HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeconic Shores L ONG ISLAND SO UND 5S38 5o" E 300-19e. N S3" 21• /O• E 25005 50.0/ y o 8 N 7 6 5 4 3 2 / m � m h: 4 I1� SO •Sp 92.98 ,SOUND AVENUE h 5o tl• 1754 /6 /7 _ /8 /9 20 2/ h 23 _ 0 I � /29.82 v a� = .y Loll 1. /92./o 0. pon. h 25 yh 6 c zl /7178 a �1 h 36 35 34 Tz ,372 3/ 30 29 28 h h 26 hyo I\ /50,85 0 h 27 �R2A ,(y 50 129.92 5O assts ,N o2 ,mss s SE COX-D, AVENUE h Q` MAP OF / herehy certify that this mo/o has LOCATED AT lett 7 been made from an actual survey which S0 y� Survey m rvey WaS ode 6y me 0174, WOS COM- pleted on the RIs/day of 5e1otew,4er /922 and that the 1/7ao correct/y sets forth the PROPERTY OF Q� d coarses and dlsfonces and shows 11,e coireot /ocoton ofthe /oroloertyre/oresentedfhel-eov- WILLIAM B . CODLI-N G, Surveyed vre�t /92�� fYa L Oofec/ , Dec 27 /922 T./!.Z(/ .50ALE-i ONE INCH = 50- FEET ✓. `✓ We//S/ G". E. c.�,i Ery. s���eyor Setouket, 'L. /.