HomeMy WebLinkAboutThrough My Eyes: The Hellenic-American Taxpayers & Civic Association of Southold Township, 1977-2016 Catherine Tsounis and John G. Siolas, Ph.D. Through My Eyes: The Hellenic-American Taxpayers & Civic Association of Southold Township, 1977-2016 TSOUNIS PUBLICATIONS TH On cover, PICNIC, SATURDAY AUGUST 24, 2013, 12:00 noon – 6:00 PM, atSOUTH HARBOR PARK, 700 Old Wood Path, Southold, NY 11971 Through My Eyes: The Hellenic-American Taxpayers & Civic Association of Southold Township, 1977-2016 Copyright©2016. For information, email ctsounis@aol.com Printed in New York, USA. Introduction “Under all is the land. Upon its wise utilization and widely allocated ownership depend the survival and growth of free institutions and of our civilization…In the interpretation of this obligation, Realtors can take no safer guide than that which has been handed down through the centuries, embodied in the Golden Rule, ‘Whatsoever ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them’.” – Preamble of the Code of Ethics and standards of Practice of the national Association of Realtors, 2016. The Hellenic American Taxpayers Association (HATCAST) was created out of social responsibility and a patriotic duty to promote the interests of the American property owner. History is a living part of the present. The “Golden Age” of Hellenism on the East End of Long Island began with the creation of the first Greek Orthodox Church in Mattituck in 1969. The 1970’s and 1980’s saw the rise of HATCAST Supported by the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox church of Mattituck. In 2016, we have three Greek Orthodox churches and a monastery on the East End. HATCAST President Andreas Markakis has kept the organization alive from the 1990’s to 2016. The organization played a significant role in preventing the change in zoning of a parcel of land I owned on the North Road in Southold, aided by the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church, Congresswoman Patricia Acampora and Southold Business Alliance. We had the misfortune of being involved in a greater political land dispute. Three times the Southold Town Board tried to rezone our property. Each time these persons and organizations fought for our property rights. HATCAST played a role in aiding us. HATCAST was resurrected under the presidency of Gregory Fegos of Mattituck from 2013-2016. Mr. Kosta and Cathy Vagelatos and their network played an integral role. Three sensational Greek concerts at Mitchell Park in Greenport spread the Greek culture to all. The book has a synopsis of each time period. Legal documents, petitions and newspaper articles are included. This book reflects the evolution of HATCAST from 1976 through 2016 from my viewpoint with primary sources. Many of these newspapers are not digital media. The information will be lost in time. I am attempting to pass the truth on to the next generation. Special thanks are extended to the following newspapers and persons: National Herald Greek newspaper, Hellenic Communication Service, Suffolk Times, Suffolk Life, Hellenic Chronicle, Proini, Orthodox Observer, Traveler-Watchman,Hellenic News of America and State of New York Legislative Resolution, the archives of the late Cleo P. Tsounis and Congresswoman Patricia Acampora. Dr. John G. Siolas and Dr. Despina C. Siolas, MD/Ph.D. have inspired all the books I have written. V Contents Introduction ……………………………………………………………………. V Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 1-18 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 19-62 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 upzoning case 63-81 nd B.1999- 2 upzoning case 64-89 rd C.2000- 3 time upzoning case 90-129 Chapter 4 Coming of age: 1990- 2012 130-184 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 185-239 Chapter 6 Appendix 240-241 Introduction “Memory is the mother of all wisdom.” ― Aeschylus This book is dedicated to parishioners of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church of Flushing. All classes united to create a magnificent religious and education center. Their dedicated effort contributed in the greatness of Hellenism in New York City and the United States of America. This book reflects the growth from 1987 through 2014 from my viewpoint with primary sources. Many of these newspapers are not digital media. The information will be lost in time. I am attempting to pass the truth on to the next generation. Special thanks are extended to the following newspapers and persons: Tribune, Courier, Bayside Times, Queens Gazette, Queens Chronicle, Greek News, Greek Reporter.Com, Hellenic Times, Hellenic Voice, Hellenic Communication Service, Hellenic Chronicle, Proini, Orthodox Observe, Hellenic News of America and State of New York Legislative Resolution, New York City Council Resolution., Argus, Congressional Record, William Spyropoulos School ,Ms. Florence Leung of the East Flushing Library and Mr. Laurentino Ibarra. Dr. John G. Siolas and Dr. Despina C. Siolas, MD/Ph.D. have inspired all the books I have written. V Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 The mid to late 1970’s was a time of political change on the East End of Long Island. The Republican one party system was ending. A splinter group of William Pell, Frank Murphy and William Grigoris were energizing the Southold Democratic Party. This saw the rise of a Greek immigrant naval electrical engineer from Egypt: Angelo Panagopoulos of East Marion. He did grass roots work to recruit the Greek-American community in supporting a Democratic Party. This writer was recruited to be acting editor of the “Southold Town Democratic Party” and write press releases on HATCAST. The Transfiguration of Christ Church supported him. In October 4, 1977, Mr. Panagopoulos ran for Trustee of southold town. He lost. Mr. Panagopoulos organized HATCAST. His slogan was “Greek American Homeowners Unite”. Cocktail parties and socials were held in his backyard, neighbors’ homes on Rocky Point Road, East Marion and the American Legion Hall in Greenport, L.I. 1 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 2 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 3 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 4 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 5 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 6 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 7 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 8 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 9 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 10 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 HATCAST AUGUST 11, 1979 Meeting 11 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 HATCAST AUGUST 11, 1979 Meeting 12 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 HATCAST AUGUST 11, 1979 Meeting 13 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 HATCAST AUGUST 25, 1979 Party 14 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 HATCAST AUGUST 25, 1979 Party 15 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 HATCAST AUGUST 25, 1979 Party 16 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 HATCAST AUGUST 25, 1979 Party 17 Chapter 1 Birth: 1977-1979 HATCAST AUGUST 25, 1979 Party 18 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s The Greek community under HATCAST helped to end the one-party system with the landslide election of Democrat William Pell III in November 1979. Founder ngelo Panagopoulos passed away at 49 years old. HATCAST member Venita Lorras displayed a 200 year old Grecian torch once used in the Olympics at the Ethnic Fair held in august 1980. The first annual dance of HATCAST was held on August 1, 1981 at the Mattituck Manor in Mattituck. Special thanks to the archives of the late Cleo P. Tsounis. John Nicholas became President of HATCAST. His enthusiasm generated Christmas parties with the hermes chapter of AHEPA in December 1981. The members under John Nicholas held dinner dances and bazaars from 1981- 1986. Over 200 persons attended a barbecue on September 4, 1983 at John Nicholas’ home. HATCAST played an active role in the Transfiguration Church, bases on my archives. I facts as to the organization’s was not writing about the Greek Orthodox Church of Greenport. I lack role. 19 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 20 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 21 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 22 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 23 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 24 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 25 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 26 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 27 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 28 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 29 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 30 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 31 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s Hatcast Bazaar August, 1981 Hatcast Bazaar August, 1981 32 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s Hatcast/Ahepa Christmas Party Dec. 20, 1981 33 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s August 1, 1981 Hatcast Dance August 1, 1981 Hatcast Dance 34 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 35 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 36 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 37 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 38 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 39 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 40 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s July 30, 1982 Hatcast Bazaar 41 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 42 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 43 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 44 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 45 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 46 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s Hatcast Dance July 14, 1984 Hatcast Dance July 14, 1984 47 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 48 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s Hatcast Dance July 14, 1984 49 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s Hatcast Dance July 14, 1984 50 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 51 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 52 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 53 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 54 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 55 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 56 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s July 14, 1986 D July 14, 1986 57 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s July 14, 1986 Dance 58 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s 59 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s July 14, 1986 Dance 60 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s July 14, 1986 Dance 61 Chapter 2 Golden Age: 1980’s July 14, 1986 Hatcast Dance 62 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case HATCAST was tested during the upzoning (change of zoning) of Catherine and John siolas’ North road property in Greenport. Southold Twon commenced a state environmental review process of the proposed rezoning Hamlet Density soned parcels that included Manny Kontokostas’ Jem Commons subdivision. We asked the Democratic Party for support. They refused. Instead, the Republican Councilman Lizewski said “it is morally wrong to take away people’s rights. If (the town board) is successful in changing the zone of these people, they can change the zone of anybody and do whatever they want. I hope our constitution does not allow this kind of government.” Andreas Markakis, president of HATCAST at the time represented 1,000 Greek-American residents to start a grassroots movement. The Transfiguration of Christ Church in Mattituck signed pettitions, as well as members of St. Nicholas Church of Flushing who had homes in Southold. Television stations covered our fight. John Nichols, Chairman of the Republican Party and Republican Assemblywoman Patricia D. Acompora supported the Siolas petition. The result? The Southold Town government changed Emmanuel Kontokosta’s 63 acre Jem commons from quarter-acre Hamlet Density to two acre Residential-80 lots. Republican Alice Hussie spared the Siolas land on July 26, 1994. Grass roots work spared the Siolas property. Councilman Lizewski said 63 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 64 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case Speech presented by Catherine Tsounis Siolas concerning the third up zoning case on her property 65 