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Department of Public Works
Monthly Report
Date: August 2016
Town Hall
- Adjusted IT door
- Repaired east end sump pump
- Painted cupola
- Replaced belts on vault system
- Repaired back deck door at Justice Court
- Pumped out stairwell
- Assisted Supervisor’s Office with Fishers Island Board meeting
- Coached and assisted in the victorious Town soft ball game against
Peconic Landing
- Set up/broke down and participated in the Anti Bias picnic
Info Booths
- Changed lightbulbs
- Clean dirt out of the plumbing at Laurel Info Booth
Police Dept
- Repaired leaking sink in Men’s Room
- Repaired intercom system
- Repaired broken door and knob on Dispatch Room
Parks/Beaches/Road Ends
- Repaired wind screens at Corcoran Park
- Repaired downed lifeguard stand damaged by the storm
- Installed cement column at Maratooka Lake Park
- Set up movie night at Tasker Park
- Repaired the floor drain in the Men’s Room at Tasker Park
- Repaired gutter
- Assisted in installation of guard rail at Bay Home Road end
Animal Shelter
- Repaired fence
- Assisted Home Repair staff install air conditioners for senior
- Repaired exhaust fan in Woman’s Bathroom
- Repaired roof on garbage bin shed
- Repaired lawn mower
- Pruned property weeping cherry trees
- Cut and removed invasive vines under and on the arborvitaes along
Pacific Street
- Maintained and repaired mowers, weed whackers
- Thermostat, gasket, temp sensor & tune ups on N5 and PW15
Weed whacked around Fishers Island power property area
Mowed and maintained all Town parks, beach areas and preserved
Repaired and maintained lifeguard stands