Deed or Su~ey. ~2~or~ If it ~s, a Permit m NOT reqmred ,rom ,his B~r~, . but the Town Building tn~r should be cont~ed for full details. ~. A~phc~nt s nam. ~d ~ddre~s: .......... ~...~ ................................ ~ ...... ~ .................................. 4 Ccntrec~or's nome and address: ........ ~ .................................................................................... Tel. 5. ~xp!ain briefly the purpose of this application: 6. After issuance of Permit, work must be completed within one year. LARGE 7. Secure the' correct Area Map fram the Clerk of this Board, ond by uslnga/ X A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate as closely os possible the location of this proiect. On the reverse side, provide a SCAuE DRAWING which will shaw Ordinary High Water Mark as well as the size and shape of the structure or work to be done. Also include oil dimensions for portlcns which extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. Skate 8. Provide the follow;ng documents: A Licensed Engineer's 5u~ey of the property involved. (b)A copy of the Contractor's Plan and Specificotions. (c)Shore EnvLronmen~aZ hssessmenC ~orm, 9. Do~s this proiect extend into Town Waters beyond an imagina~/ line ~boundary formed by existing works of a similar nature along this areo's shoreline? YES o~. If it does, state the approximate distance beyond, . ........... 10. Will this construction require Ihe Filling of any land offshore of the ~o~ H~gh Woter Mark or the Dredgm9 of any matenm from Town L~nds under wctur?~ES~r NO. If it does, Form Al4 (Application for Dredglng/Fill~ng) must be completed and att~d as part of this In requesting approval of this application, I submit that: the information presented herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and behef; I am the person accountable for the perfarmonce of the work ~n accordance wi~h the plsns and mecfficafioas ettached; I have read or em familiar with the provisions of any 5oulhold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms end Conditions o~ the Permff, when end if issued to me. 12. ~O EXPEDITE FINDING SPECIFIC LOC~TION FOR ZNSPECWION, INDICATE BY USING A TEMPO~RY F~RKER.~~~ ~ .~AM~E OF CREEK BOA!U) OF TOW?; TRUSTEES To~vn Of $outhold Main Rca8 Soft'mid, New York 111971 APPLICATION TO DREDGE and or FILL l. Does th,s pro~nvol~'e ,he use o, V~.i LAN:~S as d~.med m the .~ou,nold Town O. dman_~ in Wetlands?('YESflor NO. If it does, your application must be flied through the 'Town Clerk's Office. 2. Applicant's name and address: .....~..7~/..{..~......~-...."......t::r..;.....~...~...~..~ ............................... 3. Camroctors name and address: ................................................................................................... · el. 4. Explain bref!y the purpose of this appiicafion: ........................................................................ ..... ......................... . . . . . . ./. .3.. .. . .,.?. .. . . : : - ...: ..................... ...... a .,sc.a, . . . .& .n:. . ........ .&aT. ...... z . . . ., . .c. .. . . $. After issuance o~ Permit, work must be completed within one .year. LARGE Secure the correct Area Map tram the Clerk of *'~n~s Board, and by using a/X WiTHiN A CI,R. CL~ os a mark, indiccte as closely ,~s possible the location of this work. On the reverse .., side of this m~p, provide a SCALE D?,AV'/1NG which wil! show the Ordinor/ N sn Water Mark and the size end shape of th? sa'ucture or work. Ali dimensions offshore of the O. H. W. M. should also be shown and include any free standing pilings which will rerBoln otcomple:on, State adjacent property owners. 7. Provide the foUowing documents: (o) A Licensed Engraver s Survey of the property involved. fh~ ' ' ' ~ .... A co~v or the Contractor s Ptons and .aecmcahans. Shost Environmental Assessment Statement. 8. (Has ~ny previous application for this worx' bee..n denied by any other government agency} YES o If it has.been, n:me the agency ........................................................................... Dote of denial ........................................ 9. If dredging is contemploted~ give your estimate of the following. (a) Average depth of water at M. L. W.where dredging, .......ti7~..........~._...(...~c'.. ................. ft. (b) Maximum depth of dredging below the bottom,. ........................................................... ft. (c) Maximum length of dredged oreo ................................................... ~. ft. (d) Maximum width of dredged oreo ~"~" ft. (e) Maximum amount of material to be dredged ............... &2. ................ ,.. c. vds (f~) ,Method and location, of disposal of dredge materzal.' ' ]0. ~r fihing is expected, give your estimate of'tim ~oltowing: (a) Maximum amount of material required,. ........... ; ............ &? .................................. c. yds. (b) Explain how fill will be obtained and where it will 'be placed. ...................................................... ............ ~ ...... o,,, t suomk man t on1 the person accountob!e far the performance cf the work in accord w/th the plans and sr)ec~ficoticns attached hereto; hove read or om familiar w/th the provisions of any Sauthold To'.vn Ordinance pertinen:- to thc work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions 12°.f ~ P~i~DITE FIND~ING SPECIFIC L©.Oat~n~for inspection, indicate by using a ~=~m~ora~y marker. ~//,,. / ..................