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 66 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 67 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 68 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 69 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 70 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 71 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 72 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 73 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 74 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 75 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 76 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 77 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 78 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 79 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 80 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 st A.1994 – 1 Upzoning Case 81 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case On October 14, 1999, five years after the first upzoning proposal of our Route 48 (North Road) property, a new rezoning proposal under Republican Southold Town supervisor Jean Cochran began in the “Route 48 Corridor Study.” Properties would be rezoned as substandard, making them illegal. The only way his/hers property would be made legal again is spending $10,000 to $20,000 for the right to build on his/hers “substandard” lot. Councilman John Romanelli objected to the idea that single property owners “defending their beliefs” could be outweighed by a roomful of those presumably in accord with the study’s recommendations. Andreas Markakis, president of HATCAST and former president of the Transfiguration of Christ Church in Mattituck represented the Siolas property fight, signed pettitions, television stations and Republican Assemblywoman Patricia D. Acompora supported the Siolas petition. Democrat L. Motta said “in effect you are being “singled out as the revenue source for open space preservation. You know this concept as discrimination…Your lot may be part of your retirement nest-egg or you may have kept it for your children.” Assemblywoman Patricia L. Acampora wrote a letter on October 4, 1999 to Southold Twon Supervisor on the Siolas property “that I am committed to protecting and preserving our natural resources in New York State and particularly on the North Fork of Long Island. I applaud the Town in your efforts to do just that. Nevertheless, we must also be committed to to our constituents who have invested in the future of the Town of southold. We cannot penalize the individual owners of property to the extent that investing in the Town would cause such severe financial hardship that future potential landowners would look elsewhere before investing in our Town. We canno commit to such economic stagnation. I ask that the Town seriously balance the pros and the cons of the proposed zone change before proceeding on this matter.” In a Town Board meeting the end of October 1999, the zoning on the Siolas property was spared for a second time. 64 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 65 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 66 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 67 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 68 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 69 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 70 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 71 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 72 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 73 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 74 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 75 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 76 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 77 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 78 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 79 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 80 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 81 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 82 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 83 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 84 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 85 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 86 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 87 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 88 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 nd B. 1999- 2 Upzoning Case 89 Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case “Everything that was recommended in the report that wasn’t passed will be up for reconsideration when the Southold Town Board meets on June 20, 2000 to reconsider revisiting Route 48,” according to Supervisor Jean Cochran. The Southold Business Alliance, Television, HATCAST, Assemblywoman Patricia Acampora and members of the Transfiguration of Christ the third time. Church forged the fight against zoning changes for At the last minute, the Republican town Board member Ms. Evans did not vote to change zoning, on September 12, 2000. HATCAST played a major role and Assemblywoman Patricia Acampora, a champion of the property rights of the middle class owner. The “Suffolk Life” was commented for outstanding reporting. Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case V Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 3 Real Estate Controversy: 1991-2000 rd C. 2000- 3 Time Upzoning Case Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 HATCAST with the Transfiguration of Christ Church in Mattituck participated in the th Southold Town 350 Anniversary Parade on July 14, 1990. Dinner dances continued in Astoria during the winter months. The 1990’s had picnics, participation of parades. Member Gus Kyrkostas was inducted as an Archon of the Greek Orthodox Church. Picnics at Founders Landing continued. President Andreas Markakis continued the annual picnics at Founder’s Landing in Southold. Members Cleo p. Tsounis, George Tsounis and Gus Kyrkostas passed away. J Hatcast photos Southold Town 350th Anniversary 1640-1990 Celebration , July 14, 1990 Parade 103 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 Ju J 104 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 Hatcast photos Southold Town 350th Anniversary 1640-1990 Celebration , July 14, 1990 Parade 105 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 S S 106 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 Summer 1991 at Transfiguration Church 107 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 108 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 109 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 110 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 http://www.qgazette.com/news/2001-09-12/Senior_Page/002.html WW II Vet Turns 79 Gus Kyrkostas, shown with his wife, Julie, celebrated his 79th birthday Sept. 2 at his home in East Marion, Long island, to music performed by Acoustical Fantasy (Manny Ayvas and Paul Kipriadis), with more than 200 family and friends in attendance. Kyrkostas was a remote control gunnery instructor for the 20th Air Force in the Pacific Theater during World War II, carrying on a tradition begun by his father, Vasilios, an immigrant from Smyrna (modern-day Izmr), Turkey, who served in the United States Army during World War I. During the 1950s, Kyrkostas started a newspaper business in Queens that served the New York metropolitan area and he and his wife had four children, Billy, Elaine, Maria and Sandy. He helped to form and direct the St. Demetrios Greek-American Parochial School in Astoria and played an active role in his local AHEPA chapter; he is current president of the William Kyrkostas AHEPA Chapter 475 in Queens. —Catherine T. Siolas 111 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 112 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012  2002-01-23 / Seniors Award Caps Volunteer Life Cleo P. Tsounis and her husband, George, at the late 2001 function at which Cleo was honored as Mother of the Year. 113 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 Cleo P. Tsounis (l.) was honored by the Southold, Long Island, community as Mother of the Year late last year. The honor was the third time Tsounis was recognized for her achievements in the North Fork area. She was a pioneer in establishing the Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church of nearby Mattituck, Long Island, and as the first woman president of its parish council, helped raise $200,000 so that the church, leveled by fire in 1984, could be rebuilt unencumbered by a mortgage. August 19, 1989 was proclaimed 'Cleo P. Tsounis Day" in Suffolk County by County Executive Patrick Halprin; Tsounis was again honored in 1997. Where's the story?5 Points Mentioned Tsounis was born in 1923 to Greek Orthodox refugees from Asia Minor and raised in tenements on the east side of Manhattan. After the Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 she volunteered as an air raid warden and then found a job as a precision machinist in a defense plant. She married George Tsounis, a decorated World War II combat veteran and prisoner of war, in 1947. Tsounis gave birth to four children, Catherine, Christopher, Nicholas and Thomas, all graduates of the City University of New York. After she bought a typewriter and taught herself to type she began volunteering with St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Astoria during the 1950s and was one of the founders of the St. Demetrios parochial school in 1957. She was unanimously elected president of the school's Parent-Teacher Association for three years. On a family excursion during the early 1960s she discovered the North Fork of Long Island and bought a vacation cottage in Mattituck in 1961. She was a pioneer in the Greek Orthodox community of eastern Long Island and for more than 28 years served as Transfiguration church secretary, computerized church records and aided in the founding of its Hellenic culture and Sunday Schools, Philoptohos and youth groups. —Catherine T. Siolas August 27, 2002 HATCAST Holds Annual Picnic By Catherine T. Siolas Our organization needs to play a more active role in the life of Southold Town in order to protect property rights,” said George Bitsakis, a member of the Hellenic Taxpayers Association th of Southold Town. The civic organization held their annual picnic on Saturday, August 24 at the South Harbor View Park in Southold. Souvlakis of all varieties were barbecued along with hamburgers and hotdogs. Hellenic melodies were played by George Anastasiadis overlooking the scenic Peconic Bay. Prominent persons who attended included Judge Price, Bill Edwards, Democratic candidate for Receiver of Taxes, Amei Wallach Rev. Gerasimos Ballas and Presvitera Ballas. 114 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 Christos Moustopoulos, one of the founding members, recalls “having meetings at my house back in the mid 1980’s. Our Greek-American community of homeowners must interact and communicate with our political government.” Over 75 persons attended the event. 115 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 116 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 WWII vet, POW, 80, honored by Pataki By Jonathan Kay “Your country right or wrong,” George V. Tsounis always told his family. Tsounis, a World War II veteran of the European front and Bayside resident, was recognized by Governor George Pataki on August 17, his 80th birthday, for his heroism and personal sacrifice as a belly gunner in the 777th bomb squadron of the 464th bomb group, said Catherine Siolas, his only daughter and oldest of four children. 