HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/2016 James Garretson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin, Vice Chair 54375 Route 25 Donald Feiler PO Box 1179 James Grathwohl Southold, NY 11971 Robert Harper Fax (631) 765-9502 Gary Parker Telephone: (631) 765-1802 Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov Damon Rallis, Application Coordinator Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Minutes 3:00 p.m., August 16, 2016 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Attendees: Edward Webb, Gary Parker, James Garretson, Donald Feiler, Damon Rallis  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Garretson.  Approval of Minutes: The minutes of July 19, 2016 were approved unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Webb and a second by Commissioner Feiler. Chairman’s Comments  Chairman Garretson discussed the need to make changes to the HPC brochures. Commissioner Surchin, who was absent, had agreed to make draft changes to the documents. Chairman Garretson said he would call to remind her.  Chairman Garretson discussed the need to create a “recommended” window schedule for applicants to make the process of window replacement and HPC approval easier. Public Hearing  Scofield, 2355 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-26.-1-13). Replace existing metal shingles on detached garage roof with green asphalt shingles to match existing house and tool shed. Richard Gillooly attended the meeting on behalf of the applicant. o Chairman Garretson recommended that the public hearing be postponed until the o regular September meeting so that the full commission could weigh in on the project. Mr. Gillooly explained that the roof is currently exposed and needs to be repaired o as soon as possible, noting that it seemed like a minor request. Commissioner Parker said he was uncomfortable with the roof being altered from o metal to asphalt because, if cost were an issue, he wanted to know why more than one bid had not been sought. Mr. Gillooly said that the property operates as a summer rental and described the o buildings as modest, very old, and never improved. The applicant, he said, saw this as a good solution on a house that doesn’t have a lot of value. That is a hardship, he said. Commissioner Parker said that his concern was how this would affect the area and o he would rather see the metal roof stay. Mr. Gillooly described the roof, which he said was in disrepair, as embarrassing, o Commissioner Parker said he would like the additional time to go to visit the o property before voting. Chairman Garretson recommended that the public hearing remain open until the o September meeting. Old Business  Façade Definition Chairman Garretson announced that he had tried to set up a meeting with o Supervisor Scott Russell to further discuss the definition of a façade as it relates to designated landmarks within the Town of Southold and that he was told that it would have to wait until the code committee has more time to discuss the issue.  2017 Budget Discussion Chairman Garretson announced that he had submitted the 2017 budget to the o Supervisor’s office and is scheduled for an upcoming meeting to discuss budget specifics. He noted that there was an increase in this year’s budget by $2,250 to cover the cost of proposed public information campaigns. New Business  Approval Limits Chairman Garretson said that he would like to explore the possibility of putting an expiration date on HPC approvals, similar to the way the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals puts limits on its approvals. He said that he would draft a memo to the town attorney investigating the idea.  Karen Lund Rooney – The Terry House – 57020 Main Road: Application for new addition to the Southold Town Registry of Historic Landmarks Resolution #, recommending inclusion to the town’s registry of historic o structures, passed unanimously. . Meeting Adjourned  The meeting was adjourned unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Webb and a second by Commissioner Parker.