HomeMy WebLinkAboutEastern Shores Section 2 5 o V ND I / SLA b 0 ^^fa�sc�.as.dm�sc c o FIL 'I No. P H•✓.s. Lond6 4 v.G 6 3' y h a u ASW. �u p v s r/ 'r6a3O ^% yZ�E Hlh M&- o i ,; ; h � �� D Jp3•;a.. o �.. �� y � � p � _ I:' •0 5 � 1a50b � n - ' a o. �y, ;� 1 05 �a° 87 s� 'D E 9 J•M-S. Land <v.•c=. Rad• L _ . • y - M.n n.G1e65 �92 Nve ri85E _O _) 63 22 SS a -gsoeava c, 'Wq r 7 F � N. 7/a02'SO E: KEy JY/AP \ 79 Y MAP OF `` C/e/k of/s o SE CT/ON 7-w6 �g p, o ;9¢S6 of EASTERN SHORES (51 o •� ��/.��1 RT V a fi � s• e �° GREENPDRT 0 z, a ' q TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUP-F-OLK COUNTY � 4e' n NE w YORK O „��so pQNaoe. ypJ� 0 ` ry'/' led Sexed /OD aao n a Toa sao 0 0 61 ro 3 N 1 / 3 h' 4,7; o �I e� �� 0V1/NED AND DEVELOPED BY `s `�o "¢ a M V �• A4 S. LAND & DEVE'GOPMENT CORP. h s pjy Bg �' J H• ✓. S• LA/vo VELOPMENT CORP, GREEN -ORT, N. Y. y, . iS�Q rOl\ 20 1 'N. 76 aoT SO E. /26.70 AREA /3.58 ACRES ON 1 o x 6'9 � 8 d yl�r'�Cli- �( gm � O Wel hereby car l/'{y that th/'s r,aap woo u /7s./8 '`` ` made from aafuo/ surveys comp/efed Joe?. 6, 1965 and that' monuments hove oA 66 �6' %lri 86 0$ been set at poinfs shown thus : o \ P^1 n rIlkVAN 7 SON ,�• N• 6 9' oG S� 00'E, n . Land -4arve�rors M $ h r y Greenport, N. Y. T.H,rJ Xrz The wafer-supe/J. .and sewa9 e-disposal foci/i lies .for a// Lets in 1-hi5 deve/opmenf cowp/v with / � � � � the sfandardswnC/ rc9uiremcnfs of t{ae Suffo/k County Aeporfrnenf aj Nea/fh. ?•- J. M•S. LO rad �, 0 2 iO y \ V! New York s-jwc Lieco a /Jo, /582 0 Gr<enpo N. Y. �e✓e/oprnen/" Carp- � /60.0 .l F � U R esarved for c/s�icof cn r ° ° � , � M 89 ter thmTown o{Southo/d ' ` �` Q Approved �taAi� e"t o , /965 - - - - — - o I - SOUTNOLD OWN PLANNING BOARD sao M' H OMESTEAD WAYW � � GHgI/{MAN .� .,., , .. , -,�r _ .�• .\o � ayd Is SO./a'r ��- 1 9 � � £ y l�cJ � ,�/�yf •' V J /!n/. t � P OLL I J. %✓7. S• Gjand y N peve/ Prn c n fir _ /3 u r 1 x (ExiSl/:.-�_ S, G9r o.2' I�o 'W. •.aa ' •l�wrf..r ,�n� f M ! GOLLE R O AD ( C. R. 27) e I � 2 OJ M ' rad „- Tes f- /-/O/CS — ceacr• T Psoi/ IF.�1= s=, oan7s 35 loom 4• - - �-I .c mrtar _ n'a" � _ _ - -- rc v✓a�r sc'r Sand f yz Sand w - Bvax%c•cancr. r� 6Naese `q1 -- _ water /A �r- 4-7 Grn.and water �_ .r• TPico/ Lot• - Two Poor'.S�Tfern �• ' SUFFOLK cooNrYOEPgF7M,cNa'orNEgLTN I R;ver*,ad, N• Y. e/{ /( /9 6 S 77,/s is to ceetl�y thaf A, Proposed arrangemarntc for water -'rp y,.nd aewagcd,itbea/ for EASTE/tN SHOR6S-srae rjoN Two i/f the TOWN OL- S'DVYNOLO were a,,pMvad ow the abov<date. This c/aprnral shal/ be Ya/id on//r ins:5rl1/ahon o{ weer suryplr and sewerage faailities are eoa. /clr+/w/t/a,.. one year of a above opPrewl date• (/Pon the exP/rat7nn all 1h;5 eevt/`ieafe of apf,,vo//r' aQP/ieahon {er rrnerva/Ybal/ be sub,w/Hrd >'-o the a!�/k Ceunty Deoar men�ofNeo N . 9pP.avil of r<n<wala licafion Sha// subjeot fa a rafwr-~lv* irr effeef of h{,< ti-aie of i :w'such arp/ieatibn. / Consent is�eby yiren Ta ffrc i/in� of en�o on wbrlr Phis tl'ae �p 1,rr Fi�iie pia i ltlk} , 1 endorsement ars /n thea rce o fhe Cara G/erk in occordawce with YJY ° ,gp , iR 7 4e { the Artia/e V1 o f ffrr ', I ,$ectrvn Il/8 o f Rblic talt NG+ Law a..dSecLon 2 a f Sufjcolk CwrnfSrJonifary Gode• C.) o duly Piled n tlx D/reef`or; Oiv. o f'Erownnme fial3on/�on f e �.- q Su Pfnik Cotu t I� �I i , I