117 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 A first generation American from a Greek father and Turkish mother, Tsounis grew up in Aliquippa, Penn., a steel mill river town outside of Pittsburgh. The town was a melting pot of Eastern European immigrants and African Americans who lived in harmony and worked at the steel mill in pursuit of the American Dream, Siolas said. The oldest of six children, Tsounis went to work as soon as the Great Depression hit, selling candy bars at the age of eight to help raise money for the “beans, beans and more beans,” his family ate for dinner. At 16, Tsounis left his family in Aliquippa to make a living at his godfather’s deli in Harlem. Once he earned enough money, he brought his whole family to the Bronx. “At the age of 16 he was supporting six children, a father and a mother,” Siolas said. Tsounis joined the army on April 17, 1943, taking after his father who enlisted for service in World War I to gain citizenship. After scoring highly on an entrance test, Tsounis was rewarded with the rank of Staff Seargant, the highest rank obtainable without a college degree, Siolas said. Serving as a belly gunner over Germany, his plane was shot down in 1944 and he sustained shrapnel wounds to his neck. “He often told us that, ‘several soldiers refused to parachute out of the plane because of fear. I pushed them out and pulled their parachute for them, thereby saving their lives,’” Siolas said. After the plane was shot down, Tsounis was listed as “missing in action” for several months until the Red Cross located him at a Stalag POW camp in East Germany. He spent 11 months in the camp, and lost 60 pounds, going down from 190 to 130. He told his daughter he would have died in the camp had the Russian Army liberated it just one month later. To preserve his sanity as a POW, Tsounis wrote poetry and read the bible three times. “I gave the ultimate sacrifice,” Tsounis says. “Not only was I wounded, I gave my life for my country by being a POW.” Tsounis returned from Germany in 1945 to find his oldest sister dying in a sanitorium. Her passing was immediately followed by the unexpected deaths of his mourning mother and youngest sister. The successive deaths were more painful for Tsounis than anything he experienced overseas, and for a while he wished he had not survived the war, he told Siolas. However, Tsounis’ life took a turn for the better two years after he had returned home, when he met Cleopatra Pappas. The two married soon after, and have taken care of each other for 55 years until Cleopatra died of emphysema in January. When Tsounis returned to New York in the forties, he returned to the food business, opening a grocery store and then a luncheonette in Astoria. The family sold the luncheonette in 1969 when Tsounis became 100 percent disabled at the age of 47, suffering from what Siolas called a “nervous disability.” With Tsounis unable to work, the family got by on his war pension. “All his life his country helped him with pensions,” Siolas said. She, along with her three brothers, were graduates of City University of New York schools with their educations federally funded under the G.I. 118 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 Bill. Tsounis always insisted his children go to college so they could have the opportunities he never had, Siolas said. Tsounis has mostly kept to himself since returning from the war in 1945, and has spent much of his time at home. “He doesn’t like to be around people,” Siolas said. She describes Tsounis as an outspoken father who encouraged work ethic, honesty and community service. Although he never had much money, Tsounis always donated to charity, Siolas said “He would always tell us that we didn’t need great wealth,” said Siolas. “He said it is better to know you have great honor and follow the rules and walk it alone, independently, knowing you’re doing the right thing.” Posted 7:23 pm, October 10, 2011 American reservists are in Iraq, giving their blood for all of us back home. The following story is of a man, like our American soldier, who fought to make life better for his family and country. Profile of George V. Tsounis: An American War Hero “Old soldiers never die; they just fade away,” said W.W.II General Douglas MacArthur. “And like the old soldier in that ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the sight to see that duty.” General Douglas MacArthur and General George Patton inspired the shildren and grandchildren of European Immigrants to “Free the World for Democracy” .They accomplished their goal and a lot more. With the “Passing of the Greatest Generation”, one must examine their lives in this time of a critical Middle Eastern War, affecting our youth. The rapid passing away of the W.W. II generation marks the year 2002. Their accomplishments will be viewed as past history. The baby boomers that are now middle aged recall with affection a generation of hard working, self-reliant persons. The majority of W.W. II veterans were the children and grandchildren of immigrants who inspired them to create the greatest country of freedom and prosperity in history. th George Vlassios Tsounis of Mattituck L.I. and Bayside, New York will celebrate his 80 th birthday on August 17. He is a genuine American War hero. George is a Midwesterner born in 1922 in a steel mill town along the river in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. His parents, Vlassios and Catherine were Greek immigrants from Limnos and Tseme in Asia Minor. George’s father, Vlassios, immigrated to the U.S.A. in the 1900’s and was promptly drafted in the U. S. army during W.W.I. he served with valor in France and was wounded in action, attempting to save his fellow officers. Vlassios was decorated with the Purple Heart. Although he was a disabled American Veteran, he worked in the steel mills, raised six children and was a single parent when his wife, Catherine, passed away at the age of 46. Vlassios was George’s role model of a man who gave his life to his country and family. George was forced to work at the age of eight years old to help his family during the “Great Depression” of the 1930's. He had the deepest respect for women, because of the strong 119 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 immigrant women who molded his life. An enduring influence was Catherine Christofis, his Godmother, who lived in the same neighborhood as himself in Pennsylvania and Astoria, N.Y. George Tsounis was a tall, 5’11’’ handsome, athletic man at the time he was drafted in the Army on April 17, 1943. He served in the European area, where he was promoted to the rank of Staff Sargent, the highest rank for a non-college graduate. His official position was as a belly th gunner in a V24 liberator airplane. George served with distinction in the 777 Bomb Squadron th of the 464 Bomb Group. His plane was shot down in Germany in 1944. He often told his children “several soldiers refused to parachute out of the plane because of fear. I pushed them out and pulled their parachute for them, thereby saving their lives. VA records disclose that “George Tsounis was a POW for 11 months, after being shot down by anticraft artillery. He received two flak wounds as the result of enemy fire.” For several months he was listed as “missing in action”, until he was discovered by the Red Cross in a stalag camp in East Germany. The officer was only 21 years old when he became a POW. “My POW experiences were a lot worse than the Oscar winning movie was ‘Stalag 13’ that won William Holden an academy award,” he said. “I remember when we were captured being put in trolley cars for over a week. I was in charge of the latrine and emptied it out between railroad stops.” He drank water to keep from dehydrating. His food was sauerkraut and an occasional dog. He wrote poetry and read the bible three times. He kept to himself and developed a strong independent character that has remained with him today. George described the German officers guarding him as “young men like us who were only doing their duty.” George was released from active duty on October 10, 1945, He was awarded the Purple Heart, The European-African-Middle Eastern Service Medal and the Good Conduct Medal and a disable veteran’s pension. He worked seven days a week for twenty-five years in a grocery and restaurant business. In 1972, he retired at the age of fifty because of his W.W.II injuries, becoming 100 % disabled. In 1947, George married his wife Cleopatra Tsounis and lived in Astoria. He bought his home in Mattituck in 1961 and has been a resident of Southold town for over 41 years. He influenced his wife, Cleo and four children, Catherine, Christopher, Nicholas Sotirios and Thomas Angelo in performing community service. All four of his children are college graduates of the CUNY University system. George and Cleo Tsounis have four grandchildren, Michele, Teresa, Steven Tsounis, and Despina Siolas. He always says, “a person must have honor. The George Tsounis family is one of the founders of the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church in Mattituck. One must live a good honest life, helping one’s country and community.” George Tsounis established his family as having two generations of disabled American War heroes. He followed his W.W.I American hero father’s example and gave the supreme sacrifice to his country: foreign captivity under the hands of a hostile power. He refuses to talk and explain specifics of that period of his life. George Tsounis is like Vietnam War hero Senator John McCain believing in honor and courage. This code of duty to one’s country and family has characterized his life. George Tsounis is a family man, who thought of others first. These beliefs distinguished the W.W.II generation that is passing away. Our children and grandchildren must remember this unique generation that fought with valor for our country, the United States of America. 120 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 121 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 122 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 123 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 2004 Hatcast Picnic 124 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 2004 Hatcast Picnic 125 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 2008-01-09 / Features George Vlassios Tsounis, WW II Vet, Dies At Age 84 BY CATHERINE TSOUNIS George V. Tsounis as a young noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army Air Corps. George Vlassios Tsounis of Mattituck, Long Island and Bayside died Wednesday, November 21 at the Veterans Administration Nursing Home in Stony Brook, Long Island at age 84. Arrangements were handled by Vernon C. Wagner Funeral Homes. A Greek Orthodox funeral service was held at Holy Trinity Church in Hicksville, followed by a military burial at Calverton Veterans Administration Cemetery. His 40-day memorial service was held on December 30 at the Transfiguration of Christ Church in Mattituck. Where's the story? 11 Points Mentioned Tsounis was born in 1922 in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania to Vlassios and Catherine Tsounis, Greek immigrants from Limnos, Mosconisi and Tseme in Asia Minor. Vlassios Tsounis immigrated to the U.S.A. in the 1900s and was drafted into the U. S. Army during W.W. I. He was wounded in action and received the Purple Heart, the Victory Medal and the "silver citation star", a 126 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 forerunner of the modern Silver Star. Vlassios Tsounis was one of nearly five million Americans who fought in W.W. I. Although disabled by his war wounds, he worked in the steel mills and raised six children as a single parent after his wife, Catherine, died at the age of 46. George Tsounis was forced to work at eight years old to help his family during the Great Depression of the 1930s. An enduring influence was Catherine Christofis, his Godmother, who lived in the same neighborhoods in Pennsylvania and Astoria. Tsounis was 5 feet, 11 inches tall, handsome and athletic when he was drafted into the Army on Apr. 17, 1943. He served in the European Theater of War, where he was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant, the highest rank for a non-college graduate. A belly gunner in a B24 Liberator airplane. Tsounis served with distinction in the 777th Bomber Squadron of the 464th Bomber Group. His plane was shot down in Germany in 1944. "Several soldiers refused to parachute out of the plane because of fear. I pushed them out and pulled their parachute \[ripcords\] for them, saving their lives," he recounted. Tsounis was a POW for 11 months after being shot down by antiaircraft artillery, receiving two flak wounds as the result of enemy fire. For several months he was listed as missing in action until he was discovered by the Red Cross in a stalag camp in Eastern Germany. He wrote poetry, read the Bible three times and a Greek Orthodox prayer book from the Holy Cross Seminary in Pomfret, Connecticut. "Everything went on in the POW camp," he said. "I told the fellows that I wanted to be alone. That is what I did. I refused to mingle with my fellow POW prisoners who did not follow my family traditions." He kept to himself and developed a strong, independent character that remained with him. All his life, he refused to mingle in crowds and was a loner. Tsounis was released from active duty on Oct. 10, 1945, He was awarded the Purple Heart, the European-African-Middle Eastern Service Medal and the Good Conduct Medal and a disabled veteran's pension. He came home to a family destroyed by the trauma of his POW captivity. Within two weeks of his release from the military, his beloved 21-year-old sister, Antonia, died of tuberculosis in an upstate New York hospital. Ekaterini, his mother, died six months later at the