HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-35.-4-16 NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWN%CEIVED BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOV - 7 2016 In the matter of applicant: Southold Town Clerk Paul&Patricia Ahlers SCTM#1000-35-4-16 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: Remove and replace(in-place)approximately 201f of existing timber bulkhead with vinyl bulkhead; remove"L"-shaped section of existing timber bulkhead,consisting of+/-48'shore-parallel section and+/-7' return,and construct new+/-48'shore-parallel vinyl bulkhead up to 7 feet landward of+/-48'section to be removed;remove most northerly 141f of existing bulkhead and construct new+/-29'vinyl bulkhead landward of MHW between northerly end of new+/-48'vinyl bulkhead and neighboring bulkhead to north; raise existing Tx 9'ramp to dock to meet top of proposed+/-29'vinyl bulkhead;construct+/-10'vinyl return along northerlyproperty line;reuse approximately 10 cy of upland soil material excavated from landward side of existing+/-48'bulkhead to be removed as backfill together with approximately 60 cy of clean sand/loam to be trucked in from an approved upland source;remove concrete and other debris from unbulkheaded shoreline at southerly end of property and place approximately 28 if of 12"- 18"diameter stone rip-rap along toe of eroding embankment,all as depicted on the project plan prepared by En-Consultants,dated October 14,2016. 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 1905 Gull Pond Lane,Greenport 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 96,111 and/or 275 of the Town Code is open to public comment on: DATE: Wednesday,November 16,2016 @ 5:30 p.m. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above-referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. Paul&Patricia Ahlers PROPERTY OWNERS NAME: 1905 Gull Pond Lane MAILING ADDRESS: Greenport,NY 11944 PHONE #: 631-477-3392 AGENT: En-Consultants MAILING ADDRESS: 1319 North Sea Road,Southampton,NY 11968 PHONE #: 631-283-6360 Enc: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. �l PROP. +10' I PROP. +29' VINYL BLKHD. VINYL RETURN j Q I ^l 11 oy 'a EX. =F3' x 9' RAMP TO DOCK TO BE RAISED TO MEET HEIGHT OF NEW BULKHEAD �aE0P.t2ty\ \a QI qQ I S � � s / I X. DOCK Gull P _.0 X re..z / + 9' 14' APPROX. 69 LF OF EX. TIMBER St C�ness Meaoo � \ Cleves Pt L3 1 ;7 \\ J / / BULKHEAD TO BE REMOVED (� 511 (ACa55VIA2max I Jam° Ixm XAQ APPROX. 167 SF UPLAND AREA TO BE n,,R +�78In -0.,EXCAVATED AND REMOVED Sandy I Y 1 Besot Pt �• g / U X X +48' 1` EX. PILE wu � �.� s C) \ +48' rs Your gs Pt V114 1'` �'v� 5� zaX � � � \4 PROP. +48' VINYL BLKHD. 5uffdk Caaity Hagstran Map 44 p,6• Xs s v +2000' \ \ ZQ\ �\ '0 I� +20 LF OF EX. TIMBER BLKHD. TO BE O\ X\In \\�\ ye ! BE REMOVED AND REPLACED (IN—PLACE) � O \ Q m \ REMOVE CONCRETE AND OTHER DEBRIS FROM SHORELINE & PLACE APPROX. 28 LF OF \. 12" — 18" DIAMETER STONE RIP—RAP ALONG F °Q � 2 X TOE OF ERODING EMBANKMENT $ o �F y y +4s' GULL POND Pp'' GRAVEL DRIVEWAY H? T0b OF LNK �� .� +G 51 Z2 I I AHW XJU I I &4J TOE OF BANK TWB 21 \ \ J.z Notes; I / 1) Purpose:Peplace and maintam exlsunq bulkheadinq and stabilize eroding,unbulkheaded portiom of ° shoreline for flood and eroslon control 1" = 30' QP Q°°� / ^/�/ �� N 3) New bulkhead nq to be co tted with wryl / m X-gh sheathing,treated structural umbers,and GULL OND LANE s ; o hot-dipped Ovanized steel hardware, apo yF0 CLA��1 X� 4) L-L5c a5 and 5oil material excavatedll from Bran landw d siof de of exisunq O. +461 section of bulkhead to 6e rernoved,alonq V1' with approx.60 a{of dean eanrd/loam to be truck in tn6edon upland f31KHM MPLAaf 5) Project l�s, , r d bt♦Nathan A C PAUL q �y� SI T taft Corwin III Land 5urvgor,dated July 27,2016 & 51"OW f?If -P FOP PAUL /UV V F , E N - CONSULTANTS LTAN°S 6) Plan and crossview dia roam are schematic in nage Iq 31® NORTH SEA I-D aril are Intended only to establish project location,scope f A1�ICIA ANL�kS ON GULL f'ONn, e P NORTH f (� and basic construction details for permanq purposes 6MFNt OPf, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY SOUTHAMPTON, NY 1196' d are rot intended to serve as or substitute for englneerlrq or camirucuon plass for romtruction purposes 5HI: f I OF 210-19-16 631-233-6360 9) Property location:1905 Call Pond Lane,Cffemport, 5CTM#1000-55-4-16 5�CION THPI ppOp05�P PIUAP pWVAIL & p�LOCAION + 78'(&var,) APPPDX,AP.EA OF 1215TU DANCE/BACKFILL o +27' C&var,) 2"x 6" TOP CLAMP +1' (max.) MEA OF UPLAND 501L MATEPIAL 1013E _ _��,+y EXCAVATED&PEU5EV A5 PACKFILL 5'elevT7 = � 1 ,.., EX,(4M EX.GPAI� (2)6" K'6"WALE5 ANW- I,TMSL A„,6' EX.flM6EP 6LKHP,TO 6E PEMOVEt7 8" LAM-06 �� 1fL?" +8' PEN, 8"X 8' PEAPMAN I/4"x 5' x IO' VINYL 9fATNIN6 8' x12' PLE5 PPOP,VINYL PLU. 5�CION THPU ppOp05N2 PMAaMT +.46' C&var,) o APPPDX,LIMIt OF 1715TWPANCE 7,51%al X 6" TOP CLAMP (2)6"X6" WALES ANW- I,7'MSL 6 +g'PEN. AN I/4"x 5"x 10' VINYL 51fATHIN6 8"x 12' PILE5 PPOP,VINYL lLKN7,IN-PLACE OE EX,WPEP N Kw2, 5�C110N THFU PpOP05�P 5foNF plp-pAp 9:5 +51' (&varJ o +3 PPOP,12"-18" PIAMETEP 5fONE x EX.PACCHAP.15 9fU65 PIP-PAP ALONG EPOPIN6 EMPANKMENf TO 6E PPE5EPVE17 �x l E N m CONSULTANTS *2 MW- 1.1,Mg, 1319 NORTH SEA RD, TOE OF EFOPING EMPANKM%f SOUTHAMPTON, W 11963 631-283-6360 PPOP05W PIKHM MPLAaM f & 5TOW PIP-PAP FR PAUL ANP PAVICIA ML�6 ON GULL POND, 6 NPRf, 5UFPOLK COUNTY, NY 5H��f 2 OF 210-14-16