HomeMy WebLinkAboutFleetfield • I _ dEa'[sf B_e_Yvs1er Main a _ oR7•H NORTH 1910/9O = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __-- r p•° 3 J1 I I D /,'71•Z8'20 n P/P/et�ij -993.76 t° Mviq Sfrcef �_ Z va.a ri I II (n NN. U � ' ^ z l=moo• soil '� ; ��;ll : N r I I ,v'° ,' nv m � D b• i l m " •z/zs o ti -- — - — - ---- ---- �e,j' ° /3gq,S • / ��� sco/e in et m /SS JaI 4BEHNETT RD. 4 0 – , -'A I � . „-• e — Told %aanr_�__ _• a De./3 o ai' i' /59.3/ ' 9 o S_ �lC�'® w wh brave/ .e 3446.06 �o w _ ° o ti F ° r 4469 < MAP OF 122.49 FLEE � `'���� 3 4 X c I° 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ° ° Sai/ 5ecfion N � 3z2o NEAR THE V1/ LfIGE of CessPoa/ and GREENPORT Q SUFFOLK CO., N Y. .0 ,./. -9 'OWNED AND DEVELOPED BY -3a'�'I GeesP°o!) ti r ' a y CLARENCE 1 . FLEET v 43'— '4�yr J-- n 1Z 7. ANO HEIVRY 4-.F1-EET - v h �"' til„ �-z9'- Hovsc ylti'Aed 3 0 /27.62 ' yl • '�^k �. +� y' Scale in feel" 249 a /via o I°o o .a -, 90• ,.oN -- /2}F: _ Tpico/ d�s�asA/p/An sq //0.30 0 s'1 T q � w N9y 7 6 3 SU•E. , I' - ' n J •�'• n � �a�_4s9 ens/oma I m ° 4 � I I P J 9 � � � �2 • N" I a m y to jv ° o I ✓ V So , e • , o I N N.67°36 SCE. _ __ _�'91 J6'so•E. � 3 P,7JP� o � - h ;IVG7-Glv OTHER LANG O F '��.c y .9 IiE CLARENCE G FLEET % E /AND HENRY L. FLEET ' Cft'e:.SB ✓Y9Q/ Or' (n / NEW YGhl: ;TATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ALBANY, N. Y. W �LL fc/re deve/amen tJ proposed arr>ng e smente for water) Th to Certify that the prop Ni aupp]y and ewage disposal for the F/eeYf e/d 9u4dIJ'9,°n ° Surtelk ceuhty were apProvBdl �' / hereby ecrty f/'raf this map was moria by me is the t„.„ .j s°aYAOId, NOTE: Til/e to lhe�ic of a// /ands in p , on ./anuary 27, /9K in ac eordenoe with plans on Pile in the ofYioa rdad5, h/9hlTays,JtrLetSYaYCnUe3 / IraM L/CfuO/S!/rVCy/S LOm/J/eted NBvembert7 /9'f of the State Commiaaiener oP Henith, Consent, is herein by given to toil he - JhBWn/Ie/eBn /S/CSLrled To C/O/CIKC land that conerel'e manumcntshave been ✓mea-5 thefillcountyng Of t clerk ofhe map whu �ich t'ke endorsement c county pTe in of 9cn dnn'ceow office eth .Phowr/ hereon, fhvs' o 0" / provisions oP Section 89 of the Puhl3c Health Lamy 'h G. F/cet and Hcnry L. F/eGf and sha/! Licensed urveyor, �-, ^ not be earvcyed Ya the�urehaser �.c, '- . / Il Grccnporl N.Y. — — - - ----_- - -- Pal (lalf I/I iECTOR. DiVI6I0N nP �dd ITAT1 _� many /of'Shawn herevn• '=35".r I • --------- -- = -Z= = '= = -= =- '= -= -:-- -Z, -_ N 'rc /¢ . ;2 a. Ti _ Plot _g 0 6/.o \ ' — 8,?7'6 to � 3 1 .70 IV I 1 h (' e `-.. •, B/��� _ ��%/7C ld 141, 4 n\� O O 1 •1 M �/ I b H � - _ '1 all b b o N , soo ioov scale- in feet �. 9•s 3 s ° b �� BENNE T Y RD. t4 a\ i N.7/°lB'ZO'iE'. I' � aJ - -•=- •- -- _ .�r 10* 90° � 4 %"to/-'O'9rodC �.o. - — —• !. -� -- - —`— ."�, S °' 146.06 6'� 7 n/ 5rq ' / l 0 �� .C Qo FINCID f" IF 1o 0 D' MAP ej /azo TO WJV OF- %5O�rTix-�'OL D } n /z4,;4 N E/9f? THE V/t/,.. f7 GE C.�F" Cess o4,/ dna:/ Sar/ Section GREENPOR T f V V S UFF'fgL K Cot /V Y o ° N n /z 0, OWNED AND DEVELDI'�'`,.:s fY _ ` •� P J is p .A - 30 ys oo! N ° C..'LARE'NCE C FLf I:.Y...127 43 AND f�ENRY d o;,,� , 1Z 7-8 O pbi S. On W� � � A Hoa-TG �Vit f(la •�,ZO I Q ,n o (, /4 0 S�'r�/e //'I I/e toy' zoo It J1''� I �D 1I o 0 y /Y 6 ` -ry /cal 45 a"I Pla" 0.4 s'� In /20.0 � ��`��yrj •e.. o . ° i /z,f o o I /0 tp . vIf 5 c /D 4.'f y8 �Ro 0 o V.,6 7 3E' z 8�',36'sd �y D T//ER L A /Yam O F CL ARENCE .C- FLEE 7- AND AND HENRY L. rL E,ET AS I / PEW YORK STATE D£PAR?MEW Of HEALTH �ufure ll�eVc%plr/crlf,� ALBANY, N. Y. ,JAH�+o�.y. z7,"9447 Thos is to certify that the proposed Arrangements for we, yr o svPPly and serratge disposat for The Flretfiela/ subdtvi5ion ° to the to.-1N of 3outlro/d, 3u olk COdrr7 No rE: Title to >:he{�e aol/ /ands in / h�rr6y c��>`,�y fhdt fh/s mA�a Ads made by me �/ y were �ppro ed /J On January 27, 1944 in occordonce with plans on file to the o!� cc al/ ra�sds, hig'ways,streets-wise les f'f-01" aCA141S'0rVcycT 194-/ of the SrAte Commissioner of Health. Consent is hereby given to he ,Tho,S/nhereon /S/'CSCrI'CC/foC/Armee and thet Correrete mo/7N/rrJCrfSl`1��1'C_ hee"Se y/me ds f ling of the 00p on Nle+ch this indorsement esppears err the ofrtc� of the count y clerk of 3ufo/k county in Accordance .vrth he >�/L. F/eet41nd she// showr� hereon f17�l.S; D provisions of Section 84 of the Public HeAlth Lew, C. Fleet acid 1107 net 6e ur e�r/veyrd fo fhe purehoser L i c c.�scd veyor, 0/a17,V /ofshovs'nheri:vn• Grecn�or�; NY A3sf. DIREcTaR, t,ivtstoc/ aF SANS •Atfat