steps of the old Zoodohos Peghe Greek Orthodox Church in The Bronx, waiting to bring Koliva (memorial boiled wheat) for her daughter's sixmonth memorial service. In 1947, Tsounis married his patriotisa, Cleopatra Athena Pappas (Papantonakis) whose mother was his mother's neighbor in Mosconisi and Tseme, Asia Minor. The wedding ceremony took place at the Archdiocesan Holy Trinity Cathedral in Manhattan, Rev. Efthymiou officiating. That same year, he settled in Astoria. He worked seven days a week for 25 years in a grocery and restaurant business. He bought his home in Mattituck in 1961 and was a resident of Southold town for more than 46 years. In 1972, he retired at the age of 50 because of his W.W.II injuries, becoming 100 percent disabled. He influenced his wife, Cleo, and four children, Catherine, Christopher, Nicholas Sotirios and Thomas Angelo in performing community service. All four are college graduates of the CUNY 127 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 University system. Tsounis had four grandchildren, Michele, Teresa and Steven Tsounis and Dr. Despina Siolas. "I see his face and hands for the first time. An aristocratic face at peace," the Rev. George Stavropoulos said during the church funeral service. "He is surrounded by children and grandchildren. George Tsounis is honored for his Greek roots by his American children. A perfect relationship: a son of immigrants honored by his American children. Immigrants from Greece were poor people, who raised their children to be honest Americans. This was the life of George Tsounis, an American who served the American cause. I am proud to see his casket, covered by the American flag. Be thankful you enjoyed the presence of your father and heard stories of the American http://www.qgazette.com/news/2008-01-09/features/025.html http://www.qgazette.com/news/2009-07-15/features/012.html 2009-07-15 / Features Kyrkostas, 86, WWII Veteran BY CATHERINE TSOUNIS "My father was called Kyrie Kosta, Staff Sergeant Gus Kyrkostas in WWIIuniform. Mr. Kostas, as a sign of respect in Smyrna, Asia Minor. This is the root of our name Kyrkostas," explained Gus Kyrkostas to me at a family party. A "host of hosts", Gus and his wife Julie, had legendary parties in their Long Island East Marion Home. His smile and generosity is well known. A positive thinker with an unique sense of humor, he would help anyone in need. 128 Chapter 4 Coming of Age: 1990-2012 Kyrkostas of East Marion, New York and Boca Raton, Florida, passed away at the age of 86 at St. Francis Hospital, surrounded by his wife, Julie and children. His wake was held at Commack Abbey, Long Island on July 8. 2009. The funeral service was at St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Church in Greenlawn, Long Islandand interment at Pinelawn National Cemetery with military honors. The son of immigrants from Greek Ionia, Asia Minor he grew up in New York Cityduring the Great Depression in 1932. Gus came from two generations of American veterans from two World Wars. Gus Kyrkostas served in the Air Force during WWII. He was an instructor of remote control gunnery for the B29 bomber airplane in the 20th Air Force of the Pacific Theater. His father, Vasilios, the son of tobacco growers from Smyrna (modern Izmir), Turkey served the United States Army in WWI. Gus graduated from the City College of New York in 1955. During the 1950s, Gus married his wife Julie and had four children: Billy, Elaine, Maria and Sandy. He started a newspaper business that served the New York Metropolitan area from Queens. Gus was active in community service in the community of Queens and Long Island for some 50 years. Gus Kyrkostas, a founder of St. Demetrios Greek Parochial School in Astoria, the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church in Mattituck, and the Greek American Homeowners Association of the East End of Long Island (HATCAST) was installed into the Order of St. Andrew/Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople on Sunday, March 9, 2004 at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in New York City. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios presided over the investiture of this ancient order which can be traced back to the Byzantine era. Archon, "Defender of the Faith", is the highest honor bestowed upon a member of the Greek Orthodox faith. He helped shape St. Demetrios Greek American Parochial School of Astoria in the 1950s and played an active role as founder of the New York AHEPA chapter where he served as president of the William Kyrkostas Chapter No. 475 of AHEPA until it united with the Hermes AHEPA chapter in Astoria. As patriarch of a Greek American family, he upheld the values of his culture and passed them on to his children. Gus was sensitive to the problems of others. With his wife Julie, he would visit people in crisis, giving them encouragement to move ahead. Loyalty and kindness is a Kyrkostas family trait. The passing of a unique person who survived the Great Depression, WWII and became a builder of Greek Orthodox churches and societies will be remembered. Kyrkostas' exceptional accomplishments are his legacy to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 129 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 President Andreas Markakis a membership drive, precipitating a rebirth. Mr. Gregory Fegos became president. A Candidates Day was initiated, along with the traditional picnics. Mr. Kosta and Cathy Vagelatos and their network played an integral role. HATCAST continued to play a role in the life of the Greek orthodox ChurchesThree sensational Greek concerts at Mitchell Park in Greenport spread the Greek culture to all. HATCAST Greek American Homeowners Association Southold, NY Minutes Date: September 22, 2012 Place: Transfiguration of Christ Church, Mattituck, N.Y. Time: 6:00- 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Pappas, President Andreas E. Markakis, George & Angie Megdanis, Manuel & Irene Gavras, Andreas Paliouras, Joana & Gregory Fegos Christos & Anthoula Moustopoulos, Costas Vagelatos, Catherine Tsounis Siolas, John G. Siolas, Very Rev. Constantine Makrinos. Proceedings: A discussion was made on past policies, funds, grants and socials of previous years. The discussion of finances was postponed for a future meeting. A unanimous agreement was reached that HATCAST will continue as a licensed N.Y. State organization. Mr. Costas Vagelatos thanked all the founding members for their efforts to create the first Greek American Homeowners Association of Eastern Long Island. Elections were held for 2012-2013 year. The new officers include: President: Gregory Fegos Vice-President: Costas Vagelatos Treasurer: Irene Gavras Recording Secretary: Catherine Tsounis Siolas Corresponding Secretary: ??? Board Members: Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Pappas, Honorary President Andreas E. Markakis, Honorary President Kostas Roustas, Honorary President George Megdanis & Angie Megdanis, Manuel, Andreas Paliouras, Joana Fegos, Christos & Anthoula Moustopoulos, and John G. Siolas. Mr. Katstimatis and Mr. Thomatos will be asked to join the Board Members. Honorary President Andreas Markakis expressed the wish for a reinstitution of a Greek language school at the Transfiguration of Christ Church, Mattituck. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 185 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 186 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 187 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Members Present 9/22/2012 Meeting Andreas E. Markakis 1575 Founders Path Southold, NY 11971 Tel: 631 765-3345 Cell 631 353-9205 George & Angie Megdanis 69-17 52 Ave. Maspeth, NY 11378 718 507-8949 Manuel & Irene Gavras th 144-35 38 Ave. Flushing, N.Y. 11350 718 359-5105 Cell: 917 841-2157 631 477-1585 Andreas Paliouras P.O. Box 434 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 631 765-9277 Joana & Gregory Fegos 1450 Naugles Dr. Mattituck, NY 11952-0412 Cell: 917 440-5274 718 423-3579 631 298-1127 Fax: 718 353 2011 Christos Moustopoulos 147-23 Roosevelt Ave. Flushing, N.Y. 11354 718 762-2317 Cell: 917 330-1128 Costas Vagelatos 68759 Cr. 48 Greenport, N.Y. 11944 631 477-1984 Catherine Tsounis Siolas John G. Siolas 188 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 190 Central Drive, P.O. Box 412 Mattituck, NY 11952-0412 E-Mails costas@hellenism.com Costas Vagelatos - johnsiolas@hotmail.com Dr. John G. Siolas - ctsounis@aol.com Catherine Tsounis Siolas – Andreas Markakis – andriko@optimum.com 2011-12 Membership List Andreas E. Markakis 1575 Founders Path Southold, NY 11971 Tel: 631 765-3345 Cell 631 353-9205 Mr. & Mrs. Pappas George & Angie Megdanis 69-17 52 Ave. Maspeth, NY 11378 718 507-8949 And 46-45 Rocky Point Road East Marion, NY 11939 631 477-6672 Manuel & Irene Gavras th 144-35 38 Ave. Flushing, N.Y. 11350 718 359-5105 Cell: 917 841-2157 631 477-1585 Andreas Paliouras P.O. Box 434 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 631 765-9277 Joana & Gregory Fegos 1450 Naugles Dr. Mattituck, NY 11952-0412 Fax: 718 353-2011 Christos & Anthoula Moustopoulos 189 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 147-23 Roosevelt Ave. Flushing, N.Y. 11354 718 762-2317 Cell: 917 330-1128 Costas Vagelatos 68759 Cr. 48 Greenport, N.Y. 11944 631 477-1984 Catherine Tsounis Siolas John G. Siolas 190 Central Drive, P.O. Box 412 Mattituck, NY 11952-0412 July 2013 Spiros Pylarinos 39-10 208 St. Bayside, NY 11364 Pantelis Siriodis James Stagias 30-79 48 St. Astoria, NY 11103 and 1620 Ree3ve Rd. Mattituck, NY 11952 George Moustakos 705 Summit St. Mattituck, NY 11952 Elias Tripolitis 2000 Cox Neck Rd. Mattituck, NY 11952 Mary Kavourias 295 Rhoda Rd. Mattituck, NY 11952 crabmary@aol.com Anthony Coutsouros 1125 Tucker’s Lane Southold, NY 11971 631 876 5107 achc@usa.com E-Mails costas@hellenism.com Costas Vagelatos - 190 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 johnsiolas@hotmail.com Dr. John G. Siolas - ctsounis@aol.com Catherine Tsounis Siolas – andriko@optimum.com Andreas Markakis – Amal Constantine- gugudij@aol.com Persons Who should be Added to List: Father Gerasimos Ballas fatherballas@optonline.net 516-381-4376 Father Constantine Makrinos vmakrinou@gmail.com 631 375-2396 Frank Englesos 157-04 9 Ave. Whitestone, NY 11357 718 746-0065 646 879-2162 frankysnyc@gmail.com Tony Coutsouros achc@usa.com, Manny Constantine manny385@yahoo.com Kostas Englesos GIA997 Tommy Pando Tommy.Pando@gmail.com, Virginia Tripolitis yiayia29@optonline.net, Catherine Zarbis catherine.zarbis72@gmail.com yantsos@optonline.net Julie Kyrkostas 3870 Rocky Point Rd. East Marion, NY 11939 191 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Louisa & Teddy Panagopoulos 1990 Rocky Point Road East Marion, N.Y. 11939 John Cassimatis 14718 17TH AVE. Whitestone, NY 11357-2515 JGCASS@US.IBM.COM HATCAST Greek American Homeowners Association Southold, NY Minutes Date: July 13, 2013, Place: Transfiguration of Christ Church, Mattituck, N.Y. Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Members Present: President Gregory Fegos, Andreas E. Markakis, Chairman of the Board, Spiros Pylarinos, Nikos Pylarinos and Dr. John G. Siolas, Greek Corresponding Secretary. Proceedings: ththst A discussion was made on holding a picnic on the 17, 24 or 31 of August from 12-6 p.m. Flyers will be made and membership forms given out. Dues of $20.00 by maintris? Donations are needed for the picnic, item and cash. Chris Vereniotis ? to negotiate with the oil company for reduced rates for hatcast members. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. HATCAST Greek American Homeowners Association Southold, NY Minutes Date: July 27, 2013, Place: Transfiguration of Christ Church, Mattituck, N.Y. Time: 6:00- 7:30 p.m. Members Attendance: President Gregory Fegos 192 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Emeritus President Andreas E. Markakis, Vice-President Costas Vagelatos, English Recording Secretary Catherine Tsounis Siolas and Greek Recording Secretary John G. Siolas, Amal Constantine. Proceedings: Members were recruited at the Transfiguration Church, Mattituck Festival. Twenty dollars dues collected amounting to $180. New members include: Spyros Pylarinos; Andreas Markakis; James Stagias; George Moustakos; Elias Tripolitis, Tony Coutsouras; Mary Kavourias. A more complete list can be obtained from Kosta Vagelatos. President Fegos said all financial funds are intact and will not be touched, in respect to the founders’ wishes. He distributed financial statement of $16,913.61. He stated the importance of unity, protecting property rights by reinvigorating HATCAST. Kosta Vagelatos stressed the need for a corresponding secretary and treasurer. Chairman of the Board Andreas Markakis is arranging a Picnic for August 24, Saturday 12-6 p.m. at South Harbor Rd., Southold. Mr. Vagelatos created a flier given out Saturday evening at the Sts. Anargyri Church of Greenport. The Tax reduction organization will come and speak to all. A meeting will be held on Sunday, th August 4 at 2:30 in Greenport. Mr. Vagelatos believes all Greeks on North Fork should be united and maintain ties on the East End. Mr. Markakis mentioned at the previous meeting Mr. Katsimanis and Mr. Verveniotis want to advertise on Cosmos FM. th A Candidates Day will be set on a day such as September 16 to acquaint taxpayers with candidates. Mr. Markakis will be in charge and will contact members of the Republican Party and Democratic Party. He is well known in politics. Meeting was adjourned. HATCAST Greek American Homeowners Association Southold, NY Minutes Date: August 1, 2013, Place: Transfiguration of Christ Church, Mattituck, N.Y. Time: 2 :00- 3:00 p.m. Members Attendance: President Gregory Fegos Emeritus President Andreas E. Markakis, Vice-President Costas Vagelatos, English Recording Secretary Catherine Tsounis Siolas and Greek Recording Secretary John G. Siolas, George Anastasis. Proceedings: th July 27 minutes read and corrected by President Fegos. Georrge Anastasis became a member. Kostas Vagewlatos brought a list of new members that included: Konstantinos Dourmas; Jerry Frangopoulos; George Grammatikopoulos; Kimon Giorgios; George Ntavoultzis; Nick Katopodis; Tom Kourkoumelis; Vasilios Papagianis; Theano Kladias and 193 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Vagelis Gerasimou. According to V.P. Vagelatos, Theano Kladias volunteered to be the new corresponding secretary and Vagelis Gerasimou the treasurer. V.P. Vagelatos updated the membership list compiled by Recording Secretary Catherine Siolas. He plans to put it in a database for mailings. He distributed a handout of the membership list compiled by Mrs. Siolas and himself. President Fegos expressed the wish to see the past membership list compiled by Emeritus President Andreas Markakis. A new restaurant has opened under Panagiotis Dellaportas opposite the Port of Egypt, informed V.P. Vagelatos. The picnic on 8/24 application will be arranged by Emeritus President Andreas Markakis. Costas Vagelatos will coordinate the purchase of supplies. President Fegos will donate 1 box each of chicken and pork souvlakis, 1 case of pita, 1 box of hamburgers and buns. Barbecue coals will be provided by Mr. Fegos and Mr. Vagelatos as well as coolers and ice. President Fegos will call Mr. Paliouros for help. Mr. Moustopoulos will be recruited to barbecue. Mr. Fegos will provide coffee, milk and sugar. Mr. Markakis will bring a coffee maker. Mr. Fegos will provide 3 cases of water and watermelon. Mr. Markakis will bring garbage bags. Plastic cups, plates, forks, knives, spoons, napkins, 9”salad bowls, ketchup, American cheese 2 lbs. of feta are needed. Mr. Markakis will bring paper tablecloths and napkins. Mr. Vagelatos will bring fork/knive sets, paper cups for coffee. Mr. Fegos will bring aluminum trays. Mr. Markakis said a $100 check is needed with the picnic application. Dr. John Siolas will print picnic fliers. Meeting adjourned. 194 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 195 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 H A T C A S T HELLENIC AMERICAN TAXPAYERS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHOLD TOWNSHIP (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNNERS’ ASSOCIATION) 1575 Founders Path, Southold, N.Y. 11971 PICNIC SATURDAY AUGUST 24 TH, 2013 12:00 noon – 6:00 PM At SOUTH HARBOR PARK 700 Old Wood Path, Southold, NY 11971 From Rt 25 in SOUTHOLD Turn onto S Harbor Rd. towards the Peconic Bay. Bear left onto Old Wood Path. Entrance to the park is on your right. FREE ADMISSION FREE SOUVLAKIA, BURGERS, FRUITS, BEVERAGES Info: 631-765-3345 (Mr. Andreas Markakis) 917-440-5274 (Gregory Fegos ) 631-744-1984 (Costas Vagelatos) 196 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 TH PICNIC SATURDAY AUGUST 24, 2013 197 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 198 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 USA.GreekReporter.com OPA.fm Home Community HATCAST: Reactivating Political Activism  Community  News HATCAST: Reactivating Political Activism By Catherine Tsounis 2012 HATCAST Picnic members. “We are reviving our organization to play a political role,” Gregory Fegos, President of the Hellenic Taxpayers Association of Southold Town (HATCAST) said. The civic organization held their annual picnic on Saturday, August 24 at the South Harbor View th Park in Southold. Souvlakis of all varieties were barbecued along with hamburgers and hotdogs. Hellenic melodies were played by George Anastasiadis overlooking the scenic Peconic Bay. Prominent people who attended included Rev. Gerasimos Ballas of the Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Gerasimos Greek Orthodox Church,Greenport; Rev. Constantine 199 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Makrinos, of the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church, Mattituck; Judge William Price, Art Tillman, Chairman of the Southold Democratic Party, Marie Domenici and Theresa “Terry” Hoffer, candidates for town assessors and others. Barbecuing Souvlaki. HATCAST presents “Meet the Candidates Day” on Sunday, September 29, 2013 11:30 a.m., at Sts.Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Gerasimos Church, Greenport. Refreshments will be served. Admission is Free. For further information, contact HATCAST President Gregory Fegos 917-440-5274, Chairman of the Board/Emeritus President Andreas Markakis 631-765-3345 and Vice President Costas Vagelatos 631-744-1984. A similar Candidates Day is planned for Sunday Oct. 27, in the hall of the th Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church, in Mattituck after church services. - See more at: http://usa.greekreporter.com/2013/09/19/hatcast-reactivating-political- activism/#sthash.exQyDKe3.dpuf 200 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 2013-08-14 / Front Page Archbishop Demetrios Visits Transfiguration Church Of Mattituck By Catherine Tsounis “We His Eminence greeted by Parish Counciland Archons. welcome His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America to our Parish on the fore feast of the Transfiguration Church,” said Parish Council President Anthony “Tony” Coutsouros of the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church of Mattituck, New York. A unique three day Feast Day celebration commenced with the August 4th visit of the international religious leader. His Eminence was accompanied by Senior Deacon Panteleimon and Deacon Eleftherios. Refreshments followed in the Church hall.Archons Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cherpelis and Mr. and Mrs. Renos Georgiou were present. ‘I am happy to perform the service with Presbyter Constantine (Makrinos) who has served the Greek Orthodox Church for twenty-eight years today,” said His Eminence. “My visit coincides with the anniversary of Father Constantine’s father, Anastasios, passing away twenty-four years ago today. We commemorate his memory, George Zachariadis and Choir Director Demetrios “Jimmy” Talas today.” “This is a beautiful church with iconography,” said His Eminence. “Few 201 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 churches His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios, Senior DeaconPanteleimon (left), Deacon Eleftherios (right), Very Rev. Constantine Makrinos (1st from left) and altar boy have such iconography today.” Every inch of (George Moustakos (fourth from left) at the August 4th service. space is decorated by traditional Byzantine iconography that I have seen in Greece and Sicily. Middle class businessmen and senior citizens put their hearts into decorating the church. The religious building represents the efforts of Middle Class Greek-Americans, who wanted to remember their roots. A social class that is now vanishing. “The Transfiguration is one of the events of the Theophany with eyewitnesses of the disciples,” explained His Eminence. “A visit to the Holy Land is not complete without a trip to Mount Tabor,” according to the Transfiguration Church August 4th Bulletin. “The view of the top of this majestic mountain in the region of Galilee is nothing short of spectacular! The word spectacular can also be used to describe the historical event of the Transfiguration on this sacred site.” An inspired choir gave an inspiring performance with Mrs. Catherine Zarbis. She is a nationally recognized choirmaster and former principal. The Zarbis family has been vacationing in Mattituck since the 1970’s. Her Greek roots are from the island of Limnos, opposite ancient Troy and the Ionian island of Cephalonia. She was the former principal of P.S. 19, Queens, and a Principal Mentor for the New York City school system. She served as choir director of St. Nicholas Church of Flushing for thirty-four years. Mrs. Zarbis is presently Choir Director of St. Paraskevi Church in Greenlawn, New York. The Choir members come from Queens and Long Island. Community on August 4th visit of His Eminence, Archbishop They are primarily from St. Demetrios of Astoria, St. Demetrios of Jamaica, St. Nicholas Demetrios. Church of Flushing and several Long Island churches. Many vacation for the summer, while some live all year round. Jimmy Talas, his family and friends came together every summer since the 1970’s to create an extraordinary summer choir. ”I am doing this for Jimmy,” said Cathy Zarbis. “I am a close personal friend of the family.” His wife, Parie, her sister, brother and relatives supported Jimmy in helping him create an extraordinary Byzantine choir in Queens and Mattituck. Jimmy and his friends gave of themselves to the Transfiguration Church from the 1970’s, never asking for anything in return. Jimmy was a proud person, who never wanted his photo taken or be given publicity for his community service. A deep pathos, sorrow now pervades the church atmosphere for the loss of a dedicated person. The Transfiguration of Christ has an outstanding new chanter. Ioannis Rontiris is from the center of Long Island, commuting to fill the vacuum created by the passing away of George 202 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Zachariadis. He is from the town of Platanos, Nakpaftias, Sterea Ellada (Central Greece). “Platanos” a masterpiece of Greek village life was written by his friend, the late Constantine Dedopoulos. “We are happy the new chanter is here,” said Eleni and Bill Condos. “He is our patrioti from near Karpenisi (Central Greece).” Regional ties are strong in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Rontiris children and grandchildren attended the unique service. Mr. Peter Pappas, former parish council president and a chanter of forty-three years, is donating his services this summer Mr. Pappas is encouraging members of the former choir to sing with him. A magnificent Byzantine musical presence is experienced.A poem dedicated to His Eminence was read in Greek by poet/parishioner Anthoula Gatanas. Her poems have brought Greek culture to the East End. The Transfiguration of Christ Church has been the meeting place for the newly revived Greek American Homeowners Association of Southold, NY (HATCAST). There is unanimous agreement that HATCAST must continue as a licensed N.Y. State organization. Members in the late 1970’s created the first Greek American Homeowners Association of Eastern Long Island. President Gregory Fegos said “all financial funds are intact and will not be touched, in respect to the founders’ wishes. Unity, protecting property rights by reinvigorating HATCAST is our goal. A Picnic free to the public will be held on August 24, Saturday 12-6 p.m. at South Harbor Rd., Southold.” The officers include: PresidentGregory Fegos; Emeritus President Andreas E. Markakis; Vice-President Costas Vagelatos; Recording Secretary Dr. John G. Siolas. The Board of HATCAST, with founding members Mr. and Mrs. George Megdanis, greeted His Eminence during the coffee hour. The Vespers and Feast Day of the Transfiguration of Christ Church attracted over three hundred persons each day. On the August 5th evening Vespers,priests of Long Island’s Greek Orthodox parishes attended. The Sisters of the All Saints Greek Orthodox Monastery, Calverton were present. An inspiring Feast Day service on August 6th attracted hundreds. A luncheon followed in the Church hall on August 6th prepared by the ladies of the Philoptohos Society. “I take this opportunity to thank the Chairmans Manny Constantine, Barbara A poem dedicated to His Eminence was read in Greek by Thermos, Emily Kavourias, Irene Kalogeras and all the volunteers who poet/parishioner Anthoula Gatanas. made this 44th Festival very successful this year,” said President Tony Coutsouros. “It was one of the best Festivals of our parish. I also thank all the youth and cooks who helped us during the Festival.” Over fifty thousand was raised before expenditures were deducted, according to reliable sources. In my opinion, this is the best Festival in the parish’s history. Please support our 44th Anniversary Dance Journal book,” continued President Coutsouros. “Supporting our church is putting an ad in the book. This year’s album is dedicated in Memory of our Protopsaltis George Zachariadis. The Chairman is Mrs. Virginia Tripolitis. Raffle Chairman is Mrs. Irene Markotsis. The 44th Anniversary Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, October 12th evening in the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church Hall. The Journal pages are as follows: Sponsor Page, $500; Gold Frame Page, $200; Silver Frame Page, $150 and White Page, $100. For more information, call 631-298-9652 or e-mail transgochurch@optonline.net. 203 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 HATCAST founding members Mr. and Mrs. George Megdanis (standing left to right 1st and 2nd), HATCAST PresidentGregory Fegos (3rd from left) greeted His Eminence during the The 2013 Parish Council Board, Committee Members and staff include: Rev. coffee hour. Constantine Makrinos, Protopresbyter; Anthony Coutsouros, President; George Giannoukakis, First Vice President; Calliope Kentrotas, Second Vice President; Mary Kavourias, Treasurer; Sophia Lahana, Assistant Treasurer; Argyro Mavrikos, Recording Secretary; Parish Council Members, Vasilios Frangias, Dino Demetriades; Alex Mavrikos, Nick Neocleous, Irene Markotsis; Calliope Orfanidis, Harriet Zanikos; Virginia Tripolitis, Church Secretary; Manny Constantine, Festival Chairperson; Assistant Festival Chairpersons, Barbara Thermos, Emily Kavourias, Irene Kalogeras;IoannisRontiris, Chanter, Mr. Peter Pappas, Summer An inspired choir gave an inspiring performance with Mrs. Catherine Chanter;Altar boys, AnastasiosKassapidis, Pantelis Pando, George and Emmanuel Zarbis. Moustakos. The 2012 Philoptohos Board are the following: Irene Nanos, President; Honorary President Cynthia Pylarinos; Irene Moustakos, First Vice President; Sophia Lahana, Second Vice President; ChrystallaStamatis, Treasurer; Katina Mihaltses, Corresponding Secretary; LucretiaKratsios, Recording Secretary; Harriet Zanikos, Assistant Treasurer and VoulaAnastasiades, Raffles. This is an incomplete list taken from the 2012 Dance Journal and 2013 Parish Council documentation. If any name has been omitted, please contact the Transfiguration Church at 631-298-9652 or e- mail transgochurch@optonline.net. Link: https://picasaweb.google.com/113119187466714282240/August42013# - photos 204 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 of His Eminence Chanters Mr. Peter Pappas and Ioannis Rontiris. Archbishop Demetrios' visit to the Transfiguration of Christ Church in Mattituck, NY. Photo_5.jpg HATCAST founding members Mr. and Mrs. George Megdanis (standing left to right 1st and 2nd), HATCAST PresidentGregory Fegos (3rd from left) greeted His Eminence during the coffee hour. 205 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 2013-09-18 / Front Page 2013 Hatcast: Reactivating Political Activism By Catherine T. Siolas “We are reviving our organization 2012 HATCAST Picnic members. to play a political role,” said Gregory Fegos, President of the Hellenic Taxpayers Association of Southold Town (HATCAST). The civic organization held their annual picnic on Saturday, August 24that the South Harbor View Park in Southold. Souvlakis of all varieties were barbecued along with hamburgers and hotdogs. Hellenic melodies were played by George Anastasiadisoverlooking the scenic Peconic Bay. Prominent persons who attended included Rev. Gerasimos Ballas, Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Gerasimos Greek Orthodox Church,Greenport, Rev. Constantine Makrinos, Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church, Mattituck, Judge William Price, Art Tillman, Chairman of the Southold Democratic Party, Marie Domenici and Theresa “Terry” Hoffer candidates for town assessors and others. HATCAST is presenting “Meet the Candidates Day” on Sunday, September 29, 2013 11:30 a.m., at Sts.Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Gerasimos Church, Greenport. Refreshments will be served. Admission is Free. For further information, contact HATCAST President Gregory Fegos 917-440-5274, Chairman of the Board/Emeritus President Andreas Markakis 631-765-3345 and Vice President Costas Vagelatos 631-744- 1984. A similar Candidates Day is planned for Sunday Oct. 27th, in the hall of the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church, in Mattituck after church services. 206 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 photo1.jpg 2012 HATCAST Picnic members. 2013 HATCAST: Reactivating Political Activism OCTOBER 21ST, 2013 COMMUNITY0 COMMENTS126 By Catherine T. Siolas “We are reviving our organization to play a political role,” said Gregory Fegos, President of the Hellenic Taxpayers Association of Southold Town (HATCAST). The civic organization held their annual picnic on Saturday, August 24th at the South Harbor View Park in Southold. Souvlakis of all varieties were barbecued along with hamburgers and hotdogs. Hellenic melodies were played by George Anastasiadis overlooking the scenic Peconic Bay. Prominent persons who attended included Rev. Gerasimos Ballas, Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Gerasimos Greek Orthodox Church,Greenport, Rev. Constantine Makrinos, Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church, Mattituck, Judge William Price, Art Tillman, Chairman of the Southold Democratic Party, Marie Domenici and Theresa “Terry” Hoffer candidates for town assessors and others. Members of Hatcast are composed of persons from New York City. 207 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 HATCAST presented “Meet the Candidates Day” on Sunday, September 29, 2013, at Sts.Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Gerasimos Church, Greenport. A similar Candidates Day is planned for Sunday Oct. 27th, in the hall of the Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church, in Mattituck after church services. USA.GreekReporter.com Greek-American Homeowners Activism to Uphold Their Rights By Catherine Tsounis - Jul 1, 2015 Board of Directors The Hellenic American Taxpayers and Civic Association of Southold Town (HATCAST) held a barbeque picnic on Saturday, June 20, at the South Harbor View Park in Southold. Souvlaki of all varieties was barbequed along with hamburgers and hotdogs, overlooking the scenic Picnic Bay. Rev. Constantine Makrinos of the Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Mattituck and homeowners from Jamesport to Orient, Long Island, attended. 208 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 “Our organization is being revived to meet our economic crisis,” said Andreas Markakis, Chairman of the Board, and Emeritus President. “I have been a member of HATCAST for thirty years. HATCAST is and will be a collective effort of people with homes. We have a young membership that is performing great projects.” On August 11, 1994, a large turnout of homeowners attended this barbeque, according to a rare photo from the Traveler-Watchman. HATCAST gave a generous donation to the Transfiguration Church, Mattituck, during the 2 groundbreaking after a catastrophic nd fire on May 1, 1988. The 1984 Transfiguration of Christ Church Dinner Dance Journal stated “We thank and are grateful to all our Journal subscribers, especially those who subscribe continuously every year…Angie Megdanis, Kostas Roustas, Estelle Voula Georges and John Nicholas of HATCAST our sincere appreciation for their support of our dance,” according to Cleo P. Tsounis, Dinner Dance and Journal Chairman. The 1984 Journal book showed a full page ad of HATCAST with officers. banner In 1979, the first Greek Long Island homeowners’ civic organization, HATCAST, was formed through Angelo Panagopoulos’ encouragement and hard work. He insisted “Greeks will only be heard out here (E.L.I.), if we are recognized as a group. Before the Church (Transfiguration Church of Mattituck) was built, we were considered foreigners from the West and outsiders in Southold town…,” (Proini, Thursday, June 12, 1980). “An evening Anthology of Greek Songs with Grigoris Maninakis and the Mikrokosmos Ensemble” sponsored by the Hellenic Greek Foundation in cooperation with the Greek Orthodox communities of the Transfiguration of Christ Mattituck and SS. Anargyroi Taxiarchis & Gerasimos Greenport churches & HATCAST. A free Greek concert hosted by HATCAST will be held on Saturday evening, September 5, at Mitchell Park in the Village of Greenport, Long Island (located at the Carousel). For more information contact hellenicamericanli@gmail.com 209 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 2015-07-08 / Features Homeowners Activism In Upholding Their Rights Expressed At Barbecue By Catherine Tsounis On June 20, The Hellenic American Board of Directors. Taxpayers and Civic Association of Southold Town (HATCAST) held a barbecue picnic on Saturday afternoon at the South Harbor View Park in Southold. Souvlakis of all varieties were barbecued along with hamburgers and hotdogs, overlooking the scenic Picnic Bay. Rev. Constantine MAKRINOS OF THE Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Mattituck and homeowners from Jamesport to Orient, Long Island attended. “Our organization is being revived to meet our economic crisis,” said Andreas Markakis, Chairman of the Board and Emeritus President. “I have been a member of HATCAST for thirty years. HATCAST is and will be a collective effort of people with homes. We have a young membership that is performing great projects.” On August 11, 1994, a large turnout of homeowners attended this barbecue, according to a rare photo from the Traveler-Watchman. HATCAST gave a generous donation to the Transfiguration Church, Mattituck, during the 2nd groundbreaking after a catastrophic fire on May 1, 1988. The 1984Transfiguration of Christ Church Dinner Dance Journal stated “We thank and are grateful to all our Journal subscribers, especially those who subscribe continuously every year…Angie Megdanis, Kostas Roustas, Estelle Voula Georges and John Nicholas of HATCAST our sincere appreciation for their support of our dance,” according to Cleo P. Tsounis, Dinner Dance and Journal Chairman). The 1984 Journal book showed a full page ad of HATCAST with officers. “In 1979, the first Greek Long Island homeowners’ civic organization HATCAST was formed through Angelo’s Panagopoulos’ Banner. encouragement and hard work. He insisted “Greeks will only be heard out here (E.L.I.), if we are recognized as a group. Before the Church (Transfiguration Church of Mattituck) was built, we were 210 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 considered foreigners from the West and outsiders in Southold town…,” (Proini, Thursday, June 12, 1980). “An evening Anthol0gy of Greek Song with Grigoris Maninakis and the Mikrokosmos Ensemble” sponsored by the Hellenic Greek Foundation in cooperation with the Greek Orthodox communities of the Transfiguration of Christ Mattituck and SS. Anargyroi Taxiarchis & Gerasimos Greenport churches & HATCAST. A free Greek concert hosted by HATCAST will be held on Saturday evening, September 5, 2015 at Mitchell Park in the Village of Greenport, Long Island (located at the Carousel). For more information contact hellenicamericanli@gmail.com Links: https://picasaweb.google.com/105743188183721570894/HatcastJune302015 - documents and photos ( https://picasaweb.google.com/105743188183721570894/HatcastJune302015#616... 1984 Journal ( https://picasaweb.google.com/105743188183721570894/HatcastJune302015#616...) – 1984 journal page. ( https://picasaweb.google.com/105743188183721570894/HatcastJune302015#616...). – Traveler- Watchman article. 2015-08-12 / Features Print Greek American Presence At Southold 375th Anniversary Parade By Catherine Tsounis Rev. Jerasimos Ballas and community at 375th Anniversary of Southold On July 14th, 1990, Greek Americans participated in the 350th Anniversary of Southold Town Parade. Town. “Let’s all march in the Parade,” said the June 18, 1990 Transfiguration of Christ Newsletter, Mattituck, New York. We will represent our Church…” The Hellenic American Taxpayers Civic organization (HATCAST) participated, along with other religious organizations. 211 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 History repeated itself. On Saturday, August 1, 2015 a The 375th Anniversary of Southold town Parade Greek-American contingent led by Rev. Jerasimos Ballas of the Sts. Greek-American Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Jerasimos Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Greenport. contingent led by Rev. Jerasimos Ballas of the Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Jerasimos Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Greenport participated in the 375th Anniversary of Southold Town Parade. It commenced at the west end of the hamlet of Southold near the intersection of route 25 and South Harbor Lane in the vicinity of Triangle Park and Catapano Farms and concluded at the corner of Route 25 and Boisseau Ave. The Town of Southold celebrated 375th year of its founding with a yearlong series of events. Religious, Greek and American banners, made a strong presence in this historical happening. Transfiguration Church’s Greek Culture and Sunday Schools with Memories of the 350th Southold Town Philoptohos at the 350th Southold Anniversary Parade in 1990. Anniversary were present in this writer’s mind. In 1990, the Transfiguration Church’s Greek Culture and Sunday Schools with Philoptohos marched. HATCAST, under the leadership of President Andreas Markakis had the largest contingent of marchers. We are fortunate to have a powerhouse of Greek-American representation under the leadership of Rev. Jerasimos Ballas of the Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Jerasimos Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Greenport. Rev. Ballas and his Presvitera has transformed the Greek Orthodox isolationist image into one of global commitment to the North Fork community. The 375th Anniversary reminds many of the former powerful presence of HATCAST. The HATCAST at the 350th Southold Anniversary Parade in 212 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Hellenic American Taxpayers & Civic Association of Southold Township (HATCAST) role in 1990. Southold community life extends back to the 1980’s. Southold Supervisor William Pell attended a picnic hosted by HATCAST on the grounds of the Transfiguration Church under the leadership of President John Nicholas, according to the Suffolk Times, August 5, 1982 and the Long Island Traveler-Watchman, August 5th, 1982. The organization had its first Annual Dance on August 1, 1981 at the former Mattituck Manor (Handy Pantry) in Mattituck. Proposed zoning changes in 1994 were fought by President Andreas Markakis. The 375th Anniversary of Southold Town attempted to rekindle enthusiasm in local churches and civic organizations. The 1990 350th Anniversary of Southold Town Parade photographs were converted from photograph to digital media by Director Jeff Walden of the Mattituck-Laurel Library. Homeowners Activism in Upholding Their Rights Expressed at Barbecue JULY 6TH, 2015 COMMUNITY0 COMMENTS437 0 213 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Mattituck, NY.- By Catherine Tsounis On Saturday, June 20th 2015, The Hellenic American Taxpayers and Civic Association of Southold Town (HATCAST) held a barbecue picnic on Saturday afternoon at the South Harbor View Park in Southold. Souvlakis of all varieties were barbecued along with hamburgers and hotdogs, overlooking the scenic Picnic Bay. Rev. Constantine MAKRINOS OF THE Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Mattituck and homeowners from Jamesport to Orient, Long Island attended. “Our organization is being revived to meet our economic crisis,” said Andreas Markakis, Chairman of the Board and Emeritus President. “I have been a member of HATCAST for thirty years. HATCAST is and will be a collective effort of people with homes. We have a young membership that is performing great projects.” On August 11, 1994, a large turnout of homeowners attended this barbecue, according to a rare photo from the Traveler-Watchman. HATCAST gave a generous donation to the Transfiguration Church, Mattituck, during the 2nd groundbreaking after a catastrophic fire on May 1, 1988. The 1984Transfiguration of Christ Church Dinner Dance Journal stated “We thank and are grateful to all our Journal subscribers, especially those who subscribe continuously every year…Angie Megdanis, Kostas Roustas, Estelle Voula Georges and John Nicholas of HATCAST our sincere appreciation for their support of our dance,” according to Cleo P. Tsounis, Dinner Dance and Journal Chairman). The 1984 Journal book showed a full page ad of HATCAST with officers. “In 1979, the first Greek Long Island homeowners’ civic organization HATCAST was formed through Angelo’s Panagopoulos’ encouragement and hard work. He insisted “Greeks will only be heard out here (E.L.I.), if we are recognized as a group. Before the Church (Transfiguration Church of Mattituck) was built, we were considered foreigners from the West and outsiders in Southold town…,” (Proini, Thursday, June 12, 1980). “An evening Anthology of Greek Song with Grigoris Maninakis and the Mikrokosmos Ensemble” sponsored by the Hellenic Greek Foundation in cooperation with the Greek Orthodox communities of the Transfiguration of Christ Mattituck and SS. Anargyroi Taxiarchis & Gerasimos Greenport churches & HATCAST. A free Greek concert hosted by HATCAST will be held on Saturday evening, September 5, 2015 at Mitchell Park in the Village of Greenport, Long Island (located at the Carousel). For more information contact hellenicamericanli@gmail.com   COMMENTARIES  COMMUNITY 214 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Greek American Presence at Southold 375th Anniversary Parade SEPTEMBER 14TH, 2015 COMMUNITY0 COMMENTS457 1 New York.- By Catherine Tsounis On July 14th, 1990, Greek Americans participated in the 350th Anniversary of Southold Town. “Let’s all march in the Parade,” said the June 18, 1990 Transfiguration of Christ Newsletter, Mattituck, New York. We will represent our Church…” The Hellenic American Taxpayers Civic organization (HATCAST) participated, along with other religious organizations. History repeated itself. On Saturday, August 1, 2015 a Greek-American contingent led by Rev. Jerasimos Ballas of the Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Jerasimos Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Greenport participated in the 375th Anniversary of Southold Town Parade. It commenced at the west end of the hamlet of Southold near the intersection of route 25 and South Harbor Lane in the vicinity of 215 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Triangle Park and Catapano Farms and concluded at the corner of Route 25 and Boisseau Ave. The Town of Southold celebrated 375th year of its founding with a yearlong series of events. Religious, Greek and American banners, made a strong presence in this historical happening. Memories of the 350th Southold Town Anniversary were present in this writer’s mind. In 1990, the Transfiguration Church’s Greek Culture and Sunday Schools with Philoptohos marched. HATCAST, under the leadership of President Andreas Markakis had the largest contingent of marchers. We are fortunate to have a powerhouse of Greek-American representation under the leadership of Rev. Jerasimos Ballas of the Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Jerasimos Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Greenport. Rev. Ballas and his Presvitera has transformed the Greek Orthodox isolationist image into one of global commitment to the North Fork community. The 375th Anniversary reminds many of the former powerful presence of HATCAST. The Hellenic American Taxpayers & Civic Association of Southold Township (HATCAST) role in Southold community life extends back to the 1980’s. Southold Supervisor William Pell attended a picnic hosted by HATCAST on the grounds of the Transfiguration Church under the leadership of President John Nicholas, according to the Suffolk Times, August 5, 1982 and the Long Island Traveler-Watchman, August 5th, 1982. The organization had its first Annual Dance on August 1, 1981 at the former Mattituck Manor (Handy Pantry) in Mattituck. Proposed zoning changes in 1994 were fought by President Andreas Markakis. The 375th Anniversary of Southold Town attempted to rekindle enthusiasm in local churches and civic organizations. The 1990 350th Anniversary of Southold Town Parade photographs were converted from photograph to digital media by Director Jeff Walden of the Mattituck-Laurel Library GREEK AMERICAN PRESENCE AT SOUTHOLD 375TH ANNIVERSARY PARADE BY CATHERINE TSOUNIS Posted by Hellenic News | Aug 8, 2015 | Omogenia | 0 | thth On July 14, 1990, Greek Americans participated in the 350 Anniversary of Southold Town. “Let’s all march in the Parade,” said the June 18, 1990 Transfiguration of Christ Newsletter, Mattituck, New 216 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 York. We will represent our Church…” The Hellenic American Taxpayers Civic organization (HATCAST) participated, along with other religious organizations. History repeated itself. On Saturday, August 1, 2015 a Greek-American contingent led by Rev. Jerasimos Ballas of the Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Jerasimos Church of the Ecumenical th Patriarchate of Greenport participated in the 375 Anniversary of Southold Town Parade. It commenced at the west end of the hamlet of Southold near the intersection of route 25 and South Harbor Lane in the vicinity of Triangle Park and Catapano Farms and concluded at the corner of Route 25 and Boisseau Ave. The th Town of Southold celebrated 375 year of its founding with a yearlong series of events. Religious, Greek and American banners, made a strong presence in this historical happening. th Memories of the 350 Southold Town Anniversary were present in this writer’s mind. In 1990, the Transfiguration Church’s Greek Culture and Sunday Schools with Philoptohos marched. HATCAST, under the leadership of President Andreas Markakis had the largest contingent of marchers. We are fortunate to have a powerhouse of Greek-American representation under the leadership of Rev. Jerasimos Ballas of the Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Jerasimos Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Greenport. Rev. Ballas and his Presvitera has transformed the Greek Orthodox isolationist image into one of global commitment to the North Fork community. th The 375 Anniversary reminds many of the former powerful presence of HATCAST. The Hellenic American Taxpayers & Civic Association of Southold Township (HATCAST) role in Southold community life extends back to the 1980’s. Southold Supervisor William Pell attended a picnic hosted by HATCAST on the grounds of the Transfiguration Church under the leadership of President John Nicholas, according to the Suffolk Times, August 5, 1982 and the Long Island Traveler- th Watchman, August 5, 1982. The organization had its first Annual Dance on August 1, 1981 at the former Mattituck Manor (Handy Pantry) in Mattituck. Proposed zoning changes in 1994 were fought th by President Andreas Markakis. The 375 Anniversary of Southold Town attempted to rekindle enthusiasm in local churches and civic organizations. th The 1990 350 Anniversary of Southold Town Parade photographs were converted from photograph to digital media by Director Jeff Walden of the Mattituck-Laurel Library χορού! 217 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 H A T C A S T HELLENIC AMERICAN TAXPAYERS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHOLD TOWNSHIP (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNNERS’ ASSOCIATION) PO Box 596, East Marion, NY 11939 WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT ONCE AGAIN WE WILL BE PRESENTING A SPECTACULAR GREEK CULTURAL HAPPENING!!! WE ARE ORGANIZING A FREE CONCERT WITH GREEK MUSIC AND DANCES TO MAKE OUR HELLENIC AMERICAN COMMUNITY PRESENCE FELT ON EASTERN LONG ISLAND! GREEK MUSIC CONCERT with Vasilis Patrikis Orchestra Vasilis Patrikis - Violin Stathis Anastopoulos - Bouzouki Singers Eva Anastopoulos Thomas Vrettos Stavros Theodorou & Greek Folk Dance Performances from various parts of Greece The Greek American Folklore Society Cephalonian dance group (Kefalos NY) Calymnian Society dance group SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 At Mitchell Park in the Village of Greenport Long Island (located at the Carousel in Greenport Village) 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. FREE ADMISSION For additional information please feel free to contact Theano at hellenicamericanli@gmail.com 218 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 219 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 220 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 221 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 222 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 H A T C A S T HELLENIC AMERICAN TAXPAYERS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHOLD TOWNSHIP (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNNERS’ ASSOCIATION) 1575 Founders Path, Southold, N.Y. 11971 PICNIC SATURDAY AUGUST 24TH 12:00 noon – 6:00 PM At SOUTH HARBOR PARK 700 Old Wood Path, Southold, NY 11971 From Rt 25 in SOUTHOLD Turn onto S Harbor Rd. towards the Peconic Bay. Bear left onto Old Wood Path. Entrance to the park is on your right. FREE ADMISSION FREE SOUVLAKIA, BURGERS, FRUITS, BEVERAGES Info: HATCAST President Gregory Fegos 917-440-5274 Chairman of the Board/Emeritus President Andreas Markakis 631-765-3345 Vice President Costas Vagelatos 631-744-1984 223 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 H A T C A S T HELLENIC AMERICAN TAXPAYERS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHOLD TOWNSHIP (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNNERS’ ASSOCIATION) P.O. BOX 1728 SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 HALOWEEN PARTY SATURDAY OCTOBER 30 TH 7:00 P.M. At SANTORINI RESORT DELICIOUS HOMEMADE FOOD D.J. MUSIC-DANCE ADULTS: $20.00 CHILDREN: FREE Info: 631-765-3345 (Mr. Andreas Markakis) 631-477-1333 (Mr. Dimitrios Papas) 718-357-5996 (Mrs. Antonia Katsamanis) 224 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 H A T C A S T HELLENIC AMERICAN TAXPAYERS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHOLD (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNNERS’ ASSOCIATION ) 1575 Founders Path Southold, NY 11971-1589 INVITATION All candidates running for local offices are invited to our “MEET THE CANDIDATE EVENTS” SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 th, 2013 11:30 am to 1:30pm Community Hall of Saints Anargyroi Taxiarhis and Gerasimos Greek Orthodox Church 702 Main Street, Greenport, NY 11944 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 th, 2013 noon to 2:00pm Community Hall of Trasfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church 1950 Breakwater Rd, Mattituck, NY 11952 Introduction-presentation. Q & A session will follow as time allows. Moderator: Andreas Markakis Refreshments will be served Admission is Free 225 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 H A T C A S T HELLENIC AMERICAN TAXPAYERS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHOLD TOWNSHIP (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNNERS’ ASSOCIATION) PO Box 596, East Marion, NY 11939 hellenicamericanli@gmail.com INVITATION All candidates running for local offices are invited to our “MEET THE CANDIDATE EVENT” th Sunday, October 25, 2015 noon to 2:00 pm Community Hall of Saints Anargyroi Taxiarhis and Gerasimos Greek Orthodox Church 702 Main Street, Greenport, NY 11944 AND st Sunday November 1, 2015 noon to 2:00pm Community Hall of Trasfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church 1950 Breakwater Rd, Mattituck, NY 11952 Introduction-presentation. Q & A session will follow as time allows. Moderator: Andreas Markakis Refreshments will be served Admission is Free For information please email us at: hellenicamericanli@gmail.com OR Call Chairman of the Board/Emeritus President Andreas Markakis at 631-765-3345 3345 or President of HATCAST Gregory Fegos at 917-440-5274 226 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 H A T C A S T HELLENIC AMERICAN TAXPAYERS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHOLD TOWNSHIP (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNNERS’ ASSOCIATION) PO Box 596, East Marion, NY 11939 July, 25 2015 Fellow Greek Americans, th The Town of Southold is celebrating the 375 year of its founding with a year long series of events. st On Saturday, August 1, 2015 a parade will be held in Southold commencing at the west end of the hamlet of Southold near the intersection of route 25 and South Harbor Lane in the vicinity of Triangle Park and Catapano Farms and conclude at the corner of Route 25 and Boisseau Ave. The review stand will be located in front of the Southold Fire Department. The Hellenic American Taxpayers & Civic Association of Southold Township(HATCAST) invites all Greek Americans of the vicinity to participate in this historical happening under the Banner of our Association with Greek and American flags and make a strong presence. Any youngsters are encouraged to participate wearing Greek costumes. The parade will start at 11:00 am and finish at about 12:30 pm We will meet at the beginning of the parade (Route 25 and South Harbor Lane at 10:30 am st this coming Saturday August 1, 2015 For more details you can call our chairman Mr. Andreas Markakis at 631-765-3345 or 631- 830-2621 Sincerely, Gregory Fegos Theano Kladias President Secretary 227 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 228 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 229 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 230 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 231 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 MANY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS FOR MAKING THIS EVENT POSSIBLE Grand Sponsor Spiros Katsanopoulos (Construction Solutions Inc. Licenced in Suffolk Co) Spiroskats@aol.com Sponsor Argyris Dellaportas & Family ( Bell Aire Diner, Astoria, NY and Six3One Restaurant, Southold, NY) Supporters Gregory Fegos & Family Sotiris Pavlatos (O'Mally's Restaurant) Andreas Markakis & Family Vasilis (Mediteranean Foods) Diamantis Thomatos & Family Nicholas Katragis (Syllogos Imbros & Tenedos) Gerasimos Thomatos & Family Chris Triantafylou (Triza Electrical Corp.) John Zoitas & Family Nick Makris (Eagle 1 Mechanical, Inc.) Thomas Zoitas & Family Babis Geroulanos & Family Andreas Zoitas & Family Stamatis Katsamanis & Family Costas Zoitas & Family Dimitris Antoniadis & Family Nikos Katopodis & Family Eleftherios & Dimitra Kougentakis Vagelis Gerasimou & Family Vasilios Livanos Costas Vagelatos & Family Contributors Rizos Paliouras, Petros Kougentakis, Kathy Panagoulias ** HATCAST HATCAST ellenic merican axpayers & ivic ssociation of outhold ownship Gregory Fegos, President BOARD MEMBERS Andreas Markakis, Chairman Diamantis Thomatos Costas Vagelatos, Vice President Thomas Zoitas Theano Kladias, Secretary Rizos Paliouras Vagelis Gerasimou, Treasurer Stamatis Katsamanis Pat Delaportas, Public Relations Christos Verveniotis Spiros Pylarinos Master of Ceremonies: Theodore Stamas, Esq. Chairpersons: Evan Gerasimou, Costas Vagelatos 232 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 HATCAST HATC ST ellenic merican axpayers & ivic Associationof outhold ownship (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION) PO Box 596, East Marion, NY 11939 gmail hellenicamericanli@.com GREEK MUSIC AND FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL Saturday, September 5th 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Mitchell Park, Village of Greenport FREE ADMISSION PROGRAM 7:00pm-10:00pm 233 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 Greek Music (Instrumental) * Introduction, Mr. Theodore Stamas, Esq. * Mr. Andreas Markakis, Chairman HATCAST Mr. Gregory Fegos, President HATCAST * GREEK FOLK DANCE PERFORMANCES By the Greek American Folklore Society 1) Gaida (Macedonia) 5) Tsamiko (Pan Hellenic) 2) Zaharoula (Macedonia) 6) Malevizioti (Crete) 3) Singathisto (Thrace) 7) Sousta (Karpathos) 4) Kotsari (Ponto) 8) Ballos (Dodekanisa) 9) Ballos (Kefalonia) * Award Ceremony HATCAST board Awarding Andreas Markakis, Founding Member and for many terms President of HATCAST “For many years of inspired leadership at the fore front of Hellenic Diaspora” * Let's all sing, dance, have fun and fill the night with Greek “kefi” ! MUSIC & DANCE 234 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 GREEK FOLK DANCE PERFORMANCES By the Greek American Folklore Society Vaia Allagianis, Director Dancers Vaia Allagianis, Anastasia Tsante, Georgia Papagianis-Makride, Dionysi Kosmetatos, Marianna Kosmetatos, Elizabeth Tsouristakis, Vivian Parthenis, Stella Parthenis, Orion Karagiannis, Freddy Reyes, 235 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 H A T C A S T HELLENIC AMERICAN TAXPAYERS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHOLD TOWNSHIP (GREEK AMERICAN HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION) 68759 North Rd, Greenport, NY 11944 631-477-1984 hellenicamericanli@gmail.com THIRD ANNUAL GREEK MUSIC AND DANCE FESTIVAL!!! We Greek Americans participate and contribute to the cultural happenings of our East End Community by offering a free Greek Music & Dance Festival LIVE Music by GR ORCHESTRA GREEK FOLK DANCE PERFORMANCES By the Greek American Folklore Society Vaia Allagianis, Director ALL INVITED our fellow citizens,neighhbors,friends,and the tourists visiting our township. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2016 7:00pm to 10:00 pm free admission At Mitchell Park in the Village of Greenport Long Island (located at the Carousel in Greenport Village 236 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 237 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 238 Chapter 5 Rebirth: 2012-2016 239 APPENDIX Hatcast Links2009-2015 2016 https://hellenicnews.com/greek-american-presence-at-southold-375th-anniversary-parade-by- catherine-tsounis/ 2015 http://usa.greekreporter.com/2015/07/01/greek-american-homeowners-activism-in-upholding-their- rights-expressed-at-bbq/ http://www.qgazette.com/news/2015-07- 08/Features/Homeowners_Activism_In_Upholding_Their_Rights_Expr.html ---------------------------------------------- http://www.qgazette.com/news/2015-08- 12/Features/Greek_American_Presence_At_Southold_375th_Annivers.html http://www.qgazette.com/node/129781 http://www.greeknewsonline.com/homeowners-activism-in-upholding-their-rights-expressed-at- barbecue/ http://www.greeknewsonline.com/greek-american-presence-at-southold-375th-anniversary-parade/ 2013 http://www.greeknewsonline.com/2013-hatcast-reactivating-political-activism/ http://usa.greekreporter.com/2013/09/19/hatcast-reactivating-political-activism/ ------------------------------------------------------- http://www.qgazette.com/news/2013-08- 14/Front_Page/Archbishop_Demetrios_Visits_Transfiguration_Church.html http://www.qgazette.com/node/99179 http://www.qgazette.com/news/2013-09- 18/Front_Page/2013_Hatcast_Reactivating_Political_Activism.html http://www.qgazette.com/node/101042 https://www.greeknewsonline.com/2013-hatcast-reactivating-political-activism/ 2009 http://www.qgazette.com/news/2009-07-15/features/012.html http://www.greeknewsonline.com/the-late-gus-kyrkostas-archon-ahepan-pioneer-and-wwii-veteran/ 240 241 THE GREEK AMERICAN EXPERIENCE IV Catherine Tsounis was an adjunct instructor of the Modern Greek Language and Literature Program of the Languages and Literatures Department at St. John’s University, Queens, New York from 1997 to 2010. She is a writer for online and hard copy newspapers. Her blog is https://greekamericanexperience.wordpress.com. She was inducted into “Who’s Who among America’s Teachers,” in 2002 and 2005. She was the first, third generation Greek-American to be awarded the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, USA scholarship in category B during 2002-2003 for advanced teacher training. In 2005, she was awarded the New York City Council Proclamation in th commemoration of the 184 Anniversary of Greek Independence for her outstanding contribution to New th York City and the Greek-American community. Honored on June 6, 2008 in Washington D.C. the educator’s name was inscribed in the Congressional Record by the Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney of New York in the House of Representatives at the historic event in the Capitol entitled "The Dynamics of the Hellenic Language". Dr. John G. Siolas is an eminent scholar and author. He is an Associate Professor of Education, Graduate Division, School of Education and Psychology at Touro College .for the past five years. He teaches Modern Greek Language and Literature at St. John’s University.. Dr. Siolas was born in Arcadia, Greece. His academic credentials include a B.A. from Marist College in 1973; M.S. in Education, SUNY in 1974 and a PhD. from New York University in 1984. He was selected by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation to be a visiting professor for the spring 2006 semester at the University of Athens, Department of Linguistics. Their co-authored books include: The Greek American Experience; The Greek American Experience II; Greek American Experience III; Greek-American Anthology 2005-06; 2005 Anthology of Greek-America; Greek-American Anthology 2005; Transfiguration of Christ Church Mattituck, 1978-2005;and Transfiguration of Christ Church, Mattituck, New York, 1969-2006. For more information email jsiolas@hotmail.com.